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Assignment Instructions

1. Students are to ensure all work done are NOT plagiarized and are properly referenced
(attached together with the report).
2. Students must use the designated cover sheet when handing in assignments.
3. Your assignment should be typed using font Times New Roman, size 12.
4. Your paragraph must be justified with line spacing 1.5
5. Your assignment should be around 2000-2500 words excluding references. Only assignment
answer developed within the approximate word limit will be assessed.
6. Submission of the assignment need based on the given date. Any late submission resulting for
deductions of marks. Based on the subject lecturer’s considerations.
7. Reference (APA format)

Due Date: 26 February 2024

1. Summary of the Article:

The article explores the transformative impact of mobile applications and technology on library
services, highlighting how these advancements have reshaped the way individuals connect and
interact with the world. It emphasizes the role of mobile library services in meeting the diverse
information needs of users in a fast-paced society. The primary objective of the paper is to
showcase the significant library and information services facilitated by mobile technology,
aiming to demonstrate its potential in bringing about a paradigm shift from traditional
information delivery methods. The introduction establishes the context by defining mobile
technology and its pervasive influence on contemporary life. The evolving landscape of
telecommunication technology, specifically the progression from 1G to 3G networks, is
discussed to underscore the rapid development in wireless communication standards. The paper
focuses on various mobile devices integral to library and information services, ranging from
traditional mobile phones to advanced smartphones, tablets, e-readers, and MP3 players. It
stresses the importance of adapting library services to the proliferation of mobile devices,
encouraging libraries to explore the creation of mobile applications and websites.

The article delves into the motivations behind libraries embracing mobile technology,
emphasizing its ease of access, ubiquitous content delivery, and the ability to connect with
patrons through new mediums. The objective of the paper is reiterated, emphasizing its focus on
showcasing major libraries and information services facilitated by mobile applications and

2. Issues/Problem Statement:

The article on mobile technology services in libraries identifies several key issues and problem
statements that warrant attention. Firstly, it alludes to the transformative impact of mobile
applications and technology on library services, emphasizing the need to adapt to a fast-paced
society's information demands. However, the article does not explicitly outline specific
challenges or obstacles that libraries might encounter in implementing and integrating mobile

One implicit issue could be the potential resistance or reluctance from certain user groups to
adopt mobile technologies. While the article suggests that academic libraries could attract
reluctant users through the convenience offered by mobile technologies, it does not delve into the
potential barriers or concerns that users, particularly those less familiar with technology, might
have in embracing these changes.

Moreover, the paper touches upon the factors affecting the implementation of mobile
technologies without explicitly detailing what these factors are. It hints at the complexity
involved in adopting these technologies but does not provide a comprehensive exploration of
potential challenges, such as financial constraints, technological infrastructure limitations, or
concerns related to data privacy and security.
In essence, the article raises awareness about the transformative potential of mobile technologies
in libraries but falls short of a thorough examination of the practical challenges and issues that
libraries may face during the adoption and integration process. To provide a more comprehensive
understanding, future research or discussions on this topic should delve deeper into these
challenges, offering practical insights for libraries looking to incorporate mobile technology into
their services.

3. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the article underscores the transformative impact of mobile applications and
technology on library services, portraying them as instrumental in reshaping the way individuals
connect with information in our fast-paced society. The primary objective of the paper is to
showcase the significant library and information services facilitated by mobile technology,
presenting it as a catalyst for a paradigm shift from traditional information delivery methods. As
the paper navigates through various aspects of mobile technology in libraries, it becomes evident
that academic libraries, in particular, stand to benefit from the adoption of mobile technologies as
ideal tools for attracting reluctant users, primarily due to their convenience.

The introduction effectively sets the stage by defining mobile technology and highlighting its
increasing integration into everyday life. The final section of the article addresses library and
information services on mobile devices, emphasizing the diverse array of offerings, including
access to new titles, e-resource updates, and optimized catalog searching. The incorporation of
SMS services, audio tours through devices like iPods and iPhones, and specific services like
academic affairs administration and mobile-based library lending services are detailed. The
article concludes by portraying mobile technology as a boon to libraries, offering users a
personalized and accessible means to interact with information resources in the digital age.
Overall, the comprehensive exploration of mobile technology services in libraries positions the
article as a valuable resource for understanding the evolving landscape of information access and
4. Recommendation:

Firstly, the paper underscores the need for academic libraries to recognize mobile technologies as
ideal tools for engaging reluctant users. Given the convenience and accessibility offered by
mobile devices, it is recommended that libraries prioritize the development of mobile
applications or websites to connect with patrons more seamlessly. This entails creating user-
friendly interfaces, whether in the form of apps or mobile-optimized websites, facilitating
effortless access to library hours, account information, and database searches.

