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Unit 1 GRAMMAR Basic

Permission, prohibition and Ability and advice

obligation 4 Complete the dialogues with the verbs below.
1 Put the words and phrases under the correct heading. able ​can ​can’t ​could ​
ought ​
should ​
be allowed to ​can ​can’t ​don’t have to ​ should ​shouldn’t
have to ​must ​mustn’t ​not be allowed to
1 ‘I’ve got an exam tomorrow.’
Permission ‘You should go to bed early tonight then.’
be allowed to 2 ‘ Sofia speak Portuguese?’
 ‘No, she isn’t very good at languages.’
Prohibition 3 ‘Look at my bedroom, it’s really messy!’
 ‘Yes, it is. You to tidy it.’
 4 ‘Look at the beautiful sea! Do you want to go
 swimming with me?’
Obligation ‘No, we swim here because the waves
are too big.’

 5 ‘Did you have a bike when you were younger?’
‘Yes, I ride a bike at the age of three so
Lack of obligation
my mum bought me one.’

6 ‘Shall we go climbing at the weekend?’
2 Choose the correct modal verbs. ‘Yes, but we check the weather first
1 … you come to my house after school tomorrow? because it might rain.’
a Must b Can
7 ‘Can you play the violin?’
2 I … make my bed every morning after I get up. ‘No, I play any musical instruments.’
a have to b ’m allowed to
8 ‘Look at the weather, it’s really sunny.’
3 My sister’s … come to the concert with me. Mum says ‘Yes, it is. Will you be to come to the park
she’s too young. with me this afternoon?’
a not allowed to b doesn’t have to
5 Choose the correct sentence.
4 You … take photos in this art gallery. It’s against the
1 a We should prepare dinner for Mum tonight.
b We should to prepare dinner for Mum tonight.
a must b mustn’t
2 a You ought learn to play the guitar.
5 … go surfing here or is the water too dangerous?
b You ought to learn to play the guitar.
a Are we allowed to b Do we have to
3 a She shouldn’t going hiking now. It’s too dark.
6 I … to your birthday party because we are away for
b She shouldn’t go hiking now. It’s too dark.
the weekend.
a mustn’t come b can’t come 4 a Could you speak English when you were six?
b Could you spoke English when you were six?
7 … take our shoes off before going into this temple?
a Do we have to b Can we 5 a Will you be able for play chess on Saturday?
b Will you be able to play chess on Saturday?
3 Are the sentences correct (C) or incorrect (I)? 6 a I can’t to understand this maths. It’s too difficult.
1 I not allowed to play video games
b I can’t understand this maths. It’s too difficult.
at the weekend. C I 
2 Did you had to tidy your bedroom after 7 a Fara’s not able to come over. She has to work.
the sleepover? C I b Fara can’t able to come over. She has to work.
3 I couldn’t going to the park after
school yesterday. C I
4 We had to wear a uniform at school. C I
5 Were you allow to take food into
the concert hall? C I
6 I didn’t have to go to bed early
last night. C I For me, these exercises were … easy OK difficult

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Household tasks 4 Look at the photos. Choose the correct free-time

1 Match the verbs with the nouns to make household
tasks. 1 2
1 b clean a for food
2 shop b the windows
3 tidy c your bed
4 do d the dishwasher
5 take e dinner
6 load / unload f your bedroom 3 4
7 prepare g the ironing
8 make h the rubbish out

2 Complete the sentences and questions with the verbs


clean ​do ​do ​make ​unload ​vacuum ​wash
5 6
1 The shower and bath are both very dirty. I need to
clean the bathroom before Grandma arrives.
2 There are a lot of dirty clothes in the washing basket.
Can you the laundry, please?
3 This room is really messy. Please can you
1 a athletics b handball c bowling
the floor?
2 a hiking b climbing c chess
4 Look at all those dirty dishes! Can you up, 3 a gymnastics b judo c karate
please? 4 a surfing b fitness training c handball
5 The dishwasher has finished. Please can you 5 a hockey b athletics c chess
it? 6 a surfing b karate c bowling
6 I’ve got to go to work early so you need to
your own breakfast this morning. Extra: Personality adjectives
7 These clothes are all clean and dry. Please can you 5 Choose the correct sentence.
the ironing? 1 a My best friend always makes me laugh. He’s really
Free-time activities b My best friend always makes me laugh. He’s really
3 Choose the correct words. helpful.
1 We use the verb … with activities ending in -ing, e.g., 2 a Angelina is never sad – she’s always really kind.
… climbing. b Angelina is never sad – she’s always really cheerful.
a do b go c play 3 a I ’ve worked really hard so I should do well in my
2 We use the verb … with competitive games, team exams. I’m feeling interesting.
sports and ball games, e.g., … chess. b I’ve worked really hard so I should do well in my
a go b play c do exams. I’m feeling confident.
3 We use the verb … with other sports and free-time 4 a O ur teacher bought us all an ice cream at
activities, e.g., … judo. lunchtime because she was feeling generous.
a do b go c play b Our teacher bought us all an ice cream at
lunchtime because she was feeling loyal.
5 a M y parents say that I should never tell lies and
should always be funny.
b My parents say that I should never tell lies and
should always be honest.

For me, these exercises were … easy OK difficult

12 3 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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