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ME 232: Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery

Amit Singh

Name: Amit Singh


Phone: +91-22-2576-5363

Office hours: S26, Wednesday, 3-4 pm

Amit Singh
Teaching assistants

Bishop Prakash

Pratik Verma

Yahya Bin Ziya

Sattyam Maurya

Aditya Sharma

Amit Singh
Lecture hours (LC 302)

3A – Monday – 10:35 – 11:30

3B – Tuesday – 11:35 – 12:30

3C – Thursday – 08:30 – 09:25

Office hours: S26, ME Department, Wednesday,

3-4 pm

Amit Singh

Kenneth J. Waldron and Gary L. Kinzel,Kinematics,
Dynamics and Design of Machinery, 2nd edition, Wiley,

John J. Uicker, Gordon R. Pennock & Joseph E.
Shigley , Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 5th
edition, Oxford University Press, 2017

Kevin Russell, John Q. Shen and Raj S. Sodhi,
Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, 3rd
edition, CRC Press, 2023.

H. Dresig and F. Holzweibig, Dynamics of Machinery,
English edition, Springer, 2010

Amit Singh
Planar four bar linkages

Amit Singh
Scissor linkage

Amit Singh
Introduction to Mechanisms
Position, velocity and acceleration analysis
Design of Cam Follower Mechanisms
Gear tooth profiles, spur gears and helical
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Mechanisms
Analysis and Applications of Discrete and
Continuous System Vibration.

Amit Singh
• Efforts and questions raised in the class will be the
deciding factors for the borderline grades.

• Students with 80% to 90%, 90% to 95% and more

than 95% attendance will get 1, 2 and 3 bonus marks,

Amit Singh
Homework policy
Homeworks should strictly be on A4 sheets

Late homework WILL NOT be accepted (unless extreme

proper reasons)

Each problem should be on a separate sheet of paper

Working in groups is permitted and highly encouraged.

Science is social. Science is collaborative.

But the solution cannot be completely plagiarized.

Zero grades for copying.

Amit Singh

There will be four quizzes.

Two before the mid semester exam (23rd January and 13th

Two after the mid semester exam (19th March and 9th April).

Make-up for the quizzes will not be permitted.

Amit Singh
Group project

Group of two students will work on a computational project.

A list of possible computational projects will be provided later.

The presentation will be 20 minutes each on a suggested date
post mid-sem exam.

Amit Singh

Einstein was 17 when he started thinking about what will happen if he travels with speed of light.

Amit Singh

Amit Singh
Rene Descartes’ Machine and

Does Free Will exist? Do we have choices?

Are we all machines?

If not, then why not? How we are different from machines? Reproduce? But
Conway’s Game of Life simply shows that the rule based deterministic system can
also sustain artifical life.

Descartes: A machine ``could never use words, or put together other signs, as we
do in order to declare our thoughts to others.'' But ChatGPT and other modern ML
models have done that. Amit Singh
Comway’s Game of Life


1) A living cell dies if it has fewer than two living neighboring cells.

2)A living cell with two or three living neighbors lives on.

3)A living cell with more than three living neighboring cells dies in the next time step.

4)A dead cell is revived if it has exactly three living neighboring cells.

Amit Singh

Study of motion (position, displacements, velocities,
accelerations) without considering forces (loads)

Most fundamental as only motion is considered.

In order to design a machine first see whether the system is
“kinematically feasible”.
Amit Singh

Study of motion (position, displacements, velocities,
accelerations) without considering forces (loads)

During the kinematic analysis, a discontinuous displacement
profile would result into excessive acceleration during dynamic

This will produce excessive dynamic forces, which will produce
very high stresses.

This would mean selection of material or dimensions of
components may suffer so much that original design would
become impractical.

Amit Singh
Kinematic chain (mechanism)

Assembly of links (rigid) interconnected by joints where the motion of links
are coupled.

Complex systems have multiple kinematic chains such as automobile

A simple tool will have only one kimenatic chain.

