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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Body Corporate 578696

held on Wednesday 27 September 2023 at 5:30pm held at the Te Pai Centre - the Kowhai
Room, 31-35 Te Pai Place, Henderson, Auckland and by way of a virtual site using Microsoft

Wai Hong Lai Unit 108B
Muhammad Bihan Unit 101C
Paula Ray Unit 207B
Christopher Stead Unit 208B
Marise Tihore Unit 209A
Rubina Bankapur Unit 205B
Tarso Girio & Gessika Fontana Unit 206C
David Gilmour & Natalie Peek Unit 201B
Maree Forsyth Unit 5C
Raymond Marsh of RRN Properties Unit 8A
Gavino & Daisy Torres Unit 2C
Neel Nitesh of Ntrio Investments Limited Unit 1A
Felipe & Jamile Novaes Unit 107B
Dhruval Mistry Unit 106B
Selena Jackson Unit 102C
Zoe-Edmee-Zarina Bourvis & Terryn Bruce Unit 102B
Ian Marshall Unit 105A
Sheetal Deo Unit 103C
Courtney Graham Unit 103B
Sheena Carman Unit 207C
Andrew Jeremy & Patricia Davis Unit 204B
Coradel Gulla Unit 203A
Gum Ja Aung Zahkung Unit 8C
Andrea Gibson Unit 2B
Sarah Jane Vlietman Unit 4C
Ruby Lim Unit 101B
Ryvan Singh Unit 104A
Maria Donvan of Staircase Property Management Ltd Units 107A, 10A, 202A & 6A
Janet McBain & Katie Worthy (Dymond McBain Facilities Management)
Naomi Tafea, Donna Postlewaight & Jilian Ofisa (Crockers Body Corporate Management Limited)
(As recorded on the Attendance Register)


▪ AN & AK Investment Limited of Unit 107A in favour of Maria Donovan of Staircase Property
Management Ltd.
▪ Mohammed Tajveez Ali & Rukshana Ali of Rata Investments Glendene Ltd of Unit 10A in favour
of Maria Donovan of Staircase Property Management Ltd.
▪ Cecillia & Gary Darling of Unit 202A in favour of Maria Donovan of Staircase Property
Management Ltd.
▪ Sharmel Investments Limited of Unit 6A in favour of Maria Donovan of Staircase Property
Management Ltd.

Marcel & Annette Hollis of Cafe Lifestyle Investments Ltd Unit 110A
Magadap Ltd Unit 2A
The Body Corporate manager confirmed that the meeting was quorate as at least 25% of the
principal units entitled to exercise a power of voting were represented.


Resolved by ordinary Resolution Naomi Tafea be elected chairperson for the meeting.
[T Bruce / C Graham Carried]


Resolved by ordinary resolution That the apologies, proxies and postal votes be received.
[F Novaes / A Gibson Carried]

The body corporate has completed the Health & Safety Report and Hazard Register for the complex,
which is held and available at any time on your MyCommunity portal. The Body Corporate
Committee will review the health and safety report, prioritise actions and update the hazard
register accordingly. In addition, health and safety will be placed on the agenda for every meeting.

Committee Note: We encourage all owners to take the time to ensure they have reviewed the body
corporate Hazard Register and advise any relevant parties of these hazards (e.g. guests, property
managers, visitors or tenants) where necessary. We also remind everyone that as a living document,
the committee will continue to update it as required. It is the responsibility of everyone, including
owners, tenants, visitors or contractors to be aware and assess the safety of the environment and
report any concerns immediately to the committee.

Resolved by ordinary resolution That the Body Corporate authorises the Committee to continually
review, action as necessary and update the Hazard Register for the complex, based on risks
identified and notified by any owner, resident or visitor, to ensure a safe environment for all.
[J Novaes / S Jackson Carried]


Resolved by ordinary resolution That in accordance with the provisions in Section 116 of the Unit
Titles Act 2010 the body corporate adopts the long term maintenance plan prepared by Solutions in
Engineering and dated 10 February 2023.
[F Novaes / A Gibson Carried]


The meeting was advised that Regulation 10 of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011 required that the
body corporate elect a chairperson of the body corporate. The chairperson's role is set out in
Regulation 11 of the Unit Titles Regulations and would be closely supported by Crockers Body
Corporate Management Ltd in a subservient capacity.

Resolved by ordinary resolution That Dhruval Mistry (Drew) of Unit 106B be appointed chairperson
of the body corporate.

Manager's Note: In accordance with section 112A(1) Unit Titles Act 2010 (UTA), the appointed Body
Corporate Chairperson is automatically a Committee member. Also, they are automatically the
Committee Chair, unless the Body Corporate passes an ordinary resolution under section 112A(2)
UTA that they are not the Committee Chair and the Committee shall appoint its own Chair (from the
rest of the Committee members) under Regulation 26(1).
[F Novaes / Z Bourvis Carried]


Resolved By ordinary resolution That the committee is to comprise of four (4) elected members and
the total number of members required to constitute a quorum is no fewer than three (3) members.
[J Novaes / C Graham Carried]


The body corporate manager advised owners that the role of the committee was to carry out (with
the assistance of the body corporate manager) the duties of the body corporate between general

Motion Put That the following members be declared elected to the committee in accordance with
the provisions of Section 112(2) of the Unit Titles Act 2010 and Regulations 22 & 24 in the Unit Titles
Regulations 2011 for the forthcoming year:
▪ Courtney Graham - Unit 103B
▪ Dhruval (Drew) Mistry Unit 106B
▪ Maree Forsyth - Unit 5C
▪ Terryn Bruce - Unit 102B
[F Novaes / A Gibson]

