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Group Management

TETRA System Release 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0

(TRASYSAPP00328) 03/2017
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1 About this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.1 How to use this document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2 Typographic conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Group concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Roles in group management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.1 Workstation users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2.2 Dispatchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.3 Radio and Tactilon® Agnet subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Managing groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.1 Rights for managing groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Creating a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Modifying a group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 Deleting a group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5 What the workstation user can configure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.6 Parameter settings related to different group concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.6.1 Groups used for normal group communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.6.2 Group used for announcements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.6.3 Dispatcher groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6.4 Local groups used for location-based dispatcher and emergency calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.6.5 Groups used for location-based group calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.6.6 Dedicated data group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.7 Managing group areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.8 Controlling group addressed traffic on SCCHs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.9 Controlling energy economy usage in a group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.10 Configuring ISI links to groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4 Managing group overlays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.1 What the workstation user can configure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Creating a group overlay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Modifying a group overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4 Deleting a group overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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4.5 Configuring a group overlay for location-based dispatcher and emergency calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6 Configuring a group overlay for location-based group calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5 Managing group memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.1 Group members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.2 Group membership characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.1 Pre-programmed and dynamic groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2.2 Radio and system controlled memberships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.2.3 Permanent and visiting group memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.3 Amount of group memberships per radio/Agnet subscriber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.4 Group concepts and memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

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List of Tables.
Table 1 Identification parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Table 2 Parameters related to area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Table 3 Parameters affecting communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Table 4 Signalling parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Table 5 Parameters affecting group lifetime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table 6 Parameters related to Entry rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Table 7 Security parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Table 8 Group parameters for normal group communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Table 9 Group parameters for broadcast groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 10 Group parameters for background groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Table 11 Group parameters for dispatchers groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Table 12 Parameters for location-based dispatcher calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Table 13 Parameters for location-based emergency calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Table 14 Cover group parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Table 15 Parameters for local groups used for location-based group calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Table 16 Dedicated data group parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Table 17 Identification parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Table 18 Group overlay parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Table 19 Communication parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Table 20 Parameters for group overlay for location-based dispatcher and emergency calls . . . . . . . . 39
Table 21 Parameters for group overlay for location-based group calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

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List of Figures.
Figure 1 Example organisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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12-3 03/2017 DGNA supported for Tactilon® Agnet clients added. Throughout the
12-2 01/2016 Tactilon® Suite TSA feature has been added. Throughout
12-1 07/2015 Several updates throughout the chapters. 2
12-0 02/2015 Tactilon® Suite TSA feature has been added. It Throughout
provides TETRA group communication features for
smart devices. The feature is available from TETRA
System Release 7.0 onwards.
Information on Dispatcher initiated talk group selection 4.1.1
11-3 10/2012 Chapter Group management and TEDS deleted as
unnecessary. The principles of group management also
apply in the case the TEDS service is used.
11-2 04/2012 A new parameter Group attachment in registration Table 4
message has been added.
A new value Selected Group has been added for Table 8
parameter Priority Scanning: Default scanning priority. Table 9
11-1 12/2011 New feature: Configuring ISI links to groups Table 3
11 12/2010 Group memberships and group attachments are set 4
according to the active user identity.
New group parameters added: Table 3
• Group resource reservation pre-emption priority
• Pre-emption speech item levels in use
• Normal priority resource can be pre-empted by
other normal priority resource request
Dedicated data group concept and parameter have 2.1 ,,
been added. 5.4
Controlling group addressed traffic on SCCHs feature 3.2.7, Table 4
has been added.

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Information about TEDS has been added.

10 02/2009 The following changes have been made since the
previous issue of this document dn00126433-09en:
The Location-based group call feature has been added. 2.1 ,
Group membership information has been updated and 4
partly rewritten.
Minor editorial changes have been made all through All
the document.
09 04/2008 A new type of group, broadcast group used for 3.2
broadcast calls has been added in the document.
Description of the Group Mode parameter has been
Lifetime for Group parameter has been added.


1. Communication in Groups, dn00126421

2. Mobility Management, dn00126578

3. DWS Management User's Guide, dn00132209

4. DWS Communication User's Guide, dn00132181

5. Tactilon® Management User Guide, TRADWSAPP00014

6. Reference Manual for the Infrastructure Parameters, dn00126593

7. Glossary, dn00126469

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1 About this document
This document gives an overview of how to manage groups and group memberships in the Airbus
DS TETRA system. Group communication is described in more detail in document Communication in
Groups, dn00126421, and group management in DWS Management User's Guide, dn00132209 and
Tactilon®Management User Guide, TRADWSAPP00014.

This description is intended for radio network users and for those who plan how to use the group
communication services the network provides.

This document assumes that you have some knowledge of trunked radio systems and the Airbus DS
TETRA System.

Some of the features, functionalities, and equipment of the TETRA System described in this document may
not be available in all market areas or are separately priced commercial options. Please contact your local
Airbus Defence and Space representative for further information.

We welcome any suggestions for further improvement of this document. Also, should you find any errors or
omissions in this document, please forward your comments to the Airbus Defence and Space representative
or send them to e-mail address

Tactilon® is a registered trademark of Airbus Defence and Space

1.1 How to use this document

The document is organised as follows:

• Chapter 1 introduces the structure of the document.

• Chapter 2 provides an introduction to groups and group memberships.

• Chapter 3 describes how to manage and configure different kinds of groups.

• Chapter 4 describes how to configure group overlays.

• Chapter 5 describes how group memberships are managed.

The Glossary section explains the abbreviations used in this document. A full version of the glossary is
provided as a separate document, TETRA System: Glossary, dn00126469.

1.2 Typographic conventions

The typographic conventions used in the Airbus DS TETRA System customer documentation are explained in
customer document Guide to TETRA Documentation, dn00126445.

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2 Introduction
Group management can be divided to two different parts: managing the groups and managing the group
memberships. Since there are several different ways to use groups and a lot of parameters that define a
group, group concepts are introduced to ease the management of the groups of different purposes. Also the
different roles in group management are explained to help to understand the needed rights.

2.1 Group concepts

This document uses group concepts to describe some typical ways to use groups:

• groups used for normal group communication

• groups used for announcements

• dispatcher groups

• groups used for location-based calls

• dedicated data groups

One additional group concept is combining of groups; joining several groups for temporary communication
needs. As group combining does not affect the group management but only the communication side, it is
not covered in this document. For detailed information about the combining of groups refer to document
Communication in Groups, dn00126421.

A. Groups used for normal group communication

A typical group has dispatchers and radio and Agnet subscribers as members and they communicate with
each other by means of group calls and SDS and status messages addressed to the group address. Part of
the radio and Agnet subscribers can also use external analog systems connected to a group via a G4WIF.

These groups can either be pre-programmed into radio terminals/Agnet clients or added to the radio
terminals/Agnet clients via air interface using the dynamic group number assignment (DGNA).

Dispatcher calls can also be made to these group numbers. A dispatcher call is an individual call to the group
address; an individual call is offered to the dispatchers of the group and one of them can take the call.

B. Groups used for announcements

An announcement can be made to a broadcast group or a background group, resulting as a broadcast call or
a background group call with slightly different behaviors. Either dispatchers or radio or Agnet subscribers
can make announcements and are members of these kinds of groups.

Broadcast calls are suited for contacting small audiences scattered over a wide geographical area. As the
shifting area can be used, the resource usage is optimized even though the broadcast group area covers
a large number of cells. Broadcast groups are preprogrammed into radio terminals or defined over the air
interface using the dynamic grou>p number assignment (DGNA).

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Background group calls are typically targeted to a large number of members. Unlike in any other group
concepts the membership information of background group is not saved into the system. Consequently,
only fixed area group calls are allowed for these groups. Background groups must be pre-programmed
into radio terminals.


Background groups are not supported for Tactilon® Agnet clients.

C. Dispatcher groups

A dispatcher group has only dispatchers as members. The dispatcher group concept enables a common
number (GSSI) to be used for contacting several dispatchers.

By using the group number as a target address the radio/Agnet subscribers can send SDS and status
messages, e.g. callback request, to all dispatchers of the group and make dispatcher calls. A dispatcher
call is an individual call to the group address. When a radio/Agnet subscriber calls an individual call to
the dispatcher group number, the call is offered to all dispatchers of the group and one of them can then
take the call. The other dispatchers stop alerting.

