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The King in her by Thandi Moagi

copyright @2023


A small hidden village in KZN called

Nzimeni village, is home to a small
population led by a ruthless King known
as Mkhonto. He rules with an iron fist, he
mostly disregards women and the poor.
His kingdom is the biggest and most
richest in all the surrounding kingdoms.
Most of the young maidens in this village
are groomed to be perfect wives, soon
after they matriculate they look forward
to marrying farmers, hunters, warriors or
if they are lucky they can be one of the
king's many wives or concubines. A
woman is regarded as nothing but a
home maker, an object of a man's fantasy
and king Mkhonto can have any woman
his heart desires, no one can refuse him.
*******AT THE RIVER BANK******

"That will teach you to respect men and

to know your place" Xolani the warrior
says throwing a punch at the young 19
year old stubborn maiden Khethelo,
daughter of the late hunter Mvuleni
Mthembu. Khethelo was doing her and
her mother's laundry at the river when
Xolani and his friends demanded that she
does their laundry as well, which is a
norm in this village. Nobody says no to
the warriors, least of all a mere woman
but Khethelo is no ordinary woman. She
is raised by a strong willed woman who is
known for not taking nonsense from
anyone. Khethelo falls to the ground
bleeding from her mouth.
"Next time I tell you to do something, you
do it or I'll have all my men rape you and
you know the king won't do anything
about it, in fact he would reward us for
setting a Mthembu straight" he says
walking away laughing. Khethelo spits out
the blood in her mouth and continues
doing the laundry until she's is done then
heads home.


Khethelo walks into the yard, hangs the
clothes she washed earlier and makes her
way to the house. She passes the kitchen
going straight to her bedroom hoping
that her mother Nandi would not see her
swollen mouth.
"Buya buya Khethelo(come back)"
Khethelo stops on her tracks and turns to
face her mother

"What happened to you?" Khethelo starts

tearing up narrating the whole story to
her mother. All she needs at that
particular moment is a warm hug and
assurance that everything will be alright,
but this is Nandi Mthembu. She doesn't
do soft or weak or tears or hugs.
"Are you crying because of that Gasa
boy? Did you at least fight back?"
Khethelo shakes her head

"Why not?" She asks calmly

"Mama he is bigger than me and he is

much stronger than me. He is a warrior
mama, I am just a woman" out of no
where a punch lands on Khethelo's face
and she sobs holding her cheek. Another
one punch lands on her stomach and she
screams in agony feeling like she will
vomit her intestines there and then.

"All I hear is excuses but not solutions.

"He is bigger than me" you say then use
your small frame to your advantage to
overpower him. "He is stronger than me"
you say then use your brains to turn his
strength into weakness. Men are big
empty shells. We are far wiser than them.
Do you know now that he thinks he has
overpowered you he will always torment
you?" Khethelo nods wiping her blood

"Who are you Khethelo" Khethelo looks

up and forms a fist

"I am Khethelo Mthembu, daughter of

the hunter Mvuleni Mthembu and Nandi
Mthembu I am their only seed I am their
male child." Nandi smiles
"You remember that everywhere you go"
Khethelo nods and proceeds to her room.

*****TWO DAYS LATER*****

Khethelo wakes up early in the morning

and does all her chores before going to
the woods to hunt for the evening's meal.
Her father taught her all she knows about
hunting, while taking a break from
hunting an idea pops into her mind of
how to defeat Xolani, she spots a deer
and she uses her father's bow and arrow
to bring down the animal. She gets
home carrying the deer on her back and
prepares the deer before getting busy
with her plan to take down Xolani. She
mixes pepper and chilli powder putting
them together in a small container, later
that day she went to the river bank
hoping to run into Xolani again. After a
few minutes of waiting sure enough the
Gasa boy came strolling in, walking with
pride. Khethelo poured the mixture into
her palm then went to confront Xolani.

"Warrior I believe you owe me a fight"

Xolani turns to look at Khethelo with
amusement on his face. The short light
skinned young maiden stands tall and
sure of herself not minding that she just
waged war against one of the feared
warriors who is double her size and has
killed men with his big strong fists.

"I do not fight with women I fuck them,

unless you want me to deflower you here
and now" Xolani says arrogantly

"Oh but warrior, two days ago you fought

me. Was your manhood not working that
day?" Xolani clenched his jaws
"Xolani indulge the maiden so that we can
go, the king awaits us" one of the warriors
says amused. Khethelo already holding
the pepper and chilli powder mixture into
her fist she assumes the boxing position
ready to throw a jab. Xolani can't help but
laugh at Khethelo in fact he finds her

"I'll let you tickle me with your first

punch" Xolani says smirking and sure
enough Khethelo aims for his eyes and
throws the mixture into Xolani's eyes. As
he screams in irritation Khethelo quickly
grabs his legs with all her might trying to
bring him down after much struggle
Xolani falls as he screams for his fellow
warriors to bring him water but they
ignore him, clearly impressed by this little
dynamite. Khethelo grabs a huge rock and
hits his head with it. Xolani bleeds
imidiately, Khethelo then stands over his
bloody head.
"I am Khethelo Mthembu daughter of
Mvuleni Mthembu the hunter and Nandi
Mthembu I am their only seed and I am
their male child" She then ran home with
her heart pumping fast.

*******AT THE PALACE*******

"You mean the daughter of the late
Mvuleni Mthembu did this to one of my
best warriors?" The king asks in anger

"I was told about the wife of Mthembu's

disrespect but now she has poisoned her
daughter too. I know how to break a spirit
of a disrespectful woman. I need you to
send a letter informing Mrs Mthembu
that I'll be marrying her daughter" the
king says and the council men nod in

The following day Khethelo gets up and

does her daily hygiene process before
doing her chores then runs off to the
woods to go hunting as usual meanwhile
Nandi receives a letter from the King
Mkhonto requesting her daughter's hand
in marriage. She reads the letter and

"These are indeed great news, please let

the king know that I will get Khethelo's
uncles to negotiate the lobola in five
market days. The kinsmen nod and exits
the Mthembu homestead. They were
expecting Mrs Mthembu to throw
tentrums but instead she displayed a
jovial reaction which the king was very
pleased to learn that Nandi accepted his
request, not that she had any choice.
Khethelo returned from hunting only to
find her mother in her bedroom packing
her clothes.

"Sit we don't have much time, the king

sent a letter requesting your hand in
marriage. My daughter I have watched
women being belittled and treated like
objects. I have taught you to stand for
yourself and fight. I have taught you that
what a man does you can do it better. I
want you to leave this village, run and
never look back. You have a matric
certificate not to to cook and share
recipes with your sister wives. You are far
greater than that, your father's family
turned their backs on us when your
father refused to take a second wife to
bare him male children. He used to say,
Khethelo is my male child and therefore I
need no other. On his dying bed he made
me promise to toughen you up and
prepare you for this day. My daughter I
have always been hard on you not
because I don't love you but because I
was preparing you for the outside world.
When you are out there remember
where you come from. In difficult
situations, in a male dominated
environment remember the King in you. I
have been saving money for you and if
you use it wisely you shall achieve
anything your heart desires" Khethelo
wipes her tears hugging her mother
"What about you Mama, Why don't we
run together?"

"The king is going to kill me when he

doesn't find you which is well with my
soul. I miss your father, the only man
who's never made us feel like being a
woman is a curse. I will find you in your
dreams but for now go my child. I love
you. Nandi loves you" they hug and for
the first time Khethelo feels her mother's
warmth that she has always longed for.
She waits for the night to come and she
leaves for the city of gold, making sure
she never looks back.

********TEN YEARS LATER********


He ups the pace hitting it from behind, I

grab the sheets as I feel an orgasm
approaching fast and hard. He thrusts
deeper as if he read my mind.
"Wait for me baby" I don't listen to him,
my happy ending is here and there is no
way in hell I'm waiting for him. I cum and
shortly after he cums too. He throws
himself on the bed panting like a tired
lazy dog.

"That was epic, baby" I side eyed him

getting up and going to the shower, I
opened the tap then stuck my head out
the bathroom door.
"Thanks, you can leave now" he lifts his
head and frowns

"I thought w...." I don't let him finish

"Victor I explained what this is" he scoffs

"It's Vincent" I chuckle

"I don't care, close the door on your way
out." I say closing the bathroom door I
hear a low "bitch" and I chuckle getting
into the shower.


Ten years ago I came to Johannesburg
with nothing but a dream and no family.
My mother gave me enough money to
put myself through college while I worked
part time as a cashier. After I graduated at
the age of 22 I started my own logistics
company. It was difficult breaking into the
business world but my spirit was
relentless. I wanted success, I wanted to
make my parents proud. Home? I went
back to Nzimeni village 2 years ago, I had
my driver and body guard ask around for
Nandi Mthembu but the villagers
narrated a very sad story about how the
king killed her for hiding her daughter. I
wanted to march to the palace and
avenge my mother but something
stopped me, it was like my mother's spirit
forbade me. 10 years later I am the best
in my field with kwa Nandi logistics
having branches all over the country. My
biggest flex is the export and import
business I have in Durban. Many men
want it and some went as far as to
threaten me but I'm no pushover. I walk
inside my company building and everyone
becomes quiet only the sound of my
clicking heels is audible. I walk into the
CEO's office without knocking, he looks
startled to see me but this is my company,
I can come in and out as I please.

"Miss Mthembu what a pleasant surprise,

can I get you anything to drink?" I shake
my head.
"I am going to be sitting in on today's
board meeting. Honestly Jason I thought
you were at the top of your game but
when I find unsettling things that can
destroy my company under your watch I
become pissed and you don't want a
pissed Khethelo." He frowns not having
the slightest idea of what I'm talking
about. See! Incompetence at its best.

"I don't know what you are talking about

Miss Mthembu but I can assure you that
this company is in good hands." I nod not
wanting to argue with this fool

The board members settle in, some are

suprised to see me while others pretend
that I'm not in the room. I sit quietly
listening to the projections of the
company, the cost to sell and innovative
ideas on how to bring new clients. I swear
Jason is going overboard trying to impress
me and it's sickening really because had
he been at the top of his game then I
wouldn't be here.

"Before we conclude this meeting. Miss

Mthembu, is the there something you'd
like to add?" I nod getting up

"Thank you Jason, you know when I

started this company, I named it after a
tigress my mother Nandi Mthembu, this
is her legacy. A strong fierce woman who
gave birth to the king in me. Now
someone in this company thinks because
I am a woman that they can do as they
please in my company and I will sit and do
nothing. Well I'm here to let you know
that I've got balls of steel and no man can
shake me. Mr Miya, you are hereby
suspended effectively immediately
pending an investigation by the company
and the authorities for embazzlement of
company funds and money laundering.
The security is waiting outside the door to
escort you out of my premises. I turn to
look at Jason who looks spooked.

"Consider this your first warning Jason,

don't sleep on the job" he nods clearly
shocked by what is going on.

"You have no idea what you have just

done Miss Mthembu, this is bigger than
the both of us. The man I'm working for is
a ruthless monster and he won't hesitate
to kill you. Your company is of interest to
him especially the one down in the
Durban harbour. All you need to do is to
be a good little girl and turn a blind eye to
what is happening around here or your
splattered brains will be trending on
social media." I chuckle

"Tell your boss that I'm not afraid of him.

He can give it his best shot, security!!" He
laughs as the security drags him out.
"Let this be a lesson to each and
everyone of you, I might be a woman but
don't let that fool you. This company is
my baby, you best behave or I'll show you
why I am my mother's male child" I say
walking out.

********JEROME MIYA********
Damn! that woman, who the hell does
she think she is. I have been doing this
cleaning money for my boss for over a
year now. This company was just perfect
for laundering money and now I have to
tell boss. He might just shoot me before I
even finish the sentence, then there's the
issue of the police investigating me. I
swear this woman has no idea the trouble
she has put me in.
I walk into his office and I knock once
before letting myself in. He is sitting on his
chair facing the view of Jozi.

"Miya" I take a deep breath, I haven't said

a word yet but I'm already shaking in my
boots. This could be my last day alive.
Here goes nothing!

"Boss, the Mthembu woman caught on

that I'm laundering money into her
business" he turns his chair. This man is
scary. His look alone can kill you, he stares
at me like he's expecting me to continue.

"Where are we going to get a company

that can clean 50 million in a year? Don't
think I don't know that you have been
embazzeling funds from that company
which is the main reason why you got
caught. Your little side hustle is costing
me millions" damnit! He knows about me
embazzeling money, there's no denying it.
"Give me one good reason why shouldn't
I put a bullet in your skull right now"

"Boss I will convince Miss Mthembu to

allow me back into the company" it's a
long shot but I have kids and a wife to
think about, I can't afford to die.
"You have 48 hours Miya, you know I
don't involve myself with such issues but
if the men I trust you get the job done fail
then I might as well kill them, they are of
no use to me." I swallow hard and nod.

After the scary encounter with the boss, i

was actually relieved that I made it out
alive. I drove to Miss Mthembu's house. I
took out my gun putting a silencer on. I
don't plan on using it but I just want to
scare her into an agreement of some sort.

I decide to pick the lock and let myself in.

I walk into the kitchen then into the
lounge. She's sitting on a single recliner
sofa watching TV. I walk slowly towards
her then point a gun to her head she
turns slowly but I feel something on my
shaft only to find that she's also pointing
a gun at me, on my baby maker to be
"I actually expected you earlier" she says
calmly like I'm not holding a gun to her
head while I'm scared witless.

"I need your company" she chuckles

"I guess you going to have to kill me first"

"There's no need for all that, just allow us
to use your company. It will never lead to
you. I will make sure that you are
protected from the authorities"

"I'll pass but thank you for the offer. And

FYI Miya, you are going to pay back the
money you stole from me."

"Then I guess you don't know who you

are dealing with." I say removing the gun
and I shoot the TV trying to scare her but
the damn woman doesn't flinch instead
she moves the gun in her hand to my
thigh and shoots causing me to drop my
gun in total shock.

"Are you fucken out of your bloody

mind?" You shot me you bitch!!!" I roar, a
second shot lands on my other thigh. It
hurts so bad, I'm screaming like bitch.
"Miss Mthembu please don't do this
please, take me to the hospital. I'm
bleeding out here please!" I beg

"Who are you working for?" I shake my


"I can't tell you please" she chuckles

"You went to tell your boss that I busted
you and you came out alive now you are
at my house with two bullet wounds and
still you fear him more than me? Isibindi
Miya(the liver)" I never thought I'll be on
my knees begging a woman to spare my
life. She looks at me square in the eyes
and puts the gun on my forehead.

"I won't ask you again" I sob crying

"Goodbye Miya" she pulls the trigger and
it's lights out for me.


My phone beeps with a message from

Khethelo telling me that she needs me.
Khethelo and I met six years ago when
she came to join my jym. I teach
taekwondo which I learned in my early
years of travel to Korea. We became close
and ever since then we have each other's
backs. I get to her place and I'm met by a
dead body of a men in the living room.
She's sitting on her favourite recliner sofa
drinking whiskey from a bottle.

"What happened here?" She chuckles

"This piece of shit stole money from my

company then tried to kill me. Apparently
he works for someone dangerous and he
refused giving him away"

"And you being you, ran out of patience

before you can make him talk"

"He disrespected me, I felt insulted that

he feared whoever his boss is more than
me." I laugh
"How dare he, wena your mother's male
child" she takes the remote and throws it
at at me laughing.

"Let's get rid of the body, I feel like going

to the club, I need a good fuck" I shake
my head and I grab the man's car keys, I
drive his car into the garage and I go back
inside. We drag him into his car. I drive his
car out with his body on the passenger
seat while Khethelo follows behind. We
get to an open field and we set drag the
the body to the driver's sit pouring
alcohol everywhere then setting the car
ablaze. We quickly run to Khethelo's car
and drive off playing loud music as if we
didn't just commit a heinous crime.


********AT CLUB TABOO********

I watch as these girls have fun as if they
didn't just kill one of my best men. After
Jerome left my office, I had him tailed. I
knew that he was going to the Mthembu
woman's house to threaten her. I just
wanted one of my men to clean up after
him in case he loses it and kills her, only
for the opposite to happen. When the
guy I sent to follow him came back with
pictures, I was shocked to say the least. I
could blackmail her into allowing me to
use her company again but where's the
fun in that? I want to break her, by the
time I'm done with her she will sign over
the shipping company in Durban. I need
that company to ship drugs, rhino horns
and artifacts to other countries without
struggle. I will be cutting the middle man
which will make me filthy rich.

"You've been staring at those girls for a

while, are you charmed" I chuckle, that's
my best friend and right hand man
Thuba. We go way back and he is the only
one I trust in my team.

"You see that short, light in complexion

one?" He nods with a smirk
"I want you to take her to the hole
tonight, I want you to leave her there for
a few days without food" his eyes pop

"King , what did the poor lady do?" I drink

my whiskey looking at her

"She killed Jerome and she has what I

want" he frowns
"How did Jerome get himself killed?" I
shake my head

"He was careless and in over his head. I

heard this woman is a man eater, I want
to break her spirit. By the time I'm done
with her, she will submit to me" he nods
"Consider it done boss. Such a beautiful
lady in the hole, that place breaks even
the toughest of men"

"Don't get soft on me Thuba, I won't

hesitate to kill you if you cross me for
pussy" he laughs

"Not that I will cross you for anything but

pussy is the last thing I would cross you
for" I nod and I get up grabbing my car

"I want her in the hole tonight Thuba,

don't underestimate her, Jerome paid
with his life for underestimating her." I get
up and walk out of the club heading to
my place.....

I watch as he walks away and I know I
need to do this job by tonight or I'm dead.
Yes King and I go way back, he is a hard
man. He is 37 years old yet he lives alone
with no wife and children. All he does is
work, he never talks about his family but I
have seen a couple of his siblings. I met
him more than 10 years ago and I guess
I'm the only one he's been able to
tolerate and keep for that long. Most
people fear him because he has a mean
temper, even the hawks tried to bring him
down but failed. He is King in the world of
crime, I guess that's how he got his name.

Now the task of grabbing this girl. I decide

to get the waitress serving their drinks to
put a drug in their drinks. 30 minutes
later they are both passed out at the bar, I
get my men to drag them to the car, they
are both out of it, I drive off with the two
women. I decide to take the other
woman to the nearest hospital and drop
her at the door before being spotted by
anyone then I drive with the lady of the
hour. I might be married but I am not
blind. This woman is beautiful and she
smells wonderful too. I get to the hole.
It's actually an abandoned building that
has an underground sewage tunnel. it's
filthy, cold, has big ass rats and smells
horrible too. A couple of hours in there is
enough to make anyone break but King
wants to make this woman suffer. I almost
feel sorry for her. I ask one of the men to
take her there because as hardcore as I
am, me and rats don't mix.

After I'm sure that she is in the hole I

drive to my house and I find my wife
sleeping. She's wearing a silky night dress
which has gone up to her waist revealing
her thick sexy legs. I can't help but get a
boner, I take off all my clothes and get on
top of her already opening her legs and
kissing her neck. I am welcomed by her
moaning and it fucken fuels me.
"Get the fuck off me Thuba" and nou?

"You come home after after 2 am

smelling of a woman's perfume and you
have the audacity to try to sleep with me
after you were busy with some whore.
Her damn perfume is all over you, get out
and go back to the bitch you were with." I
swear King is ruining my life
"Noni baby there's no woman I swear"
she scoffs

"Am I written stupid on my forehead huh,

don't fucken patronise me." She gets off
the bed and walks out slamming the door.
She's lucky that she's pregnant, that's the
only reason I'm letting her get away with
the disrespect.



Three of the king's wives gather in his

chambers looking at the once powerful,
feared king now reduced to nothing but a
vegetable. He was struck with an
unknown sickness four years ago, they
have gone to every seer in and around
KZN but nobody has been able to help.
What makes matters worse is the fact
that none of his sons are able to sit on the
throne. Every time they crown a new
king, the very next morning he wakes up
dead. The kingdom's seer told them that
the ancestors were silent.

"This is like hell on earth we can't even

pack our bags and leave because when
we leave we get sick as soon as we exit
this kingdom. Four of our sisters wives
who left are suffering the same fate as
the King" Makhoza the third wife says

"I am tired of bathing him and the awful

smell that comes out of his pores is too
much. Even though I bathe him once a
week, when it's my turn I become
squeamish all day." MaNkosi the 7th wife
says wiping her tears.
"What is Dladla saying, are the ancestors
still quiet?" Right there and then Dladla
appears and Starts chanting and speaking
foreign words.

"My Queens! The ancestors have finally

spoken to me regarding the king's
condition." The Queens sigh in relief.

"Many years ago King Mkhonto visited a

small village in the eastern cape. While
there visiting King Xoseka of the
Mapondomse tribe he met a young
maiden who was a servant at the palace
and deflowered her forcefully. Then he
threatened to kill her and her family if she
ever told anyone about what had
transpired. The king left and sure enough
the young maiden never told anyone
what happened. Unfortunately King
Mkhonto left his seed in her and she gave
birth to the first son of King Mkhonto.
Four years ago the woman died but not
before placing a curse on the King. Even
after many years she was still bitter about
what the king had done to her. The only
way the curse can be broken is for the
King's first son and the real heir to step
into this kingdom and into this palace.
Ceremonies will be performed thereafter
to appease the maiden's ancestors." The
Queens wail at the revelation of the seer.

"Eyes of the ancestors, do they reveal

where exactly the prince is?" That's
Lindiwe the 5th wife
"They don't reveal his exact location
however they do reveal that he knows
who he is and how he came about. He
has a heart full of hate because of what
the King did to his mother and
unfortunately he hates this kingdom so
much that he wants to see it burn to the
ground but the ancestors are working on
a way to soften his heart. All we can do is
wait because he will come to this
kingdom on his own." With that Dladla
disappeared leaving the wives in their
own thoughts.


It's been two days since I've been in this

hell hole, the smell is horrible and don't
get me started on the huge rats. I had to
kill three of them. I haven't been able to
get a bit of sleep. No one can sleep in
here. I've been looking for ways to escape
and I think I have found one but the
problem is that I have to swim through
water containing feces and God knows
what else, I'm just waiting for morning so
that I could use daylight to see where I
am going.

"You are still alive, I'm impressed" a torch

light hits my eyes.
"Gentlemen" the tall chunky one has a
cold expression on his face, he doesn't
look human at all, he looks like the black
version of the Vikings. then there's a
beautiful man standing next to him.

"Miss Mthembu, I take it you want to get

out of this hole" the cutie says

"Naturally" I say
"Then you know what to do, your friend
Jerome must have told you about what
we want from you. Give us the shipping
company and turn a blind eye to the
money laundering" I laugh, like really
laugh hard.

"Like I told your dead friend, there is no

way in hell that I will do that. Get ready to
kill me."
"I'm sure by now you can tell that you are
working with very dangerous men, look at
where you are" I chuckle

"Dangerous? Gentlemen please! Lerato at

the club taboo is our girl. We are regulars
there, we let you drug us. I wanted to
know exactly who I'm dealing with. I saw
you tailing us when we went to dispose of
your useless lapdog. I was waiting for
some sort of blackmail or something but
instead you opted to make me suffer,
creative I must say. This place is
something else for lack of a better word
but what you must know is that I'm a
hunter, I thrive in places like this" the
cutie looks at the undertaker next to him

"Two more days here will do you some

good" the cutie says
"Bad news for the rats" I turn to look at
his friend

"What's the chip on your shoulder,

mommy issues? I look deep in his eyes

"No it's daddy issues, oh shame! It's

always daddy issues. Yeah those
deadbeats have a way of messing one up.
Need a hug?" A punch lands on my face, I
swear i see stars. This man has a mean
punch, I fall to the ground.

"Damn! King" he chuckles and they turn

around walking away.

"King!" I shout and they turn.

"You hit like a girl" he looks at me for

some time then walks out with his friend
laughing. First thing tomorrow morning
I'm leaving this place. They will get the
shock of their lives when they come back.


I swear there's something wrong with

Khethelo. After she noticed that we were
being tailed from her house to where we
disposed of her friend's body and back to
her house again. I insisted we drop the
whole going to the club idea but because
she's stubborn she went ahead.

When we got to the club, I started having

fun as usual but then the waitress Lerato
is one of my fuck buddies so she told us
about being paid to drugs us. Khethelo
came up with the idea that we pretend to
be drugged and see what the hell is
going. I was uneasy about the Idea but
she assured me that they won't harm me
because it's her they want. We had to
play dead but we heard everything. Even
when they dropped me off at the

Now it's been a couple of days and still I

haven't heard anything from Khethelo. I
swear that woman thinks she has super
powers, she assured me that she will
come back that she only wants to assess
the situation. Not knowing her enemy
face to face is unsettling for her so this is
the only way they will meet and I quote
"man to man" I swear this woman is


Thuba is busy laughing his ass off irritating


"I'll put a bullet through your skull if you

don't shut the fuck up" he stops
"Serves you right, Nonhlanhla is still mad
at me for pussy I didn't tap because of
you and Mrs King" I swear I'm going to kill

"Stop talking nonsense, I think you

underestimated that woman, did you see
the dead rats in there?
"She'll crack at some point. Maybe I need
to take her to the warehouse and torture
her there"

"That woman is perfect for you King, she's

feisty and knows how to press your
buttons" I sigh rubbing my face..

"She is something else, she reminds me

of my mother" my mother was those
strong willed women. I'm still not over her
"Tomorrow we are taking her to the
warehouse only then will we see her
endurance level"

"I can't wait." This fool is excited about

this woman. The only thing keeping me
from killing her is because I need her
company but if she continues to piss me
off I might just kill her and figure out
something else
*******THE NEXT DAY******

Thuba and I drive to the warehouse. We

get to the sewage tunnel and it's empty. I
look around but nothing. Where the fuck
is she? This idiot next to me is in stitches, I
swear I'm going to kill that bitch right
after killing this idiot next to me.

"That woman is legend" he says with his

annoying laugh. I click my tongue and
walk out. On our way back to the city I call
all my men to stop what they are doing
and look for her. I didn't put a guard at
the warehouse because I thought there's
no where out but because that thing is
not even human, she figured a way out.
After dropping off Thuba I decide to drive
home. I'm no longer in the mood to go to
the office anymore. As soon as I open the
kitchen door I am met by a horrible smell.
I look around trying to figure out what
could it be, probably a busted pipe or
something. I look under the kitchen sink
but there's nothing. I decide to go
upstairs and take a shower before calling
the plumber. I open the door to my
bedroom and there is the Mthembu
woman in my robe, sitting on my bed and
drinking my whiskey. I step back a bit
thinking that my mind must be playing
tricks on me.

"Oh you are home, sorry for the smell. I

couldn't shower at my house now could
I?" She says smiling, I open mouth to
speak but no words come out. What kind
of woman is this?


He looks at me confused for a minute

before walking into the bathroom.
Seconds later I hear the shower running, I
put my shitty clothes in his washer earlier
now I'm waiting for them to dry. He
comes out momentarily wearing only a
towel. I tried not to look but this guy is
just something else, is he even human?

"We need to talk Kumkani Jola" he looks

at me shocked but he must know that I
went through his stuff.

"You know what I want" he says in his

deep voice. His voice really does suit his
body, you can tell he's a man with few

"And I am telling you that I will not allow

my company to be involved in such
activities. My company means the world
to me and it's the only thing that makes
my mother's sacrifice worth it. I'm not
going to bore you with my history or
appeal to your human side because I see
you are not human but what I'm saying is
that you are going to have to kill me here
and now, because if I walk out of here I
want to be free to go on with my business
without looking over my shoulder." I
placed a gun I found in one of his drawers
on the bed and moved it closer to where
he is standing.

We have a stare contest which lasts

longer than it should. I get up from the
bed and walk towards the door slowly. I
twist the door knob still waiting but he is
rooted on the same spot, not taking his
eyes off me.

"I'm glad we had this conversation

Kumkani, see you around." I walk out and
fetch the clothes I've hanged to dry. I
quickly changed and requested an Uber
straight to Mpumi's place. She must be
worried sick about me.
"Wow" that's the first thing she says when
she opens the door.

"I've had the worst couple of days of my

life, I can even taste shit in my mouth. I
need a vacation honestly" I say after
narrating the whole story to her.

"Do you think he will still come after

you?" I sigh
"Most definitely or I would be
disappointed if he didn't. There's just
something about him, I want to see how
far he will go to get his hands on my
company" she looks at then shakes her

"I hope you are not falling for this guy" I

"You know me Mpumi. I don't love, yes
I'm intrigued but that's how far it goes.
Love makes one weak and pathetic. I'd
rather chew glass"

We chill for some time before Mpumi

drives me home, as soon as I get home I
decide to do my research on this guy.

Kumkani Jola was born and bred in the

eastern cape at Makhanda village in
Grahamtown. He is a graduate in actuarial
science. At the age of 37 he has multiple
companies all over Africa including an oil
company in Nigeria Abuja. He has had
trouble with the authorities a couple of
times but nothing has been proven about
his involvement in the underworld. His
net worth is estimated at a billion Rands.

I shake my head, this guy clearly doesn't

need money. He makes far more than
what I make then why is he this greedy?
He's educated as well. I wonder what his
story is but I have a feeling I'm going to
find out.


I just dicked her down real good, she's

laying naked and worn out. I planted a
kiss on her forehead before taking a
shower. Pregnancy is not child's play. I
don't know how long she thought she
could go on angry at me while she lives
off of my dick. After taking a shower I go
downstairs to prepare dinner for my wife.
I know she will wake up famished, the
monitor beeps indicating that someone's
at the gate so I open the gate and King
drives into the yard. I wonder what he
wants this late, he's not one to visit

He walks in without saying a word and sits

on the kitchen barstool looking awkward.
He doesn't say anything but he looks
disturbed which is rare.

"Is everything okay?" I break the silence

after a while. He shakes his head.

"Is it about the Mthembu girl?" He nods.

Now I'm playing guessing games with this
"I'm sure we will find her, stop stressing"

"I called off the search" I frown

"Why? Are you letting this go?" He sighs

"I found her waiting for me in my

bedroom, wearing my robe, drinking my
whiskey." I hold a laugh, God knows it's
itching to come out but he might just
shoot me here and now for laughing.

"She gave me an ultimatum. Kill her or let

her go"

"I'm guessing she's buried in some

shallow grave somewhere" he sighs
"I froze" I can't hold it anymore, I laugh for
a good minute.

"You froze? You King, the badast froze?"

He looks confused more than anything

"So are you letting this go?" He shakes his

"You and I know that I can't let this go, I
need her company, it's just perfect to
launder the money we have" he's right

"You failed scaring her, clearly she's no

ordinary woman so how about you try
another angle"

"I'm listening" I chuckle

"Court her" he frowns

"How do I do that? I've never had to court

a woman" I laugh

"That's because you pay for sex" he scoffs

"I'll help you make her fall for you then we
can take it from there, love makes people
soft. She will be easy to control once the
walls she put up fall." He looks at me

"Leave everything to me, I will have her

fall head over heels in love with you" this
is going to be fun.

I drive home from Thuba's place in deep
thought about his plan. He is highly
confident about his plan while I on the
other side have my doubts. Firstly I'm
incapable of loving anyone, I hate small
talk, I hate feelings, I can't pretend to save
my life and after what I saw from that
woman. She's not the falling in love type,
I'm not looking forward to what Thuba is
planning but I'm desperate. That woman
humbled me for sure, for the first time in
my life I fucken froze.

I get to my place and find a car parked

outside. I can tell by the registration
number that it's from EC. As soon as I
open the door my aunt comes out with a
young lady

"Mtshana" I nod
"Always so serious, I swear my sister must
be turning in her grave, you don't come
see your family at all. It's like after she
died you cut us out of your life, carry this
for my legs are numb from the 15 hour
drive" she says handing me her bag. We
get into the house, I carry her luggages to
the guest room then head back to the
lounge. I sit opposite her and whoever
"Makazi why are you here?"

"Kumkani this is Vuyelwa Makwetu she's

your wife, the family has married her for
you because you are not getting any
younger. Unina has been troubling me in
my dreams saying she wants
grandchildren" you got to be fucken
kidding me
"Thembakazi is dead, what does she want
grandkids for beyond the grave? You and
this thing should leave my house if you
are bored Makazi then go to your useless
son's house in Tembisa and leave my
house. Grandkids my ass, doesn't she
have enough. Loyiso and Luyolo have
children. Take this thing and leave my
house" she chuckles

"You don't scare me Kumkani, they might

fear you but mna I don't. We married you
a wife so if anyone is leaving here it's me
not her. She is beautiful, humble and has
a great shape to push out babies naturally
and she's a virgin I checked her myself" I
shake my head

"Something is wrong upstairs with you

makazi. I don't know what you are playing
at but I didn't marry anyone mna. I'm not
a Jola so you can't say I'm married when
my real ancestors don't know me"
"Now go upstairs, carry your own luggage
and leave my house before I lose my cool"
I click my tongue walking out. What's up
with women testing me today? I swear
I've gone soft.


Mphelele village is a small village situated
about 20 kilometers away from Nzimeni
village. Both the men and women of this
village survive mostly on farming. Their
king is the smartest, peaceful and humble
king ever known as King Bukhosi Zulu. His
wife died five years ago from a short
illness, he has never cared to marry again
because his wife was the love of his life.

"Ndabezitha we have a problem with the

outsider from the hallow oak tree house."
He sighs, this is not the first time they are
complaining about this woman. 10 years
ago they found her just outside of the
kingdom. Badly beaten up and almost
dead. An old lady Mandlovu took her in
and healed her. Nobody thought she
would survive but she pulled through,
Mandlovu shortly died and left everything
she owned to the outsider. She is a loner
and no one knows where she comes from
or what her name is.
"What has she done this time?" He asks

"She beat up Mncube at the farm" he

sighs, king Bukhosi is a peaceful man and
hates such squabbles.

"Bring the woman forth" they leave

The beautiful short light skinned woman
in her late 40s walks in, even with scars
on her face her beauty cannot be missed.
She walks in with confidence and poise,
the King can't help but admire this
woman's boldness. She's in a strange land
although she's been around for years
she's still an outsider but she fearless

"Woman I have been hearing complaints

about you, other farm workers believe
that you are a trouble maker and want
me to banish you from my kingdom. You
are an outsider here but I have to here
your side of the story" she bows

"Mageba, Ndabezitha my King forgive me

but I will not let any man grab my ass
while I'm busy working at the farm. I will
beat up anyone who thinks they can
disrespect me because I am a woman.
Outsider or not I deserve respect" the
King nods understanding clearly that this
woman is no pushover. He is taken by her
but doesn't know how to go about it.

"It's okay you can go now and as from

today no man will ever touch you. Mvelo,
go around the village and pass the decree
that no man shall touch the outsider or
they shall face severe punishment." The
woman bows and leaves the palace with
a smile, never in her life has she me such
a kind and fair King.


After the week I've had, I decided to take

a break from work and pamper myself,
I'm at Linden beauty spa having one hell
of a full body treatment. I went all out
with the full body hot stone massage,
facial and got my nails done. I feel brand
new and I'm feeling relaxed, after the spa
treatment I do a little shopping then
hurry home. As I'm driving I notice that
I'm being tailed by a blue BMW M3, I am
traveling on high speed trying to lose
whoever is following me. I passed the
empire traffic lights almost colliding with
the rea Vaya bus but luckily I lost them I
think, I traveled through Jan Smutts going
up to rosebank but the bloody BMW is
persistent. I decide to stop my car at
parkwood and take out my gun putting a
silencer on, my car is bullet proof but I'm
tired of having a car chase, I'm not a good
driver..I sit in car and wait for whoever it is
to make their move but they stay rooted
in the car. I start the car again and drive
off slowly. I'm going straight to King's
house, I thought he was smarter than
this, this is a cowardly move. Sending
people to tail me, does he think he can
intimidate me? I drive slowly to King's
house now the BMW is not being subtle
about following me. As soon as we get to
a quiet street, they started shooting at
me. My nerves are shot, I'm not good at
driving at some point I even considered
getting myself a driver but being the
control freak that I am I decided against it.
These people are now full on assaulting
my car with bullets, I'm trying to calm
myself down. I drive slowly as I get to
king's house. The tire systems offer
resistance to bullets, but they are not
bullet proof so I know pretty soon they'll
give up on me. Luckily I have arrived. I
hoot like a mad parson at the gate, the
car behind me is still shooting at me. The
gate finally opened I drove inside the yard
and the gate closed behind me, I watch as
the car drives off. I get out of my car and
walk to into the house without knocking
and start shouting

"King!!!" I shout
"Can I help you?" A tall slim dark skinned
beautiful woman walks towards me.

"Hi, sorry for shouting but I'm looking for

King" she frowns

"And what do you want with my

husband?" Wow in all the research I did
on this man there's nothing about him
being married. I clear my throat about to
answer then I see King walking down
stairs. He frowns when he sees me

"Really King? Are you that much of a

coward that you sent people to shoot at
me. I thought we had an understanding"

"You can't speak to my husband like that"

I roll my eyes
"Sisi, leave us" she hesitates a bit but
leaves, I watch as she climbs the stairs.

"I didn't know you are married" I'm

deviating now, it's none of your business
Khethelo, but why does it sting a bit?

"I'm not married but that's not why you

are here, what about me being a
coward?" He's so calm and cold I
suddenly don't know what to says, his
wife caught me off guard.

"I was involved in a car chase right up

until I got to your house. Why would you
send people after me. I thought we had
an agreement of some sort" he stares at
me for a while and I hold the stare
"I didn't send anyone after you, you and I
haven't come to an agreement yet and
when the time is right, we will have our
talk but rest assured, I'm not the only one
interested in your shipping company. You
have a lot of enemies, I give you my word
that I didn't send anyone after you" he
seems genuine shit! I just made a fool of
"I'm sorry for disturbing you in your
home, I'll see myself out" I say already
walking out

"Miss Mthembu!" I turn to look at him

"You might want to hire bodyguards, and

take care of yourself" I nod walking away
with my tail between my legs.

