Example HACCP For Pasteurized Honey

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HACCP Generic Model: Pasteurized Honey

Form 1. Product Description
List of Product Ingredients and Incoming
Form 2.
Form 3. Process Flow Diagram
Form 4. Plant Schematic
Form 5. Biological Hazards
Form 6. Chemical Hazards
Form 7. Physical Hazards
Form 8. Critical Control Points Determination
Form 3A. Process Flow Diagram with CCPs
Form 5A. Biological Hazards and Controls
Form 6A. Chemical Hazards and Controls
Form 7A. Physical Hazards and Controls
Form 9. Hazards not controlled by Operator
Form 10. HACCP Plan
Annexe HACCP Records (examples)
Form 1
Product Description
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey

1. Product Name(s) Creamed Honey

Moisture Max: 18.5%
pH 3.9
2. Important Product Characteristics
aw 0.58
(aw, pH, Salt, Preservatives,...)
Hydrogen Peroxide 7-31 ppm (occurs
3. How it is to be used Ready-to-eat
4. Packaging Glass jars with metal lids
5. Shelf Life Indefinite
Retail, institutions available to general
population including vulnerable groups
6. Where it will be sold
such as the elderly, infirm, and immuno-
7. Labelling Instructions None required for safety
8. Special Distribution Control Fragile - Handle With Care

Date: ______________________ Approved by: ________________________

Form 2
List of Product Ingredients and Incoming Material
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
Raw Product Packaging Material Returns

Raw Honey BCP Glass Jars P

Returned Honey B
Metal Lids C

Seed Honey

Seed Honey BCP

Date: ______________________ Approved by: ________________________

Form 3 -
Process Flow

Date: ____________________ Approved by:_____________

Form 4 Plant Schematic
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey

This diagram should show both the product flow and the
employee traffic patterns specific to the individual plant layout
to identify potential areas of cross contamination

Date: ______________________ Approved by: ________________________

Form 5 Biological Hazards

Product Name: Pasteurized Honey

List all Biological Hazards related to Ingredients, Incoming Material, Processing,
Product Flow, etc.

Identified Biological Hazards

Controlled at
(Bacteria, Parasites, Viruses...)
Incoming Materials
Raw Honey
- Could contain Clostridium botulinum spores
Returned Honey
- Could contain Clostridium botulinum spores
Seed Honey
- Could contain Clostridium botulinum spores

Date: ______________________ Approved by: ________________________

Form 6 Chemical Hazards
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
List all Chemical Hazards related to Ingredients, Incoming Material, Processing,
Product Flow, etc.
Identified Chemical Hazards Controlled at
Incoming Materials
Raw Honey
- Could contain antibiotic residues
- Could contain phenol
- Could be contaminated by chemical residues from barrels, with possibly unsafe liners or
inner coatings (not listed)
Metal Lids: Chemical contamination could result if interior coating or sealing compound
is possibly unsafe (not listed)
Seed Honey: Chemical contamination could result from pails having possibly unsafe
interior coating (not listed)
Process Steps
#1 Receiving: Reception of possibly unsafe (not listed) materials (see above) or reception
of lids, raw honey and seed honey from non-contract suppliers without specifications
could result in honey contaminated with harmful chemical residues
#10 Honey Testing: Lack of or inadequate testing of product batches could result in
product with excessive Sulphathiazole and/or Phenol

#11 Hot Side Pasteurizing: Could contain caustic soda residues

#13 Cold Side Pasteurizing: Could contain caustic soda residues

Form 6 A Chemical Hazards
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
List all Chemical Hazards related to Ingredients, Incoming Material, Processing,
Product Flow, etc.

