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5, MAY 2014 1477

Plasmon Resonance Effects in GaAs/AlGaAs

Heterojunction Devices: An Analysis Based
on Spectral Element Simulation
Feng Li, Qing Huo Liu, Fellow, IEEE, and David P. Klemer

Abstract— The effect of surface plasmons is investigated in successfully used in the design of optically based biomole-
III–V devices that incorporate a subsurface heterojunction to cular sensors [5], [6]. As mentioned above, HEMT structures
guide electron transport, in a structure analogous to that of the have also been proposed for biological and chemical sensing,
high-electron mobility transistor. The use of the spectral element
method results in a highly efficient computational approach; but little research has been devoted to the use of hybrid
perturbations in the electric potential resulting from surface HEMT/plasmonic devices that could facilitate the transduction
plasmonic effects are included in a self-consistent solution of of optical signals (e.g., biomolecular fluorescence) directly
the Schrödinger–Poisson equations. The results of calculations of into an electrical response, allowing for the design of compact
electron conduction band edge and electron density distribution biosensors or multiplexed bimolecular detection arrays.
are presented, and the effect of the plasmonic penetration depth
on electron density distribution in the 2-D electron gas at the With its metal gate (typically gold) serving as a surface
heterojunction is studied. This approach has broad applicability plasmonic media, a HEMT/plasmonic device perturbed by
in the design and simulation of III–V optoelectronic sensors and penetrating surface plasmonic fields could find application
transducers used for physiochemical and biological sensing and in highly integrated optoelectronic systems operating at high
imaging. frequencies. While some investigations have focused on the
Index Terms— Chemical and biological sensors, finite use of complex hybrid HEMT/plasmonic structures as elec-
element modeling (FEM), high-electron mobility transistor tromagnetic detectors [7], virtually no attention has been
(HEMT), plasmons, spectral element method (SEM), surface given to their application to biological/chemical sensing. Such
sensors could, for example, employ novel surface waveguides
I. I NTRODUCTION or integrated flow cells, or make use of the unique ability for
direct attachment of organic and biological molecules directly

O NE ADVANTAGE of the high-electron mobility transis-

tor (HEMT) is the high sensitivity of the HEMT 2-D
electron gas (2-DEG) to perturbations in the local elec-
onto III–V surfaces [8].
Part of the difficulty in hybrid HEMT/plasmonic device
design has been the lack of suitable modeling and simu-
tromagnetic environment, resulting in high gain-bandwidth lation tools; this is unfortunate, as accurate simulation can
products and suitability as low-noise amplifiers. Accordingly, impact the optimal design of high-sensitivity HEMT-based
there have been proposals to develop biological and chemical sensors—for example, optimal design, and location of the
sensors based on the HEMT device structure [1]–[3], with a heterointerface within the device structure. In this paper, the
broad range of potential applications, including biosensing for effect of a surface-plasmon-induced ponderomotive potential
medical diagnostics, chemical sensing, and security screening. on the electron density distribution within the 2-DEG of
The III–V materials typically used in HEMT design also an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure is studied through a self-
exhibit useful optoelectronic properties. As one attempts to consistent solution of the Schrödinger–Poisson equations that
miniaturize photonic devices to nanometer dimensions, one describe the system. Although various numerical simulation
encounters restrictions imposed by the diffraction limit, lead- schemes exist [e.g., finite element modeling (FEM) or finite
ing to the emerging field of plasmonics, and its goal of creating difference modeling (FDM)], in this paper, a solution algo-
photonic devices suitable for subwavelength operation [4]. rithm based on the spectral element method (SEM) approach
The unique properties of plasmonic devices have been was chosen. This choice was based on the high-computational
Manuscript received January 6, 2014; revised March 8, 2014; accepted efficiency and accuracy of the SEM algorithm as compared
March 10, 2014. Date of publication March 26, 2014; date of current version with traditional FEM- and FDM-based simulations, as has
April 18, 2014. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor K. J. Chen. been previously reported [9] and [10].
F. Li was with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53211 USA.
He is now with the Department of Engineering, Thomas Nelson Community
Q. H. Liu is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA (e-mail: The AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT structure under investigation is
D. P. Klemer is with K2 BioMicrosystems, LLC, Geneva, IL 60134 USA shown in Fig. 1. A heterostructure is formed by depositing
(e-mail: an undoped AlGaAs spacer layer, 50 Å in thickness, onto a
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at (bulk) undoped GaAs channel layer. A highly silicon-doped
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2014.2311473 Al0.3 Ga0.7 As barrier layer is deposited onto the spacer layer,
0018-9383 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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where k0 = ω/c is the wave vector of a wave propagating in

