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The problem-solving strategy involves students being challenged to collaboratively solve

real-world math problems which they have not yet previously encountered. It is student-centered
and promotes critical and creative thinking skills, problem-solving, abilities, and communication
skills. The integral part of this strategy is the time given to the students to struggle with the
problem and its beauty is in the varied solutions that the students would produce.

There are three main elements of problem-solving that you should take note of:

(1) the word problem,

(2) the time given for the students to struggle with the problem, and
(3) the mathematical discourse that happens during the struggle and during the
processing of the student-generated solutions.

The word problem

In many Filipino classrooms, word problems are given at the end of the lesson and
students are expected to answer them by applying the concept or skills that had just been
taught to them. In most cases, the teacher first demonstrates how to solve a problem and then
the students would independently answer a similarly-structured problem. In this practice, the
students are not doing problem-solving-they already know how to solve the problem! They know
that the just-taught lesson is the key to solve the problem and they pattern their solutions to
what the teacher demonstrated. In using the problem-solving strategy, the problem serves as
the starting point of the learning experience. Therefore, it is given at the beginning of the lesson.
The challenge for you, the teacher, is to choose or create a problem, which can be solved using
the target concept of the lesson at hand but can also be answered using previously learned
knowledge and skills.

How you present the problem also matters especially for the primary grades. It is not
always helpful to introduce the problem by posting it on the board; doing this may intimidate
some students and reading and comprehension skills may intervene. Instead, it is suggested to
narrate the problem in a story-telling manner to engage the learners. Encourage the students to
imagine the scenario and allow them to clarify information if they find some details confusing.
Showing drawings or real objects might help.

The time given to struggle with the problem

The goal is for the students to collaborate-share their ideas with each other- to come up
with a solution. Encourage the students to use their previously-learned knowledge and skills to
solve the problem, and to communicate their ideas with their classmates through words,
equations, and/or illustrations. It is natural for the students to find this phase burdensome
especially when it is their first time to engage in such an activity; critical thinking and
communicating ideas are not easy tasks after all. So, it is the task of the teacher to encourage
the students to think out of the box. Tell the students that there is more than one way to solve
the problem, so they do not need to worry about their solution being wrong if every step they did
is meaningful in solving the problem.

The mathematical discourse

This is the most exciting element of the problem-solving strategy. While the students are
working in small groups to solve the problem, you get to move around and enjoy the
mathematical talk that the students are engaging in. Of course, you may intervene in the
students' discussions when corrections and clarifications are needed but be careful not to give
hints. It may be tempting to do so especially when the students are struggling but do not. As you
encourage your students to think, believe that they actually can. Allow yourself to be amazed at
how the students would defend their thinking, correct each other's ideas, and figure things out
on their own.

Remember that all the student-generated solutions, as long as correct, can be directed
to the concept or skill that is the objective of the lesson. The challenge is how you would
process those various solutions, make sense of each of them, and use them to generalize or
come up with a solution that makes use of the knowledge/skill that is the objective of the lesson.
In this phase comes the importance of the teacher's fluency of the subject matter.

In our contemporary society, teachers are discouraged to spoon-feed information to

learners. Instead, teachers. are to provide opportunities for students to discover concepts on
their own. One way of doing this is through the inductive learning strategy.

The inductive learning strategy, sometimes called discovery learning, is based on the
principle of induction. Induction means to derive a concept by showing that if it is true to some
cases, then it is true for all. This is in contrast to deduction where a concept is established by
logically proving that it is true based on generally known facts. The inductive method in teaching
is commonly described as "specific to general," "concrete to abstract," or "examples to formula."
Whereas the vice versa are used to describe the deductive method.

In an inductive learning lesson, teachers design and facilitate activities that guide the
learners in discovering a rule. Activities may involve comparing and contrasting, grouping and
labeling, or finding patterns. In mathematics classes, learners engage in inductive learning when
they observe examples and then, later on, generalize a rule or formula based on the examples.
There are four processes that the students go through when given an inductive learning activity:

(1) observe, (2) hypothesize, (3) collect evidence, and (4) generalize.

