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Nature, Definition, Origin & Basis of International Law
Sources of International Law QQSNOSN
Relationship, Theories & Difference b/w Municipal &International Law
Dualism / Dualistic Theory SNSN
UNIT- | Operation of International Law in British Municipal Law Sphere
Subjects of International Law
Duties & Rights of States are only the Duites & Rights of Men who compose them
Theories Regarding Nature &Basis of International Law QQQ
Trace the Development of International Law
State, Individual, &Internal Organizations as subjects of International Law
Define States; Kinds of States
Microstates SN
Condominium SN

Recognition, Legal Effects of Recognition

UNIT- ||
Theories Relating to Recognition
Types of Recognition SNSNQQ
Ocassion &Legal Impact of Dejure &Defacto Recognition of the State PC

State Succession, Consequences, Rights & Duties arising out of State Succession QPQP
State Territorial Sovereignty & its Exceptions PO

Modes of Acquiring &Loss of Territorial Sovereignty

Intervention, Types of Intervention
State Jurisdiction
State Excercises Jurisdiction Within its Territory, &its Exceptions
Territorial Sea
Continental Shelf, Rights Available to Coastal State in Continental Shelf SNOSN

UNIT- I| Coastal Nation's Territorial Waters

High Seas, Freedoms of the High Seas
Lotus Case
State Responsibility SNSN
Calvo Doctrine / Calvo Clause SNPP
State & ndividual - Extradition
Asylum, Types of Asylum
Modes of AcquisItion & Loss of Nationality
Nottebohm's Case SNQQQOSN I
Diplomatic Envoys, Consuls &Other Representatives
The Law & Practice as to Treaties, Formation & Termination of
Pacts Sunt Servanda
The United Nations Organisation
Powers & Functions of General Assembly of UN
UNIT-V Composition & Powers of Security Council SNOSNQQ
International Court of Justice, Composition &Jurisdiction SNSN
International Labour Organisation
1. Explain the theories relating to relationship between International Law and Municipal Law.
2. Define International Law. What is the basis for lnternational Law?
3. Critically examine the meaning of International Law.
4. Explain the various sources of International Law.
5. Explain customs and treatles as sources of International Law.
6. Briefly explain the origin and development of International Law.
7. Examine how far Individuals, State, Internal organisations, and International organisations are subjects of
International Law.
8. Short note on Monism and Dualism.

1. What is 'Recognition'? Explain the legal effects of recognition of a new state.
2. Define Territorial Sovereignty. State the exceptions to territorial sovereignty of the State.
3. Briefly explain the various modes of acquiring and loss of territorial soverelgnty under International Law.
4. What is meant by recognition? Critically examine the various theories of recognition.
5. Explain dejure and defacto recognition. Discuss about the occasion and legal impact of dejure and defacto
recognition of the state.
6. What are the essential elements of the state? Explain the different kinds of states.
7. Explain the modes of acquisition and loss of Sate Territory.
8. What is intervention? Discuss the different types of intervention.
9. Write short notes on Microstate and Condominium.


1. What is territorial jurisdiction of the state? State the principles governing the territorial jurisdiction. And
who are exempted from territorial jurisdiction and to what extent?
2. Explain state jurisdiction according to personal and protective principles.
3. "A State exercises jurisdiction over property, person, acts and events occurring within its territory". Examine
the exceptions to this rule.
4. What is state succession? Explain different kinds of state succession by giving examples.
5. Define state succession. State the consequences of state succession in respect of a. Treaty rights and obligations
b. Contractual rights and obligations
6. What is state succession? Explain the rights and duties arising out of state succession.
7. Discuss the jurisdiction of maritime state over coastal waters. Explain the rights available to coastal state in
continental shelf.
8. What is high sea? State the freedoms available to a state on the high seas.
9. Write Short notes on Continental Shelf, Lotus Case, Calvo Doctrine / Calvo Clause.

1 What is Asylum? Explain the different kinds of Asylum recognised under International Law.
2. Define Nationality. Explain the various modes of acquiring and loss of Nationality.
3. Discuss the privileges and immunities of diplomatic envoys.
Briefly explain the varlous steps in the creation of
4. Define the term "Treaty". Explain termination of treatles.
obligation by treaty.
Discuss the rules regarding formation and termination of
termination of treaty.
6 Discuss the practices of states in relatlon to formation and
7. Discuss the various stages of concluding treaty.
9. Write short notes on Consul, Pacta Sunt Servanda,
8. What is extraditlon? State the conditions for extradition.
Nottebohm's Case.


1. Explain the constitution, powers, and functions of General Assembly.

2. State the dispute settlement mechanism of World Trade Organisation (WTO).
3. Discuss the main features of World Trade Organisatlon.
4. Discuss the structure, powers, and functlons of the Security Council.
5. State the purposes and principles of United Nations Organisation (UNO).
6. Explain International Labour Organisation.
7, Explain the Composition and Powers of International Court of Justice,

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