The nerve of the Vuyelwa woman telling

Miss Mthembu that she's my wife.
Yesterday when I walked out my sneaky
aunt took her bags and left, leaving
behind my so called wife. I found her
naked in my bedroom but I chased her
out. I organized a driver for her to take
her back to Eastern Cape, she woke up
early in the morning to make food for me
but I didn't eat it. I don't trust her and my

The Jolas are my maternal family, they

have always treated me badly, when my
mother got married to Luyolo and
Loyiso's father refused to accept me so
my mother had to leave me behind with
her family. One thing I know about my
mother's family is that they are witches
and leeches. I want nothing to do with
them. The only person who had my back
was my grandfather and after he passed
away I moved out and hustled to take
myself to school. I am literally a self made
man and I owe them nothing.

"Get your luggage, your ride back to the

hole you crawled out from is here" I say
to her as soon as I enter the kitchen.
"My husband please don't do this, I can
be a good wife and I'm still pure" I scoff

"Woman I don't want to lose my cool and

manhandle you so be a good girl and get
your luggage. I am not your husband, I
never came to seek your hand in

"Is this about that light skinned bitch" i

slap her so hard she falls on her ass.
"Do you know who you are talking to? I
can kill you right here and now, your
family won't have a body to bury. Walk
out while you still can or your family will
mourn you" she gets up running and
moments later she comes dragging her
luggage bag passing me heading to the
"Vuyelwa!" She stops on her tracks

"Next time I see you in my house I will kill

you. Go back to your family. I'm not a Jola
so I didn't marry you, go find a husband
of your own" she drags her suitcase, I
hope that's the end of this chapter.

After my so called wife left I drove to

Thuba's place, i know all this fool ever
does is laugh at me but I value his
opinion, in all the years I've known him.
He has never led me astray.

"I swear since miss Mthembu entered

your life things have been interesting to
say the least, a whole wife" he says

"Yeah and I think your plan to get miss

Mthembu to fall in love with me won't
work because she saw Vuyelwa."

"You can always say she was your helper"

I shake my head
"That village girl acted all territorial and
told her she's my wife" I shake my head

"She had the guts to call miss Mthembu a

bitch acting like a jealous wife after Miss
Mthembu left" he laughs throwing his
head back

"I don't know, I could be imagining things

but miss Mthembu looked a bit unsettled
after Vuyelwa said she's my wife."
"Uneasy how?" I sigh

"I saw a hint of hurt, I could be wrong" he

smiles mischievously only he knows
what's cooking in that mind of his

"Did you find out who wants her dead?"

He nods
"The car is registered to Xolani Gasa" I

"Get her bodyguards but make sure they

are discreet"

"Don't you think the Gasa person is just

what you need to help you out with her
situation. He gets her out of the way and
you get what you want. Why offer her
protection, is there something I'm
missing?" I frown

"Do as I say meanwhile I'll pay Gasa a

visit" I say walking out


"Aunty I'm on my way to easten Cape"

"Are you stupid? That's not what we

agreed on" I chuckle

"That man is ruthless, he hit me and

threatened to kill me." She chuckles
"He was just scaring you.. Kumkani is a
man like the rest he has hot blood or you
don't know how to seduce a man?" I

"Aunty I laid naked in his bed and he

threw me out like trash. Find someone
else besides, I think he has a woman in
his life. Some woman came and his eyes
softened when he saw her." She sighs
"Okay I'll come home in a couple of days,
there's a powerful sangoma I know. He
will fall head over heels in love with you.
Remember why we are doing this

"Okay aunty" I hung up the phone and sat

back relaxing, it's going to be a long ride.


I'm taking a stroll to the hallow oak tree

house to visit the outsider, I just want to
know more about her and where she
comes from. She's busy cutting fire wood,
I heard she cuts it and sells the fire wood
at the market. I watch her as she
gracefully moves around. This woman is
beautiful and strong, she is the kind of
woman I need rulling next to me.

"Greetings" she immediately stops what

she's doing and puts the axe down.

"My king" she bows.

"May I sit? My feet are tired, I'm not used
walking on foot, my feet are killing me"
she nods and grabs a chair and she also
brings a jug of water and a glass.

"My king, to what do I owe this pleasure. I

hope all is well, I haven't had problems
with anyone lately" I chuckle
"I came here because I don't know the
name of the woman I can't stop thinking
about" she sighs looking down

"Unfortunately I can't help you with that, I

don't remember my own name" the
sadness in her eyes can't be missed.

"I'm sorry about that, can I give you a

suitable name please" she nods with a
"Qhawekazi Zulu" she laughs

"Why Zulu my king?" I can take the

Ndlovu surname after all she nursed me
and gave me a home. It's only fair that I
honor her"
"You can honor her by erecting a
tombstone. I want to marry you so that
you can take my surname" her eyes pop

"My king! What if I'm married and have

kids already" I thought about that but I'll
have to consult the seer about that

"I'll speak to our kingdom's seer if he

gives us the green light would you be
willing to marry me?" She looks down
"Qhawekazi wami marry me please"

"If the ancestors that allowed me to be in

a strange land without a memory of who I
am permits it then I am yours my King" I
get up doing the Zulu dance, o
Ndabezitha have come through for me.

**********BUKHOSI ZULU***********

Shortly after I left the Ndlovu household I

didn't waste any time I went straight to
the seer with my fingers crossed. I walk
into Mbatha the royal seer's hut taking a
deep breath before walking in.
"Ndabezitha!" I nod

"You don't have to look so nervous my

king, all is well" I sigh

"Mbatha I want to marry the outsider but

she doesn't remember who she is. We
fear she might have a husband and
children wherever she hails from." I say
taking a deep breath
"Her husband is the one blocking her
memory." I frown

"I don't understand" he chuckles

"Her late husband is responsible for her

memory loss because had she
remembered who she is she was going to
avenge herself to whoever did that to her
which would lead to her demise and her
work on this earth is not yet done. My
King, the husband has given you his
blessings a long time ago" I sigh in relief.

"Do they at least reveal her surname so

that we know which ancestors to
appease?" He shakes his head
"Thank you very much Mbatha, I will let
the council members know and the
wedding celebrations will be underway"
Mbatha bows and I leave in a jovial mood.


"My king, you cannot marry a stranger
when we have daughters of this soil who
can make perfect queens" one of the
council members argues

"Sibiya I think you are mistaken, I was not

seeking permission"
"My King we are here to advise you to do
what is best for this kingdom. The woman
might be a witch or even a ghost." I shake
my head

"Now you are being rediculous, I would

never take such a drastic decision without
consulting with the ancestors? I spoke to
Mbatha and he has gotten approval from
the ancestors both hers and ours. I'm
marrying Qhawekazi and that's that."
Most are not happy about my decision
but I will not change my mind because
they were hoping that I wed their

I sent my right hand man Mvelo to invite

Qhawekazi to the palace so that I can
break the news of our upcoming wedding
and propose in a romantic way, women
love that.

King is right, he is not the only enemy I

have, especially with the shipping
company in Durban I need to always be
on my toes. I have been too relaxed
focusing on him. My mother used to say
that boys have a way of making you set
aside your dreams and focus on theirs.
Which is true when you think about it or
else there wouldn't be quotes like
"behind every successful man there's a
woman" I need to focus on fulfilling the
dream and also nurturing it. It's easy
getting a million but keeping it is hard and
I have worked so hard to accumulate and
now keep all the money I made.
I don't know what I was thinking but
finding out that King is married I can't
explain the feeling. I can't say hurt nor
jealous but I was somehow sad, which is
strange because it's not like I love the guy.
He is not my type, he is too intense. Has
hard facial features. Strong jawline, he
looks like it hurts for him to smile unlike
his handsome friend now the pretty boys
have always been my type. Those
ridiculously handsome men that make
you wonder if he's gay or not. Those are
the ones I shag and leave.
"Were you able to get the footage at
parkwood, that's where I parked during
the car chase. I chose that spot because I
knew there are CCTV cameras installed
there" I'm at my Mpumi's jym office. Her
tech savvy friend is helping us find the
person or people after me.
"I got the registration number and when I
ran the plates it showed that the car is
registered to a Xolani Gasa" well I'll be
damned. I break into a full blown belly
laugh, Xolani the warrior? Wow!

"Get me his address, I need to pay him a

"I'm coming with you" Mpumi says
already on her feet

"It's okay Mpumi, I'll be fine. His bark is

worse than his bite trust me." She sighs

"Khethelo you are not catwoman or

wonder woman. You are human and
when humans go into dangerous places
they die. You can't keep putting your life
in danger" I sigh

"The reason that I don't want to take you

with me is because if anything happens to
you then I won't be able to forgive myself.
I on the other hand am not afraid of
dying, I have not one, no family while you
have your parents, your brothersband
sister." She sighs
"You are just in love with danger" we
both laugh.

"I'm coming with you end of discussion"

I found out that Xolani actually lives in

Durban, clearly he came to Joburg to
grace me with bullets. He's staying at the
fairway hotel, I'm going to pay him a little


Xolani comes out of the shower in his

hotel room wearing just a towel on his
waist. He stands in front of a body length
mirror as he is about to drop a towel
something catches his eye or rather
someone. Khethelo is sitting on a chair
looking at him. He turns quickly thinking
that he is seeing things but no Khethelo
Mthembu is in his bedroom in his hotel

"I gave you that scar?" Xolani is too

shocked to utter a word but plays it cool
"Yes you did" he walks closer to her with
the intention to intimidate her but
Khethelo pulls out a gun and points it at

"Mr Gasa, you can't tell me you came all

the way from Durban because of a nasty
scratch from 10 years ago" he stops and
sits on the bed
"I couldn't care less about this scar. I like
it, it looks good on me but do you know
what would look even better on me?"

"Bigger balls" Xolani chuckles bitterly

"Your shipping company" Khethelo burst

out laughing
"What does a village champion like you
know about the export and import
business? Unless you and your family of
witches plan to transport human parts."
Xolani clenches his Jaws

"Snap! I'm right aren't I? Human parts?"

"Amongst other things" Xolani's brother

Mthobisi is listening in on the
conversation outside the door. He calls his
other brother over to listen too. After a
while of Xolani and Khethelo going back
and forth they bust into the bedroom
startling Khethelo. They point a gun at her
and she surrenders dropping her gun to
the floor

"Let's see how tough you are now, you

are out numbered." Mthobisi says hitting
her with the back of his gun and it's lights
out for Khethelo.

The guys who were tailing miss Mthembu

told us that she went into the hotel room
booked under Xolani Gasa then moments
later two more men entered. I bet that
she got herself into a sticky situation with
no way out, I could have asked the men
we hired to rescue her but I thought if
king and I come to her aid and she sees
us there. It would increase the points for
King, and maybe sparks will fly.

"Are you ready?" I ask Mr grumpy next to

me. We just parked outside the hotel.

"I don't understand why didn't the men I

got to protect her be the ones to rescue
her. I'm too old for this shit, you know I
don't get my hands dirty"
"Yeah yeah! You have me for that but look
at the bigger picture, she'll fall for you.
The whole damsel in distress, prince
charming to the rescue and all that jazz."
He sighs

"Let's go"

We barge into the hotel room and find

miss Mthembu tied to a chair. Her face all
bloody. She smirks when she sees us, we
are already pointing our guns at the men
assaulting her.

"Gentlemen drop your weapons" three

more of our guys come in and now they
realise they are out numbered and they
drop their guns I look over at King and he
looks pissed
"Who beat her up" he roars in a scary
voice and I see the men shake.

"I won't repeat myself" the men start

pointing at eachother none of them want
to admit who amongst them did. Out of
nowhere miss Mthembu laughs, even her
teeth are red from blood. She laughs for a
good minute before spitting out the
blood in her mouth.
"What are you guys doing here?" I frown

"We came to rescue you" she laughs hard


"And who said I need rescuing? I had this

under control" I chuckle, she's ungrateful

"From where I'm standing, you are tied to

a chair by three big men and you are
bleeding" she unties herself with ease
then gets up

"I let them think they had the upper hand

cutie. I needed to know who they are
working for because the Gasa brothers I
grew up with are nothing but big muscles
and no brains. There's no way they could
have thought of taking over my shipping
company. Someone is sponsoring their
mission and I was on the verge of finding
out until you two idiots and the guys you
sent to tail me barged in here" she says
clicking her tongue

"Chomi!" She shouts and the woman she

was with at the club comes out under a
small table cart covered with white linen.

"Xolani I'm not that girl who gave you that

scar, I'm worse than her. Who are you
working with?" the guy remains quiet.
Miss Mthembu looks at king who has
been staring at her speechless the whole
time not that he's much of a talker but
he's stunned.

"Can I borrow your torture hole for a day

or two?" Miss Mthembu asks looking at
King. He doesn't answer instead they
have a staring contest until he breaks the

"She's not my wife, my family married her

for me without my knowledge but I threw
her out" we all frown including miss
Mthembu's friend but the vixen stares at
King then smirks




It's been four months since the hotel

fiesco. King was kind enough to let me
use his torture hole to get the
information I needed from the Gasa
brothers. They couldn't even last two days
in that hole the very next day they sang
like canaries. I got to find out that they
were sent by some council member in
Nzimeni kingdom by the name of Qiniso
Madoda. I swear that kingdom is full of
evil men, I still have a serious score to
settle with the King but when the time is
right I will get my revenge on him for
killing my mother. I haven't seen or
spoken to King since that fateful day at
the hotel. Mpumi still laughs about how
King was explaining himself about the
marriage thing. Deep down I was happy
that he clarified about the marriage but
then he just went ghost on me and never
said anything after that. I waited and
waited until I gave up, maybe I read the
wrong signal anyway I decided to face my
enemy head on so tomorrow I'm going to
Nzimeni village to confront the Qiniso
character. I'll be taking Mpumi with me
and at least two guards in case King
Mkhonto decides to feel froggy and
jumps on us.

I'm at my office in park town just catching

up on my business. Its a good thing that
I'm going to KZN tomorrow because I will
be able to check in on my shipping
business as well. While I'm still busy
working a knock comes through the door.
I shout "come in" and a delivery guy walks
in holding a ridiculously huge bouquet of
flowers. I frown at how over the top they

"It's 30 dozens of red roses" the guy says

"Yoh!" I say signing for the flowers. Oh
and there's a card.

"Cafe Dante 7 pm K" the note says my

heart skips a bit and I don't need a private
investigator to tell me that it's the one
and only Kumkani Jola. I try to play it coy
but I'm failing I am fucken excited, I
decide to stop working and drive home.
On my way home I called Mpumi over to
help me decide on an outfit that screams.
"I'm hot but not for you"
"You have been on hundreds of dates but
you've never been like this" I frown

"Like what?"

"Like you are going on a date with your

crush" I chuckle
"My crush? Mr serious? I have a crush on
his friend, pity he is married. King
probably wants to talk about my business,
that's all he wants from me anyway." She

"We'll see about that"

******AT CAFE DANTE*******

I arrived right on time, I am wearing a
simple body hugging short black dress
and 6 inch heels. As I enter I realize that
there are no customer, a waitress comes
towards me and introduced herself
before leading me to the table. King is
sitting awkwardly looking like he's taking
an id photo, sigh! It's going to be a long
evening. He looks at me as I approach the
table with no emotions on his face as for
me Nandi's daughter, my heart is beating
so fast I feel like I'm about to fall. He gets
up and pulls up a chair for me. I smile at
him before sitting down and he nods.

"Hi" I greet

"Miss Mthembu" his voice is deeper than

"Please call me Khethelo" he nods. The
waitress takes our order and leaves us in
awkward silence.

"It's been a while I was surprised hearing

from you" I say breaking the silence

"I didn't know what to say to you then" I

"And now? Do you know what to say to

"We are here aren't we?" I laugh

"Is this a date?" He looks at me for some


"Yes" I sigh this is going to be a long

"Are you trying to soften me up so that
you can get your hands on my
companies?" He does it again, the staring

"I'm trying to soften you up because I like

you very much, the companies would be
a bonus" I try to keep a straight face and I
fail I can't help but smile.
"Can I see you again Khethelo?" I've heard
the beautiful fuck boys call my name
before but never has it moved me the
way it does now when King pronounces it


"Tomorrow" I frown
"So soon"

"I wish to see you this close to me

everyday not from an ipad that my men
use after I sent them to take pictures and
videos of you" I laugh
"Are you stalking me?" He chuckles which
sounds like the engine of an old galloping
goose train. It sounds out of place.

"As if you didn't notice" I smile

"I didn't, I was too busy waiting anxiously

for your call that I lost focus" I'm lying
though I don't know where does the need
to stroke his ego come from but I'm falling
into a bottomless pit and I don't want to
be rescued.

"Tell me about yourself?" He shrugs

"You know my name, my age and what I

do legally. I have two half brothers, a
useless maternal family. My mother was
raped by a King and she named me
Kumkani so that I always remember that
I'm royalty" wow that's hectic

"Do you know which kingdom?" He

shakes his head

"I have no idea" I nod

"Well I am going away to KZN for couple

of weeks, I'll see you when I come back to
jozi" I notice that he loves staring.
"Do you know Russian roulette?" Thats

"Yes I've heard about it"

"I'm not a man of many words, I'm not a

good looking man and I," he sighs shame
this must be hard for him.
"From today I give you my word I'll follow
you anywhere woman. My heart is cold
but it's yours" my heart beats fast. He
takes out a fly wheel 38 special gun and
puts one bullet in a revolver and points it
on his head. I don't blink nor move. He
pulls the trigger and I flinch.

"What are you doing?" He opens the

revolver and spins it around again then
puts the gun on his head again.
"Please stop, that's dangerous please" he
ignores me and pulls the trigger I scream
jumping up. He repeats the process again
and pulls the trigger again I run to him
forcefully grabbing the gun, I haven't
cried in 10 fucken years and here I am
with tears rolling down my eyes. The
thought of him dying felt too much to

"What are you doing!!!?" I ask shouting

"I can't express myself so I thought I
should show you'" I chuckle bitterly

"Show me what! That you are stupid?"

"I was showing you that I don't fear death

but I fear waking up tomorrow without
you in my life. Be mine?" I open my
mouth to say something but words fail

********MPHELELE VILLAGE*******


Three months ago I got married to the

king of mphelele kingdom, king Bukhosi
Zulu. He is the most kindest and most
loving man I've ever seen in my 10 years
of consciousness. The villagers were very
unhappy with me being their queen but I
didn't care, I still don't. As long as my king
loves me and treats me like the Queen
that I am then I'm happy. I'm in the
kitchen making breakfast for my husband,
the servants can clean this entire palace
but they are not allowed into our
chambers nor do they cook for my
"Smells devine in here mkami" he says
hugging me from behind kissing my neck,
I tilt my head a little making way for him
to nibble on my neck. We are distributed
by clearing of the throat. It's Mvelo

"My apologies your highnesses but you

have visitors in the throne room." We
stop what we are doing and rush to the
throne room only to find a young girl and
boy on the floor. They look like they were
flocked before coming here. A furious old
man with a huge belly stands before the
King sweating.

"My King, they committed adultery and I

ask that you punish them according to
the customs of our kingdom" the king
tries to speak but I interupt him

"Forgive me my king but can we hear

their side of the story?" The old man
scoffs but I don't care
"As my queen wishes" I blush

"Explain" I say looking at the girl bowing.

She's not that much injured while the
guy's back is bleeding from being flocked.
She looks up and my heart breaks, she's a
"My Queen I don't love my husband, I
love Nkazimulo with all my heart" the old
me tries to attack them and the young
man shields the girl, this gesture explains
why he's the one with more stipes on his
back, he was protecting the girl

"I will not listen to my wife declaring love

to another man not even my son" my
wife? She's young enough to be his
granddaughter for Pete's sake.
"Mr Shabangu please calm down" the
king says

"Continue little girl no one will harm you"

I say glaring at the old man and he gives
me a death stare

"I was forced to marry Baba because my

father died and my mother is sick she
can't work at the farm anymore. My
siblings and I were starving so Baba
Shabangu approached my mother and
offered aid provided I became his third
wife. We refused for a while but Hunger
forced our hand. I married Baba but his
wives hate me and they ill treat me. I told
Baba about it but he said I must woman
up kujalo emendweni we sthembu(it's like
that in a polygamous marriage) I tried to
stick it out but I failed. Me and Nkazimulo
fell in love, he is Baba's son and we were
trying to run away together because he
goes to university in Johannesburg he
secured a place for us. I don't know how
Baba found out. I'm so so sorry my Queen
my King but I don't love Baba I see him as
my father and not my husband. Please
forgive me but rather kill me now
because if you send me back to that
house I will kill myself" I'm already a
crying mess and I know the king hates to
see me sad
"What shall I do my Queen? Anything you
want and I shall do it"

"The marriage between the two shall be

dissolved and the girl must be allowed to
go back home to her mother, little girl
focus on school and improving the
condition in your home. You two might
think you are in love but it might be a
case of forbidden love, you are both
young. You can date one another but you
don't need to uproot your life to Joburg.
What if he shows you flames when get
there. Continue living with your mother
and siblings. The kingdom will provide
food for you and your family. As for Baba
Shabangu you took advantage of a
situation where you could have assisted
without demanding to wife a little girl
young enough to be your granddaughter.
I wish to see a day where a man can see a
woman as an equal not a victim or an
object" the girl gets up and throws herself
at my feet
"My Queen I thank you" the man scoffs

"This is unfair my King, maidens of this

kingdom will think it's okay to leave their
marriages. This is not the mphelele way
of doing things"

"You are used to the mphelele way

favouring you"
"My king how can you allow this woman
to speak to a titled man like myself" I look
at my husband and he sighs

"The Queen has spoken and so shall it be

done" the Shabangu man storms out livid
and I mouth "thank you" to my husband
and he smiles. He deserves a treat tonight

*****THE NEXT DAY*****

********NZIMENI KINGDOM******


It was a bright sunny day at Nzimeni

village, it's Queen Makhoza's turn to
bathe the King as usual just like any other
day but suddenly the weather changes,
strong winds blow and the clouds form, it
rains heavily. While Queen Makhoza is
stunned about the sudden change of
weather king Mkhonto starts having a
seizure, Makhoza runs out of the
bedroom screaming for help. All 6
remaining wives, the council members
and the village elders barge into king
Mkhonto's chambers and watch as he
shakes and sweats. This goes on for more
that five minutes then the king becomes
still again. The royal seer Dladla appears
and goes straight to the king touching his
forehead, the King open his eyes and
coughs sitting up. He looks drained but
healed. Everyone breakes into a joyous
celebration seeing their king healed and

"The Prince and true king of this kingdom

has set his feet on this soil hence the
king's healing" the seer says shocking
everyone present


I thought I was the awkward one but this

woman has not said a word since we left
the restaurant. I insisted that I drop her
off while my driver drives her car behind
us. She has been looking outside the
window the entire ride. I asked her to be
mine but she hasn't answered my
request, Khethelo is not like the women
I've been with before. You can't just claim
her as yours, you need to win her heart
first. It took me four months to gather the
strength to approach her. Honestly she
put a move on my heart from the
moment I saw her at club taboo dancing
with her friend. There's that thing about
her that I can't explain, her strength and
power is not at all masculine but it's
feminine and sexy. You would think her
petite frame is a disadvantage but on the
contrary, her small frame is her super
power because you never see her coming
until it's too late. She has taught me that
truly dynamite comes in small packages.
We arrive at her house, she presses the
remote opening the gate for her car that's
been driven behind us to get in. We sit in
silence for a moment,
"Khethelo" she turns to look at me

"You didn't answer my question?" She

glares at me for a while

"Be mine please" me Kumkani King Jola

am literally begging this woman who has
taken full ownership of my heart without
breaking a sweat.
"Tomorrow, get here at 7 am sharp, I'll be
driving down with Mpumi, we can use the
same car." I frown

"To KZN remember? You said you will

follow me anywhere so tomorrow all
roads lead to my home town." I nod, she
smiles then she leans in planting a long
peck on my lips before opening the door
and closing it. I open the window and she
bends waving goodbye. I nod and wait for
my driver to get into the car and I drive
off a happy man oblivious to the fact that
I'm now driving my driver.

*******AT THUBA'S HOUSE********

I drove straight to Thuba's house after I
left Khethelo's house.

"How was the date?" That's the first thing

he says as soon as he opens the door, I
ignore him and greet his wife.

"That bad?"
"It was okay Thuba and tomorrow we are
going to KZN" he frowns

"Do we have business there?"

"Khethelo is going to her village to

confront the man who sent the Gasa boys
so I'm going with her" he chuckles
"Why? It's not like she can't handle
herself" I scoff

"I kind of said I'll follow her anywhere?"

He throws his head back laughing

"Like a puppy?" Thuba is useless

"Like a man who loves a woman"

"Love?" I shoot him with a death stare

"I'll pick you up at 6:30 am" I say getting


I didn't sleep a wink last night, all I could
think about was King. I have been with
many men in my life, some I went as far
as liking them but I have never had such
strong feelings for any man in my life. He
is just different, but there's something
genuine about him, he says what he
means and he means what he says, that is
rare quality to possess especially by a
male species.
"So are you and King a couple now?" I

"Yes" it's 7:05 and King is not here. I guess

he saw he changed his mind.

"Let's go" we drive out of the garage but

as soon as we reach the gate he arrives
and parks me in. I get out of the car
"You are late Kumkani" he glares at his
friend and clears his throat

"Would you like some help moving your

bags to this car? Thuba and I will drive.

"But we can drive ourselves" Mpumi

pinches my arm

"I know, I'd like to drive you" he sighs


"Wonders shall never end, did King just

say please?" I can't help but blush

"Chomi are you blushing?" I click my

tongue they laugh except for King and I
who's been staring at me like he hasn't
seen me in a long time.
********NZIMENI KINGDOM*******

"The weather was bright and sunny now

all of a sudden there's a hail storm, KZN's
weather is unpredictable." Mpumi says. It
took us exactly 5 hours to get here, it was
truly nice to be driven because I'm not
much of a driver I was relying on Mpumi
to get us here. It's the four of us and four
bodyguards driving behind us. I need to
go emsamo which is at the back of my
yard at the Mthembu household to pay
homage to my parents. Even though I
have no idea where my mother's body is,
I intend to find out.
The rain has stopped but it's still windy.
We enter my yard and I look at the house
I called home, it's nothing but a structure.
The fire burned down everything. I ask
everyone to remain in the car because I
need to do this on my own. I kneel down
sprinkling isnuff and I start pouring my
heart out.

"Lastly Baba please forgive me that I was

not here to protect Mama. I know she
sacrificed her life for me and I promise I
will give her a befitting burial, I will
avenge her death even the spectators
who watched and did nothing will feel my
wrath. Please continue to watch
Over me. Mthembu mvelase Qhudeni
mvelase kaGuda. I break down and cry,
you know that ugly cry of all the things
you've been bottling up in your heart. I
cry so much until I feel huge arms hug me
from behind and it's the huge viking
descendant I get up and bury myself in his
arms. He doesn't say anything but he
gently rubs my back and I just melt I'm his
warm embrace. Someone clears their
throat we break the hug and find the king
Mkhonto's guards and the royal sangoma.

"The Prince of Nzimeni kingdom we

welcome you home. Miss Mthembu
everything is not as it seems, the
Mthembu ancestors are wise and all will
be revealed soon. My Prince your
kingdom awaits" it doesn't take a genius
to know that Mkhonto is the rapist father
that Kumkani was talking about. Such a
small world, pity I'm about to kill his


It's a Sunday afternoon and we just came

from church, I have been staying with the
Jolas family since they have already paid
lobola for me. Today we are going to
meet a powerful sangoma makeba well
known sangoma around here.

Makazi and I change our Anglican church

unform and make our way to makeba's
ancestral hut.
"He has found his paternal ancestors or
rather they found him and lured him back
to his kingdom" kingdom?


"Yes he is royalty" makazi's eyes pop. The

only reason they married me for him is
because his grandfather father left all his
riches to him, everything including the
house they live in. They don't have access
to anything of their father's because of
that now they want me to marry him get
him to sign over the businesses including
the one's he shares with my father. My
father is the one who came up with this

"Mkhulu makeba, what can we do now?"

"Make sure you get to him before they

perform a welcoming ceremony for him,
only then will the muti work and he will
be at your mercy until he dies" makazi
smiles taking the muti and leaving a stack
of money on the floor.

"We need to get to Joburg as in

yesterday." This woman doesn't
understand that her nephew threatened
"Why don't you go alone and pour the
muti in his food because that day I was
there he refused touching my food. He
already thought that I would poison him"
she thinks for some time

"Kumkani is very complicated, even the

day he came to bury his grandfather he
never touched the food. Even a single
drink, he came for the funeral and slept at
a guest house. I think the only way in is
the woman you said came and he eyes
softened for her. She could be the one to
pour muti for us and we can offer to pay
her money."

"But we don't know the woman or where

she lives"

"Leave that to me, sure enough she will

come over to his house again and I'll
make her an offer she can't refuse"


*****BUKHOSI ZULU******
I know that Shabangu is probably
gathering men as we speak concerning
the decision I took of letting my wife
handle marriage issues. To tell the honest
truth, things need to change in this
community and after what transpired two
days ago I am certain that I made the
right choice by marrying Qhawekazi
wami. She's the change that this
community needs and I am ready to face
the backlash that may arise. Change is
hard and messy hence we stay in bad
situations because we are afraid of the
uncertainty and the loss of control that
change brings however when we finally
embrace it we get to see that it was
necessary after all.

"What are you thinking about Ndabezitha

while your wife is next to you?" We are
sitting on a couch in our chamber. She has
her legs on my lap and I'm busy
massaging her feet.
"I'm thinking about Shabangu" she places
her feet on the ground quickly

"I hope you are not regretting your

decision" I smile

"You mean your decision" she looks down

"I'm sorry my king but that girl is a child"

"Are you really sorry?" She shakes her
head and I laugh

"Well I do agree with your decision 100

percent. This kingdom needs to do better
when it comes to our women." She hugs

"Thank you my King" we continue sitting

until Mvelo disturbs us about a group of
women wanting to see the queen. I sigh,
here comes trouble.

"Do you want me to go with you?" She

shakes her head

"It's okay my King I can handle them but

you might want to arrange transport to
take them to the hospital once I'm done
with them" I frown and she bursts out
"I'm joking Ndabezitha hau, don't look so

"Qhawekazi the Queen warrior" she

giggles getting up.

I knew that there would be some kind of
backlash but I really didn't expect it from
the women but what was I thinking?
These women never liked me from day
one. It's fine I'm ready to handle them. I
get to the throne room ready to defend
my decision but I am met by a group of
women carrying fruit baskets and flowers.
As soon as I entered they put the fruit
baskets on the floor and clapped their
hands for me, Among the crowd I spotted
the young girl who was married to
Shabangu pushing her mother forward
with a wheelchair.

"My Queen, this is my mother Ntombi

Shezi. We are here to thank you for what
you have done for me and the other
young girls who were doomed to
marriage by old men because of
circumstances. We never had anyone
who fought on our behalf. The previous
Queen was a good woman but was never
instrumental in standing up for us. You
are indeed our Qhawekazi and this is a
small token of our appreciation from all
the mothers and daughters of our

"I truly did not expect this and I am

grateful for each and every one of you. I
hope my actions were not
misinterpreted, married women whether
married through arrangement or through
love. I want you to respect your husband
and stay faithful, I do not condone
infidelity and adultery in marriages
however I will not stand by and watch a
woman being mistreated and being taken
advantage of because of their
circumstances. Mothers take your girl
child to school, education is the freedom
they need to stop the circle of abuse and
dependency in men. My door is always
open, if you need food come to me
before going to a man who might see that
as an opportunity to take advantage of
you. If you want to go to school after
finishing your matric please come to me.
We are not a wealthy kingdom but we do
however have been blessed with fertile
soil and with what our ancestors have
blessed us with, we can flourish as the
women of mphelele kingdom" they clap
their hands as they form a line to give me
the fruit baskets they came with. I look up
with glossy eyes and I see the King
standing at the entrance clapping his
hands with a huge smile on his face and
that alone warms my heart.

I go from being confused to being
enraged. Is this seer telling me that the
man who forced himself on a 19 year old
girl is the king of this kingdom

"Calm down my Prince" I scoff

"Stop calling me that I'm no Prince of
yours and I'm no child of a rapist.
Khethelo let's go"

"You cannot run away from who you are

and Mthembu's daughter, you cannot kill
the king. You do not want royal blood in
your hands. The Mkhonto ancestors are
not yet through with him, his day is
coming. Your mother's destiny was
planned by your father even she could
not have imagined things going the way
they did ten years ago." He then leaves
with the guards but turns to again

"My Prince your kingdom is waiting for

you." Then he leaves, I look over at
Khethelo and for the first time in my life I
feel vulnerable and lost. It's like she read
my mind because she walks closer to me
and hugs me.
"I think you should go and face your
father" she says after breaking the hug
and I sigh

"Come with me?" She smiles

"I will follow you anywhere My King" I feel

my icy heart melting at her words and I
can't help but capture her lips catching
her off guard but she kisses me back until
I break the kiss and look into her beautiful

*****AT THE PALACE*****


King walks in hand in hand with Khethelo

and their friends following behind them,
the seer starts chanting the Mkhonto clan
names. Mkhonto looks at his son who is
tall and mighty with a very strong aura
and authority. He looks nothing like him
except his features here and there but
this boy reeks of power. His heart beats
fast as he looks into his cold eyes. He sees
a fire in them a fire that seeks to consume

"My king behold your son"

"My Prince behold your father" king
Mkhonto looks down in shame. His wives
recognize the daughter of Nandi and they
whisper among themselves.

"My prince welcome I am your mother,

the King's third wife Makhoza you are
welcome, shall we fix a room for you and
your guests?" King frowns
"It will depend the conversation I will
have with your husband" he turns and
faces Mkhonto

"Why?" Mkhonto sighs

"I was young and selfish I didn't know......"

Zekhelo chuckles bringing everyone's
attention to her, Mkhonto did not
recognize her until this very moment, he
gets up in anger, the poor sorry regretful
Mkhonto evaporates and the ruthless
monster resurfaces

"What is the daughter of a witch doing

here" King charges towards him and grabs
him by the neck choking him. Everyone
"I could kill you here and now and no one
not even your fucken ancestors can stop
me. Now I know that you are not only a
rapist but you are the biggest idiot if you
think you can insult my woman in my
presence" the seer hits King with a horn
gently and he loosens his grip on on King
Mkhonto. He coughs gasping for air.

"My Prince calm down, your anger is

justified however you do not want your
father's blood in your hands. Khethelo my
child your anger is justified too but you
two need to let go of the past so that you
can rule side by side." King turns to look
at Khethelo and all the rage in his heart
falls away. Everyone in the room including
their friends could see that king is taken
by Khethelo and he would kill anything or
anyone for her even his own father. King
Mkhonto's resentment for Khethelo
multiplies instantly and already has a
million plans cooking up in his evil mind
on how to get rid of Khethelo.

*******ONE WEEK LATER******

We decided to leave the kingdom of my
rapist father. I saw the way he was looking
at Khethelo, with eyes full of rage but I'm
not about to wait for the fucken ancestors
to deal with him. I want to do it myself, I
can tell by looking into his eyes that he is
scum of the earth, after we left the
kingdom we drove straight to Durban. We
have been staying at the hotel since then
with me following Khethelo to her
shipping company daily.
"So this is where we store the containers
that just arrived." That's Khethelo
explaining her business to me in detail, I
love the passion in her eyes whenever
she talks about her business.

"Fascinating" she giggles. Then closes her

mouth with her hand. It's the third time
she's done that around me.
"I don't want my mother's legacy to be
tainted with scandals which is why I have
been fighting so hard to protect these
companies. I'm handing over the shipping
company over to you only if you can
promise not to use it for human
trafficking or body parts" I smile is this
what thuba meant when he said love
would make her give the company?

"Why are you giving it to me after you

fought so hard"
"Honestly I just want peace of mind
besides I trust you" she says looking into
my eyes, I don't know how this woman
does it. Not even the men I work with are
able to maintain a stare. This woman is
rare and very precious to me. I know she's
not giving this company because she's
weak, everything she does is calculated
which I'm very certain that she knows
what she's doing.
"I don't deal in human trafficking, I would
never do that. Even human parts. You can
rest assured I don't also deal with human
organs. My poison is expensive artifacts,
rhinos horns drugs. I mostly transport
drugs to different countries." She nods

"I'll have a contract ready before we leave

and we will make it public" I nod.

I have a good reason for giving King the

shipping company. I want to focus on
other things and not looking over my
shoulders every now and then. I was not
able to have my one on one with Qiniso
Madoda, king Mkhonto just infuriates me
I just wanted out of that kingdom before I
did something to that rapist. I'm just
happy that King feels the same way I do
about his father. I know he won't even
care if I kill him but he said I shouldn't get
my hands dirty with his blood. He said he
will deal with him. It's our last night in
Durban, we are going back tomorrow
morning. After showing King around we
went to have lunch just the two of us
then went to the hotel room.

"Have you seen Thuba and Mpumi?" He

"What would you like to do seeing that
it's just the two of us?" We are sitting on
the couch, He smirks which is very cute
coming from him. He looks like a child in a
candy store.

He comes close to me lifting my chin and

because I'm so short I stand on my tippy
toes and we share a kiss. He kisses me
with so much passion and hunger that I
can't help but let out a moan. I unbutton
his shirt and help him take it off. We are
not breaking the kiss. We are now naked
on the couch and I go down on him giving
him a blowjob as I keep looking up to see
if he is enjoying what I'm doing and this
man is just staring at me emotionless. I
continue to lick and try to touch the back
of my throat with his dick. I know men go
crazy when you do that but he doesn't
even flinch. Oh Nkosi yam! But I don't
give up, I soldier on licking on his balls
after some time with my throat sore as
fuck trying to get a reaction from this
man I go up and capture his lips. I get on
top of him and I insert his member into
my nuna. I try to ignore the fact that he's
the biggest and thickest I've ever had.
Thank god I'm wet or I was going to
experience a lot of pain. I start moving
slowly while moaning. He holds my waist
meeting my thrusts. Oh! his member
touches my g spot and I'm gone. I'm
screaming alone so loud that I don't want
to let go. He finally groans like an animal. I
look into his eyes as he reaches his happy
ending and just like that I feel his cum
inside. We lay there breathing heavily in
each other's arms

"Thank you mvelase I've never had a

woman do that on top of me" I smile at
this weird creature but I love him like

"How did you usually have sex with your

ex girlfriends kanti?"
"You are my first girlfriend" my eyes pop

"And sex?"