(1) Observe

Children love looking for patterns! When given a lot of examples, it is natural for them to
look for similarities and assume rules. So, the key is to give them examples to observe. These
examples must be well-thought-of so that the students would eventually arrive at a complete
rule. For instance, if you want your students to discover the rule in multiplying by powers of 10, it
is better to use the examples in set B than those in set A


6 X 10 6 X 10

18 X 10 18 X 10

321 X 10 10 X 321

457 X 10 40 X 10

Both sets will lead students to discover that the technique in multiplying by 10 is placing
a 0 after the number being multiplied. However, the variety of examples in Set B allows students
to establish that the rule works even when exchanging 10 and the other factor (18 x 10 = 180)
and if the other factor ends with a zero, that zero is not neglected (40 x 10). Set B allows
students to have a more comprehensive understanding of the rule.
(2) Hypothesize

The students form rules in their minds as they observe. In this stage, encourage the
students to share their thoughts. Assure them that there are no wrong hypotheses.
Acknowledge the variety of the students' ideas but also streamline them to test only the unique

(3) Collect evidence

Here the students would test their hypothesis. How? By applying their hypothesis to other
examples. If there are more than one hypothesis generated by the class, intentionally give a
counterexample for them to test.

(4) Generalize

Finally, the students would now formalize their hypothesis to a rule. Support the students so
that they would use mathematical terms in stating their rule. Doing this would develop the
students' mathematical vocabulary and therefore their overall mathematical communication

The inductive learning strategy in the previous lesson is most useful in discovering rules.
In mathematics, students do not only study rules, but they also need to remember and
understand many definitions of terms. For better retention, it is best for students to discover the
meaning of the different mathematical terminologies that they encounter. The concept
attainment strategy is useful for this purpose.

Concept attainment is another instructional strategy anchored to the constructivist

learning theory. In this strategy, the concept is not directly taught to students. Instead, the
students understand and learn concepts by identifying common attributes through comparison
and contrast of examples and non-examples. Since concept attainment is used in
understanding meanings, it is often applied in English vocabulary lessons. However, it is also
useful in learning mathematical terminologies.

There are five simple steps in the concept attainment strategy:

(1) presentation of examples and non-examples,

(2) listing of common attributes,
(3) adding student-given examples,
(4) defining the mathematical term, and
(5) checking of understanding.

(1) Presentation of examples and non-examples

Alternately give examples and non-examples. The students should be able to guess some
common attributes based on the examples alone so non-examples are given to confirm their

(2) Listing of common attributes

List the common attributes given by the students. This may be done as a whole class or by
pairs or traits first. Some listed attributes may be later on crossed out as the listing of examples
and non-examples go on.

(3) Adding student-given examples

Ask student to provide their own examples based on the listed attributes. Then confirm
whether their suggestions is indeed an example. Based on the students’ answers, some of the
attributes maybe revised to make them clearer for the students.
(4) Defining the mathematical term

Help the students come up with a word or phrase for the concept. The exact term may not
come from them, especially when it is too technical (e.g. polyhedron), but the etymology of the
word may be derived from them (e.g., many polygonal faces).

(5) Checking of understanding

To verify that the students have understood the concept, give them a list and ask them
whether each item on it is an example or a non-example.

Contemporary leaders in mathematics education revolutionized the goal mathematics

teaching and learning from passive learning dictated by the curriculum to an active process
where the students are developed to think like mathematician.

Mathematical investigation is an open-ended mathematical task which involve not only

problem-solving but equally importantly, problem-posing as well. In the strategy, the word
"investigation" does not refer to the process that may occur when solving a close-ended
problem, but an activity that in itself promotes independent mathematical thinking. To illustrate,
consider the two mathematical tasks below.

Task A- Problem solving

There are 50 children at a playground and each child high-fives with each of the other children.
Find the total number of high-fives.

Task B - Mathematical investigation

There are 50 children at a playground and each child high-fives with each of the other children.

