Working With Task Lists QRG

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Create and Maintain Bills of Materials QRG

Working with Task Lists (TLs) – Quick Reference Guide

To provide instructions on how to use Task Lists effectively, including searching for and requesting
updates or new Task Lists in SAP, when planning secondary and breakdown maintenance Work
To access SAP, navigate to Prospect and select Standard Transactions.

Related Documents
Document Name Document Number

Work Practice – Assess Existing Task Lists WP0460-01

Work Practice – Maintain Task Lists WP0460-04

Work Practice – Remove Construction Type WP0440-12

Work Practice – Remove Maintenance Plans Items and WP0440-13


Convert Notification into a Work Order ................................................................................................ 3
Select Available Task Lists ............................................................................................................... 3
Attach Task List to Work Order (using IA09) ....................................................................................... 4
Search for Task Lists by Functional Location (using IH01)................................................................. 5
Search for Task Lists through Previous Work Orders (using IW39) ................................................... 5
Identify Task Lists that Require Changing........................................................................................... 7
CA82 ................................................................................................................................................. 7
CA72 ................................................................................................................................................. 7
IA09 ................................................................................................................................................... 7
IA10 ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Modify a Task List RTTMS Request .................................................................................................... 9
Create a New Task List RTTMS Request ......................................................................................... 10

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Note: You search for SAP Transactions by typing the Transaction Code (e.g., “IW39”) into the
SAP Command Box and clicking Enter ( ), e.g.:

However, to search for a Transaction from within another Transaction, you will need to type
“/N(Transaction Code)”, e.g., “/NIW39” instead.

For future use, Transactions can be added to your Favourites bar.

From the menu bar, select Favorites > Insert Transaction.

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Convert Notification into a Work Order

When Secondary or Breakdown Maintenance is required, a Notification (Noti) will be created,
and allocated to the Planner on site. The Planner will then convert the Noti into a Secondary
Work Order.
Once completed, Work Orders will detail the job steps and all resources required, including
equipment, materials, parts and people. Rather than adding these details manually, a Planner can
use a Task List to auto-populate the required information.
Select Available Task Lists
When converting a Notification into a Work Order, SAP will prompt you with potentially suitable
Task Lists, based on the Functional Location you selected. It will display Task Lists one level
above and below the Functional Location you selected.

Select the Task List you want to use. The details will be populated into the Work Order. You can
then modify these details in the Work Order if necessary (e.g., delete unnecessary parts or modify
quantity). Examples:
FIXED PLANT: BCV210 Head Pulley has a MOBILE: 06H41 Front Right Hand Wheel
bearing defect Motor Leaking

Task Lists may not pop-up if the Notification was attached to a Functional Location at a high level
(and are not linked to a Construction Type).
If a suitable Task List is not displayed, you can search for one using Transactions IA09, IH01 and
IW39 as described in the sections below.

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Attach Task List to Work Order (using IA09)

Use this Transaction to locate and attach a Task List to a Work Order, using relevant details such
as Short Text or Group and Group Counter.

1. Type ‘IW38’ into the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ) to locate the Work Order.
2. Find the relevant Work Order and double-click the Order number.
The Work Order will be displayed.
3. From the menu bar, select Extras > Task List Selection > General task lists.

4. Transaction IA09 will be displayed (Display Task Lists: Task List Selection screen).
5. Consider which fields could be populated on this screen to produce a list of relevant Task

Lists. Populate the fields as required and click Execute ( ). Example:

a. Retain the pre-populated Plant # in the Plant field (e.g., 3021), or remove if
b. Type relevant key words into Short Text field (e.g., *830E*Brake*).
6. A list of Task Lists will be displayed for the criteria that you entered. Double-click an entry
in the Group field to display further information on that Task List.
7. Highlight the relevant row and click Choose button ( ) to add the Task List to the Work
8. Click on the Components tab to view the parts list.
9. Remove or edit parts as required (e.g., change quantity).
10. Click Save.

Alternatively, you can search for Task Lists outside of a Work Order using IA09.
1. Type ‘IA09’ into the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).
2. Populate the Display Task Lists: Task List Selection screen:
a. Task List Type section: Select Gen.Task List.

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b. Type Usage in Usage field (e.g., 02 for secondary or breakdown maintenance).

c. Plant field: Relevant Plant/Site # (e.g., 3021).
d. Plus any other relevant fields (e.g., Assembly, Short Text, Work Centre, Planner
Group, Group Counter etc.)
2. A list of Task Lists will be displayed for the criteria that you entered. Double-click an entry in
the Group field to display further information on that Task List.
3. Validate the information is suitable for your Work Order by checking the date created,
scope, part numbers and estimates.
4. To review Long Text, double-click the check box in the LT column.

