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q WRT otencor ; roa ABTA ye tre wha wohPrafes Poa, orrenye A.K.Gupta, urs. __ Senceel Managers Office Chief Track Engineer Went Cental Raeay tht Deantment Jabalpur Now W-HQAW-4/Track/Winter & Summer Preeaution./10 Date: 10.02.2023 St. DEN (Co.)/ JBP, BPL & KOTA Dy. CE (TMC)/BPL Sub.:-Summer Precautions. Ref. PEDCE(P)Railway Board letier no, 2016/CE-C-II/Safety/Precaution, dated-08.03,2022, ee As Summer Season is likely to set in on WER in few days, Divisions must take necessary summer precautions as prescribed in paras 320 & 324 of IRPWM -2020 for free rails /SWR track and paras 345 & 346 for long-welded track. In addition, following actions should be taken during summer; (1) Deep screening of track to be carried out as per stipulation of IRPWM -2020 Manual In case the temperature is on higher side, PCE Circular No. 18/2017-18, dated 28.05.2018 should be followed. BCM machine may also be utilized for deep screening of tum-outs. Due precautions as per Procedure Order No. WHQ-W-4/Track Maint./31 Vol-VI dated 13.02.2017 for “Deep Screening by BCM” should be followed. Q)_ De-stressing of LWRs to be based on behaviour of LWR. Destressing to be done on piiority in stretches where renewals/deep screening had been carried out in recent past and stretches where new LWRs have been laid. @) Planning for hor weather patrolling : All preliminary arrangements for selection and counselling of patrolmen be done. Keymen/patrolmen to start patrolling on their own when rail temperature rises above t4 + 20°C If the temperature is in rising trend, patrolling may be introduced even earlier than this, if warranted by field conditions. (4) Special watch must be kept and all conditions must be complied for trial LWR ( including LWRs continued on Gitder bridges/Curves sharper than 4° ) as applicable . If required, destressing may be done. ©) Monitoring of rail temperature record and availbility of requisite contingent of tools and plants of Patrolman must be ensured. Mates, Keymen and P.vay Supervisors should be educated /counselled regularly in regard to DOs and DON’T for working in LNR and SWR territory. (©) Trolley/Foot plate inspection by SSE/P,Way, ADEN/DENs and St, DENs during Hottest part of day must be done as much as possible. All Patrolman must be provided with GPS devises for active monitoring of their ta) Us ng, movements and ensuring safety at critical locations. ®) ®) Maintenance of LWR track; @) Recoupment of fittings to ensure zero missing fittings and measurement of toe load to find out ineffective fittings to be recouped. (©) Ballast deficiencies to be surveyed and deficiencies to be recouped before onset of Summer, Adequate ballast in shoulders / crib portion in general and in Bridge/LC approaches & trespass location in particular be ensured. In case ballast deficiency is not fulfilled due to any reason like non availability of traffic block, power for B.T. movement ete. , suitable SR to be imposed to ensure safety. (© No rail closer to be allowed in LWR track. If inescapable, SR of 30 kmph to be imposed. Closer to be welded as early as possible and de-stressing to be ensured. (@ All staff involved in maintenance should be counselled to update knowledge regarding maintenance practice in hot weather, Seminars and workshops should be organized in Divisional office, ADEN office and PWIs depots. (© Correct and calibrated rail thermometer must be available with gangs and other staff involved in track maintenance having the colour marking of White (below ta - 25°C ), Green (ts - 25°C to ty + 10°C), Yellow (ts + 10°C to ty + 20°C) & Red (above tu + 20°C), for case of understanding about working temperature. (© For working of tamping machine in LWR/CWR track, provision of IRPWM 2020 para 345(1)& (2) must be followed. Hot weather Patrol charts must be issued by Divisions and patrolling should be as per the beat and timing specified in patrol charts. (10) Working hours of patrolmen should be fixed such that there is an overlap of atleast half hour with the movement of sectional keyman. For example, if the working hours of keyman before lunch are 06.00 to 10:00 hrs, then hot weather patrolling should start at 09:30 hrs. . Ir may be brought to the notice of all concerned officers and staff to comply these instructions. \ . 123 (AK.Gupta) Chief Track Engineer C/-1. Secy. To PCE/WCR for kind information of PCE/WCR . 2. Secy. To CAO(C)/WER for kind information of CAO(C)/WCR. 3. PCOM/WCR, PCSTE/WCR, PCSO/WCR, CPTM/WCR, for kind information please. 4. DRM/JBP,BPL,KOTA for kind information please. 5. CE(C-I), CE(C-), (C-II1), CE(C-IV) and CPM/KOTA & BPL for kind information please. 6. CBE, CE/TMC, CE(G),CPDE & CE/W, for kind information please. 1428302/2022 SING WTA (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA) eat AaTeRT (MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS) tard alg (RAILWAY BOARD) No.2016/CE-Il/Safety/Precaution New Delhi 08.03.2022 Principal Chief Engincers All Zonal Railways Sub: Summer Precautions. Summer is about to set in most parts of the country. Railway must have already taken action in regard to necessary precautions as prescribed in Para 320 & 324 of IRPWM for free rail/SWR track and Para 345 & 346 of IRPWM for LWR track. Hot weather patrolling should be introduced, wherever required as per Para 1005 (1) & (2) of IRPWM. Some of the activities related to subject are mentioned below: 1. De-stressing of LWRs based on behavior of LWR, stretches of LWR where renewals/ deep screening has been carried out in recent past, stretches where new LWRs have been laid. 2. Recoupment of fittings to ensure zero missing fittings and renewal of ineffective fittings to ensure adequate toe load. 3. Ensuring enough ballast in shoulder and crib portion in general and on bridge approaches, LC approaches and trespass locations in particular. 4, Planning for hot weather patrolling, monitoring of rail temperature record and availability of requisite contingent of tools and plants of Patrolman. 5. Mates, Keyman and P.way Supervisors should be educated/counseled regularly in ~ regard to DO's and DON'Ts for working in LWR and SWR territory. 6. Foot Plate inspection by SSE/P-way, ADEN and Sr. DENs during hottest part of the day ony Principal Executive Dir. Civil Engg.(Plg.) Railway Board Railway should confirm the action taken in this regard and report. We PART-'C ‘SHORT WELDED RAILS 217, General 'SWR shatbe ae generat on stable and ele cained formation 100 mmexta wish ‘of shoulder balast ver and above the standard alos! eecion on tangent vack shal be ‘roid en outside of curves up 678 mote radus. Incase of sharper cuves, the extra ‘Neth shal be 150 rn. Incase of @D kim Ras LR prof shal be adopted, ‘318. Condition of Laying (1) Aignment-SWR on PSC separ hal not be aon cures sharper than 440 mete aus, satin SYR Id on sharper cures may however, be slowed i continue hee Is 10 attculy experenced in maniaiing these langhs. Chit Track Engweers Spproval sro be takan in such cases. ction wih insulted jonis and pois and erossings- SR buttng against insulates frs, net ot crossng an stock ral js, chal be anchored Io a eng fete on ne approsch eecvely o atest creep ir dreeton (2) Regus of SWRn Lvl Css ar Bes eer