"I buy it, hit them doggy style. No

touching or kissing" wow
"I'm your first girlfriend?" He nods and I
kiss him and this time I want missionary.
After taking a long bath together, we
cuddle in bed until we fall asleep in
eachother's arms. King never talks a lot
but he does engage if you initiate a
conversation. If you keep quiet he keeps
quiet too and just drills his eyes on you,
I'm starting to get used to him. I wonder
where Mpumi and Thuba disappeared
to? I know my friend bets for both teams
but Thuba is a married man

We have been camping daily outside

Kumkani's place during office hours 9-5
hoping that he will show up. Honestly this
is exhausting but I have no choice or my
father will have my head. Makazi has
been trying to get Kumkani's brothers to
find out his whereabouts but they say he
never picks up their calls.
"I'm tired of this aunty hai this is too
much" she chuckle

"Too much ya ntoni? This is only the

beginning, the muti won't do everything
for you nontombi nawe you need to make
him eat sleep dream of you. Move that
waist when you ride him. Make him give
you his pin codes just by giving him the
best sex. You are too soft complaining
about the little heat" I was about to say
something when Kumkani's G wagon
parkes and the gate opened as he drives

"Iza nontombi" we rushed inside before

the gate closes. Kumkani came out of the
car to open the passager door and out
came the short yellow bone from the last
time I was here. She looks over at us and
frowns, Kumkani turns pointing a finger at
"What did I say to you, you want your
family to mourn you?" I run and hide
behind makazi.

"Kumkani you can't talk like that to your

wife" Kumkani charges towards her and
grabs her by the throat and squeezes.
Makazi is turning grey but this man
doesn't care.
"King baby stop!" Like a light switch being
flicked on he stops instantly and makazi
falls to the ground coughing and gasping
for air.

"Let me deal with this please go inside

and cool off" like a robot Kumkani huffs
then leaves us. I swear this woman must
take us to the sangoma she's using.
"What's your story?" She asks looking at
me with a straight face.

"My daughter" makazi says catching her


"We need your help, we will p...." She

doesn't get to finish the sentence this
woman pulled a gun on us.
"Now that man inside there is my man
and I don't fucken share. If you think he is
scary then you haven't seen what I'm
capable of. Keep coming at him with the
wife nonsense and you will see what I
Khethelo Mthembu daughter of Mvuleni
Mthembu and Nandi Mthembu will do to
you. I will kill you. Now get the fuck of
here" I don't need to be told twice, the
fire in her eyes says that she means every
word. Makazi gets up and points a finger
at her
"You don't scare me wena, I'll show you
who I am" the woman starts shooting on
the floor causing makazi to scream
rushing to the gate. We run inside the car
screeching off silently.

*******BUKHOSI ZULU******
"King Bukhosi I was sent by my King
Mkhonto from Nzimeni kingdom to seek
an alliance with you and be on standby
should the need to go to war arises."

"Messager tell your king to come here

himself to explain what is he on about.
We are a peaceful kingdom and we don't
involve ourselves in fights that we don't
know how they started "
"As the king pleases" the man leaves and I
turn to look at my wife

"I never liked King Mkhonto, he is a tyrant

and he wants to make himself king of
other kings. In this day and age who still
goes to war?" She comes to sit on my lap
"Get your finest men and train them just
in case he tries to wage war against us.
We must be prepared. He will
underestimate us because he knows that
this kingdom mostly has farmers. Get an
army ready just incase" my queen says
and it shall be done.


After they screeched off I turn going

inside the house. When we dropped off
Thuba and Mpumi, he just drove straight
to his place, he didn't even ask me if I
wanted to come here or not but I let him
be. I know my man is awkward and he
won't say anything much, as I enter his
bedroom I hear the shower running so I
decide to join him. I take off all my clothes
and open the shower door, he turns to
look at me but my eyes roam around his
perfect physique. His member jumps up
and down excited I can't help but blush.
He grabs me by my hair and kisses me. It's
a rough kiss but I like it without warning
he turns me around and I place both my
hands on the wall bending a bit. He
places his hand on my nuna and swiftly
inserts a finger, I moan and he finger
fucks me sliding in the second finger with
his other hand he gently massages my

"I want to fuck you hard" he says in his

bold voice which is now coarse.

"Please fuck me" I say with a voice lased

with so much hunger, I know that he is
angry and he needs to release his anger. I
can feel his heart rate and his pupils are
dilated. He doesn't need to be told twice
because he inserts his dick causing me to
gasp. He thrusts into me hard deep and
fast, I feel both pain and pleasure
simultaneously but the pleasure takes
centre stage making me scream his name.
I don't know how many times I climaxed
but this man is the very first man to give
me multiple orgasms. His dick just finds
my g spot without a struggle.
"What's the story with your aunt and
supposed wife?" He sighs, we are now
cuddling in bed naked

"Inheritance" I frown

"My grandfather left me money and all

his businesses, the house they live in and
the cars they are driving" I'm confused
"So what does marrying you off have to
do with that"

"Knowing my family they are trying to find

a way to poison me either to kill me or
control me. My grandfather warned me
on his death bed. He told me that he is
going to die and that what they fed him is
slowly killing him" wow some families
"So if you marry the girl then everything
becomes hers?" He nods

"Did I mention that I'm territorial about

what's mine? He chuckles

"I love you Khethelo" I look up at him and

he is staring down at me. I just smile not
knowing what to say
"So how are we going to deal with this?"
He shrugs

"Deal with your father and I will deal with

your aunt" he kisses my forehead.

"I would do anything for you"

I can't even look my wife in the eyes, I
have never cheated on her since we got
married which was four years ago.
Mpumi and I really didn't mean for this to
happen, the one moment we were
having shots then boom! We are having
crazy sex all over the place. The fucked up
thing is that I can't stop thinking about
her, her sex game is on point.
"You've been quiet since you came back is
everything okay?" I nod

"Hmm okay if you say so. I just fe.." I

don't let her finish

"I said I'm fine! Geez" I say getting up and

grabbing my car keys. I need to get out of
here, I sent a text to Mpumi to meet me
at the four seasons hotel.

"I thought we agreed that this was a once

off thing" she says walking in wearing a
short red body hugging and red heels.
"Then you should have worn a different
dress" I say already smashing my lips into

"I brought these now sit down" she says

taking out a whip, handcuffs and a

She takes off all my clothes and blindfolds

me before helping me to sit a on a chair.
"I'm going to touch myself, I want to
guess which part of my body I'm
touching. You get it right I give you a treat
but get it wrong you get pushed" I nod
already hard as fuck. This girl excites me.

"Where am I touching daddy?"

"Your boobs"
"Damn daddy" I feel warmth on my dick
and this woman gives me one hell of a
blow job until I cum. Damn I'm loving this


Today we have royal guests from the
Nzimeni kingdom. From what my
husband told me about him I really don't
like the king already.

"King Bukhosi, thank you for welcoming

us in your kingdom, this is my advisor and
old friend Qiniso Madoda"
"You are both welcome, this is my Queen
Qhawekazi" the king turns to shake my
hand but his eyes pop

"Have we met before?" He asks and I

shake my head

"You look familiar" I shrug

"Can we have some privacy?" He says
looking at me but I stay rooted in my seat

"King Mkhonto Just like Qiniso is your

advisor, my wife is my advisor" the king

"You let a woman sit and discuss with

men concerning affairs of your kingdom?"
He asked looking horrified.
"Yes" my husband says proudly

"Well I'll get started with what brought

me here" we nod looking at him to

"My kingdom is bigger and richer with

many resources and connections. Qiniso
is a very well known business man I
myself am know in and around KZN. We
want you to pledge your alliance to us
and in return we will not wage war
against you. You will be considered our
friend" this man is full of himself who said
we need friends.

"So are you saying that if we don't agree

to an alliance then you are coming for
us?" My husband asks
"I'm glad we understand each other" he
answers arrogantly. My husband looks at
me, seeking approval and I nod.

"We are going to have to decline your

generous offer and if waging war against
us is your solution to this rejection so be
it. We might be a small kingdom Mkhonto
but we are no pushovers. I don't know
how you lead your kingdom but I will not
be bullied into agreeing with nonsense. I
know you have bullied other surrounding
kingdoms but I will not give in to bullshit"
I'm so turned on by the power my
husband possesses at the moment.

"You will regret this Bukhosi, you are just

like your brother. You are weak and
pathetic that's why he is dead now he too
thought he could defeat me but he is
burning in hell" Bukhosi charges towards
him looking deadly but the royal appears
from nowhere
"My king, leave him. Don't taint your
hands with his blood. His time is almost
up, he is a dead man walking" king
Mkhonto laughs I rush to my husband
and attack him with a hug trying to calm
him down. His breathing slows down and
I can feel that he has calmed down.

"King Mkhonto and whatever they call

you. Please leave my kingdom and never
set foot here again. You are not welcome"
I looking into the man's eyes

"You must be Nandi's sister. You are just

as arrogant as she was until I killed her"
he says walking out leaving me in a lot of

On their way back to Nzimeni kingdom
just as they are about to turn to the road
that leads them to Nzimeni kingdom a
quantum full of men carrying guns shoot
at their car. After a while of shooting a
man walks over to check if there's any left
alive, King Mkhonto has a bullet on his
shoulder only the rest of the bullets went
to his bodyguards who were shielding
"You" he says to the man pointing a gun
at him looking him straight in the eyes
before blowing his brains out!!!


News about the brutal murder of the king
and his advisor shook the kingdom of
Nzimeni. Even in his sickness Mkhonto
was feared and some even believed that
he was wrestling with death and he won
hence his miraculous recovery. The seven
remaining wives don't know where they
stand, some wish that their children could
sit on the throne while others wish to
move on with their lives away from the
"What's going to happen now that the
king is no more, who's going to sit on the
throne?" One of the council members
asked Dladla the seer of the Nzimeni

"King Mkhonto had a son, he will succeed

him. Because of how the King died, the
kingdom will mourn him for 90 days there
after we shall perform a welcoming
ceremony, a wedding ceremony and a
crowning ceremony all on the same day"

"The arrogant son who bluntly told us

that he wants nothing to do with this
kingdom? If you think king Mkhonto was
a cruel man then I suspect that his so-
called son is worse..than him." The seer
"He is the rightful heir to the throne and
just what this kingdom needs"


I sit up again for the third time sweating
profusely from a recurring nightmare of
Khethelo caught in a raging fire but I can't
seem to help her. My mother appears in
the dream telling me that the only way to
save her is to take my place.

"Another nightmare" I shake my head

getting up
"Same one" she sighs

"Maybe you should consult someone

about this, you hardly sleep nor eat. You
don't look like the King I fell in love with." I

"Don't do that" she says getting up

"Don't dismiss me with that nod, the last
time I suggested this you agreed with me
but never did anything." I sigh

"I don't know who or what to consult"

she smiles
"Then why didn't you say so, I'll look

"No need for that" the seer from Nzimeni

kingdom says appearing from nowhere

"Hai ke what if we were fucking?"

Khethelo says annoyed
"Forgive me Miss Mthembu but the
matter that brings me here is very urgent.
The throne of Nzimeni kingdom is
without a king and I'm afraid the
nightmares will be the least of your
worries when your ancestors start to
show you what they are made of." I just
knew that is about the fucken throne. I
scoff and he chuckles
"What did you think would happen when
you killed your own father the king. Your
hands are tainted and there will be a
price to pay for killing royal blood" I

"I did everyone a favour, if I could I would

wake him up just to kill him again" the
seer shakes his head
"You have two weeks to report to Nzimeni
kingdom for your introduction ceremony,
your wedding ceremony and your
crowning ceremony which will be held on
the same day or experience the
ancestors'wrath" he then disappears
leaving us dumbstruck.

"What are you going to do?" I shrug

because honestly I don't know
"If I agree will you be my Queen" she
smiles widely

"I will follow you anywhere my King" for

the very first time since the nightmares
began I feel free, I feel lighter. Perhaps I
thought she wouldn't be by my side and
that gave me anxiety, I'm happy.
"Thank you my Queen, with you by my
side I know I can handle anything" she
giggles and gets on top of me. My sex

I feel a vibrator on my anus as she licks
my balls, oh! Fuck I never thought I could
feel like this, shit! this feels good. She
continues pleasuring me until I cum.

"Fuck! That was amazing" she smiles

"Spend the night" she says pouting

"Baby we spoke about this" she nods

"I understand I'm just being silly" I look

deep into her eyes

"Mpumi I need you to be honest with me,

did you catch feelings" she gets up
"I wanted to try some new style one of
my students was talking about at the gym
I'm sorry if it seemed like I'm catching
feelings. We can stop even now and I
won't lose a wink of sleep" she says going
into the bathroom. I know she's lying. She
has become clingy and we have been
having a lot of passionate love making.
Even a stone cold person is bound to
catch feelings. I can't seem to stop, at first
it was about the sex but I got to know her.
She is an incredible woman, I think I love

I decide to follow her to the bathroom

and I find her leaning on the basin crying
silently and that alone shatters my heart.

"I think we should stop" she says turning

to face me and I put my forehead on hers
"I can't" I say honestly

"Please" she whispers

"I'm in love with you" she tries to move

but I bring her close to me lifting her chin

"Mpumi I am in love with you"

"I love you too"


I switched off my phone last night and

made sweet love to Mpumi all night long.
She's laying naked in my arms, she looks
so beautiful. It's no wonder I fell for her, I
don't know how this is going to work but I
can't lose her. I move her swiftly, careful
not to wake her up. I decide to switch on
my phone and text messages from my
wife and King pop up. I read my wife's
message first


A message from king



I have more than 20 missed calls and

voice messages but I decide not to listen
to them. I take a quick shower and get
dressed in a hurry. I kiss Mpumi on the
forehead and she moans, just as about to
reach the door she speaks.

"Don't tell me you are leaving just like


"My wife is in hospital, she's giving birth

or she gave birth I'm not sure" she nods
"I call you" she nods again. Sigh! I go back
and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you" she smiles

"I love you too"


I get to the reception and they tell me the
ward number my wife's in. I open the
door and I'm met by a beautiful picture.
My wife holding our son and I can't help
but smile. King and Khethelo are also in
the room with Khethelo next to Noni
playing with my son.

"Hello" Khethelo shoots me with a death

stare while Noni ignores me.
"Can I please have moment with my
wife?" Khethelo looks at Noni and she
nods. She clicks her tongue as she walks
out with King who didn't even look at me.

"Baby I'm sorry, I lost track of time and my

battery died. I'm sorry I wasn't there
when you and our son needed me. He is
so beautiful, thank you baby" she scoffs
"I hope she was worth you missing the
birth of our son. Honestly Thuba after
everything we've been through, you do
this to me." I sigh

"Can we not talk about this now please,

can we just be happy and celebrate the
birth of our son?" She nods
"Have you named him yet?" She shakes
her head

"How about Siphosethu"

"I like it" she says looking at our son. I feel

like shit right now but I'm trying to be
present in this moment.


We have been here at the palace for two

days now preparing for the ceremonies.
The seer said my bride price will be paid
at a later stage to a very close member of
my family. I explained to him that I don't
have any relatives because they disowned
us a long time ago but he told me not to
worry. The Mthembu ancestors are wise,
whatever that means.

"Are you ready to be queen" Mpumi says,

I'm still very much angry at her for the
affair she's having with Thuba. I tried to
reason with her but my girl is in love and
she's not afraid of getting her heart
broken which is where it's heading.
"As ready as I get be" the Queen mothers
have been giving me attitude but I don't
care. They should just stay out of my way
and I won't trouble them either.

The welcoming/introduction ceremony

went well and the wedding ceremony, I
am traditionally Queen Khethelo
Mkhonto. I loath that name but it is what
it is, now it's the crowning ceremony. The
royal seer chants the Mkhonto clan
names and officially places a crown on
top of the new King of Nzimeni kingdom.
Now it's my turn, he chants the Mkhonto
clan names but stop abruptly.

"My King I'm sorry but miss Mthembu

here cannot be the crowned Queen. That
is your punishment for killing royal blood.
She has to be the second wife because
she will not be able to give you children.
Because you love her so much that's a
befitting punishment for not taking heed
to my words. You must marry another
who will be crowned Queen and will bare
you children." I feel my world coming to a
halt. A lone tear escapes my eye and I
look over at my husband who looks
shattered. This can't be


I couldn't go to King's crowning ceremony

because I didn't want to leave Nonhlanhla
alone after missing the birth of our son. I
can't believe he's a really king now and
his woman is a Queen. What a couple,
what a perfect match. The people of that
kingdom are lucky to have such a strong
woman as their queen. The past couple
of months I have been observing king's
behaviour and I have learnt that inside
that tough exterior is just a big old softie
and that side of him comes out only
when his Queen is around and same goes
for Khethelo, she's savage and all but the
respect she shows king is just beautiful to
witness. I'm busy rocking Sipho to sleep,
while Noni is resting. She was up all night
now it's my turn. As soon as he sleeps in
my arms, I gently place him in his cot and
walk outside to the balcony to make a


"I thought you forgot about me" she says

when she picks up the phone
"As if I could" she giggles, damn I miss her

"How's things that side" she sighs

"Not good at all, royal and ancestors's

drama but long story short, Khethelo
cannot be the crowned Queen in fact, she
will be a second wife"
"What?" No that can't be

"Yep, my friend ran out crying, I've never

seen her this broken"

"King won't let that happen"

"I hope he won't because my friend won't
agree to be his second wife, anyway I miss
you" I smile

"I miss you especially your naughty

games" she giggles

"I'm coming back tomorrow, I need to

open the gym so I can't stay this side for
too long. I might just give you a treat
when I get back"

"I can't wait"

"Okay daddy, kiss Sipho for me I love you"

"I love you too babe" I hung up and turn

only to get the shock of my life.
Nonhlanhla is standing there with her
hands on her waist.

"You love her? Really!" I wish you two all

the best. I won't be staying here while
you make a fool of me, I'm leaving and I'm
taking my son" I chuckle

"You are not taking my son anywhere" the

hurt in her eyes
"So you'd rather have me leave as long as
I leave your son? Wow Thuba" shit!

"Baby that's not what I meant, I don't

want you to leave I love you" she chuckles

"You just said those same words to your

mistress, you disgust me." She says
walking away. Shit!!!
"Baby let's talk about this please"

"If you want me and our son to stay in this

marriage then you end it with your floozy
Thuba, just because I've been quiet
doesn't mean I'm stupid. You have one
week to end things or I'm leaving you. I
won't share you and I will never agree to
polygamous nonsense so choose. It's
either her or me and your son" she says
walking out. Fuck!!!

This can't be happening, after the
crowning ceremony I ran into the
bedroom and locked myself up crying my
eyes out. This is not the daughter that
Nandi Mthembu raised but I'm hurting, I
wish I never opened my heart to love.
Love is stupid, it makes you weak and
vulnerable which is a place where I don't
want to find myself. How can the stupid
ancestors punish me like this. Even in
death that monster wins. Wasn't killing
my mother enough? I was humiliated in
front of my enemies, imagine waiting to
be crowded then jiki jiki you are told that
you will be the barren and second best.
It's not fair, the Mkhonto ancestors hate

"My Queen please open the door, let's

talk about this" I get up from the bed and
unlock the door. His eyes are blood shot
"I'm not going to be your second wife" I
say walking back to the bed

"I don't want you to be my second wife,

you are my first and only wife. I don't care
about royalty and the throne. I can walk
away from it all but I cannot walk away
from you" I sob
"This is not me King, the weak and
pathetic woman who shows her
emotions. That's not me, this love thing
has me tripping and I can't, I feel like I'm
losing the essence of who I am. I can fight
anyone coming at me but I can't seem to
defeat your father. Even in death he
reigns supreme, I won't allow this to
break me." He looks at me with a frown
with a bit of confusion.
"What are you saying Khethelo, I don't
understand" I sigh

"I'm saying that if you marry another

woman then I am leaving. I don't mind
staying in a marriage without children as
long as I'll be with you" he sighs

"Tell me what to do my Queen and I will

do it"
"Let's leave, let's forget about this
kingdom and continue with our lives the
way we were before or we can even
move out of the country, maybe go live in
Australia, I heard it's a quiet and peaceful
country." The messager of the devil
himself had to appear

"Your Highnesses I understand that the

punishment is too much but dare leave
the throne and your loved ones will die
one after the other starting with your
wife here. The nightmares who've been
having will turn into reality. My Queen, if
you truly love the king then stick it out,
support him and the crowned Queen, the
ancestors will reward you" I laugh hard
and grab car keys on the night stand

"Where are you going Khethelo?" I wipe

my tears
"As faraway as possible from this kingdom
and it's cruel ancestors."

"Khethelo you can't leave me, let's work

this out. We will find a solution, I'll seek
help from other kingdoms just don't walk
out on me" I look at him it's not his fault
but my heart is breaking here
"I'm sorry king, your ancestors hate me,
maybe we were not meant to be who
knows but I will not watch you marry
another woman, I can't. The first mistake I
made was loving the son of an enemy" he

"You can't do this to me, stay please stay

and we will find a way" I grab my luggage
bag, Luckily I didn't unpack my clothes. I
walk out leaving him defeated. I get into
my car and drive off, I didn't even care to
tell Mpumi that I'm leaving, I just want
out of this place. I drive out of the palace
at high speed, i breathe out as I leave
behind the big sign written Nzimeni
kingdom. My vision is blurry because of
the tears, I wish I never met King. I know
it's not his fault but why does it have to
be this way? Why? Out of no where I hear
cars hooting, I'm driving towards on
coming cars, I didn't even see myself
getting off track. I try to sway the car but I
lose control and hit something, I don't
know what it is then everything went

I never asked for this, I only agreed to be
the king because I thought I'll rule
alongside the woman who has my heart,
I'm starting to think that the Mkhonto
ancestors are just as evil and twisted just
like my father was. I don't regret killing
that rapist but why must I be punished, I
can't lose her, I would rather die, that
woman is my everything.
"My King let her be. She will come back,
she needs to find a piece of herself then
she will come back to you." I scoff

"I'm not marrying a second wife Dladla

better let your stupid ancestors know. I'd
rather she dies and I kill myself after but
I'm not losing her over ancestral
nonsense." He chuckles
"You are playing with fire King" I walk out
and instruct one of the guards to drive
out, I need to go after Khethelo, I just
hope she booked into a hotel or
something just to clear her head. She
needs to know that I'm not living without

"Step on it" I instruct the guards. There's

only one way back to the city of Durban
and knowing Khethelo I'm not that far
behind because of her bad driving, she
doesn't like speeding. There's traffic now
and it's moving slow

We drive through a lot of people looking

at something, out of curiosity I also try to
see what's happening, that's my g wagon.
I shout for the guard to stop and I rush to
see if my eyes are not deceiving me. It's
my car in flames. The paramedics, the
firefighters and the jaws of life are trying
to stop the flames. I'm feeling the same
helplessness I felt in my dreams. The car
is in flames with the love of life inside.

"Sir you please step back and let us do

our job"

"My wife is in there please let me get her

"Sir please, we are doing everything we
can" I watch as they manage to stop the
fire and the jaws of life saw through the
car top.



Mbatha barges into the council meeting
looking like he's seen a ghost.

"My apologies for disturbing you my king

but I urgently need you in my ancestral
hut" king Bukhosi doesn't think twice, he
dismisses the meeting at once and
follows Mbatha to his hut. As soon as he
enters he is met by a woman who's
sleeping on the grass mat with minor
scratches on her face and arms. He looks
closely at the woman and his eyes pop.
"You see it too my King?" The king nods

"How did she get here and what are the

ancestors saying" Bukhosi enquires.

"I was on my way back from the woods,

so I went in search of herbs, something
told me to use the grovel road that leads
to the main road. I found her laying next
to a car that just collided with a tree. It
seemed like she crawled out but fainted. I
picked her up and brought her here right
before the car she crawled out of
exploded. The ancestors are not saying
anything however I noticed the striking
resemblance of the Queen your wife
hence I ran to you.

"With my Queen's memory gone maybe

this young woman can trigger her

"I will treat her wounds in the meantime"

"Please do, do not tell anyone about this
stranger and tomorrow morning I will
bring my wife to see her"

"As my Lord wishes"


I love Noni and my son so much, but the

relationship I have with Mpumi is just
mind blowing, Noni gave me an
ultimatum. It's either her and our son or
Mpumi, I have been with Noni for a while,
I love her and I can't just let her walk
away. I was hoping that I could convince
the both of them agree to a polygamous
marriage but my wife made it clear that
she will not stand for that nonsense. I'm
going to meet up with Mpumi at her gym.
I need to do the hardest thing in my life
but we both knew when we started this
affair that at some point at has to come
to an end.
"Hey Baby!" She says with so much
enthusiasm but mina angikho lapho and
she notices

"Is everything okay?" I nod. She attacks

me with a kiss then unbuckles my pants.

"Wait we can't" she already has my dick

inside her warm mouth.

"Mpumi I...." She sucks my balls and I

forget completely what I wanted to say.
She sucks and licks me until I feel the urge
to cum, she squeezes tight my butt
cheeks almost digging her nail in and I
shoot cum straight into her mouth. She
swallows without a struggle then smiles
at me.

"You were saying, daddy?" Fuck! How do I

go about this

"My wife found out about us and..." I

don't get to finish
"It's okay I'll be your second wife I don't
mind. I already love Siphosethu and I
swear I'll respect umamkhulu" she says

"Baby Nonhlanhla doesn't want a

polygamous marriage, she gave me an
ultimatum. It's either you or her and the
baby. Mpumi you are a good woman
but...." She raises her hand

"I don't want to hear it, get out!" Her

voice is breaking as she speaks
"I said get the fuck out, I hate you. I told
you we should stop but you declared your
undying love to me, where's the love you
claimed you felt, why can't you fight for
us. I'm not saying leave your wife but fight
for us. You are a weak man and I don't do
weak men, get the fuck out now!!!" She's
yelling and hitting me with anything she
can get her hands on.

"For what it's worth, I really love you but I

can't lose my wife and my son" I say
walking away, I feel like crap right now. I
will never be able to erase the hurt in her
eyes, and the mean blow jobs she gives
and her kinky wild sex not forgetting her
craziness. I'm going to miss her so much it
fucken hurts but I don't regret my choice.

I drive back home with a heavy heart.

King did warn me about breaking
Mpumi's heart. I should have known
better, I'm older and I'm the one who's
married. I never should have allowed
myself to go there in the first place.
"Hello daddy" Noni says bringing Sipho to
me. I take him from his mother and I sit
on the couch playing with him.

"I hope you ended things with that skank

of yours" I nod

"Good because I was ready to pack and

leave you and I swear Thuba if you ever
cheat on me again. I'll leave you" I scoff
"I chose you okay so let this go. I'll never
cheat on you again because the only
woman worth cheating with, hates me for
breaking her heart so I don't need you to
bring up this cheating shit again" I say
placing Sipho on the cot

"You caught feelings didn't you?" I choose

to ignore her and go to my study to cool

"What do you mean you can't find the
body?" After they opened the top part of
the car they only retrieved a phone and
her half burned handbag.

"It could be that she was able to crawl out

and one of the passing cars took her to
the hospital or she's laying somewhere
around here injured but there is no body
sir" I sigh honestly I'm relieved, I just hope
she's alive. The next move is to check all
hospitals, she's alive, my wife is alive.
After they searched around the nearby
area they called it a night and took down
my details and pictures of Khethelo. We
drove back to the palace thanking God
that she was not found in that burning

As soon as we arrived I was met by a

crowd of people and a woman covered
with a blanket. I frown asking the seer
what the hell is going on

"They are from Mahlabathini kingdom.

They have brought their princess to get
married to the king of Nzimeni kingdom.
My king this is Princess Nobuhle Sithole
your future Queen." I chuckle

"You know who my Queen is. Dladla I'm

starting to think that you are pushing your
own fucken agenda. I go out for a couple
of hours suddenly there's a wife waiting
for me. If you think I'm a pushover you
have it all wrong" I turn to look at the
people who came with the girl and I
uncover her.
"Go back to the hole you crawled out of. I
will not marry you. Now if you do not hail
from this kingdom then fuck out of here."
I say pointing at everyone around the

"You can fight it all you want my king but

the ancestors have spoken. This is your
Queen and you have to wed" I feel like
strangling this seer, but I choose to ignore
him and walk inside the palace, I need to
find Khethelo.

My husband the king pulled me out of

the palace and took a walk with me to
Mbatha's hut, he hardly slept last night he
was busy tossing and turning, when I
asked him what is bothering him he told
me that he will show me. We arrive at the
hut and we knock. Mbatha comes out all
smiles looking at the king.

"She's awake my king and the ancestors

have spoken. My Queen behold your
daughter" I frown as she leads me inside
his hut.

"Mama!" She screams. All of a sudden

flashbacks of the past attack me. I now
remember who I am. I take a sit on a
small bunk stool inside the hut and hold
my head. I remember!

"Khethelo!" she gets up limping and

attacks me with a hug.
"Mama I thought you were dead. Mama I
need you. I need my mother oh my god
you are alive" she kneels and places her
head on my lap. I look over at my
husband and he looks worried. He
probably thinks that I will leave him now
that I remember who I am."

"Mama is here baby, your mother is here.

Nandi is here my one and only daughter"
I say rubbing her back as she sobs
"My Queen your late husband brought
your daughter here because she is
surrounded by enemies. We need to
protect the young prince growing inside
her womb"


It's in the middle of the night two council

members and the king of Mahlabathini
kingdom knock on Dladla the seer's door.
He opens the door and makes way for
them to enter his house. He looks around
to see if anyone is watching then he walks
inside the house closing the door and
showing his guests where to sit.

"Messanger of the ancestors what is

taking so long for Mkhonto's son to marry
my daughter. We had an agreement,
great wealth awaits you." Dladla sighs
"He's as stubborn as a mule but I think I
have found a way that will guarantee that
he marries princess Nobuhle."

"And what about his other wife" Dladla


"She will never come back here rest

assured, I hit her with duga izwe. She will
never come back here" he says pleased
with himself

"I still think you should have killed her like

we planned" Dladla shakes his head in

"Rest assured the Mthembu girl is the

Queen of this kingdom spilling her blood
would have angered the Mkhonto
ancestors. It's a good thing that
Mkhonto's son got to him before we
could because I was able to use the old
king's death to my advantage" the king
and the council members get on their

"We have to get going Dladla, I trust you

to get my daughter married to the King
then our plans can commence. I want her
crowned as Queen of this kingdom"


Did this man just say that I'm pregnant,

But how is that possible? I thought Nkosi
and I can't have children together. I don't
understand this, how is my mother alive?
I feel like I'm dreaming but I'm not, here's
a man holding my mother's hand as if
he's afraid that she'll leave him then
there's a sangoma guy calling my mother
a Queen, my mother whom I thought had
died a long time ago.

"Sir I don't understand, what do you

mean the young prince growing inside my
"Queen Khethelo, you are carrying the
one and only heir to the throne of
Nzimeni kingdom" I frown

"But the seer there said....."he cut me off

"I'm well aware of what that seer said.

Not everyone has pure intentions Queen
Khethelo. The ancestors always find a way
to protect their own. No matter what
happens in the dark the ancestors have a
way of exposing the wicked. For your
protection and the child you are carrying
you need to stay here until it is safe for
you and the young prince to return to
your kingdom and to lead side by side
with your king"

"You keep referring to me as Queen. The

Mkhonto ancestors rejected me I am no
Queen. My husband is yet to marry
another woman who will be crowned as
Queen" he chuckles

"The Mkhonto ancestors chose you to

tame their long lost Prince in their eyes
you are the Queen and no one will ever
take your place nor sit on your throne."
This is confusing now. I thought the
Mkhonto ancestors rejected me.
"You will have to remain hidden in this
kingdom until the Prince is born then we
will await further instructions from the

"My husband must be worried about me

considering how I walked out on him.
Can't I at least let him know that I'm safe
and that I didn't leave him. What if he
marries another woman"
"Queen Khethelo, as soon as you speak to
your husband he will come running to
you and lead your enemies right to your
door step. This pregnancy was hidden for
a reason now do not make contact with
your husband or anyone outside this
kingdom" I break down and cry. Why
can't I see King or at least talk to him? I
miss him so much it hurts, I can't seem to
get the image of how broken he looked
when I took my bags and left.
"Khethelo are those tears in your eyes"
my mother says in a serious tone and I

"I didn't raise a weak pathetic woman,

you are going to be a mother now, your
first priority should be protecting your
son. Am I not here? Am I not your mother
Khethelo? Now wipe those tears and
toughen up. Nzimeni kingdom doesn't
need a weak King and the man who has
your heart needs a strong Queen to help
him lead" I wipe my tears and hug her

"I hope you haven't forgotten who you

are" I smile, she is my strength.



It's been six months since I last saw

Mpumi and I must say I'm starting to
think less and less about her from
thinking about her all the time to thinking
about her once or twice a day. I have
fallen hard and keeping away from her
has been the hardest thing I ever had to
do in my life. I knew love her but I didn't
know how much until I let her go. Every
time I question my decision I always look
at my son and he makes the sacrifice
worth it. Noni has been nagging me
about not going out with her anymore so
i thought I should take them out for
dinner. We are at fellas restaurant at
Clearwater mall. We settle on a cosy table
and a waitress comes to take our orders.
"Mam you forgot your phone!" Another
waitress shouts grabbing our attention.
The lady seems to be in a hurry

"Your phone mam!" We are now looking

at this woman who left her phone
behind. She finally turns and our eyes
lock, it's Mpumi. She grabs the phone
from the waitress quickly and right there I
notice a baby bump. She's pregnant, she
hurries out. Without thinking I find myself
running after her with Noni calling my
name but Ignore her.

"Mpumi!" She stops and turns, she looks

beautiful and chubby.

"What the hell Thuba! go back to your

wife are you insane?" I look at her not
believing that I'm standing in front of her
"You are pregnant" she scoffs

"You left your wife and son to ask me the

obvious?" She chuckles bitterly

"Is it mine"
"No it's mine" she says trying to walk
away but I grab her arm

"Is that my baby you are carrying?" She

shakes her head

"Don't lie to me Mpumi, is that my baby

you are carrying?" I look at her straight in
the eyes but she fails to hold a stare.
Mpumi has the worst pocker face ever,
she wears her heart on the sleeves. She
can't lie to save her life, I know for sure
that she's carrying my baby

"Why didn't you tell me?" she tears up

"You chose your wife and son Thuba,

there's no place for me and my daughter
in your life"
"It's a girl? Were you planning on keeping
my baby away from me?"

"You left me"

"Why didn't you tell me Mpumi?"

"I found out after you left me I figured
you already have a complete family so" I

"Really Thuba! Is she the homewrecking

hoe you've been two timing me with?"
Damnit Noni

"Not now Noni please" I'm still holding

Mpumi's arm
"I'll call you, we need to talk" she yanks
her arm

"We have nothing to talk about, you

made your choice now leave me alone"
shs says wiping her tears

"You are crazy if you think I'm going to

forget about my child"
"Your child? You got your mistress
pregnant Thumba?"

"I don't need this"Mpumi says walking


"You impregnated your mistress?" I

ignore her and I walk back inside the
restaurant leaving her standing there.

I feel like I'm losing my mind, I can't find

Khethelo anywhere. I searched literally
everywhere, not even her friend has
heard from her. It's like she disappeared
into thin air. I searched every hospital in
all Provences, all the morgues. I'm
starting to believe what the seer said six
months ago. He said that the ancestors
have spoken to him telling him that I
should marry the princess from
Mahlabathini kingdom or Khethelo will
never come back home. She will wonder
around unwell, I didn't heed to his
warnings because I'm getting an uneasy
feeling about this seer, the way he was
adamant about getting me married raised
my suspicions. I'm a stranger in this land, I
don't even trust the council members, I
don't trust the Queen mothers. Four of
them left only three remain and I swear
one of them made a pass at me, I feel like
I'm losing my mind, I need Khethelo, I
need my Queen.

"My King you asked to see me" I sigh

"If I decide to marry the so-called
princess, can you guarantee the safe
return of my wife?" He starts chanting
and mumbles foreign things, much to my
irritation. I'm fed up with these useless

"My King, your wife will return provided

the rightful Queen sits on the throne.
Should I let the people of Mahlabathini
that you are wedding their princess" I nod
"Well done my King now you are thinking
like a true leader" the smile on his face
leaves me bewildered, why is he this


The princess came first thing in the
morning, you'd swear she slept in her
wedding attire waiting for my call. We had
the traditional wedding and the crowning
ceremony, my heart is troubled but I only
did this to bring my wife back home. After
all the festivities I decided to retire to my
chambers, after taking a long shower I
went out of the bathroom only to be met
by my so called wife sleeping on my bed
naked. I just saw red and dragged her by
her leg off the bed. She fell down crying
but that didn't move me at all.

"You have the audacity to sleep on my

wife's bed, didn't they tell you that this is
my only Queen's bedroom? Get your
forward flat behind out of this room and
never think this is a marriage. You are
here for the ancestors not for me. if you
feel an itch between those legs go to the
seer he and his ancestors will sort you
one. now leave!!!!!" I roar startling her. I
watch as she covers herself with the robe
and runs out.


We are at the dining room table having

breakfast when a young lady servant
comes running.
"My King, your wife the Queen not
waking up" I continue to eat

"Call the seer" out of curiosity really I

decided to follow everyone to her
chambers to see what is happening.
Dladla stood in front of her bed defeated.

"What's going on Dladla" he sighs

"Queen Nobuhle is no more, it seems she
died in her sleep.


We are all standing there shocked in my

mind I'm asking myself what kind of
fuckery is this?
"What happened?" I ask and Dladla looks

"The ancestors have rejected her" I shake

my head

"Didn't you say she's the chosen Queen?

I'm starting to think that you and your
ancestors don't communicate in the same
language. They say left and you go right,
do you see them rejecting Khethelo was a
blessing in disguise? They didn't pretend
to accept her then later killed her sleep."
He doesn't answer

"Let her family know, they must come

take her and bury her" the Queen
mothers look at me like I'm crazy
"She's part of this kingdom now, she got
married. She's a Mkhonto. She can't be
buried anywhere else" I don't have time
to argue with these fools. If the ancestors
rejected her while alive, what makes
them think they will allow her in their
sacred burial grounds.

