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Natural process

The given picture illustrates different growth phases of a salmon.

Overall, there are seven stages in the life cycle of this type of fish, starting with the
presence of eggs and ending with the full-sized salmon.

First of all, the eggs are laid in water and start to hatch in approximately three months,
which derive the yolk-sac from Alevin for several weeks. After that, these eggs turn into a
small fry of nearly two and a half months old with the early developments of fins and tails.
Several months later, this grows up and becomes Parr with a slight increase in body size and
new finger marks running along its length. After a while, Parrs mature and turn into Smolts,
which begin to join others and relocate to the seas.

Following this, these own bigger black fins and tails compared to its previous form with the
adjustments in their finger markings, which are developed into dots. It then can be
observed that the seas help provide the environment for these Smolts to grow in size with
little to no change in other body parts. Finally, after one to eight years, the full-sized salmon
takes presence with an addition of a hunch between its fin and its head, which starts to
spawn its eggs and dies after two weeks, hence thereby continuing its life cycle.
Functioning process

The given illustration presents the components that make up a hot balloon.

Overall, it can be seen that the picture on the left describes the exterior design of this
means of transportation while the one on the right depicts the air flow inside the balloon.

First of all, on top of the balloon lies the parachute valve, which is mainly used to control the
release of hot air at a reasonable rate. Moving down from this, the envelop contains many
stripes of panels and gores, being parallel to each other. At the end of the mentioned
envelop stays a skirt that connects it to the basket with the two burners hung in between by
ropes and two propane cylinders on the side.

These cylinders have a duty to mix propane with air to generate fire in order to supply the
hot air to the inside of the balloon. The interior of this is filled by hot air and cool air, in
which the former is lighter than its counterpart. Given the higher weight, the latter will flow
down to the bottom and push the former up, which explains how a hot balloon is able to
float in mid-air.

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