1ST Intra Mock Trial Brochure 2024

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Moot Court Committee of

Chettinad School of Law

is organizing
Intra Mock

Faculty Coordinators Student Coordinators

Ms.Sneha Mula Ms.Angel
Asst.Professor & HOD,CSL II Yr B.A.LLB.,
Mrs.Angel Shaji Mr.Gummadi lithin
Asst.Professor, CSL
II Yr B.Com.LLB.,

Best Regards from the Moot Court Committee!!

Welcome to the 1st Chettinad School of Law Intra-College Mock Trial Competition,

Trial advocacy is the branch of knowledge concerned with making attorneys and
other advocates more effective in trial proceedings. A mock trial is a method of
clinical legal education. Learning the law in practice at the college level is the
essence of a mock trial. A mock trial is nothing but a model court trial offered
through simulation. It teaches the students law in practice before the Criminal
Court. Any criminal case before the actual court takes years together to complete
the procedure, including judgment. However, in mock trials students are trained
to show the complete procedure within a short span of time. It is taught as an
essential trade skill for litigators in law schools and in continuing legal education
programs. The skills of trial advocacy can be broken into two categories:
1.Skills that accomplish individual tasks (tactical skills) such as delivering
opening statements and closing arguments, examining witnesses, and
2.Skills that integrate individual actions to achieve greater effects and to drive
unfolding events toward the advocate’s desired outcome(strategy).
The aim of conducting this Intra-Collegiate Mock Trial Competition is to
sensitize the students with regards to the importance of Mock Trial as part of
your legal education.
Another aim of this Competition is to select the best amongst multiple teams
intending to compete in external or intercollegiate competitions being held at
other law schools.

We hope to witness your utmost and dedicated participation in the 1st Chettinad
School of Law Intra-College Competition, 2024.

Moot Court Committee





4 ) T I ME SCH E D U L E

"The Dark Road to Justice: Lorry Dacoity and Murder Trial"

The Moot-Court/Mock-Trial Problem is not intended to
and does not attempt to resemble any incident, organization or
any person living or dead. All situations in the Moot
Court/Mock- Trial Problem are fictitious and any resemblance to
any incident, organization or person, if any, is not intended, but
merely coincidental.

Any attempt made to contact the draftsman of the problem for
the purpose of moot proposition/mock-trial, on or before the
competition shall result in immediate disqualification from the


1. This is the case of web of conspiracy, dacoity, and an eerie location known as
'Shadow House.' The case of the Prosecution is that, on 01-01-2024 at about 10.00AM
one Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of Stark who is the owner of trailer
lorry bearing No.SS AA 0007 came down to the police station of Winterfell and gave
written report stating that one Ram Babu (Deceased No.1) and Lakshman Babu
(Deceased No.2) were the drivers of his lorry and on 01-12-2023 his lorry was loaded
with titanium plates belonging to M/s.Crooks Industries at Mython Zone, State of
Limbo and the same has passed various zones and states and scheduled to reach the
other unit of M/s.Crooks Industries at Nylon Zone, State of Timbo on 15-12-2023. The
drivers used to inform the journey details to the owner on regular basis day-by-day
and for the last time the owner i.e. Mr.Balaraju received a phone call on 05-12-2023
and thereafter there was no communication from the drivers.

2. On 05-12-2023 at about 4:00PM one of the drivers informed the owner i.e.
Mr.Balaraju, that they are on the National Highway (NH) of Winterfell Zone, State of
Narnia through phone that they have started with the load. After waiting for nearly
'15' days as there was no communication from his drivers, the owner went to the
unit of M/s.Crooks Industries at Nylon Zone, State of Timbo where the goods has to
be unloaded and came to know that his lorry did not come for the unloading at
Nylon Zone. Then he went to various check posts and toll gates and came to know
that his trailer lorry did not cross the borders of any check posts of State of Timbo
and thereafter he went to Toll Gate-75 and enquired about his trailer lorry, for
which the toll gate officers requested time to verify records. Thereafter, he
consulted with the Winterfell Lorry owners Association and with their help and
support he was able to lodge a report at Winterfell P.S. Basing, on the report of
Mr.Balaraju, Owner of Lorry, Mr.Jesus, Inspector of Police, Winterfell P.S, registered
an FIR vide Crime.No.01/2024 U/Sec.406 of Indian Penal Code (IPC).
3. Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1), who is a rowdy sheeted person and habitual offender
with notorious character. He is a gangster who is involved in various crimes
across various states. He had cheated many people by luring them with various
superstitions and customary practices. He used to actively search for secret
treasures and travel various Zones and states around the country. During the
year 2002 due to the family disputes, he along with others killed his nephew at
Chima Zone, State of Narnia. Later he was also tried in many other cases at
various courts of State of Narnia. He was again tried in the year 2010 for a triple
Murder case at Chima Zone, State of Narnia in a 'hired murder case' of three
famous businessmen. Unfortunately, A-1 was acquitted in all the above said
cases which were registered and tried against him for want of satisfactory
evidence. A-1 is also an accused in a pending trial case concerned to Winterfell
P.S, State of Narnia. In view of his vast experience in unlawful activities, he got
acquaintance with several others accused including the accused arrayed in the
present case. His influence extends across a spectrum of political spheres, police
officials and big industrialists.

4. Mr.Robo (A-2) C Mr.Momo (A-3) are cousins of A-1. A-2 C A-3 used to live
under A-1 and perform his daily activities of settlements and negotiations of
various issues of businessmen. During these illegal activities, they have got
acquaintance with Dambo (A-4) C Jambo (A-5). A-4 C A-5 used to live in the
same street (Street.No.20) at the Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia. A-1, along
with A-2 C A-3 have together leased out a premises in the month of December,
2023 from one member of parliament (M.P.) by name Mr.Kashmir Babu. That
this premises is locally known as 'SHADOW HOUSE' with an extent of Ac.1.0
cents and a big mansion. This estate is an enigmatic blend of luxury and

5. On the instigation and persuasion of A-4 C A-5 about the easiest way of
becoming rich, A-1, A-2 C A-3 agreed to conduct a daring operation to
intercept and steal the valuable loaded goods of trailer-lorries on the National
Highways (NH). They have been keeping a keen watch on night times in the
month of December, 2023. All the accused used to travel in their car (OMNI
VAN bearing.no.NA WF 0789) and two bikes (BAJAJ PLATINUM bearing.no.
NA WF 0234 C HONDA SPLENDER bearing.no. NA WF 0635).
6. To execute their plans, the accused A-1 required one vast godown to conceal
the materials and trailers. Accordingly, A-2 to A-5 have constructed a big
godown in the premises of the 'Shadow House'. In pursuance of the design made
in the conspiracy, they had scouted the highway for weeks, noting every blind
spot and potential escape route. On 10-12-2023, at about 2:00AM in the morning,
the lorry bearing.no.SS AA 0007 rumbled along the deserted road, the
conspirators, masked and armed, emerged from the shadows. In a matter of
minutes, chaos ensued. A-1 and A-2 forced the driver to pull over the vehicle by
showing their Fake Police ID card and showcased it as a casual police checking.
On seeing that, the crew stopped the trailer and all the accused A-1 to A-5
entered into the cabin and caught hold the D-1 and D-2 and strangulated them
with the ropes till their death while A-3 guarded the rear. A-4 and A-5, armed
with iron rods and ropes, stormed the vehicle. The struggle inside the lorry cabin
was fierce. A-2 with the help of A-4 C A-5 picked the dead-bodies in two gunny
bags and put them in the trunk of the car. A-1 drove the car along with A-2, while
A-3 C A-4 escorted the car towards the river bank of willy, which is 10KM away
from the scene of offence (National Highway). The dead bodies were carried to
the spot, where A-1 C A-2 dug a big pit and buried the bodies. While the scene of
burial was on-going, A-5 drove the loaded trailer lorry towards the 'Shadow
House'. While heading to the 'Shadow House', A-5 on seeing police check post
near Toll Gate-75 had phone called the A-1 and upon which, the A-1 along with
other accused finished the burial process and assured that they will escort the
Lorry and informed him not to worry.