In Task A, there is a specific problem to solve. Some students might attempt to solve it
by drawing diagrams for smaller numbers of children and then investigating the pattern that may
arise. This investigation is a process that may occur in problem- solving. On the other hand, the
problem in Task B is not specified. Students may or may not choose to find the total number of
high-fives. Some students may want to investigate a more general case where they would want
to know how many high-fives there would be given a certain number of children. Some may
want to find out how many high-fives there would be if instead of once, the children would high-
five each other twice or thrice. Some children may even decide to work on a problem that the
teacher has not thought of. This is investigation as an activity itself.

As illustrated, what sets mathematical investigation apart from other strategies is that the goal
of the investigation is not specified by the teacher; the students have the freedom to choose any
goal to pursue. In problem-solving, the students are encouraged to think outside the box; in
mathematical investigation, there is no box to start with, the students are placed in a space
where they can play around whichever way they want. This makes mathematical investigation a
divergent and learner-centered strategy. So, like in the problem-solving strategy, it is crucial that
the teacher chooses or creates a situation that is engaging and caters mathematical
investigation. Tasks A and B show that a close-ended word problem can easily be converted
into an open-ended investigative task by simply replacing the question with an instruction to

There are three main phases of a mathematical investigation lesson:

(1) problem-posing,
(2) conjecturing, and
(3) justifying conjectures.

In the problem- posing phase, the students explore the given situation and come up with
a mathematical problem that they would want to engage in. The conjecturing phase involves
collecting and organizing data, looking for patterns, inferencing, and generalizing. In the final
phase, the students are to justify and explain their inferences and generalizations. Always
remember that although mathematical rules or theorems may arise as results of the
mathematical investigation, they are not the objectives of an investigative lesson-the objective is
the investigation itself; the exercise of creative thinking and problem-solving that the students
underwent as they investigated. Mathematical investigation is not after the teaching and
learning of some competency in the curriculum; it is about developing the mathematical habits
of the mind.
V. Design Thinking

Students find learning mathematics most engaging when they are involved in a thinking
process that results in an output that can be applied to a relevant context. The design thinking
process engages the students in such a thought-provoking and purposeful activity.

Design thinking is a progressive teaching strategy that allows students to look for real-
world problems and finding creative solutions. Students do this by focusing on the needs of
others, collaborating for possible solutions, and prototyping and testing their creations. This can
be summarized in five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

Empathize (a real-world problem), so it is fitting that the first stage is empathy. In: this stage,
the teacher needs to be explicit in guiding the students to put themselves in the shoes of others
through activities like immersed observation and interviews. According to the developmental
stages, it is not natural for children in the primary grades to be empathetic toward others. It is a
common observation by teachers that students at levels often do not realize that their actions
affect others. So, applying design thinking in the classroom gives the children the opportunity to
cultivate empathy, and at the same time, develop their problem-solving skills.


The next stage is for the students to define the specific problem or issue that they want to
address. First, the students will identify an audience-the future users of the product they will
develop. Their audience can be students, teachers, family members, or just anyone in their
community. Then the students will use the information they gathered from the Empathize stage
and focus on one aspect of the problem. It is important that the students be able to identify a
true problem because it is impossible to successfully complete the design thinking process
without a meaningful problem to solve.


The third stage of design thinking is the generation of ideas to solve the identified problem. This
involves brainstorming and research. The students are to be encouraged to think out of the box
and produce radical ideas. What sets this stage apart from the usual brainstorming is that all
ideas must be written or illustrated. ldeas are usually written or drawn on sticky notes and
students, later on, organize them into a mind map. It is at this stage that the students will be
able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills. Aside from being. able to operate their
problem-solving skills, they will also be able to apply specific content knowledge like
measurement, proportion. geometry, and statistics.

Prototype and test

Finally, the students go through a repetitive cycle of prototyping and testing. A prototype is
anything that a user can interact with in order to, later on, provide feedback about it. It can be
made of easily accessible materials like paper, cardboard, sticky tapes, recycled plastics, and
so on. Once a prototype is created, they test it or allow a user to test it and then make
improvements, or possibly overhaul the design, depending on their observations and the
feedback of the user. In these stages, it is important to emphasize that it is totally fine to fail at
the first attempt of prototyping. The trial- and-error aspect of the design thinking process is
glorified because it is believed. that the students learn a lot through their failures. Even though a
physical product is the expected output of design thinking, it should be emphasized that going
through the process is what is more important because it is where the learning takes place.