A pair of pliers is a kinematic chain:

 A controlled output motion by an input mption (move either L1 or L3)

A mechanism has at least one “grounded” link.

Amit Singh
Mobility (# of DOF)

The number of independent parameters required to uniquely
define its position in space

Planar (2-d) space (planar mechanism): the position of a body
requires three independent parameters; an individual link
restricted to planar motion can have at max 3 DOFs

3-d space (spatial mechanism):

Six indedependent parameters

Max DOFs 6 for any individual

Amit Singh
Kinematic analysis and synthesis

Analysis: Mechanism link dimensions known; positions, displacements,
velocities, accelerations are calculated.

Synthesis: Specific motions are known; mechanism required to fulfill the
task is produced.

Type/number/dimension synthesis: determines the
type/mobility/dimension of mechanism (components)

Amit Singh
Problem (slider-crank
mechanism) Kinematic analysis: Calculate the


rotation of the driving link to achieve the
final compacting position

Static analysis: Calculate the forces in
the links with the help of eqb equations

Stress analysis: Calculate the normal
stressses in the links

Machine design: Modify cross-section
dimensions and material types

Amit Singh
Kinematic pairs (joints)

Lower pairs : Surface contact between the joint elements

Sphere: Ball and socket joint

Higher pairs: Point or line contact between the elements;
remaining others not listed in above table, such as mating gear
teeth, cam contacting its follower
Amit Singh
Lower pair joints

Amit Singh
Higher pair joints

Amit Singh
Compound joints (combine lower

Amit Singh
Planar Linkage

Velocities of all points in all members are directed parallel to a

Only revolute and prismatic joints are compatible with planar

Binary link: only two joints mounted on them; represented as
lines joining joints; revolutes are schematically represented
through circles

Ternary link: three joints; represented as triangles with joints at
the vertices

Amit Singh
Planar linkage with revolute

Quarternary link:

Mechanisms with multiple links:

Amit Singh
Planar linkage

Prismatic joint: represented by a line in the sliding direction
with a rectangular block

Frame or base member: Link that is fixed. Shown by mounts
(hatched). Line can be removed if hatched marks are shown.

Amit Singh

Sometimes symbols are also given:

Amit Singh
Higher pair represenation

Cam (profile curve) with a follower (line):

Amit Singh
Synthesis of Linkages

Specific motions are known; mechanism required to fulfill the task is

Design a mechanism if

1) A curve in the plane or area of a plane or a set of finite positions or a set of

input/output angle is known.
3) Type Synthesis: Select the most proper type of mechanism e.g. four-bar linkage,
slider-crank, geared five bar etc

4) Dimension Synthesis: Calculate link lengths and positions of joints

5) Analysis: Check the angles, velocities, accelerations, required forces etc, and if they
are too high, repeat 2 to 4.

Now let us design a four-bar linkage. We will

design the rigid body attached to coupler because
crank and folo

Amit Singh
Constraint analysis

Connectivity of a joint: # of DOF of motion of either one of
the two bodies relative to the other

Mobility of a mechanism: Minimum number of coordinates to
specify the position of all members relative to a base or frame.
Number of independently controlled input parameters to bring
the device into a particular posture.

Planar motion: A body moving freely has 3 DOF. For a linkage
with n links, the mechanism has mobility 3n. Often one link is
fixed. Therefore, mobility = 3 (n-1) with no joints

Amit Singh
Degrees of freedom

More DOFs or less DOFs?

Amit Singh
Constraint can also be in the form
of algorithm: Fibonacci sequence

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...

The Fibonacci Spiral:

Golden Spiral

Amit Singh
Constraint can also be in the form
of algorithm: Fibonacci sequence

Amit Singh
Golden spiral in architecture

Amit Singh
Constraint analysis: Planar

If a joint with connectivity is formed
between two bodies, then reduction in system mobility is

If there are total j joints, the loss of system mobility is

The resulting mobility is (constraint criterion): Gruebler’s

Amit Singh
Mobility for planar mechanisms

Determine the mobility of these linkages:

Amit Singh
Written in Kutzbach form

If # of single DOF joints = , # of two DOF joints =

The resulting mobility m for planar n-link is given by Kutzbach

The number of input motions required to produce constrained
motion is m.
Amit Singh
Mobility for planar mechanisms

When two members come together at a single joint location:

(p members connected at the same joint axis then p-1 joints are associated with the
same axis)

When members are all connected to each other:

Amit Singh
Mobility for planar mechanisms

Special case: When M = 1 and all joints have one connectivity,
then the constraint criterion is:

Integers: j and n are always integers, remember!

