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Lec 1 This lecture discusses various topics Lec 2 This lecture discusses the laws of

related to biology from a physics and chemistry that govern life at a

physics/engineering/quantitative science molecular level. It explains the role of
perspective. It emphasises the importance thermal energy and the probabilistic nature
of measurement, quantification, and models of biological processes. Additionally, it
in understanding living systems. The lecture delves into the concept of protein folding
also highlights the need to apply principles and the preferred conformations of proteins.
from physics, engineering, and mathematics It also emphasises that systems can exist in
to explain biological processes. It mentions various states with different probabilities,
the concept of thermal energy and its even if they are not in their minimum energy
effects on living beings, as well as the state. Lastly, it mentions the equation of
significance of temperature in relation to motion and the relationship between force
average kinetic energy. The document and acceleration in our observed world.The
touches on topics such as DNA melting, impact of thermal energy on biological
protein denaturation, and diffusion. It also processes at a molecular level is that it
mentions the interplay of structure and introduces randomness and uncertainty.
information in biology, randomness in life With thermal energy, a cell or biomolecule
processes, and the prediction of biological falling in a test tube under an external force
phenomena. Additionally, it discusses the can be found anywhere due to thermal
motion and force in biology, pattern kicks. This means that the location of the
formation, and the implications of random cell or biomolecule cannot be certain and
movements on biomolecules. we have to use probability ideas. The
Ways to perturb objects- thermal energy also contributes to the
1. Temperature stochastic nature of biology, making it
2. Pressure/force probabilistic.Boltzmann probability-
3. Volume −
4. Concentration 𝑃(𝑧) = 𝐴𝑒
Temperature≡<kinetic energy> Protein folding is of great significance in
𝑚<𝑣 > biological systems. Proteins are essential
𝑇= 3𝑘
,k=boltzmann constant molecules that perform a wide range of
Randomly jiggling water molecules kick functions in living organisms. The unique
other bigger molecules (proteins in water), three-dimensional shape of a protein, which
causing thermal fluctuation≡brownian is determined by its folding, is crucial for its
motion.Typical energy of these “kicks” is proper functioning. The folded structure
allows proteins to interact with other
“Thermal energy”.𝐸 ≈ 𝑘𝑇
molecules, such as enzymes, receptors,
This energy can destabilise bonds, DNA
and DNA, and carry out specific biological
melting and protein denaturation.DNA from
processes.The folding process is highly
nucleosomes (DNA wrapped around histone
complex and precise. Proteins are initially
proteins) can partially unwrap due to
synthesised as linear chains of amino acids,
thermal fluctuations.
and they must fold into their correct shape
Distance a protein of size(radius= a nm) can
to be functional. Improper folding can lead
to protein misfolding and aggregation, which
𝑟 = 6𝐷𝑡 where t=time and 𝐷 = 6πη𝑎
are associated with various diseases,
including neurodegenerative disorders like ● Other interaction energies: How
Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.Understanding other factors such as Lennard-Jones
protein folding is essential for unravelling energy, curvature, and twist affect
the mechanisms of protein function and the intermolecular effective potential
disease. Researchers study protein folding in biology.
to gain insights into how proteins adopt their ● Bio-filaments properties: How the
native structures and how they can be elasticity, bendability, and rigidity of
manipulated or targeted for therapeutic bio-filaments like actin or DNA can
purposes. By understanding the principles be inferred from their microscopic
of protein folding, scientists can design images. Thermal fluctuations can
drugs that specifically target misfolded make them bend and affect their
proteins and develop strategies to prevent force generation.
or treat protein misfolding diseases. ∂𝐶
Diffusion flow, 𝐽𝑑 =− 𝐷 𝑥
Overall, protein folding plays a critical role in ∂𝑥
the proper functioning of biological systems Drift flow,
and has significant implications for both 𝑓 𝑐𝑞 ∂𝑉
basic research and medical applications. 𝐽𝑒 = 𝑐𝑣 = 𝑐 6πη𝑎
= 6πη𝑎 ∂𝑥
Probability of finding protein in conformation At equilibrium, drift=diffusion,solving