Play is children's work and thev love it! Well-designed lessons using game-based
Iearning strategy takes advantage of children's natural love for play to lead them toward
complex problem-solving.

Children find games both motivating and enjoyable, so it is not a surprise that teachers
harness games to cater to learning. There are many ways in which games are used in the
classroom. Games are sometimes used as' lesson starters to get the students engaged. In
some lessons, games are used to explore mathematical concepts and processes or cater
mathematical investigation. But most of the time, games are used to practice mathematical
skills. Not only do games make the lesson engaging for young learners but they also create a
relaxed environment in a mathematics class. Games associate mathematics with positive
feelings like excitement, victory, and fun competition. So, students who might have developed
mathematics anxiety, or those who simply "hate" math, might begin to open up and be more
receptive. The students' love for play may translate to love for math. Moreover, games give a
venue for students to communicate and defend their ideas while at the same time learning from
each other in a fear-free environment. And because in every game a goal has to be achieved,
students naturally develop strategic and creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Games
that require students to work in groups advance their social skills as well. However, not all
games that involve mathematical processes are considered to have instructional value. For
example, the game of Monopoly involves computations and strategies to maximize scores, but it
is considered to have little instructional value. According to Koay Phong Lee (1996) in his article
"The Use of Mathematical Games in leaching Primary Mathematics," a game that has
instructional value has the following characteristics:

1. The game has two or more opposing teams

2. The game has a goal and the players have to make a finite number of moves to reach
the goal stated. Each move is the result of a decision made.
3. There is a set of rules that govern decision-making.
4. The rules are based on mathematical ideas.
5. The game ends when the goal is reached.

Other characteristic that separates mathematical games from other games is that a good
mathematical game is not only about "having fun" but also about "doing math" in itself.

A teacher has three important tasks in a lesson that implements game-based learning
strategy: (1) lay down rules clearly, (2) observe, assess, and process students' understanding,
and (3) work with students who need additional help.

Mathematics is an abstract subject which is the reason why many students find it
difficult. One way to concretize mathematics for young learners is through the use of

Manipulatives are concrete objects like blocks, tiles, and geometric figures, that students
can interact with (touch and move) in order to develop conceptual understanding of
mathematics concepts. Use of manipulatives is not at all new; manipulatives have helped
people learn mathematics since ancient times. For example, the early Chinese had the abacus
and the Incas used knotted strings called quipo to aid in counting. In modern times, educators
Friedrich Froebel and Maria Montessori were the ones who advanced the use of manipulatives
in classroom instruction. At present in the Philippines, the DepEd mathematics curriculum calls
for manipulatives to be used in teaching a variety of competencies. Aside from helping the
students acquire a deeper understanding of mathematics, the use of manipulatives also gives
you, the teacher, the chance to genuinely assess their students' mathematical thinking. You can
move around, observe, and take note of students' discussions and ways of manipulating.
Moving around will let you give immediate feedback and taking notes of observations will help
you improve. One drawback in using manipulatives is that it may cause confusion, especially to
struggling students, if they are not presented with proper guidance and instruction from the
teacher. Moreover, careless use of manipulatives might result in students believing that there
are two different worlds of mathematics-the manipulative and the symbolic. It is, therefore,
important that the teacher carefully plans how to integrate manipulatives in classroom
discussion in such a way that there is a smooth transition from concrete to abstract.

Following are some guidelines in using manipulatives in the classroom.

1. Orient the students on how to use the manipulative. Give some time for the to play with
the manipulative. Allow them to explore the object and what they can do with it
2. Give clear and specific instructions. State the goal of the activity and how the
manipulative can help them achieve the goal.
3. While the students are at work. pay attention to their mathematical talk. Use their ideas
to enhance the discussion that follows after the activity.
4. If some students are struggling, ask them "why" and "how' questions to scaffold their
way through the activity.

Many manipulatives are commercialy available; the common ones are base 10 blocks (for
learning value, place value, decimals, etc.), geoboards (for learning properties of plane figures),
play money, and paper clock. However, you may also create manipulatives using readily
available materials like popsicle sticks, buttons, boards, fasteners, etc. Making your own
manipulatives is much cheaper and it gives you the benefit of customizing them according to
your need.