Amit Singh
Diophantine equation

Different integer solutions

1st soln: Two bodies connected by a single revolute or slide
joint; 
Example: A door, its hinges and
door frame

Amit Singh
Diophantine equation contd

2nd soln: Closed loop of four members with four joints (simplest
possible non-trivial linkage)

Example: Planar four bar linkage 
slider-crank linkage

3rd soln:

Amit Singh
Planar four bar linkages

Amit Singh
Further examples of the Kutzbach

Incorrect as m = 1
here. Amit Singh
Kutzbach criterion: incorrect

When parallel geometry is achieved, we have m = 1, however,
the Kutzbach criterion may give incorrect results

Both above figures have m = 0 when the criterion is applied. But
for (b), m = 1.

Incorrect sometimes for cases with equal link lengths, parallel
links or special geometric features.

In the example on the previous page, either link 2 or links 3 and
Amit Singh
4 were superfluous. If it is former m = 0, if it is latter m = 1.
Examples of the Kutzbach

Amit Singh
Constraint analysis: Spatial

Each body has now 6 DOFs not 3

The resulting mobility is (the Kutzbach criterion):

If joints with only one connectivity are involved, we again obtain
Diophantine equation:

Determine the mobility:

Amit Singh
Idle degree of freedom

If a link can be moved without producing any movement in the
remaining links of the mechanism, the link is said to have idle or
redundant DOF.

Coupler 3 has motion

independent of input
crank and output
driven link.

Amit Singh
Idle degree of freedom

Another example:

Amit Singh
Overconstrained planar linkages

However, the portion that is shown in (b) has

Negative M means this portion is statically indeterminate

Solution is to make portion (b) rigid
Amit Singh
Characteristics of mechanisms

Snap-action mechanism: used for switches, clamps or

Linear Actuators: Stationary screws (nuts) with traveling nuts
(screws), neumatic cylinders

Amit Singh
Characteristics of mechanisms

How to classify mechanisms?

Follow Torfason, L. E., 1990. A Thesaurus of Mechanisms, in
Mechanical Designer’s Notebooks, 5, Mechanisms, edited by J.
E. Shigley and C. R. Mischke, New York: McGraw-Hill, Chap. 1.

Amit Singh
Characteristics of mechanisms

Fine adjustments: may be obtained with differential screws;
e.g. here one complete turn of the handle produces 0.0068’’
translation of carriage to the left

Ratchets: Used in locks, jacks, clockwork etc where intermittent
motions are required.

Amit Singh
Characteristics of mechanisms

Swinging or Rocking mechanism: Link AB (full circle
rotation) is a crack whereas the link CD is a rocker (oscillating)


The output rocks or swings less than 360 degrees.

Amit Singh
Characteristics of mechanisms

Swinging or Rocking mechanisms:

Quick-return mechanism: Cam-follower mechanism:

crank 2 rotates more on the Rotating link 2, the cam, drives
forward stroke of link 4 than the follower (link 3) in a rocking
on the retrun stroke. motion.
Amit Singh

Frame in mechanism is the fixed link, which may not be the same link

When different links are chosen as the frame, the relative motion between
the links are not altered but their absolute motions may be changed.

The process of choosing different links as frame is inversion.
Slider-crank mechanism

(a) Internal-combusion engine

(b) Rotary engine (aircraft)

(c) Steam locomotive: link 2

attached to wheel and link 3
Amit Singh
Grashof’s law

For a planar four-bar linkage, if there is to be continuous relative rotation
between two links, then the sum of the lengths of the shortest and the
longest links should not be greater than the sum of the remaining two link
lengths (free to fix any link):

(a,b) crank-rocker linkage: s

can rotate continuously and p has
motion limits.

