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Cornell Project Management Methodology (CPMM)


Project Identification
Project Name:
Business Unit / Program Area (Customer) / performing Organization:
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Project Manager:
Project Team:
Key Contact, Phone #(s):
Last Updated:
Report Prepared by:

Table of Contents

The following is a suggested Table of Contents for your project repository. The organization and content
of your actual repository may differ, depending on the scope and type of project and your personal

 Project Charter
 Project Initiation Plan
 Project Plan (Baseline), Project Schedule, Budget Estimate
 List of Risks / Risk Management Worksheet
 Communications Plan
 Post-Implementation Survey(s)
 Post-Implementation Report
 Change Control Log and Requests
 Meeting Notes/Minutes/Correspondence
 Project Status Reports
 Closed Issues Logs
 Project Work Products / Deliverables
 End of Phase Checklists

Identify Location of Repository (Paper Copy and Electronic):

CPMM Project Repository Closeout 1 Appendix 5-4

Template Version 05 12 05

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