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In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
Major in Marketing Management

January 2024


Chapter I: Introduction
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………………………… 6
Objective of the Study ………………………………………………………………….. 7
Hypothesis ……………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Theoretical Framework ……………………………………………………………….… 7
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………………. 8
Significance of the Study ……………………………………………………………….. 8
Time and Place of the Study …………………………………………………………… 9
Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………………………………….. 9
Definition of Terms …………………………………………………………………….….9
Chapter II: Review of Related Literature
Age ………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Sex ………………………………………………………………………………………..11
Brand Preferred Voice Assistant ………………………………………………………11
Utilitarian Benefit ……………………………………………………………………….. 13
Hedonic Benefit ………………………………………………………………………….13
Voice Assistant ………………….………………………………………………………14
Perceived Usefulness …………………………………………………………………...14
Perceived Ease of Use …………………………………………………..……………..15
Synthesis ………………………………………………………………………………….15
Chapter III: Methodology
Research Design ………………………………………………………………………...18
Source of Data …………………………………………………………………………...18
Participants of the Study ………………………………………………………………..18
Research Instrumentation ………………………………………………………………19
Sampling Technique …………………………………………………………………….20
Data Gathering Procedure ……………………………………………………………...20
Statistical Treatment of Data ……………………………………………………………20
Chapter IV: Results and Discussion
Demographic Profile ……………………………………………………………………. 23
Age ………………………………………………………………………………………... 23
Sex ………………………………………………………………………………………… 24
Brand Preferred Voice Assistant ……………………………………………………….. 25
Effect of Using AI Technology Voice Assistant on Purchase Intention ……………... 26

Utilitarian MCI …………………………………………………………………………… 26

Hedonic MCI …………………………………………………………………………….. 28

Level of Experience of Consumer on Using Voice Assistant on their Purchase

Intention …………………………………………………………………………………. 30

Perceived Usefulness …………………………………………………………………... 30

Perceived Ease of Use …………………………………………………………………. 32

Significant Difference Between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on Purchase

Intention ………………………………………………………………………………….. 34

Purchase Intention ………………………………………………………………………. 34

Effectiveness …………………………………………………………………………….. 34

Experience ……………………………………………………………………………….. 35

Chapter V

Summary …………………………………………………………………………………. 37

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………….. 39

Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………… ..41

References ………………………………………………………………………….…… 44



Artificial Intelligence or also known as AI, is a software where it copy how human

understand, collect information and communicate to other other people by the used

of technology or applications, such as chatbots, voice assistant, self driving car,

social media (Frankenfield, 2023). And one of those example of AI is voice assistant,

it’s a software where it recognize what the user convey via voice command and

respond to it, this VA can be found in speakers, smartphones, tablets, smartwatch

(Everything you need to know about voice assistants, 2022) under the well known

company such as Apple, Samsung, Amazon, Google. The primary benefit of voice

assistants is personalized service. Voice assistants provide suggestions based on

the interests, habits, and histories of its users, to which they have access through

algorithm-based systems. As a result, consumers get individualized suggestions that

offer relevant information, boosting the efficacy of the recommendations and

ultimately making it easier for them to make purchase intention.

Apple Siri is where you called to the voice assistant of Apple company, it created

for their products like iphone, ipad, Apple watch to have a smooth interaction with

users (O’boyle, 2021). Meanwhile the Google Assistant is the own version of Google,

but this version is support by text and voice command that will gathered the

information to the users. Other than that google assistant offer different variety such

as voice searching, voice command and voice activated device control (Picaro,

2023). This two brand of voice assistant are among the successful and famous voice

assistant in smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, unlike Alexa of Amazon it famous on


Considering all of this, the researchers decided to conduct this study which aims

to determine the effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention,

and what are the level of the experience of consumers on using Google Assistant

and Apple Siri on their purchase intention. Through the result of this paper the

researchers expect to give the developers on prioritizing features of the voice

assistant they should work on.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to investigate and answer the following research


1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents


b.Sex; and,

c.Brand preferred voice assistant

2.What is the effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention?

a.Utilitarian MCI; and

b.Hedonic MCI

3.What is the level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on their

purchase intention?

a.Perceived Usefulness; and,

b.Perceived ease of use

4. Is there a significant difference between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on

purchase intention?

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of google

assistant and SIRI on purchase intention of consumers. Specifically, the study aimed


1.Determine the demographic profile of the respondents ;

2.Identify the effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention.

3.To know the level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on their

purchase intention

4. Evaluate the significance difference between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri

on purchase intention.


Ho1: There is significance difference between the Google Assistant and Apple \

Siri on purchase intention.

Theoretical/ Conceptual Framework of the Study

Kautish, P., et al (2023) used the consumer innovativeness theory and SOR

model to explore the effect of motivated consumer innovativeness (functional or

utilitarian, hedonic and social) on the use of digital voice assistant on purchase

intention. Based on their findings that functional or utilitarian MCI and Hedonic MCI

for voice assistant has direct impact on purchase intention. If the usage of VA is

motivated by functional or hedonic, online customers' purchase intentions will rise.

Technology acceptance model (TAM) was proposed by Davis (1989) and recently

used by Oktavia, T., et al (2023), perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use

are to determine the experience regardless of using voice assistant.

It is used as the conceptual framework of the study. The purpose this is to show

the entire picture and overview of the study. The diagram represents the relationship

between independent variables which are the perceived of usefulness and perceived

ease of use, and the dependent variable in terms of Utilitarian Benefits, Hedonic

Benefits and how intervening variable affects them which is the demographic profile

of the respondents.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study would provide an adequate understanding of what

Google Assistant and Apple Siri are, and how these voice assistant effect and differ

in terms of the purchase intention of consumers. This study will be significant for

consumers, for this will help them to understand more the comparison between

google assistant and apple siri and what this two brand can offer to them and the

effect of using this two brand voice assistant on their purchase intention. Moreover,

for the Apple and Google Company this study would help them to distinguish how

their voice assistant affect the purchase intention of their consumer and by that they

can talk new concept that surely will help to their users. Lastly, for the Future

Researcher, this study could be source of reference and information for researchers

who wish to conduct a similar topic.

