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The use of illegal substances is a serious public health problem

that affects millions of young people worldwide. This paper which
is based on secondary research explores how to address this issue
among teenagers. This research paper consists of three main
sections: the basic information about the use of illegal substances
among young people, the prevention, and the treatment of drug
addiction. It also offers some suggestions and advice to improve
the situation and help children overcome their addiction. In
conclusion, the paper emphasizes the need for action from both the
addicts and their families to recover from the addiction.


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................ i

1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

2. Discussion of findings ....................................................................................................... 1

2.1. General information about substance abuse .............................................................. 1

2.2. Measures of substance abuse prevention ................................................................... 2

2.3. Treatments for the addicted ........................................................................................ 3

3. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 4

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 5

1. Introduction

The abuse of illegal substances among teenagers is a controversial public health concern
affecting millions of youngsters all around the world. “Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy
your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self-esteem”
(Cobain, 1992). According to the latest results from the website called “Monitoring the Future”,
in 2023, 10.9% of eighth graders, 19.8% of 10th graders, and 31.2% of 12th graders reported any
illicit drug use in the past year. Despite that fact, the consequences of the addiction are manifold,
ranging from impaired cognitive development, mental health issues, scholastic failure or even
dropping out, social isolation, as well as increased risk of overdose and even death. Not only
that, if the youth is caught using or dealing drugs, they might have to face jail time, life
imprisonment or maximum sentence - death penalty (Hilbink, 2018). It is, therefore, imperative
to identify and implement the most effective solutions to prevent and treat substance abuse
among this vulnerable population. This paper will address some following research questions:
What is the current situation of illegal substance abuse? What can we do to avoid substance
abuse? What are the most effective treatments for this kind of addiction among teenagers?

2. Discussion of findings

2.1. General information about substance abuse

A drug is a substance that affects the functions of an individual’s mind and body. Drugs can alter
a person’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors in various ways. Some drugs are legal, such as
caffeine, nicotine, tobacco, pain relievers, and antibiotics, while others are illegal, such as
cocaine, LSD, PCP, psilocybin, and MDMA. The phrase “substance abuse” means the dangerous
use of psychoactive substances, often for the purpose of creating pleasurable effects on the brain,
or a “high” (Mandal, 2023). According to the survey from “Monitoring the Future”, by the time
students reach 12th grade, 21.3% of teens give an illegal substance a try at least once.
Additionally, approximately 4,500 people at the age of 15 to 24 die due to overdosing (Jones,

The causes of substance abuse among teenagers are diverse and complicated. A main reason is
usually the pressure and stress they have to deal with in their school or life. With all anxieties
that youngsters have to face during their academic life, they might experiment with drugs as the
to release all the weight on their shoulders, instead of seeking help from their parents since most
adults nowadays tend to spend time making money and dealing with the hustle and bustle of
their daily life. Not only that, teens often do not fully understand the dangers of drug abuse,
therefore, they might see it as being safe or just to satisfy their curiosity (Jones, 2023).

Notwithstanding the aforementioned reasons above, its consequences are quite concerning.
According to the website called “Green Hill Recovery”, youth substance abuse might result in
many consequences for youngsters, such as physical and mental well-being issues, downfalls in
academic life, etc. The youth’s family, community, and society could be affected as well. Based
on the book named “Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America's Greatest Tragedy”,
David Sheff believes that drugs are a factor in 50% to 75% of the situations of violence, such as
child and spousal abuse, homicides, and rape. This shows a high correlation between violence
and drugs. Another effect is that drug abuse could worsen the economy of a nation. More
specifically, the total money citizens of the USA spend for illegal drugs surpasses $400 billion
yearly, mainly on the cost of healthcare, crime-involvement as well as the drop of productivity.

2.2. Measures of substance abuse prevention

In this section, we will discuss some of the measures of substance abuse prevention that have
been developed and tested by experts in the field. These measures include providing general
knowledge, developing a balanced life, and strengthening the bonds between family members.

One important way to prevent drug abuse is to educate people about the potential dangers.
Nevertheless, most schools do not offer such courses, despite the importance of understanding
drugs. Some kids might develop positive views about illegal substances at a very young age, so it
is never too early to talk to them about alcohol and other drugs. Youngsters might also respect
the rules and guidance from their parents if they are treated with honesty. According to the
chapter “The School: A Setting for Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions and Policies” of the
book named “Prevention of Substance Abuse”, the school constitutes a suitable setting in which
children spend a significant portion of their time and a secure milieu for them. More specifically,
the school
equips children with the knowledge and skills to develop into capable citizens and fosters
prosocial dispositions and conduct. Furthermore, most schools are free of substances, offer
monitored after-school programs, and have activities to link parents and families to school staff.
Moreover, nearly 50% of the surveyed children said that drug education made them never want
to try drugs. This figure could be even higher if the adults taught their kids about the risks of
drug abuse (Zayed, 2023).