Dispatchers can also use this group to communicate with each other.

D. Location-based calls

A group overlay concept is used for location-based services. A group overlay consists of several local groups
located in different geographical areas serving the same function. The group overlay address is a common
number for all the local groups of the group overlay; it is used as a target address when setting up a call. The
group overlay is not considered as a group, it does not have dispatchers and radio users as members.

When establishing a dispatcher call via group overlay address the individual call is offered to all dispatchers
of the local group in which area the calling radio subscriber is located.

Location-based emergency calls can be enabled by defining a group overlay address as the emergency
target in the system. The emergency call is established to the local group in which area the calling radio
subscriber is located. The emergency call can be either a dispatcher call or a group call depending on the
parameters of the local group.

The radio subscribers do not have to be members in the local groups in order to use location-based dispatcher
and emergency call services. Dispatchers are members of local groups as the actual communication always
takes place in a local group. In case an emergency group call is used the memberships for the other radio
subscribers in the local groups are managed normally.

Location-based group calls are enabled by linking a group to a group overlay. The group linked to a group
overlay is called a cover group. The radio subscribers are members of the cover group and they use it
as a normal group for group communication. Dispatchers are members of the local groups as the actual
communication takes always place in a local group.

When a radio subscriber makes a group call to the cover group, the system establishes the call to the local
group in which area the calling party is located. The dispatchers of the local group and the radio members of
the cover group that are also located in the area of the nominated local group can participate in the call.

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Location-based emergency calls and dispatcher calls to a local group are also possible via the cover group.
The established emergency call can be either a dispatcher call or a group call depending on the parameters
of the local group.
Location-based group calls are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

E. Dedicated data groups

Dedicated data groups are used for dedicating traffic channels to applications that send a lot of SDS
messages, such as automatic vehicle location (AVL). With a dedicated channel for specific data applications,
the level of service can be guaranteed in the air interface and the main control channel is not overloaded
by the application. A dedicated data channel is intended for radio terminals that mainly use data and only
occasionally use voice.
Radio subscribers and the data applications are members of these kinds of groups.
Dedicated data groups are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

2.2 Roles in group management

Group management is mainly taken care of by the administrative workstation users. To be able to configure
groups and group overlays, a workstation user must have either rights to create, modify and delete
groups, or right to modify group parameters within a certain organisation or suborganisation. On the other
hand, group dispatchers will have the overall control of the communication in groups. A dispatcher must
have communication rights to the organization or suborganisation of those groups he is controlling and
communicating. Both workstation users and dispatchers may control the memberships of the radio/Agnet
subscribers in the groups.

2.2.1 Workstation users

Workstation users can create, modify, and delete groups with the group management application. For
example the following group parameters can be defined:
• identification, including the group number i.e. Group TETRA Subscriber Identity (GTSI), mnemonic,
and the organisation block where the group belongs
• parameters that affect voice, data, and emergency communication including, for example, call setup
and release conditions
• parameters that affect group memberships
• geographical area of the group

The following operations are also possible with the group management application:
• adding radio subscribers to groups

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• removing radio subscribes from groups

The location-based group, dispatcher and emergency calls are managed with the group overlay concept.
Workstation users can create, modify, and delete group overlays with the group management application.
The following group overlay parameters can be defined:
• identification, including the group overlay number i.e. Group TETRA Subscriber Identity (GTSI),
mnemonic, and the organisation block where the group overlay belongs
• right to make dispatcher calls using the group overlay number
• groups belonging to the group overlay
• cover group address for location-based group calls

The group and group overlay management is possible with the Airbus DS TETRA dispatcher applications
(DWSm, or DWSc&m), see DWS Management User’s Guide, dn00132209 or with Tactilon Management, see
Tactilon® Management User Guide, TRADWSAPP00014.

2.2.2 Dispatchers
Dispatchers can participate in the group communication when they are members of the group. To become a
member they have to select the group for active use, use or for audio or data monitoring. In order to do that
they have to have the right to communicate in the group.
Dispatchers can manage the group memberships of radio subscribers as follows:
• add radio or Agnet subscribers to groups
• remove radio or Agnet subscribers from groups

The dispatcher can manage the memberships of the radio subscribers in cover groups similarly as in the
normal groups.
Dispatchers can manage their own group membership and group memberships of radio/Agnet subscribers
with the Airbus DS TETRA dispatcher applications DWSc or DWSc&m), see DWS Communication User’s
Guide, dn00132181.
If needed, dispatchers can switch the group to the semi-conference mode so that the speech of the radio
subscriber is blocked from the other radio subscribers and only dispatchers can hear it.

2.2.3 Radio and Tactilon® Agnet subscribers

Radio and Tactilon Agnet subscribers can have several groups stored in their radio terminals/smartphones,
either pre-programmed with a terminal programming tool or received over the air interface using DGNA
signalling. From these groups they can select a set of active groups, which they currently use, e.g. by
selecting an appropriate group folder.
Radio and Agnet subscribers can do the following with their groups:
• select a group
• start and stop scanning of certain other groups, that is, activate and deactivate the groups for group

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• change scanning priorities for the groups

• set the scanning on and off, that is, activate and deactivate the group communication for other than the
selected group and background groups

• set up a group call in one of the activated groups when located in the group area

• set up a group call to cover group when located in the area of a local group

• set up a dispatcher call to a group

• set up a dispatcher call to a cover group when located in the area of a local group

• sending a Status or SDS message to a group or cover group

• participate in group communication when the group is selected or in scanning and when located in the
group area. The DXT in which Agnet clients are registered shall be defined to belong to the group area.

Only a limited set of class of usage values is supported for the Agnet client scanning priority defined by the
Class of usage value which is configured for a group with Taqto.


Location based group communication (voice or data communication via cover group) is not supported
for Agnet clients.

Radio subscribers can also have the group overlays and dispatcher group addresses defined in their
terminals. These addresses are not group addresses from the radio terminal point of view as there is no
group communication for these addresses, only individual calls.

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3 Managing groups
This chapter deals with managing and configuring different kinds of groups. Chapter 5 explains how group
memberships are managed.

3.1 Rights for managing groups

Each organisation can define the management and communication rights for the groups according to the
needs. In practice, each organisation can have numerous groups with several workstation users and
hundreds of radio/Agnet subscribers. Furthermore, a group can have members from different organisations.
Workstation users managing the groups may be different than those communicating in them.
The Airbus DS TETRA System differentiates the operative and administrative group management by
separating the operations behind explicit rights such as right to create and delete groups, right to modify
parameters of a group, right to manage group memberships, and right to communicate in a group. These
rights are granted to the dispatchers and workstation users on organization block (OB) level. If a dispatcher
has rights to an OB, the rights are also inherited to all its sub-OBs.
Typically, a dispatcher has the right to communicate in a group and manage group memberships. An
administrative workstation user typically only has rights to create and delete groups and to modify their
parameters. An administrative workstation user may also have right to manage group memberships. In this
document a term dispatcher is used for the operative role and workstation user is used for the administrative
role of the group management operations.
The communication rights for radio/Agnet subscribers are based on the group membership definitions,
that is, which radio/Agnet subscribers are allowed to be group members. Group membership rights can
be based on the organisation block to which the radio/Agnet subscribers belong, or the membership can
be assigned individually.
Figure 1 shows an example organisation: several groups created to different organisation blocks, and two
workstation users and two dispatchers with different rights. In this organisation:
• A Adams can create, delete and modify the parameters of the groups but not manage their
memberships nor take part in the communication within the groups;. Since Adams has rights to the
highest level organisation, he has the same right in all suborganisations, called organisation blocks
(OB), of the organisation 22.
• B Bowman can manage group parameters and group members. Since Bowman has rights to the
second level organisation, he has the same rights to the Org 22-2 including groups A, B and C and all
radio subscribers within these organisation blocks. Bowman can, for example, add radio subscribers
from Org 22-2 and Org 22-2-1 to group C of Org 22-2-2.
• C Clark is a dispatcher, he has right to communicate in all the groups of Org 22-1-2 (e.g. group D) and
manage group memberships for radio subscribers of Org 22-1-2. In addition he has right to manage
group memberships of groups located in Org 22-2-1. Clark can, for example, add radio subscribers
from Org 22-1-2 to groups located in Org 22-2-1 (e.g. group B).