Time and Place of the Study

The study “Comparative Analysis of Google Assistant and Apple Siri towards

Purchase Intention of Consumers” will be conducted from 2023 to 2024 at Molino 2,

Bacoor City, Cavite.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will be focused on the comparison between google assistant and

Apple Siri on effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention and

the level of experience of consumers.The participants will be from Gen Z (18-29

years old), Millennial (30-44 years old), Gen X (45-60 years old) and Boomers II (60+

years old) to determine which generation are more using the AI voice assistant. The

respondents will be limited to the google assistant and Apple Siri users who lived in

Molino 2 City of Bacoor, Cavite. This study will be limited to, the conclusions and

findings are not being generalized on the total population of Cavite. Other aspects

that are not included in this paper were not be recognized.

Definition of Terms

To better understand the study, the following terms were defined conceptually as

they were used in the study.

Apple Siri - smart voice assistant made by Apple exclusive to their user.

Consumer - person who purchased the goods and services

Google Assistant - is a voice assistant for Android devices.

Hedonic - refers to entertainment or enjoyment that the consumer get while

using the product ot services.

Motivated Consumer Innovativeness (MCI) - proposes that innovative

consumers have a higher propensity to use innovative technologies. Innovative

consumers are often attracted by new technologies.

Perceived Usefulness - defined as the degree to which an individual believes

that using a particular technology would be beneficial.

Perceived ease of use - how easy user's lives have been made easier by AI

voice assistants

Purchase Intention - consumers are willing and interested to purchase a

product or service from the business.

Utilitarian - refers to the saving, convenience and quality that consumers will



This chapter focuses on related literature and studies that the researchers has

used to create this study. As references the researchers were taken from Journals,

Books, Articles, and studies from foreign and local authors.

Demographic Profile


According to Kinsella (2019), she stated that the voice assistant has been used

by the younger generation but surprisingly the boomers II or those ages 60+ also

tried the voice assistant on their smartphones. This four generation Gen Z, Millennial,

Gen X and Boomers II are showing a high rate of using and trying voice assistant,

were it is clear that this generations are aware on the voice assistant on



According to Obinali (2019), the level of acceptance of the person may differ

depending on their gender, while they getting information from voice assistant. On a

study of Muthukumaran, K., (2020) were the respondents of the study are 50.8% are

female and 49.2% are male. Results show that female respondents are skeptical in

using voice assistant in terms of shopping for the reason that the user’s voice is not

recognized or detected clearly and they receive error messages.

Brand Preferred Voice Assistant

According to Kinsela (2018), over one third of voice shoppers reported having

used more than one voice assistant to find product or make purchase. Among the

four brand of voice assistant only Apple Siri and Google Assistant shows higher rate

of users. According to Kinsella (2019), among the four brand voice assistant only

Apple Siri and Google Assistant show a high rate of user. But between these two

brand, Apple Siri got the highest rate of user than Google Assistant. The most

dominant relative market share among smartphone assistants is still held by Apple's

Siri. Its market share decreased somewhat in 2018 but remained at 45.1%, beating

off Samsung Bixby by 4.7% and Google Assistant by 29.9% (Kinsella, 2020).

Studying AIPA users' continuing intention would be useful in both academic and

practical contexts. Therefore, the main variables influencing continuing intention are

identified in this study. According to Marouckhani, P., (2020) The study

investigates how voice assistant users develop reuse intention and loyalty towards a

specific service provider brand, and how brand credibility influences perceived value.

MCI and Purchase Intention

According to (Kang et al., 2020), Purchase intentions show the likelihood that

customers will make a purchase decision. may be eager to buy a product or service

soon. Motivated Consumer Innovativeness or MCI this are the consumers who are

more likely to utilize new technology and often attracted by new technologies

(Hwang et al., 2019). The impact of reviews and product types on users&app, trust

and purchase intentions in voice shopping. Results showed that rating condition had

a positively significant effect on purchase intention and trust in voice shopping Seo,

J.; Lee, D.; Park, I. (2022). The study adds several significant theoretical ideas to the

body of literature. To the best of our knowledge, we start by explaining why

consumers choose to employ VA technology for the first time while buying fashion-

related products. Insights into the motivated consumer innovativeness for AI-enabled

VA use and their impact on purchase intention and awe experience among online

shoppers are provided by developing a complete model based on the consumer

innovativeness concept and broaden-and-build theory. Thus, we contribute to the

limited body of research on VA usage when shopping for clothing (Morotti et al.,

2022; Speicher, 2018).

Utilitarian - VA is applied with artificial intelligence, allowing the the task's conclusion

without particular instructions, so providing users benefit from conveniences (McLean

and Osei-Frimpong, 2019). According to Statista (2022), there could be 130 million

VA users in the US by 2025, which will create a huge potential for various retailers.

Voice assistants (VA) like Alexa, Google, and Siri are increasingly being used for

online purchasing. As this technology satisfies consumer demand for contextually-

relevant and highly personalized content that is delivered to the user in real-time, with

a high degree of reliability and convenience (Baier, Rese, & Röglinger, 2018; Wise,

VanBoskirk, & Liu, 2016).

Hedonic -.Customers who use AI voice assistant for shopping are aware of the joy

and pleasure they experience and tend to create amazement among their fellow

customers Kautish, P. et. al. (2023) . A hedonic determinant relates to the value of

enjoyment and fun brought about by a good, service, or technology. Hedonic

variables have gained enormous significance in the realm of technology over time

and are crucial to determining whether a technology is adopted or rejected (Poels et

al Cheng et al., Pihlstrom). According to Hamouda, M. (2021) this study aims to

model and empirically study the relationship between customer experience, utilitarian

and hedonic benefits and purchase intention when interacting with mobile

applications. According to Yin J, Qiu X. (2021) Perceived utilitarian and hedonic

value mediate the relationship between marketing technology experience and

consumers&apps; purchase intention, suggesting that technology can enhance

purchase intention through perceived value mediation. Consumers& apps, purchase

intentions are more influenced by perceived hedonic value than by perceived

utilitarian value. Consumers seek spiritual shopping experiences through modern

technology, enhancing pleasure and relaxation in online shopping. The influence of

hedonic MCI in predicting purchase intentions has been established in other

investigations (Alzayet and Lee, 2021; Hinsch et al., 2020). If customers enjoy using

VAs, they will be inclined to utilize them for a variety of tasks, including shopping for

clothes. In light of this justification, we contend that hedonic incentives are likely to

increase consumers' desire to buy fashion products when they experience

excitement, joy, or pleasure Sharma et al. (2022).