(c) drag linkage: l,q can rotate

continuously (cranks); when the
shortest link is the base; double
crank linkage

(d) double rocker linkage: link s

crank, links l and q rockers

Amit Singh
Grashof’s law: Proof

Take a < d in the figures below. From the triangle inequalities for Fig (b),

From the inequalities for Fig. (c),

Eqs. (b), (c) and (d) are automatically true if eqs. (e), (f) and (a) hold,
respectively. It means eqs. (b), (c) and (d) are redundant.

From eqs. (e) and (a), we obtain,
Amit Singh
Grashof’s law: Proof

From eqs. (f) and (a), we obtain,

Since we had assumed, a < d, this means “a” is the shortest link.

Also, rearranging eqs. (e) and (f) and writing eq. (a) as it is, we get

If “d” is the longest, then eq. (a) equivalently means

Similarly, if “b” or “c” is the longest then eq. (b) or (c) equivalently means


Amit Singh
Grashof’s law

Special case:

Grashof’s neutral or transition linkage

Undesirable because it leads to unpredictable
behavior and large loads on members and joints.

Example: Is this a crank-rocker, double rocker or drag-link linkage?

solution :

The shortest link is the frame, and it

satisfies Grashof’s law, hence it is drag-link

Amit Singh
Rigid body motion

Amit Singh
Motion of a rigid body

Chasles’ Theorem: The general motion of a rigid body consists of a
translation plus a rotation.

Consider A and B moved to A’ and B’.

The movement of B can be thought of as
parallel transport of B to B’’ and then a
rotation about A’.


The unit vector always has magnitude of unity by definition, thus it can
only change due to a change in direction. This means only rotation
generates a change in the relative position vector .
Amit Singh
Differential rigid body rotation

The infinitesimal motion of a body can be broken up into its translational and
rotational components.

But under translation, , thus it is only through rotation that it can be

Theorem: The differential of the relative position between any points in a
rigid body can be expressed as where is the same for all

Corollary: The differential change of a unit vector under a rotation

Amit Singh
Angular velocity and acceleration

Define angular velocity of the rigid body implicitly by first defining the

If a rigid body has absolute angular velocity and measured realtive to
, then the net angular velcocity is

Define angular acceleration as

Theorem: The time rate of change of a unit vector due to angular velocity

Amit Singh

A simple rotating system:

Two angular rates are constant


Amit Singh

The angular velocities are:

Therefore, the net angular velocity is:

The angular acceleration becomes:

Amit Singh

Amit Singh
Relative motion: Points

In terms of fixed coordinate system

Amit Singh
Relative motion: Coordiante

Suppose xyz is rotating coordinate system with absolute angular velocity
and acceleration and

The absolute time derivative of a vector A

Amit Singh
Time derivatives in rotating cs

Observed in the rotating cs:



For angular velocity itself

Thus for a relative position vector:

Amit Singh
Time derivatives in rotating cs

Amit Singh
Moving cs and relative velocity

Amit Singh
Moving cs and relative velocity

Amit Singh
Acceleration analysis

Motion of a rigid body about a fixed point

Problem: Point B on a rigid body is 2 from center of

rotation,O, as shown in Figure. Point O represents a revolute
pair; the body has planar motion. At the instant shown, the
angular acceleration is counterclockwise, and the angular
velocity is 1,000 rad/s clockwise. Find the acceleration of point
B at this instant.

