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Answer 1(1)

The concept of rural marketing differ from different things to different

persons who are active participants in marketing. This confusion leads to
distorted. The population of rural India is 65.97% of the total population
of India and it contribute around 17% to the GDP of our country. And
provide employment to over 60% of the population.

There is a huge market in rural areas for services like

telecommunication ,health, education, transport, drinking water,housing,
electricity etc. Many organization still believe that these services can not
be profitable to rural consumer and these services can be only provided
by the government. It also defines the logic that the organizations
consider the rural consumers to be prosperous enough to buy products
and services. But the rural people are not rich enough to send their
children to private school to buy an apartment or to avail expensive
medical treatment. All these services can be profitability distributing in
rural areas because rural consumer are now eager to go for these kinds of
services. Good private school in cities attract children from the outskirts

Rural consumer now realized that government provides them free

services that are not good enough .Now a days village people do not want
to send their children in to government school because they know that
teaching quality does matter for the development of their children.

The less efficiency and effectiveness of govt. As a services provider has

opened up the rural market as a huge scatter market for primary services
for the private organization because the rural want these services as
equally as urban people and willing to pay the right amount for them.

Rural markets offer great scope for concentrated marketing efforts

because of recent increase in the rural per capita incomes and the
likelihood that incomes will be increase faster because of better
production and higher prices of agricultural products. The rural market

has changed drastically in a past one decade. A decade ago the rural
market was more unstructured target location for corporate. Very less
agro-based companies were concentrating in these markets. Illiteracy and
lack of technology were the factors leading to the poor reach of products
and lower level of awareness amongst rural people.

Answer 1(2)

Insurance companies offer different kinds of policies to cover several

kinds of loses and providing security against various risks. Depending on
subject-matter, insurance is classified into two main categories. Life
insurance: Life insurance is the agreement between policy holder and an
insurer, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange
for a premium, upon the death of an insured person. Non-life
insurance.Non-life insurance may be classified further into general and
miscellaneous insurance.

The purpose and need of insurance as a method of transferring risk is to

provide economic protection against the losses that may due to uncertain
events caused by death of cattle, crop failure, floods or any other
economic losses. The loss or risk may or may not occur during the
operative time of the contract of insurance. People, therefore, opt for
insurance purely for the reasons of uncertainties in life. Insurance helps
people in reducing tensions, as the quality of being efficient will improve
when the tensions and fears of rural people involving the risks are shifted

to the insurer and the financial status of farmers and other rural people
remains unaffected by the losses caused by the risks insured. Rural
working population also enjoys better credit standing as the risks are
transferred to the insurance company. Insurance also provides
opportunity for investment as life insurance policies provides maximum
benefit of protection and investment because the event insured against is
sure to happen, thus life insurance investment offers attractive returns.
Insurance sector is playing crucial role in tackling the problem of
unemployment in the country by offering employment opportunities to
many rural educated people. Moreover there are large numbers of rural
people who are working as insurance agents. Some rural insurance
schemes offering attractive returns on the savings, which helps in
increasing regular savings of people, it also provides funds for meeting
various needs like children’s education, marriage, and so on.In a dynamic
world like today, economies are changing at a very fast rate; future is
extremely uncertain, unpredictable and immeasurable. Obviously there
are risks for farmers as well as other rural communities. Insurance is the
most important method of handling various kinds of risks and it is
universally accepted. Rural insurance provides protection against
occurrence of uncertain events like loss due to rain, floods, drought, crop
failure etc. Rural insurance is a device for eliminating risks and sharing
the losses. The risk may or may not happen but policy holders pay the
premium regularly and share the burden of the loss. Thus, the loss
suffered by a person is spread over the whole insured community. It
cannot prevent occurrence of risks, but surely minimize the impact of the
loss by spreading it over the large number of policyholder

Answer 1(3)

Different organization have completely different and multiple

promotional strategy. these days all insurance corporations think
about promotional strategy because it is one in all the necessary tools to
supply competitive advantage during this competitive
world. therefore this will increase the requirement to review the
promotional ways of various insurance companies( public and
personal companies). the kinds of promotion ways adopted area
unit advertising, publicity, publicity, personal mercantilism, marketing,
marketing. One cannot deny this indisputable fact that each element of

promotional combine have to be compelled to incline full attention.

Advertising-Many corporations they need advertising as best non

personal promotion. It's a paid non personal
communication typically guiding an out-sized range of potential emptor.
Advertising expenses vary from company to company and
from trade to trade. Institutional advertising is especially in deep
trouble concepts, philosophy, or for goodwill of any company or
Publicity- Publicity may be a device to push business while not creating
Associate in Nursingy expenses and so is named an unpaid type
of persuasive communication bearing high rate of sensitivity. The
ad’s may be insensitive, however the insurance sectors notice
promotional material notice it simpler , since the views messages, opinion
facts and figures a advertised by media.
Word of mouth promotion-Word of mouth communication results into a
wider promotional material that sensitize the method of influencing the
impulse of prospect in insurance service provided. The happy customers,
the social reformist, the opinion leaders, act as word of
mouth human for the corporate. The organization concerned in
mercantilism insurance like banks, brokers, have to be compelled
to assign due weightage to the standard of service provided to the user in
order that they're happy and settle for the responsibility of promoting the
services. The word of mouth is additionally called the hidden sales
division for the insurance trade.
Personal mercantilism-This truth can't be denied the private selling is one
in all the necessary element of promotional combine, therefore we are
able to say that insurance business is considerably influenced by
incrementing of agents. If Associate in Nursing agent has Associate in
Nursing art of informing, sensing and persuading the potential policy
holder then the task of any non depository financial institution is
All the weather of the promoting combine influence one another. they
create up the business arrange for a
corporation and handled right, will provides
it nice success. however handled wrong and therefore
the business might take years to recover.
The promoting combine wants plenty of understanding, research and
consultation with many folks, from users to trade to producing and a
number of other others


