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Hygroscopicity of the bark of selected forest tree species

Article in iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry · November 2016

DOI: 10.3832/ifor1979-009


26 469

3 authors, including:

Anna Ilek Karolina Morkisz

Poznań University of Life Sciences University of Agriculture in Krakow


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iForest Research Article
doi: 10.3832/ifor1979-009
(Early View)
Biogeosciences and Forestry

Hygroscopicity of the bark of selected forest tree species

Anna Ilek, Jaroslaw Kucza, As the outer layer of trees and shrubs, bark is exposed to the direct action of
Karolina Morkisz atmospheric conditions and reacts to changes in relative air humidity. This
study focuses on the actual hygroscopicity of the bark, regarded as a compo -
nent of the total bark retention capability. The main research aims were to:
(1) determine the physical properties (specific density, bulk density, total
porosity), actual hygroscopicity and maximum water storage capacity of the
stem bark at breast height (1.3 m) of eight forest tree species; (2) assess the
relationship between bark actual hygroscopicity and its physical properties;
(3) determine the share of the actual hygroscopicity of bark in its maximum
water storage capacity. Significant differences were observed among the dif-
ferent species considered as a consequence of the variation in physical prop-
erties of their bark. Actual hygroscopicity of bark (expressed in balance units),
i.e., the maximum water amount that can be absorbed from saturated air by
the outer bark layer, showed a significant relationship with bark physical prop-
erties. Depending on tree species, actual hygroscopicity may constitute from
10 to 30% of the maximum water storage capacity of bark.

Keywords: Forest Hydrology, Forest Tree Bark, Bark Actual Hygroscopicity, Bark
Water Storage Capacity

Introduction ment of numerous organisms, such as surface of bark (Ilek & Kucza 2014).
Tree bark differs from wood in terms of mosses, lichens and plasmodial slime From the point of view of forest hydrol-
its anatomical structure, properties and molds, whose distribution over the tree ogy, tree and shrub bark is one of the basic
chemical composition (Kraszkiewicz 2009). stem depends primarily on tree species, containers which intercept rainwater. Rain-
Its share in the total weight of the tree bark texture and bark acidity (Bates & fall interception on the plant surface is an
stem depends on tree species and most Brown 1981, Stephenson 1989, Kuusinen important component of the hydrological
often ranges from 5 to 20 % (Prosinski 1984, 1996, Öztürk & Oran 2011). cycle of the forest environment and de-
Antkowiak 1997). The bark of tree stems Individual tree species differ from one pends, among others, on species-related
and branches is highly differentiated, con- another in terms of bark thickness and tex- characteristics of plants (leaf size and ar-
sisting of meristems, conductive and non- ture. The morphological differentiation of rangement, bark roughness), weather con-
conductive phloem and cortex (Kozlowski bark also occurs within a single species ditions, rainfall amount and intensity as
1992). It is a structure that undergoes con- (Ilek & Kucza 2014). As a result of tree stem well as raindrop size (Herwitz 1985, Levia &
stant changes due to the dying of some tis- thickening, cracks appear in bark and be- Frost 2003, Levia & Herwitz 2005, Kla-
sues and the growth of others (Grochow- come deeper with tree age, and the direc- merus-Iwan 2014). The amount of water
ski 1990). tion of cracks determines the appearance stored on the plant surface may reach from
Bark fulfills a number of different func- of bark (Kubiak & Laurow 1994). Although 6 to 50% of total rainfall (Liu 1997, Llorens
tions. It constitutes a natural protective the tree bark surface structure is relatively et al. 1997, Aboal et al. 1999, Bryant et al.
coat of trees and a barrier to pathogens difficult to parametrize, methods of its 2005) and the key role in that process is
(Biggs 1992), while its thickness and den- measurement have been recently devel- played by the bark layer of trees (Herwitz
sity are often important factors, decisive oped. It can currently be measured using 1985, Llorens & Gallart 2000).
about tree survival in forest fires (Hengst & the LaserBarkTM device (Van Stan et al. Bark structure differences between par-
Dawson 1994, Pinard & Huffman 1997, Bar- 2010), which enables automatic and fast ticular tree species affect the water stor-
low et al. 2003, Bauer et al. 2010). Bark may measurement of bark microrelief, wavelet age capacity of bark and stemflow produc-
be used in air pollution biomonitoring analysis (Legates et al. 2014) and the coeffi- tion (Brown & Barker 1970, Barbier et al.
(Schulz et al. 1999) and it is the environ- cient of development of the interception 2009, Levia et al. 2010). According to some
authors, the maximum water capacity of
bark and its wettability are factors affect-
ing the volume and chemistry of the water
Department of Forest Engineering, Institute of Forest Ecosystem Protection, Faculty of
flowing down the tree stem (Voigt & Zwo-
Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31425 Krakow (Poland)
linski 1964, Crockford & Richardson 2000,
Levia & Herwitz 2005). The condition nec-
@ Anna Ilek ( essary for water flow down the stem is the
saturation of its bark with water (Kozlow-
Received: Jan 12, 2016 - Accepted: Jul 07, 2016
ski et al. 2010). According to Voigt & Zwo-
linski (1964) the amount of water flowing
Citation: Ilek A, Kucza J, Morkisz K (2016). Hygroscopicity of the bark of selected forest tree
down the tree stem depends more on bark
species. iForest (early view). – doi: 10.3832/ifor1979-009 [online 2016-11-06]
properties than on meteorological condi-
tions. It has been observed that trees with
Communicated by: Giacomo Goli
rough bark have a higher water storage
capacity and generate a smaller stemflow
© SISEF e1 iForest (early view): e1-e7
Ilek A et al. - iForest (early view)