Pa B18 nd Pare a 312 Laying of Short Welded Ralls -The gaps tobe proved for SW at the tne of {ayng shale inaccorance with Tabie 1 daperdng nthe nstaltion errperatre (t) ard {he Zonein which thease x. (Bock to Para 26/3) (e, 3208), 749) ‘eat ting ons fer SYR waus staan terparaties For Zone Ragas ete oT |i anes Gam) ——_—| —iaaion (| foraeimpunts |r som ried a muscom ree — [to : ieiscuw 760 . + te Fon 2 + * Tt One SE a For Zanes en Tee Come WET iz ma we ifsCour ee a¢ | —“errcmimase . £220. Gap Survey and Adjustment of Gap~ (Oak Pare 2262, 620) (9) Gana apne anecteatont gp ab cad ou sneha whee deveoes excessive cep, jammed fonts aio, misalpnran ‘tere and hogge ans, facts at amis and bona ot bom ts I SH ‘Gepsuivey and easton! shew nema be done bole hs endl Febuary orcs Seer. bolve onl of surmer) Pose wer, 2) Gap Survey (Back o Para 222(1)) {@) The gap survey sha be conte on a ler and sunny day the coo houts of ‘he day ning ral embers wend, (©) The fongin over which gap survey isto be done shoul, wherever posse, be vided no stable sub-section, each bounded by fated pons such es lov ‘ossings. pnts and cossings ic The suey should be competed dung 98 ‘hora teas posse. by employing adequate umber of pares so that he ra temperature tot hay ovary aporeciay. (@ The oi’ gaps shal be measured ty tper gaune in me (shown Below) andthe raadings antoredin th prckrms 08 shown Annexure = 28. (aC ETETPTErErerscsemeel ae Lerrens Tone erase TAPER cauce (0) Recommended range of vats of gps ~The recommended range of vate of a8p2 (Gn) during sence fr varous forges oa temperature ls nceaied nthe Moen below ‘Tbe Tal Tanpeqae Dang > aa sti — ae ee gee | ae Sve eee eye see Eee ue eee Soe See Srureee sie (4) Cateutons for aden ‘The average ofthe moasited gaps i worked ot as shown ithe proforma fo gap survey (Annexure = 2). cirparisan ofthe vests ofthe gay mesures {corded and he permis vatues of gop (concer range TSO) ovens ‘ilieastoore olf fclowngeasens ene Coe 1A tn mend ght sor ot be int eet onace Barge on Dae ave 2- merge ote ecenend ae. Cas 3 ran tpg ae ant (©) Acton eee acon be ana sane, oe ‘Recacaton work shout bo resticied to camecing the inital gap Pombo hich fas eutsde te recommended ange, Under no crcumstances, agustment shal be done by cuieg 2 rll ied alonger a case 2 “The ont gap shat be ayelemteatyagisted tom one end othecher end tthe sub secon, “Te rls shat bo unfastand over convenient lang, the gars adjusted to ‘he tally gps as per Para 249 an ra otores ‘nts cave inten ofa onge rs all might be requred. case 3 No actions tobe taken (©) As taras possible, te ay chosen fo rectcation shou be a day on which the a temperatura eal to vary mich ding rection poriod Pascoe som (2) The sas shot bo tested uanoncaly ad dolce ris replaced tare fanversen nto WR |2)._Ratlends whch are hoggedor battered or havea history of cracks orale egon. ‘hal be eroped ble conversion Fp LW. 324 Maintenance of Short Wolded Ralls (2c Pare 60) Regula maintenance operaton- (1) Regular tack mantnance operaton ie packing ite. afgring sa adpsiment bt euves. secenng of atast ler thas deep seieong and azar renewal of “Scepes may be cated ou wihoul retncon when amperes blow TaPC taint ease faone '& rand tm = 20% m be zone ana V. However, on ‘aves oles non 875 moe fags Bread Gaupe oyletng ormaton, be above temperature ime thal be esreres tom 15° thw ease of Zone an and tn Noe inte cate of Zone ana (2) the maintenance operators have to be undorken at temperate higher than at Irentane above SubsPora (¥) above, ol rae an 30 leper speces Mone {Cottraavssyet sh be cpored, leaving least 20 uly Bored skeeper spaces ‘etwean adjust lmge