1)What is your full name?
2)How many earning members are there in your family?
3)How many dependents are there in your family?
4)What is your monthly income?

a. 15000-25000
b. 26000-40000
c. 41000-60000
d. Above 60000

5) Are you covered under any government insurance scheme?

6)How often do you visit hospital for your own health purpose?
a. monthly
b.once in every three months
c.once in six months
d.once in a year

7)How much do you pay for medical facility or hospitalization charges?

a. 1000-5000
d.More than 50000

8)Do you feel a need of Mediclaim policy?
a. Yes

9) What kind of work do you do? / sector you are in?

10) How hazardous the work you do?

11) Do you feel a need of financial security for your family?

12) How much money you will need for your post retirement life?
a.Up to 50 lakhs
b.50 lakhs to 1 Cr.
c.More than 1 Cr

Answer 2(1)

With a 17 November share within the national gross domestic product

and with twenty second of the overall population (according to the 2011
census) engaged in farming, the general health of the agriculture sector is
vitally vital. during this context and from a humanitarian purpose of read,
the tragedy of farmer suicide demands prompt attention. totally
{different|completely different} governments across time have brought
out different short-run solutions that don't address the basis causes of the
matter which, therefore, don't scale back suicide risks. Such solutions are
available the shape of proponent “special packages” that square
measure reactionary instead of within the type
of preventative long policy.In addition, solutions like subsidies, loan
waivers, crop insurance, and different welfare schemes
have failing thanks to improper implementation. Worse still, knee-jerk

reactions like compensation when suicide
have generally provided associate incentive for suicide.As a starter,
farmers have to be compelled to be protected against falling into
the lure of the whorled debt, that is that the primary risk issue for suicide.
For this, farming should be protected against failure
and created profitable. attainable policy efforts square measure listed
below; these don't seem to be in any specific order, and priorities
would depend upon circumstances.
Small and marginal farmers ought to be inspired to pool their farmland to
leverage the benefits related to larger land holdings, like the
employment of recent and mechanized farming techniques. water
system for irrigation should be insulated from the vagaries of nature
by and determination of interstate watercourse water sharing
disputes.Farmers should essentially be
educated regarding fashionable farming techniques and
practices.Younger professionals should be inspired to participate in
farming activities.Farm loans at soft interest rates have to be compelled
to be created offered, and loan recovery procedures have to be compelled
to respect human rights; farmers ought to be discouraged from coping
with non-public cash lenders.Fair value for farm product should be
ensured, and middlemen eliminated by making an immediate reach for
the farmers to the market.The government-administered MSP ought
to take into thought the prevailing realities to hide the value of production
and to insulate farmers from unsteady market
conditions.Training must be provided for secondary rural investments
in agriculture, poultry farming, farming, and different activities, with a
clearly viable chain apparent from funding to selling.Financially wasteful
expenditure arising from unnecessary and even harmful social
practices should be discouraged; this includes matters starting
from alcohol use to dower gifts and huge wedding outlay. Savings ought
to be inspired, and saving instruments ought to be devised for the farming
population.Storage and food process units have to be compelled to be
established in rural areas.
Comprehensive however cheap insurance schemes ought
to be created offered, covering farmers and crops
from issues at each stage of the crop cycle. There ought to be a fast,
simple, and corruption-free approach to crop harm assessment with
disbursement of relief directly into the claimant's checking account.The
recently proclaimed Pradhan Mantri Farmer Bima
Yojana, associate improved version of existing schemes like the National

Agricultural Insurance theme and also the changed National Agricultural
Insurance theme, may be a step within the right direction though some
voices are raised against it. Organizations like the Alliance
for property and holistic Agriculture decision it another lost chance,
citing drawbacks like non inclusion of tenant farmers, restricted coverage,
non inclusion of crop harm by wild animals,
improper harm assessment strategies, and lack of
clarity concerning wherever the claim quantity are deposited (to the
farmers’ bank account or to the loan account.