Voice Assistant

Voice assistants (VA) such as Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Cortana, and Bixby

are becoming increasingly popular among consumers (Darda, P. 2020). Voice

assistants (VA) are a sort of artificial intelligence that uses voice commands. Artificial

intelligence (AI) refers to some amount of intelligence demonstrated through digital

interfaces, or the capacity of computers to recreate intelligent human behavior. The

consumption culture of consumers is being transformed by VA, becoming a greater

component of consumers' social life (Poushneh, A. 2021).

Perceived Usefulness- According to Kim, S. (2021) The simpleness of a speech-

based engagement contributed to the favourable first reception to voice assistants.

Particularly, it was common to finish an engagement with a voice assistant by

expressing gratitude or providing criticism on the quality of the responses. Based on

the results, we discuss design recommendations that can enhance customer/user

initial interactions with voice assistants, such as improving understanding of how a

voice assistant functions, incorporating errors and typical patterns of interaction into

its design, and offering features specific to their requirements. According to the study

of Seo, J., Lee, D., & Park, I. (2022) consumer prefer voice shopping because its

convenience compared to web shopping. In voice shopping, voice assistant delivers

information about the product that a consumer wants to purchase. Voice Assistant is

likely to provide a passive product search process focusing on limited information on

recommending products delivered by voice agent.

Perceived ease of use - According to Flavian, C., Akdim, K., & Casalo, L. (2023)

Voice Assistant is a device that usually integrated as software into various platforms

and Bluetooth speaker that listen to for example is "Hey Google or Hey Siri" which

activate their functionality. Its software understand what is being said and provide a

response also it gives advice based on consumers preferences and habits. In a study

of Balakrishnan, J., et al. (2021) results show that perceived ease of use (PEOU) has

a substantial association with attitude towards using artificial intelligence voice

assistants (AIVA). The attitude towards using AI voice assistant is proven to be highly

significant in relation to perceived ease of use. The findings indicates how easy

user's lives have been made easier by AI voice assistants. This outcome can ba a

result of innovation of technology, where users prioritize effort saving over

information system (IS) performance.


In a study of Kinsella (2019) revealed that voice assistant was primarily used by

younger individuals, while as older individuals ages 60 and above are trying to use

voice assistants. This indicates that the generations are mindful of the existence of

voice assistants.

Obinali (2019) stated that acceptance level of an individual towards voice

assistants, differ depending on one’s gender. On a survey conducted in a study

published by Muthukumaran, K., (2020), 50.8% of female respondents are uncertain

in utilizing voice assistant for shopping purposes since their voices is not clearly


Kinsella (2020) stated that Apple Siri and Google Assistant have the highest user

rate among other voice assistants. Between the mentioned brands, Apple Siri has a

higher rate compared to Google Assistant.

According to a study of Shang, Q., et al (2020) when making purchase decision,

participants have higher buying intention with products having utilitarian benefits

rather than hedonic ones. A study reveals that utilitarian benefits , perceive ease of

use and perceive usefulness are important factors influencing customer’;s

perspective on voice shopping (B. Popp, et al. (2022)).

Hedonic motivation affects customer purchasing intentions effectively.

Customers buy products that makes them happy and satisfied, according to

Cayaban, C., et al. (2023). Introduction to modern technologies, like voice assistants,

can generate excitement and entertainment (Kautish, P., et al. (2023))

Worthington, (2021) mentioned that consumers intention to utilize a particular

technology increases together with their perspective on how simple and easy it is to

use. In a study of Seo, J., Lee, D., & Park, I. (2022) revealed that Customers

prefer voice purchasing over web shopping as it is more convenient.

Flavian, C., Akdim, K., & Casalo, L. (2022) revealed that AI voice assistant

recommendations have a huge impact on developing and affecting customer

purchasing decisions. Such technology can enhance the credibility and usefulness of

suggestions since they can record user preference.

By using the articles, journals and related literature, the researchers will be able

to investigate and enhance the research data. The materials will be studied by the

researchers to help them create an effective analysis. This will be easier for readers

to comprehend the study’s conclusion. Furthermore, the study above highlights the

significant effect of using Google Assistant and Apple Siri on consumer’s purchase

intention. Readers of the study may notice that the study contains evidence that there

is already a published academic article regarding the subject that discusses these

through a review of related literature and studies.


Research Design

The study will be use a descriptive analysis of data which will determine the

level of experience and effect of using google assistant and apple siri on consumers.

The researchers conducted a survey questionnaire on Molino 2 City of Bacoor,

Cavite. The participants age are all generations. The demographic profile of the

respondents was described using Descriptive methods, which comprise describing,

recording, evaluating, and interpreting data. The age, sex and brand preferred voice

assistant were utilized to determine the demographic profile using percentage.

Source of Data

The study will be conducted by using a structured survey questionnaire that

would be distributed online. The data gathered from the respondents will be the

primary source of data. The secondary data are the related studies, articles and

journals used by researchers as the basis of this study. Furthermore, the collected

data from the survey questionnaire and the secondary data will generate a more

reliable and accurate result.

Participants of the Study

In this study there will be 396 respondents participated which are the google

assistant and Apple Siri user in Molino 2 City of Bacoor, Cavite each of them answer

the survey questionnaire to determine the comparison between Google Assistant and

Apple Siri on purchase intention and effect of experience using this voice assistant.

Slovin’s Formula. This was used to determine the number of participants in the



1+ Ne 2


n = number of participants in the study

N = population in the study

e = sampling error


N = 42,395 (total population of Molino 2 City of Bacoor, Cavite)

e = 5% = 0.05

n= 2
1+ N e
¿ 2
1+ 42,395 ( 0.05 )

n = 396.26 or 396 participants

Research Instrumentation

To gather the appropriate data need, the questionnaires contains with 4 parts.

Part 1 will be ask for the profile of the respondent. The tool for profile was made by

the researcher it will be determine the age, sex and brand preferred voice assistant.

Part 2 and 3 is the tool to determine the comparison between google assistant and

apple siri on purchase intention of consumers.

Sampling Technique

To collect respondents, the researchers used Simple Random Sampling.

According to Thomas, L. (2020) A simple random sample is a subset of a population

chosen at random. Each member of the population has an exact equal probability of

getting chosen using this sampling procedure in which a researcher starts will select

randomly by asking those initial participants to participate again to determine who

else should take part in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will provide the survey questionnaire to the Google Assistant

and Apple Siri users who lived in Molino 2 City of Bacoor, Cavite. After which the

researchers distributed the survey questionnaire through online or in person.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will use the following statistical

treatment. The Frequency and Percentage distribution, Weighted Mean and Likert

scale are the tools use to interpret data.

