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Classicism is stricter and focuses more on being perfect, while neoclassicism lets artists express

themselves more and pay closer attention to historical details.

it was invented earlier
Today, my presentation will be about such a direction of art as
You can see the plan. To begin with, I will simply tell about classicism,
how it arose, what are the main ideas, and then we will talk about
classicism in various fields of art.
First, let's understand what Classicism is. It's a type of art that values
order, clarity, and balance. It looks back to ancient Greek and Roman art
for inspiration and avoids following passing trends, focusing instead on
timeless beauty and harmony.
Classicism started in Italy in the 16th century and became popular across
Europe until the early 19th century. It was a time when powerful
monarchies ruled Europe. In this period, thinkers like René Descartes
promoted rationalism, which was a big part of Classicism.
Now, let's look at what makes Classicism special.

Idealized Forms;
Balanced Composition;
Clarity and Precision;
Narrative and Mythological Themes;
Architectural Influence;
It covers many forms of art like music, painting, sculpture, architecture,
and literature. It was a time of great achievements in these areas.
Classicism in musicMain representatives:
L.van Beethoven, V.A. Mozart, K. Gluck, Haydn, etc
-Celebrating human feelings and sensations, sometimes going against
logic (unlike other art forms of the Classicism period).
-Setting up clear rules for making music, including the study of music
Classicism in painting
Main representatives:
N. Poussin, Zh.-L. David, K. Lorraine (France),
A. Palladio (Italy), K. Bryullov (Russia), etc

-orientation to ancient times;
-laconic composition;
-triumph of reason and duty over feelings;

Пусен, ДавидЛорен, Паладіо, Брюллов. Антіокус енд стротенайс.

Classicism in sculptureMain representatives:
A. Kanova, B. Thorvaldsen, M. Kozlovskii,
I Martos, etc
-Sticking closely to old statues as examples for sculpting.
-Celebrating the bravery and smarts of heroes.
Classicism in in architecture
Main representatives:
Palladio, Scamozzi (Italy), I. Jones (England), K.-L. Ledoux, E.-L. Boullet
(France), K. Rossi, A. Zakharov ,etc.

-logical clarity;

Classicism in in literature
Main representatives:
Cornell. Zh Rasin, Zh.B. Moliere. J. de Lafontaine (France); M.
Lomonosov. D. Fonvizin. G. Derzhavin , etc

-Clear, simple, and concise language.
-Using reason over personal emotions when creating art.
-Copying or taking inspiration from ancient art.

In Ukraine, Classicism had a strong presence in literature. Writers like

Feofan Prokopovich, Ivan Nekrashevych, and Ivan Kotlyarevskyi created
works like pastoral poetry, comedies, and fables, shaping Ukrainian
To sum up, Classicism was a significant art movement that focused on
timeless beauty and balance. It was inspired by ancient art and thrived
during times of powerful monarchies. Classicism influenced various
forms of art and continues to impact modern art and design.

In my opinion, Classicism played a significant role in shaping cultural and

artistic traditions. Its focus on beauty, order, and harmony gives a sense
of sophistication and stability. Classicism helps us understand our
heritage and emphasizes the importance of preserving values from the
past. While it may seem conservative, Classicism also provides a solid
foundation for creative expression and encourages contemplation about
eternity amidst change in the world.

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