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go Dutch


pot luck

1. Do you think they are going Dutch tonight?

2. What are they drinking? Who is a teetotaller? Is it difficult to be one in Poland?
3. Are you having a pot luck this weekend?

off the beaten



travel light
1. Is he travelling off the beaten track? Do you want to join him?
2. What do you think of hitchhiking?
3. Is he travelling light? What about you? Do you sometimes travel light?

work overtime

burned out

rat race

1. Are they enjoying their job?

2. Do you sometimes work overtime? How often? Are you working overtime this week?
3. Why do people feel burned out? Are you feeling burned out?
4. Is the rat race real? What’s the alternative to it?


road trip
in the middle of
nowhere nowhere

1. Are they using a satnav?

2. Is it easy to get lost in a new city?

Present Continuous

Negations / Questions

They aren’t having a good time. = They are not having a good time.

I am – I’m not

is – isn’t

are – aren’t

Are they discussing something?

What are they discussing?

1. We _____________________ (nie podoba nam się) the party. Let’s go home!

2. _________________________ (Czy ona pracuje dłużej) tonight?
3. I ________________________ (nie rozmawiam z) tobą.
4. What ____________________ (się dzieje) in here?
5. They ____________________ (nie robią zdjęcia) right now. We can finally go.
6. _________________________ (Czy ty jedziesz) with us?
7. _________________________ (Czy on ma) a meeting right now?
8. My boss ____________________ (nie robi) anything important now.
9. Their children ________________ (nadal nie śpią). They are so noisy.
10. _________________________ (Czy ty dzwonisz do mnie) now?

English File

Present Continuous

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