Answer 2(2)

The Food process trade could be a mature sector that loosely tracks
underlying demographic trends, like population and financial gain
growth. corporations generate revenue from the sale of food and
ingredients to a full host of consumers, starting from grocery chains and
native bodegas to restaurants and different players any down the process
chain.This sector is praised for its ability to deliver systematically
positive investment returns. Indeed, over the past twenty years, Food
process stocks have, on average, delivered high single-digit annual total
returns (share-price appreciation and dividends), with abundant less
volatility than the broader market indexes.
It is, therefore, of very little surprise that food stocks square measure
compatible to fairly conservative investors with low tolerances for share-
price volatility. Defensive characteristics, as well as stable growth, ample
interest coverage, and solid balance sheets, conjointly establish these
corporations as "safe harbor" choices throughout major economic and
securities market downturns.Food, of course, is one among life's basic
wants. As such, underlying demand tends to be steady through prosperous
and troublesome economic times. That said, food corporations take
pleasure in growth. Also, higher combination income affords folks
"richer" diets and people on the margin could trust less on native
staples.Though food demand within reason predictable , there square
measure sure cyclic undercurrents that gift nimble investors the chance to
strategically position their food trade exposure for above-average
investment returns. In difficult economic times, for instance, folks tend to
precede vacations and eating house outings. Consequently, food
corporations with vital hospitality-sector exposure typically expertise a
drop-off in end-market demand and insulant share-price
performance.Food corporations comprise varied sub-segments, and
painting all with one broad stroke will cause shocking deviations from

expected performance. Investors ought to be cognizant of wherever a
producer resides at intervals the commodity- "value added" spectrum.
Poultry and different commodity-type producers have very little
individual influence over product valuation, and square measure at risk of
such vagaries as weather-related crop injury and cross-border trade
sanctions. Consequently, food corporations with vital hospitality-sector
exposure typically expertise a drop-off in end-market demand and
insulant share-price performance. Budget-constrained customers would
possibly trade down at intervals the food sector, be it from valuable
national brands to cheaper private-labels or from expensive proteins, like
cut of meat and ground cut of meat, to chicken and eggs. Commodity-like
producers are affected by long harvest (in the case of grains) and life
(livestock) cycles. Therefore, those corporations tend to own issue
quickly adjusting "production" capability. These factors lead to
comparatively high earnings and share-price volatility, as compared with
the remainder of the Food process trade.
Through innovation and stigmatization, fortunate marketers of added
merchandise face less direct competition and have additional
management over valuation. consequently, they get pleasure from stable
returns.Success conjointly depends on the power to manage prices and
leverage fixed/near-fixed expenses. Over its history, the trade has, at
times, suffered margin pressure thanks to severe input value inflation
within the type of higher costs for ingredients and fuel (used to power
process plants and distribute merchandise to the retail trade). In periods of
commodity-price deflation, however, the "stickiness" of retail worth hikes
supports profitableness. once input prices spike, added producers, with
their sturdy brands, square measure higher positioned, and might pass on
abundant of the upper expense to customers. manufacturers of personal
label brands have sensible value leeway, given the absence of massive
selling outlays.Success conjointly depends on the power to manage prices
and leverage fixed/near-fixed expenses.
Over its history, the trade has, at times, suffered margin pressure thanks
to severe input value inflation within the type of higher costs for
ingredients and fuel (used to power process plants and distribute
merchandise to the retail trade). In periods of commodity-price deflation,
however, the "stickiness" of retail worth hikes supports profitableness.
once input prices spike, added producers, with their sturdy brands, square
measure higher positioned, and might pass on abundant of the upper
expense to customers. manufacturers of personal label brands have
sensible value leeway, given the absence of massive selling outlays.
Size matters for several of those corporations. Distribution prices square
measure typically nearly fastened. As such, a bigger portion of every
progressive sales dollar tends to flow all the way down to all-time low

line. Processors with associate increasing complete portfolio will quickly
understand vital economies of scale. a large portfolio of popularly
commerce brands conjointly puts these corporations in a very stronger
negotiation position, vis-a-vis major customers within the retail trade, that
has more and more invaded the grocery house. tiny food processors,
however, as potential takeover targets, could also be the direct
beneficiaries of trade consolidation.

Answer 2(3)

The issue of food wastage is central to India’s efforts in combating

hunger and rising food security. whereas focus has been on rising
production, reducing food provide chain losses remains a comparatively
unaddressed drawback until terribly recently. it's laborious to place a
figure to what proportion food is lost and wasted in Republic of India
nowadays because of lack of adequate infrastructure, however, a 2011
report by a UN body, FAO, puts wastage in fruits and vegetables as high
as forty fifth of manufacture (post-harvest to distribution) for developing
Asian countries like Republic of India.Agriculture may be a ‘state
subject’ and an oversized a part of investment similarly as regulative
progress is occurring at the state level. until terribly recently, regulative
barriers had strained the event of storage and process infrastructure
however measures like inclusion of agri-warehousing underneath priority
sector disposition by run batted in, grant schemes, tax incentives and also
the deposit Act (which can promote negotiability of deposit receipts) have
helped non-public players take a lively interest within the same.

The non-public bourgeois Guarantee theme is one such

initiative to incentivize non-public investment for construction of
warehouses by non-public entrepreneurs, with associate degree FCI
guarantee to rent them for ten years, reassuring a good come back on
investment by the bourgeois.Comprehensive agriculture supplying
solutions: non-public players like Star agri that offer integrated post
harvest management solutions have entered the area to fill these gaps.
excluding providing deposit services, Star Agri, that recently raised
funding from IDFC letter of the alphabet, provides collateral management
and alternative price added services (quality testing, agri insurance, bulk
acquisition and rural retailing) to its purchasers.