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• D Dobler is a dispatcher, he has right to communicate in groups of Org 22-2-1 (e.g. group B) and Org
22-2-2 (e.g. group C) and manage group memberships for radio subscribers and groups of Org 22-2-1
or Org 22-2-2. Dobler can for example add radio subscribers from Org 22-2-1 to group C in Org 22-2-2.

Figure 1 : Example organisation

However, all these groups can include radio subscribers and dispatchers from any of these organisation
blocks or any other organisation depending on the need and defined rights. Furthermore, Adams, Bowman,
Clark and Dobler can belong to any of these organisation blocks, or even to another organisation.
The Airbus DS TETRA System allows group communication and management between different
organisations in a controlled way depending on the need:
• Dispatchers of different organisations can have communication rights for the same groups.
• Dispatchers of different organisations can have a right to manage group memberships for co-operative
groups. This means that each dispatcher can add members to the group from its own organisation.
However, the administrative rights (group creation, modification, and deletion) can be restricted to
workstation users of only one organisation.
• Only dispacthers of one organisation can be allowed to communicate with the group but desired
radio/Agnet subscribers of several organisations can join the group.

3.2 Creating a group

A workstation user can create a group if the user has right to create, modify, and delete the nominated
group. In addition the workstation user has to have a number range allocated for selecting the GSSI for
the group. The allowed number range for groups is based on the Workstation user right Ranges: Short
Subscriber Identity Numbering.

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The most important parameters the workstation user defines are the following:
• Group mode & Dedicated data group: purpose of the group; normal, broadcast, background, dedicated
data group.
• Home exchange and Area: within which area this group can be used (affects all members of the
group, also dispatchers and G4WIFs). The group home exchange serves as a control point in all
group communication.
• Organisation block: which dispatchers can communicate within this group and who can manage this
group or manage group memberships.
• Emergency Call Type: whether emergency calls set-up to this group are individual or group calls.
• Dispatcher Call: who can make individual calls to this group to reach the group’s dispatcher.
• Entry rights: which radio/Agnet subscribers are allowed to join the group by themselves, or are the
memberships controlled by dispatcher.

3.3 Modifying a group

A workstation user can modify the group’s parameters if the user has right to create, modify, and delete the
nominated group or right to modify parameters of the nominated group.
In addition a dispatcher with communication rights to a group can modify the group’s Group Mode parameter
from normal to semi-conference and vice versa. For more information of the semi-conference group call, see
document Communication in Groups, dn00126421.
A workstation user may change all other parameters, except the GTSI, the organisation block of the group,
and the home exchange.
Airbus DS TETRA System provides the possibility to combine groups for temporary communication needs.
In a combined group, modifying the parameters of the base group has an effect on the whole combined
group. Modifying a group’s area definitions or encryption type is not recommended while the group is part
of a combined group.

3.4 Deleting a group

A workstation user can delete a group if the user has right to create, modify, and delete the nominated group.
If there are any dispatchers currently using the group, the deletion attempt is rejected. However, the
workstation user may command a forced deletion, in which case the dispatchers are removed from the
group and the group is deleted from the system.
The group deletion request is handled in three phases:
• First, the group is taken out of use (no group communication anymore possible).
• Then the group removal is signalled via air interface (by DGNA signalling) to the radio terminals/Agnet
clients that are currently members of the group.

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• After these radio terminals/Agnet clients have been reached, the group is deleted from the system
and the GSSI identity is freed.

The workstation user may also force the group removal on the air interface to be skipped altogether, so that
the group remains on the radio terminals/Agnet clients, although not usable.


All radio/Agnet clients users having the group in the radio terminal/Agnet client may not be active group
members when the group is deleted from the system and thus they get no indication of the removal of the
group. However if they later try to use the group the system informs that the group is not usable anymore.

If a group is created with the GSSI that was previously used with the different participants but later deleted
from the system, then the group parameter Entry rights must be correctly defined to ensure that the
radio/Agnet subscribers previously allowed to use the group do not have rights to use it anymore.

For more information of the group membership management, see Chapter 4 .


A group that is combined cannot be deleted until the combining has been removed. More information on
combined groups can be found in document Communication in Groups, dn00126421.

3.5 What the workstation user can configure

When creating a new group, you can either define all group parameters or define only some of the parameters
and use default values for the rest. You must always define the following obligatory parameters:

• Group number, that is, the Group TETRA Subscriber Identity (GTSI).

• Organisation block to which the group will belong. The group’s organisation block parameter affects
who (dispatchers and other workstation users) can operate and manage this group.

• The Home exchange for the group.

The following tables provide descriptions of the group parameters. For more detailed descriptions and
allowed values, see DWS Management User’s Guide, dn00132209, Tactilon® Management User Guide,
TRADWSAPP00014 and Reference Manual for the Infrastructure Parameters, dn00126593.

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Table 1 : Identification parameters

Parameter Explanation
Organisation Block Defines to which OB this group belongs. Affects who (dispatchers
and other workstation users) can operate and manage the group.
It also affects certain group characteristics such as SCCH, energy
economy and pre-emption priorities. If the group-specific parameter
Calls: Dispatcher call has the setting Individual call rights, this affects
who can make dispatcher calls to the group.
Group TETRA Subscriber The GTSI consists of the following three parts:
Identity (GTSI)
• Mobile Country Code (MCC), which is the same for all groups in
a TETRA network.

• Mobile Network Code (MNC), which is the same for all groups in
a TETRA network.

• Group Short Subscriber Identity (GSSI), unique identity of a

group in a TETRA network.

The GSSI is used as a group identifier in the TETRA network.

Home Exchange A home exchange is the primary storage of group data and the main
control point of group communication. Select the DXT where most of
the group members typically are located or to which the amount of
inter-exchange hops is shortest in average.
Mnemonic Group’s name.

Table 2 : Parameters related to area

Parameter Setting Explanation

Area type Fixed / Shifting The area type specifies whether the traffic channels for
the calls are reserved based on the active members
location or always from all group area cells.
Area definition Core/Maximum/No The Area defines the geographical area where the group
area communication is possible. The group’s area typically
consists of exchanges and location areas (base stations),
each of which can be included either in the Core area or
Maximum area. The group’s area can also be defined to
be Whole Network, meaning that all exchanges of the
network are included in the area. Selection "No area"
means that only dispatchers and G4WIF members can
join the group within the specified DXTs (or within the
"whole network"), no base stations included.

Home exchange is by default part of the group area with
"No area" setting if the Home exchange is not explicitly
defined to be part of the group area.

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Table 2: Parameters related to area (cont'd.)

Parameter Setting Explanation

Location area Any location area in Location areas that are part of the group area.
the system
Exchange Any exchange in Exchanges that are part of the group area with all their
the system location areas and/or with the dispatchers and G4WIF
Minimum priority Low Priority, The Minimum Priority parameter specifies the minimum
Normal Priority, scanning priority required from the member to reserve a
Selected Group, traffic channel from the cell in shifting area group calls.
Not Scanned

The DXT in which Tactilon Agnet clients are registered shall be defined to belong to the group area.

Table 3 : Parameters affecting communication

Parameter Explanation
Priorities: Previous User’s Defines how the system handles continuous discussion between two
Speech Item Prioritised group members if there are several subscribers with the same priority.
Priorities: Group Priority Defines together with other priority parameters of this group and the
group’s organisation, how the system serves this group compared to
other calls and packet data sessions in the system in case of congestion
in the network.
Priorities: Allow Pre-emptive Defines whether the calls made to this group have the right to pre-empt
Services resources (traffic channels and inter-exchange speech lines) from lower
priority calls or packet data transfers.
Priorities: Pre-Emptive If pre-emptive services are allowed, this parameter defines the priority
Resource Priority level for the pre-emption. Higher pre-emption priority request pre-empts
a lower level resource reservation. When values are equal, the normal
resource reservation priority (e.g. Group Priority) defines the place in
the resource reservation queue.
Pre-emption priority levels take place in channel reservations and speech
line reservations between DXTs.
Priorities: Pre-emption speech If defined into use, the pre-emption speech item levels defined for each
item levels in use group member (in subscriber profile) take place if pre-emptive speech
item requests are received. If the pre-emption speech item levels are
not defined into use, all pre-emptive speech item requests in a group
call are equal.
Priorities: Allow Resource When this parameter is activated, the services defined in main
Pre-Emption by Normal Priority organisation parameters being able to pre-empt the other normal priority
Resource resource reservations, can pre-empt resources from calls made to this
group in a resource reservation compete situation.