weer are opened aut Before fe end oe days work, ‘halle enaured ale batas boxed oP. (©) As.anadional recavon, dung surmet mont, to be species by Be Criet haner for sterean o run down tack, even empress fan the fempursi spaced n Sub-Par 1) above, et rote an 30 leper spaces ‘Seo cortrucce sich sa be opened, levy atleast 30) bose leper spaces ‘ttrcenajacntienga wt areopenos cut Furter,loetgape arent avaatle Urtre tne cf opening ete tack sven when fl omperaure ao lve han those ‘peated eae Sub-Para(1) above Pel re tan 30 steape’s ine contin ‘eensnaus be openesenung at at 30 bowed sleeper spaces between aent Tengo wei are opened up (8) Major fing, mor algament of wack, deep sresing and renal of sleepers in ‘Setruns brats cost ot hese operation shel be done under outsnle pecans ‘snd noma wen the al lemperatre & bow + 18°C te cate cf Zone and Mandims 10 me cae of Zane lang becares necessary undertake ‘ch wore shal tempersure wxcemding te sbow veh, Sdequale sped resto salle imposed (8) Atequste umber of ogg fates wih special ams shal be proved othe 92798 or ein emergencies, (6) Inthe case ot any facture nth wed cn tel, the orton ofa wi fractures ‘at and removed ea lngh of ots fan 8.8 mb eat out the reveling uly ‘nvodueng ara plcecFequvatert eng, sco enunng ato weld ies lose han Amt ef plated ont Pave 846 7" o @ ° @ ee ‘cana Roferonce Marks: Reference mars sol be fixed ot each Suan al he cert of LWRICWR, on the "eferenco pars erected tx ths prone ‘Util raference marks on he reference pitas sha be saw ark, "mars on he ronning ras shal be pai marks on he non-gaige fase ot noo In to cats © 80w max shal be made onthe runing fl Reference mort oe {Ravi o be fad ivmedaiely afer destesig of 'WIUCWN snd hal ns 6 "hited or tampered vit eveten (Aditona reference marks in fed porten and breathing length may be ponded to now the behaviour of LMU. Maintenance of LWRICWR: ‘erimporart proreqisit or mone uncioning of LRU sist ayng to hgh vd and te aubsogucnt ‘mantsnnce ‘by trained persannelpestesting vad 2) ceticahs 98, eSrpete. Bet Annexure 42 aed el of sutoraaton nt ers “what laid down in Annexure. a us Repu 0 @ Regular Track Maintonance: (Deco Para 608) ar rack maintenance n RICH inches wing operations = Tampingpsckng ‘ning i) Aligning ntasing minor reaignment of cuves (Shallow eereringlsouéer dering (9 Renawalotastenngsrequling Hing (M)_ Mainenance of) o Sener (Back to Para 24522) (6) The regu rack mncrarcein LWRICUR shal be conned to hours when the raiterperstie ©) tea temperate ater te mir (© Balas secon shall be between e+ 1O°C and 0°C and hsb cola wel Stns ‘onset oF summer intnance operation exceeds 120°C aug the Botod of const, tan the speed restsione 0 King shaosimpoton, Ppery matnained, espisly on pedeciian & cate ‘Sossing, carves end approaches to level Sosongs fal Kedges Coss Ge ‘shouldbe comely marina. Dat was may Ew poised ontpeceateon oe ‘ate crossings fo prover asso bala (i) Replenishment of aoe shal be compleed tio onset ot summer: Shorage of Dalat the shoulder at oli places s {akg out minimum quay of ett fon ‘as over 2 wan nt exceeding B00 rn an be ade up bye Ganga canbe fhe cabana hn dep net exces 100 rm (©) Suttctnt quant of bas! shal be colectd to prov ul baat secon tore commencing any matntsrance operation special ng ivan crowoors are uted for slewing, care shal be taken to aly these na ‘manner 80 3 voi fing of tack Int connectan, We iets fe Pare 107 (6) shat be totowed ‘Speci atlerion shal be pa to mainensnce of rack at eoving catons: + Sesubreaving lenge + Approsches of lve cessing, points & crossings ans uns dock Po 2 96 ‘idges ‘+ Moxzonta nd vere cuven (©) _Atfastenings