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Name :Filipi Butar-Butar

Class :8G
St. Number :11

List of Countabel and

Uncountable Nouns.
1. account
2. actor 41. city 80. group
3. address 42. class 81. gun
4. adult 43. club 82. hall
5. animal 44. coat 83. hand
6. answer 45. college 84. handle
7. apartment 46. computer 85. hat
8. article 47. corner 86. head
9. artist 48. country 87. heart
10. baby 49. crowd 88. hill
11. bag 50. cup 89. horse
12. ball 51. daughter 90. hospital
13. bank 52. day 91. hotel
14. battle 53. desk 92. hour
15. beach 54. doctor 93. house
16. bed 55. dog 94. husband
17. bell 56. door 95. idea
18. bill 57. dream 96. island
19. bird 58. dress 97. issue
20. boat 59. driver 98. job
21. book 60. ear 99. journey
22. bottle 61. edge 100. judge
23. box 62. effect 101. key
24. boy 63. egg 102. king
25. bridge 64. election 103. kitchen
26. brother 65. engine 104. lady
27. bus 66. eye 105. lake
28. bush 67. face 106. library
29. camp 68. factory 107. line
30. captain 69. farm 108. list
31. car 70. father 109. machine
32. card 71. field 110. magazine
33. case 72. film 111. man
34. castle 73. finger 112. meal
35. cat 74. foot 113. meeting
36. chair 75. friend 114. member
37. chapter 76. game 115. message
38. chest 77. garden 116. method
39. child 78. gate 117. minute
40. cigarette 79. girl 118. mistake

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119. model 137. pro- 155. stream
120. month gramme 156. street
121. motor 138. project 157. student
122. mouth 139. ring 158. table
123. nation 140. river 159. task
124. neck 141. road 160. teacher
125. newspaper 142. room 161. tent
126. office 143. scheme 162. thought
127. page 144. school 163. tour
128. park 145. ship 164. town
129. party 146. shirt 165. valley
130. path 147. shock 166. village
131. picture 148. shop 167. walk
132. plan 149. sister 168. wall
133. plane 150. smile 169. week
134. plant 151. son 170. window
135. problem 152. spot 171. woman
136. product 153. star 172. year
154. station

Uncountable Nouns

General  advice  meat

 help  rice
 homework  fun  cake
 equipment  recreation  bread
 luggage  enjoyment  ice cream
 clothing  information  cheese
 furniture  knowledge  toast
 machinery  news  pasta
 gold  patience  spaghetti
 silver  happiness  butter
 cotton  progress  oil
 glass  confidence  honey
 jewelery  courage  soup
 perfume  education  fish
 soap  intelligence  fruit
 paper  space  salt
 wood  energy  tea
 petrol  laughter  coffee
 gasoline  peace
 baggage  pride
 hair
 traffic Weather

Food  thunder
 lightning
Abstract  food  snow
 flour  rain

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 sleet  economics  golf
 ice  physics  tennis
 heat  ethics  baseball
 humidity  civics  basketball
 hail  art  soccer
 wind  architecture  football
 light  music  cricket
 darkness  photography  hockey
 grammar  rugby
Languages  chemistry  chess
 history  poker
 English  commerce  bridge
 Portuguese  engineering
 Hindi  politics Activities
 Arabic  sociology
 Japanese  psychology  swimming
 Korean  vocabulary  walking
 Spanish  archaeology  driving
 French  poetry  jogging
 Russian  reading
 Italian  writing
 Hebrew  listening
 Chinese  speaking
 cooking
Subjects/Fields  sleeping
 studying
 mathematics Sports  working

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