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Name: Detuya, John Robert B.

Rationality and emotions are two polar

opposites with each other, making it the
Year & Section: BSED – English 1B
main conflict of the said story. Let us
Score: evaluate the characters, we have the main

Date: October 4, 2023 protagonist, a highly rational and logical

thinker, who lacks emotional intelligence
Love is a Fallacy (Reaction Paper)
and empathy. Every time he teaches Polly
The short story titled “Love is a on the logical fallacies and how to debate.
Fallacy” by Max Shulman is a very well- By ignoring the emotional component that
made story that encapsulates and dives is crucial in human interactions, this
into the reality of logical reasoning, the approach reflects the misunderstanding
emotional intelligence of the average that relationships can be established only
people in our day-to-day life, and its on logic and reason. As a result, he
interrelationship with each other in the develops the erroneous idea that he can
context of human relationship. In this improve Polly by educating her on logical
reaction paper, I will analyze the messages fallacies while ignoring the subtle
behind the story that is conveyed with the emotional nuances that make interpersonal
use of logical fallacies. In this way, they connections nuanced and meaningful.
can somehow relate to our personal
Polly gives the impression of being a
experiences and understanding of love, as
young woman with no formal education or
well as the use of rationality.
experience with logical reasoning. She is
In the story, the protagonist, a young portrayed as naive and a little timid. She
noble and a smart man uses logical is the type of person who uses emotional
thinking in order to persuade and get intelligence. As the story progresses, it is
Polly’s heart as they are talking. The way visible that Polly initially embraces the
he uses rationality is one of his distinctive protagonist's logic but later recognizes the
traits. His character symbolizes logical limitations of this approach.
reasoning used in our everyday lives such
It can be observed that while the young
as interacting with people. As the story
man uses logical reasoning, he lacks
goes on, we can observe that this young
emotions because he always uses his mind
man tries to teach and educate Polly, but
as a way to analyze situations. Polly on the
her emotions get the better of her as time
other hand, uses empathy but lacks
goes on.
rationality which leads her to take
questionable actions. Both of them have way we rationalize with people from our
the other trait while lacking the other, emotional state so that people can
which leads them to misunderstandings in understand each other at a deeper level.
their conversation. It emphasizes the idea
In conclusion, "Love is a Fallacy" is a
that for good communication and
fascinating and humorous investigation of
understanding in any relationship, a
the interaction between reason and
balance between logic and emotion is
emotion in the context of romantic
relationships. It serves as a reminder that
The message of the story tells us that although reason can be a helpful tool, it
we cannot control the emotions of a certain will never be able to fully express the
person maybe because everyone of us has depth of emotion and empathy that define
different personal experiences in life. love. The story serves as a lovely
Although logical thinking is a crucial skill cautionary tale, reminding us to value the
that is needed for us to master, love is a unique qualities that make each
complex topic and logic can’t overshadow relationship unique and to accept the
the importance of empathy and complexity of love.
understanding of another’s state. Though it
can guide us in making judgments and
navigating various elements of life, logical
thinking is unable to fully comprehend or
have any control over matters of the heart.

As I was reading the story, I came to

reflect that there are many complexities
that are happening in this reality of life, in
this case, love and rationality. We can’t
always convince anyone to be logical as it
only sometimes causes fallouts and
miscommunications. This story serves as a
reminder that while reason has its place, it
shouldn't take priority over the value of
understanding, empathy, and emotional
connection in our dealings with people.
This is why we should try to balance the

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