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84 Chapter 3

F. Writing Skill$
With rcgud to written usig.nmenu. please indicate for cxhof the
following: 1. How important the skill js, a..nd
2. How ofteo you ave problems with the slcill:
l.mport3n0t Frequ<ney
of problems
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I 2 3 4 Usingeom::et pu.ncruatioo a..,d rpclliog. 2 3 4
I 2 3 4 Sc:ructuring sentences. I 2 3 4
I 2 3 4
2 3 4
Using appropriitc voeabi.:lary.
Otpnisicg Pll1i"l'hs·
2 3
2 3 4

2 3 4 Oipnisir,g d>c oveu assign.-.ncnt. I 2 3 4
2 3 4 ideu y. I 2 3 4
2 3 4 De-ldopiniideas. 2 3 4
3 4
2 Exprcss:ing what you wa". \t to
)' clearly. 2 3 4
3 4 Addressingtopic,
2 2 3 4
I 2 3 4 Adoptingappropriitc cone and style. I 2 3
4 I 2 3 4 Followi."\g iostrUcOons and di"."CCcions. I 2 3
4 I 2 3 4 Ev.aloati!IJ aod revising YOW' wrilins. I 2 3 4
I 2 3 4 '0-uall w:ilins >l>ilil)'. I 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 Ccmplcling wrirtcn casks (e.g., exams, cests) I 2 3 4
wichin the time av3.ilible.
2 3 4 Oilier (please specify): 2 3 4

G. Reading Skllls
The foUowin.a: questions col\cem the reading tasks requlred of you durin.a the
CQW'Se. Please

a) "'hich of !he (olJ<JWiog l)?eS of rmwial you a-.e CJ<pccl<d 10 "'3d, aod
b) how often you llave difficulty doini so(please cin:le):
.Expected Frequency of difficulties
to rue!? Oft.en Sometimes Ne-ver
1. Journal arecl<.s 2 3
Yes/ No
2. Newspapu uticlcs Yes/ No 2 3

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