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From hopeful to hopeless

Narrative text

Submitted by: Luis Miguel Biding

Subject Teacher: Ma’am Therese Balbas

Grade/Section: 11-Tulip
From hopeful to hopeless

One day, there was boy born on June 11 in 2007. His eyes were filled with tears and
hopes, while his parents were amazed by his presence. And his name is Luis Miguel but people
call him “Burcio”, He was first to be born among his siblings. Burcio grew and his Father
introduces a Sport and his hobby, which is called Motocross(MX), Burcio got attached to it
quickly and it becames their hobby in their life. Burcio started driving motorcycle when he was
9 years old, it was a small bike called 50cc(for kids category). When it was his first driving he
was so scared but at the same time he was in burst of excitement with his eyes tearing, feeling
that comes over you when you know life is good, full hopes, and can’t help but to smile. As his
Father watches Burcio, his problems and stress has departed and bursting too with happiness,
and hoping that his son will continue the path of playing MX. However his Mother were
worried, thinking it’s too risky playing MX ‘cause when she saw people breaking their bones,
dislocating their bodies, and dying that’s when she changed the way she see the perspective of
MX. Burcio kept playing MX and it’s became his daily cycle of his life at the same time her
Mother kept worrying too, overthinking what would happen to his son and imagining things
that is his son encountering disasters ‘till she can’t hold it anymore. The day after that she
confronted to her son and her Mother said “son I want to tell you something” Burcio answered
“what is it mom? Is there something that is bothering you?” her Mother replied “yes, there is
something bothering me son. When I saw people playing MX and they’re broking their bones,
dislocating their bodies, and dying. I could’nt help but to think bad scenarious of you
encountering bad things…” Burcio answered the question with “Mom don’t worry, I’m not
reckless like them and I promise, I won’t let myself get into accident” she replied to her son’s
answer “Okay, but don’t forget your promise to me son” Brucio replied “Yes Mom, I won’t let
you down, I promise”. However, his mother are not still satisfied to what his son said but she
gave up and kept her mouth in silence. When Burcio turned into 11 years old and was ready to
participate in MX, he patiently waited for the Motocross event in his City. And the day has come
for the race, Burcio woke up early and do the routine of his workout before his race. He arrived
at the place where he will participate along with his Father and they both are feeling nervous
because it’s Burcio’s first race, but his Father was playing MX in his era so he has knowledge in
MX and knows a lot. He said to his son to listen some music and eat some bananas to easen his
nervosity. The category that Burcio will participate was announced and he goes to the starting
line feeling calm and excited while his father kept saying “YOU CAN DO IT!, YOU CAN DO IT!”
repeatedly and he leaves to the safe place for audience in race track. As the count keep
sounting ‘till the gate drops, Burcio had taken the whole shot and in front. He was doing great
and increasing his speed leaving the participants alone, while the audience were amazed
including his Father and feeling proud. Burcio won the category, and feeling happy with his eyes
filled with hopes of becoming an MX pro player. However, Burcio’s Mom didn’t came because
she was scared but after hearing that Burcio won his first race ever in his life and is safely came
home, her Mom was relief and had easen the way she thinks of how dangerous MX is. Burcio
told all his friends of how amazing he is, he expressed and acted every seconds of what
happened during the race, after his friends hearing that they told to their parents to buy them a
motorcycle too but their parents declined because they were afraid of what would happen to
them, they insisted and pleased but still got rejected to their offer. But Burcio let his friend
borrow his motorcycle and taught them how to run a motorcycle, and they came home with
bruises but their eyes was filled with amazement and happiness. After that, Burcio has an
upcoming race again and he did again the before race cycle and his Father taught to him. Burcio
and his Father came home with in a good mood because Burcio won the race again and his
sibling couldn’t believe it and that’s when his siblings started following and they learned fast on
how to drive a motorocycle, just like their “Kuya” Burcio, their eyes fille with hope too. Burcio
and his siblings continued their Father’s legacy and won many race until Burcio became the
youngest MX pro player in the Philipines and Burcio was doing great along with his siblings
making into podiums.

Until… Burcio crashed into someone who’s playing inside the track which ‘caused him to
make an error when he was attempting to jump the big and 52 feet length booter jump. Burcio
broke his arms, dislocated his knee and other arm, and he was screaming in despair. His eyes
bursted into tears and turned into hopeless, his Father was frustrated and hopelesstoo because
he couldn’t do anything to easen his son’n injuries followed with worries because he has no
clue on how to approach his wife after their son got into an accident. Burcio told to his Father
to not worry and encourages his Father to talk to his wife, his Father came home and told
everything to his family and they hurriedly go to the Hospital where Burcio is confined. Burcio’s
Mother were crying because of what happened to her son and said “This is what I’m saying
Burcio!” her son answered “Sorry for not letting me keep you promise Mom..”. Later that, a
Doctor checks him up and said “Your son is okay, however he might may not be able the way he
plays MX anymore” Burcio was speechless his dreams of making people admire him and to
inspire people were shattered just because of a one error/mistake. His eyes that was filled with
hopes turned into hopeless. After he was operated he rested for 1 year and prioritized and
focuses into his school works.
A Year has passed, Burcio graduated and he was in Junior Highschool. His hobby of playing
MX became uninteresting and plays another sport which is cycling but it didn’t turned great, so
he studied hard, prioritizing his school works, and focusing on graduating rather than doing
sports, doing nothing. However, his Mom noticed that his son was not interested anymore in
MX after the accident. She talked to his son and asked “Why aren’t you playing MX anymore?”
he replied “It became uninteresting Mom and I don’t want to make you worry anymore Mom”
her Mom felt ashamed for her son stopped playing MX because he doesn’t want to make his
mom worried, and that’s when her Mom changed her mind and encouraged his son to play MX
despite of winning many trophies. Burcio felt unreal because it’s unusual for his Mom to say
that but Burcio felt cheerful and after a Year he cameback playing MX. He practiced a lot but his
plays were not that sharp anymore, he’s nowhere that fast anymore. Burcio felt antagonize
while practicing and the more he feel slower the more he encounter an accident, until there’s
an MX event on june 11 at Baler Aurora, Burcio participated to the event and his Family came
to watch him play.

The day has come, Burcio and his family arrived to place where he will participate. They
started eating breakfast first and after that, Burcio stretched first before familiarizing the track
where he will play. The jumps were big and there’s a Booter jump which is bigger than Burcio
crashed onto last 2 years. The catergory that Burcio will participate into was announced, but
before going to the starting line, his Mother said to him “goodluck son!, please be safe..” Burcio
answered “yes Mom, I will” and he goes to the starting line feeling excited. The game started,
Burcio is leading and securing his place ‘till he finished. The 2nd heat of his category started and
as usual he’s leading but after an 9 lap which is a last lap to finish the game, his muscles were
exhausted and the Booter jump was the last jump. Burcio thinking he finaly won but before
crossing the finish line, he’s body began to loosen up the motorcycle and crashing into an
objective travelling fast which lead him to injure and broke his collarbone but for this time he is
not crying, he’s just staring at the sky feeling hopeless… after a day, Burcio woke up and he’s
just staring at the ceiling while he’s confined all day long making his eyes dead and hopeless of
palying Motocross again. Burcio has officially retired palying MX after the terrible accident and
he’s a Senior highscool now learning at Batac Junior College inc. (bjc). Pursuing his dreams of
becoming an engineer.

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