than trees with smooth bark (Voigt 1960, Acer pseudoplatanus L. and Betula pendula mined using the formula (eqn. 3):
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

Levia & Frost 2003, Levia & Germer 2015). Ehrh. Test samples were collected after the ρ −ρ
Van Stan et al. (2015) used a LaserBark to beginning of the vegetation season (May - TP= sρ d
compute bark microrelief, ridge-to-furrow June 2012) from the stems of living trees at
amplitude and slope metrics for Fagus syl- breast height (1.3 m). The test material was
vatica L. and Quercus robur L. They ob- collected using a saw, knives and chisels by Actual hygroscopicity and maximum
served that a smaller ridge-to-furrow am- cutting relatively regular bark pieces with water storage capacity
plitude and slope for Fagus sylvatica signifi- the area ranging from 50 to 200 cm 2, Before the beginning of experiments
cantly lowered the bark water storage depending on the thickness of bark and aimed at determination of actual hygro-
capacity, which strongly correlated to max- trees. For each species, ten bark samples scopicity SHA and maximum water storage
imum funneling ratios and permitted stem- were collected from trees with the breast- capacity of bark SV, individual samples were
flow generation at lower rain magnitudes, height diameter from 5 to 60 cm. dried for a few days at 35 °C, until their
while larger ridge-to-furrow amplitude and mass stabilized. After their removal from
slope values for Quercus robur reduce fun- Laboratory research the dryer, all samples were weighed and
neling, diminishing stemflow drainage for In the laboratory, each sample was cut their internal and side surfaces were se-
larger storms. into three. One section was used to ana- cured with silicone so that during the
Despite a vast literature on plant inter- lyze the specific density (ρs); the second to experiments the water was only adsorbed
ception, relatively little is known about the determine the bulk density (ρd), while the by their external layer. After the applica-
dynamics of rainfall interception by the third was used in the analysis of the actual tion of silicone, the bark was dried again at
bark of stems and branches and the factors hygroscopicity (SHA) and the maximum wa- 35 °C for 8 hours; then the samples were
that regulate this process. As the outer ter storage capacity (Sv). weighed again in order to determine the
tree layer, bark is exposed to the direct mass of the insulating layer of particular
action of atmospheric conditions and it Determination of specific density, bulk bark samples. In the next stage, the insu-
reacts to changes in relative air humidity, density and total porosity lated samples were placed in desiccators,
often resulting in changes of bark thick- Specific density ρs of particular bark sam- partly filled with water, in which relative air
ness and moisture. For that reason, the ples was determined by the standard pyc- humidity was 96%. Next, individual bark
object of the present research is the actual nometer method (PKN-CEN-ISO/TS-17892-3 samples were control-weighed every 2
hygroscopicity of the bark of selected for- 2009) – commonly used to determine the days until they reached constant mass,
est tree species, regarded as a component specific density of soil – after grinding the which allowed for determination of actual
of the maximum water storage capacity of bark in a laboratory grinder and pulverizing bark hygroscopicity SHA and the respective
bark. Actual hygroscopicity SHA should be it in a porcelain mortar. In order to increase relative moisture M. After reaching maxi-
understood as the maximum amount of measurement accuracy and prevent the mum hygroscopicity, the samples secured
water (expressed in balance units) that can flow of dry particles to the surface of the with silicone were placed in containers