7. Then, A-5 who waited for 45 minutes near the Toll Gate-75, had started his
journey towards the 'Shadow House' when A-1 to A-4 came down to the waiting
spot. All of them, together left to 'Shadow House'. On 15-12-2023, upon the
instructions of A-1, A-2 to A-5 have unloaded the material i.e. Titanium Plates and
dismantled the trailer of the lorry with lorry machine cutters. That the Power-
head of the lorry was abandoned by A-5 somewhere at the State of Limbo, as
per the instructions of A-1. That the Titanium plates were sold to one person
named Mr.Babloo, who was a broker living in the state of Timbo. In return,
Mr.Babloo had given them an amount of 10 Crore in cash. That the accused have
divided the said amount respectively and kept enjoying their lives lavishly at
the 'Shadow House'.
8. While so, acting upon the report given by Mr.Balaraju, the investigation
officer Mr.Jesus headed to Toll Gate-75 and checked the status of the passing
vehicles during those particular days i.e. 05-12-2023 to 20-12-2023. On his
discreet enquiries and investigation skills, he had enquired about the
operations of A-1 to A-5 and their recent abnormal luxury C lavish lives.
Mr.Jesus, Investigation officer upon the said information had gathered
confidential information from his known sources visited the 'Shadow House'.
Thereafter, the investigation officer along with his crew and in presence of
mediators, had seized various incriminating material at the 'Shadow House' on
25.01.2024. Also, the investigation officer had arrested A-3 to A-5 on 25.01.2024,
whereas A-1 C A-2 went missing for many days.

9. Finally, after making hectic efforts, A-1 C A-2 were arrested on 01.04.2024 at
the State of Limbo with the prior information from intelligence department.
During the process of investigation, the case was handed over to a special
officer by the superintendent of Police, Winterfell Zone vide
proceedings.no.12345/2024 dated 10.04.2024. As per the said proceedings, the
special officer of Crimes Bureau (CB) undertook the investigation process. That
the confessions of A-1, A-2, A-3 C A-4 were recorded. It was on 12.04.2024, the
special team lead by special officer by name Mr.DK had gone to the river bed of
willy. The special team, in the presence of doctor and mediator had conducted
the exhumation process and unveiled the dead bodies. During such process, one
fillet knife, two ropes bounded to the skulls, etc. were recovered and all of
which were sent to state's FSL (Forensic Science Laboratory) for further
examination. The Doctor had examined the dead-bodies, which were in the
state of skeletons. Neither there was any flush or muscle on the skeletons and
no identification was possible on a bare stance. That the family members of the
deceased by name Mr.Babu Shyam (Brother of D-1) was present during the
exhumation process and identified the bodies through the apparels.
10. After the said investigation process, the FIR was altered and charge-
sheet was filed against the accused with Sec.396, 400, 402, 412, 414, 201 R/w
120-B of IPC. The Judicial Magistrate of First Class, Winterfell Zone, had
taken cognizance against the Accused for the alleged offences punishable
under IPC and after complying with the legal requirement of furnishing
copies of all the relevant documents to the Accused [as contemplated
under Sec.207 of Criminal Procedure Code], has committed the case
through the proceedings under section 209 of Criminal Procedure Code
to the Court of District C Sessions, Winterfell Zone since the alleged
offences are exclusively triable by the court of Sessions. The District and
Sessions Judge, had taken the matter on file as SC.No.02 of 2024 and the
trial has begun in accordance with law.

11. The District C Sessions Court is prepared to bear witnesses to the trial that
would uncover the web of conspiracy, dacoity and heinous murder that had
shrouded the public at Winterfell Zone with fear. In the end, the shadows would
recede, and the truth would emerge, casting light on the darkest corners of
'Shadow House' and justice to the hapless crew of trailer lorry bearing No.SS AA

1. Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1), Mr.Robo (A-2), Mr.Momo (A-3), Dambo (A-4)

C Jambo (A-5) are friends and business partners. That the alleged
accused are all innocent people and have not committed any offence as
alleged by the prosecution. Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1) is a noble person,
who used to spend money from his earnings to various economically
poor people in the locality of Waterfell Zone. Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1)
aspired to become a good politician in near future and ensure social
service/justice to every person in the society. He is falsely implicated
by the police officers, with vengeance so as to convict him in at lest one
single offence as they could not do so in any of the previous offence/s
during the year 2002 C 2010.

2.Mr.Robo (A-2) C Mr.Momo (A-3) are cousins of A-1 and they are very
innocent. They have no role in the present crime and there are no
criminal antecedents also. Merely because they are cousins to A-1, they
are now falsely roped into the present crime. They are the followers of
A-1 and has huge respect towards the noble activities of A-1. Mr.Robo
(A-2) C Mr.Momo (A-3) beliving that A-1 is a great human being and
does various social activities in the society. Also, Dambo (A-4) C Jambo
(A-5) believed that A-1 has huge following in the masses' and surely be
able to become a great politician. A-4 C A-5 used to live in the same
street (Street.No.20) at the Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia near to the
'Shadow House' and therefore, A-4 C A-5 were roped into the present
criminal case.
3. That the entire alleged confessions' are only taken during the
custody of police with coercion and threat. That all the particular LWs
are planted witnesses’, only for the purpose of convicting the present
accused. In fact, the entire prosecution case is a 'false theory'. That the
present accused has no 'motive' to indulge in doing such heinous
offence/s. That the prosecution has planted the incriminating material
in the 'Shadow House' only for the purpose of convicting the present
accused. That the entire case is nothing but abuse of process of law and a
concocted story. There are glaring contradictions in the incriminating
material placed on record and witnesses’ statements. Also, most
importantly there is no corroboration to the incriminating material
placed on record or to the witnesses statements'.

4. That the non-examination of crucial witnesses' is fatal to the case

of the prosecution and in all probabilities the prosecution's case is
not proved beyond reasonable doubt. Hence, the accused must be
exonerated from the criminal charges on the ground of 'benefit of

* The Counsel/s appearing on behalf of the Prosecution can choose Three (min)
to Five (max) witnesses’ from the above List of Witnesses (LWs) and train them well
to withstand the Cross-Examination of the Defense Counsel/s before the Hon'ble
District C Sessions Court at Winterfell Zone.
Note: One of the Investigation officers is a must Prosecution Witness (PW).



4. DATE: 30-12-2023 01-01-2024
5. TIME: 9:40AM 10:00AM

6.COMPLAINANT: Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of

Stark. Section/s: 406 of INDIAN PENAL CODE

7. Details of

known/Suspect/unknown accused: Lakshman Babu C Ram Babu

CONTENTS OF COMPLAINT (Attach separate sheet if required):

That the complainant by name Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of Stark
gave a complaint that his lorry bearing.no. SS AA 0007 is missing in the WINTERFELL
Zone and suspects his driver and cleaner by name Lakshman Babu C Ram Babu. Hence

Reasons for delay (if any): Lorry owner enquired various places and realized that the
lorry is missing and did his own enquiries without approaching police.

FIR is readover to the complainant/Informant and admitted to be correctly recorded

and a copy is given to the complainant/informant

I received the above stated complaint by Mr.Balaraju and I registered the same as
Cr.No.01/2024. Hence FIR.

SD/- (Mr.Rambabu)
Head-Constable (PC

Station House officer, Winterfell PS C Zone,
State of Narnia.