Integrating Mathematics into the curriculum can be quite challenging and rigorous. However,
Math is connected to a lot of disciplines and should not be isolated. Our complex brain looks for
patterns and interconnections as its way of making sense of things. Out learners develop an
appreciation for mathematics and a deeper understanding of concepts when they make
connections with prior experiences or with different areas of learning.

The affective domain, when tapped during the learning process can really make students
reflect on the connection between mathematical concepts and values or standards of behavior
that will help them deal with the pressures and difficulties in life.

Associating values or standards of behavior with mathematical concepts can serve as a

source of motivation for students. Values integration will help students get life lessons through
math. If students find a learning material engaging and meaningful, they will ask for move.
Curiosity is the force behind life long learning.


When transitioning from preschool to primary grades, children develop a strong bond with
one friend. Some child psychologists point out that it easier for some kids to relate to just one
co-learner rather than socializing with a big group at the same time. Teachers, however, can
provide primary graders with many opportunities for interaction. Within collaborating groups,
children learn to try things out, conjecture, explore, justify, evaluate, and convince others of their
findings. Collaborative tasks provide enriching opportunities for learners to explore other
students' perspectives that may differ from their own. Thus, these can develop a stronger sense
of empathy among students.

Group activities, if facilitated carelessly, could waste classroom time. Because of this, it is
important for teachers like you to ensure that group activities are carefully designed and
successfully implemented. This lesson aims to help you prepare, monitor, and process
collaborative tasks in your classroom that will maximize your student's capacity to socialize with
each other.

Vygotsky's Social Learning Theory

Collaborative learning branches out Trom the Zone of proximal development theory of

Vygotsky defined the zone of proximal development as follows : “the distance between
the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem-solving and the level of
potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance or in
collaboration with more capable peers."
In the zone of proximal development, the learner is close to developing the new skill, but
they need supervision and assistance. For instance, if a student has already mastered basic
addition of fractions, then basic subtraction may enter their zone of proximal development, that
is, they have the capacity to gain mastery of subtraction of fractions with assistance. The
assistance may not be directly provided by the subject teacher. A child seeks to understand the
actions or instructions provided by any skillful peer and internalizes the information, using it to
guide or regulate their own performance.

It is, therefore, necessary that learners should be given the opportunities to work with
their peers in broadening their learning experience, allowing small groups of students to work
together to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and to solve problems together. As learners
collaborate with their classmates and teachers, they adopt some of the learning heuristics and
develop more skills in problem-solving.

Collaborative activities encourage active participation from learners. Instead of passively

accepting information from the teachers, learners discover new insights by cooperatively
working with other learners. As mentioned earlier, teachers should be keen in selecting
appropriate learning activities for students. Listed below are some tips about preparing,
monitoring, and processing collaborative tasks in your classroom that will maximize your
student's capacity to socialize and learn from and with each other.

Identify the instructional objectives

When deciding whether or not to use group work for a specific task, reflect on the
following questions: What does the activity aim to achieve? How will that objective be furthered
by asking students to work in groups? Is the activity complex enough that it requires group
work? Will the project require true collaboration? Is there any reason why the assignment
should not be collaborative? Are the objectives attainable within a given time frame?

Determine the group size

How many students will be assigned to each group? The size you choose will depend on
the total number of students in your classroom, the size of the venue where the activity will be
held, the variety of students needed in a group, and the task assigned. If you want to have a
diverse, productive, active, and cohesive groups, then try dividing your class into groups with
four to five members,

Decide how you will divide the class

Will you group them based on proximity? WilI you group them according to their own
preference? The fastest way to group students is to divide the class based on proximity. You
might also want to randomly y assign students to groups by counting off and grouping them
according to number. Another idea is to let students get a piece of chocolate from a basket of
different chocolates and group students according to the flavor they chose. You may also
strategically assign them to groups instead of randomly assigning them. Prepare a list with
names vis-à-vis his/her prevailing attitude toward the subject. Divide the students accordingly
based on this list. Make sure that each group has a good mixture of personalities. Other
possible factors that you should consider include gender, race, ethnicity, and behavior.