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Table 3: Parameters affecting communication (cont'd.)

Parameter Explanation
Calls: Talking Party Identifier *) Defines which numbering type is used to identify radio subscribers and
dispatchers in a group call.
The talking party identifier (TPI) can be presented as an ITSI/ISSI, an
MSISDN *) number, or, inside the fleet domain, as an FSSN *). In case
an alias *) has been assigned to the talking party, the corresponding
alias identity is used.
This parameter affects also the numbering type of the sending party
when either SDS or status is sent to the group.
Calls: Dispatcher Call Defines whether radio subscribers are allowed to make an individual call
to the group’s dispatchers using the GSSI as the target address.
Calls: Emergency call type Defines whether an emergency call is set up to all members as a group
call or as an individual call to a group’s dispatchers , i.e. dispatcher call.
Status Messages (Callback and Defines whether the group addressed callback requests, urgent requests
emergency status) and emergency status messages from a radio terminal or Agnet client
are sent only to the group’s dispatchers or to all group members.
Time for Delivery Reports Defines the maximum time for which the system tries to deliver a
status/SDS message to the radio members.
Message Delivery to Defines whether status/SDS messages targeted to a member group of
Combination of Groups a combined group are delivered to the whole combined group or to the
original member group only.
Download Group to Radios Defines whether the radio subscriber is informed when a radio subscriber
is added to a group or removed from a group or when radio terminal is
roaming outside or inside the group area.
Notification to Last Dispatcher Defines whether the last dispatcher is informed when he/she is leaving
the group.
Group Mode Defines whether the group is normal, semi-conference *), broadcast, or
background *) group.
Dedicated Data Group *) Defines if the group is dedicated for data (SDS and Status) messages.
ISI Group Linking: Defines whether the group is linked over ISI to any group located in
Local ISI group linking mode, another TETRA network. Defines also the role in the linking.
GTSI of the groups taking part If the Local ISI group linking mode is Controlling, the parameter GTSI
in the link, GTSI of the group of the groups taking part in the link defines which other groups in the
controlling the link participating networks are linked to this group.
If the Local ISI group linking mode is Participating, the parameter GTSI of
the group controlling the link defines the group identity of the controlling
group located in the other TETRA network.

*) Not applicable for Tactilon Agnet clients

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Table 4 : Signalling parameters

Parameter Explanation
Time limits: Call setup time Defines the additional time after the calling party resources have been
obtained after which a group call is started even if not all resources are
available. The rest of resources are included to the call when available.
This parameter is not used in emergency calls.
Time limits: Call duration Defines the maximum duration of a group call in this group. After this, the
call is released by the system even if there are still active speech items
in a call. This parameter is not used in emergency calls.

The group calls are normally terminated due to inactivity as defined with
the group parameters Call Control Resource and Radio Path.

Time limits: Speech item Defines the maximum duration for one speech item in this group.
Time limits: Latency time Defines the time before granting a new speech item after a speech item
just ended. Gives time for group members to react and request for a
speech item. After the latency time, the system gives the speech item to
the subscriber with the highest priority.
Activate Late Entry *) Defines whether radio subscriber members can still enter an ongoing
group call after it has already started. The system sends Late Entry
messages on the control channels on the cells from which the traffic
channel has been reserved for the call.

Late entry *): Fast period: Defines the timing of the Late Entry messaging on control channels. The
Number of messages, Message interval is divided to fast and slow periods.
Interval; Slow period: Messages
Priority scanning: Default Defines the scanning priority for the group’s members used when a
scanning priority dispatcher adds the radio user to the group.
Activate Priority Scanning *) Defines whether radio subscribers can priority scan this group i.e. will
they receive this group call also while they participate in another group
call. This parameter also defines whether this group is offered to group
members engaged in an individual call or packet data transmission.
In priority scanning the system sends Late Entry messages on traffic
channels and it is effective in the core area of the group on the cells from
which the traffic channel has been reserved for that call.
Priority Scanning: Scope Defines the scope of priority scanning: between the groups of the same
organisation or between groups of all organisations.
Priority Scanning: Setup Priority Defines the priority of the first priority scanning message (stealing from
the voice).
Priority Scanning: Fast period: Defines whether stealing from traffic is used for the fast period priority
Priority scanning messages.

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Table 4: Signalling parameters (cont'd.)

Parameter Explanation
Priority scanning: Fast Defines the timing of the priority scanning messaging. The interval is
period: Number of messages, divided to fast and slow periods.
Messages Interval; Slow Period:
Messages Interval
Call release: Radio path Defines how long time after the last speech item ends the new speech
item is waited for with the traffic channels kept reserved. When the timer
expires, the group call is released from the radio path. A new speech
item request before the timer’s expiration resets the radio path timer.
Call release: Call control Defines how long a group call is kept on without a speech item (so
resource called inactivity time). Expiration of this timer causes total release of
the group call. A new speech item request before the timer’s expiration
resets the timer.
Energy economy *) (EE use for Defines how group call signalling messages are sent:
group signalling)
• immediately, independent of the EE group

• only in the those frames which are determined by the EE group

• both immediately and as specified by the EE group

Secondary Control Channel *) Defines whether the group signalling is sent on all control channels, on
use the allocated SCCH only, or both the on the allocated SCCH and on the
MCCH. First option i.e. sending on all control channels (MCCH and all
defined SCCHs) should be avoided, but might be needed e.g. if there
are group members from several OB’s using different SCCHs.

*) Not applicable for Tactilon Agnet clients.

Table 5 : Parameters affecting group lifetime

Parameter Explanation
Group Lifetime If the lifetime for group is in use, this parameter specifies when the
system automatically deletes the group.

Table 6 : Parameters related to Entry rights

Parameter Explanation
Entry rights Defines the right for the radio subscribers to join this group by themselves.

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Table 7 : Security parameters

Parameter Explanation
End-to-end encryption mode *) Defines the usage of end-to-end encryption in group calls. The possible
values are:

• No E2EE

• Clear Voice Override Allowed

• Always E2EE

Only those subscribers with the parameter Enable Participation in
End-to-End Encrypted Calls set to On can be members of a group which
has the parameter set to Always End to End Encrypted or Clear Voice
Override Allowed.

Encryption type Specifies whether the group communication is encrypted using the air
interface encryption or not. If encryption is used, this parameter also
defines the group communication encryption algorithm. The possible
values are:

• No encryption

• TEA1

• TEA2

• TEA3

The values of the group parameter Encryption Type and the radio
subscriber parameter Air Interface Encryption Method must be the same,
or the value of the group parameter Encryption Type must be set to value
No Encryption to enable the radio subscriber to join the group.

*) E2EE and AIE do not apply to Tactilon Agnet clients.

3.6 Parameter settings related to different group concepts

This section gives the most essential settings for the group parameters related to different group concepts.
Parameters for group overlay are dealt with in Section 3.3 .

The other group parameters are equally important, but they are not directly linked to the group concepts.
For example, if you do not allow late entry and priority scanning in a group, the radio subscriber cannot join
an already ongoing call or use priority scanning for the group. On the other hand, such a group causes
less load on the network.

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3.6.1 Groups used for normal group communication
Table 8 : Group parameters for normal group communication

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Normal
Download Group to On Radio terminal is informed about being outside or inside
Radios the group area.
Worksatation user or dispatcher can add this group to
and remove this group from the radio terminals.
To keep the consistency between the radio terminals and
the system, this parameter must be set On when there
are radio users as members in a group.
Priority Scanning: 1,2, 3, 4 or 5 Used when a workstation user or dispatcher adds the
Default scanning priority group to the radio terminals.
1 = Not scanned but selectable
2 = Groups scanned with lowest user priority
3 = Groups scanned with medium (normal) user priority
4 = Selected Group
5 = Groups scanned with highest user priority
Area type Shifting Shifting area is recommended for optimizing the usage
of system resources.
Group Area Core area and Setting of the core area and maximum area depending
maximum area: on the need.
Whole network or Home exchange of the group belongs always to the
exchanges and/or group area.
location areas. Priority scanning is only possible on the core area.
Scanning is possible on the maximum area.
If there are exchanges with only dispatchers or G4WIFs
as possible members (no radio users) then use definition
"No area" for that DXT.
Entry rights All organisations, Defining which radio users can join the group by their own
List of intiative depending on the need. The radio subscribers
organisations, No belonging to the listed organisation blocks and also to
organisation blocks their suborganisation blocks have the right to become a
group member.
For a radio subscriber outside the defined organisation
blocks to become a member a workstation user or
dispatcher has to add the user as a member to this group.
Calls: Dispatcher call No rights, Individual Depending on the need. Dispatcher calls shouldn’t
call rights, Full be used in groups where there are no dispatchers
rights communicating in the group all the time.
Dedicated data group *) Off Enables normal voice communication. The Group Mode
parameter is ignored if this parameter is set to value On.

