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CIV101_MH_V3 MidTerm

1. The New Kingdom pharaoh Akhenaten introduced new ideas in art and religion.
2. In addition to preaching monotheism, the Jewish prophets also preached that religion was
not merely ritual, but also ethical behaviour.
3. The oracle at Delphi reputedly received messages from the god Apollo.
4. Which of the following was NOT among the changes that expansion of Greek trade had
initiated by 700 B.C.E.? Kings strengthened their absolute power by controlling the expanded
5. Athenian democracy di ered from modern democracy in many ways, with several groups
excluded. Which of the following were NOT excluded? Poor people
6. The Rosetta Stone was important because it was written in three scripts: Greek, cursive
Egyptian, and hieroglyphs, permitting the translation of the Egyptian language.
7. The Maccabees led a Jewish revolt against King Antiochus IV because he attempted to
Hellenize the Jews, and violated the Temple with an altar to Zeus.
8. Alexander’s legacy includes _____________
a. the blending of Greek and Asian cultures.
b. the idea of a single great empire of many peoples ruled by one king.
c. his political conquests, although in some regions these did not last long.
d. All these answers are correct.
9. The period of ancient Greek history that began with Alexander's conquest of Persia is called
the Hellenistic period.
10. Which of the following policies did Alexander NOT follow in his imperial rule? Destroying all
conquered cities to obliterate non-Greek culture .
11. The city-state that ultimately gained control of the entire Mediterranean was Rome.
12. The city of Carthage had an extensive trading network in the Mediterranean and Africa.
13. The Roman historian Livy attributed the success of the Romans to their upright character.
14. The Roman Republic established in 509 B.C.E. was an oligarchy controlled by the rich
15. The First Triumvirate was a political alliance of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus to bypass
most of the formal Roman political structure.
16. The mystery religions re ected the multiculturalism of the Roman Empire because of their
diverse cultural origins.
17. The in uential philosophy of Neoplatonism held that each person contained a spark of
divinity that could be cultivated through contemplation and proper living.
18. The dynasty of Augustus, the dynasty of Vespasian, and the era of the "Five Good Emperors"
all ended with the accession of an incompetent or viciously immoral son.
19. The Council of Nicaea stated that Christ had always existed.
20. During the Second Triumvirate, and before their nal showdown, Octavian forced the third
member, Lepidus, to retire.
21. The German tribe that was invited to cross the Danube to settle, and then defeated the
Romans at the Battle of Adrianople and sacked Rome in 410, was the Visigoths.
22. Pope Gregory the Great enhanced the position of the papacy by doing all of the following
EXCEPT formally ending the Arian heresy through his theological arguments.
23.The society of early Germans was often very warlike and based on kinship groups.
24. Justinian’s e orts to re-conquer the western Mediterranean led to the reconquest of North
Africa and a temporary reconquest of Italy.
25. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) was the author of a medical text that laid the foundation for
experimental science.
26. During his lifetime, Muhammad spread his religious beliefs to the Bedouin tribes from his
headquarters in Medina.
27. Before Muhammad, Mecca was already an important trading city with connections to
28. The major problem faced by Alfred the Great in Anglo-Saxon England was a major Danish
invasion that overran half of England.
29. All of the following were part of traditional German legal procedures EXCEPT a trial
conducted by professional judges.
30. Which of the following was NOT among the results of the age of the invasions of the Magyars,
the Vikings, and Muslim raiders? The physical area of Western civilization contracted.
31. The Neo-Babylonian Empire
a. was ruled by Alexander the Great.
b. rejected the Assyrian idea of bloody conquests.
c. saw the decline of Mesopotamian astronomy.
d. None of these answers is correct.
32. After the death of Solomon, his kingdom split in two: the northern kingdom of Israel and
the southern kingdom of Judah.
33. Which of the following was NOT one of the early Greek philosophers or scientists? Gilgamesh
34. The Greek Dark Ages commenced when the Mycenaean culture collapsed.
35. The Greek city-state was called a polis.
36. The Rosetta Stone was important because it was written in three scripts: Greek, cursive
Egyptian, and hieroglyphs, permitting the translation of the Egyptian language.
37. The monument at Alexandria regarded as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world was
the lighthouse, or Pharos.
38. Alexander’s legacy includes
a. the blending of Greek and Asian cultures.
b. the idea of a single great empire of many peoples ruled by one king.
c. his political conquests, although in some regions these did not last long.
d. All these answers are correct.
39. The period of ancient Greek history that began with Alexander's conquest of Persia is called
the Hellenistic period.
40. Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great,
a. participated in several Greek wars during the fourth century B.C.E.
b. reformed the Macedonian army, especially the phalanx, to make it more formidable.
c. hoped to unite the Greek city-states under his leadership.
d. All these answers are correct.
41. The city-state that ultimately gained control of the entire Mediterranean was Rome.
42. The neighbouring people that most in uenced the Romans' early development were the
43. According to Cicero, Romans, compared to other peoples, were superior because of their
reverence for the gods.
44. Caesar associated himself politically with the populares.
45. Which of the following was NOT a factor in the growing disparity between the rich and poor
during the second century B.C.E.? Small Roman farmers grew rich from the booty that owed
into Italy.
46. Which of the following Jewish groups withdrew from society and attempted to live pure lives?
47. The trade route by which precious goods moved from China to the Mediterranean was the
Silk Road.
48. In order to improve the lives of the Romans, Augustus promoted legislation to encourage
marriage, children, and traditional morality.
49. Which of the following is NOT true of the career of Jesus? He called for the overthrow of the
Roman government.
50. The government established by Augustus after 27 B.C.E. has come to be called the
51. Beginning with the rule of Septimius Severus in 193, the Roman Empire
became more militarized, with generals placed in positions of power.
52. The monastic movement founded by Benedict of Nursia established a balanced daily
regime of work and prayer.
53. After numerous wanderings, the Germanic Visigoths, who had started in eastern Europe,
settled in Spain.
54. Theodoric was a ruler of the Ostrogoths.
55. The 'Abbasid caliphate _________________
a. overthrew the Umayyads, claiming that it would restore spiritual authority to the caliphate.
b. moved the capital to Baghdad, which gave Islam a more Persian cultural avour.
c. never controlled the entire Islamic world, and gradually lost its political dominance.
d. All these answers are correct.
56. Muhammad believed that he was the Prophet of God, rescuing the divine message from
Christian and Jewish distortions.
57. Before Muhammad, Mecca was already an important trading city with connections to
58. What mutual enemy helped inspire cooperation between Charlemagne and the Islamic caliph
in Baghdad, Harun al-Rashid? The Byzantine empire
59. The most important legacy of early Germanic law in the Middle Ages was that it helped
establish the principles of rule of law and representative assemblies.
60. The Cluniac Order was a group of Benedictine monks who were accountable only to the
abbot at Cluny and through him, the pope.


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