The king of Mahlabathini came with his

council members looking deadly. We are
sitting in the throne room with my council
members and Dladla.

"King of Nzimeni kingdom, I left my

daughter in your care. Now she's dead
and I need answers." He says looking at
me and I look at Dladla to say something
but the ancestors's spokesperson is mute.

"King Sithole I have no answers to your

questions. I slept peacefully in my
chambers, alone! I woke and had my
breakfast only for my meal to be
distributed by news of your daughter's
passing. Since she was chosen for me by
the ancestors, I think it's best the seer
explains or better yet, get your own
kingdom's seer to explain" I say getting up

"Now if you'll excuse me, I am rushing to

Joburg for some business. You can take
your daughter and bury her oh! and my
condolences" I leave them there with
their mouths hanging.

After Kumkani walked away, the King of
Mahlabathini turned his attention to
Dladla. As much as he is broken about the
death of his daughter he was hoping to
use her death to manipulate Kumkani but
he showed no fear, no remorse. The
confidence he displayed when he walked
out of the meeting took him by surprise.
In deed he is not a weak King as they

"Dladla" he looks up
"The Mkhonto ancestors are fighting for
the throne" King Sithole frowns

"You said taking this kingdom would be

easy, you can manipulate the whole
situation of Mkhonto's son to our
advantage. You assured me that my
daughter will sit on the throne then we
can kill the her husband but my daughter
is the one who's dead. Didn't you foresee
this happening, I'm starting to doubt your
abilities. King Mkhonto was a far better all
he cared about was mistresses and being
feared by other kingdom. This was our
opportunity to rule Dladla"

"All is not lost yet, well except for your

daughter and that's regrettable but I
swear I am still the best sangoma in KZN. I
have another trick up my sleeve." Dladla
says smiling mischievously
The King of Mahlabathini king Sithelo
took the body of her daughter to be
buried at her kingdom of birth.

After the whole drama at the mall. Noni
hasn't said a word to me, I tried calling
Mpumi but she blocked my phone, I went
to both her gym and her place but I
couldn't find her. I even had to get one of
my I.T guys to track her down. Apparently
she's at her home town in mpumalanga, I
need to make things right with Noni
before I can go after her.

"Can we talk?" She gives me a death stare

"Please!" She sighs and follows me to the

"I'm sorry" she chuckles

"I mean it Nonhlanhla, I've been a shitty

husband, I broke the vows I made to stay
faithful to you. I even went and made
another woman pregnant when I
promised you forever."
"Do you love her?" I sigh

"I do" she closes her eyes

"You don't love me anymore?"

"I love you very much. You have a very

special place in my heart and I don't see
my life without you. I know I sound selfish
but I was hoping on keeping you both. I
love the both of you, I really didn't plan
on falling in love with another woman or
getting her pregnant. I failed you and our

"I hear you and I want you to hear me

too. I'm not the type to share a man and I
won't start now, I still stand firm on my
words, choose who do you want and if it's
our family then we will have to set some
rules, I will never stop you from having a
relationship with your child but I cannot
accept the mother. Boundaries are going
to have to be developed and
transparency. You will not have your cake
and eat it too, you are welcome to choose
her and I will not stop you from seeing
your son" I nod, I know Noni her no
means no. I feel like I'm caught between a
rock and a hard place.

After the talk I had with my wife I decided

to drive down to King's office. He said he's
in town for a couple of days to check on
both his and Khethelo's businesses.
"You don't look like someone who's wife
just died" he chuckles

"My only wife is missing that was Dladla's


"Still nothing on Khethelo?"

"I looked everywhere it's like she

disappeared into thin air"
"Do think she's alive?"

"I know she's alive, she has to be. I miss

her so much, nobody gets me like she
does. I don't have to utter words to
communicate sometimes by just looking
into her eyes, she gets what I am feeling."

"Don't give up hope" he nods

"I've been looking after things this side,

everything is look great and one of your
brothers had been pestering me about
your whereabouts he sounds desperate"
he chuckles

"Khethelo was busy dealing with makazi

and Vuyelwa before her disappearance. I
think she sent people to repossess
everything my grandfather left me, I know
makazi sent my brothers"


"Now push!!"
"Ahhhhh!" I'm in labour and I'm dying,
this hurts like a motherfucker.

"You can do this baby now one big push"

"Ahhhh!" And a loud cry of the baby fills

the room.

"Mkhonto Ngcongo Phambuka, Mkhonto

obkhali obala' mazwane, Nozishi, Kati
elafikelwa umunyu entabeni, Nanana,
Celeshe, Nongwadla, Wena owaphekwa
netshe lavuthwa kuqala, Mumbo
omnyama abanye abambo bemhlophe."

"My baby can I hold my baby" the

midwife cut the cot and cleans the baby
then hands him to me wrapped in a
"Haibo wamubi nje ngo yihlo nje (you are
as ugly as your father) he's perfect. I can't
help but get emotional"

"It's raining outside, the ancestors are

happy" the seer says with a smile

"What's his name baby?" My mother asks

"Nkosiyabo Mkhonto" I say smiling

"All hail Nkosiyabo Mkhonto" my husband
king we have a son together, I miss you


I park two houses away from her home in

mbombela and I send a boy passing by to
go call her. A few minutes later she comes
dragging her feet. She looks tired and
annoyed. I get out of the car and her eyes
pop as soon as she sees it's me. She folds
her arms

"What do you want Thuba?"

"You and my daughter?" She scoffs

"Please leave, I shouldn't be outside
tomorrow the Ndlovu family is paying
Lobola for me" I frown

"What do you mean?"

"I met someone and he's accepting me

with my baby. He wiped the shame of my
child being a product of an affair with a
married man, please go back to where
you come from and stay with your family"
"You are pawning my daughter to another

"Look Thuba I will speak to my husband

for you to have access to your daughter
but this is my only chance at happiness.
Please let me go, I was angry that you
chose your wife over but I understand
that what we did was wrong and hurtful. I
don't hate you and I truly wish the best
for you. I will never keep you away from
your daughter but please let me be
happy" I chuckle

"I love you Mpumi"

"And I will always love you, you are the

father of my child and the very first man I
fell in love with but you have a family
please stick with them" I nod
"Unblock your phone so that I can call
you" she shakes her head

"I don't want you to get into my head and

convince me otherwise about getting
married. We will talk after the baby is

"Who's the lucky man?" She blushes

"None of your business" I laugh

"I want to know the name of the man
who will be my daughter's step father
hau" she giggles and I miss that giggle of

"Khaya Ndlovu" I nod

"Thanks for coming out to speak to me

and I hope the Lobola negotiations go
well tomorrow" she hugs me smiling
"I wish you all the best with your family
too, your wife is beautiful. I hope you
never put her through this again" I nod

"Can I at least be there when you give


"I'll speak to Khaya but I'm sure it won't

be a problem" we say our goodbyes and I
watch her as she disappears into the yard.
I then take out my phone and send a text
message to one of my guys
"Khaya Ndlovu I want him dead before
sunrise tomorrow morning" I press sent
and drive off


He's perfect, he looks so much like his

father which makes me miss him so
much. My mother has been my rock
throughout the entire pregnancy. I don't
know how many times she stopped me
from picking up the phone and calling

"He's so cute" King Bukhosi says, I never

know how to act around him, he seems
like a kind man who's very much in love
with my mother. I swear he can't even
function without her next to him. He
reminds me of King sometimes. When he
said he'll follow me everywhere he meant
"Thank you King Bukhosi" he chuckles

"Would it kill you to call me Bukhosi or

even Baba" I smile

"My mother would chop me into bite size

pieces if I call you by your name" he
"Yeah the men of this kingdom know her
very well. She used to beat up any man
who disrespected her in the fields" he
says smiling

"That sounds like my mother" he nods

"Do you have kids?"

"Yes a boy. He's studying overseas, he
actually Skypes with your mother from
time to time." I nod

"And a daughter"

"And where is she?" He smiles

"I'm looking at her" i laugh

"Yebo Baba"
the seer walks in and sits next to me, he
takes my nkosiyabo from me then starts
to chant clan names.

"When can I go back to my husband?"

"The time is not yet right, a lot is about to

happen. The young prince is still young
and vulnerable. Have patience Queen
Khethelo. When the time is right you will
return to your kingdom." I scoff
"Am I not allowed to call my husband?"
He sighs

"The rules stay as they are, Kumkani has

his own battles to fight before he can
have his reward" sigh!

I have pulled out the big guns right now.
King Sithole is on my back wanting to take
over this kingdom. Nzimeni kingdom
might not be the biggest kingdom but it is
very wealthy and influential hence many
people want their hands on it. Many have
gone to war with this kingdom and many
have died in the hands of the strong
warriors of this kingdom. I'm at the
Drakensberg mountains meeting a very
powerful man.
"Dladla to what do I owe this visit?"

"I need a powerful muthi that will work

on royalty without there being
repercussions" he chants

"You cannot kill the King of Nzimeni

kingdom without killing yourself and
myself but I can give you a strong muthi
that will make you control him into
whatever you want him to be. He can
even be your lapdog" that's better than
nothing I guess. King Sithole will rule
behind the scene.

"I'll take it" he nods

"You know how I work, I need a sacrifice

of your close relative.
"My mother" she's out lived the devil
himself I'm not sad about her dying.

"Beware, once you have used this muthi

make sure the king doesn't get any
woman pregnant because only when he
lays his eyes on his offspring will the spell
be broken. You and I will die a cruel
"He will never have children. I drove his
chosen wife away and I can't see her
anywhere near."

"Go Dladla and I repeat, never allow him

to impregnate any woman"

"What about the Mkhonto ancestors

won't they be able to protect him from
this muthi" he shakes his head
"The only protection they can offer is
through his offspring that's why I will
stress one more time. Make sure he
doesn't have children" I nod taking the

I spoke to Khaya last night and he was so
excited about making me his wife, I don't
understand why his family hasn't shown
up yet.

"Nompumelelo what is this

embarrassment, where is that boy?"
that's my father looking angry. I hope
Khaya hasn't changed his mind. He
convinced me to do this. Now he wants to
bring shame to me and my family. All the
food we cooked and family members who
come from far
"Let me try his phone again"

"The number you have.....," I hang up


"Maybe he changed his mind" I say in a

low tone. My father gives me a death
stare and walks out of my room leaving
me crying on my mother's shoulders.
Moments later my father walks back in,
his eyes have softened and he looks sad.

"Take a seat my daughter, I need to tell

you something" I nod and he sighs

"The Ndlovu family just called, Khaya was

gunned down in the early hours of the
morning, they say it was a highjacking
gone wrong. The police are still
investigating the matter, I'm so sorry
baby." God why? I bury myself in my
mother's arms crying my eyes out.



There's something draining about this

place, it could be that it doesn't feel like
home without Khethelo. When I got back
from Joburg I found the dead princess
gone which was a relief actually because I
was not in the mood of dealing with
funerals and cleansing shit. I'm in the
study going through the changes I plan to
implement in this kingdom. First thing's
first: getting rid of the seer. I don't trust
him nor do I trust anything that comes
out of his mouth. My gut is never wrong
so he has to go, second thing is the
council men, I want my very own council
members and my very own advisor of my
choice. I hate looking over my shoulder
and I don't trust anyone. After I drafted
everything I wanted to say I called a
council meeting.

"My King what is this meeting about? We

have things to do" I chuckle

"That attitude, the meeting is about that

attitude you are displaying right now"
they look confused
"I'm a stranger in this land. I don't like
talking hence I've been quiet but now it's
time I said my piece. As I said; I don't like
talking so listen very carefully because I
won't repeat myself." Dladla appears as
usual as if he owns the place

"Thanks for joining us Dladla" he frowns

"As I was saying. As the new King of this

kingdom I'm doing away with the old
council members and I will elect new
council members" they mumble looking

"You cannot do that, we have been...." I

don't let him finish

"You fucken interupt me when I'm still

talking" I give him my most intimidating
look and he cowers back

"You are all dismissed from all your

council duties now you can leave and go
sulk somewhere else"
"Dladla are you letting him talk to us like
that?" One of the council men says

"Oh is he your king? Dladla you may join

your friends. A new seer will be
appointed. I don't trust you nor do I like
you. You reek of evil and no! it's not the
mphepho you are using its the evil that
reeks through your pores now get out!" I
roar and they remain rooted.
"I'm not only a king but I'm also a thug in
a suit. Guys!" I call my boys to come drag
them out pointing guns at them. Dladla
looks into my eyes trying to intimidate me
but I hold a stare

"You don't scare me Dladla, you are just

an errand boy to the ancestors. I rank way
higher than you basically you are lower
than the disgusting white substance that
forms at the corner of your mouth when
you are about to utter nonsense" he
"Spread the word to neighboring
kingdoms. I need a seer as quickly as
possible" next is all the guards, servants
and the Queen mothers. I don't trust
anyone. I will get new people and put the
fear of God in them I want them to think
twice about betraying me.


"Dladla I thought you had him on a leash"

I sigh we are at my house wondering
what the hell just happened. I was getting
prepared to give the cook the muthi but I
was met by a roaring lion. His confidence
scares the shit out of me. What kind of
man is he?

"I'm just as shocked but with me I have

something that will turn him into our
puppet but he needs to ingest it."

"My daughter works there as one of the

cooks, I will ask her to help us"
"There's Lindiwe and Makhoza as well,
that Xhosa vezandlebe (outsider) thinks
he can come and rule us, he has another
thing coming. We watched his cruel
father eating the spoils of being a king
alone and he thinks he can take what
we've been patiently waiting for" I say
clicking my tongue

"Why don't we just kill him?"

"I would have started with that pervert

King if I could. Royal blood is complicated,
I had to go to Zembe in the Drakensberg
mountains to retrieve this muthi"

"I can't wait to see him as our slaves,

doing everything we order him to do."
We all laugh


I walk into the house whistling in a very

good mood. One problem solved now
another one needs to be solved. I've been
wrecking my brains about these two
women and I have finally decided on
what to do.

"Hello wifey" I greet kissing her forehead

"Is he sleeping?" She nods

"Good because we need to talk" we settle

on the couch.

"I've been thinking, Nonhlanhla I love you

and our son but I also love Mpumi and
want to explore things with her. Can you
believe she was getting married to
another man?" I say shaking my head

"Okay I hear you Thuba, I won't stand in

the way of your happiness. I love you but I
cannot share you. I will bow out
gracefully" I chuckle

"I don't want to lose you but I can't force

you. I will give you a divorce but you are
getting nothing out of this marriage. You
are leaving just the way I found you, as a
stripper at summit in hilbrow remember?
And I'm filling for full custody of our son.
If you think you can fight me in court then
think again, no sane judge will award
custody to a former stripper and
recovering drug addict with a criminal
record. I will also stop paying the 13k per
month for that luxury retirement home
your mother has been staying in. That's
the terms of me granting you a divorce"

"When did you become so cruel Thuba"

she says crying
"I'm a desperate man, I don't want to lose
you. I'm sorry I had to stoop this low but
you leave me no choice so should I get
my lawyer on the line?" I say with a smirk

"I hate you" she says getting up

"I love you too dear" I say chuckling and

right there I get a call from Mpumi.

"Mandlovu I guess congratulations are in
order" she sniffs

"I'm about to give birth in an hour or two.

They are preparing the Cesarian section
for me. My blood pressure was too high
to give birth the natural way. Please come
if it's okay with your wife"

"I'll speak to my wife but she will

definitely agree, will your husband be
okay with my presence?" She sniffs
"Please come I need you" I smirk

"I'm on my way"


I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Thuba

is holding her in his arms. It's a beautiful
sight to behold. He came a few minutes
after our daughter was born but I'm
grateful to have him here. After the news
about Khaya's death I started
experiencing pains and I was rushed to
the hospital.

Khaya convinced me to tell my parents

that he was the father of my daughter
and now that he's no more I really don't
know how I am going to explain Thuba's
presence in our daughter's life. As we
speak my mother went to fetch a change
of clothes for me since we left in such a
rush. My father is a very complicated
man, he is the one I was fearing the most
hence I thought Khaya's idea was the best
just to save face.

"She's perfect isn't she" he hasn't taken

his eyes away from her.

"She is and she's ours" he says smiling

"I don't mean to sound rude but can you

leave before my parents come back, I kind
of told them that Khaya is the father,
please." He chuckles
"Even when he's dead this Khaya of yours
gets to dictate the terms of me seeing my
daughter huh?" I freeze

"How do you know he's dead because I

never told you?"

"Because I killed him" he says without a

care in the world.
"You did what! Why the hell would you do
that? Khaya was someone's child and
brother. He was a good friend and he was
helping me out of a humiliating situation.
Are you fucken out of your mind? That's
evil of you Thuba. You chose your family
over me and when I find a decent guy to
move on with after you broke my heart,
you kill him? You didn't want me nor care
about me until that day you saw me
pregnant!!!" I say shouting, I'm already in
"Nompumelelo who's this man holding
your daughter" oh my gosh it's my father,
how do I handle this?

"Baba he is Khaya's cousin" Thuba frowns

and I look at him with pleading eyes and
he chuckles

"Baba Nkosi I'm Thubelihle Mhlongo, I

am the father of this beautiful baby girl.
Your daughter here lied to you because
I'm a married man and she thought I
wouldn't want the baby since her and I
were not together anymore, since I found
out about her pregnancy I spoke to my
wife and she has agreed for her and our
daughter to become part of the Mhlongo
family" I stare at this man with my mouth
hanging. Did he just? He's delusional if he
thinks I'm going to agree to be his second
wife after he killed an innocent man.
My father looks at him for some time
then looks at me and I immediately cower
looking down.

"Is this true nompumelelo? You lied to us

about that Ndlovu boy being the father?"

"Yebo Baba" my mother chuckles

"You are sleeping with married men now

nompumelelo? First it was girls now it's
married men, where did we go wrong
with you?"

"I'm sorry Baba, ma" he sighs

"Mhlongo are you seriously going to

marry my daughter" he looks at me and I
give him a death stare

"I'm going to KZN for some work which

will take some time, I'd like to pay Lobola
and damages before I leave" this is not

"When are you leaving?" My father asks

"Next week so this coming weekend I'd

like to come to your home if you'd
indulge Mr Nkosi." My father smiles

"We will be waiting" I scoff

"Baba! I just lost Khaya, what are people
going to say. Yesterday the Ndlovu family
were supposed to come. You accepting
Lobola from another family will bring the
shame Khaya and I were trying to avoid. I
don't want to marry him Baba he's a....." I
stop mid sentence and wipe my tears

"Please don't let this man pay lobola for

me" my father gives me a death stare
"Unless you give me good reason why I
shouldn't allow you to marry this man
then weekend his family is coming to pay
your Lobola" I sigh

"He ....he killed Khaya to get him out of

the way, he killed him Baba and he
admitted it to me"

"My father looks at Thuba"

"Is this true Mhlongo?"

"Yebo Baba, I'm very territorial when it
comes to what's mine Mpumi and our
daughter are mine and I will remove any
one in my way" my father nods

"I'll see you on weekend Mhlongo"

"Ma!" She shruggs and the devil next to

me smirks. This is not happening, my
parents are just as evil especially my

Nkosiyabo looks more like his father

everyday. I swear I feel betrayed after
carrying him for nine months. I love the
frown lines he has when he cries, he's his
father's son through and through. My
mother walks in carrying a laptop.
"Say hello to your little brother" oh it's the
son king Bukhosi spoke about.

"Hi" I wave awkwardly

"I'm Lindani" he says smiling on the


"I'm Khethelo"
"Is that my nephew?" I chuckle


"I'm coming over with my cousin next

month to meet my mom, my sister and
my nephew. I can't wait to meet you
guys" I smile and we continue to talk
about random things until he asks to
speak to the king. He seems like a cool
"My Queen there's a messanger from
Nzimeni kingdom." My beat accelerates, I
hide behind my mother so that he
doesn't see me, Mbatha walks in chanting

"Tell your king that his seer will find him

he must stop the search for the seer" my
husband is looking for a seer? Meaning
that Dladla is not doing a proper job as I
suspected, he did say I can't fall pregnant.
"Thank you wise one" the messanger

"Is my husband okay?" The seer nods

"He is starting to think like a real King.

He's surrounded by enemies but he shall
prevail, his will is strong" I smile.

"I can't wait to reunite with him"

"This is his fight and when the time is
right you shall go home to your kingdom
and rule.

Three seers from different kingdoms all
say the same thing that the seer will find
me not the other way round. I am very
uneasy leading this kingdom without
spiritual guidance but I guess I'm going to
have to rely on my gut. As it is I have
released every servants off their duties
and the Queen mothers are proving to be
a difficult task.

I asked Thuba to move this side, I need

him by my side. He is the only one I trust,
I just hope his wife will agree to move this

Since I don't have servants anymore I

actually ordered food, the delivery service
is not allocated for this place so I ask K.g
to meet them at the entrance of the
kingdom and bring it for me. But one of
the Queen mothers brings a tray while
the other bring a basin of water and I
"Where's K.g and why are you bringing
the food I ordered" they look at each
other, I'm very careful about what I eat
because of what happened to my

"He brought the food in and we dished it

up for you" i shake my head calling K.g to
come in
"What did I say about my food" I ask
placing my gun in the table

"That I should bring it straight to you" he

answers shaking

"What is this?" I ask pointing at the food

"Boss they insisted on bringing the food

to you" I chuckle
"You know I discovered a very nice muddy
river right at the entrance of this
kingdom. It is rumoured to be a home for
crocodiles, I think you and your new
bosses would like to take a swim there"
Kg drops on his knees because he knows I
don't play

"Sorry boss, they promised me a blowjob.

I watched them as they plated for you
making sure they don't poison you. I
swear on my mother's life" I chuckle
"You were watching right? I bet one was
fiddling with your balls while the other
was dishing up. I don't want weak men in
my midst. I can't trust you" I look over at
the Queen mothers

"What did you put in there?" They shift


"I won't repeat myself" I say getting up

"Nothing, we figured since you fired
everyone we could help" the older one

"I don't trust and I don't like you, now

take your poisoned food and leave my
sight. I still want you out of this palace but
worry not your stubborness will be your
downfall." I get up leaving them standing
there, I guess I'll eat out tonight.

I find her cooking looking beautiful in a

shirt dress. She has been sleeping in the
guestroom since the bomb I dropped
about the divorce.

"Baby" she give me a death stare

"Mpumi gave birth to our daughter, we
named her Nosihle."

"Congratulations" she says not even

looking at me

"Weekend I'm paying Lobola for her" she

"Congratulations are in order, I didn't
think she was that desperate, didn't you
say she was getting married or was it her
way of trapping you"

"I was just letting you know" she nods

"I'm moving with you to KZN, Mpumi

can't come with me the baby is too small,
she can live this side because she has a
gym to run. I'll travel back and forth"
"So you'll leave me in some village to
come to your other wife, Thuba what do
you take me for?"

"You can travel with me and come here I

won't sell the house or you can visit your
mother at the centre or that friend of
yours with a big forehead. I love you I
want you to be happy, I'm trying to make
the best of this situation as I possibly can"
"Yeah right!" I sigh

"We are going to be so happy, you will

see. I'm sorry I had to resort to such
measures but I am desperate I don't want
to lose the both of you" she nods

"I love you" I say putting my hand under

her her dress and caressing her bare
"Have you healed?" She shakes her head,
I can tell by the moisyt in her underwear
that she's aroused. I lift her up and place
her on the kitchen counter. Her breathing
has increased, I tear up her lace thong
and bury my tongue inside her honeypot
as she moans holding my head. I eat her
up so good until she cums all over my
mouth. I wait for her to calm down before
laying a sultry kiss on her lips making her
taste her juices.

"I love you Noni"

"Mmm" I chuckle


*Two weeks later*

Everything we have tried has failed,
Makhoza wants to leave the palace, we
have no way in because everyone who
works for him fears him. I really
underestimated him, I thought that it
would be a walk in the park but that man
indomitable but I'm not going to give up,
it's not in me to give up. Not when I
sacrificed my mother for this

"I'm starting to doubt you Dladla" I

King Sithole and the former council men
are gathered at my house, after Makhoza
told us that the king knows that we want
to poison him everyone lost hope

"I think it's time I showed this boy who

Dladla really is. He thinks he can lead this
kingdom blind without a seer"

"He seems to be doing well so far" Sithole

"I am mgabadeli and I will show that boy
what I'm made of"

"What are you going to do?"

"Since we cannot kill him, I want to injure

him, he will be helpless in hospital, he
can't refuse food there. He is bound to
eat the seasoned food

I'm in Durban to check how the shipping
business is doing and to meet up with
Thuba and his family. They are moving
into the west wing of the palace, I'm
happy to finally be having a familiar face
that I can trust.

"My King" Thuba says as we bro hug

"It's good to see you, Noni thank you for

coming" she nods.
"Is Khethelo still missing?" She asks and I

"I'm praying for her Safe return" I nod, I

hate talking about this but I don't want to
be rude because she's being polite. After
we had lunch we decided to hit the road.

We are driving back to the Kingdom when

all of a sudden the driver loses control of
the car and sways until he stops.
"What's wrong?" I ask while Nonhlanhla is
creaming like a mad woman

"I saw something in the middle of the

road" the driver says looking spooked

"What did you see?" He shakes his head

"Drive but drive slowly" he drives slowly

and Dladla appears in the middle of the
road then disappears causing the driver
to sway the car once again until he stops
the car. I sigh getting out of the car
"Dladla!" I shout. Thuba gets out as well
drawing out his gun

"Park on the side" I instruct the driver, the

sun has just set, Nonhlanhla looks
terrified and their son is screaming his
lungs out.

"Dladla!" He laughs but still doesn't

"I hate supernatural shit man, it's scaring
my son. What the hell is going on?"
Thuba asks looking around pointing his
gun everywhere else. A car stops right
next to us and two men come out of the

"King Mkhonto, the king of Nzimeni

kingdom I greet you" I frown, a man
around my age wearing jeans and a top
but I notice beads on his arm and neck.
Thuba is already pointing a gun at them.
"My Prince get back into the car" the
other guy gets into the car

"Who are you?" I ask

"You have been searching for me and I

have come" I frown

"Searching for you?"

"I am Mkhuseli Zulu and I'm not alone I

walk with the elders" oh he's a seer, the
one who I was told would find me
"Dladla!" Mkhuseli calls out and Dladla

"Your tricks won't work Dladla."

"Mfana buyela ku gobela wakho, you are

still young to take me on(go back to your
spiritual trainer)" a staring contest
between the two but Dladla cowers back.
I feel the atmosphere change, this man's
aura is too dominant. Dladla disappears.
"Get in your car and drive, he won't
bother you anymore. In two days time
prepare a feast for my arrival in your
kingdom. Let all the other kingdoms know
that the kingdom of Nzimeni's new seer is
coming with a young prince, now go my
King" I want to ask him more questions
but he turns and looks at Thuba.

"Next time don't bring a gun to a spiritual

fight" he walks back into the car and we
watch as they drive off.
"Who was that? I don't like him" Thuba
says and I just shrug


"What's that noise" I ask my mother. I just

put Nkosi to sleep and there's noise in the

"Lindani is here with his cousin" I nod

following her to the lounge
"Khethelo right!" I laugh as I hug Lindani.
He is standing next to a fine specimen, I
swear if I was not married, I would take
him for a spin. I thought Thuba was a
beautiful man but this man is wow with
his long dreadlocks

"My Queen" he bows and I just laugh

"That's so unnecessary uhm...?"

"Mkhuseli the new seer of Nzimeni
kingdom" my eyes pop and the king nods
with a smile

"This is my brother's son, his father was

killed by the former seer and the late King
Mkhonto." Wow and now he's the seer of
the very kingdom that it's people killed
his father.

"I hope you are not going to punish my

husband for his father's sins" he chuckles
"My loyalty is with your husband, I met
him today. I'm intrigued, he was faced
with a situation where anyone could have
trembled but he remained unfazed, he
was born to lead and he carries you in his
heart wherever he goes." my face beam

"You met my husband, Is he okay? What

situation?" He chuckles

"The young prince is awake attend to him

my Queen and I will answer all your
questions later
"Nkosi is still sl...." I don't get to finish my
sentence because Nkosi's loud cry fills the


The Mhlongo family did pay lobola and

damages. My father was so happy that he
didn't care that people were talking. I
know my father is just as ruthless as
Thuba is he kept on bragging about how
he sees himself in Thuba, he says he is
not a confused man, he knows what he
wants and he respects him for that. My
father is not moved by killing, he is a
feared taxi owner in this area I'm pretty
sure he has done some killing of his own,
but what Thuba did was downright evil.
Yes I didn't love Khaya at the beginning
but I got to know him and like him, he
was a good man. Khethelo wherever she
chose to disappear to will have to forgive
me but I'm not letting this one slide.
Thuba needs to pay.

I don't trust him, he left and chose his

wife the moment his wife found out
about us. Had he fought for us or thought
of a way to solve this without rushing to
break things off with me I would have
waited happily for him. Six full months he
couldn't pick up the phone just to tell me
he misses me and he is just checking up
on me. He expects me to buy the bullshit
that he loved me, he must think I'm a
naive fool.

"According to the information you gave

me about this guy and what I dug up on
him, he is a no go area." I frown

"Are you scared? Don't you want to

avenge your brother's death" I hate weak

"It's not that, he is thee King's right hand

man. He is ruthless some say he's the one
who actually does the heavy lifting in
King's empire."

"I don't want the man's CV I want him to

pay" he sighs

"I'll see what I can do but just know that if

we do this, you need to play your part
too. You need to get your hands dirty. You
said your friend is married to King, won't
that cause a problem because word on
the streets is that King considers him his
brother" I sigh.
"That won't be a problem. I don't even
know if she's still with king. She just
disappeared on him on all of us, I doubt
she's alive.


Everything that has been going on in my
life has left me awestruck. I had made
peace with my death and I was looking
forward to being with my late husband
Mvuleni Mthembu but he had other
plans for me. I never thought I would fall
in love ever again. The kingdom of
Nzimeni had a way of making women feel
inferior and I saw no man who'd ever
match my standards. Bukhosi is not only a
good king but he is a good man, he is fair
and just. He treats me as his equal and
always values my opinion. Being
submissive to him comes naturally
because of the love and respect he shows
me everyday without fail.

Today my daughter and my grandson are

returning to Nzimeni kingdom. I laugh to
myself sometimes when I think about the
wicked sense of humour the ancestors
have. I risked my life to save my daughter
from becoming one of the Queens of
Nzimeni kingdom meanwhile she was
truly meant to be the Queen through the
bastard son of that kingdom. Wow! It
goes to show that when you are destined
for greatness no matter the detours and
delays, you will fulfill your destiny.

I walk into her room as she's busy

packing. The smile on her face cannot be
matched. I really need to meet this man
who has captured my daughter's heart. I
once asked her how he was able to win
her heart and she told me the most
ridiculous story ever, when I told Bukhosi
during our pillow talk he laughed so hard.
I asked if he would do that for me and he
said he'd rather live his everyday for me.

“i have never seen anyone pack this fast"

she giggles.

"I'm proud of you Khethelo" she smiles

"I'm proud of the woman you have

become, I have not been an easy mother.
I never allowed you to be vulnerable
because of the world we lived in where
women were objectified. I wanted you to
have choices, if you wanted to go to
school or not, if you wanted to get
married or not. I wanted you to be free to
live and be happy. At some point I feared
that I created a cold hearted woman who
hated men but now I know that through
your bravery and courage you also have
the maturity to understand that letting
someone in doesn't make you weak or
needy. From what you have told about
your husband I know that he is a good
man and he deserves to be the King in
you, so surrender your strength to him.
It's okay to be vulnerable to the man who
loves and respects you." She wipes her
tears hugging me

"I love you Mama and thank for being

alive for me because I still need you"

"Are you ready my Queen?" Mkhuseli

enters says walking into the bedroom. I
don't understand what kind of sangoma
he is because he is wearing ripped jeans.
A whole entire seer of a kingdom
"Take care of my daughter son" he nods

"My daughter, this is your other home.

Whenever you want to come you and
your family are always welcome." My
husband says hugging her and my
daughter is an emotional mess right now

"Well I'll come visit my nephew every

time I miss him, I'm about to finish my
degree so I'm coming back home for
good. I'll be in your face so much that you
will chasee away" Lindani is such a sweet
boy. It's safe to say that I've found a son in

After we bid farewell and watch as they

drive off.

"I'm going to miss Nkosiyabo the most" I

say and Bukhosi hugs me from behind

"We can visit them anytime you know

that right?" I nod

Kingdoms near and far were invited to the
welcoming and introduction celebration
of the new seer of Nzimeni kingdom.
With the help of Thuba and Nonhlanhla
Kumkani Mkhonto was able to pull off a
great celebration which was a first in the
kingdom of Nzimeni. The previous king
never held any sort of celebration, he
believed it was a waste of money and he
didn't want to mingle with his subjects.
Dladla has locked himself in his house
thinking of ways to defeat the new seer
but that day when they had their first
altercation he saw fire in his eyes, fire that
scared the shit out of him. He carried an
aura that was heavy and dominant. He
was young but his eyes! there was
something about those eyes.


Vuyelwa runs to the back of the house

and vomits. After vomiting she wipes her
mouth and goes back inside the shack
she's been staying in with makazi, her
husband and their children. After the
failed attempts to get their claws into
Kumkani and after they were threatened
at gun point by his woman they knew
they had lost but when they got home
they at Makhanda they were met by
people from the sheriff's office known as
the red ants. They were evicted and their
cars were taken. Vuyelwa went home to
her father but he wanted nothing to do
with her since she failed dismally to
recover the business the old Jola left

Vuyelwa continued to live with makazi

and her family because she has nowhere
to go, with very little education and
training she was unable to get a job.

"Do you have a boyfriend Vuyelwa?"

Makazi asks looking at her from head to
toe. She's been observing her for a couple
of days and it's clear that she's expecting
but makazi has never seen Vuyelwa with
any man before except Luyolo and Loyiso
who come once in a blue moon to drop
off some groceries and the both of them
are married men.

"No aunty I do not" she chuckles

"Are you carrying the antichrist?"

Vuyelwa frowns

"I mean Maria mother to Jesus Christ got

pregnant without having sex, here you
are saying you don't have a boyfriend and
yet you are pregnant" Vuyelwa's heart

"I'm not pregnant aunty" makazi chuckles

"I have been around longer than you, I

know a pregnant woman when I see one.
I hope whoever is responsible for that
pregnancy is packing some coins because
you know our situation and since your
father wants nothing to do with you. You
have become my responsibility"
"I'm not pregnant" Makazi shakes her

"I'm going to town to withdraw some

money, I will buy a pregnancy test for
you." Makazi left Vuyelwa in a world of

"Collen your wife believes I'm pregnant"

"Don't so! Me Collen I told you not to
ejaculate inside me, I'm going to tell your
wife the truth" he chuckles

"I'll deny everything, I didn't say you must

be stupid and not prevent pregnancy. Get
rid of that pregnancy fast

"With what money Collen? You are so

useless you even wait for makazi to bring
money while you sit the whole day and
drink beer"
"And yet you opened your legs for this
useless man"


"I knew that guy was full of shit, you

invited a lot of people to welcome him
but he's not here. Where have you heard
of a welcoming ceremony for a seer?"
Thuba is buzzing in my ear like an
irritating fly
"There's a lot of food, let the people eat
drink and be merry. I believe he will show

A black Chevrolet SUV drives into the

palace and Mkhuseli climbs out of the
driver's seat wearing jeans while we're
wearing formal waiting for his arrival. He
walks around and opens the backseat
door and all of a sudden it starts to
"Mkhonto, Zikhali, Khanyile, Magwaza,
Ndabezitha, Mbulazi, Ngwane elihle,
Wena owakhiwe elangabini elingadiliza
izintaba, Wena owadalelwa ukunqoba....."
He continues chanting the Mkhonto clan

"King Mkhonto behold the young prince

of Nzimeni kingdom nkosiyabo Mkhonto.
All hail the prince of Nzimeni kingdom."
He bends and comes out with a baby and
I frown. He moves to the side holding the
baby then Khethelo comes out of the car.
I get on my feet not believing my eyes

"The Queen of Nzimeni kingdom Queen

Khethelo and the mother of the one and
only heir to the throne of Nzimeni
kingdom" we stare at each other, I can
hear people talking, some are clapping
and celebrating. There she is, my Queen, I
walk up to her with tears blinding my
vision. I don't care if I seem weak at this
moment but here is my Queen.
"King" she says softly but I say nothing I
just stare at her

"Konje my awkward man, meet is our

son" she says giggling, I missed that
sound. She used to hide her giggles away
from me until she let her guard down.

"Here" Mkhuseli hands me the boy and

I'll be damned, he looks just like me"


"Dladla didn't I tell you what will happen if

he lays eyes on his offspring?" Zembe's
voice echoes in my bedroom

"I did not feed him the muthi great


" Quiet! You fool, the moment you took

muthi from me your intentions were clear
and the ancestors of this kingdom are out
for you blood. The young prince has
stepped into this soil and they will do
anything to protect him" I pace my

"God speed Dladla your time has come to

an end and so is mine because of your
carelessness" I shake my head, I can't die

"Zembe isn't there something I can do?"

"Beg the King for forgiveness and appease

the ancestors" this can't be happening
"Zembe!" Silence




He has been staring at me like he doesn't

believe that I'm really here. The sparkle in
his eyes warms my heart, I know for
certain that I'm this man's whole life and
he is the King of my very heart and soul.
The celebration has died down, kings and
queens of other kingdoms have left.
Nkosiyabo has been in his father's arms
fascinated by his beard because he keeps
playing with it.
We are now in the living room, it's just
the three of us. A moment I have been
dreaming of since we were separated. He
told me how he had to fire each and
every servant because he couldn't trust
any of them. I asked one of the guards to
get the word out that I will be holding
interviews for palace workers. Mkhuseli
will be staying inside the palace with us
but he said we must build him an
ancestral hut and cleanse it with a goat.