shat be complete an wo ecured in postion a ° « Mechanised Maton ()_Tamping in LRICIYR wih gonera i not exceading $0 mm including carrecton of aignment sal be cared. ait ding tbo. peta whan prevaing ra femmperatres ane ape Para 3451) (a (0 togetner wih poenutons la 4m ‘hore (©) Uiog whore needed, in excess of 50 mm shal be eae out in stages with ‘asoqute ie gap in betwonn cessive sages sch thal fal conschdation of he ‘revo sages achieved prot arg up ie subsoquent MR. {€) Mechanised clearing of shoulder bats shal be undetan when preveling a teenpertres aro wai tse ina. pescibed topeher win the precautions rmanoned heen. Manvai momteroree (@) At no time not mare than 30 sleepers spaces in a continuous seh shal be ‘pened or mandl mantnance or shallow screening wih at leas 0 ly boxed ‘heper spaces latin betwoon ages openings Manverance of n belween {engin chat ot be undertatan i passage o wale fr atleast 24 hous i case ‘1G canying mare han 10 GMT a2 days cave of other 8 roves, (For conection of aignmen. the shoulder als! shall be opened out 10 the ‘inmum exten! necassary and too oppose he sleepor end. The Datst Im shoudr shal hen be pu bark blore opening ote Galas or paki (2 rexceptionl creumstanoes when more than 30 seoper spaces have 10 be ‘pened foray specie work, ko voughereeringoatiast ote ding he peas ‘Stine yar wren menmum Gay ra operate ot blow te 30°C oF manu ‘oer setae eyend 0% upto TOD Shaper spaces may be opened under he ‘Sect soperin ol JESSEIP Way (6) tanaul however, bo orsued tat alo slepe fastenings on the ene length of [iit ncing Sse ae neering sateen asst renouct of sopors: Not more han ne sleeper 20 consceutve sleepers shal be replcad at ine ‘Sheu ue nacessary renew bo ormoreconsecubreslepesin he some ana {hey may be renewed one a ie ar pocrng e seers rencwed eal GU ‘Soarung ts temparatre lente spoeied in Para 245) (0) © (0) loge sah ‘recausons mendoros Pore ‘Ronowatetfosonas: “The work of tenavat of asionings sha be care ot when ral erperatre is within the ints spend Para 3451] & [hth fosowng aston precautions (2) Renewa otfstnings not requing ting ofa. (Sack Poa 4167189 Fastenngs not requ tng of aie, shat be ronewed on net move tan one ‘Shepe aa Pose fastenings ol mre tan one ivperr ae requred 9 ‘onewed alate, en atleast a sleeps a between shal be kept Wow ‘hat be dene under seperion ol Keyan 0) Renewal ot fastneigs requiring ing ott Fastnigsrequing nga as. gored rubber pas, ee. shall be oneness fon rol move than ne sepa ata ne. n cas fastenings of mere than ene ‘eepe ar voqured ob renewod ta Una, hen east 30 seapersn between Pav tet shallbe keptintact Work shal be done under supervision of Gangmale _Atomatvaly, proving ral tempera is ower than 1-10, fastening up 10 § Seep on erie ray be erave repeat be pad ner Ps (©) Maintenance of SEs: (@) Onceina fright Ss shallbe checked, packed and algned if necessary. Oth and greaung offangue a a arraigned nrg ng (©) rng pain, Keyan sa tep snc anon e SE gn (1) Renewal of detective rato: “The procedut lak down fn Para 2482) ofthis mana for repack ter rt Iraetire shall be flowed ‘ME Spoeial Track Maintenance: (Back fo Para 247, 628, 628, 639, 718) ‘Special tack maintenance in LWRIGINR includes following operaons- (2) Trough tings renewal (0) Deep screeningmechansed cleaning of baliast (©) Lewenngtufng of ack (@)_ Major weatanmont of cures (e)_ Sleperrenewalotner tan casual renewals {0 Rehabiltatonofbisges and formation causing stubanco to wack (0) Trg mings rena ‘Whenever tis decided tocar out through renewal of ings, the LR hal be do crete ramesaily aero TPR is comptes of comple o pat LW (2) O00p serzenngechansed cleaning