5. Click Back ( ) until you return to the Display Task Lists: List of Task Lists screen.

6. Take note of the Group and Group Counter before clicking Exit ( ).
Group and Group Counter can be used to include a Task List in a Work Order (IW38)

If you are unable to find a suitable Task List, you can search manually using Transactions IH01
and IW39, detailed below.

Search for Task Lists by Functional Location (using IH01)

Use IH01 to drilldown to a Functional Location to find out if you have Task Lists.
1. Type ‘IH01’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).
2. Choose a Functional Location (e.g., 3022CV102).
3. Select Location Hierarchy check box only.
4. Populate the Plant field (the same as FLOC or leave blank).

5. Click Execute ( ).
6. Click on Expand whole.
7. Click Select all button.
8. Select Environment > Tasklist > General Task lists to view.
Task Lists will be displayed for the Functional Location selected.

Search for Task Lists through Previous Work Orders (using

The IW39 transaction can be used to find Task Lists through Work Orders that have been
completed in the past.
1. Type ‘IW39’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).

2. Populate the following fields as required, and click Execute ( ):

The Display PM orders: Selection of Orders screen:
• Complete Order Status section: Select Completed and Historical checkboxes.
• Order Type field (e.g., PM02).
• Functional Location field (e.g., 3021BCV110ATTATRMA.PMPU).

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• Main Work Center field (e.g., MF).

• Plant for WorkCenter field (e.g., 3021).
3. A list of Work Orders matching the criteria you have entered will appear (or if only one WO
matches the criteria, it will be displayed (skip to Step 6)).
4. Change the layout to include Group and Group Counter columns. This will allow you to
see which Work Orders used Task Lists.
a. Select Settings from the menu bar> Layouts > Current.
b. Add ‘Group’ and ‘Group Counter’ to the ‘Displayed Columns’ with the left arrow.
5. Double-click on the Order number to open a Work Order.
6. Navigate to the Planning tab. The Last Included Task List shows the Task List
7. Click Select All to show all Task Lists included.
8. Double-click the Group field to view the individual Task List details and validate if the Task
List is suitable for the particular job you are planning.

9. Take note of the Group and Group Counter before clicking Exit ( ).
Group and Group Counter can be used to include a Task List in a Work Order (IW38).

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Identify Task Lists that Require Changing

Changes to general Task Lists affect all assets to which these Task Lists are applied. Use the
following transactions to identify Task Lists that may require changing prior to raising an RTTMS
Use CA82 to find the impacted Task List when there’s a change in Work Centre.
1. Type ‘CA82’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).
2. Populate the following fields as required:
a. Work Centre: e.g., MMA11AE
b. Plant: e.g., 3021
c. Type from: e.g., A

3. Click Execute ( ).
4. In the Overview var. pop-up, click button to populate field.
5. Double-click first option.
6. Click green tick.

Use CA72 to find the impacted Task List if there’s a change in PRT.
1. Type ‘CA72’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).
2. Select the PRT category button.
3. From the PRT category drop-down menu, select Document.
4. Select Green tick.
5. Populate the following fields, as required:
a. Document: e.g., 09017D818006C96C.
b. Document type: e.g., ZMP.
c. Doc Part: e.g., 000.
d. Version: e.g., 00.
e. Type from: e.g., A.

6. Click Execute ( ).
7. In the Overview var. pop-up, click button to populate field.
8. Double-click first option.
9. Click green tick.

Use IA09 to see which Task Lists share a common Assembly.

1. Type ‘IA09’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).

2. Populate the Assembly field (e.g., 60853407).

3. Click Execute ( ).

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Use IA10 to see detailed view of a Task List, e.g., strategy, Construction Type, line by line
1. Type ‘IA10’ in the SAP Command Box and click Enter ( ).
2. Gen. task list is auto selected.
3. Populate the Group field, e.g.,160458.
4. Keep the filters as selected.

5. Click Execute ( ).

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Modify a Task List RTTMS Request

To make any changes to existing Task Lists you will need to raise an RTTMS ticket.
Access: Element > Service Now > RTTMS > Order for Myself > Search Catalogue > Type
‘Request Maintenance Systems Change’
Select yellow star ( ) to save to Favourites.

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Create a New Task List RTTMS Request

To create a new Task lists you will need to raise an RTTMS ticket.
Access: Element > Service Now > RTTMS > Order for Myself > Search Catalogue > Type
‘Request Maintenance Systems Change’
Select yellow star ( ) to save to Favourites.

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