A key recommendation is evident in the emphasis on adopting a proactive stance toward the
changing landscape of information access. The article suggests that libraries should actively
explore and incorporate mobile devices into their services. This involves not only providing
access to traditional library resources like e-books and e-journals but also extending services
such as reference inquiries and circulation through mobile technologies. Libraries are encouraged
to adapt their collections and services to align with the preferences of modern users who
increasingly prefer online interactions over in-person visits.
Furthermore, to overcome potential challenges in implementing mobile technologies, the paper
implies the necessity of understanding key issues affecting their integration. It recommends that
libraries stay informed about the rapid developments in telecommunication technology,
including wireless communication standards. This understanding is crucial for successfully
navigating the evolving landscape of mobile devices, ensuring that library services remain
relevant and accessible to a diverse user base.

The article also suggests that libraries should consider the diverse range of mobile devices
available, from basic mobile phones to tablets and e-readers. By doing so, libraries can tailor
their services to cater to different user preferences and device capabilities. This recommendation
aligns with the notion that a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective in the dynamic and
diverse landscape of mobile technology.

In conclusion, Libraries are encouraged to embrace change, develop user-friendly mobile

interfaces, and adapt their services to cater to the evolving expectations of digital-savvy patrons.
By recognizing mobile technology as a transformative force, libraries can ensure their continued
relevance and accessibility in an era characterized by rapid technological advancements.
5. Why do you think the trend in social media online advertisement is toward
increased? Discuss in FIVE (5) points:

1. Growing User Base and Engagement: The pervasive growth of social media platforms,
such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, has resulted in an expanding user
base globally. The sheer number of users actively engaging with these platforms provides
advertisers with a vast and diverse audience. This increased user engagement translates
into higher visibility for advertisements, allowing brands to reach a broader demographic.

2. Targeted Advertising Capabilities: Social media platforms offer sophisticated targeting

capabilities, allowing advertisers to tailor their campaigns to specific demographics,
interests, behaviors, and geographic locations. This level of precision targeting enables
advertisers to maximize the relevance of their ads, increasing the likelihood of capturing
the attention of users who are more likely to be interested in their products or services.
This targeted approach enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of online advertising

3. Visual and Interactive Content: The prevalence of visually oriented and interactive
content on social media platforms has significantly contributed to the increased
popularity of online advertising. Features like image carousels, video ads, and interactive
polls capture users' attention more effectively than traditional advertising methods.
Advertisers can leverage these features to create compelling and shareable content,
fostering greater brand awareness and engagement among the audience.

4. Data Analytics and Insights: Social media platforms provide advertisers with robust
analytics and insights into the performance of their campaigns. Advertisers can track
metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, and engagement rates in real-time. This
data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization of advertising strategies,
ensuring that marketers can refine their campaigns based on user behavior and
preferences. The ability to measure the return on investment (ROI) more accurately
contributes to the attractiveness of social media advertising.

5. Influencer Marketing and User-Generated Content: The rise of influencer marketing

and user-generated content (UGC) on social media has become a driving force in online
advertising. Collaborating with influencers allows brands to leverage their followers' trust
and authenticity, reaching a wider audience. Additionally, UGC campaigns encourage
users to actively participate in brand promotion, creating a sense of community around
the brand. These organic and authentic connections resonate well with social media users,
contributing to the effectiveness of online advertising.
6. References (APA Format):

1. Jharotia, Anil Kumar (2012). “M-Learning is the future of e-learning: A new dimension
in library services” Conference proceeding of National conference on beyond
librarianship: Search for new frontier held at G.B.U on 21-22 Sept. 2012. Vol-1 pp.203-

2. Johnson, L. (2011). The New Media Consortium: The 2011 Horizon Report.

3. Kumar, B.T. Sampath, Kumar, Vinay D. & Prithviraj KR. (2013). Application of Mobile
technology in Library services. Retrieved from

4. Kosturski, Kate & Skornia, Frank. (2011) Using Mobile Technologies in the Academic
Library: All the Knowledge of the World in My Hand: Mobile Technologies Mobile
phones. Computers in Libraries. Retrieved from

5. Choi, Wontae. (2009). Development and Application of Mobile Technology in South

Korean Libraries . Libri, 59, 14 –22.

7. Attachment.

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