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Lesson Plan 2- Online Practicum

Basic Information:
● Instructor Name(s): Jenna Steele, Solangee Jimenez
● Course: Online Practicum
● Date: Apr 2, 2024
● Time: 4-6pm EST, 3-5pm Colombia
● Location: Online, Colombia
● Language level(s): A1-A2 (beginner)
● Learners’ background: Colombian, Spanish L1

Overview of Lesson:
First we will present the objectives of the day and review the agenda. Then we will present the
vocabulary about breakfast, lunch and dinner. We will ask them what they had for lunch, what
they usually have for breakfast and what they just had for lunch. Then we will play a few short
videos. The first one will be about how eggs are prepared, followed by comprehension questions
to see if they retained the information presented in the video. The process will be similar with the
second video of a restaurant interaction. The questions will relate to the food and drinks they
ordered. Next, we will play a game where the students will pick a number and a picture will
appear with three different options. The students will go one-by-one, picking a number and
identifying the object. Finally, we will discuss healthy and unhealthy foods. We will allow them
to share what their favorite foods are and have them categorize if they are healthy or unhealthy.
We will share a document with them about common verbs used when creating a recipe. For
homework, we will assign them a FlipGrid assignment where they will upload a video of them
sharing a recipe.

Previous Knowledge:
Their L1 is most likely Spanish. Their age group is 15-16. They have some previous knowledge
of English. We are meeting through teams. Their internet can be slow but they are able to receive
documents and see our screen when shared. I don’t believe class attendance is required. I will
inquire more about this. They seem motivated and excited to learn English. They actively
participate with the class as well as the instructors.
Learning objectives:
1. Students will be able to identify healthy and unhealthy foods. .
2. Students will be able to recall the different types of eggs.
3. Students will be able to use present tense.
4. Students will be able to use English vocabulary for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
5. Students will be able to understand someone’s food order.
6. Students will be able to use present tense to describe what food.

1. Developing their listening skills through videos by helping them understand unknown
2. Expanding their vocabulary about food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) taking into account
your level of English.
3. Providing them with an interesting topic that is useful in everyday life.
4. Improving their language skills through questions, helping them with the pronunciation
and meaning of certain words.
5. Incorporating U.S. culture in the lesson plan to introduce them to what foods are typically
consumed here.
6. Allowing students to share their culture through the foods they eat.

1. “Comprehension Questions” about the videos.
2. Picture quiz game about names of foods.

Speaking- Talking about what they had for lunch among others…
Listening Videos

Time Activity Supplies/handouts Reflect and Assess: Reuse,

Revise, Reject

10 min Introduce yourself Talk Reject: We didn’t get to this.

Say one thing you did or enjoyed
over Semana Santa

5 min Present Objectives of the class Canva Link Revise: Ensure that this
gets done in the beginning
of class. It was skipped over.

~30 Present vocabulary about Revise: This wasn’t

minutes breakfast, lunch, and dinner Slides in canvas presented in a constructive
time. manner. We simply
presented the words. This
should have been a pre-task
followed by an assessment.

15 min Video about eggs (start at 2:37- Reject: The background

end at 4:08). Play 2x. Discussing types of noise was too loud. It was
eggs hard for the students to
understand even with

5 min Comprehension Questions Reject: I made this too

Canva Link complicated and since the
(Slide 7) video was already
complicated, it didn’t stick.
The pictures were confusing
and it was unclear which
was which. The students
were lacking background

10 min Video Restaurant conversation. Restaurant Reuse: This started an

Play 2x. Conversation engaging conversation. The
speech was slow and clear.

5 min Comprehension Questions Canva Link Revise: The students

(Slide 9) enjoyed this video. We went
over a transcript of the
video after the video when
it should have been before. I
would have had two
students read the transcript
aloud and then played the
video. The comprehension
questions were done in the
form of discussing the video
as a whole after which was
fine but it didn’t foster
much conversation in

10 min Wordwall game- Match picture Reject: This was too easy
to name of food item WORDWALL for the students. It also
didn’t foster much

10 min Review about healthy and Slides Reject: Fostered more

unhealthy food conversation in Spanish
rather than English. The
students were confused
about the words healthy
and unhealthy and couldn’t
recall either. This wasn’t
structured well.

10 min Examples of common verbs RECIPE VERBS Revise: This needed to be

when you are cooking with the focus of the lesson. I will
example sentences. use this to base the rest of
my lesson plan next time.
This would be a good
introduction to creating a

~5 min Creating a recipe./Video Revise: With revision of the

homework Flip app recipe verbs and the plan as
a whole, I think this is a
great resource.


Overall, this class was very frustrating to me. I felt disengaged as a majority of it was in Spanish.
I understood exactly what the students were saying and asking in Spanish and tried to respond in
English. However, Sol took the lead most, if not all of the class, and the students saw her as the
primary resource. Therefore, the students relied on their L1 in a deconstructive way. I need to
talk to Sol about how to avoid this moving forward.
Also, I believe we did not incorporate much grammar or semantic structure today. To improve, I
will have to ask myself what it is that I want my students to be able to do. If I want them to be
able to create a recipe at the end of class, I have to provide them with the structure of how to
write and subsequently create the appropriate speech. One way of doing this is to show a video
of someone creating a recipe. I could utilize YouTube or TikTok for this. This could be my
pretask. My task would then be practicing the verbs and sentence structure in the video. Then, I
can have the assessment or post task of writing their own recipe.

This class taught me invaluable lesson planning skills. First, I have to ask myself what it is that I
want my students to be able to do and then construct my lesson plans accordingly. In this lesson
plans, I allowed the activities to shape my objectives and not the other way around.


The lesson plan is a group assignment and should be completed together with your peer teachers. You
may edit and revise it before actually teaching the lesson. The reflection will be submitted individually.

Excellent Adequate Weak

Completion The lesson plan is The lesson plan may be The lesson plan is
complete with all missing some of the missing several items,
necessary information basic information, or does not account for the
included, appropriate some of the total amount of time,
links to materials for subheadings are not lacks links to materials,
activities, each fully explained or filled lacks rationale or
subheading is filled in, out. Some links to objectives or other
and the time allotted is materials are missing or critical lesson plan
equal to (or greater not sufficiently items
than) lesson activities explained

Content Learning objectives and Learning objectives and Learning objectives and
lesson activities are lesson activities are lesson activities are not
clearly aligned, mostly aligned, clearly aligned,
specific, measurable, specific, measurable, specific, measurable,
achievable, and realistic achievable, and realistic achievable, and/or
with appropriate time though it may not be as realistic. Lesson does
given to each part of clear. The appropriate not include ideas for
the activity. Lesson is time is given to each how to differentiate
broken down part of the activity, but instruction or make
chronologically with may lack transitions or adjustments if things do
transitions and includes ideas for how to not go as planned.
ideas for how to differentiate instruction Unclear what the
differentiate instruction or make adjustments if activity’s purpose is or
or make adjustments if things do not go as lacks a theme and
things do not go as planned transitions between
planned activities

Connection to course Key terms from the Key terms from the Key terms from the
course are applied course are mostly course are missing or
accurately and in all applied accurately but applied inaccurately.
relevant areas. may be missing some Developing use of key
Demonstrates mastery relevant key terms. terms and application
in applying course Emerging mastery in of theory to practice
content to the practice applying course content
of teaching to the practice of

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