1ST Prelim 2

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TEST III: Direction: Find the meaning of the underlined word in the sentence.

1) The principle encouraged the students to economize their weekly allowances rather than wasting it
on junkfoods.
a. Spend
b. Invest
c. Save
2) The lithe girl was successful in the basketball tryouts , unfortunately , the chubby girl was
a. Sick
b. Lean
c. Tall
d. None of the above
3) The lamb was very feeble whereas the lion was very strong.
a. Weak
b. Small
c. Tall
d. Hard
4) The detective ruled that Jianna’s death was unintentional.
a. Deliberate
b. Accidental
c. Misunderstood
5) Nelson Mandela finally received his freedom after spending several years in captivity.
a. Martinique
b. Prison
c. A hospital
d. A&C
6) They tortured him both physically and mentally but still couldn’t break him apart.He was ironman.
a. Metal body
b. Courageous
c. Strong
7) The veterans fought for their country just to be faded away in time?
b. Died
c. Martyred
d. Forgotten
d. Go away
8) He was much more agile , than the slower one.
a. Fast
b. Slow
c. Dumb
d. Smart
9) The actress died in a car accident , so the producers had to sign in a specter.
a. Doppelganger
b. Duplicate
c. Fake
10) She was pirouetting beautifully but the other girl couldn’t spin at all.
a. Walking
b. Spinning
c. Running
d. Thinking

TEST IV: Identification: Write the correct answer on the blank.

____________1. Is all the words you can recognize when reading.

____________2. Specialized set of terms and distinctions that is particularly important to a certain
group;those in particular focus on experience or activity.
____________3. It is all the words you can use in speech , may be compensated by facial expressions and
tone of voice or hand gestures.
____________4. Your listening vocabulary is all the words you can recognize when listening to a speech.
____________5. Your writing vocabulary is all the words you can employ in writing.


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