6 Experiment6 Torque 1

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Experiment No. 9


To study the concept of torque and the condition for rotational equilibrium by
the use of a demonstration balance.


1. Demonstration balance
2. Set of weights
3. Plumb bulbs
4. Meterstick
5. Platform balance
6. Protractor


A body is said to be in equilibrium if it satisfies the two conditions for equilibrium,

which are:

First condition of equilibrium,

∑FX = 0, ∑FY = 0

Second condition,

∑ = 0

Thus the body has no transitional and rotational acceleration.

The weights (considered unknown) of a pair of scale pans on a demonstration

balance are determined by the use of Torque equation. Data for these equations are
obtained, by measuring the level arms and using one known weight. The weight and
writing the equation for the torques acting on the system.

1. a. Adjusting the demonstration balance:

Supporting the metal frame with the meterstick at the lower knife-edge and adjust
the sliding collar up or down until the meterstick is on the horizontal position. For accurate
results, the stand must be placed in a smooth surface and must be determined by
adjusting the screws at the foot of the stand.

b. Determining the weight of the pans:

Hang the pan at the ends of the beam (designate the left beam as W1 and the right
beam as W2). Move one of the pans until the two balance each other. Try to exercise
great care in adjusting the pan to prevent the beam from falling from its support. With the
beam horizontal, calling them L1 and L2 respectively.

Using W1 and W2 as weights of the pans write the equation of the torque about the
Knife-edge as an axis of rotation:

+ ∑ @ F = 0 W1 L1 – W2 L2 = 0 ----- (1)

Add a 20 gram weight to one pan and adjust the position of the other pan until the
beam is balance again. Determine the distances L1 and L2 of the pans from the knife-
edge and write the equation of the torque for this setting:

∑ @ F = 0 (W1 + 20) L1 – W2 L2 =0 ---(2)

Solve the equations for the unknown weights W1 and W2 of the pans. Use the
platform balance in determining the weight of the pans and compare these weights with
those obtained by the method of Torque.

Figure: (For procedure 1-b)

L1 L2 L1 L2

W1 W2 W1 + 20 W2
II. Determining the beam’s center of gravity.

Remove the pans from the beam and support it on the lower knife-edge. Adjust
the beam until it balances horizontally. In this condition, the center of gravity passes
vertically through the knife-edge. Fine adjustments can be made by rotating the collar
around the axis. If it continues to fall, its center of gravity is higher than the support (knife-
edge). Slide the collar up and down the vertical axis until the center of gravity is exactly
at the lower knife-edge. This is attained, when in tipping the beam a little in one direction,
it will not return or go down further but it will remain there. In other words, it will remain in
any position you place it.

III. Determining the weight of the beam.

a) Support the beam at the upper knife-edge and place the pans on the notches
of the beam. Put a 10 grams weight on one pan until the beam is tilted as shown in the
figure. Measure the distance L1 and L2 and the distance between the two knife-edge
(upper and lower) and call this as d. The distance of the weight of the beam from the
plumb line is x.

x = dsinθ

The angle θ can be measured directly by the use of the protractor or by measuring
corresponding distances horizontally and along the meterstick. Using the equation for
torque, the weight of the beam can be determined:

∑ @ F = 0

(W1 + P) L1 – WX – W2L2 = 0

(W1 + P) L1 – W2L2

Figure: (for procedure III-a)

θ F W2

L1 L2
b) With the same set of knife-edges and the collar, remove the pans and support
the beam on the knife-edge at the 75 cm mark. Balance the beam with a pan and weight
at the shorter arm and indicate it as W1. Take the measurements of L1 and L2 and compute
for the weight of the Beam using again the equation of the torque.

Add a 20-gram weight to one pan and adjust the position of the other pan until the
beam is balance again. Determine the distances L1 and L2 of the pans from the knife-
edge and write the equation of torque for this setting:

Wf = 0, (W1 + 20) L1 – W2 = 0 ----- (2)

Solve the equations for the unknown weights W1 and W2 of the pans. Use a
platform balance in determining the weight of the pans and compare these weights with
those obtained by the method of Torque.

Figure: (for procedure 1-b)

L1 L2


Mf = 0
WL2 – W1 L1 = 0
L1 L2
W1 L1

Take the weight of the whole beam system on a platform balance and record it.
Make a comparison of the weight with the experimental value.

I. Determining the weight of the pans.

Weight Added, (P) = _________gm. W1 (by experiment) =________gm.

Dist. Of W1, (L1) = _________cm. W2 (by experiment) =________gm

Dist. Of W2, (L2) = _________cm. W1 (by weighing) =________gm

Dist. of W1 + P, (L1) = _________cm. W2 (by weighing) =________gm

Dist. of W2, (L2) = _________cm. % error on W1 =________%

% error on W2 =________%


1. Give the factors that determine the effectiveness of a force in producing

2. A bigger boy should sit nearer the fulcrum of a seesaw than a small boy.
3. What is the moment of force?
4. State the Principle of Moments.
5. Carlos weighs 312N and sits 1.33m from the fulcrum of the seesaw. His brother
weighing 190N and sits 1.50 m from the fulcrum on the opposite side. Where
must his sister weighing 155N sit to produce equilibrium? Illustrate.


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