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Career Development Plan

Guidelines for Employees

Effective July 2013

HCL Technologies Ltd. 2013. All rights reserved.

No part of the document may be copied, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, either electronically, mechanically, or otherwise without prior written permission.
CDP (Career Development Plan):

A Career Development Plan, also known as CDP, captures the short-term and long-term career goals
for an employee. It also provides details of activities that enable them to work towards fulfilling their
aspirations within the agreed-upon timeline. The creation of CDP is applicable to the employees falling
in job band E0-E3, and having tenure with HCL of more than 6 months.
 Creation of CDP is a yearly activity.
 The CDP will be open for editing after successful scheduling of Panel Discussion - 24
hours prior to the scheduled discussion time.
 Once goal setting is done, no editing will be allowed in the CDP document for one year.

The CDP is can be:

Self-created: The CDP will be created by an employee himself/herself if his/her tenure with HCL is less
than six months
Co-created: The CDP will be created with the help of Counseling Panel, after discussion with the
counselors. The counselors can be anybody amongst the Project Manager, Reporting Manager, Skip
Level Manager, chose expert (wherever applicable) and HR Manager, or can be all of them.

Employees are provided with a CDP template on Career Connect portal, which has following fields,
which will be pre populated with employee’s details:

Employee Code:
Reporting Manager:
Current role
Target aspired role
Counseling Panel members:
Date of counseling discussion

The career goals are categorized as:

- Short Term Career Goals: These are the career goals for next 18 months to 2 years that the
employee has set for himself.
- Long Term Career Goals: These are the career goals for next 2 to 5 years, which will decide the
position where employee wants to be in long term.

Following are some DOs and DON’Ts that employee must keep in mind while filling the template:


- Ensure that the pre populated fields have correct data.

- Employee should have clear short term and long term goals
- Keep the feasibility of the career goals in mind before filling them in CDP document.

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Performance Management Process-Employee Guidelines

- Employee should clearly state the development objectives, i.e. what she/he is trying to achieve
through the development plan.
- In order to achieve his development objectives, employee has to go through some development
program. The employee can select the kind of development program or learning activities that
she/he is going to take up, in “Development Activities” dropdown.
- Corresponding to the development activity chosen, the employee shall give a detailed
description of the development activity.
- ILT courses will appear as a dropdown if employee has chosen ILT (Instructor Led Classroom)
as one of the “Development Activities”.
- Enter the planned date of completion. Once the development program is completed, update the
CDP document by entering the actual date of completion.
o 1. If the completion date is filled – Completion status will be Green(Invariable of
whether it is done within planned date or not).
o 2. If the Completion Date is not filled:
o 2a. If Today is < = Planned Date – Completion status will be Green
o 2b. If (Today-7) is < = Planned Date – Completion status will be Amber
o 2c. If (Today-7) is > Planned Date – Completion status will be Red
- Ensure that you are updating the CDP regularly with the progress in development. Else you will
get a reminder mail after every 90 days for updating the CDP.
- Employee can access SSD in case of any issues in co-creation of CDP and/or updating of CDP.


- Do not leave any fields blank. In case of any confusion, you can contact your Reporting
- Do not keep the CDP document outdated with the progress in your development plan, keep
updating it.
- Do not have any career goals which are not feasible.
- Do not keep the document outdated with respect to the planned and completion dates of
development activities. These fields should be filled without delay, as they will determine your
‘Completion Status’.

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Performance Management Process-Employee Guidelines

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