*) No meaning for Tactilon Agnet clients.

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3.6.2 Group used for announcements
Broadcast groups

Special parameters for the broadcast groups are presented in the following table. Other parameters can be
defined as for Groups used for normal group communication, see Table 8 .

Table 9 : Group parameters for broadcast groups

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Broadcast
Priority Scanning: 2, 3, 4, 5, or 7 Value 7 = Always scanned can also be used for broadcast
Default scanning priority groups. *)
Time limits: Latency time 1 milliseconds Small values recommended for the ‘one-way
announcement’ type of calls.
Call release: Radio path 1 second The selected value defines the time interval after an
announcement call before the next announced call
request is accepted.
Recommended value is 1 second for announcement
types of call with no replies expected.

*) Always scanned CoU value is not supported for Agnet clients.

Background groups

Special parameters for the background groups are presented in the following table. Other parameters can be
defined as for Groups used for normal group communication, see Table 8 .

Table 10 : Group parameters for background groups

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Background Background groups can be set only when creating
groups, afterwards the group mode cannot be changed.
Download Group to Off Radio terminal is not informed about being outside or
Radios inside the group area.
Workstation users and dispatcher cannot add this group
to or remove this group from the radio terminals.
Priority Scanning: 7 7 = Always scanned
Default scanning priority
Area Type Fixed The area definition Shifting Area cannot be used
with background groups, because memberships of
background groups is not stored into the system and thus
the location of the members is not known.

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Table 10: Group parameters for background groups (cont'd.)

Parameter Setting Notes

Entry Rights All organisations, Which radio users can join the group. Depending on the
List of need.
organisations, No
Call release: Radio path 1 second Recommended value for announcement types of call with
no replies expected.


Background groups are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

3.6.3 Dispatcher groups

Special parameters for the dispatcher groups are presented in the following table. Other parameters to be
defined as for group used for normal group communication, see section 3.5 .

Table 11 : Group parameters for dispatchers groups

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Normal Only dispatchers as members.
Group Area "No area" for those Only dispatchers as members. No location areas defined.
exchanges to which
the dispatchers or
external systems
of this group are
Calls: Dispatcher call Individual call rights, Defines who can make dispatcher calls using this group
Full rights number. These types of groups are typically used for
dispatcher calls.
Entry Rights None There are no radio subscribers as members.
Download group to Off There are no radio subscribers as members.

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3.6.4 Local groups used for location-based dispatcher and emergency
This chapter describes the special parameters of the local groups belonging to the group overlay concept
that are used for location-based dispatcher and/or emergency calls.
If location-based dispatcher calls are used the following definitions should be made for the local groups
belonging to the group overlay:
Location-based dispatcher and emergency calls are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

Table 12 : Parameters for location-based dispatcher calls

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Normal
Group Area Core area: The core areas of the local groups should not overlap
Exchanges and/or as the local group selection is based on the core area
location areas. definitions. The local group in which core area the radio
user is located is selected as the target group for the call.
Entry Rights N/A Rights to make dispatcher calls are controlled by
the group overlay parameter Individual calls allowed.
location-based emergency calls are possible by defining
the Group overlay address as the organization specific or
organization specific Emergency target.

If location-based emergency calls are used the following definitions are important for the local groups
belonging to the group overlay:

Table 13 : Parameters for location-based emergency calls

Parameter Setting Notes

Calls: Emergency call Dispatcher call, Defines whether an emergency call is set up to all
type Group call, Defined members as a group call or as an individual call to a
in radio group’s dispatcher.

If the location-based emergency call is used and set up as a group call then the local groups should contain
also radio subscribers as members. In that case the other parameters can be defined as for Groups used
for normal group communication, see Table 8 . Otherwise the dispatcher group concept can be used, see
Table 9 .

3.6.5 Groups used for location-based group calls

Cover group definition is needed for location-based group calls. Cover groups are created and managed
like any other groups in the system and can be distinguished with appropriate mnemonics. When a group is
linked with a group overlay, it is regarded as a cover group.

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The special characteristics of location-based group call is that the radio subscribers are members of the
cover group and dispatchers and external systems are members in the local groups where the actual group
communication takes place. Furthermore the call is established and managed based on the local group
parameters, thus the call related parameters of the cover group have no meaning.


Tactilon Agnet clients do not support location-based group calls.

Cover group parameters that have some effect are presented in the following table.

Table 14 : Cover group parameters

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Normal, Broadcast, The parameters Download Group to Radios, Priority
Background Scanning: Default scanning priority and Entry Rights
should be set based on the chosen concept.

If the value Background is used then the system does not
store the memberships for this group.

Group Area Core area: The area should cover the union of the areas of the local
Whole network or groups belonging to the group overlay to which this cover
exchanges and/or group is linked.
location areas
Entry Rights All organisations, Defines the radio subscribers that are allowed to use
List of location-based group call functionality of this cover group
organisations, No by their own initiative.
organisations Alternatively a dispatcher has to separately add the
needed radio subscribers as members to this cover group.

For the local groups used for location-based group calls, the following definitions should be made:

Table 15 : Parameters for local groups used for location-based group calls

Parameter Setting Notes

Group mode Normal, Broadcast, Defines the type of the established group call.
The parameters Download Group to Radios, Priority
Scanning: Default scanning priority and Entry Rights
have no effect as the local group has only dispatchers
as members.

Area type Fixed As the radio users are not members of the local groups
the Area type must be Fixed.

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Table 15: Parameters for local groups used for location-based group calls (cont'd.)

Parameter Setting Notes

Group Area Core area: The areas of the local groups should not overlap as
Exchanges and/or the local group selection is based on the core area
location areas. No definitions. The local group in which core area the radio
Maximum area user is located is selected as the target group for the call.
definitions Maximum area should not be used as it might cause two
calls to be set up in the same group in the same cell.
Entry Rights None No radio subscribers as members of the group.
Download group to Off No radio subscribers as members of the group.

3.6.6 Dedicated data group

Special parameters for the dedicated data group are presented in the following table. Other parameters can
be defined as for Groups used for normal group communication, see Table 8 .

Table 16 : Dedicated data group parameters

Parameter Setting Notes

Dedicated data group On The Group Mode parameter is ignored.
Call duration 30 days (default) The setting must be defined according to the data
messaging application used, depending on the duration a
channel needs to be reserved. The recommendation is
that the data application takes care of the call release,
so that it is not left for the system timers as in normal
group calls.

Dedicated data groups are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

3.7 Managing group areas

A group area specifies the geographical area where the group’s members can participate in group calls and
receive group-addressed SDS and status messages.
If ISI links are defined for the group then the related ISI-GW exchanges must be included to the group area.
There are no restrictions for the group area in the TETRA System. The group area can be defined as a list of
exchanges (DXT) and/or location areas (LA), or as a whole network. The minimum group area definition is
one LA and the maximum is the whole network.
The availability of the group communication is informed to the radio users by the system when a radio terminal
roams to or from the group area. Also, if the area definition is changed for the group, the radio terminals/Agnet

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clients affected by the change will be informed. In case of a background group, or any other group with
Download group to radios parameter set to Off, the area information is not sent to the radio terminal.
The DXT through which Tactilon Agnet clients are registered shall be defined in the group area.