1. Percentage. This will be used to set the percentage of the profile of

respondents in terms of Age, Sex and Brand Preferred Voice Assistant.


P= x 100 %

P = percentage

f = frequency

n = total number of respondents

2. Weighted Mean. This will be used to determine the level of purchase

intention and effect of experience on using Google Assistant and Apple Siri.


❑ wx
W . M .=

WM = weighted mean

x = frequency

w = weight

n = total number of respondents

3. Likert Scale. This will used to interpret the level of purchase intention of

the consumers.

Table 1. The Four-Point likert scale used in rating the effect of using AI technology
Voice Assistant on purchase intention
4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very Effective
3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree Effective
2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree Slight Effective
1 1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree Not Effective

Table 1. The Four-Point likert scale used in rating the level of experience using
Google Assistant and Apple Siri.
4 3.26 - 4.00 Strongly Agree Very High Experience
3 2.51 - 3.25 Agree High Experience
2 1.76 - 2.50 Disagree Less Experience
1 1.00 - 1.75 Strongly Disagree No Experience

4. T-test for Independent Samples. This will be used to determine the

difference between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on purchase intention.


x1 − x2

√( SS 1 +SS 2
n1 +n2 −2 )( 1 1
n1 n2 )

x1 = the mean of respondents using google assistant

x2 = the mean of respondents using apple Siri

SS1 = sum of squares of the first group of respondents

SS2 = sum of squares of the second group of respondents

n1 = total number respondents using google assistant

n2 = total number respondents using apple Siri


In this chapter all of the information that the researchers collected during the survey

is included. The study results are presented in tables, and the data for quantitative

analysis is presented. The researchers tabulated all of the results to enable a clearer

presentation and comprehension of the data. The researchers were able to survey

the entire Molino 2 barangay in City of Bacoor with a total respondents of 396.

Demographic Profile

The table below categories the number of respondents by age, sex and brand

preferred voice assistant. All survey participants are consumers who used Google

Assistant and Apple Siri in their purchase intention and have enough knowledge and

experience on using voice assistant, and who completed the survey from October 23

to November 10, 2023.


Table 3. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age

18 - 29 years old 260 65.66%
30 - 44 years old 65 16.41%
45 - 60 years old 50 12.63%
60 years old and above 21 5.30%

TOTAL 396 100

The table above shows the age groups of the respondents. The researchers

found that two hundred and sixty respondents (65.66%) were between ages of 18-29

years old. Sixty - five respondents (16.41%) were between age of 30 - 44 years old.

Fifty respondents (12.63%) were between the ages of 45 - 60 years old and twenty -

one respondents (5.30%) were over the age of 60 years old, for a total of 396

respondents (100%).

According to Kinsella (2019), younger consumers are also more likely to utilize

voice assistant on smartphones, but suprisingly the boomers II or ages over 60 years

old are also tried voice assistant on their smartphones. Young adults between the

ages of 18 - 29 years old have shown that they use voice assistant frequently in their

purchase intention than the other age groups. Young adults are more active in using

voice assistant in their purchase intention because they are more aware about the

latest trends, technology and software that are currently lunching now a days, and

one of that is the Artificial Intelligences or AI and the advantage that can provide it to

them. They think that using AI voice assistant now a days is very convenient in

serching product information or product alternatives for their product they intend to


It implies that majority of the AI voice assistant users are the ages between 18 -

29 years old. It means that they are more often to used voice to find or purchase

products using voice assistant.


Table 4. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex


Male 207 52.27%

Female 189 47.73%

TOTAL 396 100

The table 4 show the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex.

Out of 396 respondents, two hundred and seven respondents (52.27%) were male,

whereas one hundred and eighty - nine respondents (47.73%) were female.

Accroding to Obinali (2019), the level of acceptance of the person may differ

depending on their gender. In the study of Muthukumaran (2020), 50.8% are females

and 49.2% are male who used voice assistant. In the data presented above it shown

that male respondents are more using voice assistant for their purchase intention

rather than female respondents.

It implies that male are more active in using voice assistant specially when they

are in work or they tend to search something on internet.

Brand Preferred Voice Assistant

Table 5. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of brand preferred voice

Google Assistant 198 50.00%
Apple Siri 198 50.00%

TOTAL 396 100

The table 5 shown the brand preferred voice assistant of the respondents. As

shown in the table, Google Assistant and Apple Siri has the same total number of

respondents were one hundred and ninety - eight respondents each for a total of 396

respondents overall.

According to Kinsela (2018), over one third of voice shoppers reported having

used more than one voice assistant to find product or make purchase. Among the

four brand of voice assistant only Apple Siri and Google Assistant shows higher rate

of users. Consumers want to use their voice to shop and to accomplish their daily

task, were the market share of Google Assistant and Apple Siri consumers can make

now a better decision which product or brand will suit to them.

It implies that Google Assistant and Apple Siri are the top brand in voice

assistant who give accurate, fast and easy to use on the consumers for their

shopping intention.

Effect of Using AI Technology Voice Assistant on Purchase Intention

Utilitarian MCI

Table 6. Effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention in terms

of utilitarian MCI
W.M. V.I. W.M. V.I.
1. AI-enabled VA services are equally
convenient and easy to use on web and 3.29 VE 3.32 VE
mobile interfaces.
2. AI-enabled services such as
personalized voice-based agents are
3.14 E 3.23 E
quite compatible with web and mobile
3. AI-enabled VA services seem to be
efficient when finding a product or brand 3.18 E 3.27 VE
to purchase.
4. I felt AI-enabled VA services e.g., 3D and
stereoscopic virtual reality etc. are 3.03 E 3.16 E
comfortable to use.
5. AI enable VA services can quickly give
3.15 E 3.29 VE
information and accurate results.
6. AI-enabled VA services are reliable. 3.06 E 3.20 E


Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 = Very Effective (VE); 2.51 – 3.25 = Effective (E);
1.76 – 2.50 = Slightly Effective (SE); 1.00 – 1.75 = Not Effective (NE)
Table 6 shows that Google Assistant respondents interpreted as Effective on

using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention in terms of Utilitarian MCI,

showing a general weighted mean of 3.14. The respondents interpreted as Very

Effective the AI enable Voice Assistant services are equally convenient and easy to

use on web and mobile interfaces with the weighted mean of 3.29. The second

statement where in the AI enabled services such as personalized voice based agents

are quite compatible with web and mobile interfaces, interpreted as Effective with the

weighted mean of 3.14. The third statement where it seem to be efficient when

finding a product or brand to purchase, interpreted as Effective (weighted mean of

3.18). The fourth statement, I felt AI enabled VA services e.g., 3D and stereoscropic

virtual reality etc. are comfortable to use, interpreted as Effective (weighted mean of

3.03). The respondents interpreted as Effective the AI enable service can quickly give

information and accurate results, with the weighted mean of 3.15. They also

interpreted as Effective that AI enable services are reliable, with the weighted mean

of 3.06.