The normal and tangential accelerations of B are

Amit Singh
Moving coordinate system

Amit Singh
Moving CS


The terms have the following meaning:

 The total accn of orgin O the moving cs

Accn of P1 relative to O, where P1 coincides with P

and has no relative motion w.r.t xyz cs
They represent motion of P relative to P1
Amit Singh
Moving CS for planar motion

In planar motion, is the tangential acceleration whose magnitude is

Is the normal component of acceleration with magnitude

The term is the coriolis acceleration with magnitude

Example Problem:

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Amit Singh
Rotation matrices

Amit Singh
Rotation matrix in 2D

Rotation of a body along z axis:

Amit Singh
Rotation matrix in 3D

Rotation matrices about x, y and z axes of a global coordinate frame:

The product of these matrices:

Amit Singh
Rotation matrix in 3D+translation

If we also add translation, then it become general transformation matrix

Calculating point coordiantes in frame of reference i if point coordiantes are
already known in another coordiante frame of reference j:

Amit Singh
Problem exercise
 The coordinates of point p1 in Reference Frame 2 of a robotic system are 2{p1} = [2, 5, −1, 1]T.
Calculate the coordinates of this point in Reference Frame 1 of the system ( 1{p1}). The location
of the origin of Frame 2 with respect to Frame 1 is Δ = (5, 10, −2) and the orientation angles of
Frame 2 with respect to Frame 1 are δx = 0°, δy = 15°, and δz = 30°.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math

p2 = np.array([2,5,-1,1]).transpose()
Dx = 5
Dy = 10
Dz = -2
delta_x = 0*(np.pi)/180
delta_y = 15*(np.pi)/180
delta_z = 30*(np.pi)/180
Sx = np.sin(delta_x)
Cx = np.cos(delta_x)
Sy = np.sin(delta_y)
Cy = np.cos(delta_y)
Sz = np.sin(delta_z)
Cz = np.cos(delta_z)
T12 = np.array([[Cy*Cz, Sx*Sy*Cz - Cx*Sz, Cx*Sy*Cz + Sx*Sz, Dx],
[Cy*Sz, Sx*Sy*Sz + Cx*Cz, Cx*Sy*Sz - Sx*Cz, Dy],
[-Sy, Sx*Cy, Cx*Cy, Dz], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
p1 =,p2)
for r in p1:
print(r) Amit Singh
Intermediate and spatial motion

General spatial angular displacement matrix

Amit Singh
Spatial motion of a two body
 The point p1 (p.v.) rotates about axis u0 about an angle

 Point q1 rotates about axis u1 by angle

 Point p1 and q1 both also rotate about axis u0

 Point p0 is fixed in space

 The new position vector of point p1 is

 After rotation of u1 about u0, the vector u1


 And q1 first becomes where q' itself is rotated

about u with an angle
Amit Singh
Intermediate and spatial motion

General spatial angular velocity matrix

 The velocity of p1 becomes

The velocity of q' is

And the velocity of q is

Amit Singh
Intermediate and spatial motion

General spatial angular acceleration matrix

 The accn of p1 becomes

 The intermediate accn of q1 in reference to u0:

And the total accn of q1 is

Amit Singh
Kinematic analysis
of planar
mechanisms: First
Posture analysis
Amit Singh
Coordinate system and loop-
closure equation

Amit Singh
Posture analysis techniques

The orientation and location of a coordinate axis fixed to the body w.r.t
stationary reference (fixed coordinate system) describes posture of that
body. Variables chosen to represent the DOFs of the mechanism.

Approaches to the psoture analysis:

Example: Perform the posture analysis of the sliding-block linkage, i.e. find
and distance Given,

Amit Singh
Analytic approach

Amit Singh
Complex algebraic approach

For planar problems, a two-dimensional vector can be represented as a
complex number.

The magnitude

The direction (orientation)

Amit Singh
A vector loop

For planar problems, this has two equations by equating real and imaginary
parts on both sides:

Amit Singh
Product of complex numbers and

Product of two numbers:

Taking derivative w.r.t time for a vector representing a rigid link of fixed

Note that this is similar to our earlier vector result if , then

Taking differentiation twice

Again, one can show the similarity with earlier acceleration vector result if
relative velocity and relative acceleration are zeros. Amit Singh

Formulate equation system for the vector V and its derivatives:

Amit Singh
Coming back to earlier problem

Amit Singh
Velocity analysis of
planar mechanisms

Amit Singh
Velocity analysis: Algebraic

Problem: Determine the velocity of the piston in a pump modeled as an in-
line slider-crank linkage.


