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The objective of Human Resource Management Subject is to provide a

fundamental understanding of Human Resource Management value chain.

The subject aims at helping students understand, appreciate and analyze

the workforce at managerial and non-managerial levels. The Subject also

intends to ensure that they develop a sound knowledge and critical

awareness of issues of theoretical and practical relevance.

This course requires an ability to analyze and understand the concepts and

a keen eye for observing how Human Resource Management policies and

practices affect organizational working.

Human Resource Management contains five Modules - Linking strategy

and HRM in an organizational context, Human Resources in the context of

organization’s intrinsic systems, Organisational Performance and HRM,

Enhancing HR effectiveness through Training and Development, and

Relating Industrial relations With HR.

Module 1: Linking strategy and HRM in an organizational context

This Module deals with Changing business environment & strategic role

of HRM, HR Strategic Challenges, Changing profile of HRM, global

HRM practices, and strategic implications of a dynamic HR Environment.

Module 2: Human Resources in the context of organization’s intrinsic systems

This Module covers Human resource planning and job analysis,

Recruitment: Employee Testing and Selection, Placement, Induction,

Internal mobility & separation, and Establishing HR information system


Module 3: Organisational Performance and HRM

Establishing Performance Management & Performance Appraisal System,

managing Careers, Compensation & Reward management, and Human

Resource Accounting and Audits.

Module 4: Enhancing HR effectiveness through Training and Development

This Module deals with Training & Development-concepts and Needs,

Socialising, Orienting, and Developing Employees, Methods of Effective

Training, Participative management employee empowerment, Work-life

balance, and building emotional bondage.

Module 5: Relating Industrial relations With Human Resource

This Module covers - Understanding Industrial and Employees relation,

Industrial Relation and its changing paradigms, Stakeholders of employee

relation, industrial Relation their changing roles, understanding collective

Bargaining, Conflict/Dispute resolution, negotiations, settlement &

Award, Positive employee relations, Future issues and trends in industrial

and employee relation.


Human Resource ManagementHuman Resource Management NotesMBA NotesMBA Subjects



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