On the other hand, Apple Siri respondents interpreted as Effective on using AI

technology voice assistant on purchase intention in terms of Utilitarian MCI, showing

a general weighted mean of 3.24. The respondents interpreted as Very Effective the

AI enable Voice Assistant services are equally convenient and easy to use on web

and mobile interfaces with the weighted mean of 3.32. The second statement where

in the AI enabled services such as personalized voice based agents are quite

compatible with web and mobile interfaces, interpreted as Effective with the weighted

mean of 3.23. The third statement where it seem to be efficient when finding a

product or brand to purchase, interpreted as Very Effective (weighted mean of 3.27).

The fourth statement, I felt AI enabled VA services e.g., 3D and stereoscropic virtual

reality etc. are comfortable to use, interpreted as Effective (weighted mean of 3.16).

The respondents interpreted as Very Effective the AI enable service can quickly give

information and accurate results, with the weighted mean of 3.29. They also

interpreted as Effective that AI enable services are reliable, with the weighted mean

of 3.20.

According to Moriuchi (2019), customers buy products online due to the

functional or utilitarian benefits offered by the voice assistant. Several authors

pointed out that utilitarian MCI affects purchase intention (Chopra, 2019; Esfahani

and Reynolds, 2021). These Voice Assistant allows individuals to multi-task with less

effort and offer convenience task where it increase the purchase intention among

online shoppers.

It implies that the Utilitarian MCI, effect the purchase intention because most of

the consmers now and then when they using Google Assistant and Apple Siri they

becoming wise and active in searching a product or brand, especially when the

services is equally convenient and easy to use on web and mobile interfaces.

Hedonic MCI

Table 7. Effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase intention in terms

of hedonic MCI
W.M. V.I. W.M. V.I.
1. I enjoy using AI Voice Assistant to search
for the next product or brand to 3.14 E 3.03 E
2. Searching for the next product to
purchase on AI voice assistant fulfill my 2.98 E 2.96 E
social demands.
3. Searching for a product on AI voice
2.88 E 2.92 E
assistant satisfies my lifestyle demands.
4. With the support of AI voice assistant, it
can bring me a sense of surprise and 3.07 E 3.16 E
5. I feel immediate satisfied whenever I use
3.03 E 3.04 E
AI voice assistant


Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 = Very Effective (VE); 2.51 – 3.25 = Effective (E);
1.76 – 2.50 = Slightly Effective (SE); 1.00 – 1.75 = Not Effective (NE)

Table 7 shows the effect of using AI technology voice assistant on purchase

intention in terms of Hedonic MCI. Based on the table, the general weighted mean for

Google Assistant was 3.04, interpreted as effective and Apple Siri has a general

weighted mean of 3.06, interpreted as effective.

In Google Assistant, the weighted mean in the statement; I enjoy using AI voice

Assistant to search for the next product or brand to purchase is 3.14 interpreted as

effective. The statement; searching for the next product to purchase on AI voice

assistant fulfill my social demands has a weighted mean of 2.98, interpreted as

effective. The weighted mean of the statement; Searching for a product on AI voice

assistant satisfies my lifestyle demand is 2.88, interpreted as effective. In the

statement ; that AI voice assistant can bring a sense of surprise and curiosity has a

weighted mean of 3.07 and interpreted as effective. The statement, I feel immediate

satisfied whenever I use AI voice assistant has a weighted mean of 3.03 and

interpreted as effective.

In Apple Siri; the statement, I enjoy using AI Voice Assistant to search for the

next product or brand to purchase has a weighted mean of 3.03, interpreted as

effective. The statement, Searching for the next product to purchase on AI voice

assistant fulfill my social demands has a weighted mean of 2.96, interpreted as

effective. The weighted mean of the statement, Searching for a product satisfies my

lifestyle demands is 2.92, interpreted as effective . In the statement, that AI voice

assistant can bring sense of surprise and curiosity has a weighted mean of 3.16 and

interpreted as effective. The statement, I feel immediate satisfied whenever I use AI

voice assistant has a weighted mean of 3.04 and interpreted as effective.

Google Assistant and any other voice assistant cannot be cannot be completely

considered "voice - only shopping" but a "voice - assisted

process" Persichetti, VC 2019) As stated in the study of AI Adwan., Aldwan, R.

(2022) findings show that hedonic and utilitarian values plays a significant role in a

consumers purchase intention using AI technology such as voice assistant.

Consumers more likely to prefer the spiritual experience of pleasure, relaxation and

stimulation of purchase intention generated by AI technology in online shopping

platforms. As AI technology provide significant insights to the consumers, it does not

only improve consumers utilitarianism but also encourages pleasure in the

purchasing process though curiosity, desire and interest. The study also reveals that;

high contact with AI technology can generate customers enjoyment. Thus, hedonic

and utility values show a clear connection on consumers AI technology experience

and their purchase intention.

It indicates that using Google Assistant and Apple Siri has an effect on the

purchase intention of consumers in terms of Hedonic MCI. Majority of the

respondents enjoy using voice assistant in searching for their next products to


Level of Experience of Consumer on Using Voice Assistant on their Purchase
Perceived Usefulness

Table 8. Level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on their purchase

intention in terms of perceived usefulness
W.M. V.I. W.M. V.I.
1. Using a voice assistant improves my
experience on searching a product or 3.12 HE 2.92 HE
brand to purchase.
2. Using a voice assistant increases my
time‐effectiveness when I am gathering 3.06 HE 3.07 HE
information for purchasing.
3. Using a voice assistant would enable me
to accomplish my interest in a specific 2.94 HE 2.93 HE
product or brand to purchase.
4. Using a voice assistant enhances my
satisfaction, experience and brand 2.90 HE 2.99 HE
5. I find the recommendation from AI voice
3.04 HE 3.00 HE
assistant very informative.