Answer 2(4)

The food process business ranks fifth in size within the country and
employs nineteen p.c of the economic proletariat. fourteen p.c of the
economic output is contributed by the food process industries, which is
5.5 p.c of the value of Asian nation. The calculable turnover of the food
process business is Rs.1,440 billion of that concerning seventy five p.c is
calculable to be within the unorganized sector which is within the rural
areas. the rise in per capita financial gain, significantly within the social-
economic class phase, and dynamical food habits of the India’s
population as an entire, have unfolded avenues for food process
industries. Ready-to-eat food, beverages, processed and frozen fruit and
vegetable merchandise, marine, dairy farm and meat merchandise among
others. process business has gained significance within the recent past.
Quality and health consciousness of the customers have forced the
business to adopt state of the art technology within the mechanical
The value addition of food fortification in Asian nation is simply seven
p.c compared to different countries like China, twenty three percent;
Philippines, forty five percent; and U.K., 188 p.c. In varied national and
international forums, the necessity of processed and preserved food for
the growing population of Asian nation is emphasized. The larger the
space between the agricultural producer and therefore the urban client,
the larger is that the risk of post harvest deterioration. though Asian
nation is one amongst the most important producers of stuff for the food
process business within the world, the food business continues to be at a
emerging stage. but a pair of p.c of fruit and vegetable production is
processed compared with thirty p.c in Asian country, seventy p.c in
Brazil, seventy eight p.c in Philippines and eighty p.c in Asian nation. In
spite of the tremendous growth potential with relation to rural-based food
process industries within the country there square measure several
constraints, that have obstructed development.The Government of Asian
nation has realized the importance of the infrastructural demand and
programs are initiated for the creation of variety of cold storage and go-
downs for storage of potatoes, onions and different agriculture
manufacture. Steps square measure being taken by the govt. to harmonize
the present multifaceted food laws framed fifty years agony, to originate a
development orientation and to facilitate quicker growth for the business.
so as to supply adequate protection to tiny and medium industries during
this sector, the big industries or companies should become anchors to
help and nurture them. Besides these anchor industrial companies, variety

of food parks are being ready to supply help in adhering to international
standards, by establishing common facilities. The chosen anchor
industries can assist them to promote primary and secondary things and
convert them into added merchandise purchasable, through their
distribution network as well as export. makes an attempt square measure
being created to develop a robust info and market intelligence. Priority
has been hooked up for the event of interconnected sealed roads to the
agricultural areas, which can facilitate movement of raw materials and
finished merchandise. The parliamentary commission has already
reiterated that the Department of Food process Industries underneath
Ministry of Agriculture ought to run its previous standing of a totally
fledged ministry which might facilitate in attaching larger stress and
priority, in terms of policy, program formulation and implementation.

Answer 3(1)

A social media strategy defines however your organization can use social
media to attain its communications aims and therefore the supporting
platform and tools it'll use to attain this. At a basic level it’s an easy
statement of intent, outlining the goals and measurable objectives for
exploitation social media, and therefore the target outcomes you would
like to attain. It will this within the context of the business and comms set
up in order that social media isn’t in an exceedingly silo however
operating in parallel with different channels. It isn’t an in depth set up of
action – you’ll conjointly would like a concept however while not a
transparent strategy, however does one rate the activities for a plan?
assume strategy 1st, set up second.Even if you’re not actively concerned
in social media, different businesses area unit, together with your
competitors and possibly a major proportion of your customers. Failing to
know that this is often wherever many folks hold conversations means
that you’re not a part of the discussion, and you can’t influence what
happens.If you don’t grasp what’s being aforesaid, however are you able
to effectively manage your whole name online? and the way are you able
to make sure that your key messages area unit being detected by the folks
you most need to speak to?The social internet still is growing
quick.Purchasing selections area unit influenced by social media.Lack of
strategy hands the advantage to competitors.Your customers area unit

active on social media.There area unit key influencers in each social
network.Reputations will be increased or destroyed on social networks

An ad with minacious stats on the quantity of disposable water bottles

thrown out p.a., that promotes Hydro Flask reusable bottles as
environmentally friendly, which is formed by Hydro Flask to sell its own
bottles, is not social selling.
Meanwhile, a general campaign to push reusable water bottles, created
by associate degree environmental organization, that doesn't promote a
particular whole of reusable bottle, is social selling.

Answer 3(2)

Bottom of the pyramid (BOP), conjointly called base of the pyramid,

economics that refers to the poorest common fraction of the economic
human pyramid, a gaggle of over four billion folks living in abject
poverty. a lot of broadly speaking, BOP refers to a market-based model of
economic development that guarantees to simultaneously alleviate
widespread poorness whereas providing growth and profits for
multinational companies.

Answer 3(3)

The primary options of a operation that it's a written agreement

arrangement between a public and a non-public entity, includes a precise
degree of transfer of risk to the personal entity with the advantage of
remuneration, and has a stress on meeting a social would like or fulfilling
a development project that is meant for the general public sensible.The
operation model is a mechanism for the govt to hold out the essential
activities of development, particularly rural development through
infrastructure construction, whereas at identical time minimizing the risks
and significant drain on government budgets. The personal sector will
invest heavily because it has the resources to try to to thus, and since

these comes ar for social sensible, the govt plays a job in providing
incentives for the personal sector to speculate, whereas at identical time
guaranteeing that it's in an exceedingly position to supervise and regulate
the project.
As a part of the incentives, the govt has additionally resorted to viability
gap funding for personal entities UN agency take up development comes,
particularly in rural areas. this suggests that the govt funds a section of
the project thus on incentivize it for the personal entity to seek out it
engaging enough to require up.
Hence it appears amply clear that the govt would love to harness personal
sector resources and channel it into guaranteeing economic process.

