Leopard 2A4

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LEOPARD 2A4/A4NL 071930309 (©2013 BY REVELL GnbH & Co.KG. subsdary of Hobie, ne PRINTED IN GERMANY PEO LCy Der Leopard 2 war bei seiner Enfbrung im Jahr 1579 allen anderen arppancom War Ubeigen und tecrisch wet vorau, Techsch ansonucs ‘unl ltunstark ware rnoch zeny und each der Bederang. ee neve 120 mm Guttahkanone verschoss ane panzerbrechende und ane Melvawednurvton. Zaceninen mit der computergestitten Feucratnlage, ‘nt aserentiemangumesser wate celle rp Faueretnungen mo Teh, Das im Vergleich 2um Vorganger Leopard 1 durch einen verbessertn orznschtz gestegene GewentKernts mt dem neu 1500 PS Thebwork ‘mehr ae Kompenser werden Insgesamt 2125 Fahruge wurden act Bau Tosen 1982 fr de Bundeswehr geferbge Fortatend fosien Verbs ‘Rigen in ce Serenprodultion en, was 2 verchedenen.Versonibech rhangen vor AO bs At fe. Dl heren Verucren (A bs AS) agent Aware spe man ace ar ch vrn AA, Webwend cle etgung Deutichiand noch ie eucueden ach auch che Meer mit 445 Sti Und i Schwert 380 Stk ir den Leopard 2. Nit nde des alton Keges und Ger anschiebenden Reczienng der Bundeswehr Konnten zundcst 160 Spier folgten weitere Verkufe an Dinemark, Pole, Ferland, Grecheriand Ud de Tv hdr ngeren Vergangenst auch an Che und Singur Ehemaige lederandsche Leopard 2AINL tet man in Norwegen, Oster Ud Yanoda. som wurde der Leopard 2 2um wetverbetesten Kamptparaet Stier Generation. Ab 1985 wurden 350 Leopard 244 cer Bundeswehr anchst bur Veron AS, nd spiter au AB und ABM Kampswertgesteiger Die vel tercen At wren bis Ee 2008 Dest. niente n Europa kere ch er Leopard 2 mire wieder be Verlachsurtersuchungen gegen den amerka 120 mm Gattoh-Kanone des Leopard 2 Wegen seiner senkeciten Turmnde wd der Leopard 244 von vider urmer noch als der ypsche Leopard? angesehen Technische Date: Beatang Moen Max Geschndight 72k Falvberect ti 500 km Motor ATU 1.200 50 5), PEO n Le When twas intredced in 1578, the Leopant 2 was deaty superior o all ther combat tanks and techy at the leading edge. Techialy advanced ahd power twas nevertheless lable nd spl to mata, There 120 mn mooth Bore cnnon fred armour perteng mul Purpose marion. The com futeried fre corral syste, wit er ange-der ade pxuble to open fre qucly and aceuately. The weight ease, compared tos predeceso the Lsopard 1, due to improved ernoured protection, was amply compensated for by there 1300 hp engi 8y 1952 total of 2125 vehles ny aght Snes had ‘been bul for the Federal German Army. During Senes production further Improwirents wore contnuouay made mhich gave re to ferent Yaron: ‘despa fom AD to At Asa sare versions (RD to Aa) were upgrade, a UUtietay became known es the Ad. Buln production for Germany the Nethefands so ected to order 43a Switaeare 360 ofthe Leopard 2. Wath the end ofthe old war and the reduction the Federal Geran Ary st 160of the Leopard 2M went to Sweden then anther 208 to Spam Moe sles folowed to Denmark, Plan Flan, reece and Turkey and more recent 0 Chiles Singopore Former Dutch cued Leopard 2AANLs ca be fund Norway, sino and Cada Ths the Leopard? became the most widely Irbuted combat lark of ts generation. From 1995, 260 Geran Ay Lecpord 24s were upafoded ist to the AS verson, ler to the AB and AGM The femarung Ate tayedin sence nthe end of 2008 Fy Eaope part the Leopard 2 was ale to hold ts ovmin compara tas with Amenian Abrams Mitte and again. Consequety the Americans even adopted the 120 mn ‘mooth bore cannon ofthe Leopard 2 Ou os vertical tre wal he 288 Sal regarded by many 2s the tyra Leopard 2. Technical dat: ‘Armament: 120 mm smooth-bore crnan, 2 762 mm MG 3/1 Weight 59 tonnes Max speed: 72 kh ange 500k Engi: MTU 12004 (4500 hp) SE Moretti vsrostamree oarpenrpien rors han Meunier neonate fetes alageereheg pte rte rose) "RE mene: per cape mpen spre pom reny Kena ra pn na() Bane smateen etemnecmaiae Shasta gteeneaeecateaemen eee ecee Sees a sah et a Bie pre a hm ef eke come ped mine Oh on pdt emg me tee a Eeostsee rerio sreoteeemnioeecs Sa Peasy obama eo Pe ee eed aang creators Sapien meaner ee Speen os cae a ese “ustream tran sacerieeeniemeeee east Time erate a pe OF cass speared ep es ‘Stesceesspeprstehtetina pet eat ehe Tosa eota tarsal ew nee at note momen prone ‘serdreg tps cme Feedage pe se ae rapped penton sia spacey mht pe Sr canme tenement neammnermns itcuniiiissuaneatakianne (2 teeeetteaeeneraeeetinenr treet terete ‘ferences Sera race ears enna ceaeeerecemae ae Seneca ements Fee ocateipma onrmmacnceeneacas etianeee rt a se mr ¥en ise a Se eee seeenaeeos reg ate ‘ated aha ee ene fp me oo det Sr aise ces re ake Fyre a pope per ys pe ok seein bene in| eno eee tl ie ‘eertcrstoes teeta pl ann Sek spec Seeeeaat bs mee Eas pera aenr Pell bromee cing AG: ni rc el ne ee me ed Int Cee aatsetanomane ea pn spect pont orca "atonal uae pe veas oot ieee ‘Foon: msi my pm te ed Kt ltr) Da ne Fn scot een one spo cee Ar eB ei Fest Sees pepper pte pea phat) at ‘See fe re Snell St xl te {efor el oe! cin ena ay epi a een en oe me ey Seacae aoeeo one nemages See ee oat Verwondete Symbole / Used Symbols = Eevcomerans ener aS oe & = =, Lao. ee oe Sake a aa wach ae ect mn 8 EKG, ks Mente a Tet hse ci ey sea Eom spend onto drt de Briggegt tases brniany nee Poe Clo pdoe were ba ard erent gp ata ge SapSreesmnmtara nena er eemagcsaere oe ae Bienes See ere peaee Se cane eee eee ce [estar aye Pac vot Dope arel aKa hence Ser asi Rl eb Alogi 2038 2 Rn — Bap eeiecemreatemenme cnet Reebieaieeigtes mee ceca, = Feather mart ples contact your local desea esribtr rectly = Cc [D E F (a Sou hes - Gat “Shree mai 1K inK¢ [K< rox (LX 20% (Mz rr a ee occas RE + sen — tne te et rte PAGE 2, 2p @ . = ae yg fF ) 2,32 2 ook | @ £83) @®, nana ae “2's 0Q| | 2 EM! at) B0.2,5, PAGE? 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