be absorbed from saturated air by bark liquid, the 99.8% ethyl alcohol was used with water for 4 weeks in order to deter-
with particular physical characteristics, as- instead of water. Specific density ρs (g cm-3) mine their maximum water storage capac-
suming that the water is adsorbed only by was calculated according to the following ity. After that period, the samples were
the outer bark layer, exposed to the direct formula (eqn. 1): placed vertically in desiccators partly filled
action of atmospheric conditions. The main with water, where they underwent the
research aims include: (1) determination of
ρ s=M s /V s process of gravity drainage. On completion
physical properties (specific density, bulk of the drainage process, individual samples
density and total porosity), actual hygro- where Ms is the dry mass of a pulverized were weighed and, after removal of the
scopicity and maximum water storage bark sample, determined after its drying at insulating layer, they underwent 24-hour
capacity of the stem bark at breast height 105 °C (g) and Vs is the volume of the solid drying at 105 °C.
(1.3 m) of eight forest tree species; (2) phase of a bark sample (cm3). Actual hygroscopicity SHA of individual
demonstration of the relationship between In the present study, bulk density ρd is bark samples, expressed in mm of the
bark actual hygroscopicity and its physical understood as the ratio of dry mass of the water column in a bark layer with the thick-
properties; (3) determination of the share bark to its maximum volume, determined ness of 1 cm, was calculated using the for-
of the actual hygroscopicity of bark in its in the state of maximum swelling. Accord- mula (eqn. 4):
maximum water storage capacity. ing to Raczkowski (1979), pine bark
reaches the state of maximum swelling M H −M S
S HA = ⋅10
Materials and methods after about 100 hours of soaking in water. V
For that reason, before determination of
The research area bulk density, bark samples were placed in where MH is the mass of a bark sample
Bark samples were collected in Tokarnia containers with water for 5 days. Next, determined in the state of maximum
Forest District (49° 46′ 28″ N, 19° 51′ 51″ E), their volume was determined with the hygroscopicity (g), Ms is the dry mass of a
part of Myslenice Forest Division, south method of temporary augmentation of the bark sample determined after its drying at
Poland. The research area is located in the water level in a cylinder, after which the 105 °C (g), V is the volume of a sample
8th Carpathian Province, District of the samples underwent 24-hour drying at 105 (cm3) determined as the ratio of the dry
Beskid Makowski and Wyspowy Mts and in °C. The bulk density of bark ρd (g cm-3) was mass of bark Ms to its bulk density ρd, and
the Mezoregion of the Beskid Makowski determined by the formula (eqn. 2): 10 is a factor of conversion into mm of H 2O.
Mts (Trampler et al. 1990). Bark samples An analogous formula was used to deter-
were collected from the stems of living ρ d =M s /V mine maximum water capacity of bark
trees growing on a mixed mountain forest (eqn. 5):
site, at the altitude from 550 to 800 m a.s.l. where Ms is the dry mass of bark deter- M −M S
mined after drying a sample at 105 °C (g), SV = W ⋅10
Test material sampling and V is the volume of a given bark sample
We focused our study on the bark of 4 determined in the state of maximum where Sv is the maximum water capacity of
coniferous tree species: Pinus sylvestris L., swelling (cm3). bark (mm H2O in a bark layer with the thick-
Larix decidua Mill., Abies alba Mill., Picea On the basis of specific density ρs and bulk ness of 1 cm), Mw is the mass of a bark sam-
abies (L.) H. Karst and 4 deciduous tree density ρd, for particular bark samples, ple determined in the state of maximum
species: Quercus robur L., Fagus sylvatica L., total porosity (TP, cm3 cm-3) was deter- filling with water (g).

