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1. First put your name in the header of a new Writer document in Small Caps and aligned
right at size 11.

2. Page Layout Settings

a) A4 page size 2cm left and right margins, 2.5cm top and bottom margins.
vertical orientation, page border with left edge and top with a 2 pt red line
and a yellow shadow above and to the left at 0.18cm.
b) Activate footer. In the footer we will insert the page number centered and
then the total number of pages, as it appears in the solution.

3. Write a text with the following structure

Von Neuman architecture
A paragragh (2-3 lines) explaining the Von Neuman arquitecture
Two paragraphs. One explaining the function, and the other explaining how it is implemented.
Two paragraphs. One explaining the function, and the other explaining how it is implemented.
Input Output
Two paragraphs. One explaining the function, and the other explaining how it is implemented.

4. Create the following styles

a) Create a style called “MainTitle_YOURNAME” with the following format:
• Centered alignment, Ferro Rosso font (YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THAT
FONT), size 18 pt, font color red
• Blue bold underline for individual words.
• Color area purple 4. 3 pt paragraph border in purple 1 with a shadow below
and to the right at a distance of 0.3 cm in lighter purple than the previous one
b) Create a style called “FirstParagraph_YOURNAME” with the following format:
• Pristina font size 12(Install it if necessary)
• Hanging indentation of the entire text at 3 cm and the first line at 1 cm
• justified alignment with the last line centered, capital letter that occupies
two lines.
c) Create a style called “SecondParagraph_YOURNAME” with the following format:
• Vivaldi font (Install it if necessary) with size 14 in blue with shadow, a
character spacing of 1 pt
• An indentation on the left and right of 2 cm and the first line of 3cm, line
spacing of 1.15 lines, justified alignment with the last line justified.
• Has an image (solar system) in the background with a transparency of 80%
• dotted border of 2pt blue at the bottom with a shadow above and to the right
gray at 0.18 cm

5. Apply the styles:

a) MainTitle for the title of the sections (Von Neuman architecture, CPU…)
b) FirstParagrah for the paragragh explaining the function
c) SecondParagraph for the paragragh explaining how is it implemented.

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