Amendment to Motion That the following members be declared elected to the committee in
accordance with the provisions of Section 112(2) of the Unit Titles Act 2010 and Regulations 22 & 24
in the Unit Titles Regulations 2011 for the forthcoming year:
▪ Courtney Graham - Unit 103B
▪ Dhruval (Drew) Mistry Unit 106B
▪ Terryn Bruce - Unit 102B

Resolved by ordinary resolution That the following members be declared elected to the committee
in accordance with the provisions of Section 112(2) of the Unit Titles Act 2010 and Regulations 22 &
24 in the Unit Titles Regulations 2011 for the forthcoming year:
▪ Courtney Graham - Unit 103B
▪ Dhruval (Drew) Mistry Unit 106B
▪ Terryn Bruce - Unit 102B

Manager’s Note: The Business Development Manager advised the meeting that should any owner be
interested in filling the vacant position on the Committee, to contact the BC Manager directly who
will arrange for an Extraordinary General Meeting. Alternatively, the next Committee election will
take place at the next AGM.


Resolved by special resolution That in accordance with the provisions of section 108(1) of the Unit
Titles Act 2010 and regulation 11(2) of the Unit Titles Regulations 2011 the duties of the body
corporate chairperson as set out in regulation 11(1), sub-paragraphs (a) to (m) included in the Unit
Titles Regulations are delegated to the committee, effective until the next annual general meeting.
[S Jackson / S Deo Carried]


Resolved by special resolution That in accordance with the provisions of section 108(1) of the Unit
Titles Act 2010 all the powers and duties of the body corporate are delegated to the body corporate
committee, with the exception of the powers and duties set out in section 108(2) of the Unit Titles
Act 2010 with effect until the next annual general meeting. The body corporate committee shall
report on the delegation to the body corporate at the next annual general meeting.
[J Novaes / T Bruce Carried]


▪ Additional cameras to be installed to cover parking areas: There was a general discussion
regarding the lack of security around the complex, particularly in the parking area, causing
safety concerns for residents. The meeting suggested additional security measures for the
complex including additional cameras to be installed around the parking area. The installation
of CCTV signage around the complex to discourage offenders was also suggested. The Building
Managers advised that the current security cameras have no computer/system and internet
connection to allow them to review footage, and therefore are required to engage a
contractor to review footage instead. The Committee alongside the Building Manager and BC
Manager to investigate options and advice on additional security measures. Owners were
advised to send any further suggestions to the elected Chairperson, Drew on 022 472 0874.

▪ Annual Fire Alarm Inspection: It was noted by several owners that during the recent annual
fire alarm inspection, the Contractors did not knock on the door prior to entering the Unit,
therefore causing distress and disturbance to residents who were home at the time. The
Building Managers to address the matter with South Pacific Fire to ensure that moving
forward, they knock loud enough for residents to hear.

▪ Master Key: It was noted that there is a master key in a lock box located to the bottom of the
stairwell in Building C that has been used by a leasing agency. The Business Development
Manager advised the meeting that she was not aware of the key, and that the only master key
available was with the Building Managers. The Business Development Manager to investigate
the issue as a matter of priority with a view to have the lock box removed, and the key given
to the Building Managers.

▪ Tow Away Warning Signs: It was noted that the issue around parking is ongoing, whereby
residents are parking in spaces that are not allocated to their Unit, as well as areas on
common property. Several owners suggested additional tow away warning signs to be erected
around the complex and yellow line painting on common property. Others suggested
requesting the current towing company to conduct regular surveillance around the complex or
installing a surveillance-based system to capture non-registered licence plates. The
Committee, BC Manager and Building Manager to further investigate the matter.

▪ Utility Billing Services: It was noted that the recent monthly utility bills appear to be higher
than what residents anticipated. The Business Development Manager advised the meeting the
bills include water and as well as electricity usage to clarify to those who understood the bill
to only be for water usage. The Manager confirmed post meeting that the bills are issued
monthly and not quarterly. Should residents wish to move to quarterly billing, to discuss the
matter directly with the Committee.

▪ Pets On Site: There was a general discussion regarding pets residing in the complex,
particularly pets that have not been approved by the body corporate. Owners are reminded
that consent is to be sought from the body corporate (committee sign off) prior to any pets
residing in the complex. Owners who have not sought consent from the body corporate to
contact the BC Manager as soon as possible for a copy of the pet consent form.

▪ Automatic Door Closure: It was noted that the doors to the hallways are not closing
automatically. The Building Managers advised that for compliance reasons, the doors should be
closing automatically. The Building Managers to further investigate.

▪ Additional Apartment Keys: The Building Managers advised that they are in the process of
transferring the lock system to Hardware Direct in Henderson. Owners currently are
purchasing additional keys to their Unit from Locksmith Hardware Direct in Newmarket. The
Building Managers will confirm to Owners once the transfer is complete.

▪ Body Corporate/ Account Manager: The meeting was introduced to Donna Postlewaight who
will be the future dedicated Account Manager for the Body Corporate. Contact details for
Donna will be sent out to all owners following the meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 7:30pm.

For and on behalf of
Crockers Body Corporate Management Limited
Manager for Body Corporate 578696

Naomi Tafea
Business Development Manager


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