6. Using a voice assistant are better than

2.80 HE 2.80 HE
using real customer agents

7. Voice assistants can immediately provide

2.93 HE 2.98 HE
product suggestions that are to my liking.

8. Voice Assistant is convenient when

shopping, as it offers a wide variety of 3.05 HE 3.02 HE


Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 = Very High Experience (VHE); 2.51 – 3.25 = High Experience (HE);
1.76 – 2.50 = Less Experience (LE); 1.00 – 1.75 = Not Experience (NE)
Table 8 shows the level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on

their purchase intention in terms of perceived usefulness. The general weighted

mean for Google Assistant was 2.93 interpreted as with high experience and Apple

Siri has a general weighted mean of 2.94, interpreted as with High Experience.

In Google Assistant, respondents had a high experience in using voice assistant

in improving their experience in searching for a product or brand with a weighted

mean 3.12. The statement; using voice assistant increases time - effectiveness while

gathering information has a weighted mean of 3.06, interpreted as with high

experience. In the statement using voice assistant can accomplish interest in a

specific product or brand to purchase has a weighted mean of 2.94 and interpreted

as with high experience. The weighted mean of the statement; using voice assistant

enhances satisfaction, experience and brand loyalty was 2.90 and interpreted as with

high experience. The statement; I find the recommendation from AI voice assistant

very informative has a weighted mean of 3.04, interpreted as with high experience. In

the statement; using voice assistant are better than using real customer agents has

a weighted mean of 2.80, interpreted as with high experience. The respondents had

a high experience in voice assistant providing product suggestions that are to their

liking with a weighted mean of 2.93. The weighted mean of the statement; voice

assistant is convenient in shopping was 3.05 and interpreted as with high experience.

In Apple Siri, respondents had a high experience in using voice assistant in

improving their experience in searching for a product or brand with a weighted mean

2.92. The statement; using voice assistant increases time - effectiveness while

gathering information has a weighted mean of 3.07, interpreted as with high

experience. In the statement using voice assistant can accomplish interest in a

specific product or brand to purchase has a weighted mean of 2.93 and interpreted

as with high experience. The weighted mean of the statement; using voice assistant

enhances satisfaction, experience and brand loyalty was 2.99 and interpreted as with

high experience. The statement; I find the recommendation from AI voice assistant

very informative has a weighted mean of 3.00, interpreted as with high experience. In

the statement; using voice assistant are better than using real customer agents has a

weighted mean of 2.80, interpreted as with high experience. The respondents had a

high experience in the statement; voice assistants can quickly give product

suggestions that are to their liking, and had a weighted mean of 2.98. The weighted

mean for the statement; voice assistant is convenient in shopping was 3.02 and

interpreted as with high experience.

According to the study of AI-Fraihat, D., Alzaidi, M., Joy, M. (2023) findings show

that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness are essential predictors of a

consumers intention to use voice assistant for shopping intention. these factors play

a significant role in their decision to use voice assistant for shopping purposes.

Respondents felt confident in using voice assistant for shopping purposes and found

them useful for improving their shopping performance and experience. They found

learning to operate voice assistant for shopping purposes to be easy and that using

them help accomplish their shopping more quickly.

It implies that the majority of Google Assistant and Apple Siri respondents have

high experience in terms of using voice assistant on their purchase intention. Using

voice assistant enhances their experience in looking for their desired product or

brand to purchase.

Perceived Ease of Use

Table 9. Level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on their purchase

intention in terms of perceived ease of use
W.M. V.I. W.M. V.I.
1. AI voice assistant are easy to use. 3.34 VHE 3.37 VHE
2. Shopping does not require a lot of my
mental efforts if supported by AI 3.00 HE 2.93 HE
(alternatives are offered by AI).
3. Shopping is not so complicated if AI
2.99 HE 2.97 HE
voice assistant offers products to me.

4. My interaction with AI voice assistant is

2.94 HE 3.10 HE
clear and understandable.

5. It is easy to become expert at using AI

3.08 HE 3.15 HE
voice assistant.


Legend: 3.26 – 4.00 = Very High Experience (VHE); 2.51 – 3.25 = High Experience (HE);
1.76 – 2.50 = Less Experience (LE); 1.00 – 1.75 = Not Experience (NE)
Table 9 shows the level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on

their purchase intention in terms of perceived ease of use. The general weighted

mean for Google Assistant was 3.05 interpreted as High Experience and Apple Siri

has a general weighted mean of 3.08, interpreted as High Experience.

In Google Assistant, the respondents interpreted as Very High Experience on

how AI voice assistant are easy to use, with the weighted mean of 3.34. The second

statement, respondents interpreted as High Experience on shopping does not require

a lot of mental efforts if its supported by alternatives offered by AI (weighted mean of

3.00). The respondents interpreted as High Experience on shopping is not so

complicated if AI voice assistant offers products to me, with the weighted mean of

2.99. The fourth statement, my interaction with AI voice assistant is clear and

understandable interpreted as High Experience by the respondents with the weighted

mean of 2.94. They also interpreted as High Experience on easy to use to become

expert at using AI voice assistant, with the weighted mean of 3.08.

In Apple Siri, the respondents interpreted as Very High Experience on how AI

voice assistant are easy to use, with the weighted mean of 3.37. The second

statement, respondents interpreted as High Experience on shopping does not require

a lot of mental efforts if its supported by alternatives offered by AI (weighted mean of

2.93). The respondents interpreted as High Experience on shopping is not so

complicated if AI voice assistant offers products to me, with the weighted mean of

2.97. The fourth statement, my interaction with AI voice assistant is clear and

understandable interpreted as High Experience by the respondents with the weighted

mean of 3.10. They also interpreted as High Experience on easy to use to become

expert at using AI voice assistant, with the weighted mean of 3.15

According to Lunney et al (2016), PEOU is a key determinant in smart retail

technology. Easeo of use for AI voice assistant are easy to operate and interact with

the program. Consumers who used voice assistant can easily to operate and interact

with the product or brand they want to search where it can help to increase their

intention to buy.

It implies that in terms of Perceived Ease of Use, the level of experience highly

influences the purchase intention of Google Assistant and Apple Siri users. Mostly of

the consumers they used voice assistant when it’s easy to use.