Another method that could play an important role in changing the way teenagers perceive drugs
is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To achieve a health-conscious standard of living, one should
enhance and preserve the balance of both physical and mental health. Participating in sports and
expanding relationships with friends could have positive effects on teenagers’ lives (Zayed,
2023). Having a healthy diet could also boost the energy they need to cope with anxiety
throughout the day. Regarding emotions, when children face difficulties, they could try to adopt
a stoic attitude, which means that an event is never good or bad, but always objective. Instead of
wasting energy on what they cannot control, they could focus on what they can. This way of
thinking could help them develop a stable mental health, as they stop worrying about things that
are beyond their control and thus reduce the likelihood of using drugs.

Last but not least, adolescents are more likely to avoid illegal substances if they can build strong
relationships with parents and other family members. If parents communicate and listen to their
children’s desires and problems non-judgmentally, they can exert a positive impact on them and
guide them through the temptation (Rothermel, 2016). According to a journal named “JAMA
Pediatrics”, Dr. Belcher stated that broken family relationships or rejection from parents are two
factors that contribute to the start of drug abuse. When youngsters feel the comfort zone between
them and adults, they are more likely to ask more questions without the fear of being judged
(Zayed, 2023).

2.3. Treatments for the addicted

There are different kinds of treatments that can help teens cope with various issues. One way to
deal with addiction is to use equine therapy, which involves interacting with horses to enhance
emotional, behavioral, and psychological growth. This method can help teens develop trust,
empathy, and respect for themselves and others. The horses act as mirrors for the teens’ emotions
and behaviors, and the therapist helps the teens interpret and process the feedback from the
Art therapy is another option that uses creative activities, such as painting or drawing, to express
and explore emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Teenagers with addiction can increase their
self-awareness, coping skills, and motivation, as well as decrease their stress, anger, and negative
behaviors. Art therapy can also help teens heal from trauma, cope with cravings, and prevent
relapse. The artworks serve as a means of communication and expression, and the therapist helps
the addicts understand and process the meaning and emotions behind their creations (Fraga,

Besides the methods mentioned above, seeking help from professionals is also advisable. This
treatment involves seeking guidance and support from trained mental health professionals, such
as counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, or social workers, who can help and offer various
types of interventions, such as family therapy or medication-assisted treatment. Moreover, the
addicts also benefit from the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care, as well as the addressing
of any co-occurring disorders. Professional help can be done individually or in groups, and it
usually consists of sessions where youngsters talk about their problems, goals, and progress with
the therapist, who helps them develop strategies and skills to overcome their addiction and
improve their well-being.

3. Conclusion

The above analysis has shown that abuse of illegal substances among teenagers is one of the
most serious public health problems, as well as how to avoid and cure it. The research not only
highlighted the role of education, family and a healthy lifestyle in influencing teens and
preventing drug use, but also mentioned the ways to deal with addicted youngsters, including
equine therapy, art therapy and help from specialists. These methods might be time-consuming,
but they merit our most diligent work, especially prevention since it is always better than cure.

Belcher, H. M. E. (1998). Substance Abuse in Children Prediction, Protection, and Prevention.
Retrieved from
Cobain, K. (1992). Drugs Are A Waste Of Time. Retrieved from
Fraga, J. (2017). How Making Art Helps Teens Better Understand Their Mental Health.
Retrieved from
Green Hill (n.d.). The effects of teen drug use on academic performance. Retrieved from
Hilbink, A. (2018). Legal Consequences of Drug Abuse. Retrieved from
Jones, B. (2023). Teenage Drug Abuse: Overview. Retrieved from:
Mandal, A. (2023). What is Drug Abuse? Retrieved from
Monitoring The Future (2014). Teen drug use remains below pre-academic levels. Retrieved
Rothermel, A. (2016). How to Get Help for Your Drug Addicted Teen. Retrieved from
Shepherd’s Hill Academy (n.d.). Horse Therapy For Troubled Teenagers. Retrieved from
Sheff, D. (2013). Clean: Overcoming addiction and ending America’s greatest tragedy.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Zili, S. & Ringwalt, C. L. (2019). Prevention of Substance Use (Advances in Prevention Science)
(1st ed). Chapter “The School: A Setting for Evidence-Based Prevention Interventions and
Zayed, A. (2023). 10 ways to prevent drug abuse among teenagers. Retrieved from

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