o bates lo) Prove tals down in Para 27-2) shal apy to LAFUGY regarng the tguenes of operatons of alt Chong Mache (ECM, (©) Galat Cleaning Machine (BCU), larping machine and Oymarie Track Stabizer (GTS) sha as fr as pose, bo ployed none consi (@ Temperate records ofthe secon where deep sreeing st be undertaken, cee Sin previous andthe arent yar The maximum and min Be adopt orca (0 range otal emperauve fas win 410°C to te20°, deep szresning may Dodone wihout cating or lemecrary -S7e9i. (©) range oat tenpertue fale oi (a) above. temporary deabessing shal He esa tv amon al terperatue ely be anes ‘Sing te pad of wor (0) constant montonng ofa temperate shal te done dving he progress of work Seana srteare re mere ban 10°C above U/ lemporary de-sbeskng ate Sieaate precauone shal be liken iechidng eroter rund of terporay ce-senarg 28 rere Note Deuo sores sat bo nonsan wiino reasons sto prod a fanpoay, ot tee at tetera fg pescado Soars OTR e Te Cire wncn tampon dnatestra may tore ce opr roe setene (©) Dung he peti of deep senna. thre ny post of rien tentang 20°C tlw i empooy dross orto ‘wea atl spo Pars 005 (3 sho be mee dtl oat at (Sequence ot operaton (@oep screening of LHR may be done Hom one en of LW oor end (Aor deep sereonng and consolision, de-stessing of LMR aha be ‘undertaken a8 per Par 340/24 ®) ier speci meitonence (2) Otnor types of spec tack maintenance corte jbe ihe lowering of ae, ‘Ralgament of curves, onewa’ of xg rumba ef eeepers oration Gtlomaten’ bsogoreavning durbores ack (©) Forcanying out wien maitenance, heated length of back may be lated from LW CW by voducng SE iss hese, () Aer completion of wor, he fected length of tack shal be de-stesced athe equ de-sbessing temperote and jones ‘ih fest f tho LUFUCY. ‘exorance wih Para Daze ‘SAT Destressing during Maintenance: (ck 0 Para 714) (1) Abnomal behaviour of LNRICWR ean Be need by ebsarg one or mote of he ‘bows (2) Yen tho gop obsawed at SEI (Ors bayonets specie in Annexure - 3 (0) Exceeds the simi designed ga ofS {G)Winen fp af ongue aioe of Stock Ra rosso therelerence Ine (case of excassno creep of more tan 20mm in te cane porton of LR (2) tnsuen cate a n Sub Pace (1) above, LARUE shal be ispected by ADEN for (a) deeiency of tos, (©) _peorcompecon consolation of lst (6) defcionoy of ings, (porte ad of ERC (@) formation toute any, (mgs nave ps ar eer aoe npn eh (0) te possbilty of delctve thermometers bing ued by the ta ‘Ar a above inspecton he deiner shal be made good at he eartet by ‘Surat corecve aton to prev to wack reece, Thaeafr. te SEALHR ‘hat bhp! unger cose cbncrsion by ate morning bythe JESSE Way Garucii st behaves abrarmaly, 3 decision shal be then by ADEN for Ge sires of LICH. (2) Aherspoca! maintenance operations mentioned in Para 346 de-atessing shat te ‘roeraen (4) ter resratono ack folonang an unusual occurence mentored in Para 38 Se Sessig chalbe undenanen (©) Move ol eatin where repair by way of elacenant of weld have been Sone, excod ves per hn, de'svessing of afectod porn of LAR TCR shal be Sone Pine Hotere Genent fangs Ofer Tginceing Deparment “abso a “Ref: @ PCE Circular No. 02/201112 te eevee) dated - 07.08.20 curing of ve 632 6) m0 (6 of EWR manual aye fallowa fr cing Jp SSeS se capertre Es ouside TS*IO°C 10 THC (Cops encore: 5 doing PET ng may be done as abowe «0 inerease the Tezond TAHIOC, howerer RO ihe por para 652 (6) of LWWR manual if minimum a Did Ol by PC bow Tiemgorry dwesing pean: ok Weer = puuroling mst by sate. racer, proce ordelansd ide PCE WOR ler W-HQ/W-4/ Teck msis/3/¥01 VT de xp002017ohich da with proce foc deep sexing by BCM salle also adheres 0, ane - Leper (MB Nijay) ‘West Central Railway ‘Scanned with CamSeanner MIST CESTAL Ramivay alae Sraeth Ne WONT tales van yy Tite erated See ad track dae aed Insc snot cs oc ose formation Eve tld vel Yer tag sec etre he Rl ening ape ing path [Dewy serecning shoul! be ci ut in the towing tos by eon fl tates + Prertecrn . 