SHO, Winterfell Zone,
Winterfell PS, State of Narnia,


I am having lorry bearing.no. SS AA 0007. I am running the same with

National Permit. To my vehicle am having two drivers - one is driver and
another as cleaner. Their names are Lakshman Babu C Ram Babu. They are
working very honestly till today from past 5 years. On 05-12-2024 at about
4:00PM one of the drivers informed me, that they are on the National
Highway (NH) of Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia through phone that they
have started with the load. After waiting for nearly '15' days as there was
no communication from drivers, I went to the unit of M/s.Crooks
Industries at Nylon Zone, State of Timbo where the goods have to be
unloaded and came to know that lorry did not come for the unloading at
Nylon Zone. Then i went to various check posts and toll gates and came to
know that lorry did not cross the borders of any check posts of State of
Timbo. There the vehicle did not arrive as per their words in the phone to
me. Hence, I am giving complaint against my drivers as they committed
breach of trust and seeking for taking lawful action against them, and
recover the Trolley and the valuable load which was loaded in the vehicle.


Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of Stark.

Phone Number: 99776XXXXX


1. CRIME.NO.01/2024
5. DATE: 01.01.2024
6.TIME: 10:00AM
7. COMPLAINANT: Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of Stark.
8.Section/s: Sec.396, 400, 402, 412, 414, 201 R/w 120-B of IPC
9.Details of known/Suspect/unknown accused: Lakshman Babu C Ram Babu

CONTENTS OF COMPLAINT (Attach separate sheet if required):

That the complainant by name Mr.Balaraju, resident of Namma Zone, State of Stark
gave a complaint that his lorry bearing.no. SS AA 0007 is missing in the
WINTERFELL Zone and suspects his driver and cleaner by name Lakshman Babu C
Ram Babu. Hence FIR.

Reasons for delay (if any): Lorry owner enquired various places and realized that the
lorry is missing and did his own enquiries without approaching police.

Through the memo filed in the Hon'ble Court of District C Sessions Judge, Winterfell Zone
C proceedings of S.P, Winterfell Zone, I am hereby altering the original FIR and adding
further provisions of law, as per the investigation conducted and hereby adding the
following as accused:

Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1),
Mr.Robo (A-2),
Mr.Momo (A-3),
Dambo (A-4)
Jambo (A-5)

Station House officer, Winterfell PS C Zone,
State of Narnia.

Date: 10.04.2024
Mediator Name: Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

1. This is the mediator report drafted for the things happened in my presence
being the undersigned mediator today i.e. 10.04.2024 at about 10.00 AM. as per
the requisition made by the Police of Winterfell PS C Zone in Crime.No.01/23 -
Sec.396, 400, 402, 412, 414, 201 R/w 120-B of IPC.

2.During the above said investigation and I being the undersigned mediator was
called by the Investigation officer and requested to be as a part of the

3. Police Infront of me questioned one Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1), and he has confessed
as follows:
"......I am Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1). I have a rowdy sheet on my name, and I am a
habitual offender. I have a gang and I am involved in various crimes across various
states. I have cheated many people by luring them with various superstitions and
customary practices. I used to actively search for secret treasures and travel
various Zones and states around the country. During the year 2002 due to the
family disputes, I along with banti C babloo killed my nephew at Chima Zone,
State of Narnia. I was successful in getting acquittal in that case. I have managed
various witnesses’, and Later I was also tried in many other cases at various courts
of State of Narnia. I was again tried in the year 2010 for a triple Murder case at
Chima Zone, State of Narnia in a 'hired murder case' of three famous businessmen.
I was acquitted in all the above said cases which were registered. I continued to
threat witnesses in those cases and gave bribery to advocates and police officers.
All those cases ended in acquittal. with all of that experience, I gained vast
experience in unlawful activities. I have huge influence with various political
leaders, police officials and big industrialists. Mr.Robo (A-2) C Mr.Momo (A-3) are
my cousins. A-2 C A-3 used to live in my directions and perform my daily activities
of settlements and negotiations of various issues of businessmen.
During these illegal activities, they have got acquaintance with Dambo (A-4) C
Jambo (A-5). A-4 C A-5 used to live in the same street (Street.No.20) at the
Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia. I also liked A-4 C A-5 as they are also
interested in minting more money like me. I along with A-2 C A-3 have together
leased out a premises in the month of December, 2023 from one member of
parliament (M.P.) by name Mr.Kashmir Babu. That this premises is locally
known as 'SHADOW HOUSE' with an extent of Ac.1.0 cents and a big mansion.
This estate is an enigmatic blend of luxury and secrecy. On the instigation and
persuasion of A-4 C A-5 about the easiest way of becoming rich, I along with A-2
C A-3 agreed to conduct a daring operation to intercept and steal the valuable
loaded goods of trailer-lorries on the National Highways (NH). we have been
keeping a keen watch on night times in the month of November C December
2023. All of us used to travel in my car (OMNI VAN) and two bikes (BAJAJ
PLATINUM C HONDA SPLENDER). To execute my plans, I required one vast
godown to conceal the materials and trailers. Accordingly, A-2 to A-5 have
constructed a big godown in the premises of the 'Shadow House'. In pursuance
of the design made in the conspiracy, they had scouted the highway for weeks,
noting every blind spot and potential escape route. On 10-12-2023, at about
2:00AM in the morning, the lorry bearing.no.SS AA 0007 rumbled along the
deserted road, In a matter of minutes, I and A-2 forced the driver to pull over
the vehicle by showing their Fake Police ID card and showcased it as a casual
police checking. On seeing that, the crew stopped the trailer and all us entered
into the cabin and caught hold the D-1 and D-2 and strangulated them with the
ropes till their death while A-3 guarded the rear. A-4 and A-5, armed with iron
rods and ropes, stormed the vehicle. A-2 with the help of A-4 C A-5 picked the
dead-bodies in two gunny bags and put them in the trunk of the car. I drove the
car along with A-2, while A-3 C A-4 escorted the car towards the riverbank of
willy, which is 10KM away from the scene of offence (National Highway). The
dead bodies were carried to the spot, where I along with A-2 dug a big pit and
buried the bodies. if the Police would come along with us, we will show the
burial place. While the scene of burial was on-going, A-5 drove the loaded trailer
lorry towards the 'Shadow House'.
While heading to the 'Shadow House', A-5 on seeing police check post near Toll
Gate-75 had phone called me and upon which, I along with other accused
finished the burial process and assured that we will escort the Lorry and
informed him not to worry. Then, A-5 waited for almost 1 Hour or so near the
Toll Gate-75, had started his journey towards the 'Shadow House' when I along
with other accused came down to the waiting spot. All of us, together left to
'Shadow House'. A-2 to A- 5 have unloaded the material i.e. Titanium Plates and
dismantled the trailer of the lorry with lorry machine cutters. That the Power-
head of the lorry was abandoned by A-5 somewhere at the State of Limbo, as per
the instructions of A-2. That the Titanium plates were sold to one person
named Mr.Babloo by A-2. I was told that this broker lives in the state of Timbo.
In return, Mr.Babloo had given us an amount of 10 Crore in cash. That we all
were very happy to see such a huge money and distributed the said amount
equally and kept enjoying our lives lavishly at the Shadow House..."

4.After the same confession being recorded by me, I am herewith signing this
mediator report and thereby leaving this place. Hence, this Report is drafted by

Mr.Crazy Robert.
Investigation officer

In my presence, the above signed and I am acting as MEDIATOR in this case.

(Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector)


REPORT Date: 10.06.2024 11.04.2024

Mediator Name: Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

1. This is the mediator report drafted for the things happened in my presence being
the undersigned mediator today i.e. 10.06.2024 at about 10.00 AM. as per the
requisition made by the Police of Winterfell PS C Zone in Crime.No.01/24 - Sec.396,
400, 402, 412, 414, 201 R/w 120-B of IPC.