Core and maximum area

When defining the group area each DXT or LA can be defined to be either part of the core or maximum area.
Typically, the core area is the operational area inside which the group members are mainly located, whereas
the maximum area covers those areas to which the members may move from time to time and still receive
group traffic.
The membership of visiting members is valid only in the core area. Also, for location-based calls via group
overlay the local group areas must be defined as core area.
Priority scanning is effective in the core area and scanning is effective in the maximum area. The signalling
of priority scanning takes place on traffic channels reserved for other group calls offering the user to join
a higher priority group call. Thus, the radio user joins the group call according to his own priority settings.
Scanning is implemented on control channels and no prioritizing of the group calls takes place. This means
that the radio terminal always joins the first available group call in consecutive order.

Fixed and shifting area group call

The group area can be either fixed or shifting. When the area is fixed, a traffic channel from all location areas
belonging to the group area will be reserved for the group call. In case of shifting area, the traffic channel
reservation is based on the location of the group members.
Shifting area can be used for the groups used for normal group communication as the membership
information is saved into the system. For background groups the membership information is not saved into
the system, meaning that only fixed area can be used. Fixed area definition must also be used for the local
groups belonging to the group overlay if location-based group calls via a cover group are used, as the radio
subscribers are members in the cover group and not members of the local groups.
In the shifting area group call the allocations of traffic channels and inter-exchange speech lines will be
optimised in the group’s maximum area at the group call setup.
When a shifting area group call is set up, the Airbus DS TETRA System reserves traffic channels for the
shifting area group call in the cells belonging to the maximum area of the group and where there is at least
one group member who:
• has selected the group
• is scanning the group and has set the group’s scanning priority on the same or higher level than the
corresponding value set by the group parameter Minimum priority.

The formed area is called the group call area. The group call area is expanded inside the group maximum
area during a call if a call participant roams to a cell which does not have a traffic channel reserved for that
call yet. Similarly the group call area is also expanded if a group member selects the group or sets the group
into scanning with high enough priority.

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3.8 Controlling group addressed traffic on SCCHs
Each group has a Secondary Control Channel use parameter to define on which common control channel(s)
the group addressed signalling (for example, group call setups and group addressed SDS) is sent. If it is
known that all the radio terminals of the group members support common secondary control channel (SCCH)
functionality and belong to the same SCCH class as the group, then the value Allocated CCCH can be used.
SCCH of the group is defined in the group’s organization block parameter Common Secondary Control
Channels: SCCH class. However if some of the radio terminals do not support the SCCH functionality the
group related parameter should be set to the value Allocated CCCH and MCCH.

If some group members have different SCCH class than the organisation block of the group, then the group
related parameter should be set to the value All CCCH. However, by using that value the benefits of
SCCHs are lost.


SCCH does not exist for Tactilon Agnet clients.

3.9 Controlling energy economy usage in a group

The group-based Energy Economy parameter defines the way how the group call signalling and SDS/Status
messages are sent to air interface: Immediately, Group-specific, or Both. Value Immediately means that
the Energy Economy Group parameter setting of the organisation block is not taken into account, and the
signalling messages are sent to the air interface as soon as possible. That value can be used when the group
members are not using energy economy.

Value Group specific mean that the call setups and SDS/Status messages to the group are sent to the air
interface according to the Energy Economy Group parameters defined for the nominated group. That can
be used when all the group members are using energy economy. However, for the background groups the
energy economy mode is defined with the system parameter EE mode for background groups. If some of the
group members are using energy economy functionality and some not, then the Energy Economy parameter
for the group should be set to value Both. That means that signalling is sent immediately and also according
to the Energy Economy Group parameters.

In order to receive the group calls and group addressed SDS/Status messages the group members should
have the same or compliant Energy Economy Group parameter setting as the group. If a radio terminal
requests a shorter non-listening time than the organisation parameter Maximum Group EG, then the radio
user is assumed to be interested in group communication and a compatible energy economy groups is
allocated by the system to the radio terminal.

Energy economy does not apply for Tactilon Agnet clients.

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3.10 Configuring ISI links to groups
The ISI group linking is based on pre-agreements between the operators/administrative persons of the
different TETRA networks. For each group that needs to be enlarged to cover participants located in more
than one TETRA network, the corresponding groups in different Tetra networks are linked together to share
the voice and data communication.

One of these groups is defined as the one controlling the call; establishing the call over ISI and determining
who gets the next speech item. Each participating network needs to know the controlling group identity
corresponding to each local ISI group. Also, the controlling network needs to know which of the other
TETRA networks have groups linked to the local ISI group. These groups linked to the controlling group
are called participating groups.

Each local group acting as a controlling group in Airbus DS network can be linked to ten foreign groups at
maximum. All of these participating groups have to be located in different TETRA networks.

ISI links cannot be defined for a Cover group. Local group of a group overlay can have ISI links and act
either as a controlling group or participating group.

ISI group links can be also defined to the base group of combined group. More information on combined
groups can be found in document Communication in Groups, DN00126421.

It is recommended to define the ISI link for the controlling group prior to the participating group. If the group
link is defined first in the participating network and not yet in the controlling network, the group call setup
initiated from the participating network is rejected by the controlling network and in that case there is NO local
group call established within the call’s originating network because of the existing ISI link. The same applies
also for SDS/Status delivery.

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4 Managing group overlays
This chapter covers the configuring of group overlays. Group overlays are used

• in location-based dispatcher and emergency calls, in which the call request is sent to the group overlay
number and the call is established in one of the local groups defined to belong to the group overlay.

• in location-based group calls, in which the call request is sent to the cover group number. The cover
group is linked with the group overlay and the call is established in a local group defined to belong
to the group overlay.


Tactilon Agnet clients do not support location-based group calls.

4.1 What the workstation user can configure

To be able to manage group overlays, a workstation user must have either rights to create, modify and
delete or at least modify the groups within the organization to which the group overlay belongs and also the
organization to which the local groups linked to the group overlay belong.

When creating a new group overlay the following obligatory parameters must be defined:

• The group overlay number from the Group TETRA Subscriber Identity (GTSI) number space in the

• The organisation block to which the group overlay will belong. The group overlay’s organisation
parameter affects who (other workstation users) can manage this group overlay.

The following tables provide descriptions of the group overlay parameters. For more detailed descriptions
and allowed values, see DWS Management User’s Guide, dn00132209, Tactilon® Management User Guide,
TRADWSAPP00014 and Reference Manual for the Infrastructure Parameters, dn00126593.

Table 17 : Identification parameters

Parameter Explanation
Organisation Block Affects which workstation users can manage this group overlay.
Group TETRA Subscriber Identity (GTSI) A number comprising Group Short Subscriber Identity (GSSI),
Mobile Country Code (MCC), and Mobile Network Code (MNC).
Mnemonic The group overlay’s name

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Table 18 : Group overlay parameters

Parameter Explanation
Groups in group overlay A list of groups that form the group overlay, so called local

Table 19 : Communication parameters

Parameter Explanation
Individual calls allowed Specifies whether a radio user can activate the dispatcher
call service via the group overlay. Thus, the radio subscribers
that are in the group overlay area and have the rights to make
individual calls to the organisation block of the group overlay
can make dispatcher calls to the local group using the group
overlay address.
Cover group This parameter is used for location-based group calls and
specifies the GSSI of the cover group which is linked to this
group overlay.

4.2 Creating a group overlay

A workstation user can define a group overlay if the user has right to create, modify, and delete groups in the
nominated group overlay. In addition the workstation user has to have a number range for selecting the GSSI
for the group overlay. The allowed number range for GSSI is based on the Workstation user right Ranges:
Short Subscriber Identity Numbering.

During the creation, the workstation user defines the following settings in addition to the identification

• Individual calls allowed: whether individual calls to the dispatchers of the local groups are allowed
by using the group overlay address.

• Groups belonging to the group overlay: which are the local groups accessible via the group overlay


In group overlay creation phase the cover group cannot be defined.

4.3 Modifying a group overlay

A workstation user can modify group overlay parameters if the user has Group management right to create,
modify, and delete groups or right to modify group parameters in the nominated group overlay. In addition
the workstation user has to have the corresponding right for the local groups that are added to or removed
from the group overlay.

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If the group overlay is used for location-based group calls, a cover group must be linked to the group overlay.
A workstation user with right to create, modify, and delete groups or right to modify group parameters in the
organisation block to which the cover group and the group overlay belong can create the link.

It is possible to change the values of all other parameters, except the GTSI and the organisation block of
the group overlay.

4.4 Deleting a group overlay

The workstation user can delete a group overlay if the user has right to create, modify, and delete groups in
the organisation block to which the group overlay belongs.

