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Who is Antonio Pigafetta and what was his role in the Magellan expedition?

 Antonio Pigafetta was an explorer and scholar from Italy. Under the
direction of Emperor Charles V, he accompanied explorer Ferdinand
Magellan on the journey to the Spice Islands and, following Magellan's
death in the Philippine Islands, the ensuing the circle of the earth. He
assisted Magellan during the expedition and kept a detailed journal that
helped him later on when translating Cebuano. It is the earliest document
about the language that has been preserved. Almost 240 men set out
three years earlier, of which Pigafetta was one of the 18 who completed
the journey, returning to Spain in 1522 under the command of Juan
Sebastián Elcano. The first the circle of the earth was accomplished by
these men. In the initial year, a few others revolted and came back. Most
of the information about Magellan and Elcano's expedition comes from
Pigafetta's journal, which is still in existence. In 1931, at least one Italian
Navy warship—a destroyer of the Navigatori class—was given his name.

 Based on the text, what was the religion of the native settlers of the Philippine
archipelago when Magellan arrived? Support your answer with a portion of the
text as evidence (indicate the page)

 According to page 22, there are many islands in that district, and
therefore we called them the archipelago of San Lazaro, as they were
discover on the sabbath [SUNDAY] of St. Lazarus. They lie in x degrees
of latitude toward the Article Pole, and in a longitude of one hundred and
sixty-one degrees from the line of demarcation.

 What superstitious beliefs or traditional practices that we have at present were

also mentioned in the document? Enumerate and briefly discuss at least 3.
(indicate the page where you found the information)

 Pigafetta may mention beliefs in spirits or "anitos" that were acknowledged

and respected by the natives. Such beliefs continue to be a part of Filipino
culture today.
 In the page 20 Pigafetta could mention some superstitions he witnessed
during his travels. Many superstitions in the Philippines are still believed
today, such as those related to luck and misfortune.
 In the mass of page 25, the captain-general also asked them whether
they were Moros [MUSLIM] or heathen, or what was their belief.
 How does the document describe the famous Battle of Mactan? How does the
given text affect or change your prior knowledge about the said event?

 In page 38 The king learned that the captain was already dead, the
captain wept. Had it not been unfortunate captain, not a single one of us
would have been saved in the boats, for while he was fighting, the others
retired to the boats. And to page 29 I read about the knowledge that if
Pigafetta did not survive the journey, we would have very little knowledge
of Magellan’s numerous contributions in the fields of geography,
navigations, history, and other related areas. First, credit must be given to
Magellan expedition for proving that the earth is not flat but an oblate
sphere. Moreover, they demolished the myth that there is boiling water at
the equator. Second, Magellan and his men completed the first
circumnavigation of the world. Third, the confirmed that the Portuguese
route is not the only way to the Spice Island. Lastly, they brought to the
attention of the Europeans that on the other side of the American
continent exists a large body of water whirch they names Pacific Ocean
(Mar Pacifico).

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