2. During the above said investigation and I being the undersigned mediator was
called by the Investigation officer and requested to be as a part of the investigation.

3.Police Infront of me questioned one Mr.Robo (A-2), and he has confessed as follows:
"......I am Mr.Robo (A-2). my cousin Mr.Crazy Robert (A-1) is having huge influence
with various political leaders, police officials and big industrialists. I along with
Mr.Momo (A-3) used to live in A-1's directions and perform his daily activities of
settlements and negotiations of various issues of businessmen. During these illegal
activities, I have got acquaintance with Dambo (A-4) C Jambo (A-5). A-4 C A-5 used to
live in the same street (Street.No.20) at the Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia. I liked A-
4 C A-5 as they are also interested in minting more money like me. I Introduced A-4
C A-5 to my cousin A-1 together we all have leased out a premises in the month of
December, 2023 from one member of parliament (M.P.) by name Mr.Kashmir Babu.
That this premises is locally known as 'SHADOW HOUSE' with an extent of Ac.1.0
cents and a big mansion. This estate is an enigmatic blend of luxury and secrecy. On
the instigation and persuasion of A-4 C A-5 about the easiest way of becoming rich, I
along with others agreed to participate in a daring operation to intercept and steal
the valuable loaded goods of trailer-lorries on the National Highways (NH). we have
been keeping a keen watch on night times in the month of November C December
2022. All of us used to travel in A-1 car (OMNI VAN) and two bikes (BAJAJ
PLATINUM C HONDA SPLENDER). To execute the said plans, A-1 required one vast
godown to conceal the materials and trailers. Accordingly, I along with other accused
have constructed a big godown in the premises of the 'Shadow House'. In pursuance of
the design made in the conspiracy, we have scouted the highway for weeks, noting
every blind spot and potential escape route. On 10-12-2023, at about 2:00AM in the
morning, the lorry bearing.no.SS AA 0007 rumbled along the deserted road.
In a matter of minutes, I and A-1 forced the driver to pull over the vehicle by
showing their Fake Police ID card and showcased it as a casual police checking. On
seeing that, the crew stopped the trailer and all us entered into the cabin and
caught hold the D-1 and D-2 and strangulated them with the ropes till their
death while A-3 guarded the rear. A-4 and A-5, armed with iron rods and ropes,
stormed the vehicle. I along with A-4 C A-5 picked the dead-bodies in two
gunny bags and put them in the trunk of the car. I drove the car along with A-1,
while A-3 C A-4 escorted the car towards the riverbank of willy, which is 10KM
away from the scene of offence (National Highway). The dead bodies were
carried to the spot, where I along with A-1 dug a big pit and buried the bodies. if
the Police would come along with us, we will show the burial place. While the
scene of burial was on-going, A-5 drove the loaded trailer lorry towards the
'Shadow House'. While heading to the 'Shadow House', A-5 on seeing police
check post near Toll Gate-75 had phone called us and upon which, I along with
other accused finished the burial process and assured that we will escort the
Lorry and informed him not to worry. Then, A-5 waited for almost 30min or so
near the Toll Gate-75, had started his journey towards the 'Shadow House'
when I along with other accused came down to the waiting spot. All of us,
together left to 'Shadow House'. we have then unloaded the material i.e.
Titanium Plates and dismantled the trailer of the lorry with lorry machine
cutters. That the Power-head of the lorry was abandoned by A-5 somewhere at
the State of Limbo, as per the instructions of A-1 only. I did not do any acts in
the said crime except supporting A-1 and only A-1 is our gang- leader. Hence,
kindly pardon me. That the Titanium plates were sold to one person named
Mr.Babloo by A-1 only. In return, Mr.Babloo had given us an amount of 10
Crore in cash. That we all were very happy to see such a huge money and
distributed the said amount equally and kept enjoying our lives lavishly at the
Shadow House, till the police have arrested us .."

4.After the same confession being recorded by me, I am herewith signing this
mediator report and thereby leaving this place. Hence, this Report is drafted by
Mr.Robo (A-2)
Investigation officer

In my presence, the above signed and I am acting as MEDIATOR in this case.

(Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector)


Date: 30.01.2024
Mediator Name: Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

1. This is the mediator report drafted for the things happened in my presence being
the undersigned mediator today at about 10.00 AM. as per the requisition made by the
Police of Winterfell PS C Zone in Crime.No.01/24.

2.During the above said investigation and I being the undersigned mediator was called
by the Investigation officer and requested to be as a part of the investigation.

3.Police Infront of me questioned one Mr.Momo (A-3), and he has confessed as follows:
"......I am Mr.Momo (A-3). I along with other accused used to live in A-1's directions and
perform his daily activities of settlements and negotiations of various issues of
businessmen. During these illegal activities, I have got acquaintance with Dambo (A-4)
C Jambo (A-5). A-4 C A-5 used to live in the same street (Street.No.20) at the
Winterfell Zone, State of Narnia. we all have leased out a premises in the month of
December, 2023 from one member of parliament (M.P.) by name Mr.Kashmir Babu.
That this premises is locally known as 'SHADOW HOUSE' with an extent of Ac.1.0 cents
and a big mansion. I along with others agreed to participate in a daring operation to
intercept and steal the valuable loaded goods of trailer-lorries on the National
Highways (NH). we have been keeping a keen watch on night times in the month of
November C December 2023. All of us used to travel in A-1 car (OMNI VAN) and two
bikes (BAJAJ PLATINUM C HONDA SPLENDER). To execute the said plans, A-1
required one vast godown to conceal the materials and trailers. Accordingly, I along
with other accused have constructed a big godown in the premises of the 'Shadow
House'. In pursuance of the design made in the conspiracy, we have scouted the
highway for weeks, noting every blind spot and potential escape route. On 10-12-2023,
at about 2:00AM in the morning, the lorry bearing.no.SS AA 0007 rumbled along the
deserted road. In a matter of minutes, A-2 and A-1 forced the driver to pull over the
vehicle by showing their Fake Police ID card and showcased it as a casual police
On seeing that, the crew stopped the trailer and all us entered into the cabin
and caught hold the D-1 and D-2 and strangulated them with the ropes till their
death while I guarded the rear. A-4 and A-5, armed with iron rods and ropes,
stormed the vehicle. I only escorted the car towards the riverbank of willy,
which is 10KM away from the scene of offence (National Highway). The dead
bodies were carried to the spot, where A-1 C A-2 dug a big pit and buried the
and nighttime. we have then unloaded the material i.e. Titanium Plates and
dismantled the trailer of the lorry with lorry machine cutters at the shadow
house. That the Power-head of the lorry was abandoned by A-5 somewhere at
the State of Limbo, as per the instructions of A-1 only. I did not do any acts in
the said crime except supporting A-1 and only A-1 is our gang-leader. Hence,
kindly pardon me. That the Titanium plates were sold to one person named
Mr.Babloo by A-1 only. In return, Mr.Babloo had given us an amount of 10
Crore in cash. That we all were very happy to see such a huge money and
distributed the said amount equally and kept enjoying our lives lavishly at the
Shadow House, till the police have arrested us..."

4.After the same confession being recorded by me, I am herewith signing this
mediator report and thereby leaving this place. Hence, this Report is drafted by

Mr.Momo (A-3)
Investigation officer

In my presence, the above signed and I am acting as MEDIATOR in this case.

(Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector)

Date: 31.01.2024
Mediator Name: Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

1. This is the mediator report drafted for the things happened in my presence being
the undersigned mediator today at about 10.00 AM. as per the requisition made by the
Police of Winterfell PS C Zone in Crime.No.01/24. During the above said
investigation and I being the undersigned mediator was called by the Investigation
officer and requested to be as a part of the investigation.

