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Electromagnetic radiation is a special

kind of energy that travels in waves

through space. It is like a wave of
energy that can move without
needing anything else to carry it,
even in empty space.
1. WAVE – a disturbance that travels through space and matter
transferring energy from one place to another.
2. ELECTRICITY - a form of energy resulting from the existence
of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either
statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a
3. MAGNETISM- a physical phenomenon produced by the
motion of electric charges, resulting in attractive and repulsive
forces between objects.
4.ELECTROMAGNETISM- the combination of alternating electric
and magnetic fields created by accelerated charges that propagate
out from these charges at the speed of light in the form of waves.

5. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES - are waves created as a result of

vibrations between an electric field and a magnetic field.
6. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION- the flow of energy at the
universal speed of light through free space or through a material
medium in the form of the electric and magnetic fields that make
up electromagnetic waves.
7.ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM- The electromagnetic spectrum
covers electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from
below one hertz to above 10 hertz, corresponding to wavelengths
from thousands of kilometers down to a fraction of the size of an
atomic nucleus.
input 2:
development of e.m. theory
input 3:
properties of electromagnetic waves
1. EM waves are all transverse wave that propagates outward from
a source perpendicular to the direction of the wave’s travel.
2. The creation of all EM waves begins with an oscillating charged
particle, which creates oscillating electric field and magnetic
3. EM waves differ from mechanical waves in that they do not
require a medium to propagate. This means that electromagnetic
waves can travel not only through the air and the solid materials,
but also through the vacuum, a space without matter or air, at the
same, constant speed that is the speed of light (c)
4. EM waves possess different velocity of propagation in different
medium. When travelling between media, the wavelength changes
and therefore the speed of EM wave also changes. Also this change
is different for different frequencies.
5. The electromagnetic spectrum is a sequence of all EM waves
arranged according to frequency and wavelength.
1.39𝑥1027 Hz
1.4𝑥1027 Hz
3.315𝑥10 −7 Hz
Radio waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light
Visible Light Ultraviolet X-Radiation Gamma Ray
These are the waves that allow us to
listen to the radio. They have long
wavelengths and low frequencies.
Radio waves are used for
broadcasting music, news, and other
Microwaves have shorter wavelengths
and higher frequencies than radio
waves. They are used in microwave
ovens to cook and heat food. They are
also used for communication, such as
cell phones and Wi-Fi.
Infrared radiation is sometimes called
"heat radiation" because we feel it as
warmth. It has longer wavelengths
than visible light. Infrared radiation is
used in devices like TV remote
controls and thermal cameras.
This is the type of electromagnetic
radiation that allows us to see the
world around us. Visible light comes in
different colors, like red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
Each color has a different wavelength.
UV radiation has shorter wavelengths
and higher frequencies than visible
light. It comes from the sun and is
responsible for causing sunburns. We
can't see UV radiation, but it can be
harmful to our skin and eyes.
X-rays have even shorter wavelengths
and higher frequencies than UV
radiation. They can pass through our
bodies and are used in medical
imaging, like X-ray machines, to see
our bones and organs.
Gamma rays have the shortest
wavelengths and highest frequencies
of all the radiations. They are
produced during nuclear reactions
and can be very harmful. Scientists
use gamma rays to treat cancer.
Radio waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light
Electromagnetic waves are all around us! When you watch your favorite
TV shows, listen to the radio, when you use your gadgets such as
cellphone, even when you just go outside for your morning jogging, you
are exposed to electromagnetic waves. One way or another, our lives
depend on the use of electromagnetic waves and therefore it is important
to note which E.M. wave radiation is beneficial, and which might pose
potential hazards to us. E.M. wave radiation possesses energy that is
dependent on the frequency of the wave.
This means that E.M. waves with high frequency (short wavelength)
have great amounts of energy. This is summarized in the equation: E = hf
Where E is the energy of the wave, 𝑓 is the frequency of the wave and ℎ is
the Planck’s constant. We will not focus on the details of this equation,