Answer 3(4)

Marketers perceive the foremost effective due to connect with their

audiences is to travel where they go. Often, which implies meeting them
on the social channels they use.As the use of social continues to climb, so
can the number of brands that use social platforms to induce their
messages prior to consumer
Animoto-Standing are available in social media isn’t easy.The popularity
of social platforms that admit visual media (Instagram and Snapchat) got
to offer you with some indication of but your audience would possibly
value more highly to digest content.Video could also be an honest thanks
to capture the attention of your audience, and animoto will facilitate
Grum-With Grum, you may drop your videos at any time, like 9 p.m.,
once they’re likely to induce loads of interactions.Or you can post at off-
work peak times like 2 a.m. once you’re otherwise sleeping.We’re all
swamped on Mondays, and designing content makes it easy to hit those
peak times when you can’t depart to make a post.
Venngage-Creating quality, partaking content is long. typically|this can
be} often terribly true of info-graphics.Not only do you ought to offer
your information, but you'd prefer to compile it into Associate in Nursing
uncontrollable vogue, have that graphic designed, and write a superb post
to travel along side the graphic.Venngage may be a well-liked tool for
streamlining a number of that technique.

Marketing combine-The promoting mix refers to the set of actions, or
tactics, that a corporation uses to push its complete or product at intervals
the market. The 4Ps conjure a typical promoting mix - price, Product,
Promotion and Place. However, nowadays, the marketing mix a lot of and
a lot of includes many different like Packaging, Positioning, people and
even Politics as vital mix components.

Price- refers to the price that is place for a product. It depends on costs of
production, section targeted, ability of the market to pay, provide -
demand and variety of other direct and indirect factors. there's many sorts
of analysis strategies, each tied in with academic degree overall business
originated. analysis could also be used a demarcation, to differentiate and
enhance the image of a product.

Product- refers to the item actually being oversubscribed . the

merchandise ought to deliver a minimum level of performance; otherwise
even the foremost effective work on the other components of the
marketing mix won't do any smart.

Place- refers to the aim of sale. In every business, catching the eye of the
customer Associate in Nursing making it easy for her to buy for it is the
most aim of an honest distribution or 'place' strategy. Retailers pay a
premium for the right location. In fact, the mantra of a unbowed retail
business is 'location, location, location'.

Promotion- refers to any or all the activities undertaken to make the

merchandise or service acknowledged to the user and trade. this may
embrace advertising, word of mouth, press reports, incentives,
commissions and awards to the trade. it should embrace shopper schemes,
marketing, contest and prizes.
All the weather of the marketing mix influence each other. they produce
up the business originated for a corporation and handled right, can
provides it nice success. but handled wrong and additionally the business
would possibly take years to recover. the marketing mix wishes an
excellent deal of understanding, analysis and consultation with several

people, from users to trade to manufacturing different|and several other}
other others.

Answer 4(1)

Supply Chain Management involves procuring the proper inputs like raw
materials, parts and capital equipment's,converting them with efficiency
into finished product and dispatching them to the ultimate destinations;
there's a desire to check on however the suppliers acquire their inputs. the
availability chain perspective will facilitate the retailers establish superior
suppliers and distributors and facilitate them improve productivity, that
ultimately brings down the purchasers prices. At constant time, Market
provision helps coming up with the infrastructure to fulfill demand,then
implementing and dominant the physical flows of fabric and final product
from purpose of origin to points of use, to fulfill client needs at a profit.
According to the survey conducted by promoting and analysis Team
(MART) in 1995 on India’s ancient haat (Rural weekly market) and
Melas says.There square measure regarding forty seven,000 haats control
through the country and totally on weekly basis, out of a sample of 128
haats that were lined for in-depth study, not even in one was any product
from National fast-paced commodity (FMCG) or sturdy seller gift. These
haats really turned to be the refilling points for rural retails creating the
availability chain a lot of easier. Agriculture is important to Bharat. It
produces twenty three per cent of the value, feeds a billion folks, and
employs sixty six per cent of the work force. due to the revolution, India's
agricultural productivity has improved to the purpose that it's each self-
sustaining and a web businessperson of a range of food grains. This has
given rise to the per capita financial gain of rural Bharat and its
commonplace of living additionally.
Transportation Infrastructure may be a major hurdle within the
management of offer chain in rural markets nearly five hundredth of
five,76,000 villages of the country don't seem to be connected by roads in
any respect. Still these days several villages in Bharat have “Kachaa
road” and in monsoon even these roads become un-operational feat legion
villages all unconnected. thanks to such infrastructure bottlenecks, the

availability and distribution network of most of the businesses doesn't
penetrate the backward areas of the State.
Warehousing is also a giant drawback in rural Bharat, it's terribly tough to
search out appropriate godowns in several components of Bharat and
even there's no Government and public deposit
facilities obtainable in several villages of the country. a lot of of the
fabric goes waste thanks to the inconvenience of needed area. these
days several firms realize holding inventory is dear and take a look at
to push the inventory onto some other person within the offer chain.
wherever inventory is control may be a challenge in most chains.
Some firms square measure hard the manufacturer deliver the
inventory to personal client warehouses in smaller tons, a lot of oft.

