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Civi l &

Crim in al
a w
L ng Anchante
A l ha
v a r o C
Civil law is a branch of law dedicated to the study
and regulation of the different aspects of people's
civil life, that is, their real rights (property and
possession), contractual obligations, family
relationships (marriage, parental rights, etc.),
succession (inheritance) and marital status. It is a
set of legal rules that regulate the patrimonial life of
people, considering them in their uniqueness and
individuality, and not as a generality. These
property relationships can be public or private,
physical or legal, and are always under the
protection of the legal system of the State.
a c t e r i s t i c s
Char sib le for re g u la t i n g p r o pe rt y a n d p e r s o n al
It is re sp o n
i d e t h e S t a te a nd
in d i v i d u a ls , o u ts
tio n s h ip s b e tw een
the public.
in a c iv il c o d e .
u su a lly i n c lu d e d
Its rules are f la w, w h ic h in t e g ra t es
e r al b ra n c h es o
e o f th e g e n v e s a s a
It is on S ta te ) a n d w h i c h se r
( o t h e r t h a n t h e
privat e la w a n c h e s s u c h a s
t o o th e r s u b -b r
supplementary la rt g a g e la w , e tc .
rc ia l, la b o r , m o
comme ly b e in g r e m o d e le d
e ,i t is c o n s t a n t
y le g a l s c ie n c
Like an
and developed.
Branches of
Civil Law
The law of obligations and contracts.
The right of the people. Or civil law
Regulates the acts, facts and businesses,
in general, in charge of subjective
their consequences, binding effects and the
rights in general, nationality,
legal regime of the obligations to which
domicile, civil personality and very
people voluntarily submit as part of a civil
personal rights, closely linked to the
transaction of some type, or that they acquire
human being from the moment of
through the actions of their citizen life (civil
Civil law is part of European However, throughout the
continental law, inherited from Middle Ages this branch of
ancient Roman law. Its name comes law was confused with all
from the Latin ius civilis, a law Roman Law. Much later this
applied in Ancient Rome to Roman branch acquired its own
citizens exclusively, since the ius name and was understood
gentium ("law of people") was
as part of private law.
applied to the rest of the Empire's
Like all private law, civil
law is one of the most
important branches of
legal science as far as
everyday life is
Definition of
Criminal Law
Criminal law is understood to be the branch of law
that is responsible for regulating and conceiving the
punitive capacities, that is, of punishment, that the
State reserves for those who violate the rules of
coexistence or conduct, always from a beginning. of
proportionality and impartiality. Criminal law includes
the creation and study of criminal laws, those that
precisely contemplate what is and what is not a
crime, as well as the support and guidance of judicial
decisions on the matter. But not only that, but also
the mechanisms with which society protects itself and
the philosophy that exists behind punishment and/or
The presumption of innocence. This principle dictates that every
citizen must be considered innocent until the necessary
evidence and deductions are available to reliably prove his
guilt. We are all innocent until proven guilty.
Equality before the law. This principle is key to the rule of
law, and means that every citizen must respond equally
before the law, which is equivalent to saying that all
crimes of all citizens, regardless of their class, religion,
sex, etc., They must be judged on the same scale and
punished equally.
A criminal: Who is accused of having broken the law and who has
been arrested for it.
A crime: A concrete breach of the law attributable to a criminal
and of which there is evidence, evidence and versions.
A shame: A punishment or sanction proportional to the
seriousness of the crime committed and administered by the
forces of the State.

A judge: A citizen expert in law who supervises the operation of

the trial and finally rules the decision made after hearing the

The first limitations on revenge as a method of

punishment arise with the Code of Hammurabi, the Law
of the XII Tables and the Mosaic Law, which attempt to
establish a first proportionality between the damage
caused and the punishment. It is the famous "an eye for an
eye, a tooth for a tooth."
In cases where there was no physical damage, a form of
physical compensation was sought, as was carried out, for
example, when the perpetrator of a robbery had his hand
cut off.
The appearance of the so-called composition corresponds
to this same period, consisting of the replacement of the
penalty with the payment of a million-dollar sum, through
which the victim renounced revenge.
Preserve social order. It is an effective means of preventing evil in
society. It also helps in preventing retaliation, which is an unnecessary
cause of conflict. Additionally, it helps protect others from future

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