vacuum, and εm is the optical dielectric function of the gold
metallization. The electric potential induced by the surface
plasmon is wavelike in the z-direction, but decays exponen-
tially in the x-direction.
The plasmon-induced field decays into both the metal and
barrier layer, and exhibits a maximum at the precise interface
of the metal and semiconductor. The field decay along the
positive x-direction (i.e., into the AlGaAs, perpendicular to
the interface) is characterized by an evanescent decay length
(or penetration depth) L ps , defined as the distance from the
interface at which the amplitude of the field decreases by
a factor of 1/e. This decay length is a characteristic of the
material within which the plasmonic field is confined; for
Fig. 1. Schematic of an AlGaAs/GaAs HEMT device (not to scale), showing AlGaAs material (and other dielectric materials as well),
a surface plasmon wave propagating along a metal–semiconductor interface it can be defined as
defined as x = 0. 1
L ps = (5)
Re{ks }
having a doping density of 3 × 1018 /cm3 and thickness of which quantifies the extent of confinement of the plasmon-
200 Å. Finally, a heavily doped GaAs cap layer is deposited, induced field in the AlGaAs semiconductor material.
onto which ohmic source and drain contacts will be patterned. The evanescent decaying surface plasmon field along the
A portion of the cap layer is etched off and a very thin gate x-direction can lead to an effective ponderomotive poten-
metallization (typically Au or Al) is deposited onto the highly tial [13]
doped Al0.3 Ga0.7 As barrier layer. In some cases, the gate-
Usp = U0 e−2x/L (6)
recess etch may extend slightly into the AlGaAs material that
q E0 2
forms the barrier layer. U0 = (7)
Under certain conditions, surface plasmons can be excited 4mω2
and guided to propagate along the interface between the gold where q and m are electron charge and mass, respectively,
metallization and the Al0.3 Ga0.7 As barrier layer. A plasmonic E 0 is the electric field strength, and ω is the angular frequency
wave may then propagate along the gate length, i.e., the of the electric field. This exponentially decreasing ponderomo-
z-axis direction, as shown in Fig. 1. Surface plasmon tive potential results in an effective dc electric field
polaritons (SPPs) only exist for transverse magnetic polar-
q E 02 − 2x
ization, and the field intensity of the surface plasmons are E effective = e L. (8)
derived from Maxwell’s equations. Assuming a harmonic time 2Lmω2
dependence (∂/∂t = −i ω), the (sinusoidally varying) electric In the channel of the HEMT device, the predominant carriers
field in the barrier layer side may be expressed as [11], [12] are electrons, thus a plasmon-induced effective potential
β −q 2 E 02 − 2x 2x
E x (x) = As eiβz e−ks x (1) φsp = e L = A0 e− L (9)
ωε0 εs 4mω2
and is expected, which can influence the electron density of the
ks iβz −ks x 2-DEG, and thus channel conductivity.
E z (x) = −i As e e (2) The amplitude of the effective potential φsp depends on the
ωε0 εs
field strength of the laser pulse at the prism interface. The
where As denotes the modal field amplitudes of the electric local intensity I of the laser beam is related to the amplitude
field and potential, respectively, ω is the angular frequency, E of the electric field by
ε0 is the free space permittivity, εs is the relative permittivity of v p ε0 εr μr 2 cε0 n 2
the barrier layer, β is the propagation constant of the traveling I = E = E (10)
2 2
waves (corresponding to the component of the wave vector
along the direction of propagation), and ks is the component where v p is the phase velocity, c is the vacuum velocity of
of the wave vector in the barrier layer, perpendicular to the light, and n is the refractive index. For a Gaussian beam
interface located at x = 0. The constants β and ks may be with optical power P and Gaussian beam radius r , the peak
expressed as intensity is
εm εs Ip = (11)
β = k0 (3) πr 2 /2
εm + εs
and the peak electric field is given by