𝐸(𝑛) 𝑘𝑇 𝐶1(𝑒𝑞)
𝑒 𝑘𝑇 − 𝑘𝑇
differential gives,∆𝑉 = 𝑙𝑛
𝑞 𝐶2(𝑒𝑞))
𝑃(𝑛) = 𝑍
,𝑍 = ∑ 𝑒
This is the nernst equation and it gives
ΔV=resting potential.
For the parameters relevant to molecular
Computing screened potential gives,
biology, inertial force contribution is
negligible compared to viscous force. So at 𝐵 − λ ϵ𝑘𝑇
low reynolds number, force∝velocity. 𝑉= 𝑟
𝑒 ,λ =
Lec 3 This lecture talks about- 𝑖

● Electrostatic potential difference: 𝜆= debye length≈ 1nm

How ion channels across cell Lennard Jones energy -
membranes create a voltage σ 12 σ 6
difference that is essential for nerve VLJ(r)=4ϵ⎡( 𝑟 ) − (𝑟) ⎤
⎣ ⎦
signals and neurons. The Nernst
equation gives the potential
difference at equilibrium, also known Lec 4 This lecture talks about-
as the resting potential. ● Entropy and life: The lecture explores
● Screened electrostatic potential: the concept of entropy and how it
How the presence of ions in salty relates to life. Entropy is a measure of
water reduces the effective disorder or randomness in a system. It
interaction between charged also connects to information theory,
macromolecules like DNA and which quantifies the amount of
proteins. The screened Coulomb information in a message or a
potential falls exponentially with sequence. Entropy is relevant for
distance and is negligible beyond 1 understanding biological systems,
such as DNA, proteins, and cells, and
how they evolve and communicate.
● Free energy and equilibrium: The Lec 5 In this lecture-
lecture explains how free energy is the
● Free energy landscape: A concept that
energy available to do work in a
describes the possible states and
system, and how it depends on both
transitions of biomolecules in terms of
the internal energy and the entropy of
energy and entropy. The landscape
the system. Free energy is minimised
has hills and valleys that represent the
when a system reaches
stability and rate of biological events,
thermodynamic equilibrium, which
such as protein folding and chemical
means there is no net change in the
system. However, living systems are
● Protein folding: A process by which a
constantly out of equilibrium, as they
linear sequence of amino acids folds
take in and use energy from their
into a three-dimensional structure that
environment. Equilibrium is equivalent
determines its function. The folding is
to death for living systems.
guided by a funnel-like free energy
● Examples and calculations: The
landscape that has a global minimum
lecture provides some examples and
corresponding to the native
calculations to illustrate the concepts
configuration of the protein.
of entropy and free energy. For
● Chemical reactions: A process in
instance, it shows how to calculate the
which molecules change their
entropy of protein arrangements on
structure and composition by breaking
DNA, and how to calculate the free
and forming bonds. The free energy
energy of binding between proteins
landscape shows the difference in free
and DNA. It also shows how to
energy between the reactants and
calculate the entropy of DNA
products, and the activation energy
sequences across different species,
required to overcome the transition
and how to use it to estimate the
state. Enzymes can lower the
evolutionary conservation or diversity
activation energy and speed up the
of a gene or a protein.
reaction rate, but do not change the
Entropy, S=− 𝑘Σ𝑃(𝑖)𝑙𝑛𝑃(𝑖),
P(i)≡probability of ith arrangement ● Differentiation of cells: A process by
Method for calculating- which cells acquire specialised
functions and characteristics by
expressing different genes. The
differentiation can be modelled as a
movement in a complex free energy
landscape, called the epigenetic
landscape, that has multiple valleys
corresponding to different cell types.
Lec 7 In this lecture-