"I'm sorry I left you like that"

"Please don't leave me again, I would

have never taken a second wife" I chuckle

"I heard you married a princess of some

kingdom up north" he sighs
"I was desperate, Dladla said it's the only
way I would get you back. He said the
ancestors drove you away."

"Did you sleep with her?" He stares at me

for some time and my heart races, could
it be he slept with another woman?
"It's fine if you did I just hate the thought
of another woman having what's mine.
You are mine King, mine alone"

"My dick doesn't get hard for any woman

except you so no I did not sleep with her
or any other woman" the joy in my heart.
I hug him but Nkosi is quick to move my
head away from my man's chest
"I think we are going to have a problem
here" he chuckles

"With this one, you are going to have to

learn how to share." I laugh but my
laughter is short lived when Dladla

"My King, my Queen I greet you" I click

my tongue

"My Queen welcome back" I chuckle

"You keep referring to me as your Queen
yet you said I will never be crowned
Queen and I will never bare children for
my husband" he looks down

"Please forgive me, I was out of line when

I said that. I'm only but a messanger of
the ancestors, that is what they
communicated to me at the time. I only
learned the day you left that the
ancestors were misleading me" I chuckle
"What are you doing here Dladla? As you
can see we have a new seer and we don't
need you. You should be banished for the
lies you told against the Mkhonto
ancestors" he goes down on his knees

"I beg you great king, have mercy on me.

My judgment was clouded by greed and
the bad influence by king Sithelo. I ask
that you forgive me and allow me to
cleanse this kingdom with a calf my King"
I look over at King and he shrugs
"The only forgiveness you will get is in hell
Dladla. You killed my father now I have
come to avenge him. Go old man, gather
all the herbs you have, get down on your
knees and beg the Dladla ancestors to
welcome your soul because when I'm
done with you not even your own mother
you sacrificed will recognise you in hell"
Mkhuseli says walking in
"Mkhuseli I don't care what you do to this
man but I want it done outside my
kingdom" Mkhuseli bows to my husband

"Dladla, you are hereby banished from

this kingdom, if I smell even a whiff of
your scent in this kingdom I will have you
burned at the stake like the witch you

"You heard the King now leave, your

friend in the mountains is already with
satan in hell but you I have something
special planned for you" Mkhuseli says
then walks away leaving an old man
weeping like a child. I would feel sorry for
him if his actions didn't separate me from
my heart.

Muzi is weak, I hate weak men. That is
one of the reasons I hate Thuba, he acted
weak and pathetic when his wife found
out about us, after he poured out his
heart to me. We are still butting heads
about how we are going to bring Thuba
down. Anyway I left my daughter with my
mom back home and came back to jozi,
the gym has been mismanaged and I
need to fix the mess created by my
assistant. I've had a long day three back to
back classes. The office phone has been
ringing off the hook I'm having a day from


"Lelo's how can I help you?" I answer the

phone finally taking a much needed seat.
"Friend" Khethelo?

"Khethelo?" She giggles

"Hi my friend" I chuckle

"Is that all you can say after disappearing

for more than half a year? I didn't know
whether you were dead or alive. I went to
KZN because of you but you left me there
and disappeared"

"I'm sorry but it was beyond my control, I

hear you are a wife and mother now"

"I'm a mother but I'm not sure about the

wife part"

"Thuba said he paid dowry for you?" I roll

my eyes
"Are you back with your husband?"


"Chomi are sure you cut out for all that

royal mumbojumbo? What about your
mother's legacy, you are going to let it die
for a man who will treat you like second
best once he marries some princess from
the bundus. You are smarter than that,
love has made you weak, come home"

"I am home, I have so much to tell you

but I can't do it over the phone, I'll speak
to my husband about coming to check on
my business and pop in to check up on
you" this is not the Khethelo I know
"You need to speak to your husband first
before coming to see your friend who's
been with you for years" she laughs

"Jealousy makes you nasty friend" we

continue talking until we say our
goodbyes. Khethelo has changed, she's
not that friend of mine that was strong
and focused. I used have a huge crush on
her but I settled for being her friend
because she was that larger than life kind
of person.
Muzi walks into my office carrying a paper
bag from steers.

"My favorite" I says grabbing the bag from

him. He settles on the couch and stares at

"What?" He smiles
"I think I've found a way to avenge my
brother's death" I give him my full

"Ikena Owoh" I frown

"Who's that?"
"I did some digging and I found out that
your sister wife was a stripper and a
prostitute, Thuba saved her from the
clutches of a Nigerian man named Ikena,
Thuba killed his brother and he has been
looking for a way to take Thuba down
since then."

"How is he planning on accomplishing

"That's where you come in, you need to
lure the man this side and deliver him to
Ikena like turkey on Christmas morning"

"Won't King retaliate?"

"That's the beauty of this plan, King

knows Thuba's history with the Nigerians.
They will take all the blame while you play
the grieving widow" I smile.

"Well done Muzi, well done"


I couldn't get enough of my wife last

night, lucky for us Jr slept through out the
night. I kept waking Khethelo up and she
would open for me each time, you'd think
I wore her out but she was up early in the
morning to prepare breakfast for me and
to prepare for the interviews that she will
be conducting, I want no part of it. I trust
her to handle everythin.

"I'm satisfied with all the people I've hired

now I need a personal assistant" she says
writing God knows what on a notepad.

"Do you think we can trust the new help

that you hired?"
"Well I showed them my gun" I chuckle

"Let's hope they took you seriously"

"Most of the women here barely finish

their matric, they hope to find work here
and catch the attention of the king." I
"I want to go around the kingdom and
have a talk with the females, I also want
to give out bursaries for top performing
girls in high school. I want to build a
library where learners can go do research
and enjoy free WiFi so that they can learn
about the world outside. When I left
Nzimeni kingdom 11years ago and I got to
Durban I swear it felt like I was from
another world. From what women wore
to the cars they drove. This kingdom is so
far behind, you'd swear that it's a figment
of a writer's imaginary place in a book."
"You have my full support" she smiles

"When is your next interview?" She looks

at the clock

"In 30 minutes" I cock my eyebrows

"Jr is sleeping" she giggles

"And?" She smiles mischievously

"I need to show you something in the
bedroom" she laughs getting up

"I'm sorry to disturb you your boss,

there's a Luyolo and Loyiso outside, they
say they are your brothers" there goes my

"Show them in" how the fuck did they

find me

"Loyiso, Luyolo what are you doing here?"

"Is that a trick question? We are here to

see our brother the King" Luyolo turns to
look at my wife.
"You must be the his wife, umuhle Sisi"
Khethelo reaches out her hand for a
handshake but this forward idiot goes in
for a hug I don't know what he did but
within a split second he is screaming
holding his manhood

"You grab my ass again and I'll shoot your

ass" Khethelo says clicking her tongue
and walking out

"You grabbed my wife's ass?" He shakes

his head. His eyes are turning red, he
looks like he's in so much pain. Serves
him right



This place is not as bad as I thought it

would be, it's actually beautiful and
seeing King this happy really makes me
happy. In all my life I have never seen him
smile maybe a smirk here and there or a
chuckle but I have never actually seen
him smile which was kind of sad if you
think about it but now he is a complete
man. Noni is playing with Nkosiyabo and
Sipho, we are having a picnic just outside
the palace.

"You look happy" Noni hasn't been the

same since the whole Mpumi issue and
me paying Lobola for her was the last nail
to the coffin. We sleep in the same bed
but she doesn't want me to touch her
"I am, seeing my son this happy makes
me happy" she says focusing on the kids

"Do you still want a divorce" she looks at


"You don't get to ask me that after

everything you have done and said
Thuba. I'm here aren't I? It's just
heartbreaking that my hero is not so
perfect after all. I never for once thought
you would use my past against me." I sigh
"I'm sorry, I was desperate I didn't want to
lose you"

"Let's not talk about this please" she says


"No let's, we are husband and wife yet we

sleep like strangers. I haven't had sex with
you since the birth of our son, you've
been saying you haven't healed. It's been
8 months. I know I'm not a doctor but
three months is enough. I get that I
pushed you too far but we can't go on like
this. I messed up and fell in love with
another woman but that doesn't mean I
don't love you, I would have left you if I
didn't love you." She remains queit

"Which is why I asked you if you still need

a divorce. In my own selfish mind I
thought that you will sulk for a week or
two then we will go back to our old
"You thought you will have your bread
buttered both sides" I sigh


"So if I want a divorce now you will give

me a fair settlement" I nod and she looks
at me for some time.

"Shared custody of our son?" I nod

"I was just being cruel, I would never
separate you from our son" she nods

"I'm tired of being angry at you Thuba.

You hurt my feelings but I still love you, if
it wasn't for you I don't know where
would I be. I probably would have died
from a drug overdose or killed by one of
the clients I had back then. You showed
me true love and for that I will always love
you. I forgive you. I give you and mama Ka
Nosihle my blessings" I can't hold my

"Thank you much my beautiful wife, I

don't deserve you" she smiles

"Damn right you don't" she says giggling, I

miss that giggle of hers

Six years ago I was a stripper and a
prostitute. When I met Thuba I was on
the run. Clem who was my pimp and my
drug supplier, Thuba killed him and took
me in. We were not lovers by then but I
fell head over hills in love with him. He
took me to rehab and got me my own
apartment. I was happy for the first time
in my life, a man who helped me without
wanting anything in return was
something new to me which is why I
caught the hero syndrome bug but here
we are today, he broke all the promises
he made to me. He said he will never use
my past against me but he did, he said he
will never love another but he does and
as much as it stings I'll have to accept and
make the most with what I still have with

"He's sleeping, Sipho wore him out" I say

handing the young prince to Khethelo
"Thanks you" she goes and puts him in his
cot and comes back holding a baby

"We never had a chance to talk you and I"

she says sitting next to me.

"Yeah you've been busy with the

interviews and the brothers in law" she
"Don't get me started on those two, they
think they're special they don't know that
King has lots of half sisters and brothers
thanks to his late pervert father" she says
shaking her head.

"Noni I feel like I owe you an apology" I


"For what?" She sighs

"Mpumi" I chuckle
"It's not your fault, Thuba and Mpumi are
adults who knew what they were doing
so it's fine"

"I warned Mpumi about this and I'm

pretty sure Nkosi warned Thuba too, I just
wish they listened. You are such a good
person, you don't deserve this and I know
my friend, she doesn't know how to love,
she loses interest in a person so quick
once she notices flaws."
"But she took back Thuba and even
agreed to marry him even after he chose

"Theres only one reason I could think of

for Mpumi agreeing to marry Thuba and
that's her father. Her father is strict." I nod
"I decided to give this a chance because I
love my husband and honestly I don't
want to lose him. Even if it means sharing
him with another woman"

"That man is your husband given to you

by your ancestors. He doesn't belong to
anyone but you, he will be humbled very
soon and he will see your worth, do not
give up on him" the drop dead gorgeous
sangoma says walking into the living room
"Mkhuseli maan, stop eavesdropping"
Khethelo says laughing

"I'm a messenger of the ancestors when

they send me to someone I go" I smile
like a retard and he leaves us

"Thuba will kill you" Khethelo says

catching me drooling
"There's nothing wrong with looking hau
and besides maybe I need a little bit of
fun nyana, my own secret revenge." I say
giggling. Thuba walks in holding Sipho

"I wonder what's making my wife giggle

like a school girl" Khethelo and I look at
each other before laughing.

"Baby can I speak to you in private?" I nod

getting up. We get to the bedroom and
we sit on the bed
"Ma Ka Nosihle called, Nosihle is not well.
I think it's because I haven't introduced
her to my ancestors yet so I'm going up to
Joburg to pick her up then the three of us
will drive down to bergville. On weekend
we will do the imbeleko ceremony. I
know it's too much to ask but if you can
come to bergville on Friday afternoon to
support me as your husband and to show
a united front to the ancestors I will be
very happy and I'm sure our daughter will
be healed" I sigh
"I'll be there" he attacks me with a hug

"Thank you baby" I nod

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning but I still need to

speak to King first" I nod

"Thank you Nosi, you are amazing"


I met with Ikena and I spun some strong

about our daughter being sick to my so
called husband. The fool took the bait and
he's even talking about having an
imbeleko ceremony for our daughter on
the weekend little does he know that he
won't live to see his daughter and his son.
"It's not too late to back out you know" I

"Don't tell me you don't want to avenge

Khaya" he looks down

"Khaya was not a saint" I frown

"No one is, is there something you are

hiding from me?"
"No I just mean that I loved my brother
and I want his killer to pay but he is also
the father of your daughter, what are you
going to tell her when she grows up
asking about her father. Knowing very
well that you killed him. What about his
other wife? Are you aware that Ikena is
going to go after her too? She has a little
baby for Christ sake"

"Don't grow a conscience on me, King will

provide protection for her. Thuba
humiliated me, don't you get it? He used
his power as a man to his advantage. I
hate that, Khaya understood me and his

"You mean Khaya was easy to control or

so you thought" I sigh

"Muzi I'm not changing my mind. Thuba is

going to die simple as that"

"Don't worry I'll organise a driver for Noni

on Friday. Khethelo and I will follow on
Saturday morning" I'm sitting with Thuba
in my study

"Sibongile will be so happy to see you" I

chuckle, that's his mother by the way, she
ones said that if I wasn't Thuba's friend
she was going to lock me up inside a hut
and have her way with me. I didn't know
what to do after that, I was so
uncomfortable but the whole family kept
on laughing at my reaction.

"Khethelo will fight my battles for me" he


"Take care of yourself" he frowns

"You know I always do"

Mkhuseli walks in sneezing and burping
and Thuba winks at me before walking
out and I turn my attention to Mkhuseli.

"Is everything okay?" He sighs sitting


"Your friend is in trouble" I get up

"What do you mean?" He burps

"He fell in love with the wrong woman
who seeks to destroy him." I frown


"I'm going with him to jozi" I say trying to


"This is not your fight my King but the

Mhlongo ancestor's fight, Thuba crossed
the line and now he must pay a heavy
price for his actions. I understand that he
is like a brother to you but you need to let
him handle this on his own but trust me
no one will touch his soul. Some lessons
need to be learned the hard way." I sit
down defeated.



I am really pregnant, I tried every and any

traditional method to abort this child but
nothing is working. Collen got abortion
pills from some guy, I followed all the
instructions but nothing seems to be
working. This child is holding on for dear
"I'm out of ideas now Collen"

"Don't involve me I did my part, I got you

the abortion pills now it's not my fault
you didn't use them correctly, I had to
sacrifice my weekly allowance for those
pills" I scoff

"Are you hearing yourself? Those pills are

dummy proof, I did as instructed maybe
they're expired"
"Well I don't care, as far as I'm concerned
I didn't father that bastard child. You think
I don't know that you open your legs for
the Somalians at the corner" I give him a
tight slap

"Don't insult me Collen, you are the

father of this baby I'm carrying and you
know it" we hear a glass shatter on the
floor and I turn only to find Makazi
looking deadly.
"I take you in and I feed you but you turn
around and do this to me Vuyelwa" I
shake my head, she grabs a wooden chair
and attempts to throw it at me but Collen
gets in between us.

"Move Collen, let me kill this ungrateful

slut" I hide behind Collen already in tears.

"I'm sorry aunty"

"Fotsek, sorry ya ntoni? I want you to
pack your rags and get out of my house
now" I shake my head rubbing my hands
together literally begging her

"Aunty you know I have nowhere to go,

please don't chase me out. I'm sorry, it
was a moment of weakness." She

"Moment of weakness with my husband,

get out!" I cry
"I'm a daughter in law of this family you
can't just chase me away."

"Since the man we married you for is not

even a Jola and is married to that viper of
his then my darling the so called marriage
to this family is null and void. I was
actually doing you a favour when I took
you in. Now leave before I humiliate you"
I look at Collen but he looks away

"Don't look at your baby daddy, his

punishment is coming but as for you hule
ndini (whore)don't think you can bring
that bastard child to my house." I pack all
my close and leave the Makazi's shack in

"You will break my door marn, I said I'm

coming" that's my father's voice. I
decided to come home and beg my
father, I'm sure he won't want me to
sleep on the streets.
"Vuyelwa! What are you doing here? I
thought I told you that I want nothing to
do with you" that's the first thing he says
when he opens for me

"Tata I have nowhere no go aunti threw

me out" he stares at me

"What did you do to Thabisa? She won't

just throw you out" I can't tell him that I
slept with her husband
"We had a fall out, she was hiding food
from me and treated me like a slave Tata.
It got too much and I confronted her
about it and she threw me out"

"So you thought you can come here?"

"This is my home Tata I have nowhere

else to go" he shakes his head

"This is not your home, I'm not your

father. Don't you see that we don't look
alike? I'm light skinned you are dark
skinned, I'm short and you are tall. Look
at your hands, they are as big as a man
who plays rugby while I'm petite. Your
mother was short too. Go find your real
father and leave my house" I feel my
lungs deflate. This can't be

"Tata!" I say sobbing and he shuts the

door in my face. Oh how I wish my
mother was alive
"Oh Mama! Yini le! (What is this) I say
sobbing as I fall on my knees and lean on
the door.


I arrive in Jozi just after twelve noon.

Mpumi said I should come to the gym. I
don't understand what is she doing at the
gym when our daughter is sick. I get to
the gym and I open the door. It's dark, it
looks like no one is here. I switch on the
lights and Mpumi is sitting on the chair
with her legs crossed wearing a trench
coat that I'm very much familiar with. On
any other day I would be excited but my
thoughts trails to my sickly daughter. How
can a mother be thinking about sex when
her daughter is unwell, especially if what
she told me about her health is true, she wouldn't trick me using
our daughter just for sex, would she?
"Are you going to come in or stand there
the whole day?" I frown

"Mpumi what is this?" I ask walking in

"This? Oh honey this is judgement day" I

feel a sting on the back of my shoulder
and I quickly take out my gun and I turn
only to see a face I never thought I would
see, my vision becomes blurry. I reach at
the back of my shoulder and take out the
tranquilizer dart

"Ik.... Ikena" my speech is becoming


"How far Thuba? we meet again" my

hands become numb and I drop the gun. I
turn to look an Mpumi and she smirks

"Good night daddy" she blows a kiss and

it's lights out.
"Wake up!" I feel ice cold water make
contact with my faces and I gasp. I'm tied
to a chair and I'm naked.

"Have you watched 007?" That's Mpumi I

don't answer I just stare at her

"Casino royale, James bond was tortured

on a very similar chair, they busted his
balls. I found that fascinating, I always
wanted to do that to your kind" she says
"I'm going to bust your balls just for the
fun of it. The Nigerians are taking you to
Nigeria to have their way with you but
they have allowed me to have my fun
before they take you." I can't believe this
is the mother of my daughter doing this
to me. The chair I'm sitting on has a hole
and my balls are sticking exposed because
I'm naked. Without warning she swings
her hand and whips under the chair, the
whip makes contact with my balls and I
scream like a bitch. Fuck! That hurts
"Yes daddy scream for mommy" she
continues to assault my balls with the
whip, the pain is too much I feel like I'm
about to faint but she goes on and on.

"Enough! Don't kill him" Ikena says

walking in then whistles

"My sister you are boss, even in hell he

won't be able to make demons for Satan"
they burst out laughing.
"It's time to go" they untie me and they
drag me to a car using the back entrance
of the gym.

"Goodbye daddy, greet Khaya for me" I


"Pray that I die Mpumi, pray that I don't

survive this because if I do, I'm going to
kill you slowly and painfully. I fucken
saved you from that Ndlovu boy you
ungrateful piece of shit. Run
nompumelelo run! Run!" I shout as they
stuff me into the trunk of a car.


I'm pacing in my room, what Nkosi told

me shook me to the core, what the hell is
Mpumi upto. She knows these men
aren't ordinary men. They're killers,
Mpumi wouldn't do anything to harm
Thuba would she? No this can't be

"I want you to make peace with burying

your friend because I'm going to kill her.
Same way you would kill anyone if they
messed with her right?" I sigh

"What if Thuba is the one who messed

with her" he looks at me for some time.
He does that when he doesn't like what I
have asked but it's a valid question
"Thuba killed her lover friend, a useless
cultist Khaya Ndlovu who would have
probably sacrificed her daughter for
riches. I'm not saying Thuba is right in all
this but she's your friend and she knows
that Thuba is my right hand man. Going
after him shows her lack of respect for
me and for you." He's right she should
have at least confided in me, I would have
told her to abort the mission. Some fights
are not worth it, Nkosi walks out leaving
me deep thought. I decide to call Mpumi
and she picks up almost immediately.

"Hey" she sounds jovial

"Tell me it isn't true?"


"Did you harm Thuba?" She remains

"Mpumi" she sighs

"Yes" I chuckle

"I thought you and I are friends"

"What does me killing Thuba have to do

with our friendship?" Haibo!

"Killing? Mpumi don't tell me you killed

"I'm sure he is dead by now"

"You just signed your death warrant, King

is coming for you and I'm not going to
stop him Mpumi" she chuckles

"I never thought I would see a day where

thee Khethelo Mthembu is dickmatized
by that robot" wow

"Thuba said he loved me then left me.

When I was about to move on with my
life he killed my friend and fiance just
because I was pregnant"

"You are a fool Mpumi. You could have

opened up to me, there are more
creative ways you could have punished
Thuba but not this. You never loved him,
yes he went about it the wrong way but
how many times has your Psycho ass
called me to clean up after you when you
killed someone just because they rejected
you? You killed for love before." She
remains quiet
"They all can't be you"


"Khethelo I love you, I've always loved

you. Leave King and run away with me.
We can leave the country. I know some
people in Korea baby we can be so happy
together" I remove the phone and look at
it as if Mpumi would jump out of it and
talk that nonsense to my face
"Leave him, I thought once you got tired
of all your fuck buddies you'd want to
settle down with me. I love you Khethelo"



My daughter didn't sound well on the

phone so I told her to come for a visit. I'm
excited about seeing my grandson but I
have a feeling that there's trouble in
paradise and if that boy did anything to
hurt my daughter, I swear I'll kill him

"They're here!" Bukhosi is more excited

than me. She comes in and Bukhosi takes
Nkosiyabo from her and he's already
sitting on the carpet playing with him. I
signal my daughter to follow me to her
bedroom as I help her with the overnight
"Talk to me" she narrates the whole story
to me and by the time she's done she's in

"I just don't want anything to happen to

her mom. We have been through a lot
together." I sigh

"Can I be honest with you baby?"

"Stay out of this" she frowns


"Your so called friend dated a married

man knowing very well that he is married,
you tried to warn her but she didn't listen.
She then plotted against him knowing
that he is your husband's right hand man.
Why didn't she confide in you before
planning this? If you guys were true
friends she would have told you
something and now she claims to love
you. I think this friend of yours doesn't
love you at all, she just has issues with
men. I'm not a psychiatrist but that girl
has mental issues mixed with daddy
issues. The moment a man rejects her
she kills him and her saying she loves you
is because of heart break talking not real
love and according to what you told me
about her father, she has always wanted
approval and validation from him and
when men reject her she feels like it's her
father's rejection. Don't let her issues ruin
your marriage baby" she laughs
"I didn't know you dabbled in psychology"
I laugh

"King left this morning, we weren't on

good terms"

"Let him handle this the way he sees fit."

She nods

"Thanks mommy. I knew coming here was

a good Idea."

My mother is right and I'm glad I still get

to cry on her shoulder. I thank God and
the ancestors for keeping her alive for
me. This morning King left for Jozi and I
told him that if he harms one strand on
Mpumi's hair then he and I are over. He
looked at me without saying a word then
walked out.

After Mpumi dropped the bomb on me

about having feelings for me I felt pretty
bad because she has been a good friend
and the thought of my husband killing her
didn't sit well with me but yet again King
was right when he said that going after
Thuba like that shows her lack of respect
for me and our friendship. I then thought
about Noni and Sipho because clearly
Mpumi didn't think twice about killing the
father of her daughter. She should have
confided in me. I asked my mother to give
me some space so that I can call my

"Khethelo" that's how he answers his

phone and I keep quiet

"I won't do anything to your friend I

promise I just want to ask her about
Thuba's whereabouts that's all. I don't
want to lose you"

"You won't lose me, I'm sorry for what I

said this morning" he sighs
"Noni said you left I thought......" I don't
let him finish

"I just came to visit my mother. I am going

back home tomorrow morning. I love you
my King and whatever decision you take
concerning Mpumi I will support you, I
just think maybe she needs mental help
or something"

"I love you maka Nkosiyabo" I smile like a

"I love you too myeni wami"


I have been sleeping outside with the

dogs, luckily they are harmless because
they know me. I haven't had a decent
meal for days and my father doesn't seem
to care about me. He passes me like I'm
one of the dogs in his yard. Now I truly
believe him when he says that I'm not his
daughter. To him in not even a human
being, he raised me, and least for the
sake of him being the only father I know,
that should count for something.

"There she is boys, I need you to remove

her and her rags." I'm leaning on the wall
near the doghouse. My father comes
pointing at me

"If I see you anywhere near my house I

swear I'll kill you" I sob

"Tata ndim umtanakho, uvuyi wakho (it's

me your child) please don't do this"
"Go to your mother's grave and ask her
who your father is" tears shamelessly fall
as they drag me out of the yard. They
throw me on the streets with my bags
and I wonder around not knowing where
to go until I decide to go to church.

Luckily the doors at church are open. I

walk to the altar struggling with my bags
and I cry my eyes out, asking God to
intervene because my life is spiraling out
of control and it feels like I'm on the
outside looking in.

"My child" I'm startled by a female voice

behind me and I'm met by a woman
wearing a yellow cloth around her

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go"

she smiles
"You have come to the right place my
child now tell me why a beautiful lady like
you is crying when she's royalty?" I frown

"I'm not royalty" she smiles

"You are my child, your mother will reveal

all to your husband just hang in there. In
the meantime come with me so that I can
feed you and the baby you are carrying" I
reluctantly get up from the chair as she
leads me out.

I'm on my way to the airport, i had to go

to mbalenhle to fetch my daughter before
skipping the country. I was hoping that
Khethelo would come with me but it's
clear that she chose King over me. It hurts
I won't lie, after everything we have been
through. It has always been me and her
against the world, I admired her lack of
interest in settling down with a man I had
hoped that me and her would one day
ride off into the sunset. She used to say
that men have a way of making you put
their dreams first while they screw you
over in return but here she is putting her
life on hold. She started by giving King her
business in Durban which was her pride
and joy and now she's staying in a small
insignificant village that's not even on a
map just to please that man of hers but I
know it will end in tears and I won't be
there to pick up the pieces. I get to O.R
Tambo international airport dragging my
suitcase and carrying Nosihle.
As I'm about to enter the airport entrance
King walks up to me looking scary.

"The easy way or the hard way?" my

heart beat accelerates and I start visibly
shaking, this man is scary. I was only able
to stand him because Khethelo was
always by my side.

"I won't repeat myself" he signals me to

follow him I look around and I notice
other guys working for him and I give up
following him to a car. I get into the car
and we drive off, I know I'm a dead
woman walking.

"Please don't harm my daughter" I say as

we drive into an abandoned building.

"I don't harm children and trust me, I will

never harm you because killing you would
hurt my wife. She clearly takes this
friendship more seriously than you do but
trust me I'm going to torture you so badly
starting where I met and fell in love with
my strong resilient wife. Let's see If you
can match her standards" he says as they
drag me out. They throw me into a
sewege tunnel, this place is dark and
smells horrible. There are big ass rats
running around looking like they are
ready to nibble on me.

"Please you can't leave me here please" I

beg and he looks at me with a cold

"I will tell you who took Thuba please"

"I know who took Thuba" I swallow hard
not knowing what to say now

"My daughter pl..." He cuts me off

"Your daughter will be fine stop

pretending as if you care for her when
you were ready to kill her father" I bury
my face in my hands.

"He killed Khaya" he chuckles

"He was a fucken cultist, he did you a
favour" I shake my head

"King I'm begging you"

"Let's see if you will survive two days" he

says turning and leaving. It's dark, it's so
dark. I don't do well with dark places. God
please help me. I feel something hairy
rubbing against my ankle and I scream.


Thuba is still at the back of the car trunk

as Ikena and his men drive up to Cape
town where they will ship Thuba off with
the rest of the women they have
trafficked in south Africa. Thuba lost
consciousness for a few hours on the road
and dreamed of his great grandfather
who looked very angry at him but did not
utter a word. As soon as Thuba woke up
from the dream, he just knew that he had
angered his ancestors. All he could think
about was his children and Noni. How he
took her for granted and how he broke
her heart for a mad woman who's
capable of killing him.
"Njomane kaMgabhi eyaduka
iminyakanyaka, yatholakala ngowesine
isizobhebhela umuntu etsheni ngoba
isaba amazoloMakhedama
elimdudukazane.Khulamini abafokazana
bekhuleb'suku, Dlomo weNdl'ende.
Sihlangu samavaka seswel'ababhemu,
Wen'owalwa impi yaseNdunu. Wena
WaseLangeni! Soyengwase! Nina
bakaBhebhe kaMthendeka! Nina
bakaSoqubel’ onjengegundwane! Nina
baseSiweni, kwaMpuku yakwaMselemusi,
kwaNogwence webaya! Zingwazi zempi
yakwaNdunu! yatholakal 'onyakeni
wesine; yabuye yatholakala
ngowesikhombisa! Langen’
owavel'elangeni! I messed up but do not
turn on me now.

"Give me one more chance to be a

proper father to my kids and a good
husband to my wife. Please protect me
and help make it out alive so that I can kill
Mpumi with my bare hands."

After Thuba prayed to God and his

ancestors he looked for ways to escape
luckily for him the car he was in was a
new model which comes with a release
paddle. After finding it he waited for the
car to slow down a bit before pulling the
paddle and he jumped out causing other
cars to stop to look at the naked man
coming from a boot of a moving car.
Ikena brought the car to a halt after
Thuba jumped off and he took out his gun
and shot at Thuba who was now on his
feet trying to get away. Ikena sent four
bullets his way before he sped off. Thuba
was laying in a pool of blood when the
emergency services arrived.

*Few days later*


I was supposed to go to bergville for

Nosihle's imbeleko ceremony but I'm on
my way to Klerksdorp with Khethelo
apparently Thuba was shot on his way to
Cape town. The details are a bit fuzzy, I
don't know why the hell was he going to
Cape town for when we agreed on
something else. I feel like we are not
driving fast enough to the airport.
We get to the hospital and they show me
to my husband's ward. He's covered in
wires and beeping machines. He looks so
vulnerable, this is not the mighty,
arrogant Thuba I know. I pull up a sit and
just watch him as he lays there looking

"Thuba you better not die on me, I swear

I'll never forgive you if you leave us just
like that. I love you so much and I know
that you are not perfect and I told you
that I'm willing to work on our marriage
but I can't do that if you are laying here
helpless. I didn't marry a weak man
mjomane. I married a strong proud man
who makes things happen so get your ass
out of the clouds and come back to me
and our son" I say sobbing. The door
swings open and King walks in

"What was he going to do in Cape town?"

He sighs
"He was kidnapped by Ikena" my blood
runs cold immediately

"What?" I ask teary, this is all my fault. If

he dies, his blood is on my hands

"They were planning to take him to Cape

town harbour and ship him off to Nigeria
along with other young girls they
trafficked here" I nod wiping my tears

"This is all my fault, Thuba killed Ikena's

brother for my sake" I say breaking down.
"It's not your fault, Mpumi lured him into
a trap, she conspired with Ikena to kill
Thuba" he says clenching his jaws

"I don't understand" I don't I'm really lost


"Don't worry about that, for now

concentrate on Thuba's recovery. I'll deal
with the rest." I nod, the doctor walks in
and introduces himself before giving us
the prognosis.
"Gunshot wounds (GSW) to the cervical
spine remain uncommon. Surgery often
does not yield significant neurological
improvement and the decision to utilize
surgery depends on a number of factors"

"Your husband is fairly young and healthy,

as a non smoker and physically strong we
can perform surgery on him however
mam I'm going to be honest with you.
There's a possibility that he won't be able
to walk again the worst case scenario
could be that he may be brain dead. We
need your signature to perform the
surgery" I sigh

"What happens if he doesn't have


"He will be brain dead"

"Do the surgery, please do your best to

save my husband"
"I'll get the forms" he turns to leave and I
look at King

"Please ask Khethelo to take care of

Siphosethu I'm not in a good space"

"She's with your son and daughter as we

speak" I frown

"Daughter?" He nods and walks out

leaving me confused.

I'm at our home in fourways. It's a good

we never sold or rented out our houses
this side because of the businesses we
have. I came with Noni this morning but
King asked me to look after the kids. I
didn't even ask him if Mpumi is still alive
or what. He walks in looking tired, I can
only imagine the drive from Klerksdorp to
fourways, he fakes a smile and grabs a
bottle of water in the fridge.

"How is he?"

"He will never walk again" I sigh

"They must operate on him one of those

50/50 shit"

"I'm sorry" he nods

"Uhm" I don't know how to ask this

"She's still alive, she's at the hole"

"Have you decided what you going to do

to her"he shakes his head

"I don't know, she's Thuba's wife after all.

I'll keep her locked up until he wakes up
and decides what to do with her, that way
I don't get my hands dirty although every
inch of me is itching to snap her neck." I
nod at least my husband won't be
responsible for killing my friend.
"How are the kids?"

"Brother and sister are well behaved but

your son has been restless I think he
misses sleeping on top of his father" he

"Where are they?"

"Sleeping after a struggle. I wish I asked

Emihle to come with me" Emihle is my
personal assistant.
"Get on the counter, take off your
underwear and spread your legs wide" he
says with his eyes getting darker and
darker. I just know I'm about to have my
pussy destroyed and I like it.


Mkhuseli has been having the same

recurring dream of a woman crying
holding a dead baby. Her screams pierce
through his heart. Evoking emotions that
he has never experienced before.

He wakes up sweating and emotionally

drained. He gets up and wears his
ancestral cloth and burns sage calling his

"Please don't break my heart like this,

every night I wake up to this
unexplainable pain in my heart. Who is
this woman and why does her tears touch
the inner depth of my very soul?" He cries



"Hey baby, I miss you so much,
Siphosethu misses you even more. I also
met our daughter, she's beautiful. She's
such a little princess, I can tell that she's
going to be a little diva when she grows
up. Sbosh is here driving King crazy. I
swear your mother is an entire mood.
Vuka phela (wake up) it's been too long" I
smile internally hearing my wife's voice.

"Stop whining" I hear shuffling

"You're awake?" my eyes are still closed

"Doctor!" She shouts touching my cheek
and I open my eyes

"Water please" she wipes her tears

"Thank you God for answering my

prayers. Baby you came back to us" I

"Oh yeah the water" she walks over to

the tap and brings the water in a paper
cup, she helps me up but for some reason
I can't seem to move my legs. She lifts my
head and I drink the water.

The doctor walks in followed by two


"Mrs Mhlongo, I'm going to ask you to

give us some space, I need to check the
patient"she plants a kiss on my dry lips
and walks out.

"Mr Mhlongo I'm doctor khan, as a result

of your gun shot wound we had to
perform a surgery on your spine. We
were able to stop any further damage to
the spine however as a result you are
paralysed from the waist down. Medically
it can take years for you to walk again or
not at all but I have seen patients with
the same injury as yours with a lot of
physio therapy walk again after just a
year. All I can say is that a positive attitude
will go a long way. Most people are
defeated by their mind and not their legs
per say." I clearly understand what he
The doctor checked me and as he was
saying, I couldn't feel my legs at all. Noni
walked back inside as soon as the doctor

"Come here" I say patting the bed

"Thank you for being here, thank you for

the prayers, I could hear you sometimes
especially the stories you would tell me
about my children. I don't know how to
thank you" she smiles widely
"I'm your wife, for better or for worse
right?" I nod

"I'm sorry Nonhlanhla" she nods

"Let's forget about the past njomane and

concentrate on the miracle and the
second chance God has given us" I sigh

"I can't walk" she looks at me and

squeezes my hand
"I know and I'm not going anywhere, I
know you Thuba, you are a proud man
and you are about to spew nonsense with
your mouth about setting me free but
bhuti I'm not going anywhere, I'm going
to take care of you" I try hard not to cry
but my bloody tears betray me and they
come out like a flood. Next thing I know i
am sobbing.

"Don't cry, you are breaking my heart"

she says crying too.
"My testicles" she sighs

"We can never have any more children

but don't worry baby I'm happy with the
two we have" I smile through my tears

"I'm not man enough for you now" she

shakes her head

"You are more than man enough baby

just don't let this change you. I'm not
going anywhere but I need you to work
with me. We will make it through" I nod.
King walks in followed by my mother. I
smile looking at King.

"Ikena and his men are in hell" he says

walking up to me and squeezing my hand
and I nod.

"Sbosh" she wipes her tears

"You will die from loving pussy wena nja

nxa" I laugh, I wouldn't expect any less
from my mom.
"I went to mbalenhle and demanded the
Lobola money we paid. Nxa I didn't
approve of that tomboy in the first place."
There's awkward silence.

"Where are my kids?" I ask breaking the


"With Khethelo and Emihle at Nzimeni" I

nod. I want to ask King about Mpumi but I
don't want to do it in front of these two
women. I hope she's dead wherever she


King has locked me up in a mental

institution of some sort. I spend all my
days drugged and electrocuted. There's a
guy guy who comes once a week and asks
me a couple of questions then he writes
down on a notepad and leaves. I swear
this place is hell on earth and a thought
the sewer was worse, this place takes the
cup. We eat one disgusting meal a day,
I'm as thin as a straight line. My hair is
falling out, I haven't seen the sun in a long
time and I miss my daughter very much.
I'm sitting in the cafeteria minding my
own business when a tall fat lady slaps
the shit out of me.

"You stole my food" I frown

"Are you crazy? I didn't touch y......"

Another slap and I get up
"Excuse me, nurse! This creature just hit
me" the nurse was reading a newspaper
chewing gum

"So! Don't you know how to fight?"

Haibo! What kind of place is this? I'm not
about to fight this giant of a woman so I
push my tray towards her and apologize.
She smiles revealing her crooked rotten
"You have a visitor" the nurse shouts, a
guard comes and leads me to the visitors

"How did you know that I'm here?" That's

the first thing I say soon as I see who it is.