but it is important to note that E.M. waves with high energy could have
both benefits and hazards for living organisms, especially to human
E.M. wave radiation can be classified as Ionizing Radiation and Non – Ionizing Radiation.
Non-ionizing E.M. wave Radiation includes Radio wave, Microwave, Infrared and visible light.
These E.M. waves are of low energy level and are not known to cause harmful effects to
living organisms. The E.M. wave radiation from Microwave ovens, global positioning systems
(GPS), Cellphones, TV stations, FM and AM radio, Computers and other gadgets are all
examples of non-ionizing radiation. Low-frequency Ultraviolet radiation can still be
considered as non-ionizing radiation but at certain amounts, could pose hazards to our
health such as causing sunburns and even skin cancer. It is therefore important to practice
caution every time that we are exposed to sunlight that contains Ultraviolet radiation. When
exercising or jogging, it is advisable to do it early in the morning to avoid being exposed to
too much UV rays which can cause harm to our skin. It is also not advisable to directly look at
the sun because too much exposure of the eyes to UV rays can cause cataracts and
permanent blindness.
Ionizing E.M. wave radiation on the other hand includes high frequency UV radiation, X-Ray,
and Gamma Ray. Ionization is process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or
positive charge by gaining or losing electrons, often in conjunction with other chemical changes.
Ionization radiation causes changes in the structure of atoms and molecules by ionization, so
that’s why ionizing radiation can cause damage to living atoms/molecules and have the
tendency to cause changes in the structure of DNA in the living organism. This is the reason why
over exposure to these kinds of E.M. radiation is very harmful for living organisms. Ionizing E.M
Radiation can have benefits in the field of medical imaging and therapy. X-rays which are used
to diagnose problems in our body such as bones and the lungs. Gamma rays are used in
radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer. Whether it is Non-ionizing or ionizing radiation, it
is essential to minimize too much exposure especially from sources of high energy E.M.
Radiation. Though not as harmful as ionizing E.M. wave radiation, Non-ionizing E.M. wave
radiation can still cause heating of surfaces being exposed (remember that microwave is used to
cook food). For you to understand how to protect yourself from E.M. Wave radiation,
accomplish the following activities.
Three factors to consider in minimizing E.M. wave radiation exposure.
1. Distance -As the distance from the source of radiation increases, the risk of exposure
becomes less. This is the reason why it is very important to keep distance from potential sources of
high energy sources of E.M. radiation. People who work very close to a source of radiation are said
to be more prone to the hazards brought about by the high ionizing power of ionizing radiation.
2. Time- As the time of exposure increases, the risk of getting harmful effects also increases.
Being exposed to sources of E.M. Radiation for prolonged periods of time could produce harm to
the human body. This is the reason why even being exposed to low energy radiation such as
radiation from TV could sometimes produce negative effects to human health.
3. Shielding Radiation can be absorbed by materials placed between the source of the radiation
and the user. The type of shielding that is the most appropriate to use depends on the nature of
the penetrating power of the radiation. Materials such as aluminum and lead are better in
shielding against radiation. This is the reason why it is less likely that EM waves from the remote
and cellphone would be transmitted if it is shielded with layers of aluminum foil.
Numerous scientific researches have been conducted to determine the potential benefits
and hazards of E.M. Wave radiation. The table below summarizes these benefits and hazards
from being exposed to E.M. Waves. Write your answers in a separate answer sheet
Justification in radiation exposure means that the benefits gained should outweigh the
potential harm caused by the radiation. If there's no benefit, the exposure is not justified.
Dose limitation involves restricting normal exposure to ensure it doesn't surpass established
limits, except in special cases. Optimization of protection aims to keep exposure as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA) by minimizing risks, balancing the cost of reducing risks
further against the benefits gained.
Understanding the benefits and risks helps decide how to handle materials emitting
electromagnetic wave radiation. Radiation effects are measured in units like roentgen (R) for
exposure, gray (Gy) for absorbed dose, and sievert (Sv) or rem for effective dose. The annual
acceptable limit for radiation on average should not exceed 5 rems, considering adjustments
for radiation type and its impact on organs.

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