Lec 6 In this lecture- ● Microtubule dynamics: Microtubules

are cylindrical polymers composed of
● Chemical energy to mechanical tubulin dimers that can switch
energy: How to convert the free between phases of growth and
energy of a chemical reaction to shrinkage. This behaviour is called
mechanical work, such as force or dynamic instability and is powered by
motion. The lecture uses the example GTP hydrolysis.GTP-tubulin cap: The
of actin polymerization and growing end of a microtubule has a
depolymerization, which can push or stabilising cap of GTP-tubulin subunits
pull objects in cells. that prevent depolymerization. The
● Actin transducer: A molecular size of the cap depends on the
machine that uses actin monomers mechanism and rate of GTP
and filaments to generate force and hydrolysis, which is stimulated by
movement. The lecture explains how polymerization. The cap can be small
actin monomers bind to ATP and form or fluctuating, depending on the
filaments, and how ATP hydrolysis model.
changes the structure and state of ● Experimental evidence: Various
actin, breaking the symmetry and experiments have shown that GTP
creating a direction for motion. hydrolysis is necessary for dynamic
● Treadmilling and force generation: A instability, such as using GMPCPP, a
phenomenon where actin filaments non-hydrolyzable form of GTP, or
grow at one end and shrink at the diluting the tubulin concentration.
other, resulting in a net movement of Other experiments have used laser
the filament. The lecture shows how cutting or optical tweezers to measure
to calculate the polymerization and the cap size and fluctuations.
depolymerization rates, the critical ● Regulatory proteins: In cells,
concentration, and the maximum microtubule dynamics are modulated
force that actin can generate under by many microtubule-associated
different conditions. proteins (MAPs), such as
● Microtubules and bending: Another polymerases, depolymerases, and
type of filament that can convert plus-end-tracking proteins (þTIPs).
chemical energy to mechanical These proteins affect the growth rate,
energy. The lecture briefly mentions catastrophe frequency, and rescue
how microtubules use energy to bend frequency of microtubules.
and how bending and dynamics can ● The role of GTP hydrolysis in
pull a ring. microtubule dynamics: GTP hydrolysis
is necessary for the switching
behaviour of microtubules between
growth and shrinkage. It also affects
the stability of the microtubule lattice
and the size of the GTP cap at the plus
● The mechanisms of GTP hydrolysis Lec 8 In this lecture-
stimulation: GTP hydrolysis can be
● Molecular machines: Different types
stimulated by different types of
of machines that make the cell
interactions between neighbouring
function, such as motors, cilia, flagella,
tubulin dimers in the polymer. One
replication machinery, and translation
possible mechanism is the “coupled”
machinery. These machines are made
hydrolysis, where incoming dimers
of proteins, filaments, and chemical
trigger the hydrolysis of the terminal
dimers. Another possibility is the
● Examples of molecular machines: The
lattice incorporation, where GTP
lecture gives some examples of how
dimers have more neighbours after
molecular machines work, such as
being fully integrated into the lattice.
kinesin and dynein that move along
● The fluctuations in microtubule
microtubules, myosin that pushes
growth: Recent experiments using
actin, F0-F1 motor that makes ATP,
optical tweezers observed rapid
DNA helicase that separates DNA
shortening excursions of microtubule
strands, and ribosome that makes
growth without catastrophe. This
protein from mRNA.
suggests that either the GTP cap is
● Regulation of molecular machines:
longer than previously thought, or that
The lecture also explains how
the individual protofilaments have
molecular machines can be switched
different lengths and the tube
on and off by reorganising proteins on
structure provides stabilisation.
DNA, such as histones, transcription
● Dynein: A motor protein that binds to
factors, and binding protein. These
microtubules and moves towards the
processes require ATP-dependent
minus end. Dynein is involved in
sliding and disassembly of protein
transporting cargo, such as
chromosomes, inside the cell.
● Evolution of molecular machines: The
● Chameleon colour change: An
lecture ends with a question of how
example of how dynein and kinesin
evolution can produce such complex
can control the spatial organisation of
machines. It suggests that natural
molecules. Chameleons change
selection is a powerful force that can
colour by moving pigment granules
create functional structures from
inside their skin cells. These granules
random variations.
are carried by dynein and kinesin
along microtubules.
● Myosin: Another motor protein family
that binds to actin, a different type of Lec 9 In this lecture-
cytoskeletal filament. Myosin uses
● Evolution and complexity: How natural
ATP hydrolysis to push actin and
selection can produce complex
generate force. Myosin and actin are
machines like cells and organisms in a
responsible for muscle contraction
finite time, using a simple algorithm
and movement.
that mimics evolution. The algorithm
involves random mutations,
comparisons with a target sentence, undergoes conformational change
and selection of the fittest characters. when a photon falls on it, converting
● Diversity and statistics: How evolution light energy to chemical potential
generates diversity in a population, Conformational change of rhodopsin
using a simple model called the leads to a series of chemical reactions
Wright-Fisher model. The model leading to ion-channel
shows how the frequency of alleles opening/closing and voltage
changes over generations due to difference.Cones detect light when
random sampling and mutations. The intensity is high,they detect colour.
model uses ideas from statistics such ● Statistics and data analysis: The
as binomial distribution and document introduces the Poisson
probability. distribution, which is a mathematical
model for describing random events,
such as photons or mangoes falling. It
also shows how to use the Poisson
distribution to fit experimental data
and estimate the number of photons
needed to trigger vision.