e2 iForest (early view): e1-e7

Bark hygroscopicity in forest tree species

Relative moisture of bark M (%), corre-

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

Fig. 1 - Range of
sponding to its actual hygroscopicity SHA,
variation of (a)
was calculated using the formula (eqn. 6):
specific density ρs,
M H −M S (b) bulk density ρd
M= ⋅100
MS and (c) total
porosity TP of the
bark of the forest
Data analysis
tree species ana-
Statistical data analysis was conducted
lyzed. Different
with the use of the software package STA-
letters indicate sig-
TISTICA® v.10.0 (StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK,
nificant differ-
USA). Differences in specific densities ρs
ences between
and the actual hygroscopicity of bark SHA
species after
between particular forest tree species was
Tukey’s or Dunn’s
tested by means of one-way ANOVA and
post-hoc tests (p <
the post-hoc Tukey’s test. Departure from
normality of data was prior tested by the
Shapiro-Wilk test, while the equality of vari-
ances by the Levene’s test. In the case of
variables showing non-normal distribution
(bulk density ρd, total porosity TP, relative
moisture M, maximum water capacity Sv
and the share of actual hygroscopicity in
the maximum water storage capacity of
bark), differences were tested using the
non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and the
Dunn post-hoc test. All differences were
tested at the significance level α = 0.05.
Analysis of the relation of the share of
actual hygroscopicity SHA in water storage
capacity Sv to the physical and retention
properties of bark was conducted by
means of linearized non-linear regression.
Independent variables were selected on
the basis of the corrected coefficient of
determination (R2adj), the standard estima-
tion error, distribution of residual values
and the distribution of residual values in
relation to values predicted by the equa-
tion of regression. The redundancy of vari-
ables was evaluated on the basis of the
variance inflation factor (VIF) calculated as
follows (eqn. 7):
VIF j =
1−R j2

where Rj2 is the coefficient of determina-

tion of a given variable Xj for the other
explanatory variables in the model. from 0.210 g cm-3 (L. decidua, DBH = 35 cm) and 35 cm). For the bark of all coniferous
to 0.631 g cm-3 (A. pseudoplatanus, DBH = species considered jointly, the mean value
Results 34 cm). For the bark of all coniferous spe- of total porosity TP was 0.75 ± 0.01 cm 3
cies considered jointly, the mean value of cm-3, while for deciduous species it was
Physical properties of bark bulk density ρd amounted to 0.346 g cm-3, 0.65 ± 0.01 cm 3 cm-3. The highest mean val-
while for deciduous species it was 0.494 g ues of TP were obtained for P. sylvestris
Specific density and bulk density cm-3. The highest variation of bulk density bark (0.81 ± 0.01 cm3 cm-3) and L. decidua
The distribution of specific density ρs and characterized the bark of P. abies (17.05%), (0.80 ± 0.01 cm3 cm-3), while the lowest for
bulk density ρd, determined for the bark of while the lowest was found for the bark of A. pseudoplatanus (0.60 ± 0.01 cm3 cm-3)
individual forest tree species is presented A. pseudoplatanus (6.99%). The highest and F. sylvatica bark (0.61 ± 0.01 cm3 cm-3).
in Fig. 1a and Fig. 1b. Specific density of mean value of bulk density ρd was obtained For the bark of A. alba, P. abies, Q. robur
bark ρs ranges from 1.212 g cm -3 (L. decidua, for the bark of A. pseudoplatanus (0.567 ± and B. pendula, the mean values of total
DBH = 15 cm) to 1.562 g cm -3 (Q. robur, DBH 0.040 g cm-3), while the lowest for the bark porosity TP were, respectively, 0.64 ± 0.01,
= 29 cm). No significant differences were of P. sylvestris (0.267 ± 0.008 g cm-3) and L. 0.75 ± 0.01, 0.74 ± 0.01 and 0.64 ± 0.01 cm 3
found between particular tree species in decidua (0.269 ± 0.011 g cm-3). cm-3.
terms of specific density of bark ρs (Fig. 1a);
the lowest mean specific density ρs was Total porosity Actual hygroscopicity of bark
obtained for the L. decidua bark (1.373 ± The range of total porosity TP of the bark The range of variation of actual hygro-
0.033 g cm-3), while the highest was ob- of all forest tree species is presented in Fig. scopicity SHA and the corresponding mois-
served for the A. pseudoplatanus bark 1c. Porosity showed values ranging from ture M of the bark of individual forest tree
(1.434 ± 0.011 g cm-3). 0.57 cm3 cm-3 (A. pseudoplatanus, DBH = 34 species is illustrated in Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b.
Bulk density of bark ρd showed values cm) to 0.84 cm3 cm-3 (L. decidua, DBH = 21 Actual hygroscopicity SHA ranged from 0.53

