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[Ae RRR ERS SSE SS ee RRR EES Wat ae he primary funtion of slvas in pharmaceutical frmultions and ow do they nen drug sabiy on sably? 9. Deseret min components of arse ealtions, and how do tee excipient hlp inthe production ofrosolued mediation or itlaton? 10, Describe the rol of excipient i the formulation of NDS. abt the role of excipients in ensuring the silty and stably of pretest 12, How do fomulaton scents ales isues related to dg sly, stability and iowa daring the formation develop stage? 13, What are some common response varibes or gusty sites in pharmaceutical ‘roduc development hat can be opinized ung factor dsigns? [NOTE : Disclose of Least by writing Mobil No of Making of passing request any ‘age of Answer Shet wil lead to UMC agains the Student 2Imrm76 compan Fee TTC EL COE TTT TTC CCE eet. 1) re tity sou the pate coe ofl pharmacist. (©) Deine sakes promi. © Wat ae plarmacesical dracon ctamels? 2) Chit eaten. 0) Eat the ai of pring 1B) What ae caine promotional techniques fr OTC products? 1) What ite role DPCOT 1) Wn et maceing? 3D) What rand yay? ay meres Cord tran 3. Wha What ae the determinants of promtionl mix? secrionc 5. What eb fctons of Rees a phamacewtiel stitches? 6 Meat the quate of soccessful entrepen 7. Discus the methods of 00 ping competion 8. Woe the tons of DPCO. 9. Writes note on advertising nd publica clement of romation 2 des of conmmers fnfuence mast segmentation? 13, Define need, wan nd demands according onus theory. Name the theory also NOTE: Dictate o enty by wing Mobi Neo Maing fang rogue age of Answer Sheet will led to UMC against the Student. = ees 21m SPST CST UU ClE Tec - prs er, Coupe be men poke soe ern. Sebject_ Beore “After ‘Anewer Brey: ¢ i i 9) What ae dire pe of Freoeny Disbuoa? Tt eee =e ©) What ae Level of 1B What are the propre of Contour it Grp? 1) Win ae ty eres of SPSS? 1) What are advange of Factorial Design? ) Dosing erwcen Observational and Experian Sais, 7. Asly was conducted test the question a wth gree moking it sociated th rece srumteontrone eves men aged 38 4S, The tnd vale ft J re (sonar ay eres a TSFFFsECCRCESTSECFSECCCC TEESE. 1% weeps (conse of 10 men in cach rou) where rerun tesoerone levels were ‘Renmured in mpl. Compute the for population means eatisically vga ate Sseleelorae Saale ‘Sealers or et a oo aa ua a6 a ‘ar ar or ar om a0. a. 0. st tse TEECC CCC Cerra HODOLOGY 1) cause aeration in the brain sve concenmation of tol group (E) received only the vshicle Te there any SCE CEC CC CEST TST ECCT SECTION, ‘A. Defic malottion sd dacs sociated wih. 2B, Define Beer and Night Ends. C Whe sources an harm 2° Tobaco, . Def gine ad eth . Define rg adicion an rag abt abuse PHC and improvement of rural stitation. FF. Define universal immunization programme, G. Mention any four factors which have impact on urban health. HL. Wire salient features of National programme for prevention and control of deafness |. Write salient features of health promotion and education in schools. 4 [NOTE : Disclsure of Hentity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request om amy ‘page of Answer Sheet willlead to UMC agalnst the Student. |. Wiite the mode of transmission and symptoms of Ebola virus (sis)367 2) m7765 (s29i67 wie STSESTCTCEC CCE TET TOECC EEE EE sri B Roll No, Total No. of Pages : 02 No. of Questions : 13 BPharmacy _(Sem.-8) PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Max. Marks : 75 SECTION-A 2 4) Breakthrough prodacts 9 1) Direct comyresson ©) Critical proces parameters. 4) Disintegration of effervescent tablets 2) Flash est 1) Fall forms of ICH and SUPAC. 1 Level | changes. bh) Fland F2 tacos. ) Tweens Di seatiee, NOTE : Disclosure of leatity by writing Mobile No. or Making of passing request o simr97I6 (szo}aa98 2imasr6 TEEEEEECCCOUTTTT ITT) Total No, of Pages : 02 Roll No. Total No. of Questions : 1 {Sem.-8) ING MANAGEMENT ‘Subject Code : BP-S03ET Max, Marks : 75 SECTIONA 21 M7976: (519) 1022 Roll No. 1 Total No. of Questions Total No. of Pages : 02 yharmacy _(Sem.-8) PHARMA MARKET! Cok Date of Examination :25-05.23 Time : 3 Hrs, Max. Marks : 75 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 SECTION.A. Write briefly 1) What are the min roles of markt earch? 1) What brand ea 1). Window display promotion 18) What re OTC products? 1) Classify retailers {What i Horizontal Marking? 1) Write about basic involved in calculation of MRP. ap m9766 SRCTION-B — and augmented prac 8. Whatare he Ps of marin? Dicuss. 9. How do sociopsyholopcal chu segmeatation? ics of consumer's influence markt 10, Discus bret the ps ing habits of physician 11. Whatare he nom pricing strategies adopted by pharmaceutical industri? 12, How is rel pharmacist important asa source of information in marketing? 13. Discuss about packaging and labeling deisions. deny by wring Mobi No Making of ping request on ay ‘tower het wl lea to UMC oat he Stent

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