"I was following the guys who brought

you here"

"Please Muzi you get me out of here, I

feel like I'm losing my mind" he sighs
"I'm surprised you are still alive, Ikena's
death was broadcast all over the media."

"I don't care about that, I just want to

leave this place please" he nods

"Tonight be ready, I'll break you out but

you need to get out of the country,
perhaps Mozambique" I nods

"Then when they least expect I will strike

again" he shakes his head
"Why would you come after them again
when you barely made it out alive? I'm
starting to think that this is not only about
my brother" I laugh

"Don't tell me about that cultist.

Apparently he would have sacrificed my
daughter's life" he looks down

"So they were right" I laugh louder

"Why does everyone think that they can

just walk all over me? Thuba thought he
could use me then leave me, Khaya
thought he can trick me into being his
wife then use my daughter for riches then
there's my so called friend whom I hid
bodies for her and pulled up when ever
she needed me now that she's bowncing
ontop of a royal dick she thinks she's all
that. Get me out of here Khaya, I want to
show all these fucken people who the hell
is nompumelelo Nkosi"

I'm six months pregnant now, my tummy
is big. I've been staying with Ma
Constance, she's the woman who found
me at church. She's been so amazing but
her children hate me and treat me like
gabage when she's not around which is
often because she travels a lot helping
people in and around Grahamstown.

"Vuyi take this money and go buy

something nice for yourself. You work too
hard helping around this yard, it's not
much but manage it okay" I nod kissing
her cheek

"Thank you ma Conny" she giggles

"I'm going away for a couple of day. We

are visiting another branch of the church"
I sigh, she knows I can't go with her
because my aunt attends the same
church. When she saw me at church one
Sunday, she made it her point to
humiliate me. I don't blame her though, I
did her wrong
"Don't look so sad" I sigh

"You should have a lovely time at the

conference" she smiles

"Your husband is desperately searching

for you" I laugh, not this nonsense again.
Kumkani wants nothing to do with me.

"He should search a little harder" I say

My feet are killing me, with the 1k ma
Conny gave me I decided to buy myself a
couple of dresses and cosmetics. With
the leftover change I bought rock my soul
3 from chicken licken. I walk into the
house going straight into my room and I
find Lindiwe ma Conny's daughter going
through my things

"Excuse me" she doesn't even flinch

when she sees me
"What the hell are you doing here" she

"I'm looking for the knorox you pour on

the food that you give our mother
because since you came here she only
cares about you" I frown

"Knorox is in the pantry" she chuckles and

grabs the shopping bags

"Mntase come see!!" she shouts and her

sister Luthando walks in
"Jonga (look) she shows her my clothes
taking them out.

"So our mother gave you money to buy

these clothes" I shake my head and a slap
lands on my cheek. They take my
shopping bags and go outside carrying
them. I beg them to bring back my
clothes but they ignore me. I watch as
they set them on fire and I cry my eyes
"30 something year old woman
depending on a pensioner. You expect my
mother to feed that bastard child you are
carrying" Lumka says already eating my
chicken. My heart breaks because I've
been craving it for months. I wail like a
wife who just lost her husband I feel like
my soul is leaving my body as I watch
them devour my chicken.

King just got back home in a jovial mood.
Thuba is awake and my husband can't
hide his happiness. He goes to the
hospital on weekends and comes back on
Sunday or Monday morning. Sometimes I
would travel with him but this time I
chose to stay back. I had other
commitments. The library I built is almost
done and the high school. Six girls from
this kingdom got bursaries from the fund
I created and I see more and more girls
wanting to go to varsity. I'm so happy that
even the parents are starting to change
their mindset.

"Fuck!" King shouts, I'm in the shower it's

just past midnight. I rush out naked
almost falling only to find his knuckles
bloody and a crack on the wall.

"What did the poor wall do now?" He

clenches his jaws

"Your friend escaped" I look down. I don't

even know where she was, I haven't
spoken about her for the past three

"Uhm I'm sorry" I don't know what else to

say honestly. I took my mother's advice
about not getting involved.

"I'm sure you will find her" he nods, I walk

to the bathroom and get a first aid kit.

"Let me clean that up" we both sit on the

bed and I clean his knuckles.
"I'm sorry I know she's your friend" I smile

"I just hate that she has this much power

in my marriage you know, we tip toe
around her name and......" He doesn't let
me finish he's already sucking my boobs.
He lays me gently on the bed and opens
my legs. He goes between my thighs and
opens my folds with his tongue. He's
rubbing my clit with his thumb as his
tongue is doing things to me. I'm busy
holding his head as he slightly bites on my
clit causing me to experience a bit of pain
mixed with pleasure. I feel an orgasm
build up and within a second I release my
juices right on his mouth. He looks up and
I blush

"No one has power over this marriage

you hear me? I love you woman and I'll
follow you anywhere" I laugh and cry and
the fucken same time.


King organised that I be transferred back

to the palace, he turned one of the
bedrooms into a mini ward with all the
important machines and equipment that
I'm going to need to start my physio. He
even hired a live-in nurse for me, he told
me about Mpumi escaping from the
mental institution he placed her at. At
first I was angry at him for not killing her
but I understand why he didn't. Mpumi is
not at all who I thought she was, yes I did
her wrong in her twisted mind but for her
to plan and execute my demise is pure
evil. I am the father of her daughter for
crying out loud.

"Are you comfortable?" My wife asks, I'm

sitting on the bed catching up on some
research about my paralysis.
"As comfortable as I can be" she smiles at

"Have you met Cheryl?" I frown

"Who's that?"

"The nurse King hired, she's moving into

her room as we speak, I'm getting
unsettling vibes from her"

"What kind of vibes" she sighs

"Maybe I'm imagining things"

"Never dismiss your gut feeling because it

will never mislead you. Keep an eye on
her and I'll do the same" she nods

"We haven't spoken about Nosihle." She


"I'm sorry that you are now faced with

the responsibility of raising her, I spoke to
Sbosh and she's willing to raise her"
"Don't hurt my feelings Thuba. I love
Nosihle like my very own blood":

"You are amazing you know that?" She

giggles making me smile


The Cheryl woman came to introduce

herself. She's quite a stunning woman but
I do agree with my wife, there's
something a bit off about her

"So this is the button you need to call for

me" she says bending to show me the
button and gets her boobs on my face.

"Mr Mhlongo if I may ask" I nod

"Is the King married to that short light

skinned lady?" I frown
"Yes" she nods

"Do they have kids together"

"A boy, What's up with the question

about the king and Queen?" she giggles..

"Just trying to know my surroundings"

"Just remember why you are here and
stay away from things that don't concern
you" she nods


The nightmares about the woman crying

and holding a dead baby keep on
haunting me. I feel like I'm losing my
mind, I wake up drenched in sweat every
morning. Her cries are very loud in my
ears. The tug in my heart that I feel when
she sobs is unbearable.

I walk into the king's study, I haven't

shaved in days. My eyes are blood shot
red and they have dark circles around
them. I have been praying and fasting day
and night for the ancestors to at least
show me some light.

"You look like hell" The King says

"I feel like hell"

"I need to go away for a while" he nods

"Is there anything you need?"

"No I'll be fine, I will drive myself though"

he nods

"I hope you get whatever you are looking

for" I smile faintly
"I hope so too." I get up and make my
way to my chambers to pack a small bag. I
bump into someone, I look up

"Hi I'm so sorry I didn't see you there"

"What's in your mind handsome?" This

woman's aura is dark and twisted.

"Who are you?" She giggles

"I'm the nurse hired to take care of Mr
Mhlongo my name is Cheryl." I nod

"Cheryl, tread carefully. In this kingdom

we burn witches at the stake." I leave her
there tongue tied and walk into my


A huge sign written welcome to

Makhanda in bold letters. I drive through
and find a hotel. I book into the hotel and
order room service, I feel famished since
I've been driving for 10 hours straight. I
didn't even rest I drove straight here, I
don't know what I'm doing in eastern
cape but the ancestors have led me here,
I hope I find this woman.

"Thembakazi I'm begging you, you are

only 19 years old, you are not married.
Give me one child and I swear I'll take
care of her"

"I can't"

"I'm begging you, my husband is ready to

leave me because I can't have children. I
will carry this secret to my grave. She will
be loved and well taken care of, Which
man will marry you with two children."
"Okay you can take her but Mrs Makwetu
please take care of my daughter. Give her
the things I couldn't give to her"

"My husband is in business with you

father, I'm a nurse. I swear she'll never
want for anything as long as I'm alive"

"Can I at least name her?"

"You have to name the both of them."

"Kumkani and Vuyelwa, I named her after
my grandmother"

"Vuyelwa it is then"

I wake up sweating profusely. I must have

fallen asleep.

"Thank you o Ndabezitha for revealing

the hidden. I will find the Mkhonto

I just came back from the site where they

are building the library and the high
school. I'm happy that everything is finally
done all that's left is to have an opening

"How is everything at the site, are they

done?" I nod
"I just need to plan the grand opening for
both the buildings"

"I'm proud of you, this kingdom is lucky to

have you" I smile

"Some people still give me attitude

because I'm from this kingdom. They
don't understand why I am their Queen
but others are very welcoming thankful
for all the changes I've implemented." He
"I was hoping that we could try for a
second baby" I laugh at his craziness

"Well on other news one of your brothers

impregnated Gail the cook" he chuckles
because I purposely ignored him about
the baby issue

"He didn't even leave her with his phone

numbers. Her family will be coming soon"

"Which brother?"
"Luyolo" he shakes his head

"They are both married"

"Well he needs to get his ass back here

and account for his sins. They went
around telling the women here that they
are Princes of this kingdom." He chuckles

"Call him to get back here or I will send

them straight to his matrimonial home"
"Okay my Queen" I smile


After crying my eyes out I decided to go

for a walk just to clear my head then I
went back later after i was done
mourning my chicken. It was all dark,
around seven in the evening. I knocked
but no one came to open for me.
"Lumka!" Silence

"Please open for me please"

"This is not you home go back where you

come from." Lumka says throwing my
clothes out the window

"Please Sisi I have no where to go" I hear

them laughing
"Go to your baby daddy. Our mother will
not take care of a grown woman who
opened her legs to married men." I beg
them to open but all my pleading falls to
deaf ears. I sit close to the door hugging
my feet, just when I thought things
couldn't get worse. It starts to rain heavily,
I bang on the door begging but they
blatantly ignored me.

I'm starting to get cramps on my lower

abdomen. The pain intensifies as the rain
is pouring without seizing. I cry in pain
holding my stomach. "I have to get out of
here and seek help elsewhere" I think to
myself as I walk out of the yard literally
dragging my feet. The pain is now double
what it was. I'm screaming near the gate
holding my stomach, I can't hold on any
further. I feel warm liquid coming out
between my thighs. I try taking a few
steps but I fail. A car's bright lights flash at
me before I feel my self fall
"Hold on princess" says a voice sounding
very faraway as I close my eyes and give


The King is a man just like any other man
and I'm very sure that he will fall for my
mixed race self. I'm gorgeous, I have an
hour glass figure, yeah sure his wife has a
huge ass but I have charisma. From the
moment I first spoke to him on the
phone, his huge radio voice got me wet
but when I met him face to face I swear I
had an orgasm just by staring at his huge
ripped physique. He looks like those tall
basketball players in the NBA. I swear that
woman must have a very strong inyanga
to bag a man like that. Every night I
masturbate using his picture I stole from
the internet, I imagine myself
disappearing in those strong muscles.

"Your physiotherapist is here should I

show him in" he nods, I'm tempted to roll
my eyes, what a waste of good looks. He's
now basically useless. I'm sure his wife is
sleeping with the guards. I made my way
to the King's study I was about to knock
when I heard him having sex with
someone because whoever the person is,
they are being piped real good because
she's screaming her lungs out. I swear my
panties are drenched. I wish it was me
being fucked like that.

"Is everything okay?" The cripple's

forward wife asks

"Oh yeah, I actually came to speak to the

King but judging from the noise in there I
take it he is busy.
"So you decided to stand at the door and
listen in" this bitch

"No actually I..." The door opens and the

Queen comes out looking thoroughly
fucked and I feel a ping of jealousy.

"My Queen, I needed to speak to the king

about something" she frowns

"Uhm I haven't signed the contract and
Kumkani said he will draft it" she gives me
a death stare

"You address my husband by his name,

are you fucken out of your mind? I will
handle your contract from now on. If you
need anything or have any questions,
direct them to me. Do I make myself
clear?" I nod

"I'll get back to you by the end of the day

regarding your contract" I nod faking a
smile and I leave the two ladies there
walking back to my bedroom.

I throw myself on the bed and I take off

my underwear, my legs are spread open.
With one hand I hold the phone staring at
Kumkani's picture while with the other
hand I start massaging my clit. Fuck! I'm
already wet. My mind trails back to the
moans and the screaming from earlier. I
imagine myself being the one being
fucked with no mercy. I insert my finger
but I feel nothing, I'm too wet. I go in with
two more fingers. I moan

"Oh yes my king, fuck me. Yes your

Highness. Your dick is so big" I mumble as
I feel an orgasm build up. I up the pace,

"Oh yes" I curl my toes as an intense

climax hits me hard.

"One day my King, I will be in your arms."

I say looking at his picture trying to steady
my breathing.

I open my eyes and look around, I'm in

hospital. I try to get up but I feel like my
body was hit by a truck. I touch my
stomach remembering the events that
led me here. It feels like something is
pressing hard on my lower abdomen.
"My baby" I say holding my stomach. The
door swings open and a nurse comes in

"Mrs Zulu you are awake" I frowned. Mrs


"My baby" she sighs.

"I'll call the doctor." She walks out then

moments later the doctor walks in

"Mrs Zulu I'm doctor Lesia, when your

husband brought you here, the baby was
in distress and your blood pressure was
alarmingly high, we had to perform a c
section to remove the baby safely.
Because of his gestation period of only 26
weeks, we are not certain of her survival.
She is currently on a ventilation machine
to help her breathe" I nod, I ignore the
husband part.

"The nurse will take you to the NICU to

see her momentarily." The doctor walks
out and a man I've never seen before
walks in. He has dreadlocks and he's good
looking, he smiles at me, I don't know
how to react so I smile back.

"How are you feeling?'"

"Fine thanks" then there's awkward


The nurse walks in with a wheelchair

"Mr Zulu you are back?" She says giggling

like a school girl, if I wasn't in so much
pain I swear I would laugh at how
ridiculous she sounds.

"Yes, how's my wife?" I frown, why is this

man calling me his wife?

"She's okay sir I just need to check her

stitches but other than that she is okay.

The so-called husband wheels me to the
NICU, I shed a few tears looking at how
small she is. She's beautiful and fragile. I
look through the incubator.

"What is her name?" I'm brought back to

reality by Mr dreadlock

"Azola" he nods and continues to look at

the baby with me as if he is the baby

"Who are you?" He chuckles

"After all this time, you are only asking
me now?" I look down

"I'm Mkhuseli Zulu, I am Prince of

mphelele kingdom and I am a seer at
Nzimeni kingdom. I'm the one who found
you last night" I nod

"Thank you for saving my baby" he looks

down. He is a very handsome man, that
can't be missed but he also has a strong
dominant aura.


I wheel her back to her ward. My heart is

racing and my palms are sweaty, no
woman has ever had such an effect on
me. After the vision I had at the hotel, I
decided to drive around, I found myself at
church. I asked some people who were
coming out of the church about a lady
named Vuyelwa whose mother was a
nurse. They were a little confused until I
mentioned that she's pregnant. They
directed me to where she lives at that
time, the rain started pouring. When I
found her she fainted in my arms, I was
quick to rush her to the hospital.

"What were you doing outside in the

rain?" She sighs

"Don't lie to me" she smiles

"I wasn't going to lie" I wiggle my eyes

and she laughs

"Luthando and Lumka locked me outside

after they burned my clothes and ate my
chicken. I banged on the door but they
ignored me. Even when it started to rain,
they didn't care, I don't know where Azola
and I are going to live when we get
discharged" she wipes her tears.
"Everything will be okay, I promise. I'm
not going anywhere"

"I'm sure your wife or girlfriend wouldn't

like that" I laugh

"I'm looking at my wife" she tries not to

blush but fails

"Is that why I'm being addressed as Mrs

"Yeah plus when I brought you here I
wanted to be here for you without any
restrictions. I was led to you but my
ancestors and yours." I go on to tell her
about the vision I had. She breaks down
and cries hard, I hold her in my arms as
she lets it all out and just like in the
dreams I had of her, her cries break my
very soul.

"So Makazi made me marry my twin

brother?" I shake my head
"Nobody knew about this and the only
two people who knew passed away." She

"Kumkani hates me and don't get me

started on his gangster wife" I laugh
throwing my head back

"The Queen is such a character but trust

me, she has the biggest heart." She nods
"We will wait for Azola to get stronger
then we will have to get you home. The
Mkhonto ancestors want you home.

*Two months later*

My husband has improved beyond what
we all imagined. His determination is truly
admirable, he has a positive attitude and
is a very loving husband of late, honestly
speaking I thank God for the whole
Mpumi issue because my marriage is
stronger than it was before.

Nosihle is just an adorable little girl who's

brought so much happiness in my life. She
and Siphosethu are so close together with
the prince. They are the troublesome trio.

Khethelo has been so busy with her

duties as the Queen and I am always
babysitting, which I love with all my heart.
I also get to spend so much time with my
husband. I still don't trust the weird nurse
but I have been keeping a close eye on
her. Even Khethelo said she sensed weird
vibes from her.
My husband just finished his session with
the physio and now he's with the nurse.
The door is slightly open, I was going to
push the door and enter until I heard
their conversation, I decided to eavesdrop

"That training was intense" Cheryl says

"It was"

"So can you get a hard on" I hear my

husband coughing
"I'm sorry here's some water, it's just that
you've never had a boner with me looking
all sexy no man can resist me" I knew this
bitch was up to something

"Not that it's any of your business but

njomane works just fine, it's just that I
don't find you attractive, you are too
forward for my liking, and those men you
speak of, well I don't blame them smelly
shit attracts flies after all. Stay in your
fucken lane or you'll lose this job and I'll
make sure no one will hire you again" i
push the door and walk in.

"Let me leave you two" Chery says

looking embarrassed. I nod and walk
further in

"What was that about?" I ask as soon as

miss world walks out

"She was questioning my manhood" I

nod, we have never tried to get intimate
since he got back from the hospital, I just
didn't want him to feel under pressure
and the fact that he hasn't initiated
something as well means that he's not
ready to try.

"She should get fired, she doesn't know

her place" he smiles

"Do you sometimes wonder if I can....

You know" I look down

"My main concern is for you to heal first"

he nods
"I want to try" he says licking his lips and I

"Come here" he pulls me towards him

with so much force and I land on top of
him, he smashes his lips on mine and
kisses me hard. I've always loved the way
he kisses me. I'm so tense because I'm
afraid of hurting him.

"Relax baby, just go with the flow" he says

while busy kissing me. Gosh I feel
njomane poking me and my nuna gets all

"Get on top of me and take what's yours

baby" I don't need to be told twice. I get
up and undress, my clit is already
vibrating. I remove his pants and briefs.
Just then njomane springs out with the
veins popped. The sight is glorious, I get
on top of him and I insert njomane inside
my wet nuna. I start to trust slowly while
one of hands is on his chest and the other
is caressing my breasts. I haven't had any
in such a long time, I don't last even two
minutes and I cum, I'm so glad I'm a
woman and my chicken dendencies
cannot be seen.


Finally! Azola is healthy and has grown so

much. Her weight went from 1,3 kg to
2,5. She's so beautiful and thank
goodness he looks nothing like Collen. I
was discharged a month ago and I have
been staying at the hotel but in a different
room from Mkhuseli.

Oh that man is something else, he is

charming without even trying, the nurses
drool over him and he doesn't even pay
attention to them. He hasn't initiated
anything romantic with me which is okay
with me especially because of how
complicated my life is at the moment. I
have a child with a married man, the man
that I was arranged to marry rejected me
then later turned out to be my brother
who happens to be married to a gangster
who once pulled a gun on me and shot at
me. I swear my life should be a reality

We get to the hospital and Mkhuseli

signed all the paperwork. My jaw almost
drops to the floor when the receptionist
calls out the hospital bill.
"680k?, For two months of hospital stay?
What is this a luxury five star hotel? Hai
no I don't get it" Mkhuseli chuckles

"You should see the hotel bill but don't

worry about it, money will never be
something you should worry about from
now on. Not when your husband is rich
and you are a princess of a rich kingdom"
he says winking at me then he walks out I
look over at the receptionist and she's
"Close your mouth, that's my husband"
she looks down embarrassed and
apologizes. I might as well play the part
because it feels damn good.


We park outside Ma Constance's house

and the events of the evening I almost
died replay in my mind. I'm sure the two
sisters from hell burned all my clothes or
threw them away, I just came to thank
mama for her kindness and generosity.
We knock on the door and the she devil
herself opens the door. I'm holding the
my daughter in my arms.

"Hi, is your mother in?" She rolls her eyes

and opens the door wider. I walk in and
Mkhuseli follows behind me.

"Oh Vuyelwa!" Ma Constance hugs me as

soon as she sees us. We sit on the
couches, she can't stop smiling looking
between Azola and Mkhuseli.
"Mkhulu" she says bowing. The two
skanks walk in looking at Mkhuseli like
bitches on heat.

"How are you Mama?" I ask

"I'm good my child especially now that I

see your husband has finally found you" I
frown looking at Mkhuseli who is all

"Husband?" Lumka asks shocked

"Yes husband and rest assured, the
Mkhonto ancestors does not take kindly
to the way you treated their princess. She
almost died because of your wickedness"
Mkhuseli says with a straight face, the
atmosphere in the house thickens. I can
feel his anger rise.

"Calm down mkhulu, all is well. The

princess is well" I find myself touching
Mkhuseli"s hand and he looks at and his
eyes soften. I never can hold a stare so I
look down.

"Mama the princess and I would like to

thank you for taking care of her when she
had no one. You didn't have to but you
went out of your way to show her

"I did what any Christian woman would

do" she says smiling.
"Well mama I would like your account
number I want to thank you properly" ma
Constance shakes her head

"There's no need for that son, Vuyelwa is

like a daughter to me"

"Mama take the money we need it"

Luthando says

"Shut up wena and leave my sight" ma

Conny says embarrassed
"Mama we are not paying you for your
kindness si khanyisa indlela zethu" mama
nods and takes out her phone calling out
her account number, Mkhuseli takes out
his phone and soon enough a message
Beebs on mama's phone. She takes off
her glasses then puts them on again

"Son I think you made a mistake, you

added too many zeros"

"No mama I didn't make any mistake, you

didn't just help anyone but your helped a
royal Princess, that is a token of my
appreciation" her mouth hangs open

"We need to get going, we have a long

drive ahead. Keep well" Mkhuseli says
already on his feet. I am curious of the
amount Mkhuseli gave to mama because
she is clued to her phone with her hand
over her mouth. The two witches can't
even look at me in the eyes as we pass
them going to the door.
I sit at the back with Azola as we drive
leaving behind my past. I don't know
what the future holds for me and my
daughter but I pray that life becomes
kinder to me this time around whether
Mkhuseli is my true husband or not I just
want to give my daughter a good life and
a good future.

I knew it! There's nothing special about
the king. He is a man like the rest of them,
he can't resist me, mxm I didn't take
offence to that cripple because I know for
sure that his manhood is not working, he
would have gotten a boner with all the
bending I do around him. He is just saving
face but it's cool.

Kumkani and I have been texting back and

forth for a month okay let me rephrase
we have been sexting.
I send him my nudes and he replies after
a while with emojis mostly drooling ones.

I'm in room now and I decide to shoot my

shot and ask for a hook-up.

"Don't you want to see me up close and

personal? FYI I used to do acrobats" I sit
still waiting for a reply

"Friday 6pm at Mxolisi's guest house" he

replied! I jump up and down. I'm getting
myself a royal dick! Finally! In your face
Queen Khethelo



Luthando and Lumka haven't been able

to sleep since Vuyelwa left the house,
their mother hasn't been talking to them
and they don't even know how much
money the handsome scary man gave
their mother.

To think about how they treated Vuyelwa

and she turned out to be a princess,
something did not add up here they
thought to themselves and they were
determined to crack this mystery.

They made their way to Makazi's shack

with the hopes of getting more
information about Vuyelwa. As soon as
Makazi opened the door she frowned
seeing them standing at her door step.

"What do you want in my house? I hope

you did not come here to demand more
money after what I paid you to deal with
that home wrecker" Lumka clicked her

"That small change you paid us is not

enough vele, you cost us a lot of money
and an opportunity to be friends with a
real princess" Makazi laughed

"What are you on about?"

"Vuyelwa is a princess of some kingdom,

she even has a rich handsome husband.
She gave birth and she came to give our
mother money. Because of you she didn't
even give us a cent, she looked different
sis Thabisa I'm telling you that you kicked
out a princess" Makazi tried to make
sense of what these crazy sisters were on
about, she couldn't fathom how could a
loose girl like Vuyelwa be a princess. After
she chased the sisters away and accused
them of talking nonsense she decided to
confront Vuyelwa's father about this.


"If you are here to beg me to take

Vuyelwa back then you are wasting your
time Thabisa"
"Why do you hate your daughter so
much?" Mr Makwetu attempted to close
the door on her face but she blocked it
with her foot

"Is it because she's not your biological

daughter?" His face changed and he was
filled with anger

"So she told you that she's not my

daughter? Well since the cat is out of the
bag I might as well tell you. Her mother
couldn't have children she ended up
stealing Vuyelwa from the hospital she
worked at. I was tired of being ridiculed
by my family for our inability to have
children so I played along and pretended
to be her father but I couldn't continue
with the lie anymore. Even a blind person
can see that Vuyelwa is not my daughter,
I'm sure her father is Nigerian or
something. Her body structure" Makazi
was shocked to learn this meaning that
what Lumka and Luthando said might be
true. Could it be that her real parents
found her and they are royalty? She
turned and left Mr Makwetu without
saying a word to him. She was in deep

Meanwhile at Makazi's shack Collen

sobored up immediately when he heard
the conversation between his wife and
the two sisters. He wanted more
information about which kingdom she
could be from, in his mind he saw a
jackpot. Another cash cow he can use, he
clicked his tongue angry at himself for not
being a supportive baby daddy, he could
have manipulated her to take him with or
he could threaten to take his child in
exchange for money.


Tonight is thee night. I'm so excited I can't

even hold myself. I asked for a day off so
that I can go into town and shop for some
lingerie. I want to be so sexy that his tall
awkward self considers taking me as his
second wife, Queen Cheryl Mkhonto has
a nice ring to it.

On my way out I bump into the Queen.

She greets and passes me, If only she
knew that I'm about to become her sister
wife she would get off her high horse.

"My Queen" she stops on her tracks

"Don't wait up for me, I'm not coming
back until tomorrow" I say winking at her
and she frowns

"Okay?" She says confused I'm sure she'll

put two and two together when her
husband doesn't come home. I smile and
walk out feeling great.

After struggling to find a decent lingerie

set I took a cab to Mxolisi's guest house.
When I walked inside the yard there was
a dirty old man wearing torn clothes
going through the dumpster. He turned
and looked at me, his teeth were
disgustingly yellow and he had black long

"Tonight you will die!" He shouted scaring


"You are going to die!!!" He was looking

scary walking towards me and I screamed

"Fotsek Dladla, get out of here, you are

scaring my customers" a man shouted
behind me. The dirty old man ran out of
the yard

"I'm sorry about that mam" I nod

"He used to be a very powerful sangoma

of this kingdom, he was banished and he
ran mad" the man says as we walk inside,
we get to the reception and make a
"Your room has already been booked and
paid for" I smile, clearly Kumkani is just as
excited about tonight as I am.


After taking a long salt bath, I put on the

sexy number I bought earlier and I lay on
the bed waiting for the king to come. 6
pm on the dot the door opens slowly and
my heart races.
The door is now wide open and my eyes
pop when I see Queen Khethelo and the
cripple's wife walking in. I sit up and put a
robe on.

"Let me guess, you are one of those

women who go through their man's
phones. The insecure type?" I say
chuckling, I am busted but I'm not about
to beg this bitch

"And wena, shouldn't you be looking after

your cripple?" The bitch rushes to me and
gives me a tight slap, all this time the
Queen is quiet looking at me.

"You bitch" I slapped her back. I felt a

sting on my leg then a muffled gun shot
sound. I look up and the Queen is holding
a gun that has a silencer on.

"You fucken shot me!" I scream at her

"And I will fucken shoot you again if you

don't shut your stinking mouth" I hold my
tongue because the look on her face tells
me that she's not joking

"So you think you can come into my

house and seduce my husband?" I

"He liked it" she laughs

"Are you sure it was him you were

chatting with?" My eyes pop
"Let me tell you a story of how my
husband and I met" my leg is bleeding
and she's talking about stories.


"And then he asked me out on a date and

declared his love for me in a rather
unique way. See after that evening I knew
that I would kill for that man." I'm in tears
now, I didn't realize what I have gotten
myself into.
"Have you heard of Russian roulette?
They say the bullet never lies. Let's test
that theory shall we?" She takes out a
different gun in her bag and he puts on
bullet in the revolver and spins it around
before pointing the gun on my head.
Without warning she pulls the trigger and
both Mrs Mhlongo and I scream.

"And you thought the only liquid that will

flow between your legs is your squirting
from my husband's pipe right?" I realise
that I Just peed myself

"Khethelo I think we scared her enough,

she'll never mess with our husbands
again" Mrs Mhlongo says looking scared

"Oh but we didn't come here to scare

her" she spins the revolver again and I
close my eyes.


And she lays there on the bed with blood

oozing out of her head. Noni is screaming
her lungs out.

"Get ahold of yourself Noni, this bitch was

going to ride our husbands's dicks if we
didn't kill her. I know her type, she was
not going to give up. Now help me clean
this mess up" she nods crying, I guess
she's never had to kill anyone which is
surprising considering her history, you'd
expect her to be street smart.

"The owner might have heard the

screaming and the gun shots, it's only a
matter of time before the police come to
arrest us" she's visibly shaking, shame.
"Don't worry he knew about this plan, I
told him when I booked and offered a lot
of money for his silence."


We exposed of Cheryl's body at the

muddy river where crocodiles live just at
the entrance to the kingdom then drove
back to the palace as if nothing
We walk into the palace and I'm met by a
confusing sight. My King, my husband is
huging another woman. I clear my throat
and they break the hug. I see red when I
realise that it's the arranged wife.

"What did I say will happen the next time

I lay my eyes on you?" I'm already holding
a gun pointing at the woman. She hides
behind King who has a fucken smirk on
his face.
"My Queen calm down" Mkhuseli says
holding a baby, a baby? I'm about to lose
my mind.

"You all better start explaining yourselves,

I swear my dear husband if that baby
Mkhuseli is holding is yours with your
arranged so called wife, I'm going to
prison for a massacre of dead bodies.

"I take it that you two have met, long

story short my Queen Vuyelwa here is the
King's long lost twin sister" I frown
lowering my gun. The Vuyelwa woman
comes out from behind King and goes
down on her knees

"My Queen, my brother's heart in a

human form. I greet you and I humble
myself before you, I know we don't have a
pleasant past but I give you my word
mean no harm. Life has dealt with me
and I only seek the warth of a family for
both my daughter and I. Please accept
me and my daughter your highness" I
look up at my husband is smiling



So much has happened in the past year

but the highlight for me is my second
pregnancy. Yep! King and I are expecting
our second baby, it's a girl! I'm 24 weeks
and I'm as big as an elephant but I'm
happy, this time I get to experience each
and every step of this pregnancy with my
husband by my side which makes me
more relaxed compared to the first

Vuyelwa, Nonhlanhla and I have become

so close. I can safely say that I have
sisters, it was kind of awkward for
Vuyelwa and I in the beginning but after
she humbled herself I really didn't see her
as a threat anymore and she has proven
herself to me.

In other news, tomorrow Mkhuseli and

Vuyelwa are getting traditionally married.
The two day wedding celebration is taking
place at the mphelele kingdom. Our
kingdoms have grown so close to each
other, we have formed an alliance with
them and we even share our resources
with them.
Due to the work I am doing on
empowering women, the world has taken
notice of the Nzimeni kingdom and
changes I have brought forth. The
villagers are happy and thriving. A couple
of months ago the Mahlabathini kingdom
waged war against our kingdom, let's just
say, King Sithole made the biggest mistake
of his life because although my husband
is an educated King, he is also just a thug
in a suit. He went into the Mahlabathini
kingdom with guns blazing, King Sithole
had no choice but to yield. He will never
try that nonsense again.

"I'm so nervous about tomorrow, I feel

like I'm going to pass out." We are having
cocktails outside and Vuyelwa does look

"I don't know why you are stressed, that

man loves you and he did right by you
and your daughter." She sighs
"I'm just scared that all this is too good to
be true you know. Growing up I was
unlucky in love, in high school boys didn't
want me because I was too tall and
muscular, they even called me great
Carley, I was never confident about my
looks. when I became an adult, men only
used me to have sex with them. Now
here comes a handsome man..."

"A gorgeous man" Noni interupts her and

we all laugh
"Yes a gorgeous man saying he wants to
marry me. I can't help but feel like this is a
dream" I squeeze her hand

"You are beautiful, you look like an African

model. That man loves you so stop
doubting yourself, I can't believe when we
first met that I couldn't put two and two
together. You and King look alike" she

"I don't know how are you married to my

brother, I swear he is the most awkward
man I've ever met. The only time I've
seen him smile is when he is playing with
the kids. He doesn't talk much" she says
shaking her head and I laugh

"He doesn't have to talk, all he needs to

do is to give me orgasms and I'm good"
we all burst out laughing.

"Your highnesses you have guests." I nod

"Let's go inside" we walk inside and we

find King's two brothers, a familiar
woman and a man next to her. Vuyelwa
looks uncomfortable all of of a sudden.

"Luyolo, Loyiso" they greet.

"Queen Khethelo this is our aunt Thabisa

and her husband Collen." I nod

"I see but what are you all doing here?"

Luyolo laughs nervously
"We heard about the wedding and we
wanted to come celebrate with our sister"
I chuckle

"So your Baby mama tells you news of

this kingdom?" I don't wait for answer, I
look over at Vuyelwa

"Are you okay? Do you need my gun?"

She fakes a smile.

"I need to call Mkhuseli" I nod

"Whatever you need I got your back" she
nods with glossy eyes. She did tell me
about Azola's father so I understand why
she's acting like this. I hope they're not
here to cause trouble because they will
regret coming here.


I knew it, I knew that something was

going to go wrong. What did I expect?
Happiness is an illusion for someone like
me. Mkhuseli is at mphelele kingdom, we
will only see each other tomorrow. I still
can't believe that he wants to make me
his wife.

This passed year has been amazing, after

my brother and Khethelo accepted me,
Mkhuseli asked the seer of mphelele
kingdom to perform a welcoming
ceremony and the crowning ceremony,
making me princess Vuyelwa Mkhonto.
Soon after that he asked for my hand in
marriage, I was so shocked because we
were not dating nor did he court me first.
Nonhlanhla and Khethelo adviced me to
play hard to get for a while. I said no to his
proposal, he laughed saying and I quote
"abaphansi bavumile you are mine. Deny
me all you want but soon you will be
under me screaming my name" and the
very same night I was under him
screaming his name so I said yes and he
paid Lobola for me and Azola. I never
thought I would even see Collen or
Makazi ever again.


"He's here" I say sniffing


"Azola's father"

"I'm Azola's father" I sigh

"His sperm donor"

"I'm on my way" he cuts the call just like


I walk into the sitting room and I find

Makazi shouting at Melo one of the
servants. "I'm the Queen mother here,
the king is my nephew. Now run along
and bring me what I asked for." Poor Melo
bows and leaves. I decide to go to the
kitchen and drink water to calm myself
down. I feel hands wrap around my waist
and I jump.

"What the fuck Collen!"

"What's wrong? You used to like it when I

did that" I'm disgusted right now

"That was then, I'm a married woman

now so keep your hands to yourself" he
licks his lips
"What are you doing here Collen?" He

"I came here for my child" i chuckle


"You don't have a child with me.

Remember I slept with Somalians so they
fathered my daughter not you"

"You can deny it all you want but you and

I know that I'm the father." Yoh I give up.
The worst 30 seconds of my life.

My brother doesn't look pleased at all

seeing Makazi in his palace. Mkhuseli just
walked in and the room became instantly
cold. I don't know how but everytime
Mkhuseli gets angry which is very rare,
the room becomes small and the
atmosphere changes.

"Makazi what are you and your husband

doing here?" Kumkani asks
"This homewrecking hoe slept with my
husband and became pregnant for him. I
know they have a child together which
makes the child ours. Since she's getting
married, it's only fair that they pay us
money for giving her rotten womb a baby
and for destroying my marriage. It's only
fair that we get compensation" Khethelo
"Are you hearing yourself, Makazi when
will you stop being wicked?" She scoffs
folding her arms.

"Wena what do have to say for yourself?"

Mkhuseli asks. Collen is suddenly mute.
The look on Mkhuseli's face says dare me

"So wena mthakathi(witch) all the

witchdoctors you went to couldn't get to
my wife now you come here to talk
rubbing. But I'm glad you came because
it's time to answer for your sins. Tell your
niece and nephews here why you killed
their mother" her eyes pop and starts to
visibly shake.


I'm back! It's good to be back and back I

am with a vengeance. I had time to think
about what I wanted to do to all my
enemies, one of them being Khethelo. I
see her on magazines and talk shows
talking about women empowerment well
I want to tarnish her reputation for
starters before destroying the little
marriage she flaunts every chance she
gets. My husband this my King that on
every interview. It's sickening.

Then my baby daddy is next, I want to

take away everything dear to him starting
with his precious wife. I want to kill her
while he watches then take my daughter.
If they thought that they got rid of me
then they're in for a surprise.

I watch as she looks terrified, she thought
her secret will stay hidden forever. As for
her leech of her husband, he can't even
hold a stare. What kind of man is he?