2.Police Infront of me questioned one and he has confessed as follows:

"......I am Dambo (A-4). I along with other accused used to live in A-1's directions and
perform his daily activities of settlements and negotiations of various issues of
businessmen. we all have leased out a premises in the month of December, 2024 from
one member of parliament (M.P.) by name Mr.Kashmir Babu. That this premises is
locally known as 'SHADOW HOUSE' with an extent of Ac.1.0 cents and a big mansion.
The dead bodies were carried to the spot, where A-1 C A-2 dug a big pit and buried the
bodies. I DO NOT KNOW THE EXACT PLACE OF THE BURIAL, as it was dark and
nighttime. I did not do any acts in the said crime except supporting A-1 and only A-1 is
our gang-leader. Hence, kindly pardon me. we have received an amount of 10 Crore in
cash after the present crime. That we all were very happy to see such a huge money
and distributed the said amount equally and kept enjoying our lives lavishly at the
Shadow House, till the police have arrested us..."

4. After the same confession being recorded by me, Police showed the confession
report of A-3 to the present accused. He admited all the confession as stated by A-3
are true and he added only the above stated facts further. I am herewith signing
this mediator report and thereby leaving this place. Hence, this Report is drafted by

Dambo (A-4)

Investigation officer

In my presence, the above signed and I am acting as MEDIATOR in this case.

(Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector)

Copy of Vehicle Records of Trailer-Lorry





CHASIS NUMBER: faiwefadslchbdybfyurfyrfaerf


Copy of the Transit and bills from M/s.Crooks Industries

DATE: 30-11-2023





TRANSPORTING TO (DESTINATION PLACE) - other unit of M/s.Crooks Industries at

Nylon Zone, State of Timbo

REACH BY: 15-12-2023

Managing Partner of M/s.Crooks Industries

Copy of Vehicle entry records at Toll Gate-75

BETWEEN: 05-12-2023 to 20-12-2023

Issued by Mr.Tom - Representative officer of Toll Gate

Mr.Tom - Representative officer of Toll Gate-75


Date: 12.04.2024

Mediator Name: Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

PLACE: River bed of willy

Deceased Individuals: Ram Babu (Deceased No.1) C Lakshman Babu (Deceased No.2)

Witness: Mr. Babu Shyam (Brother of Deceased No.1)

1. This is the mediator report drafted for the things happened in my presence being
the undersigned mediator today at about 10.00 AM. as per the requisition made by the
Police of Winterfell PS C Zone in Crime.No.01/24. I came here along with constables and
Investigation officer is present. There are various Coolies to dig the mud as per the
confession made by A-1 C A-2 during the interrogation by Police.

2.During the above said investigation and I being the undersigned mediator was
called by the Investigation officer and requested to be as a part of the exhumation
process. The doctor is also present here by name Dr.Ms.Sakku Bhai.

3.Mr. Babu Shyam, the brother of Deceased No.1, was present during the procedure and
identified the bodies based on the apparels found in the burial site. The objective of this
report is to document the items recovered during the exhumation and their significance
in the investigation.
Recovered Items

Two Shirts (Coffee Colour): Two coffee-colored shirts were recovered from the
burial site. These shirts are crucial as they were likely worn by the deceased
individuals, aiding in their identification.

Two Pants (Grey White Colour C Faded White Colour): Two pairs of pants, one
grey-white and the other faded white in color, were also found. These pants
are significant as they provide further evidence for the identification of the
deceased individuals.

One Watch (Fast Track Brand): A Fast Track brand watch was discovered at the
burial place. This watch may have belonged to one of the deceased individuals
and could help establish a timeline or provide additional clues.

Two Gunny Bags: Two gunny bags were recovered, suggesting they might have
been used to transport or conceal the bodies. These bags may hold vital
forensic evidence.

Two Ropes (Fiber Material): Two fiber material ropes were found. Ropes could
have been used in the commission of the crime or in the disposal of the bodies.

One Fillet Knife: A fillet knife was recovered, which is significant as it could
have been used as a weapon in the crime or for dismemberment of the

Two Skulls C Six Femur Bones: The remains of two skulls and six femur
bones were discovered at the burial site. These are essential in confirming the
identities of the deceased individuals through forensic analysis.

Medium-size and Small-size Bones Mixed Up and Shattered in Gunny Bags:

The discovery of mixed-up and shattered bones in the gunny bags indicates a
deliberate attempt to obscure evidence. Forensic experts will need to
carefully examine these bones to reconstruct the bodies and assess the cause
of death.
Identification of Deceased Individuals:

Mr. Babu Shyam, the brother of Deceased No.1 (Ram Babu), positively
identified the bodies based on the apparel recovered at the burial site. This
identification will be corroborated through forensic examination, including DNA
analysis, dental records, and other means, to ensure accuracy.The recovered
items and human remains will be subject to thorough forensic analysis to
determine the cause of death, time of death, and any potential evidence related to
the crime. This analysis will include DNA testing to confirm the identities of the
deceased individuals. The law enforcement agencies involved will conduct
further investigations to establish the circumstances surrounding the deaths.
The recovered items, such as the knife, ropes, and gunny bags, will be examined
for fingerprints and other forensic evidence. Additionally, the Fast Track brand
watch and any other personal belongings found will be examined for any clues
that might lead to further insights into the case.


The exhumation procedure conducted on the 12th of June 2024 at the burial place
yielded crucial evidence related to the deaths of Ram Babu and Lakshman Babu.
The identification of the deceased individuals by Mr. Babu Shyam, based on the
apparel, marks an important development in the investigation. However, the
forensic analysis of the recovered items and human remains is essential to
establish the cause of death and gather further evidence for the ongoing
investigation. Law enforcement agencies are committed to uncovering the truth
behind this case and bringing those responsible to justice. Further updates and
findings will be provided as the investigation progresses.

Mr. Babu Shyam (Brother of Deceased No.1)

Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

Mr.DK, Investigation officer

Dr.Ms.Sakku Bhai.

Date: 01st April 2024

Location: State of Limbo

Mediator: Mr. Lenin, Deputy Collector, Government Officer

Investigation Officer: Mr. DK

Mr. Crazy Robert (A-1)
Mr. Robo (A-2)

On the 1st of June 2024, an operation was conducted leading to the arrest of Mr.
Crazy Robert (A-1) and Mr. Robo (A-2) in the State of Limbo. I, Mr. Lenin, a
Government Officer serving as Deputy Collector, played a crucial role as the
mediator in this operation. The operation was carried out based on prior information
received from the intelligence department, and it is my responsibility to provide a
detailed Arrest Mediator Report to document the events leading to the arrest.

The individuals in question, Mr. Crazy Robert (A-1) and Mr. Robo (A-2), have been
under the radar of law enforcement agencies due to their alleged involvement in
various criminal activities. The intelligence department received credible
information regarding their whereabouts and activities, leading to the decision to
apprehend them.

Arrest Operation

Prior to the operation, a comprehensive plan was devised by the investigation

team led by Mr.DK, the Investigation Officer. The plan included strategies for the safe
and efficient arrest of A-1 and A-2, taking into consideration potential risks and
ensuring the protection of the officers involved. Effective coordination was
established among law enforcement agencies, including the police and intelligence
department. This ensured that the operation was executed smoothly.
Execution: On the morning of June 1st, 2024, the operation commenced at the
location provided by the intelligence department. A-1 and A-2 were located and
approached by the law enforcement team in a calculated manner to minimize any
potential resistance.

Arrest: A-1 and A-2 were informed of their rights and the reason for their arrest.
They were apprehended without any use of force, ensuring their safety and
compliance with legal procedures.

Search and Seizure: Following their arrest, a search of the immediate surroundings was
conducted. No weapons or contraband were found, but further investigations will be
carried out to gather evidence related to their alleged criminal activities.

