Python Programming

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UG Engg./ Tech.

Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

A) Course Title: Python Programming

B) Course Code:

C) Pre- requisite Course (s):

D) Rationale:
Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language. Python programming is useful across wide
range of application segments from scientific to machine Learning to mobile app development, and so on.
The software library Pandas, written for the Python programming language is useful for data manipulation
and analysis, thus making it suitable for solving problems related to various engineering discipline. This
course enables learners to apply Python programming features which can be used as building blocks to
develop different kind of applications using Python 3. This course also provides the students the
foundations for data analytics with Python.

E) Course Outcomes (COs): After the completion of the course, teachers are expected to ensure the
accomplishment of following industry expected course outcomes by the learners.
S. Course
No. Outcomes Course Outcome Statements
1. CO-1 Write and execute programs using control statements
2. CO-2 Perform relevant operations on Sequence data types
3. CO-3 Create functions in modules
4. CO-4 Use object-oriented features in writing python programs
5. CO-5 Handle data files and exceptions.
6. CO-6 Analyse given data by using Pandas package of Python

F) Course Articulation Matrix (CAM):

Programme Outcomes (POs) Specific
PO-1 PO-2 PO-3 PO-4 PO-5 PO-6 PO-7 PO-8 PO-9 PO- 10 PO-11 PO- 12 PSO-1 PSO-2
Outcomes Engineeri Problem Design/ Conduct Modern The Engineer Environment Ethics Individual Communic Project Life-long
(Cos) ng Analysis Developme Investigations Tool and Society and and Team ation Management Learning
Knowled nt of of Complex Usage Sustainability Work and Finance
ge Solutions Problems

CO-1 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - -

CO-2 1 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - -

CO-3 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - - -

CO-4 1 - 1 - 1 - - - - - -

CO-5 1 1 1 - 1 - - - - - - 1

CO-6 1 2 2 1 1 - - 1 - - - 1

Legend: High (3), Medium (2), Low (1) and No mapping (-)

NITTTR, Bhopal-Academic Consultant for CDP BEU, Bihar Semester - III

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

G) Teaching & Learning and Assessment Scheme:

Teaching & Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme (Marks)
Classroom Theory Term work & Lab Assessment
Assessment Self-Learning (LA)

Total Hours (CI+LI+TW+SL) (For 15 Weeks)


Total Marks (TA+TWA+LA)

CourseCodes and Category

(TA) Assessment

Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL)


End Term Work Assessment (ETWA)

Progressive Term Work Assessment
Progressive TheoryAssessment

Progressive Lab Assessment

Lab Instruction(LI)

End Laboratory Assessment

Total Credits (C)

End Theory Assessment

Board of

(TW+ SL)
Study CourseTitles




ESC Python programming 02 - 02 02 06 3 - - 25 25 25 25 100
CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional/implementation strategies i.e. Lecture (L), Tutorial (T), Case
method, Demonstrations, Video demonstration, Problem based learning etc. to deliver theoretical concepts)
LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes experiments/practical performances /problem-based experiences in laboratory,
workshop, field or other locations using different instructional/Implementation strategies)
TW: Term work (includes assignments, seminars, micro projects, industrial visits, any other student activities etc.)
SL: Self Learning, MOOCs, spoken tutorials, online educational resources etc.
PTA: Progressive Theory Assessment in class room (includes class test, mid-term test and quiz using online/offline modes)
PLA: Progressive Laboratory Assessment (includes process and product assessment using rating Scales and rubrics)
TWA: Term work & Self Learning Assessment (Includes assessment related to student performance in assignments, seminars,
micro projects, industrial visits, self-learning, any other student activities etc.
Course Category: Basic Science Courses (BSC), Engineering Science Courses (ESC), Professional core courses (PCC),
Professional Core Elective (PCE), Professional Open Electives (POE), Humanities and Social Science Courses (HSC),
Project, Seminar, Internship (PSI), Mandatory Courses (MNC)

H) Course Curriculum Detailing: For attainment of course outcomes, the students are expected to
perform/ undergo various activities through classroom, laboratories/ workshops term/ work, self-
learning/ field sessions. As per the requirements of NEP: 2020, unique features like Green skills,
Multidisciplinary Aspects, Societal Connect, IKS, Renewable Energy are integrated appropriately.

I) Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) and Units:

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant
TSO 1a. Differentiate between Procedure- Oriented Unit-1.0 Basics Programming Syntax, CO1
and Object-Oriented Programming Conditional and Iterative Statements
approach with example.
TSO 1b. Use the concept of Lvalue and Rvalue 1.1 Procedure oriented vs. Object-Oriented
TSO 1c. Write python program using various data approach of programming
types and operators
1.2 Python character set, Python tokens ,
TSO 1d. Write Python program using decision
making statements variables, concept of Lvalue and Rvalue,
use of comments.
TSO 1e. Write Python program using loop structure
to solve iterative problems 1.3 Data types: number (integer, floating
point, complex), Boolean, sequence
(string, list, tuple), none, mapping

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant

(dictionary), mutable and immutable data
1.4 Operators: arithmetic operators, relational
operators, logical operators, assignment
operator, augmented assignment
operators. Expressions, statement, type
conversion & input/output: precedence of
operators, expression, evaluation of
1.5 Conditional statements: simple if
statement, if- else statement, if-elif-else
1.6 Iterative statements: while loop, for
loop, range function, break and continue
statements, nested loops
TSO 2a. Perform various operations on string using Unit-2.0 String, List, Tuples, Set and CO2
string operators and methods Dictionary
TSO 2b. Perform various operations on List using 2.1 String: indexing, string operations
list operators and methods (concatenation, repetition, membership &
TSO 2c. Perform various operations on tuples using slicing), traversing a string using loops,
tuples operators and methods built-in functions.
TSO 2d. Perform various operations on set using set 2.2 Lists: introduction, indexing, list
methods operations: concatenation, repetition,
TSO 2e. Perform various operations on dictionary membership & slicing, traversing a list,
using dictionary methods built- in list functions, linear search on list
of numbers and counting the frequency of
elements in a list
2.3 Tuples: Creating, initializing, accessing
elements, tuple assignment, performing
operations on tuples, tuple methods and
built-in functions, nested tuples
2.4 Set: Creating set, traversing, adding,
removing data in set, performing set
operations like join, Union intersection,
2.5 Dictionary: accessing items in a
dictionary using keys, mutability of
dictionary: adding a new item, modifying
an existing item, built-in dictionary

TSO 3a. Create and use user defined functions to Unit-3.0 Python Functions, Modules and CO3
implement modular programming approach Packages
TSO 3b. Differentiate variable scope with example. 3.1 Functions: types of function (built- in
TSO 3c. Import and use Python modules, libraries functions, functions defined in module,
user defined functions), creating user
defined function, arguments and
parameters, default parameters, positional
parameters, Lambda functions, returning
value, scope of a variable: global scope,
local scope

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Major Theory Session Outcomes (TSOs) Units Relevant


3.2 Modules and Packages: Importing module

using 'import' Regular Expressions,
Exception Handling, PyPI Python
Package Index, Pip Python package
manager, Importing Libraries and
TSO 4a. Write simple Python programs with object- Unit-4.0 Object-Oriented Programming CO4
oriented approach (OOP)
TSO 4b. Use constructors and destructors 4.1 OOPs Object oriented programming
appropriately in python program concepts and approach, Abstraction,
TSO 4c. Explain different type of inheritance based encapsulation, class, object, class method
on its characteristic vs static method in Python, class and
TSO 4d. Implement given type of inheritance in static variable, constructor and destructors
Python. in python
TSO 4e. Implement the concept of Polymorphism in 4.2 Inheritance: types of inheritance: single,
Python multiple, multilevel, hierarchical
4.3 Polymorphism: Polymorphism with class
method, polymorphism with inheritance,
method overriding, overloading
TSO 5a. Explain different types of Exceptions in Unit 5: Exception and File Handling in CO5
python Python
TSO 5b. Write Python programs for exception 5.1Exception Handling: syntax errors,
handling in Python exceptions, need of exception handling,
TSO 5c. Differentiate different modes of file opening. user-defined exceptions, raising
TSO 5d. Perform read, Write, Append operations in exceptions, handling exceptions, catching
files exceptions, Try - except - else clause, Try
- finally clause, recovering and continuing
with finally, built-in exception classes.
5.2 File Handling: text file and binary file,
file types, open and close files, reading
and writing text files, reading and writing
binary files, file access modes
TSO 6a. Apply Pandas data structure for dataanalysis Unit-6.0 Data Analysis with Pandas CO6

