English 7 Q2 WK1

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Quarter 2-Week 1

After going through this lesson, you are expected to :

1. Identify the different purpose in listening.

2. Use listening strategies based on purpose,

familiarity with the topic and level of difficulty of
short text listened level.

3. Apply the two strategies by understanding what has

listed to and examine listening texts.
Listdown words associated with the image in
the web diagram below. Fill in the boxes.


What is the difference
between hearing and
Hearing Isthe ability to perceive sound
by detecting vibrations through
the ear.
Isthe ability to accurately
receive and interpret
messages in the
communication process.

Why is listening difficult though it

is the skill we use the most?
How to become a GOOD LISTENER:
1. Be attentive.
2. Keep an open mind
3. Listen to the words
4. Try to picture out what the speaker is saying.
- We listen to understand and evaluate a message to get
the information and ideas, to communicate, to
distinguish sounds and to enjoy.
- Predicting the content and noting important details will
help you understand the message you listened to.
- Are techniques which contribute directly to
the comprehension and recall of a listening

 topic
 type of listening material
 purpose of listening
What are listening strategies?
are techniques or activities that contribute directly
to the comprehension and recall of listening input.
can be classified by how the listener processes
the input.
These are: Top down and Bottom up
reading process is a reverse of the
bottom-up model
reading is conceptually driven
Readers use their background
knowledge to make predictions as they
read the text.
Top - Down Listening Strategies
 Considered listener-based strategies. The listener
uses background knowledge to make sense of what
S/He is listening to.

> That means that he already knows a fair amount of

information about the topic. He is able to relate a
story or information into a prior knowledge.
> Refers to the use of background knowledge in
understanding the meaning of the message.
Top-down strategies include:
 Listening for the main idea
 Predicting
 Drawing inferences
 Summarizing
Top - Down Listening Strategies
Top down strategy focuses on content. Students can
predict the content of listening activity beforehand and
use various materials such as pictures and key words
to understand the meaning.
encourages students to focus more on understanding
the main ideas of a passage than understanding every
if students do not understand each word, they are likely
to grasp the meaning of a text as a whole
encourages students to rely on their own knowledge
and use context clues to understand new concepts or
help pupil determine what pronunciation was
correct in a particular text.
Example of Top-down listening
• Text-based strategy
• The listener attempts to make sense of the
language sound by sound, word by word.
• Less use of background knowledge.
• Relies on the language in the message that
creates the meaning (e.g. sounds, words
and grammar)
Bottom-up strategies include:

 Listening for specific details

 Recognizing cognates
 Recognizing word-order patterns

Example of Bottom-up:
While having your recess, your classmate tells you a story
about a recent vacation, which was an exciting one. You
attentively listen and give reactions at appropriate moments,
perhaps to show that you can relate to what is being told.
That same day, a friend calls to invite you to a celebration at
his/her house the following weekend. As you have never been
to his/her house before, he/she gives you directions. You
listen carefully and pay attention to these specific details.
Learning Task 1: Decide whether each of the following is a top-down or
a bottom
-up listening strategy.
_______________ 1. taking down notes
_______________ 2. listening for specific details
_______________ 3. identifying the speaker
_______________ 4. summarizing
_______________ 5. drawing inferences
_______________ 6. recognizing cognates (words with the same origin)
_______________ 7. recognizing divisions between words
_______________ 8. listening for the main idea
_______________ 9. recognizing word-order patterns
_______________ 10. making predictions
During Listening
Directions: Listen carefully to the news report. Take
note of the important details.
Directions: After listening to the news report,
answer the questions below.
1. What was the news report about? ___________
2. Who was the victim? ______________________
3. Where was he brought? ____________________
4. Why did he meet an accident? ______________
5. How did they know the suspect’s
Directions: Complete the table below by writing the
advantages and disadvantages of having a telephone.
Directions: Complete the table below by writing the
advantages and disadvantages of having a telephone.
Listening Strategies
Based on Purpose
What’s In?

What are the things that make listening

difficult based on your experience?
What is it?
Listening Strategies Based on Purpose

 Listening is the one skill that you use the

most everyday life.
Listening comprehension is the basis for
your speaking , writing and reading skills.
What is it?
Listening Strategies Based on Purpose

 to train your listening skills, it is important to

listen actively which means to actively pay
attention to what you are listening to.
Make it a habit to listen to audio books,
podcasts, news, songs, etc. and to watch videos
and films in the foreign language.
1. Listening for the Main idea
A type of listening wherein you listen to
grasp the main points or general
information presented in the audio/video
you are listening to.
2. Listening for Detail
A type of listening wherein you grasp specific
information and important or necessary details
like hours, dates, names. You need to focus to
get the relevant information you need.
3. Listening for a Sequence
 Youlisten to get the information you need to act
on or orders you need to follow. It is important
to get the order and understand the sequence
correctly and what each step entails.
4. Listening for Specific Vocabulary
 The purpose of this is to identify and remember a
series of words, which are usually easily
categorized, like types of food, sports or animals.
5. Inferring the Meaning
 to infer the meaning presented by the speaker using
clues and your prior knowledge to work out the meaning
of what you hear. Similarly, you can infer relationship
between people from the words they use.
 The use of informal language and those who have work
relationships usually use formal language. By using
context clues, you can identify what is being said, who
is speaking, and what is taking place..
Instruction: read the statements carefully.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
write FALSE if it is incorrect. Write you
answers in your English notebook.
True or False. Read each statement carefully and
write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
the statement is incorrect.
1. Listening is the one skill that you use to least in
everyday life.
2. Listening comprehension is the basis for your
speaking, writing and reading skill.
3. To develop your listening skill, it is important to
listen actively, which means actively pay attention to
True or False. Read each statement carefully
and write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

4.As one listen s/he could try to think ahead:

What might happen next? What might the
speakers says, which words might they use?

5. Taking down notes while listening is not

True or False
1. Listening comprehension is the
basis for speaking, writing and
reading skills.

Yes, it is TRUE!
2. Listening is the one skill
that you use the least in
everyday life.

Yes, it is False!
3. To develop listening skills, it is
important to listen actively, which
means actively pay attention to what
you are listening to.

Yes, it is TRUE!
4. As one , he/ she could try to think
ahead: What might happen next?
What might the speaker say, which
words might they use?

Yes, it is TRUE!
5. Taking down notes while
listening is not important.

Yes, it is FALSE!

1.We always understand what we listen to.

2.When we listen, we listen to every word that the
speaker is saying.
3.We ca predict or guess the topic that the speaker is
haring based on the words that he or she uses.
4.We use our prior knowledge when we try to understand
the message to the speaker or material we listen to.
5. It is important to listen to the whole material to get the
message of the speaker.

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