iForest (early view): e1-e7 e3

Ilek A et al. - iForest (early view)
iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

Fig. 2 - The range of varia-

tion of (a) actual hygro-
scopicity SHA and (b) rela-
tive moisture M (corre-
sponding to actual hygro-
scopicity) of the bark of
different forest tree
species. Different letters
indicate significant differ-
ences between species
after Tukey’s or Dunn’s
post-hoc tests
(p < 0.05).

mm (L. decidua, DBH = 35 cm) to 1.53 mm jointly was 26.4 ± 0.5 %, while in the case of The share of actual hygroscopicity in
of water (F. sylvatica, DBH = 23 cm) in the deciduous species it was 25.1 ± 0.4 %. The maximum water storage capacity of
bark layer with the thickness of 1 cm. The highest variation of M was observed for bark
mean value of actual hygroscopicity SHA of the bark of Q. robur (12.48%), P. abies The range of variation of maximum water
the bark of all coniferous species consid- (12.37%) and P. sylvestris (12.33%), while the capacity Sv of the bark of particular forest
ered jointly amounted to 0.89 ± 0.04 mm, lowest for the bark of F. sylvatica (4.67 %). tree species is presented in Fig. 4a. Sv
while for deciduous species it was 1.21 ± The mean values of the bark M were similar rangeg from 3.60 mm (B. pendula, DBH = 9
0.04 mm. The highest variation of SHA char- in the case of P. sylvestris, L. decidua, A. cm) to 7.39 mm (P. abies, DBH = 25 cm) of
acterized the P. abies bark (12.53%) while alba, P. abies, Q. robur, B. pendula, A. pseu- water in a bark layer with the thickness of 1
the lowest was observed for the bark of A. doplatanus and F. sylvatica (26.8 ± 1.2, 25.7 ± cm. The mean value of the bark Sv of all
pseudoplatanus (4.09%). The highest mean 0.9, 28.2 ± 0.7, 24.6 ± 1.0, 24.2 ± 1.1, 24.2 ± coniferous species considered jointly
values of actual hygroscopicity SHA were 0.8, 26.6 ± 0.9 and 24.7 ± 0.4 %, respec- amounted to 5.83 mm, while for deciduous
obtained for A. pseudoplatanus bark (1.39 ± tively). On the basis of the Kruskal-Wallis species it was 5.76 mm. The highest varia-
0.02 mm) and F. sylvatica bark (1.33 ± 0.04 test, no statistically significant differences tion of water storage capacity character-
mm), while the lowest were found for L. were noted in relative bark moisture M ized the bark of P. sylvestris (18.1%) and L.
decidua (0.68 ± 0.02 mm) and P. sylvestris between particular forest tree species (Fig. decidua (17.6%), while the lowest was
bark (0.71 ± 0.01 mm). Mean hygroscopicity 2b). found for F. sylvatica bark (6.0%). The high-
SHA of the bark of A. alba, P. abies, Q. robur Actual hygroscopicity SHA showed a est mean value of Sv was obtained for the
and B. pendula was, respectively: 1.22 ± strong dependency on bulk density: along bark of P. abies (6.58 ± 0.17 mm), while the
0.03, 0.95 ± 0.04, 0.92 ± 0.02 and 1.22 ± with an increase of density, the hygro- lowest for the bark of B. pendula (4.77 ±
0.03 mm. Significant differences in the bark scopic abilities of bark also grow (Fig. 3a). 0.19). For the bark of P. sylvestris, L. deci-
SHA were found between the majority of An opposite dependency was noted in rela- dua, A. alba, Q. robur, A. pseudoplatanus
forest tree species (Fig. 2a). tion to total porosity TP (Fig. 3b). Contrast- and F. sylvatica, the mean value of water
Relative bark moisture M, corresponding ingly, bark hygroscopicity, expressed in rel- storage capacity Sv was, respectively: 5.39
to its actual hygroscopicity SHA, ranged ative units, did not show any relation to ± 0.31, 5.35 ± 0.30, 5.99 ± 0.15, 5.85 ± 0.15,
from 20.1% (Q. robur, DBH = 29 cm) to 33.7% the physical properties of bark (Fig. 3c and 6.28 ± 0.18 and 6.15 ± 0.12 mm.
(P. sylvestris, DBH = 5 cm). The mean value Fig. 3d). The range of variation of the share of
of M of all coniferous species considered actual hygroscopicity SHA in maximum wa-