Amit Singh
Four bar linkage: velocity

The closure loop equation is:

Amit Singh

The earlier equation becomes:

We get two algebraic equations:

If is known then we can get other angular velocities by the matrix form:

Amit Singh

To find velocity of point D:

To find velocity of point C:


Amit Singh
Method of kinematic coefficients

Determine the angular velocities of the coupler link and the output link. Also
find velocities of E and F, given ,

The loop-closure equation is:

Since the input is angular displacement of link 2, we rearrange

equations in terms of

Arranging in matrix form:

Amit Singh

Solving the unknowns in the matrix, we obtain

Now, the angular velocities of links 3 and 4 are


Amit Singh
First-order kinematic coefficients:
another example

The nethod also provides geometric insights into motion of mechanisms
which have links in rolling contact.

Problem: The wheel is rolling without slipping. Determine the first-order
kinematic coefficients of links 3 and 4. If input link is rotating with a constant
angular velocity of 10 rad/s ccw, then (a) find angular velocities of link 3 and
4, (b) find the velocity of center of wheel, point G.

Soln: The loop-closure equation is:

With first constraint

The loop-closure equation gives:

Amit Singh

Wheel is rolling without slipping on the ground: second constraint, therefore,

Use first constraint to get

Substituting in earlier equations,

This gives,

Amit Singh

The angular velocities of links 3 and 4 are

The velocity of center of wheel is

It can be directly verified as

Another example:

No slip condition:

Amit Singh
Offset slider-crank linkage:
velocity analysis

Position analysis:

Velocity analysis:

This can be solved by taking its dot product with j

Amit Singh
Instantaneous centers of velocity

For planar motion, it is a common point to a pair of bodies such that the
absolute velocities of two bodies at this point are equal, or relative velocity of
one with respect to other is zero at this point.

Below, conisder x1-y1 attached to body 1 and body 2 is another rigid body
with angular velocity

Choose a point I such


Once IC is known, then

Amit Singh
Instant centers continued..

When the absolute velocities of two points are known, then draw
perpendicular lines to these velocities, and their intersection point is IC.

As the motion progresses, IC changes its location and converts into a path
or locus, which is known as centrode.

The number of Ics in n-link mechanism is

Aronhold-Kennedy Theorem of Three Centers:
Three instant centers, shared by three rigid
bodies w.r.t. one another, must lie on the same
straight line.

Primary Ics of four bar linkage:

Secondary Ics can

be identified using
the above theorem.
Amit Singh
Instant centers location

Instant centers of a disc cam with a flat faced follower: Pin joints at 12
and 13 automatically give I12 and I13. For I23, we must look at the velocity of
point A of body 2 from the perspective of the body 3.

Instant center at a point of rolling contact: (For no slip, IC is located at
point of contact)

Amit Singh
Instant centers location

Instant centers of inverted slider-crank linkage:

There is no relative rotation between links 3 and 4

and the denominator therefore is zero.

Amit Singh
Velocity analysis using Instant

Consider four-bar linkage: Given the angular velocity of input link 2, what
are the velocities of pin B, coupler point D and point E of link 4

Amit Singh

When instant centers change location in time, a locus or path is formed
known as Centrode

 Consider four-bar linkage and the movement of I13:

Amit Singh
analysis of planar

Amit Singh
Four bar linkage: general
acceleration analysis

Take the plane as xy and

Amit Singh

This equation must satisfy for the coefficients of both unit vectors:

Convert it into AX = B problem:

Amit Singh

Amit Singh
Offset slider-crank linkage:
acceleration analysis

Acceleration analysis:

Taking its dot product with j

Amit Singh
Acceleration in rigid body
For the four-bar linkage in the posture shown, the constant input angular velocity is
ω2 = 200 rad/s ccw. Determine the accelerations of points A and B , and the angular
accelerations of links 3 and 4. Here, inches.

