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Conference Paper · October 2012

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Arbi Shehu
Canadian Institute of Technology


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Buletini i Shkencave
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Konference Jubilare
“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”
Tirane, Shqiperi, 26-28 Tetor 2012
Paper’s Book


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“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600


ALUIZNI-Drejtoria Qendrore, Rr. Skënder Kosturi, Tirana, Albania,

Nowadays information technologies development has risen in every field of work, especially engineering. Thus
processing of digital data in these areas is today a necessity for their further development. Cartography and digital
processing methods mainly refer to geomatics knowledge. These methods include various disciplines such as
photogrammetry, geodesy, GIS, remote sensing, etc.
This article presents the achievements and the latest technology use in digital mapping related mainly to Albania
and Tirana area, accessed from ALUIZNI since 2007. The digital Mapping of Tirana represents an expanded
engineering work according to geomatics methods. For this purpose were used aerial photo techniques, computer
softwares for data processing (MicroStation, ArcGIS, AutoCAD, etc.), mapping professionals teams, etc.
Consequently, the results are clear and very helpful, bringing a complete digital product multi-usefull in different
fields as property registration, Territorial Planning, Surveying, Geoenvironmental Studies, Socio-Economic
Analysis, etc.
The paper at hand analyzes a long and constructive process of further data processing in Albania. The desing of the
topographic map in small and large scale, aerial photo creating, creation of databases for real estate, identifying
the parts of the public areas, identifying urban areas, etc. through geomatics methods, open the way to further
knowledge in the field of digital cartography. This knowledge brings the necessary development for engineers and
they can be useful in many GIS projects that are being actualized in our country nowadays.

KEY WORDS: Digital Mapping, Geomatics, GIS, Photogrammetry, Tirana.

Studies and applicable digital models are used today throughout the world as one of the main tools that
guide and assist in various economic activities, socio-cultural and many other aspects related to the design
of policies for the development of a country.
Digital models are used in real estate registration system, topographic maps and overall urban planning in
cities and in rural areas. Their applications are required and are used to manage various activities in
industry and agriculture, transport, geography, natural resources, in the design and use of marine maps,
land surveying techniques and many other fields of study. Increasingly, collecting and analyzing digital
data is being used in new areas. At the same time is required to ensure complete and accurate data in a
low cost as well.
During economy transformation process in Albanian, the return of land ownership has enabled the
creation of a registration system for land and real estate. The real estate registration system is essential for
national economic growth and it has led to the increase of the investments made in updating and
maintenance of its data, which have always been higher.
In the recent years, the growth of changes in the ownership of real estate at the public area in Albania, and
their adaptation to ownership changes occurrence, demanded the creation of a national digital
cartographic product with high engineering standards.
For this reason since 2007, the Albanian government has been contributed with specific funds for creating
aerial images of Albania and the creation of digital mapping.
The methodology and techniques used are focused on the task of designing Tirana digital map in order to
reflect modern technology techniques available for the application and to achieve the optimal cost-quality
duty. Our attention is focused on other areas of use too by providing opportunities for other sectors to use
this technique of digital technology and geomatics methods. The activity of various scientific disciplines

245 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

especially the use of digital technologies has focused on techniques already showing an increase over


The development of Albanian society and the increase of public areas, bring in the 21st century
adaptation to international conditions in geomatics systems. This process was initiated by ALUIZNI
(Agency for Legalization, Urbanization and Integration of Informal Areas / Constructions), this agency
was primarily created for the identification of informal settlements, the administration of these zones and
the creation of a national system of cartographic digital products of high engineering standards.

1. The Project
In terms of an existing situation rather outdated and incorrect, often with varying degrees of formats
where missing information was obvious, it was requested an efficient solution for the objectives required
by the government. The realization of this project needed a range of services which are carried out by the
public administration. Among these services were:
Determining the exact geographic position (UTM/WGS84 projection System)
Geo Studies (Urban, Environment, Geology, etc.)
GIS system creation in different administrative areas (Address System, Cadastral System,
Registration Property System, Etc.)

From this point of view the main issues and objectives for ALUIZNI were:
Aerial Images Production for all Albania territory
Creating digital map (Topographic, Urban areas, Natural resources, etc.)
Legalize informal object and areas.