Answer 4(2)

The principle behind Rural Business Transformation lies in making

Associate in Nursing
efficient rural offer chain by transportation all told the players into the
equation. the agricultural offer chain has 2 core price delivery processes.

  Rural turn out procurement and process

  Retail two rural trade goods transfer

All the parameters that square measure essential for the success of rural
process like provision, insurance, finance etc should be brought in to
action at the same time in an exceedingly well musical organisation

  Farmers, Farm Lands, Irrigation sources;
  Cultural Resources;
  Post-office
  Road Transport Corporation

The target market is process industries, retail chains, and kirana co-
operatives for all agri primarily based product. The client base for cultural
products is usually the urban households. There square measure a bunch
of players
outside the boundary of rural areas that forms Associate in Nursing
alliance with the rural community directly or indirectly

  Food process, packaging and distribution agencies

  Retail chains, Kirana-co-operatives
  Textiles trade, Handicrafts Stores like fabulous Bharat money
establishments analysis establishments

Input-output illustration of Rural offer Chain Network

Answer 4(3)

The problems of Indian rural markets arise out of the distinctiveness of

rural client, individuality of market structure and distribution
infrastructure within the country. The low stock turnover quantitative
relation and low sales volume don't attract the makers to take a position in
rural markets. Farmers have solely Associate in Nursing approximate
plan of worth trends and got to settle for the value offered to them at
on the day that they create their grain to the mandi. As a result, traders ar
well positioned to use each farmers and consumers through practices that
sustain system-wide inefficiencies. the most issues with the management
of provide chain in Indian rural markets is categorized
(i) Transportation Infrastructure could be a major hurdle within the
management of provide chain in rural markets nearly five hundredth of
five,76,000 villages of the country aren't connected by roads the least bit.
Still nowadays several villages in Asian country have “Kachaa road” and
in monsoon even these roads become un-operational departure legion
villages altogether unconnected. because of such infrastructure

bottlenecks, the provision and distribution network of most of the
businesses doesn't penetrate the backward areas of the State.

Thus there's a major constraint of essential commodities and different

things of general utility, that is leveraged by the native convenience
stores, commerce them at high margins or maybe commerce duplicate
and spurious merchandise. The study ICICI on rural markets has shown
that the village outlets have a vital role to play for creating merchandise
of frequent necessities on the market to mass village population specially
the lower financial gain section of the society. actually the event of road
network and rising their condition can facilitate rising the “supply chain
management”. Insufficiency of appropriate carrier conjointly|is
additionally} one amongst the constraint that not solely will increase the
distribution time and value however also winds up with wasting great
amount of fabric quality and really little profits to producers.

(ii) Lack of structure Relationships Strategic alliances and partnerships a

vital for a prosperous provide chain. They encourage companies to focus
their attention on the complete provide chain and scale back the amount
of suppliers they manage. several corporations have developed most
popular trafficker programs, moreover as carriers, to make sure that a
high quality product is received wherever and once it's required.
However, in Asian country the markets a informal and emerge at cross-
roads with little concentrations of households to facilitate the exchange of
merchandise among native farmers and villagers. These markets aren't
connected to the national markets and small try is created to have
interaction with the larger markets within the region.

(iii) deposit is also a giant downside in rural Asian country, it's terribly
troublesome to search out appropriate godowns in several components of
Asian country and even there's no Government and public deposit
facilities on the market in several villages of the country. a lot of of the
fabric goes waste because of the inconvenience of needed house.

Nowadays several corporations notice holding inventory is dear and take

a look at to push the inventory onto some other person within the provide

chain. wherever inventory is control could be a challenge in most chains.
Some corporations r tight the manufacturer deliver the inventory to
personal client warehouses in smaller tons, a lot of ofttimes.

Answer 4(4)

The Government of Madhya Pradesh proposes to develop Rural searching

Malls (RSM) across the State to cater to the wants of population residing
within the rural and backward areas outside the retail and distribution
network of producing corporations. The envisaged malls would be base
on Associate in Nursing amalgamated model of grocery and retail store
and would supply substantial savings over the products as compare to the
native conveniences stores. The planned facility would be a geographic
concentration of searching and deposit house, uptake joint, facilitation
cell and different amenities of specific and generic use. The
RSM would supply one-stop look solutions and a novel integrated
searching expertise to
the rural population and would specifically address the wants and
utilizing tendency of those. The State Governments ar willing to ask non-
public participation for the envisaged project and is willing to increase
vital business and non-fiscal incentives to the non-public player. they
might assist the non-public player within the identification of land at the
acceptable location and it'll be the key facilitating agency for the project
and would assist within the expedite
clearances of proposals across the State body machinery.

Bharat Nirman Yojna , is no doubt, regarding providing urban amenities

in rural areas. However, it's not regarding that. Republic of India Nirman
are a few things quite higher rural roads, rural housing, rural property,
rural colleges and hospitals. it's of these, however most significantly,
{Bharat|India|Republic of Asian country|Bharat|Asian country|Asian
nation} Nirman is regarding building a brand new India. Associate in
Nursing Asian country during which the urban rural divide is not any
longer an apparent one. Associate in Nursing {India|India|Republic of
Asian country|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} during which our
farming community will rub shoulders with company India Associate in

Nursingd feel as an equal in wealth creation. Associate in Nursing Asian
country during which our rural voters have constant quality of life as
those living in cities.

Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods Programme (APRLP), a Business

Resource Centre (BRC) has been established. it's a partnership initiative
of the Co-operative for help everyplace (CARE), Commissioner ladies
management and Self Employment (CWE & SE), Sri Ramananda Thirtha
Rural Institute (SRTRI) and APRLP. BRC is predicted to pave the
approach for recognising
the rural poor as probably vital a part of the economy. APRLP initiative
in rural enterprise development combines infusion of recent skills and
technologies, serving to the emergence of a service sector in rural areas,
creation of markets.

Answer 5(1)

In this land of fifteen million retailers, most of them owning little

mummy and pop retailers, we have a tendency to even have a
contemporary retail flourishing like ne'er before. the agricultural
revolution is driven by rising buying power, dynamic consumption
patterns, accrued access to data and communication technology, up
infrastructure and accrued government initiatives to spice up the
agricultural economy. the entire range of rural households is anticipated
to rise from one hundred thirty five million in 2001-02 to 153 million in
2009-10 giving an amazing push to the agricultural retail
opportunity. there's very little space for conflict as proved from the actual
fact that Asian country presents a singular case of consumption-driven
economy: whereas the United States reels underneath recession, wherever
offer clearly outstrips demand, Asian country confronts inflation,
wherever business and retailers square measure so far unable to supply
what the buyer demands. Over the previous couple of years Indian retail
has witnessed speedy transformation in several areas of the business by
setting ascend able and profitable retail models across classes. Indian

shoppers square measure apace evolving and acceptive trendy retail
formats. New and indigenized formats like division stores, hypermarkets,
supermarkets, specialty and convenience stores, and malls, multiplexes
and fun zones square measure quick dotting the retail landscape.
However, there's Brobdingnagian potential embedded deeper to penetrate
the agricultural market by understanding the advanced cross layers of the
agricultural Asian country shopper. The retailers realize the agricultural
physical and geographical expanse intimidating. it's extremely a
nightmare the wants of 600,000 and villages cover a region of over
three.2 million sq.
kilometers, which too hardly connected by all weather roads.
India's mostly rural population has conjointly caught the attention of
outlets trying to find new areas of growth .A slew of grocery chains,
together with those of the Tata and ITC, square measure set to storm the
agricultural areas of the country as company understand the large
potential of the untapped market ITC launched the country's 1st rural mall
'Chaupal Sagar, giving a various product vary from FMCG to electronic
appliances to vehicles, making an attempt to supply farmers a one-stop
destination for all of their desires. firms like Godrej and DCM Shriram
Consolidated square measure launching `one-stop shops' for farmers and
their communities. Godrej Agrovet, for example, is going to originated
one,000 Aadhar stores across rural Asian country by 2010. the
agricultural market isn't any longer a non-player within the retail game.
it's currently accounting for over one third of the marketplace for most
sturdy and non-durable product. Even makers square measure developing
new product with the agricultural shopper in mind besides victimization
village-oriented promoting methods for complete promotions. whether or
not it's aristocrat Mukherjee promoting the
chocolate Munch or master batsmen Sachin wowing village lads with a
drinkable, each ad manufacturers further as prime company honchos
apprehend wherever to place their cash and the way. the agricultural
market isn't any longer of theoretic empirical price however is well
researched and reached by most firms wanting to faucet India's immense
and copious bounty.
what is more lack of infrastructure and supplying beside multiple
tax rates, restrictions on product movement, among others increase
inventories and, therefore, costs. thanks to lack of scale and variety in

shopping for behavior, marketers {are conjointly|also are|are} forced to
not solely produce multi stratified distribution networks however also
develop new packaging and worth points. but increasing penetration of
TV, rebirth of radio, through FM, availableness of broadband net, quick
unfold of mobile phones, and rural road development programmes might
in an exceedingly short span of your time might except for up
infrastructure, bridge gaps in behavioral patterns across the country. For a
distributor it's essential to ascertain during which phase it's job within the
on top of division of villages. as an example Shakti caters to villages with
a population of 500or on top of. wherever in Eveready considers even the
remotest of village as its target

Answer 5(2)

The Indian retail business has emerged in concert of the foremost

dynamic and fast industries because of the entry of many new players.
Total consumption expenditure is predicted to succeed in nearly US$
three,600 billion by 2020 from US$ one,824 billion in 2017. It accounts
for over ten per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and
around eight per cent of the use. Bharat is that the world’s fifth-largest
international destination within the retail house.India is that the world’s
fifth largest international destination within the retail house. In FDI
Confidence Index, Bharat ranks sixteenth (after U.S., Canada, Germany,
UK, China, Japan, France, Australia, European nation and Italy).
Retail business reached to US$ 950 billion in 2018 at CAGR of thirteen
per cent and expected to succeed in US$ one.1 trillion by 2020. on-line
retail sales square measure foretasted to grow at the speed of thirty one
per cent year-on-year to succeed in US$ thirty two.70 billion in 2018.
Revenue generated from on-line retail is projected to grow to US$ sixty
billion by 2020.Revenue of India’s offline retailers, additionally referred
to as brick and mortar (B&M) retailers, is predicted to extend by Rs
ten,000-12,000 large integer (US$ one.39-2.77 billion) in FY20.India is
predicted to become the world’s quickest growing e-commerce market,
driven by strong investment within the sector and fast increase within the
range of web users. numerous agencies have high expectations
concerning growth of Indian e-commerce markets.Luxury market of
Bharat is predicted to grow to US$ thirty billion by the top of 2018 from