In a mathematics class, effective questioning is essential. Students will get bored with
his/her teacher merely states facts. An effective teacher does not just tell the definitions and
theorems but rather asks meaningful questions that lead the learners to the correct ideas. Also,
the teacher gets to identify students who are having a hard time with the lesson and those with
more advanced skills through questioning. It is through questioning that a teacher gets to know
the misunderstandings of the learners. If a teacher is knowledgeable about the
misunderstandings of the learners, then the teacher will have the greatest understanding of
his/her learners. It is, therefore, necessary that teachers deliberately frame questions that will
keep the class discussion moving. The goal of this strategy is to keep the learners voices at the
forefront of every classroom session. The challenge for you now is to think of questions that you
could ask that would get your students engaged.

Discussion vs. Lecture

In the discussion-based strategy, the teacher's role is to engage the learners in a

question-oriented dialogue, The teacher spends a significant amount of time to ask scaffolding
questions to help students understand an idea deeply. The interaction in this method leans on
both the teachers' and students' equal participation. This type of strategy is different from that of
a lecture. In a lecture, the teacher is the chief source of information.

Art of Questioning

Not all questions are created equal. Some questions can be answered by a simple yes or
no. Some questions would require students to think more meaningfully. Asking the right
questions will help you understand what t your learners know, do not know, and need to know.
Asking questions is an art. As with most arts, no specific formula will work in all situations all the
time. This lesson will enumerate general ideas for your careful consideration when framing
essential questions.

1. Avoid 'one-word-response' questions

2. Refrain from asking questions which only require a yes or no answer.
3. In general, questions that would require one-word answers do not provide much
information to check your learners' thought processes. This type of questioning may not
stretch the mental muscles of your learners.
4. Questions are posed to help students articulate themselves, clarify concepts, challenge
known assumptions, examine reasons, and make significant connections to
mathematical concepts.
Foster a climate conducive to learning and questioning

Make sure that your learners feel comfortable to express his/her ideas and/or ask
questions at any time. Some students are reluctant to speak up because they are afraid of what
the teacher or classmates might think if they give an incorręct response. Listen attentively to
what your learners have to say. If your learners feel that you are listening to their ideas, then a
good working relationship with them will develop. Do not focus on hearing "correct responses"
but rather focus on listening to the message that the learners are trying to send across. Avoid
directing a challenging question to a student if your goal is just to discipline him/her for not
behaving well in class. Challenging questions are posed to stimulate critical thinking. Create a
classroom environment where learners feel heard and recognized.

My Question, My Answer is a no-no!

Do not answer your own questions. If you are not able to elicit responses from your
students, try rephrasing your question. Do not rush learners to give responses instantly. Give
students some time to ponder and hypothesize deeply about ideas. You might also give some
leading questions to help them level up their conceptual understanding.

Frame questions that are accessible to all learners

Remind your students that the question is for all members of the class. Try not to label
the degree of difficulty of a question. Avoid saying: Expect my fast learners/challenged ones to
answer this question." Give open-ended questions from, time to time. The answers to open-
ended questions vary from person to person. This type of questioning encourages students to
communicate their thoughts since there are multiple answers to open-ended questions.
Moreover, this allows all types of learners to contribute their ideas to the discussion. Get ready
to hear surprising answers from your learners!

Learners should be active questioners, too!

Demand your students to ask questions. Learners should practice directing questions
not only to you but also to their co-learners. You should give other students the time to develop
an answer to the guestion that their co-learners have posed. Keep in mind that in a discussion,
you do not always provide a ready answer. You want you the voices of your students to be at
the center of every classroom session! After hearing a response from one student, follow up by
channeling it to another learner for feedback. This prompts students for further participation.