Fig. 3 - Relationships
between: (a) actual
hygroscopicity SHA and
bulk density ρd; (b) actual
hygroscopicity SHA and
total porosity TP; (c) rela-
tive moisture M (corre-
sponding to actual hygro-
scopicity SHA) and bulk
density ρd; (d) relative
moisture M and total
porosity TP of bark of the
analyzed forest tree

e4 iForest (early view): e1-e7

Bark hygroscopicity in forest tree species

iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry

Fig. 4 - The range of varia-
tion of (a) maximum
water capacity Sv and (b)
the share of actual hygro-
scopicity SHA in maximum
water capacity Sv of the
bark of particular forest
tree species. Different let-
ters indicate significant
differences between
species after Tukey’s or
Dunn’s post-hoc tests
(p < 0.05).

Tab. 1 – Parameter estimation of the relationship between the percentage of actual hygroscopicity out of the maximum water stor-
age capacity [SHA(%Sv)], total porosity TP and maximum water storage capacity Sv of the bark (see eqn. 8).

Parameter Statistic Probability Partial SE of

Variable SE VIF R2adj
value t-value level correlation estimation
Free term 5.85 0.08 70.61 0.00 - -
TP -3.04 0.09 -35.34 0.00 -0.97 1.01 0.948 0.06
Sv -0.15 0.01 -16.87 0.00 -0.89 1.01