Identified Chemical Hazards Controlled at

Incoming Materials
Raw Honey
- Could contain antibiotic residues
- Could contain phenol
- Could be contaminated by chemical residues from barrels, with possibly
unsafe liners or inner coatings (not listed)
Metal Lids: Chemical contamination could result if interior coating or
sealing compound is possibly unsafe (not listed) CCP-1C
Seed Honey: Chemical contamination could result from pails having
possibly unsafe interior coating (not listed) CCP-1C
Process Steps
#1 Receiving: Reception of possibly unsafe (not listed) materials (see above)
or reception of lids, raw honey and seed honey from non-contract suppliers
without specifications could result in honey contaminated with harmful CCP-1C
chemical residues
#10 Honey Testing: Lack of or inadequate testing of product batches could
result in product with excessive Sulphathiazole and/or Phenol CCP-2C
Prerequisite programs (Sanitation,
#11 Hot Side Pasteurizing: Could contain caustic soda residues
Prerequisite programs (Sanitation,
#13 Cold Side Pasteurizing: Could contain caustic soda residues
Form 7 Physical Hazards
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
List all Physical Hazards related to Ingredients, Incoming Material, Processing,
Product Flow, etc.

Identified Physical Hazards Controlled at

Incoming Materials
Raw Honey: Could contain metal and non-metal particles such as wood, N/A. Not likely to get through
stone, or glass filter equipment
Glass Jars: Could contain glass fragments CCP-4P
Metal Lids: Could contain metal fragments N/A. Not likely to occur
Seed Honey: Could contain metal fragments CCP-3P
Process Steps Controlled at
#3 Dumping of Returns: Could add glass fragments when returned product is Prerequisite programs
emptied (Personnel, Premises)
Prerequisite programs
#9 Hot Room Dumping: Hazardous extraneous material from the barrel could
(Equipment, Personnel,
be added during dumping
Transportation & Storage)
#12 Filtering: A damaged filter could allow contamination of product with Prerequisite programs
hazardous extraneous material
Date: ______________________ (Equipment, Personnel)
Approved by: ________________________
#14 Holding: Hazardous extraneous material could fall into product in Prerequisite programs
uncovered holding tank (Sanitation, Equipment)
Form 7 Physical Hazards
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
List all Physical Hazards related to Ingredients, Incoming Material, Processing,
Product Flow, etc.

Process Steps Controlled at

#16 Filtering: A damaged filter could allow contamination of product with hazardous Prerequisite programs
extraneous material (Equipment, Personnel)
#17 Heating: Mixer blades could add metal fragments from abnormal contact or
#18 Grinding: Auger could add metal fragments from abnormal contact or
#19 Seed Injecting: Could add metal fragments from abnormal contact or
deterioration of auger CCP-3P
#20 Heating: Could add metal fragments from abnormal contact or deterioration
#23 Jar Checking: Failure to detect abnormal or defective jars could result in glass
fragments in product
#24 Metal Detecting: Improper sensitivity could result in metal fragments in product CCP-3P
#25 Jar Inverter/Air Blasting: Glass fragments could contaminate product if air CCP-4P
pressure is not adequate
Prerequisite programs
#29 Capping: Glass chards from containers breaking by closing machine could (Equipment including
contaminate product glass breakage
procedures, Personnel)
Form 8 Critical Control Points (CCPs) Determination
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey

1 2 3 4 5 6

Q1. Could a
control Q2. Is it likely
measure(s) be that
Q4. Will a
Category and used by the contamination Q3. Is this
subsequent step
Identified Hazard operator at any with the process step
eliminate the
Determine if process step? identified hazard specifically
identified hazard
fully controlled If NO = not a could occur in designed to
or reduce likely
by Prerequisite CCP + excess of the eliminate/reduce
occurrence to an
Program(s) identification on acceptable level the likely
acceptable level? CCP Number
If YES = indicate how this hazard or could increase occurrence of the
If NO = CCP + + proceed to next
Prerequisite will be controlled to an identified hazard
go to last column identified hazard
Program and before and after unacceptable to an acceptable
If YES = not a
proceed to next the process level? level?
CCP + identify
identified hazard. + proceed to the If NO = not a If NO = next
subsequent step +
If NO = proceed next identified CCP + proceed to question (Q4)
proceed to the
to question 1 hazard the next If YES = CCP +
next identified
(Q1) If YES = identified hazard go to last column
description + If YES = next
next question question (Q3)
Form 8 Critical Control Points (CCPs) Determination
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
Incoming Material: Raw Honey as Delivered
1 2 3 4 5 6