TSO 6b. Write Programs using Pandas to perform 6.1 Pandas data structures: Series,
various operations andfunctions on series. Declaration, selecting elements, assigning
values, Filtering values, operations,
TSO 6c. Perform various operation in a DataFrame mathematical functions, evaluating values,
columns and rows handling missing data, creating series from
dictionaries, adding two series.
TSO 6d. Write Programme to read and writeon CSV, 6.2 Data Frame: Defining, selecting elements,
XLS and Text data files assigning values, membership, deleting a
column, filtering. Index Objects: Indexing,
TSO 6e. Apply various data cleaning operations and Re-indexing, Dropping, sorting and
prepare data. ranking,Descriptive Statistics
6.3 Data Loading: Reading and Writing csv,
xls, text data files, Data Cleaning and
Preparation: Handling missing data,
removing duplicates, replacing values,
Vectorized String Methods, Hierarchical
Indexing, Merging and Combining, Data
aggregation and Grouping.

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

J) Suggested Laboratory (Practical) Session Outcomes (LSOs) and List of Practical with
Assessment Table:
Relevant Performance Viva
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S. Laboratory Experiment/Practical COs
(LSOs) No. Titles Number Process Product
(s) Assess- Assess Voce
ment -ment
LSO 1.1. Write, execute and 1. a) Download and Install IDLE. CO-1 40 50 10
debug simple Python
program using Write and execute Python program to-
Integrated Development
and Learning b) Calculate the Area of a Triangle
Environment (IDLE) where its three sides a, b, c are
LSO 1.2. Write and execute given. s=(a+b+c)/2, Area=square
simple ‘C’ program root of s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c) (write
using variables, program without using function)
arithmetic expressions. c) Swap Two Variables
d) Solve quadratic equation for real
LSO 2.1. Write and execute 2. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1 40 50 10
python programs using
conditional statements. a) Check if a Number is Positive,
Negative or zero.
LSO 2.2. Write and execute
b) Check whether the given year is a
python programs using
Leap Year.
various types of Loop
c) Print all Prime Numbers in an
d) Display the multiplication Table
based on the given input.
e) Print the Fibonacci sequence.
f) Find the Factorial of a Number.

LSO 3.1. Write and execute 3. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-2
perform various a) Check whether the string is
operations on string Palindrome
using string operators b) Reverse words in a given String in
and methods Python
c) identify in a strings the name,
position and counting of vowels.
d) Count the Number of matching
characters in a pair of string (set)
e) Python program for removing i-th
character from a string

LSO 4.1. Write and execute 4. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-2
perform various a) find largest number in a given list
operations on List using without using max().
List operators and b) find the common numbers from
methods two lists.
c) create a list of even numbers and
another list of odd numbers from a
given list.
d) To find number of occurrences of
given number without using built-
in methods.

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Relevant Performance Viva
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S. Laboratory Experiment/Practical COs
(LSOs) No. Titles Number Process Product
(s) Assess- Assess Voce
ment -ment
LSO 5.1. Write and execute 5. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-2
perform various
operations on Tuple a) find the index of an item of a
using Tuple operators tuple.
and methods. b) find the length of a tuple.
c) to reverse a tuple.
d) Write a Python program to sort a
list of tuple by its float element.
Sample data: [('item1', '12.20'),
('item2', '15.10'), ('item3', '24.5')]
Expected Output: [('item3', '24.5'),
('item2', '15.10'), ('item1', '12.20')]
LSO 6.1. Write and execute 6. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-2
perform various a) create an intersection of sets.
operations on sets using b) create a union of sets.
set methods. c) create set difference.
d) check if two given sets have no
elements in common.
LSO 7.1. Write and execute 7. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-2
perform various a) Write a Python script to concatenate
operations on Dictionary two dictionaries to create a new one
using Dictionary b) Write a Python script to merge two
methods Python dictionaries.
c) Write a Python program to combine
two dictionary adding values for
common keys.
d1 = {'a': 100, 'b': 200, 'c':300}
d2 = {'a': 300, 'b': 200, 'd':400}
Sample output: d({'a': 400, 'b': 400,
'd': 400, 'c': 300})
LSO 8.1. Write and execute 8. Write and execute Python program to- CO-1, 40 50 10
Python program to CO-3
create user defined
functions and call them. a) Write a Python function for
reversing a string and call it.
b) Write a Python function for
calculating compound interest and
call it.
c) Write a Python function for
calculating the factorial of a number
and call it to calculate !n/(!r)*!(n-r))
where symbol “! “ stands for