"Since you can't answer that, let me

explain how things are"

I walk closer to the husband and he

cowers moving back
"Vuyelwa is a Mkhonto, I paid Lobola for
her and our daughter. Now what
compensation are you on about when
you killed her mother in cold blood and
used her sons to give you money instead
of them taking care of their families. The
Jola ancestors are not happy with you.
That's why you still stay in a shack no
matter how much money you accumulate
with your wickedness. You can never see
what you do with it. Your husband is busy
sleeping with all your friends and
neighbours but you are too engrossed in
witchcraft that you can't even see what is
happening." Luyolo and Loyiso are on
their feet with tears rolling down their

"Makazi?" She looks down and I chuckle

"You will all decide the best punishment

for her and you will let me know" I turn
and look at my wife "let's go Mazulu" she
blushes and we leave the the two
brothers busy questioning Makazi while
the King is sitting quietly observing



The past year has been difficult, the

intense physio and the meds but it was
worth it. All the pain, all the training was
worth it because today I can walk,
although I'm not one hundred percent
there yet but I'm getting there. I can walk
using a walking stick to balance, I owe my
wife a lot, that woman has been there for
me even when I did not deserve it. She
has been my biggest cheerleader and my
source of strength. Even with the shit I
put her through, she never even once
threw it in my face, I swear I owe her my

Another person who has been the best

through out my road to recovery is my
best friend, my brother from another
mother, King has been paying my salary
even though I haven't been active in a
long time. He has also made sure that the
physiotherapist and the nurse he hired for
me get paid separately from my salary.
My son and daughter are treated like
royalty, they are not treated differently
from Nkosiyabo and Azola.

This whole experience has taught me that

marriage is truly a blessing and when you
find a good woman. Stick with her
through thick and thin. Cheap thrills don't
last, in fact now that I think about it, I
wasn't really in love with Mpumi, it was
just infatuation, a phase, it was the
exciting sex that I misinterpreted as love.
Now what I have with Nonhlanhla is true
unconditional love.

We are getting ready to go to mphelele

kingdom, I still joke around with King
about almost sleeping with his sister, if my
boy wasn't taken with Khethelo then I
swear we would have had some incest
shit going on. Worst of all they are twins,
that would have been complicated.

"How do I look?" My wife asks twirling

"You look beautiful my angel" I say

pecking her lips.

"Did sbosh reach you? She called earlier

and said something about a traditional
ceremony" I sigh
"Yeah we spoke, she wants me to do a
ceremony to apologize to the ancestors
for hurting you and to thank them for
protecting me." She nods

"Let's wait until after the wedding then

we can go to bergville." She suggests

"I was thinking maybe we could also

renew our vows" she smiles

"Really?" I nod
"The first time we got married, I loved
you and wanted to prove to you that
there are good men out there but along
the way I became selfish and
inconsiderate. When I was locked in the
car trunk, naked and in excruciating pain. I
asked God to give me a second chance to
be a good husband to you and a good
father to our kids. I know I hurt you but I
swear I'm going to make you the happiest
woman on earth. I love you so much
please allow me to marry you again and
this with the understanding of how much
of a rear gem you are." She's in tears, I'm
in tears.


It's my wedding day. I'm standing in front

of the mirror with my traditional attire. I
can't believe I'm getting married to the
man of my dreams. In such a short space
of time I am so happy.

"Mama" i turn and find Azola on her feet

trying to walk but she falls. I quickly grab
my phone and record as she gets up and
tries again. I'm so emotional right now.
She's one year two months and I was
worried that she's taking long to walk.
Khethelo's son started walking at 10
months but Mkhuseli assured me that
babies are not the same. I sent him the
video with the caption "I guess she was
waiting for mommy and daddy to tie the
knot first"

"Are you ready?" Khethelo asked as she

walks into my bedroom.
"I am" I say looking at myself one more

"What happened to Makazi and her

husband anyway" I've been curious about
that because after Mkhuseli and I left the
room, I never heard what happened to

"Well King banished them. They are not

allowed anywhere near this kingdom as
for her punishment, I really don't know
what the brothers decided and you know
your brother. When I asked him he just
shrugged." I laugh

"She was your mother too, don't you

want some kind of justice, maybe tell
hubby to make her run mad or
something?" I chuckle

"As twisted as it may sound, Makazi was

the only family I knew after my father
chased me out. I still feel guilty that I
betrayed her by sleeping with her
husband. She didn't have to take me in
after my father disowned me but she did.
My mother took good care of me up until
the day she died so as much as I would
have loved to know my birth mother I
never grew up longing for one. I think
Luyolo and Loyiso are the ones that
should decide since she's been using
them for money."


"I can't believe I'm your wife" he chuckles

"Believe it"

"Why didn't you tell me that you are the

rightful heir to the throne of mphelele
kingdom?" He smiles

"Because I gave the throne to my uncle, I

knew about my calling since my first year
in varsity. I have always known that I will
become a seer to the Nzimeni kingdom.
My grandfather and my father prepared
me for it"
"I'm happy you found me when you did I
love you Mageba" he kisses me

The wedding festivities lasted two days,

the villagers ate and drank to their hearts
desire. I was welcomed as the daughter in
law and the Princess of the mphelele
kingdom. Queen Qhawekazi was very
welcoming and loving, I now understand
where Khethelo got her fierceness from
because her mother was telling me about
how I'm the brains in this marriage, how
to support my husband without losing
myself, how never to submit to disrespect
of any form. If my husband fails to protect
me, provide for me and love me then I
might as well leave the marriage.

I don't know what tomorrow holds for me

and Mkhuseli but I will give it my all. I will
love and respect him as my husband and
always support him in his journey of
being a sangoma.






I have been reading this article over and
over again. How can King do this to me? I
begged him not to tarnish my mother's
legacy by using my company for human
trafficking. I was woken by my step
brother Lindani telling me that my
husband and I are trending for the wrong

The culprit is not in bed, I find him in the

study drinking whiskey at 7 am and
clicking away on his laptop. As soon as I
open the door he looked at me for some
time then went back to his laptop doing
God knows what.

"Really King?" He doesn't bother to look

up. He knows that he is busted.

"Khethelo" I chuckle

"I can't believe you risked our marriage

getting involved in such a despicable
business. Isn't the money you have
enough? I trusted you." He looks up and
shakes his head
"I need to get my lawyer here, the police
will be sniffing around very soon. I will
answer to the law and even to the
kingdom but I will never answer to you. I
shouldn't have to Khethelo, I have never
lied to you in my life. Haven't I proven
myself to you? Close the door on your
way out" he says then he goes back to the
laptop. I hesitate a bit but I eventually
walk out

"We are looking for Kumkani Jola" I
swallow as the police make their way into
the dining room as we are having
breakfast. I look at King and he is so

"What can I do for you officers?" He askes

"I am detective Ndaba and this is my

partner detective Smith. We are here to
bring you in for questioning regarding the
container which was found at the harbour
in your place of business, you have to
come with us to Durban."

"Detectives, I'm advocate Mkhuseli Zulu,

my client will answer any questions you
have here, he will not be following you
anywhere since you do not have a
warrant of arrest." The officers look at
each and everyone at the table is
shocked, we didn't know that Mkhuseli is
an advocate and judging by King's
expression, he is also surprised.
"Before you bombard my clients with any
questions bare in mind that King Kumkani
Mkhonto is not involved in the day to day
running of the shipping company in
question. He has people who work for
him, he hasn't set foot at the harbour in
months, the young girls found in the
container are from Korea, his company
only ships to America and Singapore. Now
something doesn't add up, you should be
out there investigating how a Korean
container ended up there and who signed
for its arrival." The detectives keep quiet
and I look at my husband, I feel like crap
right now. This has my former best friend
written all over it, she has connections
with the Koreans. Great Khethelo just
bloody fucken great!



After the detectives left, my husband,

Mkhuseli and Thuba went into the study. I
swear I'm going to kill Mpumi for this. To
think that I believed that my husband is
involved. Why didn't I put the pieces
together? Mpumi spent some time in
Korea, I'm so stupid.

"Earth to Khethelo" Nonhlanhla says

snapping her fingers
"Sorry, what was that?" She smiles

"You seem miles away" I sigh

"Don't worry dear, King and Thuba have

never seen jail before and they never will.
There was a time when some detective
was obsessed with bringing the mighty
King down let's just say he made the front
page because his body was found in Cape
town half eaten by Sharks." Vuyelwa
laughs but stops laughing when she
realises that Noni is serious.

"Do you think my brother is involved in

human trafficking?" I shake my head

"He isn't, this has Mpumi written all over

it, and what's worse is that I accused my
husband of being involved" Noni shakes
her head

"King would never ever be involved in

such a business, not when they rescued
me and many other women from being
sex slaves. They frown upon that business
because Thuba's niece was sold to human

"Gee thanks for making me feel worse

than I already do." I say clicking my

"I didn't know that you are a lawyer"
Thuba says

"I'm an advocate, I had a life before I

answered my calling. I also have a law
firm and other businesses" Kumkani

"I'm happy my sister will be well looked

"She's rich, she just doesn't know it yet
Anyway I've been doing some digging and
the person beh......."

"Nompumelelo Nkosi, I don't need a

sangoma to tell me that bitch is behind
this" Thuba says clenching his jaws

"Yeah and I'm afraid she's out for blood."

"We mustn't underestimate her, she is

driven by hate and jealousy"
"We need to find her and deal with her
before she does any more damage." I
look over at the King and he has been
staring into space

"Are you okay my King" he sighs

"Can I please have some time alone" I

nod and I walk out with Thuba

"Is something wrong with King?" Thuba
looks concerned, I know he didn't like me
at first because he thought I was going to
take his place in King's life but now he is
starting to warm up to me.

"It's marital issues don't worry about it"

he nods

"When the time is right Thuba, you will

know what to do. You and Kumkani will
be put on the biggest test of your lives
but the love you have for him will guide
you" he frowns

"What are you on about?" I pat his

shoulder and walk away.


I find her in bed when I come out of the

shower, I walk into the closet to get
dressed. I can feel her eyes on me but I
ignore her. As soon as I'm done dressing
up I walk to the door.
"King where are you going? I thought we
could talk."

"Khethelo I'm tired I had a long stressful

day" she gets out of bed and walks up to

"I apologize my husband" I chuckle

"You know Khethelo I'm very

disappointed in you. Have I ever given you
a reason to doubt me?" She shakes her

"You are always too quick to assume the

worst of me. When Dladla said I should
take a second wife, you walked out on me
without even talking to me. You assumed
that I will agree to take a second wife. You
left me Khethelo and when you came
back I forgave you because I love you but
the fact of the matter is that you gave up
on us. Now this happens, don't you know
that you are my life? Why would I hurt
you like that When I know how much that
company means to you. When you
disappeared, I took care of all your
businesses, I was alone Khethelo with no
support, Thuba was busy with your crazy
friend and you were not here, yes I get
that the ancestors kept you away but the
way you left me I can't get that picture
out of my head. I was surrounded by
enemies in a foreign place. I needed you. I
am a product of rape Khethelo how dare
you accuse me of doing that to women?
Now you come at me with your dry
apology because you put two and two
together and figured that your friend is
the one who's out to get me, to get us. If
you'll excuse me I'm going to sleep" I walk
out and leave her sniffing. Khethelo really
disappointed me.


He ups the pace as he rams into her fast

and hard. Her ass is up, both her hands
and feet are tied. She can't even scream
because of the gag on her mouth. Those
deep strokes are driving her crazy. He
takes out his manhood then opens her
ass and starts to eat up her anus while
rubbing her clit with his thumb. Without
warning he inserts his dick in the anus
and fucks her hard and fast. He switches
between holes making her squirt all over
the sheets. He slams into her a couple of
times before reaching his peak.

"Damn girl, where have you been all my

life?" He says trying to catch his breath

"Around, so! Are you really a Prince?" He

chuckles, just another bitch obsessed
with royalty he thinks to himself

"Yep, my brother is the King of this

"I've never seen a real life palace before,
is it like the ones you see in movies"

"It's huge, the architecture is ancient but

still beautiful and captivating" she smiles

"I wish I could see it, will you take me

there as your royal guest?" He thought
about it for a while, Queen Khethelo is
crazy especially now that she's pregnant,
she might pour the poor kinky wild freak
with hot water
"Only if you don't lust after the King, his
wife is crazy"

"Why would I lust after him after the

mean strokes you've been dishing" he
flexes his muscles making her laugh

"Why do you have a Xhosa name when

you are a Prince in a Zulu kingdom, Luyolo
is Xhosa right?"
"You ask too many questions but it's a
long story even the King has a Xhosa
name." She giggles

"Yeah his name is Kumkani which means

King in Xhosa. So everything his subjects
address him the are literally saying king
king" Luyolo laughs throwing his head

"Untie these, it's my turn to fuck that

anus of yours now my prince" Luyolo gets
hard immediately.


"I think we should postpone our

honeymoon" I suggest we are supposed
to go to Zanzibar tomorrow.
"Why?" we are in bed cuddling

"My brother and his wife need us,

Khethelo is broken because she didn't
trust my brother and my brother is
sleeping in another room. It's just a mess
and with all the negative publicity this
kingdom is getting I just think we should
postpone." He kisses the back of my neck

"I hear you but this is not our fight, the

publicist has issued a statement and
furthermore arrests have been made
proving that Kumkani is not involved. My
business partner and colleague is aware
of this case and will be making it a top
priority as a precaution. Your sister in law
just needs to submit to her husband and
apologize. We are going on our
honeymoon Mazulu, we need this for our
little family that's growing" I smile.
Something in me moves each time he
calls me Mazulu.
After a steamy session with my husband I
decided to have a talk with my brother, I
know it's going to take a lot of patience to
get him to talk but he can't just bottle
things up. He is in his study so I knock
twice before opening the door. He's on a
call so I take a seat and let him finish.

"Wele" he smiles

"Is everything okay?" He asks

"Yeah Mkhuseli and I are going on our
honeymoon tomorrow morning" he nods

"That's good" I sigh

"I don't want to leave knowing that you

and Khethelo are not okay" he looks at
me for some time then sighs

"Khethelo and I will be fine"

"Okay if you need anything please let me

know. I love you" he nods, sigh!

"Maybe we should plan something nice

for them, a romantic dinner for
two"Nonhlanhla suggests

"I think we should let them sort this out

on their own. Let's not get involved, I
don't want Khethelo to snap at me."
Khethelo walks in looking like she has the
whole world on her shoulders
"I'm going to my mother for a couple of
days please give this to your brother" she
says handing me a letter

"I don't think that's a good idea, you can't

leave my brother" she scoffs

"Are you fucken deaf? I'm going away for

a couple of days I'm not leaving him!" She

"Why don't you tell him to his face that

you are leaving" she throws the letter on
the coffee table and walks out dragging
her suitcase.

"This is messed up" Noni says


I was not concentrating on the council

meeting at all, all I was thinking about
was my wife. Maybe I was too harsh on
her, I do miss cuddling her and feeling my
baby's kicks. Sigh! Who am I kidding, that
woman is my all and I can't stay mad at
her for long.

After the meeting I played a little with the

kids before going to our bedroom but she
was not there, I make my way to the
garden thinking perhaps she's outside
with my sister and Noni.

"Hey where is Khethelo?" Vuyelwa hands

me a letter
"She went to her mother's palace" my
heart races. She can't leave me again, I
rush to the car getting a driver and
bodyguards will take time so I speed off
heading to mphelele kingdom.


"I knew that you will follow her" King

Bukhosi says smiling

"She can't leave me"

"The fear you have of losing her is the
same fear she had when she came here
crying to her mother" I sigh

"I was just angry I would never leave her,

her lack of faith in me doesn't sit well
with me. I expected her to know that I
would never ever do that to her."


I decided to come speak to my mother

about how bad things are in my marriage.
She's been married twice and both
marriages she seemed to have excelled. I
hurt my husband so much I really don't
know how to fix things, I should be
enjoying this pregnancy with my husband
by my side not him sleeping in the next
room. What if I pushed him into the arms
of one of the servants? This is driving me
crazy. I can't lose that man.

"He said all that?" I nod wiping my tears

"So what are you doing here?" I frown

"I needed advice, how do I fix my
marriage, how do I assure my husband
that I'm not going anywhere?" She

"Certainly by not packing up and coming

here, honestly Khethelo I really don't
know how that brain of yours work. You
heard what your husband said but you
were not listening to him. How can you
have a healthy happy marriage when you
can't listen. Communication is not only
about talking, it is also about listening."

"I was listening to him mama" I say

defending myself

"I'm starting to question your intelligence.

The man told you what he went through
when you left him. You didn't give him a
chance, you just saw him taking another
wife and you left him when he needed
you the most. I don't even want to touch
the human trafficking saga Khethelo
because I'm very disappointed in your
reaction. Whether it was your husband or
any other person in your family, you don't
jumb into conclusion. I don't know your
husband's history about being a product
of rape but when Bukhosi and I read the
article we knew that King would never be
involved in such a business, I know he is a
gangster in a suit but that despicable
business is not his style" my eyes pop
"You thought I wouldn't do my research
on the man who's married to my

"You are not sleeping here tonight

Khethelo, go back to your husband and
humble yourself, if he wants space then
give it to him but don't leave your
matrimonial home thinking that will solve
things" I nod

"That man loves you baby, he will come

My mother was right, I knew she
wouldn't sugarcoat anything. She leaves
me in the room and I decide to say a little
prayer before walking out. I hear my
husband's voice. He's here, I walk in
slowly with my heart pounding. Our eyes
lock and I just stand there looking at him,
he is looking at me instensely. He walks
up to me and grabs my luggage bag.

"Let's go home" I nod and hug my parents


This idiot snuck me into the palace, I saw

the back of Thuba but he didn't see me. If
only they knew that I'm right under their
nose. My revenge is going to be epic, I'm
going to go down in history for taking out
thee King of the streets.

"This place is beautiful" he smiles

"I told you that you will like it"

"When am I meeting the rest of the


"I'll let you know, for now stay in the

room. My family doesn't like strangers I
just need to explain to my brother about
having a guest." I smile and nod. I take
out my phone texting my accomplice
"I'm in" I press sent and a few minutes
later my phone beeps

"We just arrived at Mxolisi's guest house

with the weapons, we will await further
instructions" I smile after reading the
message. Everything is going according to


I'm in his arms and I feel whole again. Last

night we drove back in silence but when
we got home I got down on my knees and
gave him one hell of a blow job before
apologizing. After the water works and
faking stomach cramps he was back to
being the King i know and love. We made
love the whole night, I have learned my
lesson, I will never doubt my husband
ever again.

I wish I could sleep in today but I need to

see Vuyelwa and Mkhuseli off, they are
going on their honeymoon and I also
need to help Noni with the kids.

"Where are you going" he says with his

deep voice, it's always deeper than usual
in the morning.
"I'm going to take a shower and prepare a
scrumptious breakfast for my King" he
smiles, he doesn't smile often but when
he does I swear my world stops for a

"You need to get up and see your sister

off" he scoffs

"I'm tired Khethelo" I plant a kiss on his

"I guess the morning glory in the shower
is cancelled" I say getting out of bed and
rushing to the shower. Moments later he
opens the shower door and we have a
hot steamy session.


After making breakfast for the whole

family, I pulled Vuyelwa aside.
"I'm going to miss you so much Mrs Zulu
and I'm sorry for my behaviour these past
couple of days. Please enjoy yourselves"
she smiles hugging me

"I'm just glad you two made up, my

brother is all smiles I bet the make up sex
was out of this world" I blush

"You have no Idea" we both laugh.

"I love you his Queen"

"And I love you his Mazulu" she giggles
hitting me playfully.


Everyone is saying their goodbyes, the

King seems to be at a better place with
his wife which makes me happy because
now he can think like the king that he is.
After breakfast everyone bid farewell to
us. You'd swear that we are going away
for a long time.
"Take care of yourselves" Khethelo says
hugging me.

"I'm glad you and the King fixed things

because he is going to need you. Your
marriage will face the biggest test it's ever
faced and you giving up on him would
literally kill him" she frowns

"What test?" I smile

"You will find out soon." I say walking
away. I walked up to Thuba and give him a
bro hug

"Enjoy your honeymoon man" he says

genuinely smiling

"I will and remember what we spoke

about." He frowns

"When the time is right Thuba, you will

know what to do. You and Kumkani will
be put on the biggest test of your lives
but the love you have for him will guide

"There you go again speaking in riddles."

After we said our good-byes to everyone,
my wife and I were driven to the airport.

"Are you ready to tour Europe" she


"I thought we are going to Zanzibar" I

"We will get there too, eventually"

"I'm so going to miss Azola and her


"I know my love, it's just going to be a

couple of months" she frowns again

"I thought we are going away for a


"I need at least two months to pump a

baby into you Mazulu" she smiles
"I love you" she giggles

"I love you too Mageba"


"Family I would like to introduce the

woman I want to take as my second wife"
Luyolo says. Khethelo and Nonhlanhla roll
their eyes, it's lunch time and everybody
is seated on the table waiting to be

"Shouldn't you be introducing her to your

wife back in Joburg?" Khethelo says

"Well she's already here"

"Here where?

"Here in the palace?"

"You snuck someone in without our
consent?" He laughs nervously

"It's not like that, let me bring her I swear

you will love her"

King has been quiet the entire time while

everyone is curious to see who is the new
flavour of the month. Luyolo already has
a child with one of the villagers and now
he is talking about another woman,
Khethelo is irritated and Thuba is amused.
The sound of the clicking heels get their
attention as Mpumi walks into the dining
room. Thuba sees red and attempts to
get up but five Korean men walk in.

"Drop your weapons boys" Mpumi says to

the guards.

"All the guards outside are dead and all

the exits are closed. Let the party begin"
Luyolo's mouth is hanging, he now
realizes that he brought the enemy to his

"My plan was to catch you off guard,

relaxed, cozy." Mpumi says.

"Mpumi are you out of your mind? You

have a death wish coming back here after
the shit you pulled" Khethelo says
attempting to get up but one of the
Korean men forces Khethelo to sit down
by pressing hard on her shoulders.
Khethelo wanted to retaliate but she
thought of the child she's carrying"

"Get your filthy hands off my wife!" King

roars. Mpumi swiftly takes out her gun
and shoots King on his arm. Thuba gets
up too but she shoots him on the leg.
Nonhlanhla is screaming her lungs out
much to Mpumi's irritation.

"Shut up bitch!" Mpumi roars

Khethelo looks at her husband, he is
holding his arm trying to stop the
bleeding. King mouths "I'm okay" to
Khethelo trying to calm her down. He is
also thinking about the safety of his
unborn child.

"Tie the women up" she instructs her


"You see khethi my friend, you are

everything you used frown upon. You are
weak, you are a kept woman, barefoot
and pregnant. I'm sure you are the one
cooking his food and enduring sloppy
predictable sex. We used to laugh at
those kind of women but you are one of
them now. Your mother's legacy is

"Deep down you wish you were me

Mpumi, no man has ever truly loved you.
All you are is a good fuck. That's why you
killed all those men right? You envy me
Mpumi, you have always wanted to be
me." Mpumi charges towards Khethelo
and tries to slap her but King is quick to
grab her by the throat unexpectedly.

"Shoot him" Mpumi shouts as King

squeezes her neck. 8 bullets leave the
barrel and everything seems to be on
pause for a moment.


"King!" Khethelo shouts trying to untie
herself. Nonhlanhla is in tears as well,
watching her husband laying on the floor
not moving, King groans as he and
Mpumi fall to the ground.

Three men burst in, shooting at the

Koreans. Khethelo is fighting to set herself
free until she succeeds. Not minding the
three tall men she runs to her husband.
Both King and Thuba are laying in a pool
of blood.
"King wake up baby please!" She cried
out begging for king to open his eyes.
One of the men bends and checks Thuba
and Mpumi's pulse

"There's no pulse on both of them, they

are dead. He tries to touch King but
Khethelo is quick to pick up Mpumi's gun
and point at the man

"Don't touch my husband!" The man gets

up and puts his hands up in surrender.
Noni comes running and crouches down
looking at her husband

"Thuba!" She lets out a gut wrenching


"Thuba don't do this to me" she says

shaking him

"Khethelo I'm Patrick, king sent an SOS

text. We got here as soon as we could,
the ambulance is on its way."
"We are all king's friends, Bradley here is
a doctor do you mind if he checks your
husband?" Khethelo moves aside and
watches as the white man is busy with
her husband. She looks over at the lifeless
Mpumi on the floor and she points the
gun at her and empties all the bullets on
her head. Patrick and Juan watch her in
amazement and they chuckle. King did
say his wife is gangster.

I watch as the paramedic guy declares my
husband dead. I can hear the words
coming out of his mouth but nothing
makes sense. Why would Thuba jump in
front of the bullets like that? I understand
that he is fond of King but what about
me? Didn't he think about me and his
children before playing hero? I'm trying to
make sense of everything but nothing
makes sense. I'm a widow, I'm now a
widow. I can't stop the tears
"I'm so sorry Noni I called Thuba's mother
she's on her way here. Hlehle will help
you with the kids, I have to go to the
hospital with King." I nod

"What's going to happen to her, I say

pointing at Mpumi's body, she died an
easy death, King snapped her neck then
Khethelo shot her head off. I'm just glad
the kids are locked upstairs with hlehle.
"We will take care of it, I'm sorry for your
loss. I wish we got here sooner. Thuba
was a good man" I nod

"I'm Juan Ameto by the way" I nod again. I

look over at Mpumi and my anger rises. I
hate her, I hate her so much. Didn't she
think of her daughter when she was
plotting to kill Thuba?

Sbosh arrived with two of Thuba's uncles.
We drove to the hospital where they kept
Thuba's lifeless body in the hospital
morgue. She already made the
arrangements with the undertaker to
transport my husband's body to bergville.

"Oh my son!" Sbosh sobs holding his cold

hand. He took 6 of the 8 bullets, he acted
as a human shield for King. I don't
understand why, I don't get it. God please
help me understand why would he
sacrifice his life like that.
"I'm angry mama, I'm angry at my
husband for making me a widow at such
a young age, I'm angry at him for bringing
that crazy woman into our lives, I'm angry
at him for dying for another man when I
still need him." I cry out on Sbosh's

"It's okay makoti I'm sure King would have

done the same for my son. I know right
now nothing makes sense but Thuba
loved you and his children with all his
heart. Everything will be okay my
daughter" I break down in her arms,
Thuba really did a number on me. After
checking in on King we drove to bergville
to bury my husband.


My heart goes out to Nonhlanhla, Thuba

literally jumped in front of King and took
the bullets that were meant for him. Only
two bullet hit my husband, one on the leg
and the other on his chest which
punchered his lung but thanks to his
doctor friend he was able to open
another airway for him to be able to

I don't know what would have become of

me if I lost King. I don't mean to sound
insensitive but I'm thankful to Thuba for
saving my husband's life. King's three
friends are at the hospital with me. I
didn't know that King is friends with such
people. They are all tall and buff just like
my husband and just like my husband
they are very scary well that's the energy
they give off.

My parents and Lindani walk towards us, I

run to my mother and launch myself in
her arms.

"How is he?" King Bukhosi asks

"He'll live, they managed to take out the

bullets. He is in an induced coma but he
will wake up in a couple of hours." Lindani
has been looking at king's friends, my
mother nudges me poiting at them with
her head

"Mom, dad these are king's friends

Patrick, Juan and Bradley, uhm guys these
are my parents the king and Queen of
mphelele kingdom and this is my little
brother Lindani" they exchange greetings

The doctor came to let us know that King

is awake. As soon as I walked into the
ward I couldn't hold the tears.
"My King" I say rushing to him. He looks
at me then smiles

"Is my baby okay?"

"Which baby" I say pouting and he


"Are all my babies okay?" I nod

"What happened after I killed that bitch?"

I sigh
"You were shot" he nods

"Thuba took most of the bullets" he


"I'm sorry my husband but Thuba is gone,

he died shielding you." He closes his eyes
for a moment and opens them. His eyes
are now bloodshot red.

"Please leave" I frown

"I know this is hard b......."

"Out!" He roars not letting me finish the
sentence. I look at him with tears rolling
down my cheeks. I want to be there for
him but he is pushing me away.
I step outside and sigh sitting next to my

"Give him time baby, he lost a dear friend

and a brother. The worst part is that he
died saving his life, he probably blames
himself and also feels guilty." Bukhosi
says, I guess they heard him chase me

"Your father is right Khethelo, don't give

up on your husband. He is hurting right
now and he is going to need you." I nod
wiping my tears will we ever have peace?


The door opens, Patrick Juan and Bradley

walk in. I am in no mood to see anyone
right now but I don't want to be rude
since I'm the one who text them I can't
believe Thuba is gone, why would he do
that? I'm broken. Thuba has been my
trusted right hand man for a long time
but over and above that Thuba has been
my best friend and a brother to me.

"How are you feeling?" I shrug

"Thank you for coming"

"You know we are not yet done right? We

are sending those Koreans back to Korea
and we are going to kill each and every
family member they have including their
dogs and cats" Patrick says

"I wouldn't expect any less from you man

beast" he chuckles

"I'm sorry about your right hand man

Thuba. It must hurt like hell" Juan says

"Yeah I wish I could wake that bitch up

and kill her all over again" I say clenching
my jaws
"Yeah well the little dynamite wife of
yours took care of that. You have a gem
there man," I nod

"Thanks again for your help guys" they

nod and we say our goodbyes. These
three are well known and most feared in
the underworld but they are also
prominent businessmen and husbands.
We say our goodbyes then I'm left alone
in my own thoughts.
It's going to be hard to go through this life
without you Thuba. Nobody knows me
like you did not even my wife. I'm going to
miss you and I give you my word, your
wife and kids will never lack anything in
their lives. Thank you my brother and I
hope you rest easy my soldier.

*Five Years Later*


*Five Years Later*


I'm a mother of two now, a wife to the

most loving man and a Queen of a
thriving kingdom. Looking back at the
past five years, there were times when I
wanted to give up and walk away from
my marriage and the kingdom.

King was consumed with grief and guilt

that he changed completely, he buried
himself in a lot of work and neglected me
and our children, I went through the last
trimester of my pregnancy alone and
stressed. I felt that I had to tip toe around
Nonhlanhla and King was impossible to
handle. My mother had to come to live in
the Nzimeni kingdom for three months
after I gave birth just to support me.

Vuyelwa and Mkhuseli were also there for

me but I needed my husband. He not
only neglected his duties as a husband
and father, he also neglected his duties as
King. He went back to work full time
sometimes staying months in Jozi.

Mkhuseli kept saying that I shouldn't give

up on him so I stuck it out but the last
straw was when some hoe influencer slay
queen Linda Chuma posted a picture of
her and King in a hotel room. I was hurt
more than anything I was broken. I waited
for him to come home which he did after
a month of that incident.

"I took the kids to my mom, I want us to

talk" I prepared dinner for two.

"Hmm" I chuckle

"Do you still want to be married to me, do

you still want this family" he shrugs

"Is that why you slept with Linda Chuma?

You broke the sacred vows we made to
each other. I understand that Thuba's
death was difficult for you. I allowed you
to grieve your own way but I draw the
line at cheating King, I told you that I
don't share but you have allowed another
woman to have what's mine." He stares
at me without saying a word.

"How's the steak?" He frowns

"It's okay" I nod

"I hope you enjoy the last supper. I told
you that I don't share, I'd rather be a
widow than share you with some bitch"
his eyes popped. Of course I didn't poison
him well except that he is going to sleep
on the toilet seat tonight.

"I'm sorry" I chuckle

"Now you can be with your friend since

my children and I don't mean a thing to
**********End of

It's been four years since that fateful

evening. I think I went overboard with the
Indian peanut that I grated into his steak
because he was hospitalised after two
days due to the non stop diarrhea, he
became weak and I had no choice but to
take him to the hospital.

After he was given fluids through a drip,

he stayed two days in hospital before
getting discharged. When he came home,
he got on his knees and apologized. He
asked me for a second chance and I
forgave him wholeheartedly because God
knows that I love that man with
everything in me.

Nkosiyabo is now 7 years old and my

daughter Nofoto is turning 5 years old in
three months time. Our family is now
stronger than before and king is back to
being a good husband, father and king of
this kingdom.
"Are you sure you have to leave" I plant a
kiss on his cheek

"Stop sulking, it's only for two nights.

Nonhlanhla and Vuyi are coming with me.
We need this baby, we need to get our
groove back." He sulks and I laugh. He has
become so clingy lately

"I love you bababo but I'm leaving" I'm

being honoured for the work that I do in
women empowerment. I head many
projects that empowers women in and
around the surrounding kingdoms. All
roads lead to Sandton convention center
for a night of prestige. I decided to take
the ladies with me.


It's been five years since I buried my

husband. I stayed almost a year in
bergville before returning to Nzimeni
kingdom. King and Khethelo have been
taking good care of my kids and I. It took a
while for me to understand and forgive
Thuba for making me a widow.

Losing him broke my soul, I used to wake

up in the middle of the night and just
break down. If it wasn't for Siphosethu
and Nosihle I swear I would have lost
myself. Things were not bad for me only.
Even King was in a dark place but because
of the strong and patient wife he has. She
practically pulled him out of the darkness.
As for me well it's been five years but I
still miss him like a did a month after his
burial. I can never forget that man who
saved my life in more ways than one and
his legacy continues through his children,
he has given me beautiful children and a
family in Khethelo and her husband. Not
forgetting Vuyelwa too.

We are at Michaelangelo hotel in Sandton

and we are given a true royal treatment
thanks to Khethelo being the famous
Queen of the Nzimeni kingdom. We are
having a late lunch at the restaurant
having a light conversation.
"I miss jozi" I blurt out

"Really?" Khethelo asks drowning

"Yeah, jozi is a fast paced environment.

There's no time to sit and sulk, life goes
on. The night life is amazing and people
never sleep. Especially in hilbrow" I say
thinking of my days when I was turning
tricks in summit.
"Yeah I get you but Nzimeni is a great
hidden place to raise your kids. They get
the best education and they grow up in a
peaceful and traditional environment you
know" I nod

"I thought about relocating to our house

in parkhurst but then again I thought
about my kids. They love being the prince
and princess, they love the life of being
pampered." I say shaking my head
"Queen Khethelo!" Someone shouts and
we all turn our heads only to find the
bimbo that King slept with.

"I've been trying to get hold of you but

your administration team has been giving
me the runaround" Khethelo looks calm
but I know she's boiling inside

"What do you want bitch?" Vuyelwa

"I want to get hold of your husband"
Khethelo gets up grabbing her bag and
Vuyelwa and I know what's in that bag.

"Khethelo calm down, this bitch wants

you to have a PR nightmare. Please calm
down and don't you dare do what you are
thinking of"

"Bitch walk" I say

"Look since your husband doesn't want to

answer my phone please give him my
number, we have a child together. He
fucked me pregnant and left me. My
daughter is 3 years and 2 months old. I'm
willing to do a DNA test if he doesn't
believe me but she is an exact replica of
her father. I didn't go public with this
because I know that it's not good for his
image." Khethelo sits back down looking

"What image were you trying to protect

when you posted a picture of him in your
hotel room." She scoffs
"I swear I didn't know who he was back
then until I got a call from some law firm
named Zulu attorneys demanding that I
remove the picture and write an apology.
It was a one night stand and I never saw
him again. I tried to reach out to you
several times when I found out I was
pregnant with no luck" Khethelo is just
sitting there dumbfounded.

"Waiter I need a double shot of your best

vodka please" Khethelo says to a waiter
who was passing our table. This shit is
messed up.


"You can't keep on ignoring this issue my

king, your blood is out there and needs to
come home for a welcoming ceremony so
that the child can be protected" I sigh

"I only cheated on my wife once with

some slay Queen that I don't even
remember what she looked like." I rub my
face frustrated

"Well I can get you her details" I sigh

"Khethelo is either going to kill me or

leave me, I'd rather she do the latter
because I don't see myself living without
her" he chuckles

"Then you should have thought about

that before having unprotected sex with
another woman. For a man who fears
losing her you sure as hell treated her like
an inconvenience. Coming and going as
you please, you were not even there for
the birth of your daughter. How that
woman forgave you is still a mystery to

"I was grieving" he sighs

"I understand that but you robbed your

wife of the opportunity to be there for
you. Now you have ruined your marriage"
I bury my face in my hands
"Can't you throw your bones and see if
Khethelo will leave me?" He chuckles

"She might feed you a slow poison that

numbs your joints and when you are
unable to move completely, she might
bring some dude and have sex in front of
you while you watch another man have
his way with your wife and you are unable
to do shit about it" my eyes pop and I get
up pacing
"Please tell me you are joking man
please" he shrugs

"It's either that or she will leave you" I

sigh sitting back down

"I'd rather die"

"Good luck my king because this won't

stay hidden forever. The ancestors want
their blood home"


I hardly slept last night after the bomb

that King's lover dropped. I'm hurt and
confused, i can't even cry about it. A child
with another woman means the end of
our marriage. I know that harlot will be a
thorn in my way and I'm not up for all that
drama. I just want peace, I've been
fighting all my life, this was my time to be
happy in my marriage but king had to pull
a rug under my feet. I'm done!

After the award ceremony i decided that I

wanted to go back home and face my
cheating husband once and for all
because he succeeded in ruining my

"I'm sorry" Vuyelwa says and I smile

"It's okay" Nonhlanhla holds my hand.

"I'm divorcing him" they gasp

"Don't let that homewrecker win" I shake

my head

"My husband is the one in the wrong

here, he's the one who made and broke
the vows we made."
"I just hope and pray that you two find a
way to move forward" I don't see that

I decided to call my parents and asked

them to come over to the Nzimeni
kingdom and I also asked the council
members to be present.


We arrived in the evening and my

husband was shocked to see us because
he was expecting us to return the
following day. I know my face could not
hide the pain I was feeling, I had to tell
him why I returned.

"Oh so you knew?" He sighs

"I didn't, Mkhuseli has been having

dreams about the ancestors wanting their
blood on this soil" I chuckle

"Your ancestors are truly funny. How

many bastard children are out there
fathered by Mkhonto? What makes this
one special? You know what, nevermind I
don't want to know. King I'm done with
this marriage."