Biological No
Clostridium botulinum spores See Form 9

Chemical Yes Yes

Yes N/A
Antibiotic residues Receiving Step #1, Receiving
Chemical Supplier
Yes N/A Step #10, Product
Phenol & pesticides specifications
Product Testing

Contamination from chemical Yes Yes
Yes N/A
residues, inner coating and liner Receiving Step #1, Receiving
of barrels

Physical Not likely to
Metal and non-metal such as get through
wood, stone, glass filter
Form 8 Critical Control Points (CCPs) Determination
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
Process Steps
Process Step: #1 Receiving

1 2 3 4 5 6

Reception of possibly unsafe (not
listed) materials or reception of lids,
raw honey and seed honey from non- Yes
Yes Yes CCP-1C
contract suppliers without Receiving
specifications could result in honey
contaminated with harmful chemical
Form 9 Hazards not Controlled by Operator
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
List all Biological, Chemical and Physical Hazards which are not Controlled by
the Operator

Indicate the way the Hazard could be

Identified Hazards Addressed (Cooking Instructions,
Public Education, Use Before Date ...)
Incoming Materials
Public Education. There is no conclusive
evidence that the C.botulinum spores are a
Biological Hazard
hazard in honey. The medical community
Raw honey, returned honey and seed honey
must recommend to new and expectant
could contain Clostridium botulinum spores
parents against the use of honey for
infants under one year of age.

Date: ______________________ Approved by: ________________________

Form 10 HACCP Plan
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
Process Step/Incoming Material: #1 Receiving
CCP/Hazard Number: CCP-1C
Hazard Monitoring Deviation Verification
Critical Limits HACCP Records
Description Procedures Procedures Procedure
Reception of Receiver to ensure
possibly unsafe raw honey is from
materials (not producers with Supplier lists
QC will review
listed) or reception contractual Contract
Meets Food and Receiver will records review
of lids, raw honey specification specifications
Drug reject lot notify contract
and seed honey regarding Lot receipt record
RegulationsListed management and specifications and
from non-contract antibioticsLids are Lot reject record
suppliers and types record rejected carry out periodic
suppliers could from approved Antibiotic test
of barrels supplier. random antibiotic
result in honey supplier results
residue testing
contaminated with Barrels and seed Deviation record
harmful chemical pails are correct
residues type
Form 10 HACCP Plan
Product Name: Pasteurized Honey
Process Step/Incoming Material: #24 Jar Invertor/Air Blasting
CCP/Hazard Number: CCP-4P
Hazard Monitoring Deviation Verification
Critical Limits HACCP Records
Description Procedures Procedures Procedure
If gauge reads < 30 Monitoring record with
psi operator will responsible signatures
notify QC will check and comments
Air gauge
Glass management, will monitoring Jar inverter/air blast
No glass monitored 4
fragments in stop line and hold records weekly deviation & action
fragments times/day by line
jars resulting product lot (times and record with responsible
Minimum air blast operator
from since last signatures) and signatures and
pressure of 30 psi Indicating light on
inadequate air satisfactory check, will calibrate comments
required when operating
pressure operator will gauge semi Verification records
rework product, annually with responsible
reset air pressure signatures and
and notify QC comments

Annexe Jar Invertor Check Program - Form CCC-4P

Duty Performed by: Line Operator
Person Responsible for Compliance and Record Keeping: Production Supervisor

Date Time Tested by: Results

• Form 3A -
Process Flow
Prerequisite programs
There are seven (7) prerequisite programs:
2. Transportation, Purchasing/Receiving/Shipping and
3. Equipment
4. Personnel
5. Sanitation and Pest Control
6. Recall
7. Operational Prerequisite Programs

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