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Name: __________________________ Grade/Section:

School: __________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________
Date: Pre-Test: _______________________________
Post-Test: ______________________________


A. Word Recognition

Pre – Test
Types of Miscues
# of Miscues Self-
Miscue Major Miscue


Refusal to Pronounce

Frustration Instructional Independent Non-reader
Reading level

B. Comprehension

Pre – Test
Passage Comprehension
Level Score Reading
(%) Level
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Name: __________________________ Grade/Section: _______________________

When Staying Home Means Saving Lives

By: E.R.D. Vins
“Stay Home! Save Lives!”
This is the thunderous sound of 2020; the plea of the frontliners to escape the threat of the unseen
enemy, the CoViD-19 (Corona Virus Disease). President Duterte, the government officials, the personnel
from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Department of Health (DOH), the policemen are
shouting to stay home so that the rising number of positive cases of CoViD-19 will not increase which can
lead to death.
Staying home is being advised in the meantime that vaccine for the virus is still on the process of
producing. However, it resulted both positively and negatively in all aspects of the people’s lives. Since they
stay in their homes, they have enough time to sleep and rest, and develop new skills or use the talents and
skills that were not practiced anymore. They have also quality time with the members of the family to chit-
chat as a result of home quarantine. Hence, parents are able to monitor their children, teaching them
household chores and other skills. Furthermore, less carbon dioxide is being emitted thereby making the air
and the sea clean. It seems that the seas and the sky have relaxed from pollution. Consequently, people have
the time to take care of their plants at home, and plant vegetables in their backyard. Thus, they have also the
time to meditate, reflect, and pray to God that He will protect them from this pandemic.
On the other hand, it also yielded disadvantages physically, mentally, socially, economically, and
spiritually. Due to not allowing people to go out of their houses except for very important reasons, they
became sedentary and less active physically. That is why, others really see to it that they can have physical
exercise even if at home. In as much as they wanted to go out, they could not go to the places where they
want to go like churches, malls, beaches, and other places. Drastically, it also affected the livelihood of
many of the people as they were not allowed to work and that they just relied on the government subsidy.
Thus, it can be realized that there is a great anxiety the CoViD-19 pandemic brought that even if they
wanted to look for a living, they were not allowed because their safety should be prioritized. It became the
waterloo of people around the globe.
Even if there are pros and cons of staying at home caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, indeed the
situation is telling that everything has changed, and that humanity is experiencing uncertainties and
vulnerabilities. Therefore, by staying home one could not be infected by the virus, and it is a great help for
the frontliners who battle to save the lives of those infected by the virus

Comprehension Check-up:
1. What is the plea of the frontliners? (Literal)
A. Stay alive.
B. Stay happy.
C. Stay healthy.
D. Stay at home.
2. Less carbon dioxide is being emitted. Emitted in the sentence means (Inferential)
A. To light out.
B. To save out.
C. To send out.
D. To share out.
3. Which of the following states positive effect of staying at home to people’s lives? (Inferential)
A. They create Tiktok accounts.
B. They spend more time watching videos.
C. They are able to enjoy their internet fees.
D. They have enough time to rest and develop new skills.
4. How is staying at home disadvantageous to people? (Literal)
A. They became home buddies.
B. They became less active physically.
C. They became contented of what they have.
D. They became money saver for they spend less.
5. What could possibly happen if people will not stay at home? (Critical)
A. They can be infected by the virus.
B. They can visit different beautiful places.
C. They can meet their friends and relatives.
D. They can save themselves from boredom.

Key Answer:
Comprehension Check-Up:
1. D
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. A

E.R.D. Reading and Writing 11 Q3M2. DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN Region. 2020. Pp.25-26.
Source: E.R.D. Reading and Writing 11 Q3M2. DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN Region. 2020. Pp.25-26.

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