The workstation user doing this should ensure that all emergency target settings that pointed to this group
overlay have been modified to point to another address before deleting the group overlay.

The group overlay is deleted from the system and the GSSI identity is freed.

4.5 Configuring a group overlay for location-based dispatcher

and emergency calls
The following definitions should be made for the group overlay when it is used for location-based dispatcher
and emergency calls:

Table 20 : Parameters for group overlay for location-based dispatcher and emergency calls

Parameter Setting Notes

Groups in group overlay A list of local groups For information on the local group
that form the group parameters, see section 3.6.4 .
Individual calls allowed On Enables dispatcher calls via the group
overlay address.
Cover group Empty N/A

To enable location-based dispatcher calls also the radio user parameters, Individual calls should allow the
users to make individual calls to the organisation block to which the group overlay belongs.

4.6 Configuring a group overlay for location-based group calls

The following definitions should be made for the group overlay when it is used for location-based group calls:

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Table 21 : Parameters for group overlay for location-based group calls

Parameter Setting Notes

Groups in group overlay A list of local groups For information on the local group
that form the group parameters, see section 3.6.5 .
Cover group An existing group Specifies the GSSI of the cover group
which is linked to this group overlay.

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5 Managing group memberships
This chapter describes how group memberships are managed. It explains the different aspects of group
memberships and the effects of different group concepts on membership definitions.
The group communication typically takes place between the group members; only the group members
located in the group area can receive the group calls and group-addressed SDS and status messages.
However, the group overlay concept and group membership in cover group can also provide services in
a local group as described previously.

5.1 Group members

To become a group member requires different user actions and rights depending on a member. In addition to
radio/Agnet subscribers, dispatchers and external systems, also other groups can be regarded as group
members when groups are combined, although combined groups do not otherwise affect the membership
management in this document.

Radio and Tactilon® Agnet subscribers

To become a group member, the radio/Agnet client user has to have a right to scan the group, that is, receive
the group addressed signalling. Therefore either the Entry rights of the group must allow the radio/Agnet
user to activate the group for scanning or an authorised dispatcher or workstation user has to add the radio/
Agnet user as a member to the group. Mostly, and also within this document, when talking about group
membership management, it is about managing the radio/Agnet client subscribers’ memberships. Different
aspects are defined more detailed in section 5.2 .


To become a group member, the dispatcher needs to select the group for use or monitoring. Note that the
dispatcher must have the group communication right to the nominated group to become a group member.
As group members the dispatchers can participate in group communication and also receive dispatcher calls,
that is, individual calls targeted to a group number.

External systems

Authorised dispatchers can add and remove external G4WIF-connected radio systems to and from a group.
Also PSTN/PABX subscribers can be connected to groups via G4WIF.
Each dispatcher can see only those G4WIFs that are connected to the same DXT as the dispatcher itself.
It is also possible to filter only part of those G4WIFs to be visible. Handling of PSTN/PABX subscribers
and external systems via G4WIF as group members is described in document Communication in Groups,

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When authorized dispatcher temporarily combines groups together, the member groups can be seen on a
member list of the base group. Dispatcher making the combination needs to have a right to combine groups
and group communication rights to both the base group and the member group it wishes to combine.

5.2 Group membership characteristics

The characteristics of radio or Agnet subscriber group memberships can be approached from different points
of view. This section introduces three principles used as basis for membership definitions:
• method of defining the groups into radio terminals/Agnet clients; preprogrammed / dynamic group
• radio/Agnet subscriber’s access rights to a group: radio user controlled / system controlled membership
• permanency of the membership: visiting / permanent membership

Group memberships are always radio or Agnet subscriber -specific for a certain group; one radio/Agnet
subscriber can have a group as a system controlled dynamic group and another subscriber the same group
as a radio controlled pre-programmed group. Also one subscriber can have part of the groups as system
controlled and others as radio controlled groups, some preprogrammed and some dynamic ones, mainly
permanent but some visiting groups also.

5.2.1 Pre-programmed and dynamic groups

Group definitions can be either directly pre-programmed to the radio terminals or they can be loaded from the
system over the air interface using dynamic group number assignment (DGNA).
Pre-programmed groups are static groups which are defined into radio terminals/Agnet clients with a terminal
programming tool.
Dynamic groups are groups which are given to the terminal/Agnet client subscribers over the air with the
DGNA. Authorised dispatchers can add radio/Agnet subscribers to a group or remove them from a group and
the changes are brought to the radio terminal/Agnet client with DGNA (group assign or deassign, respectively).
DGNA operations can be performed also to pre-programmed groups thus the workstation user or the
dispatcher adding or removing a radio/Agnet user from a group does not have to know whether the group
is already preprogrammed to the terminal/Agnet client. How the terminal responds to DGNA signaling
may however be terminal vendor specific.

Dynamic Group Number Assignment (DGNA)

A workstation user or dispatcher can add and remove a radio/Agnet subscriber to/from a group if the user has
• a right to manage group membership (subscriber-related rights parameter) for the nominated
radio/Agnet subscriber, and
• a right to manage group memberships (group-related rights parameter) in the nominated group.

A radio/Agnet subscriber can be added to a group as permanent or visiting member, see section 5.2.3 .
From release 7.0 onwards, dispatcher can also choose that the group becomes a new selected group on a
terminal. This is called explicit group selection. Otherwise the Default scanning priority of the group is used

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as in previous releases. When a radio/Agnet subscriber is added to a group the GSSI, mnemonic and the
scanning priority of the group are signalled to that radio terminal/Agnet client using DGNA Assign via the air
interface. Note that the radio/Agnet client user may change the scanning priority at any time.

When a workstation user or a dispatcher removes the radio/Agnet subscriber from a group the group removal
is signalled to that radio terminal/Agnet client using the DGNA deassign via the air interface. That group is
then not anymore usable for the radio/Agnet client user. If the group is later needed again, a workstation user
or dispatcher has to add the radio/Agnet client user back to the group.

Using DGNA signalling in the air interface requires that the group-based parameter Download group to radios
has value On. If the value Off is used the group membership changes are only done to system, they are not
informed to the radio terminals/Agnet clients at all.

Group membership management cannot be done for alias subscriber identities.

5.2.2 Radio and system controlled memberships

From the access rights point of view, there are two different types of memberships:

• radio controlled: a radio/Agnet subscriber can control the group membership, that is, the group
activation (attachment) and deactivation (detachment) made by the radio/Agnet subscriber defines the
existence of the membership

• system controlled membership: dispatchers are controlling which radio/Agnet subscribers have the
group memberships

For the same radio/Agnet subscriber some groups may be radio user controlled and some groups system
controlled. Also, for a same group there may be members who have radio controlled group membership
and some members who have system controlled group membership.

Radio controlled group membership

Membership is radio controlled if the radio/Agnet subscriber belongs to an organisation block or its sub-block
listed in the Entry rights parameter of the nominated group.

The radio and Agnet subscribers decide themselves which groups they are willing to participate at each
moment by activating and deactivating the desired groups. The terminal/Agnet client informs system about
the groups that are chosen by the user, e.g. groups included in the currently active folder in a terminal/Agnet
client, by attaching the groups. Similarly the terminal/Agnet client informs the groups that the user no longer
wishes to participate (have in scanning) by detaching those.

In case of radio controlled memberships the membership is created and removed in the system according to
those attachments and detachments. Also if the radio terminal/Agnet client deregisters i.e. is powered down,
all radio controlled group memberships are removed from the system.

Group can be either preprogrammed to the terminal/Agnet client or a dynamic group provided by the
dispatcher via DGNA. If the terminal/Agnet client rejects the DGNA operation the membership is not stored to
the system.

If the radio/Agnet client subscriber deactivates a group the membership is removed from the system but the
group still remains in the radio terminal/Agnet client and the subscriber is able to activate the group again
when desired.

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Assigning an alias profile to the radio user does not affect the rights to activate the groups for scanning. So
even if the organisation blocks of the assigned alias identity are listed in the Entry rights of the group the radio
user does not get the right to become a member based on that. The infra will check the rights according to
the organisation block of the radio terminal profile.
When an alias profile is assigned to a radio terminal the ‘profile id’ of that alias identity is sent to the radio
terminal within the alias assignment signalling. The ‘profile id’ can be used in radio terminal for example to
select the groups to be activated based on the assigned alias profile.

