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1. ________ you hurry up, you’ll miss the bus. 22. After walking four miles in the pouring rain, the children were
A) Because B) If C) Also ________.
D) Except E) Unless A) moist B) damp C) drowned
D) humid E) drenched
2. The man jumped out of the window and committed ________.
A) murder B) death C) sin 23. The Grand Hotel ________ five pounds for a single room with bath.
D) suicide E) homicide A) pays B) prices C) charges
D) expends E) spends
3. I was walking along the street when I accidentally _______ my friend.
A) bumped into B) moved into C) came into 24. The thief ________ my handbag and ran off down the street.
D) fell into E) saw into A) caught B) snatched C) picked
D) disconnected E) detached
4. The doctor took his temperature and felt his ________.
A) vein B) nerve C) blood 25. I thought the problem of pollution would ________ at the meeting
D) pulse E) muscle but no one mentioned it.
A) come in B) come over C) come to
5. It’s my ________ that it’s going to rain.
D) come up E) come round
A) option B) opinion C) intention
D) decision E) thought 26. Jane’s new blue dress ________ her coat perfectly.
A) likes B) matches C) colors
6. This book is too ________, I don’t understand it.
D) resembles E) fits
A) secret B) opaque C) dark
D) obscure E) blank 27. When I came in, John and Mary ________ about the best way to
learn English.
7. She was very inquisitive and she didn’t ________ to hide her curiosity.
A) were saying B) were teaching C) were speaking
A) effect B) affect C) attempt
D) were telling E) were talking
D) discover E) find
28. Let’s go into the garden and ________ some roses to take to your
8. She wanted to buy a modern dress, she didn’t want an old-________
A) dig B) pick C) pull
A) styled B) formed C) looked
D) break E) detach
D) fashioned E) shaped
29. Would you go upstairs and ________ my handbag, please.
9. What ________ is your car?
A) take B) bring C) carry
A) manufacture B) construction C) make
D) fetch E) obtain
D) mark E) assembly
30. The houses with even numbers are on the left side of the street and
10. He was a very ________ driver and had a lot of accidents.
those with ________ numbers are on the right.
A) careful B) careless C) correct
A) odd B) unequal C) irregular
D) cautious E) conscientious
D) level E) divided
11. The ________ gave the new film a very good review.
31. Every morning I do the crossword ________ in the newspaper.
A) critics B) reporters C) announcers
A) problem B) puzzle C) question
D) interviewers E) translators
D) test E) theme
12. Grandmother lets the children do anything they like, so they are
32. There is an index ________ of this book.
completely ________.
A) in the end B) on the end C) from the end
A) spoilt B) damaged C) hurt
D) at the end E) with the end
D) injured E) destroyed
33. It was so cold that the water in the lake ________.
13. The Manager asked me to ________ the contract for my new job.
A) chilled B) iced C) froze
A) write B) describe C) sign
D) hardened E) boiled
D) disagree E) design
34. John ________ his examination but his brother failed.
14. ______ for the post of Senior Clerk must be received by March 10th.
A) succeeded B) made C) resulted
A) Proposals B) Descriptions C) Possibilities
D) passed E) qualified
D) Applications E) Offerings
35. The Government will have ________ this proposal very carefully.
15. Mr. Hobson has had to ________ his job because of ill-health.
A) to go for B) to go after C) to go into
A) give in B) give up C) give away
D) to go round E) to go under
D) give out E) give over
36. The Post Office is only a few yards ________.
16. My English teacher ________ me to try for a place at University.
A) in the road B) on the road C) above the road
A) insisted B) persisted C) proposed
D) under the road E) up the road
D) convinced E) encouraged
37. Will you help me ________ this parcel, please?
17. I ________ you £5 that Peter will win the race on Saturday.
A) tie up B) lie down C) tie in
A) gamble B) bet C) offer
D) tie for E) tie with
D) give E) risk
38. If you didn’t keep scratching that spot on your face, it would soon
18. Mary had to be taken to hospital after her ________.
A) dilemma B) distraction C) happening
A) remedy B) cure C) restore
D) accident E) occurrence
D) heal E) mend
19. I shall never ________ the time when I was lost in London without
39. Mary has given me a ________ for chocolate cake.
any money.
A) prescription B) description C) diet
A) remember B) recall C) forget
D) list E) recipe
D) recollect E) imagine
40. Mrs. Simpson ________ £1000 to the Dogs’ Home when she died.
20. Mary is almost well again now, but she still looks rather ________.
A) remained B) left C) presented
A) faded B) light C) poor
D) offered E) permitted
D) transparent E) pale
21. I feel so sleepy, I can hardly ________ my eyes open.
A) make B) keep C) pull
D) take E) bring

Book 2 Part D 311 Test 9

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