D-Glucose Molecular Geometry

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by Katerina M4/3
Molecular geometry is a 3D
arrangement of the atoms
that make up a molecule.

This includes general shape,

bond lengths, bond types,
bond angles, torsional angles
and other geometrical
Glucose is a the most abundant
(carbohydrate). Glucose is
every living organisms
preferred source of energy.
Why? Because it is the fastest
to break down. Plants produce
it using photosynthesis.
Animals receive it through
consuming plants or breaking
down glycogen
(polysaccharide stored in
muscle and fat cells).
C6 H12O6
Glucose is a covalent molecule
It forms either an open-chain
acyclic(Fischer Projection)
or a ring cyclic (Haworth
Projection) form. It is a polar
The bond between the oxygen and hydrogen (O–H
bond) gives oxygen a slight negative charge and the
hydrogen a slight positive charge.
This is why sugar dissolves in water. Water
molecules attract the positives and negatives in
Glucose rich foods

Honey Dried fruit Baked goods

35.8% 35% on average Up to 7.9%
2.4g per tablespoon 33.1g per 100g with glicimic index 85
D vs L
Naturally occurring one is D-
Glucose. The L-Glucose is its
stereoisomer, having identical
molecular formula but slightly
different arrangement of atoms
in space. This rare stereoisomer
is produced synthetically for
medical purposes. It is less
Glucose - D Glucose - L active than D-Glucose.
Having chiral centres Lone Pairs
allows the existence of
different isomers, such as Affects the bond angle. A lone
D-glucose and L-glucose. pair of electrons tries to repel the
D- glucose is the bonded electrons, when electron In glucose this repulsion results in
biologically active. pairs move away from each other, its two forms. Linear shape has lots
the shape of the molecule is of space between atoms and the
affected polarity is so vague that nothing
happens. In its cyclic form this
polarity allows the oxygen to bond
with the carbons in the hexagonal
middle, by depositing a proton and
electron from the hydrogens
attached to carbons from both
sides of the oxygen.

Glucose is made of Tetrahedral Carbon and

Tetrahedral Oxygen bonds all linked together.

Tetrahedral have an angle of 109.5*

Tetrahedral Oxygen are incomplete and so are
considered bent. Their degree is 104.5*

Glucose belongs to Aldehyde group; molecule

with double bond to oxygen, single to
hydrogen and single to organic atom or group.
Different isomers have different boiling points. Also depending on the angle each atom is standing at we can say if other
atoms can link inside. If the dipole moment is low only weak bonds can form.

The shape also allows us to employ bioengineering. New drugs are formed by analyzing the shapes of molecules. Certain
shapes are more reactive to biological organisms (like D-glucose), by knowing this we can create medicine that would be most
efficient. The way this works is molecules shape being a perfect fit for a receptor.
Glucose molecule of cookies!
*home baked, my special recipe

Both educational and delicious

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