1. Group Discussions. Encourage students to discuss course content in small groups,

fostering collaboration and critical thinking.
2. Think-Pair-Share. Have students think about a question, discuss it with a partner, and then
share their thoughts with the class.
3. Peer Teaching. Assign students to teach a concept to their peers, promoting deeper
understanding through teaching.
4. Case-Based Learning. Present real-world scenarios or case studies for students to
analyze, apply knowledge, and solve problems.
5. Problem-Based Learning. Engage students in solving complex, open-ended problems that
require critical thinking and research.
6. Jigsaw. Divide course content into sections, assign each section to a group, and have them
teach their section to the whole class.
7. Flipped Classroom. Assign pre-lecture materials for students to review before class,
allowing class time for discussions and activities.
8. Online Discussions. Create online discussion boards where students can engage in
asynchronous discussions about course topics.
9. Virtual Simulations. Use interactive simulations to help students visualize and understand
complex concepts.
10. Gamification. Incorporate game elements into learning to increase engagement and
11. Online Quizzes. Use digital platforms for formative assessment and immediate feedback on
students' understanding.
12. Interactive Multimedia. Integrate videos, animations, and interactive media to enhance
understanding of abstract concepts.
13. Research Projects. Assign research projects that require students to investigate and
present findings on a specific topic.
14. Research Symposia. Organize events where students present their research findings to
peers and faculty.
15. Annotated Bibliographies. Have students compile annotated lists of relevant research
articles to develop their research skills.
16. Creative Projects. Assign creative tasks such as artistic interpretations, multimedia
presentations, or creative writing.
17. Reflective Journals. Ask students to regularly reflect on their learning experiences and
18. Mind Mapping. Encourage students to visually map out connections between ideas to aid in
understanding and recall
19. Portfolios. Have students compile a collection of their work to demonstrate their growth and
20. Peer Review. Incorporate peer assessment to encourage critical evaluation and
constructive feedback.
21. Self-Assessment. Encourage students to evaluate their own learning progress and set
22. Think-Aloud. Model your thought process while solving problems or discussing complex
23. Questioning. Use open-ended questions to stimulate discussions and encourage deeper
24. Concept Mapping. Create concept maps during lectures to visually connect ideas and
show relationships.


1. Formative Assessment: This type of assessment occurs during the learning process and is
designed to provide ongoing feedback to both learners and instructors. It helps identify
strengths and areas for improvement, allowing adjustments to be made in real-time.

a. Classroom Discussions and Questioning: Engage students in class discussions and

ask open-ended questions that encourage critical thinking and participation. This allows
you to assess their understanding of concepts and encourage deeper reflection.
b. Quick Quizzes or Polls: Use short quizzes or polls to gauge students' grasp of key
concepts. Online tools and classroom response systems can be helpful for quickly
assessing multiple-choice or short-answer questions.
c. Think-Pair-Share: Pose a question or scenario to students. Have them think
individually, then pair up with a classmate to discuss their thoughts, and finally share
their ideas with the whole class. This encourages peer learning and allows you to assess
a range of perspectives.
d. Muddiest Point: Ask students to write down the most confusing or challenging aspect of
the lesson. This helps you identify common misconceptions and areas that need further
e. Concept Maps: Have students create concept maps that visually represent their
understanding of a topic. Analyzing their maps can reveal connections and gaps in their
g. Peer Assessment and Peer Feedback: Assign students the task of reviewing and
providing feedback on their peers' work. This promotes critical evaluation skills and gives
you insights into their understanding.

h. One-Minute Papers: Ask students to take one minute to write a brief response to a
specific prompt. This can help you quickly gauge their understanding and perceptions of
the lesson.
i. Interactive Quizzes and Games: Use interactive online quizzes or educational games
to make formative assessment engaging and enjoyable for students.
j. Entrance Tickets or Pre-Assessments: Administer a short quiz or activity at the
beginning of a lesson or unit to assess students' prior knowledge and misconceptions.
k. Peer Teaching: Have students take turns teaching a concept to their peers. This not
only reinforces their own understanding but also allows you to assess their grasp of the
l. Observations and Anecdotal Notes: Observe students during activities, discussions,
or group work, and take notes on their engagement, participation, and understanding.
m. Socratic Seminars: Organize structured discussions where students debate and
discuss a topic. This reveals their depth of understanding and ability to engage in
meaningful discourse.
n. Peer Interviews: Pair students up and have them interview each other to assess their
understanding of a topic. This encourages communication and helps identify gaps in
o. Online Discussion Forums: Create online discussion platforms where students can
ask questions, share insights, and interact with each other. This provides an additional
channel for formative assessment.

p. Interactive Simulations: Use interactive simulations or virtual labs to allow students to

explore concepts and assess their understanding through hands-on activities.
q. Gallery Walks: Post student work around the classroom and have students walk
around, review, and provide feedback on their classmates' work.
r. Conferencing: Schedule one-on-one or small group conferences with students to
discuss their progress, address concerns, and provide individualized feedback.