εs 4P
ks = β 2 − k02 εs = i k0 √ (4) E= . (12)
εm + εs πr 2 cε0 n

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The peak power P is related to the pulse energy E p via [14] Finally, the electron density associated with the heterojunction
is the sum of subband and bulk electron densities
P = fs (13) n = n 2-D + n 3-D
τp (19)

where τ p is the pulse duration (defined as full width at half and the ionized donor concentration is given by
maximum). The numerical factor f s depends on pulse shape, + N D (x)
and is 0.94 for a Gaussian-shaped pulse. The intensity of the ND (x) = (20)
1 + 2 exp{[E f − (V − E D )]/k B T }
laser pulse can be carefully chosen based on (12) and (13) to
result in an electric field well below the breakdown field of where E D is the donor energy level, and N D the donor
GaAs (∼4 × 105 V/cm). concentration.


To facilitate numerical simulation, the Schrödinger–Poisson
To simplify the calculations, the electron density distribution equations can be recast into the form of a Sturm–Liouville dif-
perpendicular to the device surface is treated as a 1-D problem. ferential equation. The 1-D Schrödinger equation and Poisson
Given the small thickness of the spacer layer, the small width equation may be rewritten as [10], [15]
of the quantum well formed at the heterointerface, and the 2-D  
1 d 1 d (  x ) (21)
nature of the 2-DEG, the Schrödinger equation is used for the − 2 +V x ) ψ(x ) = Eψ(
π d x m r∗ (
x ) dx
determination of electron densities. The single electron, 1-D,
time-independent Schrödinger equation is and
  d d
2 d 1 d r (
x) φ(
x ) = −
ρ (
x) (22)
− ψ(x) + V (x)ψ(x) = Eψ(x) (14) dx dx
2 d x m ∗ (x) d x
respectively, where  x = x/d0 , V (x) = V (x)/E 1 =
where  is the reduced Planck constant (i.e., Planck’s constant 
[Vh (x) − qφ]/E 1 , E = E/E 1 , E 1 = π 2 2 /2m ∗ (0)d02 ,
divided by 2π), m ∗ is the effective mass of an electron, ψ is m r∗ (
x ) = m ∗ (x)/m ∗ (0), r (
x ) = 0 r (x)/ (0), and ρ
x) =
the wave function, V is the potential energy, and E is the (d0 / (0))ρ(x), with d0 representing a standard length for
energy. normalization, e.g., spacer layer thickness. In this form, the
The 1-D Poisson equation is normalized Schrödinger and Poisson equations [(14) and (15),
d d  +  respectively] can then be treated as special forms of the
ε0 εr (x) φ(x) = −q N D (x) − n(x) = −ρ(x) (15) Sturm–Liouville differential equation
dx dx
d d (  x)+ρ
where εr is the relative dielectric constant, φ is the electrostatic − η(
x) +V x ) u(x ) = Eu( (
x ) (23)
+ dx dx
potential, q is the elementary electron charge, N D is the ion-
ized donor concentration, and n is the electron concentration. which becomes the Schrödinger equation for ρ (x ) = 0 and
The potential energy V can be related to the electrostatic x ) = 1/π 2 m r∗ (
η( (
x ), and the Poisson equation for V x ) = 0,
potential φ and the ponderomotive potential φsp induced by  = 0, and η(
E x ) = r ( x ).
a steep spatial gradient in the electric field intensity of the
surface plasmon wave, by the following expression: V. S PECTRAL E LEMENT M ETHOD
The SEM is a high-order finite element method that com-
V (x) = −qφ(x) − qφsp (x) + E c (x) (16)
bines the generality of the finite element method with the
where E c is the conduction band discontinuity at the accuracy of spectral techniques [16].
heterointerface. For the simulation of heterostructure devices, a Gauss–
The subband electron density may be written as Lobatto–Legendre (GLL) integration quadrature and interpo-
  lation scheme is used in the implementation of the SEM. The
m∗k B T 2 E f − Ej Nth-order GLL interpolation polynomial may be written as
n 2-D (x) = ψ j (x) ln 1 + exp  
π2 kB T 1 −x 2 L N (
j =1 −1
b j (x) = (24)
(17) N(N + 1)L N (
x − xj
where m is the number of bound states, k B is the Boltzmann where L N represents the Legendre polynomial of the
constant, T is the absolute (Kelvin) temperature, E f is the Nth order, and L N its derivative. The Nth-order Legendre
energy of the Fermi level, and E j and ψ j represent, respec- polynomial is defined as
tively, the energy and the wave function of the j th subband. 1 dN 2
The 3-D bulk electron density outside the bound states L N (x) = (x − 1) N . (25)
2 N N! d x N
within the triangular quantum well may be written as
The Sturm–Liouville differential equation can be transformed
(2m ∗ ) 2 ∞ 1
(E − V ) 2 d E into the compact matrix form
n 3-D (x) = . (18)
2π 2 3 V 1 + exp[(E − E f )/k B T ] AU = λBU + fˆ() (26)

