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Teacher: Lennon Bechara

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1st) Leia o texto a seguir e responda as perguntas abaixo:

Brazil protests demand impeachment of President Dilma


Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN) Demonstrators took to the

streets across Brazil on Sunday, protesting corruption and
demanding the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.

Her administration is struggling amid a weak economy and

a massive corruption scandal involving the country's state-
run oil company.

"I love Brazil. I love my country. Moreover, I am tired of

corruption. We are tired of corruption. It doesn't matter
which political party you are from, we are tired of being
robbed," a protester told CNN in Sao Paulo, where people
packed the main Paulista Avenue.

In Rio de Janeiro, they gathered along Copacabana

beach, while in the capital, Brasilia, protesters marched on
government headquarters.

The mood was festive. Many demonstrators wore the

country's colors -- green, blue and yellow -- waved flags,
and chanted: "Out Dilma."

Amid complaints about the economy, protesters say they

are incensed because Brazilian investigators are
unraveling a huge money laundering and bribery case
centered around Petrobras, the country's national oil
company. Dozens of politicians, some in Rousseff's party,
are accused of accepting millions in payments.

The President has not been implicated in the investigation, but she was the
Energy Minister and chairwoman of Petrobras during much of the time that the
alleged corruption took place.

Sunday night Rousseff sent two of her ministers to address the nation at a
televised press conference. The justice minister and the general secretary said
that the government was listening and would announce changes in several days
designed to combat corruption.

The announcement did little to quiet the protests in some cities. Many protesters
banged pots and pans and honked car horns.
Before becoming the country's first female president in 2011, Rousseff, from the
Workers' Party, was chief of staff to former President Lula da Silva. She won re-
election in October, in one of the tightest races in recent years, but has since
seen her approval rate plummet along with the economy.

Brazil is headed into recession again this year, inflation is up and the currency
is at a 12-year low.

Rousseff's approval rating down to 23% from 42% at the end of 2014, according
to DataFolha. The economy is expected to contract this year and the real has
plummeted 23% against the dollar.

a) What were the demonstrators demanding?

b) What did the protester tell to the CNN in Sao Paulo?
c) What are the colors that the demonstrators wore?
d) What were the demonstrators chant?
e) What is the name of the Brazilian national oil company?
f) When did Dilma Rousseff become the first female president?
g) What is the approval rating of Dilma Rousseff nowadays?
h) What was her approval rating at the end of 2014?

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