Role as Mediator: As the Deputy Collector and a government officer, my role in

this operation was to mediate between the law enforcement team and the arrested
individuals. This involved ensuring that the rights of A-1 and A-2 were respected,
and they were treated fairly throughout the process.

I ensured that they were informed of their legal rights, including the right to legal
representation and the right to remain silent. Additionally, I facilitated communication
between the arrested individuals and the investigation team to maintain
transparency and adherence to legal procedures.

Conclusion: The arrest of Mr. Crazy Robert (A-1) and Mr. Robo (A-2) on the 1st of
June 2024 in the State of Limbo was executed successfully and in accordance
with the law. The operation was carried out based on credible information from
the intelligence department, and both individuals were arrested without any use
of force. Their rights were upheld throughout the process. Further investigations
will be conducted to gather evidence related to their alleged criminal activities.

Hence, this Mediator report given by me.

Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

Mr.DK, Investigation officer

Date: 25th January 2024

Location: Shadow House

Mediator: Mr.Lenin, Deputy Collector, Government Officer

Investigation Officer: Mr.Jesus

Accused Arrested:
Mr. Momo (A-
3) Dambo (A-4)
Jambo (A-5)

On the 25th of January 2024, a coordinated operation led to the arrest of three
individuals, Mr. Momo (A-3), Dambo (A-4), and Jambo (A-5), at the location known
as 'Shadow House.' I, Mr. Lenin, a Government Officer serving as Deputy Collector,
acted as the mediator in this operation. The purpose of this report is to provide a
concise account of the events leading to the arrest.

The arrested individuals, A-3, A-4, and A-5, were subjects of an ongoing investigation
led by Mr. Jesus, the Investigation Officer. The operation was conducted based on
credible evidence and intelligence regarding their involvement in illicit activities at
Shadow House.

Arrest Operation
The law enforcement team, under the supervision of Mr. Jesus, meticulously planned
the operation to ensure the safety of all parties involved. This included strategies for the
arrests, potential risks, and the protection of officers.

Coordination: Close coordination was established among the law enforcement

agencies involved in the operation, ensuring smooth execution and preventing any
possible escape.

Execution: The operation was executed with precision on the morning of January 25th,
2024, at Shadow House. A-3, A-4, and A-5 were apprehended without resistance, and
they were informed of the reasons for their arrest.
Search and Seizure: Following the arrests, a thorough search of the immediate area
was conducted. While no weapons or contraband were found, further investigations
will be conducted to gather additional evidence related to their alleged activities. As
the Deputy Collector and a government officer, my role as the mediator in this
operation was to ensure that the rights of A-3, A-4, and A-5 were respected. I facilitated
communication between the arrested individuals and the law enforcement team,
ensuring that they were informed of their legal rights, including the right to legal
representation and the right to remain silent.

The arrest of Mr. Momo (A-3), Dambo (A-4), and Jambo (A-5) on the 25th of January
2024 at Shadow House was executed smoothly and in accordance with established legal
procedures. The operation was based on credible evidence, and the arrested
individuals were apprehended without any use of force.

Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

Mr.JESUS, Investigation officer
Date: 25th January 2024

Location: Shadow House

Mediator: Mr. Lenin, Deputy Collector, Government Officer

Investigation Officer: Mr. Jesus

Persons Arrested:
Mr. Momo (A-
3) Dambo (A-4)
Jambo (A-5)

On the 25th of January 2024, a significant operation was conducted at Shadow
House, leading to the seizure of various items and vehicles. I, Mr. Lenin, a
Government Officer serving as Deputy Collector, acted as the mediator in this
operation. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive account of the
items and vehicles seized during this operation.

The seizure operation was part of an ongoing investigation led by Mr. Jesus, the
Investigation Officer, focusing on the activities at Shadow House. The operation was
carried out based on credible information and intelligence regarding illegal activities
linked to the offenders, A-3, A-4, and A-5.

Seized Items and Vehicles

● Single Titanium Plate: A single titanium plate was recovered at Shadow House.
The significance of this plate in the context of the investigation will be examined in
● Two Tyres of MRF Brand: Two MRF brand tires were seized. These tires may have
been connected to the crime or used in illegal activities.
● Ten Body Cut Pieces of a Trailer: The discovery of ten body cut pieces of a trailer is
a significant find. Further investigation will focus on identifying the trailer and its
possible involvement in criminal activities.
● A Bag Consisting of Two Crore Cash: A bag containing an astounding amount of Two
Crore in cash was recovered. This substantial sum raises questions about its source and
potential connections to illicit activities.
● One Rod: The discovery of a single rod at Shadow House is being investigated for
its possible connection to the case.
Crime Vehicles:
● Bajaj Platinum (Two-wheeler): The seizure of the Bajaj Platinum two-wheeler suggests
its involvement in illegal activities or its use as a getaway vehicle.
● Honda Splendor (Two-wheeler): Similar to the Bajaj Platinum, the Honda Splendor
two-wheeler raises suspicions about its role in the alleged crimes.
● Omni Van (Four-wheeler): The discovery of the Omni Van, a four-wheeler, indicates its
possible involvement in criminal activities, such as transportation of illegal goods.

Role as Mediator
As the Deputy Collector and a government officer, my role as the mediator was to
ensure that the seizure operation was conducted legally and transparently. I
worked to maintain communication between the law enforcement team and the
arrested individuals to guarantee that their rights were respected throughout the

The seizure operation conducted on the 25th of January 2024 at Shadow House
resulted in the recovery of several items and vehicles with potential connections to
criminal activities. The significant amount of cash, along with the vehicles and other
items, points towards a complex case that requires thorough investigation.

Mr. Jesus, the Investigation Officer, will lead the examination of these seized items
and vehicles to determine their relevance to the ongoing investigation. Further
inquiries will focus on establishing connections, identifying any criminal networks
involved, and gathering additional evidence. I, Mr. Lenin, will continue to serve as a

Hence, this Mediator report given by me.

Mr.Lenin, Govt.officer - Deputy Collector

Mr.JESUS, Investigation officer

Copy of the proceedings.no.12345/2024


Considering the gravity of the case vide Crime.No.01/2024

. After careful examination of the issue, the Superintendent of Police, Winterfell

Zone, Narnia State is hereby appointing a Special officer Mr.DK, Additional SP to
investigate the matter. Therefore, Mr.Jesus, Present Investigation officer will
handover all the files and case records to Mr.DK in this regard immediately.

Superintendent of Police, Winterfell Zone.

Copy of the Post-Mortem Report C Report of FSL


Issued by: Dr.Ms.Sakku Bhai and Director of FSL, Winterfell Zone.

Ram Babu (Deceased No.1) and Lakshman Babu (Deceased No.2)

● The DNA of Mr.Babu Shyam (Brother of D-1) is matching with the recovered
dead-body at the exhumation.

● The recovered two Shirts (Coffee Colour) and Two pants (Grey white Colour C
Faded white Colour) recovered at 'Burial Place' have found 'HUMAN BLOOD'.

● The recovered Watch (Fast Track Brand) and Two Gunny Bags recovered at 'Burial
Place' also contains 'HUMAN BLOOD'

● NO FINGER-PRINTS COULD BE OBTAINED on any of the recovered items.

● One fillet knife recovered at 'Burial Place' is in a state of 'RUSTING' and hence
no finger prints could be obtained and does not SHOW any presence of 'HUMAN

Dr.Ms.Sakku Bhai

Director of FSL, Winterfell Zone.