2 Proto TSR 1 Mire the cating of tee seid in eit ig 1 Before comvering existing ck atplacder SW nso WK or CWR. “The etre eck mat be deep ceed let ee 1 es (©) Operations Pree Te Deplnment of Machine 1) Foot Wy oct sry of the sexton sal econ pr gar 23802) oFTREWM to sce the Condition of wack components talk cs with md aay 1 Te iy xp sh rei pening en oat abou, Soc of alesing seeing ay Taig te lng to be ep serene diy, amigo SR sl be on. As pr pron ot ‘moe wal alba pct cn be feed Bo pb. Seto ee et ‘Scanned with CamSeaner ee ee sit aon etl ae dea ey tiene inane oer ena eae tng SMe mba xe Std le ena owh in ashe ig 290 enh ana snr sN met actinthe wih of 100 en aint aca nares tine es ia Sie a TESTIS ie tenet tinted etic ‘Av Saat ating rete whichis il net ih wi sh tenor rece ‘1 Arenache i beige whi shuccc ofthe machine wel ne rant hese th chine ald eevee marly ‘ee Sot cong sha Roope nance so ante ote mbit wk {Si Sper thet hae al ein wo at me er cc le on te wy 2 ‘anc chan ate e fas Keven! {sis eigenen shud be adie et cata etmcion lps sich mci petal wih cating i Spt dopa i chew eatin ihe maine we oni insta yar tog imag ln scion whee af damping of he ang he so ee Het Samed sent yale ck afew sallae be chal fora, se) A rch of 30. dt al oe mee wih shuld te mad fr loweig eter by roenng eae deeper orrporog a eepam Pa) tract fate dation heme iain 3 hos pry) 1) One JESSE ech se tote sng wth alcaicon hah he facet tons. They 3h cine wih te sof Opring sr eer Dearie 50 at machines ae prop SELSTIa ey tte panne Nock Ty Wal sho sar at point ae propery 3s at ‘icimom ime he wested fr dathig of he machine ser ting Mek. Smiley cy tal ko Sits hr pon again it orci te machine athe cig of he week te ine lou so (©) Operation tarog Tra Bcks- Weck mt he edt te ie saperision of SEY lay Ne rt ems ha 60 4 70 npete percoed arate with BEM od eter machine oe eae of erin ew ig (fe tied we Thi aur fre slow wil soperios ensues tha working posto afte tek & ‘Seoed fam all Be laingemen’. tbe ising Ftings were ting ups. lle tk (peomeenae af er wating fhe OOM ache. ‘Scanned with CamSeannee cas he a ae char pe uit Cm pero ee ae ater cin rap amc i aang ope a the never coment hehe be macnn ‘he machine ininadeteh (Sonesta sty en veneer 8 ti ak ol re cg REUTERS atne work shut cena ha ses fi he lt eon eseccned hall wll pa bap eae 19) Un estion shou Mare 1B shard wie muting mcm of wine sonra 8 sd mien pest Soe such pena rome at sl, er (59) Al the a Working wih the machine sal wry ema a mae tai ling (P) Operations ater REM beets 1) At the end of work, stot fine sage 380 9 Kf thet Ros These soak be fi ‘ancalywithcean alist, By the vera ad acral leans fr OME sea os and an ter racine sul be heed [sedated before lenny the BEM Nek ‘i Bali ecrpment ctv shold eto wih depen actiy 2st ble iting ‘pedo noma ar neces rng {v1 One watchman shold be postal st the fcton where cunr fa and ina lef whenever comet neces. temas be ever by SSE tat the mismo telag of make eid ad al the port mackie ron ecxied ato he same dy ell 1s oe enn hat pd a of beens. check il of LLC resting of PCC blocs of 1. ae fie en theme dy afer BOM wok. ‘ile sector fod wis jncine ox ese abo fed n the same day teenie ‘nimi revntion oe afi + Recjate spey osuedokep gt af SR incon DA: Ament OU Vijay) vincipal Chie Engineer (C1-CTE CBE. 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