ter storage capacity of bark Sv of particular Discussion pressed in relative units characterized the
forest tree species is illustrated in Fig. 4b. The lack of significant differences in spe- bark of Pinus sylvestris L. (40.1%), while the
Actual hygroscopicity SHA constitutes from cific density of bark between particular bark of Carya opata (Mill.) K. Koch had the
9.6 % (L. decidua, DBH = 35 cm) to 30.3 % (B. tree species implies that the variation in lowest (13.6%). According to Kapur & Nara-
pendula, DBH = 9cm) of the maximum total porosity of the bark is mainly related yanamurti (1934), the bark hygroscopicity
water storage capacity of bark Sv. The aver- to its bulk density. This may be proved by of different species ranges from 22 to 28 %.
age share of SHA in Sv of the bark of all co- the results displayed in Fig. 1. On their basis As shown in Fig. 3, hygroscopicity ex-
niferous species considered jointly was 15.4 it may be stated that differences in bulk pressed in relative units is neither related
± 0.60 %, while for deciduous species it was density between particular tree species to the store of water in bark in its balance
21.4 ± 0.70 %. The largest variation in the fairly corresponds to differences in their expression nor to its physical properties.
share of actual hygroscopicity SHA in Sv total porosity. Interspecies variation in bulk The bark with higher density and lower
characterized the bark of L. decidua (22.8%) density of the bark was also reported by porosity, while having the same moisture,
and P. sylvestris (17.1%) while the lowest Bauer et al. (2010). According to Meyer et usually contains more water than the bark
was observed for the bark of A. alba (8.1%) al. (1981), the density of inner bark may be with lower density. A similar pattern may
and A. pseudoplatanus (8.9%). The bark of lower than the density of outer bark, thus be observed for forest soils. According to
B. pendula had the highest mean share of differences in the bulk density of bark Kucza (2005), soil moisture changes ex-
hygroscopicity SHA in water storage capac- between species may be related to differ- pressed in relative units allow for determin-
ity Sv (25.9 ± 1.10 %), while L. decidua (13.1 ± ent proportions of rhytidome to inner bark. ing the direction of changes, but no quanti-
0.94 %) and P. sylvestris (13.4 ± 0.72 %) had According to Quilhó & Pereira (2001), bulk tative assessment of water balance is pos-
the lowest mean share. For the bark of A. density of bark along the stems of individ- sible. In other words, soil water storage
alba, P. abies, Q. robur, A. pseudoplatanus ual trees is less varied. These authors cannot be directly inferred from the rela-
and F. sylvatica, the mean SHA was, respec- demonstrated that possible differences in tive ground moisture, as two soil sedi-
tively: 20.4 ± 0.53, 14.6 ± 0.76, 15.7 ± 0.49, the density of bark of Eucalyptus globules ments having the same relative moisture
22.3 ± 0.63 and 21.7 ± 0.76 %. Labill. may be related to environmental but differing in their granulometric compo-
The percentage of actual hygroscopicity conditions, affecting the structure and sition and porosity may show different
of bark SHA in water storage capacity Sv chemical properties of the bark (Wang et water storage capability. Based on the
showed a dependency from the total po- al. 1984). above reason, it may be concluded that rel-
rosity of bark and its maximum water stor- The differences in the actual hygroscopic- ative moisture is a poor measure of water
age capacity. This dependence is described ity of bark observed between species may retention capabilities of the bark.
by the following formula, which accounted be related not only to differences in their As shown in Fig. 4b, the actual hygroscop-
for nearly 95 % of the total variation (eqn. physical properties, but also to the chemi- icity of bark may constitute a considerable
8): cal composition of cell walls, which is a share of its maximum water storage capac-
5.85−3.04TP−0.15S V species-related feature of bark. For exam- ity, reaching even 30% in the case of birch.
S ha (% S V )=e ple, the bark cellulose content in birch is 4 This implies that during rainfall bark reten-
times smaller than in pine and spruce, tion may be reduced by as much as 10-30%,
where SHA(%Sv) is the share of actual hygro- while the suberin content is over 10 times depending on tree species. This also means
scopicity of bark in its maximum water higher. Further, pine bark contains nearly that hygroscopicity of bark may constitute
capacity (%), TP is the total porosity of bark 16% more lignin than spruce bark (Gro- a significant component of the water bal-
(cm3 cm-3) and Sv is the maximum water chowski 1990). ance of forest ecosystems. Therefore, the
storage capacity of bark (mm H 2O in a bark Interspecies variation of bark hygroscop- knowledge of actual hygroscopicity of the
layer with the thickness of 1 cm). Signifi- icity had been indicated by Young (1938). bark is an important stand parameter and
cance of the parameters of eqn. 8 is pre- He showed that among 20 tested tree the proposed method may be used for
sented in Tab. 1. species the highest hygroscopicity ex- quantifying the degree of bark retention

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