US$ twenty three.8 billion a pair of017 supported by growing exposure of
international brands amongst Indian youth and better getting power of the
upper crust in tier 2 and three cities, in line with Assocham.
Retail, one amongst India‟s largest industries, has emerged in concert of
the foremost dynamic and quick paced industries with many players
getting into the market. Accounting for over 100 percent of the 100
percent value and around 8 May 1945 of the use, marketing in Bharat is
step by step inching its method toward changing into following boom
business. it's on the brink of an enormous revolution once the IT sector.
though organized retail market isn't thus sturdy as of currently, however
it's expected to grow manifolds by the year 2010. the world contributes
100 percent of the value, and is calculable to point out two hundredth
annual rate by the top of the last decade. the present rate is calculable to
be eight.5%, however CRISIL report says that the retail market is most
fragmented within the world and solely a pair of of the whole marketing
business is within the organized sector. There square measure concerning
three hundred new malls, 1500 supermarkets and 325 division stores
being inbuilt the cities terribly before long. the agricultural shopper
market, that grew twenty five per cent in 2008, is predicted to succeed in
US$ 425 billion in 2010-11 with 720-790 million customers, in line with
a report ready by CII-Technopak, in Nov 2009. The figures square
measure expected to double the 2004-05 market size of US$ 220 billion.

Answer 5(3)

The company exports varied agricultural product -- soybean, rice and

wheat, to call many. It has to supply them from farmers."In 2000,
ITC launched into associate initiative to deploy technology to reengineer
the procurement of soybeans from rural Republic of India," says S.Siva
kumar, CEO of ITC's agri-business division. "Kiosks -- known as e -
Choupal -- consisting of a private laptop with web access
were originated at the villages." He explains that soybean
farmers might access this
kiosk for info on costs, however had the selection to sell
their manufacture either at the native market or on to ITC at their hub
locations. A hub location services a cluster of e-Choupal.
By buying directly from the farmer, ITC considerably improved

the potency of the channel and created worth for each the farmer and
itself. "While the e-Choupal network was initiated to facilitate a lot
of economical and effective procurement, the property each physical and
services from the market to the farmer,"
says Shiva kumar. it's therefore evolved into a business platform.

The e Choupal infrastructure consists of:

A cubicle with web access within the house of a trained farmer, known
as a Sanchalak. This cubicle is at intervals walking distance of target
farmers. A deposition hub managed by the previous middleman, known
as a surface-to-air missile yojak. this is often at intervals a tractor-
driveable distance of target farmers. (The former middlemen got a task to
avoid resistance to the project. They joined as a result of they may see
that their ancient business was in risk.) A cooperative network
of corporations musical group by ITC with a pan-India presence.

Answer 5(4)


Godrej Aadhaar is that the agri services humour retail initiative of Godrej
Agrovet Ltd. it's an entire resolution supplier for the Indian
farmers associated provides skilled steerage with an objective to
enhance productivity, higher returns and improved value profit magnitude
relation. The services offered area unit crop inflammatory services, soil &
water testing services; repurchase of output, crop finance, offer of agri
inputs and animal feeds, transfer of knowledge (weather, price, and
demand supply), door
delivery of product etc. Presently there area unit forty nine Aadhaar
Centers across the country within the States of geographic
region (Mancher, Alephata, Ranjini, Umbraj, Ozar Sangli, Dindori,
Niphad, Shikrapur, Ottur, and Akluj). GAVL conjointly opened its
second petro format Aadhaar specific in Kashti, geographic region.
GAVL revamped its peace officer Road peace officer Basket” outlet by

positioning it as
“Authentic World Food”. This store has introduced new
product classes like wine, cheese,
cold-cuts, processed foods additionally to its existing portfolio
of contemporary fruits, vegetables & herbs
and specialty foods.


DSCL backed by years of expertise within the factory farm,

has enforced a 1 of a form rural selling initiative, the Hariyali Kisaan
Bazaar rural division stores, to produce single-point resolution to the
varied desires of the up to date Indian farmer. every store covers a
region of 3-4 acres and is managed by a team of 7-
8 individuals whom the corporate trains unendingly. the full range of
Hariyali shops stood at one hundred and one as of thirtieth Sept,
2007, that DSCL plans to expand to 250-300 shops by the top of FY
2008-09. Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar offers the agricultural house all farming
and shopper product and connected services in conjunction
with monetary services below one roof.
These embrace wide selection and multi-brands of agri-inputs,
FMCG, consumer goods, apparels, footwear, toys, general merchandise,
insurance etc. The shops conjointly give the farmer, the
expert recommendation of agronomists and also the technological support
in shifting from agriculture
to technology crystal rectifier business farming.


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