Significant Difference Between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on

Purchase Intention

Table 10. Comparative analysis between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on
purchase intention
Utilitarian MCI T = -1.992 0.047 Reject Ho Significant

Hedonic MCI T = -0.319 0.750 Fail to Reject Ho Not Significant

T = -1.185 0.237 Fail to Reject Ho Not Significant
T = -0.155 0.877 Fail to Reject Ho Not Significant
Perceived Ease
T = -0.531 0.596 Fail to Reject Ho Not Significant
of Use
T = -0.351 0.726 Fail to Reject Ho Not Significant
Level of significance (α = 0.05)
Decision: If p-value < level of significance, then reject the null hypothesis (Ho), otherwise, fail to reject Ho.

Table 10 shows that the computed T- Statistic of Utilitarian MCI is - 1.992 with an

associated probability value of 0.047 was less than 0.05 level of significance, which

means that the null hypothesis was rejected. It shows that there is a significant

difference the effectiveness between Google Assistant and Apple Siri in terms of

Utilitarian MCI.

Hedonic MCI shows that the computed T-Statistic was 0.319 with an associated

probability value of 0.750 was greater than 0.05 level of significance, which means

that the null hypothesis was failed to reject. It shows that there is no significant

difference in the effectiveness between Google Assistant and Apple Siri in terms of

Hedonic MCI.

Furthermore, the overall effectiveness has a computed T-statistic of 1.185 with

an associated probability value of 0.237 was greater than 0.05 level of significance,

which means that the null hypothesis was failed to reject. In conclusion there is no

significant difference in the effectiveness of Google Assistant and Apple Siri.


Table 10 shows the computed T- statistic of Perceived Usefulness -0.155 with an

associated probability value of 0.877 was greater than the 0.05 level of significance,

which means that the null hypothesis was Fail to Reject. It shows that there is no

significant difference in the experience between Google Assistant and Apple Siri

respondents on their purchase intention in terms of Perceived Usefulness.

In Perceived Ease of Use, shows that the computed T- statistics was -0.531 with

an associated probability value of 0.596 was greater than the 0.05 level of

significance, which means that the null hypothesis was Fail to Reject. It shows that

there is no significant difference in the experience between Google Assistant and

Apple Siri respondents on their purchase intention in terms of Perceived Ease of


Moreover, the experience of the respondents shows the computed T- statistics of

-0.351 with an associated probability value of 0.726 was greater than the 0.05 level

of significance, which means that the null hypothesis was Fail to Reject. It shows that

there is no significant difference in the Experience of Google Assistant and Apple Siri

respondents on their purchase intention in terms of Perceived Usefulness and

Perceived Ease of Use.

Table 11. Mean analysis between the effectiveness of Google Assistant and Apple
Siri on purchase intention in terms of utilitarian MCI
Google Assistant 3.14 Effective
Apple Siri 3.24 Effective
Table 11 shows the mean analysis between the effectiveness of Google

Assistant and Apple Siri on purchase intention of consumers in the matter of

utilitarian MCI. Based on the table, Google Assistant has a mean of 3.14 interpreted

as effective and Apple Siri has a mean of 3.24 also interpreted as effective. It

appears that both AI voice assistant has an effect on the consumers purchase

intention in terms of utilitarian MCI.



The study entitled "Comparative Analysis of Google Assistant and Apple Siri

towards Purchase Intention of Consumers". This study was intended to determine the

comparison in terms of effectiveness and level of experience between google

assistant and apple siri on the purchase intention of the consumers. Also to find out if

there is a significant difference between Google Assistant and Apple siri on purchase


This study was conducted around barangay Molino 2 City of Bacoor, Cavite from

October 23 to November 10, 2023. The researchers distributed the survey

questionnaire to the respondents thru personal interview and to know their response.

A total of 396 respondents were chosen to answer the survey questionnaire.

The data analyzed through questionnaires. The researchers used a percentage

to determine the demographic profile of the respondents. Weighted mean was also

used to determine the level of experience and effect of using Google Assistant and

Apple Siri towards the purchase intention of the consumers, while Likert scale was

used to interpret the level of purchase intention of the consumers. Furthermore, T-

test for Independent Samples used to determine the difference between Google

Assistant and Apple Siri on purchase intention.

The study revealed the following:

1. Demographic Profile of the respondents

Results showed that the majority of the respondents were ranging 18-29 years

old with a total of 65.66 percent, 30-44 years old with 16.41 percent, 45-60 years old

with 12.63 percent and 60 years old and above with 5.30 percent. In terms of Sex,

Male are more often using Google Assistant and Apple Siri than females. It show that

207 with a percentage of 52.27 are males while 189 with a percentage of 47.73 are

from females. It shows that male are preferably using voice than typing like we

females do prefer typing.

2. Effects of Using AI technology Voice Assistant on consumers

The study revealed that both sets of respondents from Google Assistant and Apple

Siri were interpreted effective that utilitarian MCI effect the purchase intention on

using AI technology voice assistant, with a general weighted mean of 3.14 for Google

Assistant and 3.24 in Apple Siri. Among the statements under the variable of

utilitarian MCI; respondents interpreted as very effective when the services are

equally convenient and easy to use on web and mobile interfaces with a weighted

mean of 3.29 in Google Assistant and 3.32 in Apple Siri, in terms of AI enabled VA

services seem to be efficient when finding a product or brand to purchase

respondents interpreted as effective with a weighted mean of 3.18 in Google

Assistant and 3. 27 in Apple Siri and interpreted as very effective, and in terms of

quickly give information and accurate results the respondents interpreted as effective

with a weighted mean of 3.15 in Google Assistant and 3.29 in Apple Siri and

interpreted as very effective. Furthermore, the study revealed that both sets of

respondents from Google Assistant and Apple Siri were interpreted effective that

hedonic MCI effect the purchase intention of consumer on using AI technology voice

assistant, with a general weighted mean of 3.04 for Google Assistant and 3.06 in

Apple Siri.

3. Level of Experience on Using AI technology on voice assistant on their

purchase intention

Results show that the respondents had high level of experience on using both AI

voice assistant in terms of perceived usefulness, with Google Assistant having a

general weighted mean of 2.93 and Apple Siri having 2.94. Additionally, results also

shows that both set of respondents of Google Assistant and Apple Siri had high

experience on using AI voice assistant in terms of perceived ease of use, were

Google Assistant having a general weighted mean of 3.05 and Apple Siri having

3.08. Among the statements under the variable of perceived ease of use;

respondents have a very high experience that AI voice assistant are easy to use

were Google Assistant weighted mean of 3.34 and Apple Siri with a 3.37 weighted


4. Significance Difference between the Google Assistant and Apple Siri on

Purchase Intention.