LSO 9.1. Write and execute 9. Write program using OOP approach to – CO-1, 50 40 10
Object Oriented Python a) create an instance of a specified CO-4
program to define a class and display the namespace of
class and its instances. the said instance
LSO 9.2. Develop and execute b) create a Python class named Student
Python program Using with two attributes: student_id,
various types of student_name. Add a new attribute:
inheritances. student_class. Create a function to

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Relevant Performance Viva
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S. Laboratory Experiment/Practical COs
(LSOs) No. Titles Number Process Product
(s) Assess- Assess Voce
ment -ment
LSO 9.3. Develop and execute display all attributes and their
Python program Using values in the Student class.
various types of c) Create a Python class named
inheritances. Student with two instances
LSO 9.4. Develop and execute student1, student2 and assign values
Python program Using to the instances' attributes. Print all
various types of the attributes of the student1,
Polymorphism. student2 instances
d) Write programs to demonstrate use
of following types of inheritance:
i. Single inheritance
ii. Multiple inheritance
iii. Multilevel inheritance
e) Demonstrate use of polymorphism
with following situations:
i. Polymorphism in operator
ii. Polymorphism in user defined
iii. Polymorphism in built-in
iv. Polymorphism with class
v. Polymorphism with method
LSO 10.1. Develop and execute 10. a) Using exception handling feature CO-5, 60 30 10
Python program to such as try…except, try finally- CO-1
handle various type of write minimum three programs to
exceptions. handle following types of
LSO 10.2. Develop and execute exceptions.
Python program to i. TypeError
perform file operations. ii. NameError
iii. IndexError
iv. KeyError
v. ValueError
vi. IOError
vii. ZeroDivisionError

b) Write Python program to

demonstrate file operations.

LSO 11.1. Create series using list 11 Working with a Series using Pandas CO-6 50 40 10
anddictionary in pandas a) Create a series using list and
LSO 11.2. Print different values dictionary. 10b. Create a series
from series in pandas. using NumPy functions
b) Print the index and values of
c) Print the first and last few rows
from theseries.
LSO 12.1. Perform various 12 Working with Data Frame Rows CO-6 50 40 10
operation in aData a) Slicing Data Frame
Frame rows using loc and iloc.11b.
Filter multiple rows
using isin.
b) Select first n rows and last n rows
c) Select rows randomly n rows

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

Relevant Performance Viva
Practical/Lab Session Outcomes S. Laboratory Experiment/Practical COs
(LSOs) No. Titles Number Process Product
(s) Assess- Assess Voce
ment -ment
and fractionsof rows (use df.
sample method)
d) Count the number of rows
with eachunique value of
e) Select nlargest and nsmallest
values.11g. Order/sort the rows
LSO 13.1. Apply different 8 Merge and combine data CO-6 50 40 10
techniques to merge and a) Perform the append, concat
combine data and combinefirst operations
on Data Frames.
b) Apply different types of merge
on data. 12c. Use a query
method to filter Data Frame
c) with multiple conditions.
Note: This table can be used for both end semester laboratory assessment (ELA) as well as progressive assessment of practical
(PLA). Rubrics need to be prepared by the course wise teacher for each experiment/practical to assess the student performance.

K) Suggested Term Work (TW) and Self Learning (SL):

a. Assignments: (Seminar Topics/ Visits/ Self- Learning Topics)
Questions/Problems/Numerical/Exercises to be provided by the course teacher in line
with the targeted COs.