● Genetic algorithm: How the power of

natural selection inspires a computer
science technique called genetic
algorithm, which is widely used today.
The technique uses evolution-like
steps such as mutation,
recombination, and selection to find
optimal solutions to complex where M=αI, M is average number of
problems. particles and I is intensity.

Lec 10 In this lecture- Lec 11 In this lecture-

● Quantum detection of light: The ● Predicting the future: The goal is to

lecture explores the question of forecast the state of a system after a
whether human eyes can detect single certain time or at equilibrium, when
photons, which are quantum particles the forces or flows balance. The role
of light. It also discusses the of temperature and potential energy is
implications of quantum mechanics discussed.
for the nature of light and its ● Modelling the dynamics: The
interference patterns. equations that describe how a system
● Biology and engineering of vision: changes with time are presented. For
The document explains how the eye systems without temperature,
works, especially the rod cells that are Newton’s equations are used. For
sensitive to low light.Rhodopsin systems with temperature, Langevin
equation or diffusion equation are At steady state,pattern is independent
used. of time,
● Langevin equation-
2 𝑥
∂ [𝐵] − 𝑙
𝑑𝑣 = 𝑘[𝐵] ⇒ [𝐵] = β𝑒
𝑚 𝑑𝑡
=− α𝑣 + 𝑓 + 𝑓(𝑇) ∂𝑥

where <f(T)> =0, Var(f(T)) ∝ T where 𝑙 = 𝐷/𝑘

● Effect of thermal fluctuations: The Reactions based on the threshold of
random force that arises from concentration leads to patterns.
temperature is introduced and its
properties are explained. The ● Brain structure and function: The
Boltzmann distribution is used to lecture briefly introduces the brain as
describe the probability of states at a network of neurons, which
equilibrium. communicate through electrical and
chemical signals. It mentions that
memory storage is related to the
Lec 12 In this lecture- connection between neurons, and that
the brain has different parts that
● Patterns in nature: The lecture perform different functions.
explores how patterns emerge in
natural phenomena, such as the
formation of the head-tail axis in fruit
flies, or the structure of the brain. It
discusses the role of reaction
diffusion processes, which involve the
production, movement, and
degradation of chemical substances,
in creating patterns with a
characteristic length scale.
● Reaction diffusion equation: The
lecture presents a simple equation
that describes the change in
concentration of a substance over
time and space, depending on its
diffusion constant, degradation rate,
and initial condition. It shows how the
equation can be solved to obtain an
exponential decay function, which
gives the length scale of the pattern.
∂[𝐵] ∂ [𝐵]
= 𝐷 2 − 𝑘[𝐵]

where k is the degradation constant.

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