Changing the Entry rights definitions for a group does not affect memberships currently existing in the
system. In order to change a radio controlled membership to system controlled or vice versa a dispatcher
or a workstation user has to add the radio/Agnet subscriber again to the group. From release 7.0 onwards
this is possible even if the membership already exists in the system.

System controlled group membership

System controlled group memberships are created to the system when a workstation user or dispatcher adds
a radio/Agnet client user to a group to which the radio/Agnet subscriber does not have the Entry rights. Group
can be also preprogrammed to the terminal/Agnet client, although radio/Agnet subscriber does not have the
rights to use that group before the dispatcher allows the membership with the DGNA.
The radio/Agnet client user is allowed to select the group and change the scanning priority of the group.
The radio/Agnet client user can also deactivate the group (take it away from scanning) but that does not
remove the group membership from the system. The system preserves the system controlled membership
as it is the way how to check the right of the radio/Agnet client user to re-activate the group (take it back to
scanning) later on. The system will also try to activate the group after each power on if the terminal/Agnet
client itself will not do that.
System controlled membership stays in the system until a workstation user or dispatcher removes the
radio/Agnet client user from the group.

5.2.3 Permanent and visiting group memberships

When a dispatcher adds a radio/Agnet client user to a group, he/she can select whether the radio/Agnet
subscriber becomes a permanent or visiting member of the group. The membership type affects to whether
the membership is radio user controlled or system controlled and how long the membership is kept valid.

Permanent membership

There are two ways how the permanent membership is created:

1. A workstation user or dispatcher adds the radio/Agnet client user to a group as permanent member.
The group membership is considered either as system controlled membership or radio controlled
membership based on the group-based Entry rights parameter settings. If the radio/Agnet subscriber
belongs to an organisation block or its sub-block listed in the group based Entry rights parameter the
membership is radio user controlled otherwise it is system controlled. How long the membership is
kept valid depends then on the Entry rights settings of the group.
2. The radio terminal/Agnet client successfully activates the group for scanning.

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This requires that the radio/Agnet subscriber belongs to an organisation block or its sub-block listed
in the Entry rights parameter of the nominated group. The membership is then considered as radio
user controlled.

The permanent membership is valid until a dispatcher removes the radio/Agnet subscriber from the group or
in case of radio user controlled membership until the radio/Agnet subscriber deactivates the group, that is,
takes the group out of scanning.

Visiting membership

Visiting membership can be created only by a workstation user or dispatcher adding a radio/Agnet client user
to a group as visiting member. The membership is always considered as system controlled membership
regardless of the Entry right definitions of the group.

The membership is valid until a dispatcher removes the radio/Agnet subscriber from the group or as long as
the radio subscriber stays within the group core area. The system automatically removes the group from
the radio terminal/Agnet client (by using DGNA signalling) when the radio terminal/Agnet client powers off
or roams out of the core area of the group and does not come back within a defined period set with the
organisation-specific parameter Absence time for visiting member.

From release 7.0 onwards, even if the radio/Agnet client user is already a permanent member of the group, a
workstation user or dispatcher can add the radio/Agnet client user to the group again as visiting member.
However existing visiting memberships cannot be changed to permanent memberships.

5.3 Amount of group memberships per radio/Agnet subscriber

Radio/Agnet subscribers can have rights to use tens or even hundreds of groups, but the maximum of 50
active groups at a time is supported in the system for each radio/Agnet subscriber. All the system controlled
groups and the radio/Agnet controlled groups that the radio/Agnet subscriber has currently activated are
considered as active groups. So, at each time, a radio/Agnet subscriber can use a different set of groups,
based on the current need.

The amount of group memberships is typically controlled by using the following methods:

1. Using group folders in radio terminals/Agnet clients: the different group folders contain all the groups
the radio/Agnet subscriber may need in his/her daily operations. The radio/Agnet subscriber then
chooses which group folder he/she is currently using based on his/hers role or activity. Only the groups
in the current active folder are activated and available for communication. The radio/Agnet subscriber
has rights to become a member to the groups (defined by the group-based Entry rights parameter) and
only the memberships in the active folder are stored in the system.

2. Using dynamic groups (DGNA): the dispatcher adds and removes radio/Agnet subscribers to and from
groups on need basis. Radio/Agnet subscribers get the currently needed set of groups over the air.

It is also possible to use both of these methods for the same radio terminal/Agnet client as long as the
maximum amount of active group memberships per radio subscriber does not exceed the maximum of
50 groups.

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5.4 Group concepts and memberships
Normal groups, broadcast groups and dedicated data groups

Normal groups, broadcast groups and dedicated data groups can be pre-programmed into radio
terminals/Agnet clients or delivered over the air by DGNA signalling.

The radio/Agnet clients users can be permanent or visiting members in the group and the permanent
membership can be either radio user or system controlled.

Background groups

Background groups must be pre-programmed into radio terminals. DGNA operations (adding to a group,
removing from the group) cannot be performed to background groups.

The memberships of the radio subscribers in background groups are not stored to the system. However,
the radio terminals must activate (attach) the background groups for scanning. Attachment of a background
group is needed for the exchange to check the right of the radio subscriber to use the group for receiving
calls and SDS/Status messages. If the system accepts the group attachment, the radio terminal may use
the group for reception.

Background groups are not supported for Tactilon Agnet clients.

Dispatcher groups

This concept has only dispatchers as group members.

Location-based group call: Cover group and local groups

Radio subscribers must be members of the cover group in order to participate in the location-based group
call. When a call is established in a local group, all radio subscribers who are members of the cover group
and locate in the area of the nominated local group can join the call.

From the group concepts normal, broadcast or background group can be applied to a cover group and
the memberships are handled according to the chosen concept. Typically only the members of the cover
group can use location-based group call service. However, if the cover group is a background group the
system does not store information of the radio user memberships. The rights to use the location-based
services is then checked against the Entry rights parameter of the group, that is, is the radio user allowed
to be a group member.

In this concept the radio subscribers are not members in the local groups belonging to the group overlay.
Dispatchers are members of local groups where the actual group communication takes place. The
dispatchers can also be members in the cover group and use it for event monitoring. From the group
concepts normal, broadcast or background group can be applied to a local groups but it does not affect the
memberships as there are no radio users as members.

Tactilon Agnet clients do not support location-based group calls.

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Location-based dispatcher and emergency calls

A radio subscriber can use the group overlay address to make a dispatcher call to a local group. As the
established call is an individual call the radio user does not have to be a member in the nominated local group.

The group overlay address can also be defined as emergency target to make an emergency call to a local
group. The call type of the emergency calls (group call or dispatcher call) will be as decided based on the
local group parameters. The radio user setting up an emergency call does not have to be a member in the
nominated local group to which the call is established. However, if the established call is an emergency group
call then the local group should also have radio subscriber members participating in the emergency call. Then
either normal, broadcast or background group concept can be applied to local groups and the memberships
are then handled according to the chosen concept.


Location-based dispatcher and emergency calls are not supported by Tactilon Agnet clients.

TETRA System Release 6.0 – 6.5 – 7.0 DN00126433-12-3en

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The meanings of the terms and acronyms used in this document are explained below.

For further information on TETRA definitions, terms and concepts and the meaning of all acronyms and
abbreviations used in Airbus DS TETRA System customer documentation, please see document TETRA
System, Glossary (dn00126469).

Term Meaning
CCCH Common Control Channel (either MCCH or Common SCCH)
CoU Class of Usage
DGNA Dynamic Group Number Assignment
DWS Dispatcher Workstation
DXT Digital Exchange for TETRA
E2EE End-to-end Encryption
FSSN Fleet Specific Short Number
G4WIF General-purpose Four-wire Interface
GSSI Group Short Subscriber Identity
GTSI Group TETRA Subscriber Identity
HLR Home Location Register
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISSI Individual Short Subscriber Identity
LA Location Area
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber International ISDN Number
PS Priority Scanning
SCCH Secondary Control Channel
Tactilon® Agnet Overall solution for professional communication in a controlled and secure way
with PMR and smart device users of Airbus Defence and Space
Tactilon® TETRA user management tool by Airbus Defence and Space
TBS TETRA Base Station
TEDS TETRA Enhanced Data Service
TETRA Terrestrial Trunked Radio
TPI Talking Party Identification

UI User Interface
VLR Visitor Location R egister
WS Workstation

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