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which allows the Schrödinger equation to be written in matrix

form as
A = λB. (27)
This can be simplified further and written as a regular
eigenvalue problem

A = λ
A= B−1/2 AB−1/2 ,and = B1/2 .
Similarly, the Poisson equation may be written in the matrix
A = fˆ() (29)
which can be solved using a Newton–Raphson iteration
Fig. 2. Unperturbed electrostatic potential, along with electric potential
  (n)  −1 induced by surface plasmons.
∂ fˆ i   
 (n+1) (n)
= − A− A(n) − fˆ (n)
∂ j
where the index n refers to the nth Newton–Raphson iteration.


Correct solution of the Schrödinger–Poisson equations
requires establishment of proper boundary conditions for the
semiconductor device structure. In the derivation of the weak
formulation, free-surface boundary conditions (i.e., Newmann-
type boundary conditions) are naturally included in the SEM.
For solution of the Schrödinger equation, this is a significant
advantage of the SEM method over the alternative finite-
difference numerical approach, in which much attention is
required for imposing appropriate boundary conditions.
For the HEMT device structure without consideration of Fig. 3. Conduction band edge and electron density distribution in the HEMT
the SPP perturbation, at the deepest extent within the material device, showing the effect of surface plasmon-induced electric potentials.
(x = x end ) the electrostatic potential φ(x end ) = 0, and
dφ/d x = 0. In addition, the surface plasmon-induced effec- VII. E LECTRON D ENSITY D ISTRIBUTION
tive dc potential has zero value at this farthest extent, with Fig. 3 shows results of simulations of the electron
φsp (x end ) = 0, and dφsp /d x = 0. conduction band profile and electron density distributions
At the heterointerface, continuity of potential and electric within the HEMT device, with and without surface plasmon
displacement is automatically satisfied—realizing of course perturbations. It is apparent that the peak electron density is
that different dielectric constants apply to the two regions. significantly influenced by the presence of surface plasmons
At the gate position (x = 0), it is required that total potential in an appropriately designed device, despite small changes
φtotal = φ(x 0 )+φsp(x 0 ) = φ0 , determined by the Schottky bar- in the conduction band shape and the energy profile of the
rier height and the applied gate potential, which also depends quantum well at the heterointerface. It can also be seen that
on the choice of Fermi level E f . Alternatively, we may set a plasmonic potential increases the electron density. For this
E f = 0, in which case φ(x end ) is no longer zero, but must calculation, the magnitude of the potential induced by the
instead be determined accordingly; at the gate, however, the surface plasmon is assumed to be A0 = −0.05 V based on (9),
potential is simply determined by Schottky barrier height and and the real part of the propagation constant can be calculated
the applied gate potential, φtotal (x 0 ) = φms + φsp (x 0 ) − Vgate . based on (4); specifically, Re(ks ) = 1/150 Å, corresponding
This latter boundary condition approach for the Poisson equa- to a decay length of L ps = 1/Re(ks ) = 150 Å.
tion was used in the present paper. Based on this approach, Fig. 4 shows the electron density distribution for different
the electrostatic potential in the case where surface plasmon surface plasmonic amplitudes. It is apparent that incremental
effects are absent, along with effective potentials induced by changes in peak electron density are greater for larger plas-
surface plasmons is shown in Fig. 2. To eliminate the effect monic amplitudes. Furthermore, it appears that variations in
of interband absorption of the surface plasmon electric field electron density are approximately linear for small-amplitude
and photogeneration of electrons in the AlGaAs and GaAs perturbations in surface plasmon wave induced effective
layers, a sufficiently high wavelength is assumed for the laser electric potential (Fig. 5), a desirable property for linear
radiation (e.g., λ = 1330 nm). HEMT-based sensors.