"Khethelo I messed up" I chuckle

"Damn right you did and I'm not going to

stick around watching you welcome her
into this kingdom"

"I'm sorry please"

"I'm sorry too" I say walking away.

My parents came and the council

members are also present. King has his
head bowed which is a first because my
husband never bows to anyone, he is
always bold and confident even in difficult

"Thank you all for coming, yesterday I

found out that my husband impregnated
another woman and they have a three
year old daughter today." My mother
closes her eyes for a moment probably
feeling the pain I'm going through

"I have been through a lot with this man,

five years ago his best friend died and
King made us all suffer, I had to look after
the kingdom, my children and try to
support him even when he pushed me
away. I tried to be understanding and
being a good wife to him but in return he
laid with another woman and broke my
heart. I forgave him but I cannot forgive
his love child. She will be a constant
reminder of my husband's betrayal which
is why I have decided to end our
marriage. I want a divorce" the room
went silent until king cleared his throat

"My elders I thank you all for coming. I

firstly would like to humble myself to my
wife and apologize again for what I put
her through five years ago. There is no
excuse whatsoever and I regret it
everyday, I was not there to see my wife
give birth to our daughter and that
haunts me everyday. I am willing to do
anything to get my wife to forgive me.
The seer has confirmed that this child is
mine and I will do all the necessary
ceremonies and make sure my wife is
comfortable with how I handle things
going forth" I chuckle

"There is no going forth King I want out of

this marriage"

"My daughter don't make hasty decisions

when you are angry" my father says
"I'm not angry Baba I'm hurt and the
person who hurt is the very same man
who swore to protect my heart. I'm tired
of being strong okay? I am tired of
hanging in there and being brave and
pretending that I got all my shit together,
I'm tired of fighting, I cannot fight the
world and my marriage too. I also lost a
friend in Mpumi but I dared not mourn
her death. Men fucked her over and she
went crazy but nobody talks about what
led to her crazy behaviour. I don't want to
end up crazy and bitter like Mpumi
because of a man who can't keep his
promises. I can't look at king's daughter
and not feel betrayed. I don't want to be
bleed on the innocent child. I want out."


"Yes baby" he is eating me up like my

pussy is his favourite addiction. He sucks
my clit while fucking me with his fingers.
I'm grabbing on to his head as I grind on
his poor face and I feel an orgasm build
up, I love how he can read my body
language because he increases the pace
of his fingers which are drilling my nuna.
He slightly bite on my clit causing me to
cum all over his fingers and lips. I breathe
heavily trying to recover from that intense

"I'm not done with you baby, turn around

chest down and ass up" I do as told and
don't this man drill me from behind
making me bite on the sheets. Did I
mention that his strokes always go deep?
He fucks me so good and we cum at the
same time screaming one another's

"That was amazing" I say smiling, we are

now cuddling in bed.

"It was" he says after sometime.

"I think we should stop this" he says

"Because I have fallen for you
Nonhlanhla. It's hard not to, you are
beautiful, intelligent and sexy as hell. You
are amazing but I can't keep fucking you
then watch you walk out that door like it
meant nothing, I want to love you loudly
and proudly. I want to show you off, I
want you to me my woman but since you
made it clear that you don't want more I
think it's only logical to end things" he
says getting dressed.
"Mxolisi I told you that I'm not ready for a
relationship, I need time" he chuckles

"It's been two years of us fucking, how

much time do you need? It's not enough
that you sometimes call out his name
during sex Nonhlanhla I can't compete
with your dead husband because he's
gone, he can't do no wrong he's gone." I

"You don't understand" I say crying

"I lost my fiance and unborn child in a car
accident. So don't tell me I Don't
understand, I too have lost someone
special to me but I'm open to live again,
to love again." I look away

"I'm not ready" he nods

"Do you know what is insanity?" I shake

my head
"Doing the same thing over and over
again expecting different results" he says

"Lose my number unless you call to book

a room. I'm tired of waiting for you
Nonhlanhla. I wish you the best" he walks
out leaving me shattered.

I met Mxolisi two years ago when

Khethelo had a seminar for women in
business at his guest house. He followed
me to the ladies and we fucked that same
day. It was thrilling, spontaneous and
adventurous. We've been having hook
ups since then. I told him that I don't
want a relationship because I was not
ready to move on, I guess he's tired of
waiting for me. I must say that I'm hurt. I
really enjoy having him around.


I watch as she packs her bags. My world is

caving in on me and there's nothing I can
do or say because she's made up her
mind. I hurt her and destroyed the best
thing I ever had. Khethelo is my life, I've
lost my wife.

The council members had no choice but

to grant Khethelo's request to dissolve
the marriage not that she needed their
consent. Her mother didn't say a word,
she just shook her head in
disappointment. I can't believe that I lost
my wife over a one lousy round that I
can't even remember. I never even
handled her. I just fucked her with no
emotions but little did I know that one
moment would ruin my life and I have
nobody to blame but.

"I'm sorry Khethelo" she nods and

continues packing

"I'm not going to give up on you, on us. I

love you with everything in me. I hurt you
I know but I will earn your trust again. You
were made for me Khethelo. You are my
strength, my happy place, my everything
and for a moment I forgot that and took
you for granted but I swear on
Thembakazi's grave. I will never let you
go. You are mine and I am yours until
oMkhonto decide to call me home. This
heart beats only for you and my children"
she sighs

"I'm taking the kids and moving away.

When I'm ready, I will tell you where I am
and I will allow the kids to visit until they
are old enough to decide where they
want to live" I don't say anything I just
stare at her. When she's done packing I
watch as she hugs my crying sister,
Nonhlanhla and all the other kids. She
turns to look at me one more time and I
swallow the lump in my throat.

I feel Mkhuseli's hand on my shoulder

and I fail to hold the tears, I just let them

"I hope you are happy Kumkani, the kids

are devastated now that they are
separated. This is all your fault." My sister
says storming out. She is right, everyone
is now paying for my mistakes.


*Few Weeks Later*

Khethelo and her two children have been
in Cape town for a couple of weeks now.
Although the Prince and Princess are
confused about the sudden change they
seem to be enjoying their time in Cape
town and mostly staying in a five star
hotel. Khethelo on the other hand is all
over the place. She is going through
emotional withdrawals, King Kumkani
Mkhonto was her drug and being away
from him is very difficult but driven by
hurt and anger, she is determined to start
her new life away from the man who
shattered her very soul.


"Nofoto no running!" I shout, we are at

the hotel lobby on our way to the
restaurant to have lunch but my daughter
is running all over the place until she
bumped into someone.

" Nofoto!" I shout

"Sorry about that" she bumped into a
beautiful woman with blond short her
and freckles that suit her beautifully. She
smiles and helps Nofoto up.

"It's okay, kids will always be kids" I smile

"I'm Nthatisi Drake"she says holding out

her hand.

"Khethelo Mkhonto" I shake her hand and

she smiles
"Ah! I'm blessed to have royalty in my

"Is this your hotel?" She nods.

" I've been here for two weeks and I must

say I love it here"

"Thank you"

"The kids and I were going for lunch

would you like to join us?" I don't know
why I'm inviting her to have lunch at her
own hotel but her aura is inviting and

"I'd love to" we walk into the restaurant

and settle down.

"How long are you in Cape town for?" I


"I'm looking for a house this side, I've

been dreading going through the process
of house hunting but I know my kids and I
can't stay in a hotel forever" she nods
"My daughter in-law own a real estate
company, I'm sure she can make the
whole process bearable" I nod

"I just want to describe the kind of house I

want then move in as soon as I find it
without going through the process of ,
houses, I don't have the energy for that"
she smiles

"I'm sure she can do that, let me give you

her number." A familiar face walks over to
our table, it's the white doctor friend who
helped King five years ago when he was

"Mrs King" the man says, I just smile

awkwardly because I forgot his name.

"Baby" he says bending and kissing

Nthatisi who is a blushing mess right now.

"You two know each other?" Nthatisi asks

"Yeah her husband the king is a friend and
associate of ours" she nods

"What brings you to Cape town?" He asks

"What brings everyone else who's not

from here, a clean slate" he nods.

"Well welcome Mrs king" he kisses

Nthatisi one more time then walks away.

"9 years ago my husband and I went
through a messy divorce. While I was in a
coma, he cheated on me and made his
mistress pregnant. I was so angry and
hurt that I asked him for a divorce. He
tried to beg me to stay but I refused, I was
so focused on my justified anger that I
made a hasty decision. After I cooled
down and tried to put myself in his shoes,
I was ready to forgive him but he granted
me the divorce and left. He left for two
whole years and that was the longest two
of my life. When he came back we got
married again and guess what? the
mother of the child he fathered died and
she signed over her parental rights to me.
When I look at Amy I don't see my
husband's betrayal. She my daughter and
I love her with everything in me. Men
don't know how to handle stress and
sometimes they fuck up because let's be
honest, these big strong macho men are
weak when it comes to handling tough
situations. What your husband did was
wrong and hurtful but you love him right?
Now you realize that he is not perfect
after all. He has flaws too, this larger than
life man of yours is not perfect now
imagine going through your life with him.
Or even two years, without seeing him or
hearing his voice. You've been here for a
couple of weeks but I bet you it has been
hell without him and the only reason you
have been able to keep it together is
because you keep on concentrating on
the betrayal to fuel your anger." I nod
wiping my tears. After the lunch we
decided to have drinks on the balcony at
my hotel room while we share each
other's stories.


"You miss him don't you?" I nod

"With what is happening between my

brother and Khethelo don't you think you
should just take that leap of faith and give
yourself a second chance at love?" Yeah
this place is just not the same without
Khethelo and the kids. It's dull and sad,
don't get me started on King, I feel sorry
for him, he is like a lost puppy.

"It's really sad what's happening to them

and to think that tomorrow we have to
endure the welcoming ceremony with
that woman who caused all this"

"As much as I would like to blame the

woman my brother is the one at fault
here but she mustn't think she will
replace Khethelo" Vuyelwa says
"No one can replace Khethelo in King's
heart, those two are just perfect for each
other." I say smiling I hope they find their
way back to each other.

I drive to Mxolisi's guest house crossing

my fingers. I don't know what I'm hoping
to achieve by coming here but all I know
is that I miss him very much. Maybe I am
ready to let go of Thuba.
I walk in and the receptionist smiles, she
knows me from the many times I've been

"Is Mxo in?" She nods and I walk to his

office and I find him sitting with another
woman who's wearing a skimpy outfit.

"Hi I'm sorry to disturb" his face hardens

as soon as he lays his eyes on me

"Mrs Mhlongo how can I help you?" That

hurts honestly, he moved on so quickly or
could it be that she has always been

"I just...." The girl folds her arms and

raises her eyebrows. It's times like these I
wish Khethelo was here she could have
slapped the bitchiness out of her

"You just what? Get to the point Mrs

Mhlongo as you can see I'm busy" wow
this man really wants nothing to do with
"I'm sorry" I say close to tears, i turn to
walk away but I stop on my tracks and
turn around again

"Mxolisi I miss you, I miss you so much. I

want to be your woman. I want you to
show me off, I guess I needed the push to
realise that I too have fallen deeply in love
with you. Thuba was..... Thuba is my past
you are my present and my future if you'll
have me" I say looking down. I didn't hear
him get off his chair but he is now
standing in front of me he lifts my chin
with his fingers making me look at him.

"I love you" I smile

"I love you too" he attacks me with a tight

hug slightly lifting me up.

"Put me down Mxolisi" I say giggling. For a

moment I forgot about the woman in his
office until she cleared her throat. He
puts me down and we turn to face her
"You must be Nonhlanhla, I'm Unathi,
Mxolisi's sister" she says already
launching herself in my arms

*******LINDA CHUMA*******

Today I'm traveling with my daughter

Sbahle to the famous kingdom of
Nzimeni. When King Kumkani's lawyer
got hold of me last week saying that a
driver will be coming to pick my daughter
and I up, I was super excited. At least my
daughter will live like the princess she is.

I met Kumkani at the hotel he was staying

at, I was meeting one of my sugar daddies
but fortunately for me he cancelled that's
when I threw myself at Kumkani at the
restaurant inside the hotel and luckily for
me he asked for the bill and instructed
me to follow him to his room. I knew
exactly who he was and I couldn't believe
that I was going to have sex with such a
man. When we got into his room. He
fucked me senseless. He had no messy, I
had to see a doctor the next day because
I had tearing down there. He gave me a
stack of cash and told me never to look
his way again.

Two months later I found out I was

pregnant. At first I thought it was my main
boyfriend's child because he was the only
one I didn't usually use protect with but
when Sbahle was born I just knew that he
belonged to Kumkani Mkhonto. I tried to
get hold of him but that man is
unreachable, I went through the Queen's
administration but I was sent from pillar
to post until I gave up and left Sbahle with
my mother. I struck gold when one of my
blessers took me to a five star restaurant
inside Michaelangelo hotel and that's
when I saw Queen Khethelo. She's short
and beautiful but I don't care stena ke

We get to the huge, no scratch that

gigantic palace. I swear I'm going to enjoy
staying here phela I'm the mother of the
princess of this kingdom. Yoll better
recognize! I giggle to myself when I think
about how huge my daughter and I made
it .

"My lady right this way" wow I'm my lady,

like in the movies

"This is where you and the Princess will

be sleeping, you can freshen up and
come to the dinning room dinner will be
served at 7 pm" I squill
"Will the King and Queen be present?"
she nods and closes the door"

"Mama where are we?" Sbahle asks

looking around. This bedroom is bigger
than my entire apartment

"We are home baby, we are home"

*At the dinner table*

I walk in wearing the tightest, shortest
and sexiest body hugging dress. My 40
inch Brazilian is longer than my dress. I
make my way in and all eyes are on me. I
pull up a chair next to my baby daddy and
some troll almost swallows me

"That's Khethelo's chair find somewhere

else to sit" I roll my eyes

"Come nana, say hi to daddy" I say picking

up Sbahle and attempt to give her to her
father but Sbahle resists."
"She's not used to you yet" my daughter
and I take a seat across the king who is
just as stiff as the last time I saw him.

"Where's the Queen anyway? Don't tell

me she's one of those insecure women
who is crying her eyes out in the
bedroom because hubby indulged in the
forbidden fruit and has a child outside,
tell her to relax man we are not here to
take her place" I don't know what
happened but I found myself being
chocked by the King my feet dangling in
the air and loud screaming followed


*******LINDA CHUMA********
He throws me on the floor and I cough
uncontrollably trying to breathe. I peed
on myself because my dress is wet. I let
out a loud sob, I've never been so
frightened in my life. I think I saw my life
flashing before my eyes. My daughter is
probably scared too, one of the women
helps me up and as soon as I'm on my
feet I run and hide behind a gorgeous
man with long dreadlocks.

"Sisi if you want to leave this palace alive

after your daughter's ceremony please
dear get the Queen's name out of your
mouth" a tall lady says. Kumkani gives me
the deadliest look I've ever seen and my
blood runs cold immediately before
sitting back down and eating as if he
didn't just choke slam me

"Can I please take my daughter back to

the bedroom please?" my voice is literally
gone, I'm feeling so much pain right now.
I'm so embarrassed walking back to the
bedroom holding my one shoe and
wearing the other
"Mama peed yourself" she shouts, I don't
reply because it's painful to talk, I can't
wait to leave this place. This Kumkani
character is very scary and crazy. I want
nothing to do with him. I should have
known from the rough sex that he is a no
go area. He's probably a sadist, I don't like
that freaky humiliating shit during sex
nope I'm done.

The ceremony went well, my daughter
was introduced to her ancestors, I can't
wait to leave this place. The entire
ceremony I was afraid to look at the King.
My throat is sore and my voice is gone.
I've been drinking ginger and honey tea
to soothe my voice but nothing seems to
be working.

My bags are packed and I'm ready to go

back home. The rest of the royal family is
sitting in the lounge, they didn't bother to
introduce themselves neither did I after i
almost met my maker. I'm treading very
carefully. I'm too far from home to die in a
foreign land. This place is too hidden, my
family won't even know where to look for
me. I clear my throat and everyone looks
up at me except the sadist.

"Thank you for accommodating us and

thank you for the welcoming ceremony,
we have to go back home now" the
handsome guy with the dreadlocks looks
shakes his head
"Sisi you can't leave with the Princess" my
eyes pop

"Why not?" It's painful to talk, I think

vocal cords are busted.

"Your daughter is a princess, she can't

grow up outside the kingdom. You have
two choices, you can either move this
side and stay close to your daughter. You
will have no title but you will be respected
and comfortable if you stay in your lane
or you can leave the princess here and
she will be taken care of. It's up to you,
but no daughter of ours will live outside
the kingdom." I swallow hard, I have a life
back in Jozi. I attend exclusive parties and
that boosts my followers on the gram, I
can't be tied down to some kingdom in
the bundus, nope! I don't think so but yet
again I can't just give away my daughter
for free, just like that on a silver platter
after I went through 13 hours of labour
and the 1k I was sending to my mother to
raise her. I must be compensated.
"I can't live here" he nods

"But I also can't give away my daughter

for free" one of the ladies chuckle

"Are you selling your daughter?" I shake

my head, the King hasn't spoken nor
looked my way.

"I just think it's only fair that I get

something after I struggled raising her
single handedly."
"How much do you want?" the king finally
speaks still not looking at me.

"Uhm.... I" I'm afraid of this man, I'm

literally shaking. He takes out his phone
and presses on it until my phone Beebs.

"Mkhuseli here will prepare a legal

document for you to sign your parental
rights over to me and a non disclosure
agreement" I open the message and I
almost faint looking at all the zeros
deposited into my account. I have never
ever had so much money in my life. I
knew keeping the pregnancy was the best
decision I ever made.

"Do we have an agreement?" I nod a

couple of times not taking my eyes off my
phone as if the money will disappear if I
look elsewhere.

"We have a deal"

Nthatisi is truly a breath of fresh air, I
really enjoy her company. Today she
invited me to her house to have lunch
with her and her family. It's safe to say
that I've scored myself another friend.
The story she told me about her and her
husband really helped to see things
differently. I can't say I have forgiven King
yet but I can admit that my life sucks
without him however I'm still mad as hell
and for now I just want to enjoy this time
away with my kids until I can feel in my
heart that I have forgiven him completely.

"Nkosiyabo help your sisters finish up or

I'm leaving you both behind"

"I miss daddy" Nofoto says. She's daddy's

little princess

"I know baby, we will do a video call when

we come back from aunty Nthatisi okay?"
She nods smiling.
"Finish up I need to call a cab" a knock
comes through the door and I rush to go
open and Mrs Drake is standing there
with her warmest smile and freckles
looking beautiful.

"What are you doing here? I was about to

call a cab" she laughs

"I had a crisis at one of my shops

baecation so I figured I might as well pick
you guys up since I was close by" I nod
"Kids let's go!" They come out running

We get to her car after buckling up we hit

the road. I notice a black land rover tailing

"Do you have bodyguard following you

around?" She laughs

"Usually but today I told my driver to stay

behind because I will be quick, he was
reluctant but he ended up letting me
drive by myself. I hate having people
hovering around me. Fury and I fight all
the time about me ditching the guards" I

"Call your husband for me and put him on

Bluetooth speaker please" she frowns
confused but calls him anyway.


"Ema baby I'm in a meeting"

"Bradley it's Khethelo" he clears his throat

"Mrs King how are you?"

"We are being tailed, a black land rover

registration number......." Before I can
finish it starts raining bullets, luckily the
car is bullet proof"

"Shit!" Fury shouts on the other side of

the line. Nthatisi is a screaming mess
scaring my children.
"Nthatisi calm down! Focus on driving the
car. Kids remember what mommy
showed you to do when you hear a gun
shot?" They nod and they cover their ears
and bow their heads. I take out my gun
from my bag

"Baby I need you to drive calmly, Malcolm

is on his way to you guys and don't hang
up" he says the car tries to overtake us I
roll down the window halfway and aim at
the tires and the pertol tank.
"What's happening? Baby talk to me"

"Khethelo is shooting at them" the car

sways a little

"Nthatisi keep the car steady"

"Khethelo please don't do anything

reckless Malcolm is on his way"

"The tires are going to burst anytime and

we won't make it very far" I shout as I
keep aiming for the petrol tank. A lucky
shot goes straight to the petrol tank and
the car explodes cracking our car
windows and causing the car to sway a
little. I breathe out relieved

"What's happening, Was that an


"Yes" Nthatisi says as she slows down

"Malcolm is here, I'm hanging up"

Nthatisi says stoping next to a black BMW
"Okay talk later baby I love you" she
hangs up and gets out of the car looking
pissed and I follow her

"Malcolm what the hell!" She shouts at

some coloured guy.

"I'm sorry Nthatisi I'm on it" the guy turns

to look at me.

"Mrs King" I nod

"Khethelo this is my son in law Malcolm" I
frown and the Malcolm guy chuckles

"Long story" they both say at the same


"Your reputation precedes you Mrs King" I


I'm on a video call with my children. Fury
called me telling me that and I quote "my
gangster wife took out the Germans" I
was so confused until he explained to me
what happened. I was relieved that no
one got hurt but I don't feel comfortable
with my wife being caught up in a middle
of a war she knows nothing about.

"It was like we were in the fast and the

furious movie daddy you should have
seen mommy"
"I thought I told you guys to close your
ears and eyes!" Khethelo shouts and the
children giggle closing their mouth with
their hands trying to muffle their laughter.

"Can I speak to mommy please, move the

laptop to face mommy" they do as
instructed and she's on the bed wearing a
white robe

"My Queen" she stares at me

"I miss you" she sighs

"I know" I smile

"Why are you in Cape town dodging

bullets when you could be with your not
so perfect close your ears......
having make up sex" she turns red and I

"I love you so much I am so lost without

"Is your slay Queen still there?" I shake
my head

"She left this morning"

"How much did you pay her?" I guess

Nonhlanhla and my sister told her
everything that's been happening

"Five million" she nods

"She signed over her parental rights and a

NDA" she nods again
"I'm sorry Khethelo and I love you so
much, you don't have to mother her uhm
Vuyelwa can help raise her"

"Bye King" I sigh

"I love you baby I swear I'm so sorry

please come home" she stares at me and
a lone tear escapes her eye

"Kids come say goodbye to daddy"



Vuyelwa and I are at the mphelele

kingdom visiting the king and Queen. She
reminds me so much of Khethelo, she
used to cook for her husband no matter
how many servants we have. I guess her
mother taught her that. My wife is
pregnant but she doesn't know it yet, I
was starting to worry that I shoot blanks
after five years of marriage my wife is
finally pregnant. I thank the ancestors, it's
going to be a long pregnancy because she
has started showing me flames.

"How is Kumkani?" The Queen asks

"He is not coping" she nods

"Do you speak to Khethelo?" Vuyelwa

"I do, she calls me everyday I also talk to

the kids" Vuyelwa nods getting emotional

"I miss her, the palace is not the same

without her, the servants don't take Noni
and I seriously." She says wiping her tears
the Queen smiles
"Mkhuseli what did you do to this poor
girl?" She's laughing I guess she also can
tell that she's pregnant.

"Nana it's about the tone of your voice,

your body language and the eye contact.
You need to speak with confidence and
never break eye contact. People can smell
fear a mile away, I don't mean or shout
but be firm and intentional with your
words." Vuyelwa nods
"Not only with the servants but with
everyone in your life. Let your no be a
clear no and your yes be a yes. Confused
people tend to get disrespected and
undermined a lot." She nods smiling and I
squeeze her thigh

"We also have something to announce"

my uncle says

"Lindani is ready to sit on the throne, my

wife and I want to retire" I smile
"Lindani will make a good King" he nods

"We are moving to the UK" my eyes pop

"So far"

"Yeah it's time"

"When will that be?"

"In a few months time" I nod.

"Does Khethelo know?" The Queen nods

"She took it better than I expected, she
was able to live 10 years without me, I'm
sure she will be fine and besides, she can
always hop on the plane and visit us."
Lindani walks in with a beautiful, dark
medium height lady wearing a rather
short dress for a dinner with the parents.

"Hello family!" Lindani greets

"This is my smile keeper, my heart in a

human form and the future Queen" the
Queen chuckles and my uncle shakes his

"Meet Candy" we all stare at him

"How are you young lady?" The Queen

greets as Lindani is pulling out the chair
for her to sit.

"I'm good mam wena? (You?)"

"It's Queen Qhawekazi or your majesty
even your highness will do" the Queen
corrects her

"You can't talk to my woman like that,

don't forget your place, you are not even
from a royal family" Lindani says, the king
gets up from his chair ready to punch the
living daylights out of Lindani but I stop

"Young lady, don......." I don't get to finish

my sentence
"It's Candy" Lindani interjects

"Candy don't you know that you don't

bewitch royalty?" The girls eyes pop but
tries to compose herself, right then this
kingdom's seer Mbatha enters

"My king my Queen evil has entered the

kingdom" he blows a powder at Lindani
and he coughs a couple of times before
"Now jezebel speak! Who are you and
what have you done to the prince?" I ask

"Please forgive me, it was my mother,

she's the one who encouraged me to
feed the Prince muthi so that he marries
me. Lindani was dating my best friend but
I spiked his drink and slept with him then
my mother came over to my flat with the
muthi and we used it on him. He thinks
I'm his girlfriend, when he looks at me he
sees her face"
"My king I seek permission to take the
Prince to my hut" my uncle nods

"Mvelo, take this witch out of this

kingdom, drop her off outside the
kingdom, she will see her way back to her
home" I say

"Thank you for not killing me, I promise I

will stay away from the of Prince" she says
walking away swaying her hips
"You are letting her get away with this?"
The Queen asks

"Nope, she thinks she is, she will die in

her mother's arms and the mother will
follow her soon after" I say and my uncle


Mxolisi took me on a romantic dinner last

night and asked me to marry him. I was a
bit hesitant but I eventually threw caution
to the wind and said yes to his proposal.
We made love all night long. I love him,
he makes me feel wanted, respected and
loved. He is no Thuba but he too is a good
safe bet, now I have to introduce the kids
to him. I know he loves kids because of
the relationship he has with his sister's
kids but the jury is still out on my kids
liking him. I also need to tell king about
my engagement, it's only fair that I do. He
was like a brother to my late husband.
I arrived home around noon and hid the
engagement ring before entering the
palace. Vuyelwa did say they are visiting
mphelele kingdom. I bump into king
walking out carrying a sports bag.

"Going somewhere?" He nods

"Can I have a few minutes of your time

please" he looks at his watch

"You have 5 minutes. My flight leaves at

13:30" I nod
"Uhm... I" he frowns

"Noni" I sigh

"I met someone" he chuckles

"I know" my eyes pop

"You do?"he nods

"Uhm...he....we" this man's gaze is scary I
swear only Khethelo can stand his scary
look. My heart is beating so fast.

"Speak up Noni" here goes nothing

"He proposed and I said yes" he nods

"I did a background check on him. He

seems like a good guy but one wrong
move I will snap his neck.
Congratulations, my kids like the finer
things in life, that two bedroom house he
lives in is too small for them tell him to
buy a big house for my kids" I laugh

"Yeah he did say that once I agree to be

his wife he is going to buy me and the
kids a big house" he nods

"I know Thuba would want you and the

kids to be happy and if that guy makes
you happy then go ahead but Noni if he in
anyway mistreats you or the kids, this is
your home. You are like a sister to me and
those kids hold a title in this kingdom of
the prince and princess so please come
back home" I smile widely

"You are not as bad as I thought and

actually this is the longest conversation
I've ever had with you" he frowns then
shakes his head

"Bye Noni" I laugh as I watch him walk

away. Now all that's left is to introduce
the kids to Mxo and I hope that they like

Cape town's weather is unpredictable,

the kids and I were planning to have a
picnic at the beach but it started to get
too windy and rainy, the kids were very
disappointed. They are sulking and I can
tell they are bored.

"I miss daddy" Nofoto says almost in tears

"Mommy we want to go home we miss

our brother and sisters." I don't know why
I'm getting so emotional but I feel like I
was selfish and petty taking the kids with
me. I was clouded by so much anger that
I wanted to punish King knowing how
much he loves his kids but I didn't realise
that I was also punishing the kids. They're
so miserable without him and the other

"I'm sorry guys, we will go back home

tomorrow, okay? Please forgive mommy"
they nod looking sad
"How about we call daddy?" They nod, I
try calling him but it rings unaswered a
couple of times.

"We will try again later" the

disappointment in their faces. I wonder
what could be more important to King
than answering my calls.

"How about we play board games?

Monopoly or snake and ladders or maybe
we can play 30 seconds" I suggest
"It's fun when we play with daddy" yoh
these kids

"Come on I'm trying here" I sigh

"Go pack your things then while I book a

flight, hopefully we can get something for
this e......." A knock on the door interrupts
me, it must be Nthatisi I think to myself. I
open the door and there he stands tall
and handsome, I missed him so much but
I'm still angry at him.
"What are you doing here?" He doesn't
say anything he just stares at me. I sigh
moving aside making way for him to enter

"Daddy!" The kids come running, Nofoto

cries as soon she sees her dad. I get so
emotional seeing her cry and I leave them
there and walk into the bedroom to
gather myself.

We decided to have dinner at the hotel
restaurant, the kids are so happy to see
their father and I'm secretly happy to see
him too but I won't tell him that. After
having dinner we tucked the kids into

"You look beautiful" he says drinking

whiskey and drilling me with his intense

"Thank you" we are sitting in the lounge

"I love you so much" I sigh

"I love you too"

"I'm sorry"

"I know" he gets up and sits next to me

taking both my hands into his

"I cannot change what happened, I regret

it. Tell me what to do to fix things and I
will do it but please don't leave me" I look
at our hands not wanting to look at him.

"Make the pain I feel of being betrayed go

away, I can handle any situation. Guns, car
chases even that stupid torture hole of
yours I can hold my own in a boardroom
full of men, I haven't tested this theory
yet but I bet I can give the crocodile at our
kingdom a whopping of their lives
however King I cannot handle the pain
you have caused me, it cuts too deep.
Another woman mothered your child and
it hurts so much." He lets go of my hands
and engulfs me in a hug as I sob in his

"I'm the one who did this to us baby

please allow me to fix this, allow me to
earn your trust again, allow me to prove
to you that I am still the mam for you and
no man will ever love you more than I do.
Khethelo you are my life, you are my first
everything. My first girlfriend, the first
woman that I have ever fallen in love with
and definitely still the only one I'm in love
with, the first woman to make me a
father and a husband. I am a King
because of you. Without you I'm just that
big angry bastard child of a rapist with
royal blood" I feel my shoulder getting
wet as he speaks and I try to break the
hug but he holds me tightly, he doesn't
want me to see him cry. "I am so sorry
Khethelo, please don't leave me baby

"I'm not leaving you, you are mine King,

you are mine alone." He finally breaks the
hug and looks into my eyes, I wipe his
tears and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"Is it too soon for the make up sex?" I

giggle hitting him playfully.

"Make sweet love to me my King" as rare

as it is, his smile is beautiful and
charming. I love him.

*Six Months Later*



"Mommy you look beautiful" Nofoto says

smiling in her ivory princess ball gown

"Look at you guys looking so cute, give

mommy a kiss" Nkosiyabo is wearing a
black tuxedo, he kisses me on my cheek
and Nofoto kisses me on the other cheek.

"Sbahle, don't you want to give mommy a

kiss too?" She straddles towards me shyly
then kisses my cheek too.

"Thank you my babies now run along and

get ready, aunty Noni will show you
where to go" they rush out bumping into
my who is mother walking in but they
don't care they're just too excited. She sits
on the bed and stares at me through the
dressing mirror.

"You look beautiful" I smile

"Thank you"

"Have you truly forgiven him?" I nod

"With all my heart, I won't lie and say I

have forgotten but I'm choosing to trust
that he will never intentionally hurt me
like that again" she nods then we stay
silent just staring at each other.

"Khethelo I'm proud of you baby, I

couldn't have asked for a better
daughter." I smile

"Are you really leaving after the

wedding?" She nods

"Thank you mamami for everything I love

you so much"
"Let's go get you married, I'm sure that
man of yours is panicking thinking that
you ditched him" I laugh

She helps me up and I fix my dress, she

places both hands on my tummy smiling
and right then the babies kick

"That man of yours is very fertile" I laugh

looking up.

"He is, we call them our make up babies"

she shakes her head smiling.
"You have five minutes" she walks out of
the room closing the door behind her

I look at myself one more time then I grab

my bouquet. King Bukhosi is waiting for
me at the entrance of the chapel with the
biggest smile on his face.

"You look beautiful my daughter"

"Thank you Baba"

"Now let's go get you married again" I

This is it, this is our moment, our happily

ever after. This is the beginning of a new
chapter as I close the previous one.

We have loved each other through it all

and I'm not afraid of what may come
because I know with him by my side. I
have my ride or die.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here
today to bear witness as the King and his
Queen renew the vows they made years
ago when they promised each other
forever. I love officiating on such
occasions because the couple who renew
their vows have been through the most,
they are not as blind as they were when
they first stood in front of me, God and
their loved ones. Now the butterflies are
gone, their marriage has been tested,
they went through sickness and health,
they went through the good times and
the bad times, they have broken one
another's trust and hurt each other and
now they know that marriage is no child's
play. They are now matured and they
know that promises can be made and
broken, they know that love alone is not
enough. Let's hear what they vow this
time around now that they have seen
each other in the light of day."

She's looking beautiful in a mermaid
dusty pink wedding gown, her baby bump
is so cute on her. God knows that I'm
happy, six months ago she gave me a
second chance and that's when we made
our miracle, she's carrying twins and I
couldn't be happier but what blows me
away about this woman is how she
accepted and is raising Sbahle. I swear I'm
blessed, she is one in a million and I will
never ever hurt her again. I asked man
beast to be my best man and Khethelo
asked Nonhlanhla to be her made of
honour. Did I mention that all three of
them are pregnant? My sister is driving
Mkhuseli crazy but I swear that man
would travel to the moon and back just to
see a smile on my sister's face which
makes me so happy to see her that
happy. She has been through the most as
for Azola she would kill you for her Tata, I
just wonder how the new sibling will be
received by her because she is very
territorial when it comes to Mkhuseli.
After the whole Mpumi and Thuba fiasco
Luyolo hasn't set foot at the palace which
is alright with me but Loyiso does pop by
every now and then. Makazi is still alive
and apparently she is as thin as a tooth
pick, Mkhuseli had nothing to do with
what is happening to her, I guess the Jola
ancestors are dealing with her. She is a
walking corpse well that's according to
Loyiso. Nonhlanhla is traditionally married
to Mxolisi who went to bergville and paid
the Lobola to the Mhlongos. He wanted
to pay for the kids too but sbosh was
having none of it. Which is
understandable, those children are the
only evidence of Thuba's existence on this

"My Queen, my heart and my soul. In all

the years that we've been together I have
learned two things. I'm nothing without
you and with you by my side I have
everything. I love you so much and thank
you for giving me a home and for being
the mother of my kids. With everything
we have been through I know that you
and I will be together forever not even
death will part us. I promise to make up
for all the tears I made you cry, I promise
to allow myself to be vulnerable only to
you. To alway be honest to you about
what I'm going through. I now know that
a true King only bows to his Queen. You
are my world Khethelo and I promise to
continue to love you and worship the
ground you walk on, you deserve it, you
have cemented your place in my heart
and God knows that no woman can make
me feel the things you make me feel
without even doing much just by being
you. I am the luckiest man alive and I will
live the rest of my life cherishing you and
our kids."

She is an emotional wreck, Noni keeps on

wiping her tears but it's a futile exercise
because they are just pouring down. She
clears her throat before talking

"My King, from the very first time I met

you, you captured my heart" I frown and
she giggles
"Don't lie" I whisper and she laughs

"Talk about abusive, you threw a mean

punch at me" my mouth hangs open, I
dare not look at her mother. This traitor is
laughing at my discomfort.

"I was intrigued by this big tall buff dark

man with no smile and empty eyes. The
way you stared into my eyes made me
feel things I never knew I could feel for
any man. You captured my heart by just
being you. You saw me, not my wide hips
or my big booty or how short I am. You
saw deep into my soul and when you
declared your love for me in a rather
unique way I was certified gone girl.
There you were the man who did
everything right, you spoke to me gently,
involved me in your ideas and finances,
asked for my opinion and explained every
move you made in the kingdom, in
business and in our marriage. In my eyes
you could do no wrong, in fact I was the
one who would lose the plot every now
and then but my mother was always
there to get me back in line, one time you
slipped and I realised that my perfect
husband is not so perfect after all. We
both made our mistakes, we have hurt
each other but through all that one thing
was certain, we love each other beyond
measure. I have never even questioned
your love for me, I might have questioned
your loyalty but never your love. My King
you have taught me true love and you
have taught me how to rely on someone
else except myself and today in front of
God and our loved ones I promise to
never give up on us, to work on us every
day because if there's one thing I have
learned in this marriage is that no one is
perfect. I'm not perfect too my love and
thank you for working hard to prove your
loyalty to me. I see you my King I see you
to your very soul. I promise to be a good
mother to your crèche, haibo Mkhonto 5
kids? I promise to carry you through this
life like you always have carried me in
your spirit. I love you Kumkani Mkhonto I
still do.
"I still do too" I say smiling

"You may seal your new vows with a kiss"


The King and Queen of Nzimeni kingdom

are on the dance floor looking into each
other's eyes. Everyone around them is
admiring the love that is evident in their
eyes. They are dancing to the song "still
the one" by Shania Twain.

"You never told me you met Patrick, Juan,

Bradley and Malcolm" King smiles then
pecks her lips

"That's a story for another day my

Queen" Queen Qhawekazi makes her way
to the couple and hugs the both of them
"Take care of one another please" King

"Kumkani you punched my daughter?"

She asks pointing her short finger at him

"She said I hit like a girl" they all laugh

"That's my male child" Khethelo smiles

looking at her mother
At one of the tables two men are
watching the couple dancing

"Sie ist es (is it her?)" Arno asks

"Ja (yes)"

"Sie ist schon(she is beautiful)" Arno says

looking at Khethelo, even in her
pregnancy she looks beautiful. He is
mesmerized by her beauty
"Sie hat unsere bruder getotet (she killed
our brothers)" Arno sighs

*Until next time*

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