Seminar Topics:

• Python Libraries and Packages used in data analytics

• Data Visualization
• Overview of various data set available over Internet
• Tkinter widgets in python
• wxPython and its applications

b. Micro Projects:

1. Design a basic calculator program that performs arithmetic operations like

addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division based on user input.

2. Handling missing data and duplicates in Pandas

i. Identify rows with missing data (isnull(), notnull()) and replace NA/Null data with a
given value.
ii. Drop rows and columns with any missing data (dropna(), dropna(1))
iii. Find duplicate values and drop duplicates.
iv. Fill the missing values using forward filling and backward filling.
v. Replace the missing value with new value and write the dataframe to a
CSV file in the localdirectory.

Expected Outcomes (a. Identify missing data, b. Find Duplicates values, c. Write
the dataframe to aCSV file in the local directory.)
3. Working with Data Frame Columns

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

I. Create and print a Data Frame.

i. Find the descriptive statistics for each column.
ii. Group the data by the values in a specified column, values in the index.
iii. Set Index and columns in a Data Frame.
iv. Rename columns and drop columns
v. Select or filter rows based on values in columns.
vi. Select single and multiple columns with specific names

c. Others:

Data Source:

L) Suggested Specification Table for End Semester Theory Assessment (ETA):

ETA (Marks)
Taxonomy Levels of Cognitive
Relevant Classroom
Total Domain
Unit Number and Title Instruction
Number(s) Marks
(CI) Remember & Apply, Analyse,
Hours Understand Evaluate &
Unit-1.0 Basics Programming CO-1 8 - - -
Syntax, Conditional and
Iterative Statements
Unit-2.0 String, List, Tuples, Set CO-2 10 - - -
and Dictionary
Unit-3.0 Python Functions, CO-3 4 - - -
Modules and Packages
Unit-4.0 Object-Oriented CO-4 7 - - -
Programming (OOP)
Unit 5: Exception and File CO-5 4 - - -
Handling in Python
Unit-6.0 Data Analysis with CO-6 7 - - -
Total 40 - - -

Note: Similar table can also be used to design class/mid-term/ internal question paper for progressive assessment.

M) Suggested Instructional/Implementation Strategies: Different Instructional/ Implementation

Strategies may be appropriately used, as per the requirement of the content/outcome to be achieved.
Some of them are Improved Lecture, Tutorial, Case Method, Group Discussion, Industrial visits,
Industrial Training, Field Trips, Portfolio Based, Learning, Role Play, Live Demonstrations in
Classrooms, Lab, Field Information and Communications Technology (ICT)Based Teaching
Learning, Blended or flipped mode, Brainstorming, Expert Session, Video Clippings, Use of Open
Educational Resources (OER), MOOCs etc.

N) Suggested Learning Resources:

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UG Engg./ Tech. Programme in Aeronautical Engineering Bihar Engineering University (BEU), Patna

a) Books

S. Titles Author(s) Publisher and Edition with

1 Introduction to Computing E. Balagurusamy McGraw Hill Education
and Problem-Solving using Python (India)Pvt. Ltd. 1st Edition /2016
ISBN-10: 9352602587
ISBN-13: 978-9352602582
2 Wesley J. Chun 3rd Edition, Pearson Education,
Core Python Applications 2016
Programming ISBN-10: 0132678209
ISBN-13: 978-0132678209
3 David Beazley, Brian Third Edition, Orelly
Python Cookbook
Jones., Publication, 2013, ISBN 978-
4 Python Data Analytics Fabio Nelli Apress,2015
ISBN: 9781484209585
5 Python for Data Analysis: Data Wes McKinney O’REILLY, 2017, Second
Wrangling with Pandas, Numpy, Edition
and IPython ISBN-10: 1491957662
ISBN-13: 78-1491957660

b) Others/ Online Educational Resources:


O) (a) Course Curriculum Development Team (NITTTR, Bhopal)

S. No. Name and Designation E-mail Address

1. Dr. Sanjay Agrawal, Professor (Coordinator)
2. Dr. R. K. Kapoor, Professor (Co-coordinator)


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