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dc effective potential. It can be seen that maximal changes

in electron density occur for smaller decay lengths. This
is reasonable, as the surface plasmon potential acts on the
2-DEG more effectively if it decreases more abruptly from
the interface to the body, inducing a greater effective surface
potential relative to the heterointerface. In addition, as was
seen earlier in Fig. 4, the decaying surface plasmonic potential
may increase the electron density and channel conductivity.

The SEM offers a highly efficient means for simulation of
HEMT-based devices, as well as other devices that incorporate
compound semiconductor heterointerfaces. SEM-based simu-
lations can thus facilitate the process of device design and
optimization. Based on this technique, we have shown that
Fig. 4. Electron density distribution as a function of plasmon-induced electric perturbations in the HEMT electron density profile (and, thus
potential (curves follow the same sequence as that of the legend). the 2-DEG) may be generated by the effective dc electric field
induced by the surface plasmonic waves. Modulation of the
2-DEG will result in variations in device terminal charac-
teristics, and these variations may be exploited in sensing
Commercially available HEMT devices are widely used in
the microwave and millimeter (mm)-wave frequency bands,
based on the capability for high-frequency operation resulting
from the high-electron mobility values that are achievable.
Thus, it is not unreasonable to expect that plasmonic-induced
changes in electron carrier densities can potentially result in
measurable changes in microwave and mm-wave characteris-
tics, manifested as changes in device terminal impedances and
scattering parameters (i.e., reflection coefficients and power
gains). This fact, in combination with the resonant nature of
the plasmonic interaction, suggests that extremely sensitive
sensors operating at high frequencies—in the microwave or
millimeter-wave bands—could be fabricated and integrated
Fig. 5. Maximum value of electron density as a function of plasmon-induced
effective electric potential. into high-frequency electronic systems.

The authors would like to thank the reviewers for helpful
comments and suggestions in preparation of the manuscript.
They also express their sincere gratitude to Prof. J. Li for
numerous helpful technical discussions.

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Feng Li received the Ph.D. degree in electri- David P. Klemer received the M.D. degree from
cal engineering from the University of Wisconsin- Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, and
Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, USA, in 2012. the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the
His past affiliations include Duke University, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, in
Durham, NC, USA, and the University of Texas at 1999 and 1982, respectively.
Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA. His current research He is currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff
interests include design and fabrication of compound with K2 BioMicrosystems, Geneva, IL, USA.
semiconductor devices.

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