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Chapter 16


S.No. Sch. Description of item Unit Over All

PWD Rate

1 2 3 4 5
1 671 White washing one coat including supply of all materials, labour and T Sq.M 5.05
& P etc required for proper completion of the work.
2 672 As in item 671 above but 2 coats. Sq.M 8.55
3 673 As in item 671 above but 3 coats white washing 2 coats as per item Sq.M 11.55
4 674 Colour washing one coat, using approved colouring materials of buff, Sq.M 9.05
blue, gray or brown shade, including supply of all materials, labour and
T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work.
5 675 As in item 674 above but 2 coats. Sq.M 16.10
6 676 As in item 674 above but using approved colouring materials of pink, Sq.M 12.10
green or yellow shades.
7 677 As in item 676 above but 2 coats. Sq.M 20.10
8 678 As in item 676 above but colour washing with coper or iron suplhate Sq.M 14.10
one coat
9 679 As in item 678 above but 2 coats. Sq.M 25.10
10 680 Cement washing including supply of all materials, labour and T & P Sq.M 7.55
etc. required for proper completion of work.
11 681 One Priming coat and one coat of dry distemper on new work Sq.M 25.10
including supply of all materials labour and T & P etc. required for
proper completion of work
12 682 As in item 681 above but for each coat of distemper after the first coat. Sq.M 17.10

(Gyan Prakash Pandey)

Superintending Engineer
Azamgarh Circle, P.W.D.,

E:\Website\office\SOR\Azamgarh\Schedule rate 16-17 AZM CIRCLE (28-3-17) RevisedChapter16 White Washing

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