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I am Md., a crea�ve, dedicated, perfec�onist. Since my childhood, in any work I do, I always ask
myself could it be done any beter and dedicated my efforts to making it beter. Growing up, I
loved doing crea�ve works like origami, cra�s, pastel drawings, sketches of nature, photography
of anything I find beau�ful or intriguing. Eventually, I started enjoying them and these steered
into my hobbies. I also love games, cars and cycling.
I completed my JSC, SSC and HSC from Dhaka Residen�al Model College with a brilliant result of
Golden GPA 5.00 in 2018, 2021 and 2023 along with ge�ng a scholarship in all of them.
Throughout my college life I’ve par�cipated in various events related to IT like “Tech quiz”, “IT
Olympiad” which flourished my knowledge regarding topics like AI, Nanotech, VR, IoT etc. I have
also been a part of different business en��es. For instance, I volunteered as an event
management officer to arrange a business fair under the Business Club of my college. Here, my
du�es were to help organize the list of events, their schedules according to the most suitable
�mings for more par�cipa�on, along with repor�ng the details to the event heads through which
I improved my decision-making and cri�cal thinking skills. Addi�onally, I have par�cipated in
various team-based events like “Wall Magazine”, “Treasure Hunt” based on problem solving,
abstrac�on and team management. I was the head of those teams. These responsibili�es to grasp
the talents of the team members and collec�vely using it to achieve victory as well as being the
class captain for 6 years has developed a sense of leadership in me and increased my confidence
exponen�ally. I won 2nd runner-up in “Wall Magazine” on Ar�ficial Intelligence and its future
where, my team presented about the growing impact of AI in our society and the valuable
poten�al it holds for changing the world.
I worked as a moderator for Carstopbd, an online page that trades used cars, where the CEO
recognized me as Employee of the Month for my commitment to the company's marke�ng
strategies, which included crea�ng slogans for the business and promo�ng services like pos�ng
cars with game themes and amusing posts from our customers' car mods. These ac�vi�es helped
me develop my communica�on and nego�a�on skills.
TIU, which consistently upholds its educa�onal ideal of "nurturing truly interna�onal-minded
people," boasts a fantas�c mul�cultural community with students hailing from 100 na�ons. Being
able to study in such a culturally-diverse se�ng would hopefully help me develop my
interpersonal skills and gain cultural intelligence. The foreign faculty which makes up 78%, o�en
have industry exposure which means I will learn the latest in DBI through lively class discussions.
Furthermore, TIU's 98.3% job offer rate for interna�onal students is impressive and the career
development office on campus helps them find internships in Japan, which means I can gain
hands-on training in my field. Tokyo, has also been voted the 2nd Best Ci�es for Students by QS
2024 which is fantas�c.
I intend to major in DBI and focus on AI and Deep Learning for my concentra�on module. I hope
to study Crea�ve Thinking for AI and IoT Innova�ons, and Social Media and Business. With these
courses, I hope to learn about the return on investment (ROI) of social media, compu�ng
principles, and AI-based innova�ve thinking. In the future, I hope to work as an AI Engineer or
Data Scien�st at firms like Sony, So�Bank Robo�cs, Nintendo.


Scholarship Essay
I have won prizes in team compe��ons such as Wall Magazine, Treasure Hunt, and Team Quiz. I
have served as the team leader, the class captain for 6 years, a volunteer of the DRMC Business
Club, and worked for Carstopbd as an online moderator where I won an award for employing
effec�ve marke�ng campaigns. At TIU, I intend to learn about AI and Deep Learning. To expand
my leadership, decision-making, cri�cal thinking, and communica�on skills, I would like to join
TIU’s Art and Photography clubs and the Student Leadership Internship Program. I will represent
Bangladesh through these and avail internships.


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