Essay On Happiness

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Happiness is the state of emotional wellbeing and
being contented. Happiness is expressed through
joyful moments and smiles. It is a desirable feeling that
everybody wants to have at all times. Being happy is
influenced by situations, achievements and other
circumstances. Happiness is an inner quality that
reflects on the state of mind. A peaceful state of mind
is considered to be Happiness.
How Happiness is achieved:
Happiness is achieved psychologically through having
a peaceful state of mind. [RAR1] By a free state of
mind, I mean that there should be no stressful factors
to think about. Happiness is also achieved through
accomplishment of goals that are set by individuals.
There is always Happiness that accompanies success
and they present feelings of triumph and contentment.
To enable personal Happiness in life, it is important
that a person puts himself first and have good self-
perception. Putting what makes you happy first,
instead of putting other people or other things first is a
true quest towards Happiness. In life, people tend to
disappoint and putting them as a priority always
reduces Happiness for individuals. There is also the
concept of practicing self-love and self-acceptance.
Loving oneself is the key to Happiness because it will
mean that it will not be hard to put yourself first when
making decisions.
It is important for an individual to control the thoughts
that goes on in their heads. A peaceful state of mind is
achieved when thoughts are at peace. It is
recommended that things that cause a stressful state
of mind should be avoided.
Happiness is a personal decision that is influenced by
choices made. There is a common phrase on
Happiness; “Happiness is a choice” which is very true
because people choose if they want to be happy or
not. Happiness is caused by circumstances and people
have the liberty to choose those circumstance and get
away from those that make them unhappy.
Happiness is also achieved through the kind of support
system that an individual has. Having a family or
friends that are supportive will enable the achievement
of Happiness. Communicating and interacting with the
outside world is important.
Factors Affecting Happiness:
Sleep patterns influence the state of mind thus
influence Happiness. Having enough sleep always
leads to happy mornings and a good state of mind for
rest of the day. Sleep that is adequate also affects the
appearance of a person. There is satisfaction that
comes with having enough sleep. Enough rest
increases performance and productivity of an
individual and thus more successes and achievements
are realized and Happiness is experienced.
Another factor affecting Happiness is the support
network of an individual. A strong support network of
family and friends results in more Happiness.
Establishing good relationships with neighbors, friends
and family through regular interactions brings more
Happiness to an individual. With support network, the
incidences of stressful moments will be reduced
because your family and friends will always be of help.
Wealth also plays a significant role in Happiness. There
is a common phrase that is against money and
Happiness: “money cannot buy Happiness” is this
true? Personally, I believe that being financially stable
contributes to Happiness because you will always have
peace of mind and many achievements. Peace of mind
is possible for wealthy people because they do not
have stressors here and then compared to poor
people. Also, when a person is wealthy, they can afford
to engage in luxurious activities that relaxes the mind
and create Happiness. For a person to be wealthy,
they will have had many achievements in life. These
achievements make them happy.
A good state of health is an important factor that
influences the Happiness of individuals. A healthy
person will be happy because there are no worries of
diseases or pain that they are experiencing. When a
person is healthy, their state of mind is at peace
because they are not afraid of death or any other
health concerns. Not only the health of individuals is
important, but also the health of the support system of
the person. Friends and family’s state of health will
always have an impact on what we feel as individuals
because we care about them and we get worried
whenever they are having bad health.
Communication and interactions are important in
relation to an individual’s Happiness. Having a support
system is not enough because people need to
communicate and interact freely. Whenever there are
interactions like a social gathering where people talk
and eat together, more Happiness is experienced. This
concept is witnessed in parties because people are
always laughing and smiling in parties whenever they
are with friends.
Communication is key to Happiness because it helps in
problem solving and relieving stressors in life. Sharing
experiences with a support system creates a state of
wellbeing after the solution is sought. Sometime when
I am sad, I take my phone and call a friend or a family
member and by the time the phone call is over, I
always feel better and relieved of my worries.
Happiness is an important emotion that influences
how we live and feel on a daily basis. Happiness is
achieved in simple ways. People have the liberty to
choose Happiness because we are not bound by any
circumstances for life. Factors that influence
Happiness are those that contribute to emotional
wellbeing. Physical wellbeing also affects Happiness.
Every individual find Happiness in their own because
they know what makes them happy and what doesn’t.

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