2. Summative Assessment: Summative assessments are used to evaluate learning

outcomes at the end of a learning period. They are typically used to assign grades or
determine whether specific learning objectives have been achieved. Examples include final
exams, end-of-term projects, and standardized tests.

a. Final Exams: Traditional written or online exams that cover a comprehensive range of
topics and concepts studied throughout the course. These exams can include multiple-
choice questions, short-answer questions, essay questions, and problem-solving tasks.
b. Standardized Tests: National or state standardized tests designed to measure
students' knowledge and skills in specific subjects or grade levels. These tests provide a
standardized measure of achievement across a broader context.
c. Project Presentations: Require students to present a culminating project that
demonstrates their understanding, research skills, creativity, and ability to communicate
effectively. This can include oral presentations, multimedia presentations, or exhibitions.
d. Portfolios: Students compile a collection of their best work, which may include essays,
projects, artwork, and other forms of evidence showcasing their learning and growth
over time.
e. Term Papers or Essays: Assign longer research papers or essays that require students
to synthesize information, analyze concepts, and present well-structured arguments.
f. Performance Assessments: Assess students' ability to apply their learning in real-
world contexts or simulated scenarios. This can include role-playing exercises,
simulations, or hands-on demonstrations.
g. Culminating Projects: Assign comprehensive projects that integrate multiple skills and
concepts learned throughout the course. These projects could involve research, critical
analysis, problem-solving, and creative expression.
h. Case Studies: Present students with real or hypothetical scenarios that require them to
apply their knowledge to analyze and solve problems.
i. Final Papers or Reports: Similar to term papers, final papers or reports may require
students to delve deeply into a particular topic, present their findings, and demonstrate
critical thinking and research skills.
j. Journals and Reflections: Assign reflective writing tasks where students summarize
what they've learned, identify areas of growth, or express questions and concerns. This
promotes metacognition and self-assessment.

3. Rubrics: Use detailed rubrics to evaluate and grade students' performance on specific
criteria, ensuring consistency and transparency in assessment.
4. Capstone Projects: A comprehensive project that often serves as the culmination of a
degree program. Capstone projects integrate multiple skills and concepts learned
throughout a student's academic journey.

5. Peer and Self-Assessment: Incorporate elements of peer review and self-assessment,

where students evaluate their own work or the work of their peers against specified criteria.
6. Simulated or Mock Assessments: Create simulations or mock assessments that mirror
real-world situations, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills in a controlled
7. Written Reflections: Have students write reflections on their learning journey, discussing
what they've learned, how they've grown, and their future goals.
8. Final Presentations: Students deliver presentations summarizing key concepts, insights,
and their overall learning experience in the course.
9. Exit Interviews: Conduct individual or group interviews with students to discuss their
learning experiences, challenges, and takeaways from the course.
10. Authentic Assessment: This approach involves evaluating learners' skills and knowledge
in real-world contexts or scenarios. It emphasizes practical application and problem-solving
skills. Examples include case studies, portfolio assessments, and project-based
11. Peer Assessment: Peer assessment involves students evaluating the work of their peers. It
encourages collaborative learning, enhances critical thinking, and can provide diverse
perspectives. Examples include peer reviews, group presentations, and peer grading.
12. Observations: Observational assessments involve directly observing learners' behavior,
interactions, or performances to gather information about their skills and abilities. This
approach is often used in practical or hands-on settings, such as clinical placements or
laboratory work.
13. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires gather feedback from learners
about their experiences, perceptions, and opinions. They can be useful for assessing
satisfaction, engagement, and areas for improvement.
14. Lesson Exemplars: refers to a specific example or model of a well-designed and effective
lesson plan.

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