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Libanos College Mekelle Campus

Faculty of Business & Economics

Department of Accounting &Finance
Corse Title: Critical Thinking
Submission Date:
Individual Assignment
- Make sure that your hand writings neat and clear.

Assignment #1
Please your answer should be free from plagiarism; it must be also relevant,
sufficient and precise as much as possible.

1. What is philosophy in its strict sense?

2. How can we distinguish argument from non-argument?
3. Construct one example of sound argument?
4. Construct one example of unsound argument?
5. List types of definitions with their respective purposes?
6. What mean by increasing/decreasing intensional and extensional meaning, with
7. Explain and enumerate the intensional and extensional techniques of
8. What are the factors which help us to distinguish deductive from inductive
9. Discuss and mention about the major branches of philosophy?
10.Say something about the importance of philosophy?

Introduction to Logic 1
Libanos College Mekelle Campus
Faculty of Business & Economics
Department of Accounting &Finance
Corse Title: Critical Thinking
Submission Date:
Individual Assignment
- Make sure that your hand writings neat and clear.
Assignment #2 value:25-50
Please your answer should be free from plagiarism; it must be also relevant, sufficient and
precise as much as possible.

1.What mean by critical thinking?

2.How should be the process in critical thinking?
3.What is the importance of critical thinking?
4. Enumerate the principles of good argument?
5.Discuss about the barriers of critical thinking?
6.What do mean by fallacy?
7. List down the five categories of informal fallacy?
8.How fallacy of relevance differs from fallacy of weak induction?
9. Explain about fallacy of ambiguity?
10.Assign one example for each of the following five (5) informal fallacies;
appeal to pity, missing the point, hasty generalization, suppressed evidence,
and false dichotomy fallacy?

Introduction to Logic 2

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