2. Techniques and technologies used

The updated and georeferenced under
international UTM projection system
National digital map creation, went through
several stages. The starting point of this
process was to realize the aerial photos in
digital format, made from the Croatian
"GeoFoto" ompany. This company
specializes in these processes, made the
aerial photographs in three stages, which
were completed respectively in March Fig. 1. Aerial Image Fly Process, by Geofoto.
2007, September 2007 and October 2007.
Geofoto is the largest company in the Eastern Europe, and one of the largest companies in Europe. The
main activities for the company are specialized studies, Air Photogrammetry, Digital Cadastral Surveys,
Cadastral Database Production, Digital Topographic Mapping and creating and implementing
Geoinformation Systems (GIS). This company was responsible for the planning and execution of
photogrammetric campaign for producing aerial images.

3. Project Implementation

246 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

The techniques which would represent the realization for

creating digital maps is the photogrammetric method. This
technique consists in creating aerial photographs for territorial
areas, from a digital photographic device installed on board an
aircraft. This process is performed at a low altitude and
constant flight, to enable the affectivity and uniformity.
Photographs made by "GEOFOTO", were carried out
according to a predetermined sequence based on the density of
informality and priorities, being separated to LOTs:
LOT 1: Photographing the LOT was carried out with a 8cm
precision and had as its objectives the country's main cities
like Tirana, Durrës, Vlora, etc.
LOT 2: Photographing the LOT was carried out with an
accuracy of 20cm and had as its objective the majority of the
surface of the Republic of Albania, thus providing a further
update for LOT 1 photos.
LOT 3: Photographing the LOT was carried out with an
accuracy of 30cm in rural and mountainous parts of the
Republic of Albania.

Fig. 2. Aerial Image Map


1. Digitizing Techniques
The development of the digital maps consists
in processing and identification of the primary
material, which was Orthophoto. This
material previously produced in a high quality
digital format was the basis of the project.
Once realized, the orthophoto was processed
according to the predetermined standards and
was made available for its digitalization in
vector format. Spatial principles are based on
the photo interpretation of the orthophotos,
but with the feature that this process is done
Fig. 3. Digitizing Process with Stereo Glasses and
on computer and analog conditions.
Photo interpretation refers to the identification of
all objects on the surface of the land cover. These items may vary and are classified according to
predetermined standards. The identification is carried out for the types of soils, hydrology parts, as well
etc. A specific part of the digitizing process by ALUIZNI was to identify informal area passing through
digitizing apart of the public territory areas, private parcels, rivers, lakes, etc..
The identification and the later implementation of the vector maps, is performed in computer programs
with high standards Workstation (whose parameters are very good). The programs for this process are
numerous and all carry the same manner of digitalization. All of them are based on the principles of
interpreting and converting it into an analog format.
Carrying of digitizing in all the kinds of programs is defined in such a way that areas identified uniquely
struck by specific layer. The carried out digitizing will be of a higher quality if the quality of the
orthophotos (their resolution) is high.

247 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

The delineation of buildings, roads, or land presses is performed in the format polyline, which is standard
for any digitizing software. Also Layers were created, Topology, Identification of surfaces, etc. The
digitalization of orthophotos meets all the requirements for a high-level mapping system and created the
possibility of the use of materials derived from the digitalization in other areas.

2. Used Software
Using mapping software is the only way to create a
digital material. Classification of these digital materials is
based on the specifications of the software used.
Sophisticated programs will provide high quality
The Project undertaken by ALUIZNI, focused on the use
of several different softwares to its stage. These softwares
include, ERDAS Image, Stereo Analyst, MicroStation,
AutoCAD MAP 3D, ArcMAP, etc..

a. ERDAS Image allows the use of ESRI Shapefile

formats and using geo databases. The use of this software
is suitable for importing and exporting vector data and
topology construction in a format compatible with ESRI. Fig. 3. Ortopthoto View from Microstation
ERDAS program is divided into several modules of Software.
specified work.

b. Stereo Analyst is a Windows solution for the creation, interpretation and visualization of 3D images.
Using Stereo Analyst will create an overlap versus GIS systems which ignore 2D models. The outcome
will be the creation of a 3D stereo model in which we may have information processing under their real
positioning. This overlap of data can be created during the process of their implementation.
Stereo Analyst is an alternative to 3D GIS data collection accurate and timely shots. If in the past we have
spent a lot of time to gather information for the GIS or if the work was performed by a service office of
photogrammetrical, now data collection can already be carried out and updating them quickly and easily.

c. PRO - MicroStation GeoGraphics, is a powerful program package, ,versatile to collect and process
data with photogrammetric features in MicroStation GeoGraphics CAD space by Bentley Systems. The
program is intended to generate an efficient and attractive presentation of information obtained from the
images, in analog order, analytically and digital. This includes a wide range of functions for capturing,
reporting, processing and cartographic increase two and three dimensional data.

d. Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) is a summary of specific photogrammetric softwares mainly

oriented to the creation and implementation of geospatial images. Within this program, there are several
modules that enable the realization of the project and its requirements at all possible points. LPS consists
precisely in the fact that this program allows you to refine the information being passed at all stages of its
production. Depending on the flow of work is entirely possible to create and analyze all stages
The first phase of information processing in LPS, is the realization of photogrammetric images from air,
adapting them to the desired coordinate systems. LPS allows both to be processed with a high-precision
positioning, data acquisition, and automated measurement. Using LPS solution is well suited for mapping
for engineering purposes.

248 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

e. AutoCAD MAP-3D: provides a professional service in the implementation of digitizing the photo
grammetrical data. Autodesk is a set of programs designed for pre-engineering purposes, which in their
complexity reach higher goals.

f. ArcMAP-ESRI: is designed to create different actions in GIS field (Geographic Information

System). This program will provide information link vector (derived from Autodesk Map 3D) and geo
databases that will be created during the data collection.


1. Orthophoto
In the absence of significant cartographic information, orthophoto is the input to the generation of vector
map. This is of great importance after mapping information returned in vector form and will be processed
and returned in the form of typological accurate and will enable connection through different databases.
This mapping information produced by photogrammetric methods represents technical perspective, the
transformation of aerial photographs taken from the plane, according to determine scientific
methodology. Aerial photographs after undergoing a transformation process of slope in horizontal plan
and the introduction of correction Projection transformation central to the orthogonal and Transformation
for relief, these files transformed can easily be distributed along the covered area.
This advantage gives us the possibility to perform a correct digitalization, quickly and at low cost. Also,
the accuracy of the information that we generate from it meets all technical parameters for topographic
mapping scale required (1:2000).

Fig. 4. Digitized Ortophoto, Tirana area.

249 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

The first part of Orthophoto format (.jpg / .TIF) consists of the image produced by aerial photography. In
case on orthophoto work required geographic coordinates which are specified on the basis of a geo
referencing system. It is these coordinates are located in file-t associated File-images; these are
respectively formats (.TIFW / .JPGW)
The content of these formats consist of coordinates X, Y, Z which are processed according to the UTM
projection, which is currently the most widely used worldwide. As part of the material Orthophoto file is
automatically checked by the program in which we introduce Image.

2. Digital Map
The product is a derivative of authentic digital works carried on Orthophoto. Digitizing of all facilities,
territorial parts, fields, forests, etc., found on the land cover consists in the fact the delineation and
identification of them.

Fig. 5. Digitized Map of Tirana

Orthophoto digitalization is based on some specifications which are determined by the purpose of
digitizing (Geological, Topographic, Military, Engineering, Urban, etc.), which are defined layers and
accuracy required for digitalization. Digitizing at the core of which have a process of creating successive
points depending on observed objects. From this point of view each area observed on the orthophoto will

250 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

“90 vjet Gjeologji Shqiptare”, Buletini i Shkencave Gjeologjike 2012
Jubileum Conference special electronic edition
Paper’s Book ISSN 2306-9600

digitized in such a way as to have closed polygons and therefore an accurate topology. Digitizing than in
polygons performed with polyline, which enables the creation of axes or territorial parts discontinued.
Also another part of the digital product is the naming of buildings, roads, etc..
As a result of conducting the entire process of digitalization has achieved only conclusion which will
unify digital aerial images with graphical interpretation, which would further be classified on the basis of
predetermined layer geo referenced an international UTM projection system and ellipsoid WGS84.

To create the map of Tirana we used techniques and technologies with the highest stage of geomatics
The techniques and the technologies used by this process give the possibility for engineers to apply
them in other projects, such as mine, surveying, urban studies, etc.
Resolution of images based on the requirements established, implemented the solution without
problems as identifying the property as well as that of urban planning.
The vector product implemented for Tirana, constitutes the digital model for the situation and the height
as well.
The final product can be disrupted for completion by increasing its use areas
Keeping in mind the accuracy of 8 cm it is possible to realize urban planning and projects which do not
affect the authenticity of the application avoiding overlaps.

I would like to express my gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complete this article. I
want to thank the Agency for Legalization, Urbanization and Integration of Informal Areas /
Constructions – ALUIZNI, and my colleagues, Mr. Kristaq Qirko, Mr. Dritan Prifti, Mr. Klaudio Çollaku.

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251 Tirana, Albania, 26-28 October 2012

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