Solution: First perform posture analysis to find

Amit Singh
From the velocity analysis, for given

Now the normal components are:

Tangential components are unknown:

Amit Singh

Use relative acceleration vectors:

This gives,


The acceleration of B becomes:

Amit Singh
Method of kinematic coefficients:
Second order

We follow the gour bar linkage problem from the velocity analysis by method
of kinematic coefficients, where we got two following equations:

Now, take derivatives of these equations one more time with respect to input
angle variable to obtain

Amit Singh

Writing these in matrix form,

: Note that this is the same as it was there for the velocity
analysis. Not a coincidence. Same for all kinematic

Using cramer’s rule, we obtain the value of unknowns

Using chain rule, we further obtain the angular velocities of links 3 and 4:

Amit Singh
Instantaneous center of

Defn: The instantaneous location of a pair of coincident points of two
different rigid bodies where the absolute accelerations of the two bodies are

It is not the same as instantaneous center of velocity.

Let be the instantaneous center of acceleration, a point of zero absolute
acceleration. The acceleration difference equation with respect to A is


Amit Singh
Complex algebraic
analysis revisited

Amit Singh
Four bar mechanism: Posture or

It has one DOF so it requires a single displacement vector equation.

The vector closure loop of displacement in terms of complex numbers is

After expanding this gives rise to two scalar equations:

Amit Singh
Newton-Raphson method to solve
one nonlinear equation

Consider a function . The root of the function is defined as the
point such that

Jacobian or Jacobian matrix: Given we define the
Jacobian as


Amit Singh

Taylor-series approximation to the first order:


Iterate until

For the problem, we have
Take initial guess as

Amit Singh

Show here python scipy based code and also gif file.

Amit Singh
Solving system of equations

By setting this equal to zero, we have


Amit Singh
Four bar mechanism: Velocity

Taking derivative of displacement loop equation with time

In matrix form, the two equations can be written as

Amit Singh
Four bar mechanism: Acceleration

Taking derivative of velocity loop equation with time

In matrix form:

Amit Singh
Adding a couple to four bar
 A coupler vector L1 points to coupler location of interest p1. Use a loop
eqaution for a0-a1-p1

Amit Singh
Problem statement

For a 25 degree crank displacement angle, calculate the displaced value of
coupler point p1 for the four-bar-mechanism in Table given below

Solution: First find the displacement angles using the earlier vector loop

This can be solved provided is known.

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Plot the path traced by couple point p1 for the crane below described by
following configuration. The crank displacemnt angle range is

Amit Singh
Slider-crank mechanism:
Displacement analysis

The vector closure loop of displacement in terms of complex numbers is

After expanding this gives rise to two scalar equations:

This time analytical solution is possible:

Amit Singh
Slider crank mechanism: Velocity

Taking derivative of displacement loop equation with time

In matrix form, the two equations can be written as

Amit Singh
Slider crank mechanism:

Taking derivative of velocity loop equation with time

In matrix form:

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Plot the displacement, velocity and acceleration profiles for the piston in the
crankshaft-connecting rod-piston linkage with the parameters in the table

Solution: Here, and we are interested in finding

Amit Singh
Geared five-bar mechanism:
Displacement analysis

The vector closure loop of displacement in terms of complex numbers is

We have gear ratio of the gear pair or train:

The two nonlinear equations:

Except for , all other variables are provided by user. Solve for
these two.

Amit Singh
Geared five-bar mechanism: Velocity

Taking derivative of displacement loop equation with time

In matrix form, the two equations can be written as

Amit Singh
Geared five-bar mechanism: Accn

Taking derivative of velocity equation with time

In matrix form, the two equations can be written as

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Calculate the location, velocity and accn values of p1 at
given the initial angular velocity and acceleration of the driving link are

The gear ratio is r = +2.

Amit Singh
Veclocity polygon

Amit Singh
Veclocity polygon

Amit Singh
Veclocity polygon

Given , and rad/s cw. Find the angular velocity of link 4.

First let us solve this using vector and complex algebra

Amit Singh
Veclocity polygon

The posture closure loop equation is:

This will solve for

Then take time derivative of the above one to get velocity:


Then the above equation will give the angular velocity of link 4

But the same thing can also be solved with the concept of velocity polygon.

