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TRANSACTIOH SLIP FOR i::i fil.I .i. l',rl.:.'il,; ,,,- Baroda
fftJlllAL Firfit)

Oistributarl BrokerARN Snb-BrckerCode Sub-BrokerARN . EUIN- LG Code RlACode**

'ilfle heni) finiffi ih* *B EIJ|N bcx ha be€fl ld Uank b] mel m s this trasmlion s flrcule.i eiihout ary
iiteraili0il 0i addice 'Eleriiondysdss !€ruar 0llhe dee dsidix,iorl s$ br*erH fic&ifistalding
s/ lheBmplcyeei rdalonship m?seerl
the adlicr ct in-aFpmpialensq ii any, provi# by ii€ empl0yee /.d3!0r,ship msags I sdss pe$an of he disirbui0r / slt br0ie
s lr$re, hale ir,Y*sled h the Sdrsme(!) 0!,0u Mutud FxM uader Direcl PJan. l/\4e haeby giw y'{ rylo$ c0nsent l0 rhal}l
provide ihe t alsadrons dala feed/ pO{idir' hddlngsJ MV etc in Especl of my/c$ liveslrien8 under Died PIan 0l a{ S{hsmes ;u
{{anaged U y&, i0 lte fuye menlion€d fi{utud Fund 0istdbutor I SEBi-Relislered ls!€simenl AdYiser

TRAHSACTION Ci{ARGES tor that I afi a {irstliBa isyestor acrssr illuluai Funds. {fti,150 dedxdible as Transaction Charge aad payable t0 the Distdhutoi}
Rs. 10,$0ff ifid above i"' aryirie) csrlirm that I am an aistirg inveslor across ilutual F$nds. {Rs. 100 ded{ctlble as Tr$6artion Charye and lD the BistribEts4

romna,p i o,tt i,$,S bS', Name orthe unit Horuer

$g $ga * {-fi B rrb R F} F d},.,iJ 7 t * ng e-.

lpiicn ercwlf iDi,{rf'aycirt IDc'flrReinlest|nert IDCW'Frequency 'lnc0me DistibttiDn c0m Capilal Withdrawal

IlWe vBU{d {ike t0 pu&}hase ilnits 0f tl}a ab{}ve menilaned scheme. Amount in Rs.

Pay$entoptisns Cheque RTGSIi{EFT TE*sier OTM i]Pl

lnstnimert No. Sank Name Braoelr cill

From Schene.. Baroda BNP Parib*s ae"[rF Egstvg Rrb truetF PIan Drect

Optionqtrowh lDcVrlPayout iDC!V'.f;einvertflefit IDCIY' Freqiiency Inccme Di$tribuion cum Capitd Withdrawal

Amount io Rs, oft Llnils on ydgreunits

ro sdle re BaEda BNp padbas
/.h"g.g tbt FV**V Planfur''legular Dimct

Optlon}dmwn IOCItl*-Fay0$t lncw*-ReinvesFnert ncYu'Fraqueficry

Distdbution cum Capital Wi&drawal

^lnvestoB apdykg trnder Diregt Piar rfiust mant0n

'Direcf against the Seheme flaae. DefauE ilan / OFtion lilil E!p* if ttre eb+:ce 0i Ptan I Opti0a is Bet indicatd.

Scheme Earoda BNP Fadilas Flan Regolar Dkect

Optior'! Growfi lDclil.-Payout l0cvli'-Reinvestment IBCI|* Frequenry

Distibutr0n cum Capilal WithdBwal

Affloufit ifi Hs, OR Enlire Units

Amount in Emrds iFsc{fnotproYidedearlierl : : ' :

Pleass redempl;cn procee,Ji ir t'leiollowing Eank Aftrijnt which haa beer

cridit*e }nu (Appliceble only in case mullrple banks are registemd. Bank detals are not requiled l0 be mentloned
if ihe proceeis ar€ EtrJired b be a.ecl1.ed 1n the Cefarlt ba!'rk mand3le resistsred h Se

Bfink ila:ne No.

Tar Laws: First / Sole ApFlicafit , Guardian Second Applicarf Third Applicanl PoA
Ndio$alily indiax US @ie{s -
:-. :- :r., ,,.l$ry US -
CJire Brsiness nslcential i.s-{ikaff* : Business : @did B,rsiress

oiltside lndia? ves k"il {liY-", prodde iniomdim belw)

, CouniryofTaxResideilq

Ii ilN ls ilct available pbase tick Reastn A iisron A B C

Cccupatiol fu. SectorSeruice P!b. Secior &ruice G01i Seryice &t Sedor Seili.e Pilb. S€no. Se,vi.e Gon Service F.r- Sector Seruire ftrb. 5€cl0r Sefti5s Gou S*r'iice
SJldent Proielsional Horsewiie Ersin*ss Stird€nl Pmfessional Hcusawile Business Studert ' , Pr0fessi0n6l Housesile Business
lErlRetired Def$ra i,licirilursl Pr0!{ei$r!llF ilel{eC Defence AgiN[iiufist Pl,pdstorship Retkd DeBnce Agrit*ituri$ Pffiprielorship
/ . 0lhers
La La*
Gross Aftn*al lncome , Belos l lac !5 Laes Lacs t&?5 Lacs Eels* I Lac 1-5 16 !1* Lacs 1&25 Lacs Eeks 1 1-5 SIB Lacs 1&25 Las
Nei ltonh iti > 25 Lars- i Crcre > I Crorc CR Nelwoliti > 25 Lacs - t Crore > t Crore 0R Nel srs(lr T >25Le.s-1Cnie >lCrore 0R Nelwo(h(
Folithally Exgosed ' lanPEP tanftelatedtsPEP t'Gf*p*lsde .larnPEP larjFeldedtoPEP l-&fAp$icabk lamPEp lanRelaGdtBPEP llotAppncable
Ferssn {PEF} Stat$s

'i#t, r
f z*zv u> -{A-^J; -{^^r-,{ * x
ors -4
." , BNP PARTBAS ffiffi
{To be filled in by the investor) guTllr turo
' -ltayp
E.ijsftaty-p .

Schemg Name Te Scheme {for s'$itches) Amounu Urits

Sg3np&F*acJ &,*) &t*\,lt')tT$,

tqot***t-, Tn*"r+u

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