1. Introduction
The Intra Mock Trial competition is hosted by CSLMCC to inculcate mock
trial culture amongst the students in their second and third years of law school,
preparing them for national and international mock trial competitions and further
helping the students in developing practical knowledge regarding the intricacies of the
real-life trial situations, which further includes, witness examination, critical thinking,
and oral and verbal skills. The competition brings with it exposure and familiarises the
students with the formal procedure of the courts and sets them on their journey to
become competent legal minds. Mock trial is an indispensable practice that
acclimatizes them to real-world court proceedings and stimulates their advocacy skills
with remarkable proficiency.

1.1The Mock Trial

For a law student, one of the quintessential skills required for a successful legal
career is the art of advocacy. Mock Trial enables a student to identify issues, conduct
quality research, systematically arrange arguments and gain command over the field of
research. It allows a student to holistically approach an issue and notice its possible legal
angles. Understanding its importance, CSLMCC strives to impart rigorous Mock Trial
training to the students and ensures that the students receive practical exposure through
dynamic Mock Trial training to improve their advocacy skills. A mock trial is a simulation
of the trial part of a real-life criminal or civil suit in which the problem or scenario is
completely fictional. There will be two teams that shall engage against each other in the
factious trying of the accused for a case of mentioned nature. Each team consists of three
members usually.

1.2 Objectives
● The principal objective of the Intra mock trial competition is to Introduce and
develop skills in mock trials amongst the second and third-year law students.
● It also provides mock trial speakers and researchers training for representing
Chettinad School of Law in National and international mock trial competitions.
2. Administration and General Rules
The official name of the competition is The Intra Mock Trial competition and the
CSLMCC is the official organizer of the Intra Mock Trial competition at Chettinad
School of Law.

2.1 Eligibility
Students of 3rd 4th and 5th year of CSL. 1st and 2nd year students of CSL will
be acting as witnesses.2nd year will be the organisers.

2.2 Official Language

The official working language of the Intra Mock Trial competition is English.

2.3 Team Composition

Each participating team shall consist of three attorneys. In each round, three
official team members will serve as attorneys, and witnesses will be allotted a day
prior, if the team fails to arrange by themselves, to the competition by CSLMCC.

2.4 Team duties

Each of the three attorneys will conduct one direct examination and one cross-
examination; in addition, one will present the opening statement and another will
present the closing arguments. In other words, the attorney duties for each team will
be divided as follows:
● One attorney will be responsible for the direct/chief examination of one witness
and the cross-examination of one witness; and the opening statement.
● One attorney will be responsible for the direct examination of three witness,
the cross-examination of three witness; and
● One attorney will be responsible for the direct examination of one witness, the
cross-examination of one witness, and the closing argument (including rebuttal, if

2.5 Assistance to Teams

All research, writing, and editing of written memorials for the Mock Trial must be
the exclusive product of the team members. Faculty members of Chettinad School
of Law (CSL) cannot render external assistance to any team registered for the Intra
Mock Trial Competition. During oral presentation consultation with coaches shall
be strictly prohibited.
2.6 Implementation and Interpretation of Rules
Regarding all Mock Trial practices and procedures, the final decision on the
interpretation and implementation of rules lies with the organizers (CSLMCC).

2.7 Application of Rules

Rules contained in this document will apply to the Intra Mock Trial competition.

3. Rules for Oral Pleadings and Procedures

The Intra Mock Trial Competition shall consist of the preliminary, quarter-final,
semi-final, and final rounds. The problem for all rounds shall be the same. A
suitably qualified person shall prepare the Mock Trial problem annually, to be
selected by the organizers. The person selected to prepare the problem shall be
provided with instructions by the organizers concerning the nature, scope, and
issues that should be included in the problem.

3.1.Rules for the Preliminary Rounds

All participating teams in the competition will be provided team code by the
organizers, depending upon the number of teams participating in the
Sufficient courtrooms will be provided for all competitions, to facilitate the
smooth functioning of the Mock Trial competition.
The teams shall argue cases against each other; same will be decided by a
draw of lots before the commencement of the competition.
Only one preliminary round will be conducted.
Time allotted for arguments will be 25 + 5 minutes for the Prosecution and 25 + 5
minutes for the Defence. Extra time will be given to answer questions asked by
the judges.
Selected members of the team shall make oral presentations during each round.
The presentations shall be divided equally among the participants.
Marks of the written memorials will be taken into consideration during the
marking of preliminary rounds. The marks awarded by the judges during the
oral round of the presentation plus the memorial marks will be considered to
select the Quarter-finalists.
3.2.Rules for the Quarter Final Rounds
The top eight teams (where it is required) from the preliminary rounds
shall qualify to participate in the quarterfinal. Selection will be based upon the
marks awarded by the organizing committee (CSLMCC) after evaluation of the
written memorials, plus the marks awarded by judges during the
preliminary rounds of the oral presentation of the teams.
The quarterfinal rounds will be conducted immediately after the
announcement of the preliminary rounds results.
The sides to be argued by the teams will be decided by a draw of lots, before
the commencement of the quarterfinal rounds of competition.
Each team will be allotted a total of 25 + 5 minutes to present its argument
during the quarterfinal rounds. There will be a warning bell at the end of 20
minutes and there will be a final bell after the allotted time of 30 minutes.
There will be extra time allocated to respond to the questions posed by the
judges, as necessary. 3 minutes will also be allotted for each team for rebuttal
in each round.
Participating teams will be required to strictly follow the time limits.
Marks of the written memorials will not be taken into consideration during
the marking of Quarter-final rounds. Only the marks awarded by the
judges during the oral round of the presentation will be considered to select
the semi-finalists.

3.3 Rules for the Semi-Final Round

The top four teams (where it is required) from the quarterfinal rounds shall
qualify to participate in the semi-final. Selection will be based upon the marks
awarded by the judges during the quarterfinal rounds of the oral presentation
of the teams. Written Memorial Marks will not be taken into consideration in
this round.
The semi-final rounds will be conducted after the announcement of the
quarterfinal rounds results. If it is required it may be shifted to the second day
of the competition.
The sides to be argued by the teams will be decided by a draw of lots, before
the commencement of the semi-final rounds of competition. There shall be one
round of oral arguments during the semi-finals.
Each team will be allotted a total of 30+5 minutes to present its argument during
the semi-final rounds. There will be a warning bell at the end of 20 minutes
and there will be a final bell after the allotted time of 35 minutes.
There will be extra time allocated to respond to the questions posed by the judges,
as necessary. Three (3) minutes will be allotted for each team for rebuttal.
Participating teams will be required to strictly follow the time limits.
Marks of the written memorials will not be taken into consideration during
the marking of semi-final rounds. Only the marks awarded by the judges
during the oral round of the presentation will be considered to select the finalists
(Knock-out Round)

3.4. Rules for the Final Round

The top two teams from the semi-final rounds will be selected to compete
in the final round of the Intra Mock Trial competition.
The final round of the competition will take place after the conclusion of
the semi-final round of the competition
The sides to be argued by the teams will be decided by a draw of lots before
the commencement of the final round of competition. There shall be one
round of arguments by the finalists.
Each team will be permitted to speak for a total of 30 minutes during the final
round. There will be a warning bell at the end of 20 minutes and a final bell
at the end of the allotted time.
There will be extra time (5 Minutes) allotted to each team, as necessary, to
respond to questions posed by judges. Each team will have 3 minutes for
rebuttal in each round.

4. Memorials
4.1.Submission of Memorials
Each participating team shall prepare both memorials and counter memorials, in
English. All teams are to submit their copies to the organizing committee
(CSLMCC) before the due date specified by the committee in its Rules and
Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in disqualification from the competition.
Four copies of each memorial and counter-memorial in the paper (hard copy) shall
be submitted to the organizing committee (CSLMCC) on 12th April 2024. During
oral presentations, the participating teams should retain copies of their memorials
for their personal use. The copies submitted to the organizing committee
(CSLMCC) will not be returned to the participants under any circumstances. There
will be an exchange of memorials between the teams during the competition. All
memorials shall be prepared to the following specifications:
• Memorial shall not be more than 20 typed pages

• Memorials must be typed and submitted on standard A4 size paper.