The study showed that there is significant difference on effectiveness using

Google Assistant and Apple Siri in terms of utilitarian MCI. However, results revealed

that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of Google Assistant and

Apple Siri in terms of hedonic MCI. There has no significant difference on the level of

experience on using Google Assistant and Apple Siri in terms of perceived

usefulness and perceived ease of use when they used it for their purchase intention.

5. Analysis between the Effectiveness of Google Assistant and Apple Siri on

purchase intention in terms of utilitarian MCI.

The study showed that between the effectiveness of Google Assistant and Apple

Siri on purchase intention, Apple Siri is way more effective than Google Assistant in

terms of utilitarian with a weighted mean of 3.24.


Based on the study Comparative Analysis of Google Assistant and Apple

iPhone towards Purchase Intention of Consumers, the conclusions were drawn.

The researchers determined the age and sex of the participants in the study.

The age range of the respondents was between 18 and 60, indicating that the

participants were young adults to adults. 260 participants were ages18-29, 65 were

ages 30-44, 50 were ages 45-60, and 21 were ages 60 above and above, for a total

of 396. This suggests that, at this age, they still have experience having assistants.

In terms of sex, the majority of the participants were male, accounting for 207

out of 396, while the remaining 189 were female.

Based on the study presented, both Google Assistant and Apple Siri were

preferred by the consumers. On the effect of using AI technology voice assistants on

purchase intention in terms of utilitarian MCI, the respondents were able to respond

to the question that AI-enabled VA services are equally convenient and easy to use

on web and mobile interfaces, with the highest mean of 3.29 on Google Assistant,

which indicates that they found it effective. While in terms of Apple Siri, they respond

that AI enabled VA services can quickly give information and accurate results, with

the highest mean of 3.29 as well. Both Google Assistant and Apple Siri fall under

Effective as interpreted by the general weighted mean of 3.14 and 3.24, respectively.

Therefore, the participants purchase the product based on its function and economic

benefit. On the other hand, when it comes to hedonistic MCI, the respondents were

able to respond that they enjoy using AI Voice assistant to search for the next

product or brand to purchase, with the highest mean of 3.14 on Google Assistant,

which indicates that the participants used the assistant for purchasing. While, on

Apple Siri, the participants were able to respond to, With the support of an AI voice

assistant, it can bring me a sense of surprise and curiosity, with the highest mean of

3.16. Both fall under Effective with a general weighted mean of 3.04 and 3.06,

respectively. This indicates that both pleasure and excitement, as well as prioritizing

the purpose of the product, were considered by the consumers.

Based on the level of experience of consumer on using voice assistant on

their purchase intention in terms of usefulness and ease of use, the Google Assistant

and Apple Siri had a general weighted mean of 2.93 and 3.05, and 2.94 and 3.08,

respectively. This falls under high experience, meaning the participants found that

both provided improvements in their experience while using the assistants, saved

time in accomplishing purchases, provided suggestions to shop with and it was easy

to use.

The study concludes that there is a significant difference between the Google

Assistant and Apple Siri on purchase intention in terms of utilitarian because the T-

Statistic of Utilitarian MCI is - 1.992 with an associated probability value of 0.047 was

less than 0.05 level of significance. In terms of hedonic, perceived usefulness, and

perceived ease of use, shows no significant difference due to the results of computed

T- statistics of -0.155, -0.531, and -0.351 with probability values of 0.877, 0.596, and

0.726, respectively. This indicates that it is greater than the level of significance.

Overall, the study shows that Google Assistant and Apple Siri are both good

for consumers. There’s no big difference when it comes to using them when it comes

to providing information, especially in giving suggestions for purchasing.


Based on the study’s findings on the Comparative Analysis of Google

Assistant and Apple Siri towards Purchase Intention of Consumers, the following

recommendations are proposed for future researchers and practical applications.

1. For the improvement of the study, the researchers look forward that, in

addition to the factors considered in profiling, such as age, sex, and brand preferred,

other important variables such as social class, occupation can be included to help

assess the comparison between google assistant and apple siri towards purchase

intention. Another is given the study’s findings that young adults, particularly males,

are the primary users of Google Assistant and Apple Siri, it is crucial for these

technologies to tailor their features and marketing strategies to this demographic.

This could involve enhancing the integration of services that are popular among

young adults, such as product discovery, personalized shopping experience,

shopping comparison, ensuring that these voice assistants remain relevant and

appealing to their main user base.

2. Based on the assessment on the effect of using AI technology on purchase

intention, we recommend that both Google Assistant and Apple Siri should continue

to improve their functionalities in these areas. This could include refining AI

algorithms for more accurate and efficient task performance, and introducing more

engaging and interactive features to enhance the overall user experience.

3. Based on the level of experience of using AI voice assistant on purchase

intention. This approach would not only improve each assistant’s capabilities but also

provide a more satisfying experience for the users.Recommend that can enhance

customer initial interactions with voice assistant, such as improving understanding of

how a voice assistant functions, incorporating errors and typical patterns of

interaction into its design and offering features specific to their requirements.

4. Furthermore, the study indicates a significant difference in the utilitarian

MCI between Google Assistant and Apple Siri. To address this, each platform should

analyze the strengths of the other to understand and implement features that could

enhance their own performance in this regard. For instance, Google Assistant could

focus on improving aspects (voice recognition) where Apple Siri excels and vice

versa. This could involve improving voice recognition for different user groups and

introducing features that cater to a broader audience

5. Consumers, we recommend to speak naturally and clearly to avoid

mumbling to ensure the commands. Another, we recommend to use specific

commands, the more specific the voice command the better assistant they can


6. Google Assistant and Apple Siri Company, we recommend the expansion of

their language and dialect capabilities. By incorporating a wider range of languages

and recognizing various dialects, these voice assistants can become more

accessible to a global audience. Such improvements will allow users from different

cultural and linguistic backgrounds to interact with these assistants more naturally

and effectively.

7. Future Researchers, we recommend that future studies should focus on

exploring how emerging technologies can further enhance voice assistants’

effectiveness in influencing consumer purchase intentions. By continuously adapting

and evolving, Google Assistant and Apple Siri can maintain their relevance and

effectiveness in an ever-changing market.


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