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Find the angular velocity of the bar.

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Here, OC = CB = DC. Show D moves in a straight line perpendicular to OB.
Find the velocity of slider.

Amit Singh
Problem statement

Calculate angular velocities of link 3 and 5, velocities of 4 and 6, accn of 4.

Amit Singh
Acceleration polygon

Amit Singh
Acceleration polygon

Amit Singh
Synthesis of

Amit Singh
Synthesis of Linkages

Specific motions are known; mechanism required to fulfill the task is

Design a mechanism if

1) A curve in the plane or area of a plane or a set of finite positions or a set of

input/output angle is known.

2) Type Synthesis: Select the most proper type of mechanism e.g. four-bar linkage,
slider-crank, geared five bar etc

3) Dimension Synthesis: Calculate link lengths and positions of joints

4) Analysis: Check the angles, velocities, accelerations, required forces etc, and if they
are too high, repeat 2 to 4.

Amit Singh
Two position graphical synthesis

The crank is pivoted at O. Given two positions known for A, namely A1 and
A2. Create a circle joing A1 and A2 and find the bisector. Extend it to find the
location of O. Infinite solutions are possible for locating O.

 Repeat the process for joint Bi . Again infinite

Amit Singh
Three position graphical

Less freedom available than two position case

Two bisectors are now available for input and output links.

Amit Singh
Dimensional synthesis

Amit Singh
Dimensional synthesis: Three different

Motion generation: Prescribed

rigid body positions

Path generation: Prescribed rigid-

body path points

Function generation: Prescribed

crank and follower link-
displacement angle

Amit Singh
Branch and order defects

Branch defect: The required positions are not possible without change in the original
assembly configuration

Rigid-body positions 1, 2 and 3 are achieved by planar configuration a-b-c-d, while

the position 1* is achieved by a-b-c*-d. Therefore, the design requirement 1*-1-2-3
will not be possible without change in the original assembly.

Order defect: If the synthesized mechanism gives a different order of path points
than it was initially designed for.

The order 1-2-3-4-1 was intended but the

synthesized mechanism acheieves the
points in the order 1-2-4-3-1.

Elimination of defects: Constraint equations, prescribed values or graphical Amit
Motion generation: Three
Precision Points

Amit Singh
Motion generation: Three
Precision Points

Take vector sum of each dyad (W-Z and U-S):

Rearranging above equations:

Amit Singh
Motion generation: Three
Precision Points


Finally, we obtain two matrix equations of AX=B type to calculate X:

Free choices: ,

If these free choices are specified then order defects will be eliminated.
Amit Singh
Motion generation: Three
Precision Points


Finally, we obtain two matrix equations of AX=B type to calculate X:

Free choices: ,

If these free choices are specified then order defects will be eliminated.
Amit Singh
Problem statement

Synthesize a planar four-bar mechanism to guide the landing gear through
the prescribed points in the figure below.


Amit Singh
Function generation

Suppose we want to come up with a function generator y = f(x)

We can use four-bar linkage and come up with the relationship between the
displacement angles of input and output links:

Amit Singh
Function generation

We can have

If we know the function, then we can calculate the link displacement angles
of the crank and the follower, and respectively.

Amit Singh
Function generation

The general vector closure loop equation can be written as


Eq 1

Amit Singh
Function generation

In matrix form for three precision points:

Amit Singh
Function generation: FSPs and

It is possible to synthesize a function generator to achieve prescribed
angular velocities and accelerations.

Angular displacements are called finitely separated positions (FSPs) and
derivatives such as angular velocities and accelerations are called multiply
separated positions (MSPs).

By differentiating the earlier equation for FSPs

Amit Singh
FSPs and MSPs: Function

Eq 2:

Eq 2

One more differentiation gives:

Eq 3

With three precision points, any combinations of Eq. 1, 2 and 3 would
generate a design.

Amit Singh
FSPs and MSPs

Amit Singh

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