• Font and size of the text of all parts of the memorial (excluding footnotes)
must be the same and must be in either Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11 font

• The texts of all parts of each memorial must be double-spaced, with a one-
inch margin on both sides.

• The text of footnotes and headings may be single-spaced. The font size
of footnotes must be 2 points less than the text font.

• Bluebook 20th edition of referencing must be followed as far as


• There must be double spacing between separate footnotes and between

each heading and the body text of the memorial.

• Quotations of sources outside of the memorial of fifty words or more in

any part of the memorial shall be block quoted and must be single-spaced.

• The table of Contents, Index of Authorities, and Case Title are not included
in the 20 typed page limit.

• The hard copies of the Memorials must bear a cover page in

conformity with the following scheme:
1.Complainant/Prosecution: Blue
2.Defence/Accused: Red

Each Memorial shall have the following on its cover page:

1. The team code is on the top right-hand corner of the cover page.
2.The name and place of the forum
3.Name of parties and their status
4. Memorial “Submitted to...” or “Memorial Filed before” and “appearing on
behalf of...”
The electronic copy of each Memorial must reach the following e-mail address:
csol.mcc@care.edu.in latest by 23:59 hours (IST) on 10th April 2024. Both Memorials
must be attached in a single e-mail only with the subject of the e-mail being
“Memorials for Team Code _”.
For every day of delay, there shall be a penalty of 2 Marks on each memorial from
12th April 2024. The Memorials must only be in “.pdf” format. The file names of
the soft copies of the Memorials must contain only the team code and the side
being represented in the following format:
MT01-P or MT01-D, where “P” represents the Prosecution side and “D”
represents the Defence side.

All Memorials submitted must strictly conform to the following general

requirements. Non-conformity may attract negative marking

4.2. Description of Memorials

The Memorial shall consist of the following parts:
• Table of Contents
• Index of Authorities (including corresponding page numbers)
• Statement of Jurisdiction
• Identification of Issues
• Statement of Facts
• Summary of Pleadings
• Pleadings including the Conclusion and/or Prayer for Relief.

5. Criteria for Assessment:

The assessment of the teams during the Mock Trial competition shall be out
of a maximum of 100 marks, set out as follows:
• The memorials submitted by participating teams shall be evaluated by an
expert appointed by the organizing committee (CSLMCC) and marks will be
awarded for them.
• These marks will be taken into consideration, along with marks awarded by
judges for the teams during the oral presentation made by them, in the preliminary
round of the competition.
• The teams who secured the top eight positions will only be selected to
participate in the quarter-final round of the competition.
• The teams who secured the top four positions will only be selected to
participate in the semi-final round of the competition.
• Top two teams will be selected based on their performance in oral
presentations made by them during the semi-finals. The written memorial marks
will not be taken into consideration to selecting the teams for the semi-final and
final rounds of the competition.
• Winners of the final round will be selected based upon their oral performance
during the final round of the competition, written memorial marks of the teams will
not be taken into consideration to select the winners of the Intra Moot Court

6. Awards and Prizes

• The Intra Mock Trial Competition winners will be awarded the “Running
Trophy”, medals for the three participants of the team, along with certificates.
• The Runners up team will be awarded individual medals and certificates.
• There will be a Best Advocate prize. This prize will be awarded to the participant
who is judged by the organizing committee to have performed best during her/his oral
• There will be a Best Memorial prize. All the memorials, which are submitted to
the organizing committee (CSLMCC) of the competition, will be evaluated and the
best memorial will be chosen among them to award this prize.
• There will be a Best Witness prize for the best witness selected by the
Judges,Certificate of participation will be given for all the witnesses.
• Each participant in the Intra Mock Trial Competition will be given a certificate
of participation.
7. Finality of Decisions
The presiding Judge's and/or judging panel's judgments are FINAL.
7.1 Score Sheets:
Individual score sheets must be completed by the scoring judge or judges. The
team with the most points shall win the round.

8.Mock trial procedure

8.1Opening Court
The bailiff will begin the proceedings by saying: "All Rise, (Name of the concerned
forum) is now open and in session, the Honourable Judges presiding. All
people with a proper cause of action herein approach near and pay attention to
follow in accordance with the law. You may take a seat." When the judge enters, all
participants must stand and remain to stand until the judge is seated.

8.2Opening Statements:
In a civil lawsuit, the plaintiff delivers an opening statement first, and the
prosecution in a criminal case. The attorney introduces the members of his/her
team and outlines the case as they intend to present it, highlighting significant
testimony, summarizing the evidence that will be provided to support the case,
and articulating the relief asked in the opening statement.
"Your Honour, my name is attorney for Mr./Ms. , the
(Prosecution/Defence). My colleagues are , and ." (In
a criminal case the prosecution would say: "Your Honour, my name is
attorney for the State of . My colleagues are , and

8.3Direct Examination by the Prosecution

To bring out the facts of the case, the Prosecution/appointed counsels’ undertakes
direct examination (questioning) of each of their witnesses. At this point, the
prosecution’s case will be proven by testimony and other evidence. The goal of
direct/chief examination is to allow the witness to recount the facts in support of the
NOTE: During direct and cross-examination, counsels on both sides should
remember that their only duty is to ask questions; counsels must not testify or
present evidence, and they must avoid wording questions in a way that would
violate this rule, i.e., any leading questions shall be avoided as much as possible.
The Counsel summons a witness by saying: "Your Honour, I would like to call
Fran Witness to the stand." The bailiff then oaths the witness by asking the
following: "Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you may give in
the cause now pending before this Court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth according to the Mock Trial Rules?"
The witness takes the oath or affirmation by saying: "I do."

8.4Cross-Examination by Defence.
Following the direct examination of a witness for the Prosecution, a defence
counsel cross-examines the witness to expose flaws in his or her testimony and to
determine the witness's reliability. The cross-examiner attempts to explain or throw
doubt on the opposing witnesses' evidence. Through good cross-examination,
inconsistencies in tales, prejudice, and other harmful information can be brought to
the judge's attention.

8.5The Defence’s Case: Direct Examination by Defence

After the prosecution has presented its case, the defence counsels’ question each
of their witnesses directly. At this point, the defence's case will be proven by
testimony and other evidence. The goal of direct examination is to allow the witness
to recount the facts in support of the case.

8.6Cross-Examination by the Prosecution Counsels

After the defence counsel has finished interrogating a witness, the court
enables the prosecution attorney to cross-examine the witness. The cross-examiner
attempts to explain or throw doubt on the opposing witness's evidence. Through good
cross- examination, inconsistencies in tales, prejudice, and other harmful information
can be brought to the judge's attention.

At the conclusion of the cross-examination, the counsel who called the witness has the
opportunity to re-examine. The counsel can only re-examine to allow the witness to
explain matters referred to in the cross-examination. It cannot be used to introduce
matters that the counsel forgot to ask in the examination-in-chief. Leading questions
cannot be asked during re-examination.
8.7 Closing Arguments
The Prosecution makes the closing argument first and may reserve some of its
closing time for rebuttal. The Prosecution is not required to declare that it is
reserving rebuttal time before beginning its final argument. If there is one, the
Prosecution is confined to the extent of Defendant's closing argument. The closing
counsel recounts the case in the light most favourable to their respective viewpoints,
using important case and legislative sections as well as testimony that supports their

8.8 Verdict
The Judges will leave the courtroom to go over their notes and make a judgment.
The judge's ruling is Final.
*NOTE: Late submission of both soft and hard copies shall attract a penalty of 1 point
per side (2 points in total) for every 24-hour delay starting from 11th April 2024.


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